HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-10-26, Page 2*
itptLoi 1
1 400 ui
wrests 141/0).
Yeer t ttvanee
cuuige of este 1$ eeT •
atIe14TIONS-0-We fi 0d
our eteleiteribere .Oriefer not
Ir SObeeriPtiOni 'interrePted
to remit before omit*Whtle .
t be
ed in r 'rlev°14914er art.'elketenill* 034 tier...J.
.SobitrIber wishas. the op(
nUned.- ItRIOTTANITZle, should
de bY • reSistered iett0t, Money
0044 Pertble it vat In gOdee
e try Widoet" and Itotei
inpaniete his eit*y appierenee
Witlit* kt441; r't *MU a.tvoitter
ino• matlir thtnk 0111:01.seet the b
.cIng He, .000
404, iet there ,,,elth • the' tornottneio,
"0, ue..104:YOutii.I11"h1 Tsvor but One
tender:Flair splogh tor 'the 'Mie
Of his d ie*n*1
Walter ljefitt;•
-rogavr-0061=4the sse
elitteeepter1ittice calreiree COI1)flflIfl
"Ile Wea the typieal 0001
', • ,
. awahiThofrYl anything uaed
u a *taws Or an ..Ageng.le 4`The'.
Mentality of feith in SnitigloatiOtWee.
liegsTemt: •HEOrci4ti
041ton *WO
oar alselow, screen atirefee vats °Per
ated On the Other day Per oppendlelti
le teMOVed the offending ikp-e
x -ef
The, T'OAVA 00111201 hAS 'PirViAMeters wi
gied a
, farat 10 Velborrie .1...oWnititi-p andn this peridiore -reverted to have- found no
4rne1l...a. hardwoo I:fetish,: capable et pro-
duping- 'ninth desireble firearood," It ts
POO to Pay mut *ling empl4ment
_pile winter for euttIng ;aid sewing tite
weed, and to pay" them ln eetebe fLikee
*bee eny woortriet •is sold ,will be sold
ter cash, '
Apart from the ebjettion which, may ,gea,plaer in l'euento is paid $10 a we
be teken It to - the town entering Into a and bas to "'" tor it '
competitive ,busineee with Wyatt entere -. ,.• A'- MODEST HEROINE,- ,
• prise, We believe. the purchase of this . (Toronto aiolje) ,I.
farm mid wood lot to be "a good stroke • Courego is not (enfiried 'tither to.raee
eet lettelneeeePtincip‘k_ofeie
-iathetethattellethilneethetedir. tete
net With genera for
,s„,,,,TIte „lama. tea •the .totem $1.400, _Xt is
Lo be fineneed . out ot current •account,
with 'easy, payments ejeread. over, a period,
_. and no intexeste Laste„wieiteeee••theeteven
' , ,...
_ oat. It may 1*the'va'afikapalitY
will be moneY ahead, in the long run
and- all. Money involved viill bit kePt at
•..... ... ger that it is a wender pee*. ere not" on
.. their guard. - Everyone -Should tame,
" it is unsafe to start• en' engine in a closeti
' Nforida,y's federal by-elfttions in three building, or even tb work around the ex-
w.itlelYeseParated eethetittieneles, ,when haust pipe of a motor when the engine
three Liberals Were elected, caused no is rinining. ApParently the funtes work
marvels°, unless itis_the 0000 ot ex. IlahlereW and very swiftly.
• judge •stobbs, vitc,se -elects= was Xivor.: --•' • nus weee TALK
,t(tuy Marty 1.25erat politiclenaliini neve- (Pinineiel Peet)
papers close ' to home.' The eesults of a 0 eens in, every
- It - --bye.electioris --Were freely nei-""4-4 - 'ci* tgreat MI" good
pot, gponreietwe ata Lite4.4.4"-wi news- cept what theY-regard as theItleVitehil
IN4Pr.f.., ' it vfAilen the. *tory a J. A, Ay ,of another great le -
Mithsaid in • -Rtsteimicee„;s1 era arerffill of Ivo talk: rTra,eienere IX;
re 'tee e
tiatos41"1104211_ udliaWira.k11i e=2 rttin . frOln Eurotie anneureete; that
9--'4"-Ma-.1°F4., ,feee'W.--efel.lhe-C/611 ' Ore-tbe--vergee-of-einother-
oVer his nearest opponent, 'P.' tir. *Dilbet.l.greAt outbreak
(WoOdeteek ElentineleTtevlew)
IticiZiflZ,a .et0teMent, ti.eerileed to
Lilly Won, that anYir an liVe on
$12,0 * Week), te.C.. 0, if, ,S,Pettker hi_ Or.
