HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-10-26, Page 81,40.00 ,
,• •
• 4,0••• • •4
,1144:4‘4101114404.4111.0444iMO •• 41411.1 %%6411.444
4.44,444•040to • 44:440,449•0.40004•04,101N1411Kft...
•••,...44:,4**10 ,r44 V*. ,A • ',O. • •
• • • •44.0000 40.
Cr1k Will',00410 attilhalt'
447. W. A. Bremner. of, tirtieetiel.4,
upy Vitter4., strOt. 'VOW pUIptt
"Jbe'MfeneSetting ..0OPOO %MO -149-1,s,
•toed' ins.14400 ter. a 1,1410Ween At
Ini to be held to,,the,",s,g4sota '"PttiOle.
" 'tar Menda,Yik the
R. Wend • • .
Po Prrecheiten'in
tpiring. l'Seimiol On .ukaith,"'to tbe 00010
gerVice'Group of young. men of Victor*celtaVitnviOuntletuightrwli
• Iwo -congregation was present,. the
vo.hig mp oetimied the front', pews, *n
he mteilo was in Charlie Or 11.,
choir. MiesMary vje.y*y **its * *010,
Warden litalle.iitYne ,V.10,014. town yea.
terdo ettendtfig :to rOUtine hilthless,
He states that the goal auditors' report
will not be available Until Woe time
neat week': 'Wes Olive Monteith, daughw
' ter Of S. 11. Monteith: of Stratford,Inus
- been appointed bookkeeper inthetree-
- surer's-Office Until -etch time as the lie
The- regular -meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held in M'aegay Hall
Thursday, November 2nd. A report of
the convention held at Kincardine will
be given, A demonstration of hot sup-
per dishes for winter nights Will be given
by Mrs. C. Young;, ioll call will be an-
swered by, "My ,ehligation as an Usti"
tute member," and current events will
be given by. gra. Orassick;
_ . .
Although-7-tise-books----Itive-not- been -
t is' knowzrramr-thist---thear!
tune of about 9300 and thiS, with a $300
deficit carried over limn lastyear, brings
the total to $000. The directors tilts
year ran into wet weather and entrance
znoriey 'Iron' owners; of race horses and
trent the grandstandwereaway down.
by the, board. _ _
10* h49
Gbdr1ch, ello. are *WO
on ':,Prke#°'- t 0 Sell them
and,., are.
4 the Pont- tal ,. Marjorie PrestOtii 'Whighill't
the WM 0014 Of Ulture* plot*
04 „01,044 tr otAtrerez; SUS Ekta, aingt*,, CiOdetich,
, .
I . n 'Oenertilient .4)
ibis `Var !et , ,Wt. 'front 520 300 he '4"r P1V1441a4 tei* *ille °7114U. "4
toes, ,01,14,i 000,40,0 i* ip000mat* writ itenis o buJnest were attended
'in b3
t4e,c1. '"'"gt30/194*.11:14,...41°„"*.fovt/t ,ri,..14•11-etit'nfAith.tno' Ot litItuod0 l'oftltvrviged.,°t1041.Tht°t44'Itroiti'lli.g1414
# li lighter thig'yfeve7bliri: iiroft-1,-;40-ti' 'pt4-r`'0;4.jbrieV111474-e014.-tssrjlitn,*1)1Zeteeat,"giseTilteilt4Y;e.11
41 iineW _,,,,,...• ,..,,,,,,,,,. , „t.,,,,...i. . , .. . .1 .
Prince ?Award: ttlisnd.' 0 . °Atari*, . , 4.'•"'”''''''''t4'"''''.'
