HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-10-26, Page 7-"I IOU 04 lbs wiesPo... nsible for
, • any . member en ••1123, lama,'
who takes stonurilk -tonics; in.
alisestinn.alnuellet, 'oda, oele•
Ine4.40.161, laxative pills, , Oto.
to try' to set rid, of indiges-
tion, constipation, bloating,
*cur stpnutob, bad ',breath or
headechesrk'hava.-told them
all to ruts Baryon tleft Mess
Mills, 4,11* *sof liver -Anedibine
, "thick tuaire's Oa liver tot
busy Saul furnish enough bile
.,. _....
to -digat_lhairicod_ and stop
17- -111641tlandlori.- 'Byerybody-ought
. to take Bergen Soft' Maas
Pills tore •or three tines a
* month It they went to , feel
good.' All seed ;Unseats
M.. tlesia"
. , • -__ _
' redelted by
tLe taudo Iptutent
citmoliessr, exportde.* *M'e Utea
Holstein cattle MOVIng
along likely tide. yea;!keetlattl,ing to
the 'RolateirisPrieSatiit .kaliOciatiOn.41t,
oda; Web reVeXti4 illib)**Ottte 'Or '
:iitet, /Irak 'nine ':Wrgetit*Nit
tely'1800, heal& Nib* thO,'Pert
4,fileabevi buSlifit5Sir been so'
wotild be
trent- Crete Repot,
Th0 1033 iine4iOrta-fOUtce ero
VO Takata* in. Nerfelk COSInty ia now eetlfteat
410* t° 00 0entiliteoell Who' 00,11ids
isis (impaled No, h twelit,V4Ve Okntl
, t
and 4kt**141116. ' ' One4alf l*Olt Yat,..1%
Some time ego; at the. reqUestil444,41iiity ot:.the ,crop:,,is Very 'varied
the FA404.ere* 'C-0-0,P01644"-4qUalitvc:
'')ntarl°' Markt.14* the ex1411iikt:',t04000‘ /41411.b:Ona
Com wit the
'441144 *rwe' *lir-1141i° '1144" port .that. the 'root erop is: about O
OftSlhe '!',441tt e0r1V, .te, 6(ypr ,of liateena .Potatatee
thrias* Urger turnover of Salt on /Amain., e.oe yierdtng tor ,4.41.p
mit, wow. wow Iseiere ,prOfitsinle%to a post quality. 40Ps
ird that In One au, reeettlY ihe them leduction it. .1) ce
s IBSfit..are mUeli better th,an.te s ex.
retttett'a Office At Brantford issued was TmadetikT bring more O. In. 4 tesd the seeand crop of al-
irdflibar eelnIdging favorablY • with ,the
usiness tory one day for the. past
ve years,.
Righer 'PROS Indicated,
A cOnelderible increase the price
of potittoOs is iniiicated for later in
the, season, accorfling to the Depart;.
trent. attest° distinet shortage in
both Canadian and American ereps,
- The later.94tarro Crop is now ar-
riving. on, ihe,„ market. and, while the
supply oT Dooley potatoes will u1ni
• aserease. AS compared with that of
Tfin, the quality is parWularly good,
- -During the time of harresting•
,supplies of potatoes ,reaching : the
market will, in all probability, 'exceed
"etnetnitilitive .tlemaed, So. far as ';the
consumer is CcalKerhed, this -Will be
the most advantageous p4i0a for the
, purchase of potatoes for winter use.
Salt Costs Less hi Chitatio,
costetardit,t0,7farr .nera.anCtot.14
44'rhe,vkaucfio'n of APProximateli 20
Per cent hithe 1)40 'Of tate Silt ib",
hulk tikes ' effect immediately. In
view of the large volinne of salt sold
yearly to,fartners this will mean elute County are almost 4 complete failure
'cbnMdrab1e Savings .on this Idecitiht on tettuat farms due to aphids, on
and doubtless will 'stimulate lbere4es ...others tnealti fitey are a fairly' good
ed purchases of this article at the ere0. Potatoes have been bringing
same . from fi'be to 1$1.00:per '1)ag In Dufferin,
• , ,
ir 7
YOUR *141,111t MENT$
(par la the *ale think
Steve outstanding, too
ing,,StoV4i the
ring S
lfaifeed 1s--ot.intee11entTeo)our-
3rieldb* welt In,Middleseelto p0.
tatoea WM TOabout GO'. per 'cent. of
normal crepe -while 'livestock are 10
only fair 'eondition owing. to the sum-
mer drought. 'Turnips ‘„ in Bruce.
