HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-9, Page 8$t34LL Special Offer er• '1 ;1400 H. LOla11T. to ,tea We ore naalcin„ an *text to double our )?mire; It large .absori,ptiuit Lrt Lore the net# tai au ;c have made er e!3' arrangements s file are oink dent will enc lb 1.1$to do ensstl'i,rtly i�'re'ptii CASPI saUseribers'can have the Titres and any of the city weeklies at the fo1lewlog prices r11 I D w'erei. tdaki'n'g UAW* impeov'e'd 'under the new 1A '1' TRIO OF IEVES. Management, The pap** was printed from dew typei and presteitted e clear appearance. W iet'e the Ittane1011 11911110 Fltrn ttiro We daaha) ttr eon/AO alarl' anecesg, and hope r rel.... -.e e. .r:r f . ,t • *that the Stas'*Al yi ctateti ue to ineretiso'in blil-.L. r Honey, • ItEdr$Vi.et `bit onrta X9lr a zt n ' A it ait>;ks'kzF• Onettli#tut EzEO P:-•-,A.t the iastfegular' geotlrg Of the Exeter I+, O. L. No, 01the Allowing Officers were elected. fon the matting. Vr 111.. -Bro. r. N. Howard, W. 17. M.,—Bre. J. Spackruau, Chap. -Bre. J, White; "in;es c ' 117eeL.ly Glaiek $.045,1 : *e1--Brq J, Wairond. c c c a re v r'r1 ei tise?' fl Treat.—.lite '1 '7sauz lresak y� D. of O.—Bio.` T. M. W1 teF e tc .Free 1 ie$5 2. a, 'Colnknittee.A W. Ar.m.tro Tt Staddoiil. t1 aa'Gl 2 00 'J•• A:ehesou, E. Fxsk;, ;aud L, FlaSdya This istheitese offer that has yet been made, opese Re .Et nefi>,I? At alio : last regular and seely ars ns w°41//41 at-ai bhila bas now mall; 'i It ,, opportunity of reeding she Times.. Subscribe at uiebtlugiaf'•tlre .h• eter North Fire Company si 14 'Fear t -- e 1st;. Lieut. `tV1h. Davy, 2ncl:sf' A. :'McPherson. • See—T'rea5.7. \Yestaway, • Foreman of Ifoss Lattis Powersi - LUVELL'S 11DVti1' C:LJI3 . Assistant of 'John Drawn.. 1st iiraneb,—A Hoskins, .. tt cc ouee and take at':t Fntaut of our ow rates.` , . , tlie'folloiwing ofimeriimele elected tor ;the en N g y r fro. r r ' e+.t,f Vat relitiers;llaweu13. i 1 1ieard of ;the abrupt departtire which lgi ThOnitts Wiles, late pro- the,, ro- of the llte:eesiolt quse,' Exeter; felt compelie'd ter take,sorbefew weelks for the' T7rtttocl "States , On ;lite trot eine after his de;, pgeture•0i4y4;3'1;41,1;01'4 hotel *ere sur prised) or rather amatrudi;;to.ee,4} iw oleaii-and cont= plete • :,; A awn* Sao Sr:Et. RACEME $VR}.trAzinie movable' 'and Yi3luable Ili the house 'Bike hate moan, the lor,;the„ stttiitg mote, 'bed•roomb and kitchen were 'left.ashare ae 'the gay• they were plastered, Otr1 neva room in which; slept the livery, stable hostler; Mr. , Levi Trimmer, mner, was left•Aiitot'vohetb, k couple of 'Old' -arid al; moist useieae tablet were left:in the Ititohoii; a These few tattialtts'togetherwith a keg of cont` 'beer iu the collar. eoustituted'tbe . OVAL OTA ,9S`TILE ASSETS upon'whioh tint bract tenant::Was lnesumably ea"peutell to nttle business. '.J het.all the furriitureaaud,t14-tro,s r•t Mich were known to be , in the Mouse wheat Wilps'xes'landlorcl, otauld bawl; lir(eit taken(=Slay'Jtiiu itt one.,ir'igtit, end no otie`kiaou vii •$hili* ibtitat rt; coti1 eoarael3 be realized,lxat, t was auUaegnently ascert wined thtttG itee;'had shipped fltridtd;;:e fi'Cin Luau station a few days previous to his. departure... "Wherotlaoy coiilcF'•the test of the stuff have been jtnt?•" ..'';Wile ;aesieto I in gettingxt out of the w•ay?" " These were =a'fety of thir.7uestiolls which penpla-asked t e nseives as,thoy thought -over iitie;natter.' Time, the divulger of tall ;)Sings, wrtri the 'n,rtaistance . of , Constable Gill hiss to a certain extent answered these gees - tions. Our exeellexit.'ehief having hissaspi- aione aroused by the cou<lnet of two or three •0 a z A I. 4re grid .,; Goo. Terry._ " Ts> Les Co'ract r 1 he agngert which . ;.- ,. wvas.to have been giveuin Mi.1, .