Yiticl gerIttre 1;41!; year .',s, the;• 'lowest
NG- Tri
etary 0 t'ni. me zoll ca
the Zo11owJn fairiahei rpNsent
d Xiivitim. The followlii
Meer* W44 inet1T-eltete _ Pi
et, Hayea; Witighanif vice"
Wert TaYtor., Minton; leer
4'200 Ouventlee Were , 'court before
Magistrate Held, On Saturday morning.
ii0Y were charged. with breaking.. into
he: hen **SO David grOWn. Angelsea
street,' smashing the windshield Ea' win-
dows of his tropic and doing other dam-
age while Mr, Brown wee. absent from
town. op - return' he --hid in his
The ono 'Sunday Club will 1:4,et In
1,toth wig United &arch it 10 4itiee
Sunday morning. didijeet "Has, the
Church Lett Her Power?" ' •
''.00 Sunday Ilk, Mr, Lane conducted
anniversary serviCee$ •at Carlow Presby..,
terian vlThe pulpit in. Knox
"ehurph was, occupied by lftei". J. 14, Bar-
nett .' D D
. , .
.ehieken coop and, caught the youngsters' Thankolfering services will be held in
Victoria street United,chorchlon-SundaY.
October 29th, at 11 4.M, Pia 7 P.M. neY,
W. A. Bremner. of Brueelleldr:--`secret,s;ry
_setritilieuesrb,n rretbre% will condlice"64;th,
At the Iitaptist ChitrOla-Itiat.7-440420111/
tOndUct, It may be funny, for . an .0b- njble, School Wal he,r eld. at 16 a.m. The
Streperous boy to take a "ow .(as one pastor, Rev; W. T. aunt, will preach at
Id in court called it,), --With a-stene .at 1,1 Liu: and. 7 p.m. , Morning subject,
windshields and windows; hilt the oWrdr.‘ "The Greatest Ditty of Lye; evening
can see -110 humor In it when 119' h" to Slitdeot, '43sWattort ,Begun, Continued
pay for the glass to replace it. ' .
and Perfected," .
. "The services in North street United
_____ . -church' on Sunday neat will be eonduet-
The following -sunutuary tor .. Huron ed as .,follows: 11 a.m., Rev. M. dale
County is cOntalned. itt-the weekly crop of AgAeiski.tin„,... im......4./..thur sinchdr
ort, iisuod, yostirl.isy:X311-077Depar
red-handed. ,Three . the trio Were
corivicted Mut .plged 9.4 allaPensted. men,-
echo' report cards and nuiStlePoit reg.
ularly VorShiP, when a, eh, eck will
tbe Made on their sehoal attendant and
enuine, Leather Un 4 r r.tri "
I3aga, in iblag)ri
and ,special‘,:. ThlArSday; •
. • .
w -•••••••44
Ovine 4 Pike's Peckle,!,
,Pgrament NOte, Paperi
'three daya Per t4)x
New Books in Our Lending
-9Stary. All the NeW. and
Popular -Fiction. ,Read them
.• °A 'Very 0404was sQIemzdsed
ftt8h•C '04""Ilas.'".roti:Sda'4)7144vevaelitilogd114-4°P seven
October $1,,,04.104,1004, 'Pry When
aOrfl, ia
few Robina Hart, ,lianghter., Of , Mrs., Susan.
04404. 'The ''Rek, 04Ward
24;4114tini,t4e0YHY4:4'vitl)ttlll retictete4::'.in.:04'04"0:1*!to4c1b,,
111111ritteei*-t, tf,ein77. 1414411141737111,;
A , quiet 'Wedding -itisi toolnited ti,e-ule.
wingenota otiv4tgegaliikeitheto,„ ituezi.
Loretta ,May Vliek, datighter of Mr, toad
Mrs. 'John' Pliek,' became We bride iir
' Wiltion xhryit Tong; toil_ of Mr, and
' Mo. Wm.' Young. Rey.; W. A. Durst,
011010 of the htide, performed the ifore4
i. many. The bride. WAS attended by her
4 -sister. Zdith Plielc,. and the'-7brideirroatn
Iby' his .brother. .WOrth4r 'Young, Tile
. bridal veil,* left.on a .wedding trip by
i' motor tar' to Detrolt,., Toronto kndLother •
Tipoliits, ifter which they. will be .at ',home
with the bride's parents. . •
Permeate**i 50 Combination
lktoNA .,
totry. fwave guirianteed* nOn0 better- at: IOW'price
l'Ae* '‘gfortooh, woihrrismous artiSt. and LaBlon4 Factory
o trained, ,crew will be hoe tO-serve you as it Was impossible, for you
to, get genuille tieVIonie waVe. Goderielir,--We ire ilete„ to . leef.