RA. •1 .44040,04ii 1'4%
straiticu arly live stock pioduction
. in :the future," Colonel 'Thomas • L,. ly good prospects for the future:
ICennedy, Ontario ,Agriculture an-
nounced-recentlY, nhe-s".-salt-L-corn--
panies have just announced a re-
duction in the cost of Atte gait for
extuenurnoSseasof-stbe.... nete.M..4.7 tness-t,
at the wells, This will narrow the
diecrepenCY 'between -the price salt is
sold' to packers and 'manufacturers
einvity. vhe-Tield of t mangels in
York Ibelow the usual average, res, Egg Prodtiction,
. lesspotattiessivili--liesarround-a---60
According to T. A* Benson, of the per cent,' crop. Peterborough reports
Dominion Poultry Branch, fresh egg that all Iasses of livestock have
production is falling 'off rapidly a'nd,*ained tansiderably since_ the pass
there is a good movement of storage. 'tures 'Wade such a splendid reeovery
The market has continued firm With WI -Wheat i rilttennox and Addington
the prices steadily advancing. 'Furth- 'is in excellent condition with a big
'er gains were in evidence On both To increase in acreage. 'Plowing and aft-
ronto and Montreal markets, Toronto tr'llarvest cultivation have been more
showing to somewhat better aclvatit- general than usual. Hay is a opoor
age than Montreal. The PreSrets crop in. Prescott and Russell, but red
would seem to, be for continuing clover seed is producing 'from 80 to
Moderate advances in prices and the -101) lba, per load. Grenville has one
eensurriptives demands-appeats-t oftheliestsbuCkwheat in its
man scum 1ns steady with 'apparent- supply Fernley' in Algoma distriet
report a fair crop of high quality
grains. Temiskaming has had an in-
crop looks especially good.,
aOdayA t
$y I5A
vour-ivv,,Auw(304:9t our
v*tioitu , :
tar of Our 141Ight; ,404 hope.of
every nation,, _
ai *Ad' S'OeeiVe Tb ObOre '84P'"
3S4 7
PriLY dist Th -Ma
, P •
• raVialetl,sinsett :
9 • iSh:iie':Olirist in the hear e hope
Of Ule„r4 deep- eXperlekee
of the, gospel as the , power of 'Oed,
fni-o-Fria vitteiri;ThrItial-irriTK7Aluerl;
LOSSON, FOR !IOIrs. 5th,'
1933, ,
Lesson. Topic -Paul in 4e:tussle*.
, Lesson PaSsagettA . 15: 1,2
On tho Broawatof Godiric
sieelt, and has been eonfined, to his bed.
THIs ntonti Wends hope. tor a speedy -res-
On Saterden 'Yelling a terrifin wind
-atone tiel by raiz swept over
this distrtet. Siro terious Outage has
been renorted. the,,eitseptiop tree4
being blown over. Mr. John Inair had
his hen hous'e'bloWn cle‘vn and Mr. Thos.
Soweilby had some 'shingles taken off his
barn rebt
s The Sunday School, of Union ehmoh
intend holding a Hallowe'en social on
the night -0Y Gctober 31st in the chuleh.
There will be a good program and con,
tests.: ttatotaniiiis.wio_entl _PP
come with the children and have some
Tun on ilallowe'en night.
1..4 4. „
Plowing Match Success
John Capton, a Six Nation Indian
from- Ostweekereeeapturedeitiee'Raton-
Trephy from a field of fltirty-seven
plowmen at the (Internatioedi Plow-
ing Match 'held in Derby township
near Owen Sound last week. His vic
tory was a notable one, as 'many o DIAPET. tS
the most expert plFsverren in Ontar
were among the eoMpetitorL-io s. ---- Within the body'lle certain
More than ,164. entries -were made which pour their secretions dirtectiy
in the second day's' competition, a re -
.cord entry, and 1'5,000 persons pgek-
ed the field to svatc'h the events. The
weather was ideal for liloviing and
the tented city ;human vipiibits of
farm machinery and Other goods was
Your Health
B\ at- Materiel 4lid Lateist
Designs •
Expert Workmanship
Work Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable.
Your businese. will be
flr' cORRECT aft) (DA1E.
,into the blood _stream. These 'secre-
tions are partieularly 'powerfill, and
any abnormal condition which results
in the alteration of Me or Other of
the internal secretions, whether this
be in quantity or quality, -givss rise
to setious disorder in the htunim bOdy.
Situated' close to ,4 the atitlef of
the stomach is the glatiallnown as
Royal- Winter 'Fair p the pancreas. The pancreas 'produces
internal' secretion. vvhich
As oe_regilt_of the annual fall sur. art
of breeders, vey tiketet-Htoiti work.- all4'-ws the- bddis-to-digest and nee'
d ' wt. (exii•bit
2241, „
,Golden Text -1I. Corinthians 3://,
Paul having ended his firstmission-
Art' JOOrlier, once again et foot in
Antioch of Syria. In spite of all be
had endured and, suffered he return-
ed with -the determination more
the word with the conviction that
tlie *ark to which God had. espeeially
called hint was to be the apostle to
e heathen, and to that high calling
be was glad to saerafice his life.