toed announces, almoet 1 the, same
breath, that the orgenizetion's steno.
r se*, Recently a Renfrew schoolgirl
• into tkeeeeete. watereeofeekteeee
techere- River and rezoned a drumlin
aid abOut It; which, proVee, again that
heroism . and modesty generally are in
• _tClintogte.N.iw_eeIteeerJj)e_-
daughter from --rnonthtide gas In--th
owe g,aregieon Senday afternoon Is en -
other eremindet of the terribly deadly
nature., of Uwe •Inmes. So'Mane' trage-
dies have been the ,result of carelessness
or thoughtleisnese In regerci to, this dan-
)urWeeklyL essc)n
In English
Veoetritettve #andard beeret was thel Certainly, .frayed nereea. and the nee
mos oitstanditv, tlio itst eleetion
er. rvative, haf 548
.raajority .over his 14bera1 OPPOnent and
AmieNtatArtgt,iiiTtglialted'U screPerke
ettele ttirneverelvhen Apia are tonsidere
• ' diet interest in these bye.eleethant,
----..../amwer, centred .10 Maekenzie 'ithere.
eisekindge Sttliebe Was the C. MT. tandie
date, eteMPeting against. 'ContereatiVe,.
LU/Oral and a man repreienting the Unite
ed !rant PartY. vtlilfh. is Communist In-
• pineiple;
1,60e majority over Stubbs. • In Yamaskie
Quebele .the result wee very olose,"Bou-,
atm. 1.4tioral, having -hut 41
ity over Paul tonatois, his Coeservitive
ay -later, -1,11-1$30 the- Liberal ,citridiaa
zd a* inejerite- or one ,arat Monday's
vothig_thil.tarne mar: with the taro op-
penent, itereased ,this meierity to ttf
. onee, The Liberel candidate had the fell
texeceofethe Taeoperettit reathitielieldnev
_ him and, it,WOUld have been rentarkable
Indeed • bad itte Certeereative Won
stet; In ell theta eldinge; lOiever, the
t"' who ia. mairixig deregetOry- see
'Merits in The eflgteel about Oue Townkt surely he cannot be on 100 per
COO, .004erkhitee.et ,he Weuld not *Write.
in that. manner bfeetir. thieetebeloved .044
honored 0, T. C, ror, over .titor yea
rstnis gloor.n44. to14 when''
to get up
in the morning, whon to go to school to
.ohtiroh, who to go, to work' anti when
to quit,, and it 'hes • 'Weyer fooled the once
Now that I am getting old and can no
longer zee ,the time 0/1 my 'watch, XS
can hear' t4e, put Teem Clock tolling Or
the hours, and 1 hope to hear it title*
the when. ; depart, to the other,
This "Tempus Peet" cannot be long
eut, the bush, 'WsZt414), *no* who
_ _
'Peteetive Atiotrey Was th 'town for a
Weck on bualnes
eonnected wltbdepartment.
Charleseflea Aquftb. of Auburfl, hu bee
engaged are
nearBerrle, at a year
The Organ CO. has been shipping or.
gins allepstetti 4, the 'POnlinien, the
staff ev,oekinie• until 9.30 on fear nights
eeeli..w • grew, one weighing:00r pountle,, and, this
:Year 1144. trained a Renetle-prIze
, with one of $0 wands. When. it conies
The Huron Reuse, long and. stieoesi4' erewhig squashes, Cloclerich ,cartoleat
,141.1,Y conducted by siewarts, bask the world.
been sold to Ellike_liros.,_of_tterlin and
far the „celebrated
. ,
41.. guaranteed hat
e Suits t Ill $1475 u
ald-negiorIng mcifie in our, own sho
rare Of Mr. John Njvins.
back as Mr. We *OW, chain,
the Chicago World's Wire
Velighhig'0Vere IWO pounds,, 144 year be,
A eiorec-queettity. 4:4 baled .-hay wee
brought irrfeom Ocelerich townshiP
lvtoriday' for ENpment .by boat to Port
, • , ,
At the' Harbee--The lishheg tO2 n-;
arrived heatte_ori...WedneedeY' 'from the
-nie -A•e' Clark: ..(Capte eNthenthe-1000nald)
, on Pueic•st, being the first vessel of the nehe
' in fleet to Teteeh• 00e1erich,
Westmomie, loeded , with wheat, 'elre,Wing
Id eeet, 0 Inehese grounded in, -Port. Cole
..leee, %arbor on account of' low water. .