11 thal Ott recebre, ,art•,ctil. wave.; Mime "•ShamPrea)::
• - • •••
•'X'ne vilteS In the federal h)%.eleetleriNt
, ' Monday and. in • the general „ electioni
' 1030 follows: • • I
Itichaud, .11,7i36
Dube, 0, . .. .... • . ::;11.• • • 0= • •• .1 11 •!1. 4 0 6,474
Annett, F. 2,149
r ents‘oVikgrietirarvp,4aPice 2,':..11--c--in44,:-.-1,--3?,_,.., ,.._ htlx.,...ate. . - •‘,..-
... •
advanced and map)/ farruert,haVe linish-
ed. Two well attencied4Plowing matches ihr.rhe leastitiltrIl Yoloustuar.oPaeooptiet'sheliarrlieYsby00I
were held in the conntY during the week.
Thirty..ruip teams and nine tractors terWx chul'cb. iii 'CallMut wilt /1* beld in
x-chuich,r , sziederi On Moniba
competed in the, North Huron ma a
October, acitlic at 8.00 Pan.. Rev, 'Artier
. .&•.9i3,4-OrtitaY,t....,4,-,,(1,,#,,,r1OadOf Shtteen
horses 1°It Bri48Sels on *joari'r144' Emp:rir,s1):Taktiert, at tliis meethig ancl. a
. . . Northern •Ontario, These' were *splendid.
8fES. JOSEPH, SALKELD INJURED. • work horses, averaging about 1,7hearty invitation .4 eatincled to every -
00 "lbs.' .onei but especially to all young people,
Citieens wilt be "sorry to learn ot the eaeh• P" tdaal 'w•1-4//cli 3* 61.lbs' A to. be present SPeeial musiC Will rhe
' painful, accident which beret Mrs. Joseph similar carload Was 1 m
laded . at the sae •
•:__ rendered by Knox :Church choir,
. Salkerd, Picton 3tteet. ' last' Saturday stat.ton the previous week.. Sugar beet . ....-.................-..........-. •
night. While the Itydro service was out growers lir the Centralia district are busy •
TWO '0001)-protiv TEsivis.
or tonintissiott and her home in daric, lifting the crop. Ilie tonnage is; 'much . ...
Seluorth Expositor... Mr. Jame Scott,
of- 04nuarty, ,is the' proud pdisessor of a
team of horses that has made quite A
retord'at the fairs. this fall, ' They' cap-
tured,first in the drift class at the Wes-
tern. Fait, tondo% first at Stratford,
Ustowel, ,Mitchell, St. Marys and /Wit-
ton, and second at Seaforth: They also
teak Deist at the Internat'ional. Plowing
1VIatch at, owen Stirid last week in. a
elass, of 36. . One of. these .horses was
raised by :Mr. William Broadfoot, of
•Theker.sraith. Another -Another
team is that owned. by. Mr, Ken McKel-
lar, -aleo„ of Croras.rty, win:0140n Ihit at
Exeter and Seaforth; second: at 3,4itchell,
Jaki.v..6.d_ICirji.,...L.ti __id fifth - at
Owen Sound. One of Mr. McKellar's
nets, Mrs. Salkeld mistook the. stairway
for the • bathroom door' and plunged
. down the nineteen steps to the bottom.
. 13oth arms were fractured and numerous
'bruises and lacerations received in addi-
tion .to .a severe #luiking-up. She was
attended by Drs., 'Whitely and Graham
and is being cared for by her. daoghter,
Mrs. Roy Rundle. a trained nurse., The
• -patient is reported to be making satis.
ladori Prein'esei
KNOX Clitilleki
otortlayi October 28th
from 3 P. 10.,
' Mr, arid Mrs ..4k. -44, 'Clark spent the
!week -end at Toronto,
Priends,, Or Iiir; John Campton 'win, be
grieved to:leani; that he 14111 with pneu--
onia. ,
Plurality . ------------------------------------------6,322
eeneral. election:.