The sacriftees which an African
convert has to "Take by abandoning
polygamst-which a Brahmin has to
make by sacrificing caste-eare but a
Mall measure of what a Gentile had
to suffer if he made himself a Jew.
Thecerd-and distress were hatrothicesi
'nta-the---Qhristiark- Church at7Antio
tic,sAtOstlassagt tea(' '"
ing that ccumcis en atter tie ma.
More than once his auger rose, AAti
he 'was On the 'point .rowittting,
subniAtted to insults:. lip lour hestight
POW testamintS in Chinese, while
the Ship 14Y in Hong Kong, and slow-
ly he read US Wonderful messages
whenever ho had a sprite moment.
After -four long months' the Wild
Rover reached Roston, but for 'ten
weeks Neesima was kept on , board
WO, god compelled to work harder
than 'ever. four dollars Was all the
money he had in the world, and
though he had learned stone English
on the way sivereshe'ssild-notsknowsthe
language well enough to venture
One day Mr. Hardy, the owner of
the. Wild Rover, and a Christian
gentlemat visited his ship,* and _be-
came' interested in Neesinm.
"What is your name?" he naked.
"The sailors call me Joe," replied
the young Jap.
Mr. Hardy spoke dly to him,
and took him to his own home. Mrs.
Hardy, asked .Joe to write his reas-
fru: ary--
ner of Moses s neteesery to salva-
tion. This would have debarred the
tiles.; _and- sat onee PetilLend
Barnabas entered iptusesmetter era:
I ing in then
eir being sent to the Jerusa-
emegterchsfaustit4tme.. • .
:nee this devil:Mien arrive ey
were received and a full discussion
Of the vexed. question was entered
into. At length when they seemed
to be making little if any progreas.
Peter gave' his testimony as to how
God, which' knoweth the hearts, gave
him a ceminissiSn to the Gentiles and
gave them the power to believe that
through the grace of the Lora aesus
Christ they too _should be saved.
Then Barnabat and Paul reeounted
their labours among the Gentiles.
declaring What miracles and wond-
ers God had wroveht among the Gen-
tiles by them. This -was summed up
by Jamea,,who ended by saying "My
sentence is, that we trouble not them,
which from among -the .Gentiles are
turned CO God." His words -met with
the annroval of not only the anostles
and'elders but the whole Church.. At
one they agreed to choose fit men
to go back with the commission to
simian-1nd corroToorate their report
The death •(=MOO ii, Toronto on
Monday of Willitun ttumball, Vho was
u. son of the late Mr:and 'Mrs. E. Rum -
ball of Goderich township. and n brother
of mrs. J, A, Ford, Mrs. Pickard, Miss
Georgina itumball and 'Mrs. h. "Simian.
of Clinton, the latter of WhOln Was in
Toronto at the time Of 'his death and
remained for -the •finertil.- -VD% Runiball,
who had been a resident sif l'oronto for
a great many years, had been in ..poor
health for some thni but*haid'been going
about and his death came us rather a
shorec. Heart trouble eifta the cause of
death. The ftmeral toOk Olace on
'Thursday afternoon, late reel-
eis spirit of confidence and optimism ha's diabetes, or the abaence of the normal Interment Was mute in 'Mount Hope
deuce, 39 Larigfors .AVenne, • Toronto.
gripped • the Royal Winter Fair
ffice,S in Teronto. 'The Vital role of
agriculture in the 'permanent econo-
mic welfare of Canada proinpts the
Royal to • concentrate ithblic atten-
tion at the -next /Fair .on the fact
of how closely
prospeiity in every iis a thirst which seems impossible to
other industry slid enterpriee,
quench, and, in.,spite of un increasing
matter- how - remote in linkedwith-, appetite, there is hiss of. weight.
Many mild cases of diabet,es are de-
sirosperous agriculture. .
•..*•And irethe-planolihe intall man. with Itected when _apparently .well persons
iprepent. themselves for • 'medical ex -
only a few head of sltoCk' or a small
amination m connection with life in-
acrage is being speeifically eneour-
aged. this year to try for honors with
the higgeid'witlr lhtaidea jfl
mind all the man'y , sectional prize
lists of the "ten lig alhowr,coinpris-
ed in the Royal have been re
during thepast untreated, advanced stage of dia-
• el:armee-.
The management las -adopted the I hetes.'