`Seuthcott's° ,� f , . , .. _1,--,,r) `�� "' residflnce on Tuesday evening lest in behalf of toteee the L'adies'.Ai t of the 1iethoaist Church, was. peat free 11 held in. Drew's Hall Instead. This Change' of Sen II21y�V11eIe, j Q 'wenne,i'-su to speak, wee caused by the very • retterpi, Oi price.` :urgeunni)er of tickets sold.' The hall, teas. well 'filled,... The p1•egramme was well selected, y v and those who took. part were well'iepaid'#or , � t a ' thei*:trouble bythe applause of the reidiatice.,: Dool.sellor, Exeter. • Iii :very respect, it,was a success- financially especially•ao, as 00 were'realized. EC'1its t' tetei' THURSDAY, DECEIIBEIi 9, 1880, LOCAL NEWS. The YU talc Belt Co., 3tairshall, il1ich., Will sired Choir celebrated Electro.VoltiaioBelts to ;he afflicted upon BO da,}s trial. oureh ;narauteed. Theyinean what they say. ;Write for ,which occasion excellent.talent Las been + them without delay. • secured -of which further announcements will C. .1. CRt7RCR RE -Oren o.—Arraalgenlent8 are about eornplete for tilt re -opening of the well -keep' ohitractets who fteguented the C. r1i. Church, here, to take place on the 19th hotel a good deal, waited patiently -for develop - end 26 Inst s ,: §eunous will be preached (D. meute, keeping• on.Sunday tide 1 Oth as follows : At 1.0;30 .A,STRICT w.s cB a. m,, by Rev. D, G. Sutherland, B. D. L. L, D. on the snspeated persons. On Monday last he of Clinton. 2150 p, m., by Rev. J. W: Holmes, felt satisfied that he was right;in his suspicions of Waterdown, 0:30 p. m., by Rev. David and decided to vet at once. Accordingly he Savage, London. On the Monday following anotified afie Christie of his intentions, and regular old fashioned tea meeting Will be held_ together tney'proceedod to the house. of Mr. Richard Sanders on norm -street and intimat- ed that they intended searching foi,the lost goods. They soon Made their way to the ger- m, where the evidence before them fully con- firmed their ettspicions. . • 4j S • 1p: 0 It Nvi,11 Jany. yo17, .to get O1: At t" O •, D,fid MVO E.F9-4..YOUR BOY From 754, DIJNDAS STfhEET, LONDON, THE largest, best and cheapest assortment be given. Arrangements fur 20th inst. will of sbuttider braces in Exeter, at Central thug appear next week. Store. 0. Lone, - .A. young man who his recently taken a wife; ) Tns WOMEN Rom.E.-The debate held in SATS he didn't find it half s,1 hard to gel mar the basement of the B. C. Church on Tuesday mar - Heil as he did to•„ et furniture. He did tot try '- furniture store or he ivou�d not. John Drew's u , say that. 1 Carling s for cheap and goof Overcoats, Boats and Shoes, and Overshoes. New stuck. just arrived. I Carling is determined not to be uudereeld. More new boots and shoes net received. Sotek etrnplete in every department. See ad- vertisenieut.—Chas. Everett. I. Calling's for cheap and good Overcoats, Blots aud Shoes,. aud Overshoes. New stock just arrived. I Harling is deterruiued not to Le undereeld. evening last under the anspiees of the E. Y. P. C. A., drew a very large audience, there being scarcely standing room for those present. The Subject was in the' form of an eiuterrogation. "Which has exerted the most beneficial iufiu- enee on the world—man or women?" The cause of the poor Man was championed by the Revs, F. Whitlock; Bartlett, and Mr. Joon Essery, while the, women had able advocates in the persons of Rev. J.Holrues and Mr. Thos. Gregory. The question was ably handled, and Banton Bros, want 200 cords of good dry many very excellent arguments advanced in cord wood, aud 500 cords green, meet be body support of both sides. A committee composed wood, and free from rough knotty sticks. of Messrs. 