Cormier,- co, . . .. .. .. ... . .. :.10,037
c oy, L . 9,489
Majority , 548
' Majprity for Boucher, L., M.
general Eleetion:
Boucher, AL; 3,630
rimisrAiEn. on/mots ilanno
, ,
_me* 014 ate* that,
the Mitcheil Advocate, weekTYPUblieition
has changed lunads,. the new owner. and. •
publisher 'being Gordon Mktunteer.
The Advocate basi been in -the 'hands '
the DAVIS family since founding,^
Aprfi 1, 1460. was founded, th
late W. XL Davis' and his brother, ..
1:)avs. H. D. Davis', who .leaveO the edl-
tOr's_ohair this, week has been with the
paper sinoe 1893. The n'evr publisher
was former editor of the Trenton Cour-
ier Advocate.
Wir )411-41,000M,BE
. 'PRONE 296
'Setts Insurance Of all kinds, got rake*
from him, before, renewing or.171aintirtg
new insurinee.
A native of Goderich and a lady high-
ly reepeoted, end r.beloved by many during
her loog residence here Miss•Alice Mary
an _.'„tlister rof...tne.., late. judge,..p„,11...%*-wis
died Toronto last FrkdaY and was
burled IA IVIaitland cemetery on -Monday
thii week,. Tho late Miss T.,ewts had
resided in Toronto sinee 18.06, Death
eaused-.by a Oaralytie stroke. She
Is -the last of her family, otie of the most
widely IrrieWn In 4nron Count?. The
late Jerome bwight f.ewis an& the late
tighter this year And will average ,about
-nine tons as compared With about 13 Miss Lewis her early years at.;
tot% ,last year. The sugar content is tended Bellusath Ladles.' College, Lon -
considerably higher, one :grower report- den.. She was nteinber of the choir
trig a 'test of 19.8 per cent,"
Aldo Lewis, eoderioh were bro-
and a teacher in, the Sunday School of
ARTHUR PIRCI0E MEETS St, !George's Anglican. church 'here and
was the 'original 'secretary of ' Ainneek
The regular Meeting of the Arthur .Chapter, I.O.D.B., when 41 was orgiunied
Circle was held in the' lecture ,room of for the purpose of establishing a hosPital
Kilo* Presbyterian „ ciiiirob on Friday
In . Ckoderich. MissLe was an S000m.-
.0vening,_ ,October 20th. Mrs. 1.4anaway .pi.shed. artist .and studied, miniature
-presided. ,A.---hymn-was- sual&-, oaintingin_-.4Par4 and London. Since'
Tebbutt read the scriPture Iess.on, and been --week-end.With her -parents, .iiik.'and.Mrs...
her remoiraiTto 'TeTronto , she
Wm.- Birnie, East street. '
Miss _Wiggins , led in prayer. mrs.- -W., very much interested 'and aktiVely. en- .
IVferion'aid sang 3 very pleaSing- solo. gaged In the work 91 the Royal iluniane • .
Mr. and Mrs Hazen (formerly jean
--m-yK 'TN, Mae'Ewan took •charge of -the Society, Toronto. . Lean.l. tiro visitii.g.....Atit4 her parents,-
inisitiess-sessio ", d -arrangements --for -011-lawfdari&" " '
the bazaar on Saturday, 'October. 28th, ha 1 ternoon.- ,,A short serv*O. 'Fils
e unera w
hem at spend the Winter in.81. arida,
Mr: and Mrs. w. L. McLean; They will
Were telppleted. A chapter .on the study' team was raisefl IV Mr,. T. ,NteMic ..e
•of gunett, , and the. ,other by Mr. Allen, _ the Ilistirrie Otl:fetre sistedr-s1nfilniMrs. R. IN,T, , . . ......
Wok On "Weltome and Welfare - and
1:1eatotiess--iitrorio,.-ivas tead by .4„.,swym A, ostfr,,a'teTuctkhgersInliatth.viaTht,;hs: v_teidaninitsy. ?r. S*
,cLheuvIrcii,411,wn.te;_e:Rer7..ajr, il',. tt, yin* is, awstrge.8 'Wiwi:411mA. Riehardsen, of Toronto; is
rici ed by yen.- Arehcieexon.L Ji4ines-13atem_an, a visitor . With Miss . MarY iktaolticar.
ofliciatect. - Many leVely mowers were
t 1 to 'Eli gland and Scotland.