• Before the discovery of insulin, the
twin elogans for tb3a: "AvR,ostill Al!
to Agrie-ulture" and Stimulus to
Young Canada."
All entries shoald ibe In by No-
vember 2, and the Fair 'chaos are
supply of insulin,'the blood turns to cemetery. Mr. Burnball is survived by.
water, -comes from. the IRO that one its wife, two datetht5s -and one son, all
of --the first signs enotedsthestlia- Of TOronto..
.betic is that the amount of urine is -
considerably increased' as is the • HUGH 0. WALTERS
frequency of voiding. Further, there After a ten-day illness Hugh 'Oxer.ham
Walters, pioneer of reenerteh• Townshts,
died on Sunday at Hs noMe on the Ben -
miner read, in- the nerrrealltalse in ;erten
he was born 112 'years age. He was one
of 12 children born Of the "late Chavica
'and Dorothy Waiters, whO came from
England in 1832 juntl -settled en this
farni. Of these 1,2 childran Mr. Walters
was the last but one. Mrs WihIlai.i Hart-
well, who resides in 'British Columbia.
Bp -ides his wife, -Whoan he ine7ried 54
yeara ago, four cbiidren • burvive. They
are, Mrs. °oldie Newton, 'Goderich
Township; Mrs. Harry Hin.t, Goderich ;
Charles and at home. Meneaxed
was a United"churchnian, c. Forester and •
an eminently suteessful farmer. Three feet was in the report. The `heart of Board 'of Missions that the greatest
their conclusion- was: "For it seem- ambition of his life was to establish
years' ago he suffered a paralytic stroke,
but he recovered and was up and ,about ed -good to -the Holy Ghost, arid 'to us, a Christian college ip Japan where
suranze, or Ter a periodic medical
examination-- The-persons--are-the-
fortunate ones, for they are given
the chance of early treatment and
etvothe' dangera_that_ atteed the
only treatment foe diabetes Was diet,
And mild cass controlled by
diet alone, The islore adyanced cases
ace treated by diet and insulin. fie:
NOVeither -22 to -3tritelirsive. note cute-- forsdbetese-sla-
- supplies The body with the eubstanee
which the normal pancreas • fur -
British Fruit nishes and it must be ta'ken
arly, being injected inder `the skin.
Keen competitio.n is to be seXPeete Insulin does not replacesdietinge it is
ed from Nova Scotia in the Etritish velseayieuserldnsesunliinaticais diet.
_apple..2markets....thi.s year, , declata--
A.ndrew Fulton, ovurseas .f n4.1 strtect' ns of. hie doctor •with regard
representative. The Graveneteins al- to di kind insulin may expect -to live
readyreceivedfrom-that provinc„e are a lois and uaful life. Because:be has
of very _good quality. It • waa too to take care' of himself, he may out -
early •to estimate 11' a competition, live the non-diabetic. It is not easy
but at the tinie of writing the rate to adhere to diet, • This is something
further eaeh 'day in -favor of the tacts with 'diabetics; we should 'help
American exporter. At the same them, not to tempt them, in
time, the 4s. 2d, per eent. duty kill their adherence to what they., have
stands against American fruit enter -sheen told and what they knowis beat
ing Great Britaintfor then.
Since landing in England -earl'', in Properly used, insulin his allowed
September, Mr, Fulton has been int to live many who, otherwise, -would
pressed by the indication of the dip- have died. It has made an active
• estrous Australasian \fruit season life a reality for many diabitice for
that is now finishing. It appears Whom .diet alone had to be SQ teetrid-
that 'over ,six million, boxes of Anse led as to leave them weak and incap-
tralian .and ,New Zealand apnlea have . able of WOrkingInsulin permits the
reached the Malted Kingdom: during young -diabetic to live; before its dis.
the past -five months, Lasge quant- icovery, the younger patients had but
ities were placed in cold storagedlittle hope. Every case of diabetez
ReCently' , such varieties as 'Tastatini- r•ergitres medical supervision' in order
an Stammers and New :Zealand that his or her particular needs max,
Jonathans have beep selling ,as low :receive proper attention
as 1-6 to 4-43 per box. amain- I•
ing stoeks of Australian apples will GODERICII TOIVNSII
of t
ydro: Electric
.„,,,„ is the time to apply or
•Bleetric Water Heater Sereiee.
' • ' .
All etou do is pay or the
electric current.. Rot Water,e1I
the Thee, • Call at the Hydro
Store and get particillara as* to
sleet* and rate e required for
your home.
*a.ter and 'Light
naturally affect values North
ed to give him a thorough education,
buspi:1W* dnlifffiesrllatnsdenmta Ne el:ph:tap:no.
gross. Regularly he wrote long
Jetters to_._ Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, tell-
hese letters were written -in -broken
English, with many wortle wrongly
spelled; but at the end of gix months
Joe's letters were so well written
that Mr. Hardy used to show them to
his friends with glowing pride. Dur-
ing his stay at Phillip's Academy,
Joe became an earnest Christian, and
joined the church.