13. Bobberts, F. Collins, and W. I Carling's'for cheap and good Overcoats, Clark were allowed the privilege of giving the Boots and Shoes, and Overshoes. New sto k decision 'in favor of women. .Che meeting dis- jusaarrtved. I Carling is determined not' to be undersold. pursed well satisfied with the evening's enter - STILL THEY eon.—Avornsn BANSCRuPr tainment. SxouK.—Tire sabecrieer has purchased frau the city of Hamilton, a Bankrupt Stook of Dry Gods, Cloths, Tweeds t1to. This stock was bought for the City Tre,le of Hamilton, and is flesh aud new. A good bulk of the stock has been bought new within the last thirty days, and is really first Blass. This splendid stock has arrived at Exeter, and we are now busy unpacking the goods, and to -day, Thursday, 9th lieoeurber the Store will bo opeded, and this bio sale will cornmence:,There will be found in this choice stook a nice assort- ment of Blankets, Tiekinge, Factory andWhite Cottons, Gray and Fancy Flannels, Velvets and Velveteens, Dress Goods, Shawls. Quilt, Plain and Fancy Wi..eeys, Table Linens, Table Cove's, Furs, Cloths, tweeds, Underclothing, Mantie Clotho, Hats and Caus, &e. The sub scriber wuuid take this opportunity of thank- ing his customers who have so largely pat- r:iuized his sale while disposing of the last Bankrupt Stock, and in selling off this stook, every effort, will be made to please any cus- tomer, and as usual Big Baron's will be of- fered. .The whole stook to be sold off this mouth, a clean sweep tobe made by the end of the year. Attend this safe atonce. We sell very °neap all the time. Wanted, a few choice packages of butter, for which cash will be paid. Remember the place, Mr. Soutbcott'a B:iek Block, Exeter W.BRotiatlrclt. Exeter, Dee. 8th, 1880. 1?otrLTaY SizIPPING.--On Monday last, Mr. Patrick Kelly, o! Blyth, was in town buying poultry fos shipmefitt to the North 'e t Ler ritory. 1u .w.—, Ou Saturday last, a thaw set in and before night the snow had almost disappeared floes the front street. The few sleighs which ventured upon the thin ono*, were found to drug rather heavily. THE RAILWAY COMMITTEE. FINDING THE' STOLEN P1aOFERTT. PENURY :AND AE'.7IoiCE. The Trials of a Poor Iledlaal Student•' 3M T13It DEP.13S OF nonnnTY INTO THE 730Sv14I OF LUSU13x. On Saturday last there was related to us Ea little r•omauce, welch, though it had somo un- pleasant parte, lige moat good stories, no doubt hal a'happy termination, Some time ago aDr. •5edgewick, of the United States, same to'Can- ada with the intnntiov. of practising his pro- fession here. He mowed to Toronto with his wife ,and family, but found that before he' could practise bo would require to pass exabei- natioxia to receive a,eortificatofrom aCauaclian medical college.`'. With' commendable energy he set himself to work to acquire the necessary information. His To . the : Public. itavina oio, is uuw ho engitport the services of aft est e1iel cera meclfatter prepared tiutn eve: to furnish •Ione Nada Boots & Saes of every descrletiuu, As h e finds his own .mater- ial, all is dons nu 'bis owe testae iiiiity. Parite:t• requiring good soive!i work;nunid do NY ell=, ..ive, Lill a, call. Repairing of an kinds neatly and promptly attended to, Sale Warn ✓yltrtrys on Itis la. Also Ifarne„s of every description. llarsa Cloth., hi,;, \Whips, Trunks, Vahsos, Children's C arriai;est Sleighs, &a. - G. EACEIETT. BOOT c& SHOE SHOP, C 1�IT T 1Zl Ea'. dot KEELEtt begs to announce that NONCE!' WERE LOW, . EE1a tie has decided to become a 1.ernlntNilt iefltdent U1 Centralia, whestt lie efirties nn Cha but he hoped that he would be. able. to pass boob aud sboebusiness i a all its Uiauehes. A;! before it was all expended. But in this he teat' work dune in disappointed. The expense of keeping him- Late3t Style. self and family in Toronto soon emptied his Noce but the best