Smith. Mrs, W. Bisset and &s Zinnlop
forth stands second to no ether jd1st Miss 'Richardson hat Just returned from
uwilatmrehed rsonot. th,. ,mone ,seetekpisvriaof14'etrhle,pcshoaxrxel: a .14,iirP. arta 1r..06; sivataild and ivii
attended. t� pay a iast-tribUte•of-resPeet.,d mi.- w'' iiiiii- ni"-.,:' p.ovieji --left im" *ed.*
to the first secretary' of the -Chapter.
Several friends who had , knoWn',IVIiss I, nedaY• 111°nIllig bY motor 'f°1* Pl°rIda,
ent. Thw-elre pallYlbegitar11114414ers were John". Gra.'es"-j-willt, Prealli"Iv'ql-i '
. .
Andrew-itougvie, R. C. Reynolds, G. t.
Parsons; 9.1",, Humber and tt,..0.° Wha.te-
ley. .
hr Seotland.
Mrs E A. rindlater, ot London, is
visltin_g her. sl$tet Irs -, W. Black, St,
atrick--stree •
Mrs. A. Thompion, Who has been. in
.Torpnto- for the Pastfew root--iths, his
returifed borne.
• Mrs. Paul Roberts and sccn, "Dick," of
Windsof, are at present visiting with Cpl.
and -Mrs. F. H. Laing at "Cherry •Ciate.'
AffrsC M sto'xii has returned to her
home in Windsor after a pleasant visit,
with her brother, Col. LaingandMrs:
T,Jahlg. •
Rev. a .J, 'Lane and mrs. Lane were
in-,-Wallaceburg 'last •week, where they
attended the fimeral of a foryner mem,
ber Of their congregation. -
Stubbe0. C. ...... ....... 3,657
Eagan, C, , 1,156
Xellamedr-II..F. 7. . ... . . ......... .......,492,
ampbell, P. 6.;
,Swystun, 3,432
ang a duet, and Mrs. Hume gave 4
paper on wrhankftaltaeis."- Mrs. Waiter
extended an invitation to Arthur Circle
members, to .Join 'them In their •thaek....
offering meeting on Vitednisday, 'October
26th. The meeting closed with the re- A meeting of, the. Clinton Business
Mtn .1-0Vtim:LImrdaa-_ProYe.rr--1; ' - Men's-Association-Nats-hekt-ita--the-town.
. hall Monday. night with a good attend -
DEANERY .0‘, S.,..4SSOCIATION J. *nee, •Including representatives of the
• .
Several from here attendedthe rem', mandictureri, banke 'and all branches
ganitation' meeting 'of :the deanery San-, of retail trade. W. '11, liellyar was in
day School AssobtatitarJtelA lit—Clint-on eharge, E. Patersonwas appointed sect
on vcreahaday-eve*rof last ., "Week.: retary pro Uc,M, ' '
, ,Itntoi,4A, ° ,,,Rt.,fr7;1F,poels, Rurai, ..,. The first matter up,ifer$'41.1.scilasion Was
1 titin,-Wil4-44,7k. ''aegialfitafter the open- that/0!-tlosirirstor.os and. other Mildness
Ing exercises Ed -Oiled upon the.ReV. J. places on - Armistice' -Pay, which . ,
. .
in the province as horse breccling cen-
ow is the Time to Purcha* Your
FAI and Winter Underwear
thie store, 'offering floor the greatest value In underwear 1 or
ladies and children.