, five-
e011ege*h litett Othere offered
„iitiovol, cub, *lid before the meet-
been subscribed. ,
From World Friends.
4 An OU 01 litertte-Dr.' rtheniaa'
trio Oit is not a Jumble of niedteinel 60-
etaneett thrown together and pushed by
edvertleing, but the result of the eareful
. investigation of the healing quallUea or
certain oils applaed to the human
-bady,--N is a ran combinationand t
won arid kept nubile favor frothe first.
'A triar of ;it will lorY Conviction to any
who doubt Its power to repair and heel.
Phillip's Academy, where the lad used
'After faithful study at the Aeadt
emy, joe entered Amherst College.,
from Which he graduated in 1870,
winning the confidence and respect
of teachers end fellow-studente.
From there he went to Andover Col-
lege, where he fitudied theolgy in
order to prepare himself for Chris-
tian work in his native Japan. T
At this time a number of dis-
tinguished Japanese were visiting
many countries, in order to study
educational systems. 'They felt the
need of_an interpreter, and Neeairmi
was recommended,to them as the man
This remit was not to he a word
who could, serve them the best. For
of mouth one but wr, Men and earried over a year Neesima remained with
to- the church at 4Antio611 from the
The . renort the Japanese EmbassY. eisiting. all
church at Jerusalem. the capitals of Europe, and devoting
was P dignified eoistle,beginning with all his energies to helping thern.
sereetings from brethriin to brethren,
These men learned to esteem him
• Refereree was made in a few direct
very highly, -and when , lie returned
words to the reaso-n for the written to • Japan, ralthough they were not
communication -some four membitrs
Christians, they never lost an • op -
bad taken on themzeivei to "trouble
reaard portunity of assisting him in his
you with words." 'Then their •
Ire--mtgriberm br -the- ;nis ' it.' ,
was -stated--"our beloved
.Aisl Pael, ' men that have haiardeS Steteg in 1874, and was ordained in-
flv' for the narhe .of our 'Lord to the Christian ministry. the first
Jesus Christ." Fotlowieg t h i s , man of his race to be thus holiored.
authority was given .to Judas and Just before be left' for his beloved
SU to stand h the truth of all Japan, ire -told thesmetribers of the
.Ainerica apples until they are cleated Mr. Rdtht. Kennedy 4 visiting at the
up. • . hoe of his sister, Mrs. Alcock.
Fulton says that there . has • Patrolman -Ate. J. Joliestoil haa had
-been a good de/Wand for pears,- •es- the fartaers on the 3rd anti 4th conces-
pecially Bartletts, owing to the light Simi hauling gravel for the ImProvement
weight cornitig 'freer California, On- , �f the road during the past week.
tario hamper Bartletts have &Male Messrs. OliffOrd arid Douglas McNeil
from 12s to 14s 6d atid a few half I Thigh Glen, and Art maskell returned on
• barrels averaged 20.ts for Sti. 'lbs.. of Saturday front •a' trip to the Western
Yrittit• tie had no, tkittbt that Bart- Provinces. They eincles the trip by mot-
letts would eolitieue to tria.ke satis- or. , "
factory values.. It ..•Avas stlifficult.--to .allte „regular Meeting of the LP.. St of
forecast prices for Xeifferis but there ttniett church will be held on Friday
,t peeing. Mr. Herb Johnston will have
----ese`e 1 Charge Of -the meetieg. An ,young peso.,
Ittrs."'47John Blair has returned after
13 hating gtent pleasttet to .tveeke" visit
',at the halide 'of her dattithfer. Wt. Wm*
Bad Cold
. • —
aro., ViAt'orloo.
Nam botheied.;,Witli.a vetY btai Cold *loch tulned to
ibreeehitie. Ittied aeveratdifferent kiede of medicine,
but none seemed to help On Until i ,took Dr...Wood's ,
,Norway PineliYtup„ After taking Si* orsciendoses
found'the Phlegm wee btotialit up eaailSettitheut ay
herti•eatighingran&after taking two andia 410i b<11,00
y 0410 was gori,e, 'ati(1 the brom!hitis oompletelyr
..-PiticePtoe pi; bottles largif Amity sigp, apse
'drug And getters' storm; Pax 410 qnlY 111)$0
Flainabace Neosima returned to the •United
\I t
\1 Cr4F( °
it/0///1 PILLS 4f,s
rii1tA1t4 41 A DOER *els 1(t!!0i111
EtAC A'sb u sits
s'aol;i,a1 HeumA dill
.. •
We can -give you - prompt
and satisfactory -service at
a moderate • price in the
following lines of printing:
• *4 *
—Private Cheques
--Dodgers ,
—Factory Fonns
—Society Stationery
—.Blotters •
--Business Cards
—Visiting Cards
—Wedding Stationery
* *
The Star has an up‘to-date
commercial printing plant
ande -are-equipped
out *II classes of -job work.