material tut' most Ekil1n There they found snugly stowed away all the, pu.se, and to add to rtlie trouble caused by a workmen xts ck, fr ieignland nomeaticwork f leta� urs. of bar ornaments a clock a largo mirror, which f thethe Usat u rift'• oandidatea tilts , Bti•Ni Tan Eli• ORESO OF THEIR DUTIES. Since our list issue the Railway Committee have not been idle. On Saturday last, Hay Council was visited ty Messrs. W. Bissett, J. Swenerton, Abel Wolper, and D. Johns. Each member of the deputation addressed the Coun- cil on the question of the railway communica- tion. The council were strongly in favor of the road, and the deputation were given to un der'stand that a bonne of $30,000 would be given by the t9wnship of ktay, provided the railway passed through the village of Znrich, and ou to Bayfield, and, if necesacpy, Zurich would seek incorporation as a village, so that it might be in a position to give' a bonus itself There hi no doubt of the popularity of the sell me in Ray. A. public nesting will bo held in Zurich on Tuesday; flet-; to dieouse the matter, when deputationswill be present from Stanley and. Bayfield,' pita Exeter also is expected to be represented. The committee think that, should- the Grand Trunk. Co. decline to run the road any farther than Exeter, as Mr. Hickson suggested,, a sectional bonus of about $10,000 could be secured to assist in its con- struction this far. - ' depleted exchequer, the teas oueo many t ' o r� t extended the' whole length of the bar, half -a P ti l Work a ..,)recialtty\ clown chairs, an old carpet belonging to Wiles,„. s 11tenairs promptly attender! to. Prices raasona. runcuxu' Ule, Atrial is only necessary to encore steady and other little but . useful articles. at a recent examination.His position was a' custom. it, IEk I'F:it, They next visited the stable, and pulled up the Centralia, Iv*ov.4,1880, 1t' desperate one, In th.e city be was a stranger, flooring, underneath which, in a hole scooped and could look to uo one for assistance. Rio out of the ground, they found two stoves—a family had to be fed and clothed, At last ho box bar stove, and a big cook stove,—the latter determined upon leaving ,the city, hoping to find employmentm also e property 3alr. . this mug readily in some country interethsting work was progressWilesing onWhile Huron towns. But again he was On Monday Stephen Connell was visited hi Crediton by Messrs. Manton, Willis, Ii. SWen- erten, Hardy, Biesett and Drew. The Council espreseed no opinion on the matter, being willing to be guarded in any action' they might take by the opfidone of the people. It was ,Isw DRxaa.—The London Advertiser now suggested to make .a test, question of it on„elece: street ANOxnsR LITTLE "ROMANCE” was being enacted near the Mansion House. Two of the well-known characters already a1 - luded to are a man named Mulligan, and an- other named Gallager, who is known by the euphonious soubriquet'. of Santa Claus. Mul- ligan was bet• -tender for Wiles at the time of his departure, and was in the hotel she night he left' plying his vocation, Santa Claus was also around, following his calling of loafer. He professes to be a Mao of means, and, like Mulligan, at vela had plenty of money, though he dressed- raggedly enough, and altogether bore a very $ARD -LOOSING APPEARANCE. He was seen on the streets iu the day time, but went, around UNDER TILE COVER Or' DARENES1 with his chum Mu1'igan, who as brought here 'os hostler by; Wiles. Mulligan's father is esaid to nave been hanged for stabbing a man in Stratford. Since Wiles left, however, , he hal not been known to do anything in the way of manual labor, On lkfopetay night 'tu was going from hotel to hotel, drinking, swear- ing and ACTam6 GENERALLY I5 A ROWDY FAelfrowf. Being