VES 131;004ER$ and .1)RA.writs
in the 4iftscreni weights and Styles from
n 11 ',kW,. end-slik ,woot all sizes 'for)
OL 110$.6-4-'
Althougboer prkes are lid•Vaneing. we Place Out
°Wort early and, are ahlie to 'offer- youexteptionally good
value in fall and Winter hose for 'ladies and Children,
FOR THE tAilKS—fine all wool,heather asnuere, sizes 9
89.c per pair
FOR THE CEILDREht...Sunh;own Shades, in a 1 and 1 b in
all sites, at
' A *wetter i mighty 401,0
lugs, tat *heats an for ladies,
our Spedal
A .,:60,050.4b. ear addressed to PIax-
Cein-b6.- Sask.,. stands fully loaded with
year falls on- Satiirday, After $010041, prodUeo In the Bader Yards- and. -a stir-
..eapressions...nLoPtilinn.ArStAnd lus4eivainL.t.o.1.-at.
dedidedlliat-for-4910-hoilts,.41urtng. a recent_appeal_ inAh.e_p_ulpits and
piIblie serdOe All 'OROS' 'of Misfiles;
be_elesedt thps _Cheer/ha the spirit, of
the- *day Witheitt aerioUsly interfering
With the butineti f the merchants, all
si whom...count eit Sat"
s day of the, week.
.• LOSE TO siiii4oRTO
46402 in the 'Almon. nigh School I
Foothill League was played at Recrea-
tion Park,, tie.storth,„ on Monday, between
the "Ooderitti and Sealorth. Collegiates.
Whew Eteafortix-,ft*red .tour goals. The,
leading scorer for Seaforth was Murray,
who scared twice. 'while 8111* and Mien
scored _onee,AlthoughSafortb
-0 AtOrt or 44 OcKleckh was by
',no means outclassed. They Plajt'et
'ettrtlithat the PlaY up to the Beetorth.•goet
on /*yore'. oceesione •and Making the
garde quite exciting,
Ooderich Goal, a.' Veto; full-backs,
intildar Makart,,,
r;ingtoni, oray; tota.ricbr,, Bisset,.JC. diltt
A. Outt,' Ceder, 8treugh.a4'aubs, Sho're,
Seaforth-i-Geal.,' K. Rtit.ledget, fa'
Archibald; half-baseks, 4*.
McIver, Oflierieki 'Meow forwards,
Fallen* garrayMtSpaddett, H. Metter;
ttbs,.P,-Antledge, Belt
'nusuass cuslatots HANDS
A king established theintie In Olkttoh
has ehengedhanda. that: ,ot J. M.
llott, moo Sabi ,SetVi(le- station. Whtle
this Vete has been Oersted as at
ent for the past **en rears by
Mr. El-
•llott, it was for =MS 04r* Ptellotte 10
that oporeted as to, livery by Mx.
father, the late 4ohn Itilk.tt,' who About
40 years stgo poehated it Vora ?Lr. Me.
.41001. Mr h1iiot carilk on * horat
ery at this ,stand until 1410 When the
mot* ear bgsn 50 supp5snt the
for t
144 one
pfess of the Exeter vicinity.' Donations,
aliPlet_eanned.Vottei honei, lour, ttesulk
potatoes anctflrous othr vegetabies
Pritired. in When it becatne `10ttown that
ohewo.n, thit suflielent
will arrlie Jo warrant the sending of
second, ear. Thel' Careaditm National
'Hallways Is -accepting the-.8blinnent for
free transpartstion as their contributitm
towards this Worthy cause.
We have jut received a
.nice -assortment of
all shapes and .sizes,,,_sui
Jejor any:room
froin i5� up
Orr Wil"451VI
-tsSn°rieE,i-Sciaure4,-u" orma
_posture and proper distrilaw
thin of weight between ,heel
and ball. • Also special fit-
ting arch construction. •
2 -Free fitting -"ball anct, toe,
without sacrifice of grace-
ful lines.
3 -Non-binding , throat a n <1;
vamp lines,
4 -Snug- fitting heel. with seam-
less inside lining:" -
5, --Wedge adjustment' in , the
sok lining to correct .r11n-,-4.
over heels. .