Prompt service.
* * *•
Deyle, of, Slietteio.' -Mr. 'and Mrs. Doyle
• aressespantectsher 'biome and spent the
weekseed tete.
ltetervt '..rtlelay evening, November ard.
,for the annum oyster supper to "be held
hit the Orange ha, 4t1scers, wider the
'au -spites ei laiteraten L. 0. L. No145.
rellassieg thetenners it -geed 'prevent
will be giVets Zvetstiody iefrideme.
' ittr. j. Jolutateti* oSTertaito, who is
nWtni t the.
eo how 1„bis &sten Mrs;
Peed tulott, was tIten terlOtltlp• 111 hist
Until 1.0.„-dOkilttfitg.J.ils .441: 'Mt run' 'to lay upon you no greater burden 'Christian service. '•
these ttry than ese neces things:, that- t' he- spolat-tm 7thifr -iltseasion
eral was held cm Vueday''.'Rev. J. W.
Herbert; of TIOlmenville, conducting the
service. Interment was madriff-Mait-
land cemetery, outerteh. • •
' Liiiiii..1.411131111, •
.„ , .,
Why • keep a lot of non -laying
further eaeh 'day in -favor of the tacts with 'diabetics; we should 'help
American exporter. At the same them, not to tempt them, in
time, the 4s. 2d, per eent. duty kill their adherence to what they., have
stands against American fruit enter -sheen told and what they knowis beat
ing Great Britaintfor then.
Since landing in England -earl'', in Properly used, insulin his allowed
September, Mr, Fulton has been int to live many who, otherwise, -would
pressed by the indication of the dip- have died. It has made an active
• estrous Australasian \fruit season life a reality for many diabitice for
that is now finishing. It appears Whom .diet alone had to be SQ teetrid-
that 'over ,six million, boxes of Anse led as to leave them weak and incap-
tralian .and ,New Zealand apnlea have . able of WOrkingInsulin permits the
reached the Malted Kingdom: during young -diabetic to live; before its dis.
the past -five months, Lasge quant- icovery, the younger patients had but
ities were placed in cold storagedlittle hope. Every case of diabetez
ReCently' , such varieties as 'Tastatini- r•ergitres medical supervision' in order
an Stammers and New :Zealand that his or her particular needs max,
Jonathans have beep selling ,as low :receive proper attention
as 1-6 to 4-43 per box. amain- I•
ing stoeks of Australian apples will GODERICII TOIVNSII
of t
ydro: Electric
.„,,,„ is the time to apply or
•Bleetric Water Heater Sereiee.
' • ' .
All etou do is pay or the
electric current.. Rot Water,e1I
the Thee, • Call at the Hydro
Store and get particillara as* to
sleet* and rate e required for
your home.
*a.ter and 'Light
naturally affect values North
ed to give him a thorough education,
buspi:1W* dnlifffiesrllatnsdenmta Ne el:ph:tap:no.
gross. Regularly he wrote long
Jetters to_._ Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, tell-
hese letters were written -in -broken
English, with many wortle wrongly
spelled; but at the end of gix months
Joe's letters were so well written
that Mr. Hardy used to show them to
his friends with glowing pride. Dur-
ing his stay at Phillip's Academy,
Joe became an earnest Christian, and
joined the church.
, five-
e011ege*h litett Othere offered
„iitiovol, cub, *lid before the meet-
been subscribed. ,
From World Friends.
4 An OU 01 litertte-Dr.' rtheniaa'
trio Oit is not a Jumble of niedteinel 60-
etaneett thrown together and pushed by
edvertleing, but the result of the eareful
. investigation of the healing quallUea or
certain oils applaed to the human
-bady,--N is a ran combinationand t
won arid kept nubile favor frothe first.
'A triar of ;it will lorY Conviction to any
who doubt Its power to repair and heel.
Phillip's Academy, where the lad used
'After faithful study at the Aeadt
emy, joe entered Amherst College.,
from Which he graduated in 1870,
winning the confidence and respect
of teachers end fellow-studente.