put ort of one, he made hi,; wry to an- other, end finally drew up et the Mention House, rhea Mr. Christie wee ottt on the search expedition with Constab',.e Gill. .idol. Tigan=had not been there, lona; leafier() Santa Clans ran to the door endeellit st him yet, whispered sutnethin� to him. Instantly hit drunken look. passed ';tray, and be ecce: Into the :iotel, got hie coat, and passed 'an','n?tin up a seat on the door step, where Mr. FlOwia. found him, and informed him that .Gill was looking for him, Re oxp ressedhis determine, tion to reaeb a place in Aye minutes where Gill would not find him, and started down Hem street, wLere he soon RAN 1N O TEE .o0NBTAIILE'0ARMC, as that officer was retnrningfrom his searolt at Sanders' house. He wastaken possession of aud lodged in the lock-up over night. Santa Claus made good his escape: In the morning a. third member of the gang, A youth named Sanders, was found, i and told Mr. Christie that part of the property was bid. den it;,the Mansion Howse stable. Some of it was fpattd rut d'reoted, but the ;reat' had been remov2;i,liroba le.•by,the other two markers t :gen, r, Christie thinke• that °d;creat d0 of the 'ftitnitb3'e' dripposed to bav''6 been taken by 'Viler will yet be recovered near comes to hand in a new dress. It *,weep badly tion, day. The sum` of 4110,000 is considered needed. The Tixer rel one! the most read- • the outside figure Which the township would home. The d'ecoveries thus far go to ab'c+ papers iu the country, and is conducted,' raise for the purpose. (roue tale. RILxs with the imputation of taking other men's property. ae r.h remarkable enterprise. ; i' potent after taking o what belonged to him - Dim= ;supposition is tat the nig hi •af hie de - Demme TO DIseero ;tamer. Having wandered from place to place in his vain search, he same to Exeter on Thursday last. Being a member of the Masonic fratern. ity, ne songht bir. W. D. Bright, 'Master of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Exeter, and communi- cated to him Me condition. His appearance being re pectable and his story being plausible and told frankly, Mr, Bright, with other mem- bers of the fraternity, with the liberality for which the Masons - are noted throughout the world, 41 largo ;addition to tole metre to the iron works . of Meters. Reid & Hatt, of tiara lton, Another result of the 1J'. pti. A young man belonging to 'Vernon River, P. t. 1. stole $8,04 O from his �itther's coal! box rtita left for Ynint Ditellene, but 'was interc�rpted by Iba.'Shv1•itf and $2,870 ofIlttt f outry soawred. is to have t*o 1pperg,--One':of them. the Bedard, which was, suspended for a few waeka has re -appeared ander new pienrietor. ship It:. E. Foody note guiding its destiny. is aA well served as Exeter, end about. as i11 .),ble to ertpport two!papererereditebly. C'InAxotare, 0A141e.t1'f a Cywdetieli filer. -Odell hat •reoenily' pnrolmerli by Mr, J'antew• titoiw t, late of F7irprolt, some to hand last 1tE'tfsYED itis SSEOltsarrllds, and sent hire to London, whence ice Expected assistance to Detroit. Thus far the little story has nothing of special interest,being the same, with a few differences of detail,as many others which come to notice ocoassionally, But at this point the interesting ---or rather the strange —part of the story ones it . On Friday a Mr. Men an taunt the TJ. S. Came to tewn and enquired for the Master of the Leb- anon Pores; Lodge. On finding Mr. Bright, the l:twyee stated that they had traced Mr. the geni:IEman -above mentioned to Elle. ter,aad':ncwin , he; Was in want and that he was a Freemason, ft °centred to hiw (the lse- yor) Oust hemi;hthave shade APPLIOeerol eon Dammam - leszeTANOS here. Mr. Bright gave the lawyer all the in- iormatiox. he could about