, 6 -Sock lining pocket for in-
sertion of flexible metatar-
sel support adjustable 'to in-
'dividuai requirements.
edICTIpkrinogt sit8-eeglasuugPer, temiler-
-longitudinal -are& T
8 --Widths AAA to ME moder.
ately priced high -gr a d
shoes. ,
Let is demonstrate these Com.,
fort. Shoe i to you at
W. '
Hern s Shoe Store
• • ,
A noble -response irom itiOiertlie- area
of cane*, to Pleas, for ald,..frein Plhe
parched artas.ot Saiikatehewan IS re-
bir' the -aaSkatchevouf-Ituril
tintary Relief • donlinittee.. More than
130 carloads, of fruit and vegetables for
iniMediate distribution have been re,
ceived. " ' . •
OntarW has donated 26 tars, Brltlzh
:�olumbia 13 Siskatebewan 96„. UAW*
#kbA.14 an L in. additiOn, .mtnrar
erS fi..theynkilfait and lesteVan sections
of the province are repeatingtheir gen.
00.14., et last year by donating 45 oars
loads ot coal to keepi schools in 'operation
in relief .areas during the winter ikionths.
Mr.. and Mrs, G. M. Elliott,' former re-.
sidents of goderlch, have returned,to
town from Londonwhere they have re-
sided for the past few- years. „ They
401inton News -Record: Mr. and airit.
L'ewis Haywood au -1 daughter, Jean Ant,
of Buftaio,- visited the former's aunts,
W, Moort,„_,Ooderich,,,for A. few days
over the week;.end.,''
- -
Mrs. iCarrie, . Sr., him retUrned from a
nxuath's 'VISA at. Fiamilten. While there
she attended -the .annual, Ineetingla---th
'15aViiriin-W. A. of the Kriereirii–a'hurch
aS a merabero,.or thar-Dominion. 'Soar&
The meetfng was held the, latter part of
$epetuber. 4. ,•.•
' A finishing school that is -different.
ComtileTcial and Allied subjects "effiplentlr tenet.
• !Individual method of instruction and supervision
Regular day classes front 9 a. In. to 4 p. in
- Wilvening C1asses-1-Monday, TUeSday., Wednesday, Thursday, at -
Alert efficient, trained office Workers will be in dernana
year hence, -,Enrol now. -
or toknorattutrhtehesraptioorit.ieulars phone 429; or write413Oit 396. Goderich,-
NDo. A7prinItfaccipatpix0D_,
Commercial Specialist;
do your Palt suit and
trousers cleaned and prss1°
at Yroornates and 'they will
,00k Just as they tame from
the tailor in the first case.
.dquarters for ladies' an
entltu' expert tteanin
We are instructed by. Mrs. E. R. Wat-
son tp,.104.1 by public auction at the prepa4
ises, ,e4Orner 61:14tOt"St:--spd Wellington
St., .0oderkh, on.
BATORliAZ OOTOBlia, 28th
toraMerreitig At one o'clock sharp
Lot 066, West St., ert iivhith there is a
fame dwelhlng, Cotatatang aeVeti rooms,
bath room, lightand water. The lot is
t* large on, on one 91 the best corners
-Ooderith.. There is amplerooin. for
two houses. The instructions are to sell
It, as Mrs.Watson 16 not living liptiOdel
per tent. to be Paid at
time of telante th thlrty days
Ourlist of price realuctions'are particularly interestipg
for:this-weeki– •
*October 27th to -November 3rd
Woodbury's Pact al
Soap,. take 236..
tor 65a.._
We Are; instructed by MM. Itobt, Clark
to aeu by 'public smetiOn at the. stables.
ellington St. Ootletich. on,
SATilitljAZ OOT. Vith
tontmenting at 2 Weleek goo
the trim* steble, and „Shed facing Ort
Wellington St. to be . removed and
'groirnd On WhiCh it _at*eds, Cleaned up by
Piteithilitt _Jet" Utak - ,
. Building Cr gardch let No. 193 on Que
bec t. has been ivied as garden and 1146
ewallt and setter toontetiettb-al*
heitt$ tea* dray; 2 good lce wagons
With pale and ShIttS for each; 1 set- 01
bar, efoo abisHa; I ice 4ow;
Iee drag*: 2 **lot fake: pike pout;
010,111,1' 111041 ti patr ice ti)00;
rist a‘WS: piele4 hand *SW*: 300
odd -oollate::
iipt your Name present
t your favorite Drug Store and receive package