From there he went to Andover Col-
lege, where he fitudied theolgy in
order to prepare himself for Chris-
tian work in his native Japan. T
At this time a number of dis-
tinguished Japanese were visiting
many countries, in order to study
educational systems. 'They felt the
need of_an interpreter, and Neeairmi
was recommended,to them as the man
This remit was not to he a word
who could, serve them the best. For
of mouth one but wr, Men and earried over a year Neesima remained with
to- the church at 4Antio611 from the
The . renort the Japanese EmbassY. eisiting. all
church at Jerusalem. the capitals of Europe, and devoting
was P dignified eoistle,beginning with all his energies to helping thern.
sereetings from brethriin to brethren,
These men learned to esteem him
• Refereree was made in a few direct
very highly, -and when , lie returned
words to the reaso-n for the written to • Japan, ralthough they were not
communication -some four membitrs
Christians, they never lost an • op -
bad taken on themzeivei to "trouble
reaard portunity of assisting him in his
you with words." 'Then their •
Ire--mtgriberm br -the- ;nis ' it.' ,
was -stated--"our beloved
.Aisl Pael, ' men that have haiardeS Steteg in 1874, and was ordained in-
flv' for the narhe .of our 'Lord to the Christian ministry. the first
Jesus Christ." Fotlowieg t h i s , man of his race to be thus holiored.
authority was given .to Judas and Just before be left' for his beloved
SU to stand h the truth of all Japan, ire -told thesmetribers of the
.Ainerica apples until they are cleated Mr. Rdtht. Kennedy 4 visiting at the
up. • . hoe of his sister, Mrs. Alcock.
Fulton says that there . has • Patrolman -Ate. J. Joliestoil haa had
-been a good de/Wand for pears,- •es- the fartaers on the 3rd anti 4th conces-
pecially Bartletts, owing to the light Simi hauling gravel for the ImProvement
weight cornitig 'freer California, On- , �f the road during the past week.
tario hamper Bartletts have &Male Messrs. OliffOrd arid Douglas McNeil
from 12s to 14s 6d atid a few half I Thigh Glen, and Art maskell returned on
• barrels averaged 20.ts for Sti. 'lbs.. of Saturday front •a' trip to the Western
Yrittit• tie had no, tkittbt that Bart- Provinces. They eincles the trip by mot-
letts would eolitieue to tria.ke satis- or. , "
factory values.. It ..•Avas stlifficult.--to .allte „regular Meeting of the LP.. St of
forecast prices for Xeifferis but there ttniett church will be held on Friday
,t peeing. Mr. Herb Johnston will have
----ese`e 1 Charge Of -the meetieg. An ,young peso.,
Ittrs."'47John Blair has returned after
13 hating gtent pleasttet to .tveeke" visit
',at the halide 'of her dattithfer. Wt. Wm*
Bad Cold
. • —
aro., ViAt'orloo.
Nam botheied.;,Witli.a vetY btai Cold *loch tulned to
ibreeehitie. Ittied aeveratdifferent kiede of medicine,
but none seemed to help On Until i ,took Dr...Wood's ,
,Norway PineliYtup„ After taking Si* orsciendoses
found'the Phlegm wee btotialit up eaailSettitheut ay
herti•eatighingran&after taking two andia 410i b<11,00
y 0410 was gori,e, 'ati(1 the brom!hitis oompletelyr
..-PiticePtoe pi; bottles largif Amity sigp, apse
'drug And getters' storm; Pax 410 qnlY 111)$0
Flainabace Neosima returned to the •United
\I t
\1 Cr4F( °
it/0///1 PILLS 4f,s
rii1tA1t4 41 A DOER *els 1(t!!0i111
EtAC A'sb u sits
s'aol;i,a1 HeumA dill
.. •
We can -give you - prompt
and satisfactory -service at
a moderate • price in the
following lines of printing:
• *4 *
—Private Cheques
--Dodgers ,
—Factory Fonns
—Society Stationery
—.Blotters •
--Business Cards
—Visiting Cards
—Wedding Stationery
* *
The Star has an up‘to-date
commercial printing plant
ande -are-equipped
out *II classes of -job work.
Prompt service.
* * *•
Deyle, of, Slietteio.' -Mr. 'and Mrs. Doyle
• aressespantectsher 'biome and spent the
weekseed tete.
ltetervt '..rtlelay evening, November ard.
,for the annum oyster supper to "be held
hit the Orange ha, 4t1scers, wider the
'au -spites ei laiteraten L. 0. L. No145.
rellassieg thetenners it -geed 'prevent
will be giVets Zvetstiody iefrideme.
' ittr. j. Jolutateti* oSTertaito, who is
nWtni t the.
eo how 1„bis &sten Mrs;
Peed tulott, was tIten terlOtltlp• 111 hist
Until 1.0.„-dOkilttfitg.J.ils .441: 'Mt run' 'to lay upon you no greater burden 'Christian service. '•
these ttry than ese neces things:, that- t' he- spolat-tm 7thifr -iltseasion
eral was held cm Vueday''.'Rev. J. W.