the -gentleman, end was surprised as well as delighted to bear that the man who thought himself so poor was loci ail. LINES, -written an the death of Hcrry Is:lausen, aged &L.:: years. , Fold his hands across his bosom ; Press his marble cheek so fair ; From his cold, aud waxen forehead, Smoothe the locks of auburn hair. Barge's sleeping, sweetly sleeping ; Give him just one parting kiss; E'er, from mortal eyes he vanish, To a :world of joy and bliss, All week long, the Angels waited, 'Waited ; while They watched tis hoed, Strivingrhard to keep stir loved one, While they waited for him there, Safely then, at last they bore him To that land Where .Angels dwell Now, the glorious thine he sharot}i; None but heavenly tongues eau tell. Barrie arrie; hove Well mice Stith, Miss his fonteteps light qualm; ' Miss his bright bine eyes of gladness ; And his voice ea fall of glen; Bat, we know our darling's happy ; (e among an Angel band, !pared for by our loving' Saviour , ' d u that bright and glorious Land. LAURA LEE., re•.e' "onyx £10,000 5Taargee, which had been bequeathed him by anaunt ` .who had reeently end in England. But the lucky legates had left Toronto before word vests: received there of her deetb. Be had been sought for in every direction, advertised for in the daily papers, tuttl;in every. wayknown to lawyers efforts 10 atreerta* his rvrberreabouta Were made. But ice had not written to Iris faml- ly,and$thongb they were made; acquainted with flit Change whioh his diaeovery rronid effect in their eiroumstanoee, they ' could give no clew whatever. In the mesntime, the search was diligently continued, and the rich poor man was filially y ?OACIID TO itptrxa. belt the whielt could be most Basil oarried,be left the place to charge of Mulligan,who celled/Whets the lawyer was told'byMr. Bright that ,;Sanders and Santa Clans, and, with their as - the monfhw'd gone to Loudon and expee$aci to r ►ing o go to Dtstrgi) , lie took .hrr' Ct -train;' i h . lr Wiles. Tho vahie of fire pi nlwrty reeovored I eietanee ideated the Ionise Of everything left 1 y t hoe far'is. 0,150. l biller he found hilts or not, we have not .learnt,' l r, 0117 deoieled to . 'g C befo p lint in all probability he aid irr lie wu direotcd mat It bfnlh aft Squire Patty, of Hennall, on •a.chargoof draft , by Mr. Bright anti MY r Sarnwell to Hier Masona ne.s; and lladhitn Rent to 6°4'41°1611' 'At: Ihlrexines lei eII of the trial; the'ppriono *tick;ire LOudon• and the- edattibt consigned hint Iles, he lkneiw *here the rest of (1larisViw't4 fmr • tei'the:care `of their brethren in .Detroit. ,Be 6 enters wks,,but^MMB weuldn't tell. ' ' �',,Inete it be.. -. Woodburn. EtEf1101,1 DF UI IICttnS.-6it tTi9 annual meeting of Woodham . 0, Ii. No. 492 The following clause'. -were, elected for the eosuing year:—; 1Mk. Richard Sperling; D. M. l'iili'aes l3ntherby; t'betp. Amos Popolestone;' See. Geo. Obanyou; Tres. ;oho Wilson; D. of 11. George Darns. 1orntn;ittoez-- lat. Aaron Sawyer 42nd, Robert' wards; Bra. John Stewart]; 4th. George Morphy; 511i, Emanuel Itotstley'.. Kirkton. As Rev. Cr Fletcher was coating into the village from . <one Presbyterian church on Stttleb y, hie horse' fell over the embankment net,', •• the bridge. brooking both e10e of the antler,but lnetiily atilt received it slight injury. We bre glad that nolilIrIS ellOtd sertttis tkkp!atletlran *hitt OCC �orif b4r,,lOneiinteaagratilfeod. twin, is lying serin,11al t ill from ini t ni:- cotioxl<erf'i� A',MUotl,'1. Tribe ,tinea .re- ttnierit 011;,b0'ooml time before he witb,b6i' c Wto trite eharga,,.{f1ft'bis ochef KirkIO,11tk,003.0i *a,11 ""�ai t'iie r pubI,,fiili exsmitllatiOU an Wedtiieetln+•, 15th 'WO,.. Th pot* ,tltrpee' at lteho. 1 ;low is i18a tvre0..i0 int 'ft0`pujils. / > 1