Herbert; of TIOlmenville, conducting the
service. Interment was madriff-Mait-
land cemetery, outerteh. • •
' Liiiiii..1.411131111, •
Grain prices are advancing!
Why • keep a lot of non -laying
• boarders, Whet% yeti an have your
flock "of hens • culledfree of
charze..by• an expert with years of
experience and hundreds of satis-
fied •customers to bus credit? Ar-
range with your neighbors to have
your flocks culled the same dal,.
(3-904 "MUM paid -for -the- cull
. hens. For particulars pb on 'e
' Dungannon' 64 '
• If You Want
Extra -Fast Relief'
Demand and Get'
lelitgCATISE of a unique process in
•L" manufacture, Aspirin Tablets are
made in tlislillegratt or dissolvo--,-
INVANTLY you take therm Thus '
they 'start to work instantly. Start.
"taking hold" of eyee,a severe heed-
aotiet nettralgia, neutitis or theutoetit•
pain te few minatAraftertekiiig,
And they piovide SAP'S relief -
for ASPIRIN does not bora the
heart. When you buy, though, be on
guard against substitutes. To be
sure you get ASPIRIN'S gtikk retie,
I* sure the nab* Bayer in the term
of:across la on every tablet. olt Aspirin.
ot 'He tie.Aitt
esessemseetee_ tole.
abstain from -meats offered to eloissiNeessma wtts deeply moved, . There
and from blood. and from things were tears in his vocce as. well as his
strangled, and from ,fornication, eyes when he reminded the Board of
-from which if ye keep yourselves-, ye his people's need. •
do well." These iniunctions 0summed Wlien he finished speaking. one
p---the-ionk-discussious__.hah.._betweeu_ eutho. wi
4 eidt • • 1( one thousand dollars towards this
whole Church. Having • stated„.„..the ,
fipdingsthe simple but comprehen-
sive words "Fare ye well" ended the
' Making thbir way back to '''Antioeh
With the deputation Paul and Barna-
as, on -arrwm . • a ere e m
tude together, delivered the report -
which when read caused great rejoic-
ing. MDR WI1S the battle won and ri
the Tittle ship of the church saved!
from being wrecked on the rocks of
-national bigotry..
. A Hero of Japan
One day in 1859, •a sixteen -year
old Japanese boy saw a map of the
American Continent. Up to that
time he had believed that there Was
no country so important as Japan, but
here wasa great lanil much larger,
and far in advance of his native land.
Ile looked at the map with wonder-
ing eyes. find then, as he read of so
many things whi..h were unknown in
his own errantry, such aq free
sehobls, and homes for the poor and
unfortunate, such as hospitalS, his
astonishment grew, and he rerlved
to escape from Japan myl visit
This boy. whose name was NOCSi-
tna. was busily employed nearly
every working hour, but whenever
he had a few moments he spent them
in stud. At first his employer and
his parents were amused al this, but
when they saw . how determined he i
,they sternly. rebuked, him. "You
ate it'asting„ your time." snapped his
master; "yob are only a. stable -boy; 4.
knowledge is not for such as you."
At •thins time. no Japanese was al-• •
lowed to leave his couetry cm pain of ,
death. In spite of this, after many
• exciting adventures, Nessima escaped
to Shanghai, in Chinaand in 1864,
when be was.twenty one years of age,
he sailed for Boston. ,on board the t
American vessel. Wild Rover.
The voyage from Shanghai to Pos-
ton was long and tedioue. Neesima
had been so eager to reachsAmerica
that he offered to work without wages
and he could net speak or read one
Word of Engliale He was given the
• hardeatlitel of drudgery; the sailors ,
ordered him around and abused him.
•••.'„ 411111144 -
- Phone ---71
7 he Goderich Star's
In Canada—Without Premium Till Further
The Star and 1 ondon Free Press Sem()
'Hie Stat. avid The Lyndon Advertiser 600
The Star slid The Toronto°(;1()he 6.0
The Star and Tile Mail and Empire •
The Star and the Toronto Star 700
The Star and' the Farmar's Sun
'The Star and The F.amilv Itecald and- Weekly stir , 4,71,
The Star and Saturday Night 5 00
The Star and The New Outlook 31.56'
The Star and. Canadian, Homes .and Gardens,— -1.00
The Star and May Fair •4.00
The Slilf and The Clitholic.VeOrd
The Star and McLean's Magazne 25
Call at The Star Office or 'Phone 71 for any information.
Goderich Star's Premiurn Jncluded for 50c additional
Speciataul;1;ing Rates with other re'rio-dicals
may be had on application
, . fai*• seseopooielesse-.