e *-Greyeemnent :Steamy_ Petro: seized
beret over, -gra emashed about a •dozen- „Qedereeh Lumber. Co:has constructell the
penoris of lisle off Pelee Isiend. '. Tile
. 00 PoiMde Amerleim gill netS, with Lead
long- before -4a -T.ovvri Clock _vase
_. Words, Oeien Misused . nobly.' It teaeheS ehildren to be prompt ' • -, lc * ' • : -- Stokes Bay. . . . The steamer -.1elyles
and I think it has eerved the public , • --'e• • . * - - feame .of se taw mill to be shipped to
'le ' • t
Deenetweeteee Wyeeeegee ero ielleve-oftereeimeLe_Vill see a ehild rule for . November has 'Aartedwith real nee :took On 300 barrels of apples. from Beek
s, week
doze"—ei-i-lt ehm.104,herteitestelteleeeeet—I-d-enei_ Jnireeeetimee-weetther. ' The weather is 0,0 mild ilea and Goldthorpe, forFort 'William.
streetsein summer dresses. Fir.STS' ''''' • • ----'''''''”"
owns ''the darn thing, also says Its 'see 4e --
is dirty, but still rannet eee it tor
trees. He hatietever been lire eity where
eety deckle are 'flOt Soon but, heard. New
I have been' in 'dile town all, my life,
- The- Orly serious „Hallowe'en affair was
on, A/beet street where -jokers-- threweleig
drain pipes int,o peopie's 'gardens, placed
•.thanyt on the sidewalk foe people to trip
„„letteeleemetetA6a— rine= the 7.ereeee--;
Persian Balm- Is irresistibly appealing
Cn..4".CIV6,EiegVareeisettlefueeelele to cril -nrM'rppre.r‘faiiine• an
elegance. Its use -keeps the onipleeithe
Atellegeteptinded, ene of seine owe -Elia
Say, "The Rio: Grande." Rib means to g° °r -S -°10141452114404144":44S -Pe -
Aver.. _ ___ _ e: _ . • "Tempus regit" has nothing; to take up
Do net say, "The landiterd\-raised. my histime,11nm-but t°1-tlie-4°13°°1-baYe`Waluss
ren. inercased MY ane:evreorkingeinan it 'wile elwameh
rent" -ie 'Preferable. his standby e for ime. vie men, how -
Do not say, .1 do tot eiro the come. ever, • don't •Seent to care about time.
•try where they, live." Say; -"the comaeTlicy only make ' enieehief. Now , if
try-in...whieleetheerZeweee , • _e_e_ "Taunus .FugiVehat not 'get a, time 'Piece
rlo h°t saY; ''ThailltS,1"—Willieehot- KeihP,--wije•Vel'er,114WaTWttar.t.heeoritt
• eorriet, &reel* low, is .preeerabie„ watehe and he paight give lilm one with
eyou dare tot go,IP : . _ • *eines "city broke" and le Ole to see
, •it Town Creek *latent looking- at it.
Sae' Jose- -(calitornia). Pronounee san • TOWN cLocie LOVER,
• Words Often Mispronounced
heasaietirst a ete Amok o aa in -no, , - • • -
Varieose. PrenoUvee var -1-kos,, a as 14. e.(7amndm'I'tfanrs°.t•ilD'ete.ratisc"ref$P°40Ssas-Iltil:rinte) spent
* as ' in say, accent last syllable.
in at 1 as in it, a as in Mixt (not as in the Week -end in Windsor.
nose), accent firet sylleble. • Mee. j. E. SPoiran .of Goderich, was
Alloy. Accent last syllable, not the a visitoe last week at. the, home of Mr.
and leire: Win. 'Faller.
Housing. Pronounce the s as z. Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Neftel and Mr. and
i eNtount Rainey. Pronounce ra-nee, a eere. A.- Rougvie attended the. funeral of
list in .ray, e• as in her, accent. last lyiee the late Miss .1..ewis in Goderich on SVIone
lablee—WebeteLe '' . _day.. • • . -
, . - , . e . .. •
' jovial,. Pronoutee jo-Vieal, oeas-ineno, Thieeregularemegting of Abe _Z.ePe 454
. . ,
I as in It it4instremed, three yellables, will be. held he' tile eherell *it Friday
and not lov-yetf. ' ' ' - . teeilIng, All young PeOPle are `oordiguy
, We • n/4 Often Misspelled invited. - • • ' •
DtS net say, 'Toll daren't go." say, .a clean face' until such as he be:
Itt-iilitto; one ,two tee ChatMel; two se
wiA.,. be held -at Union -Vire. -any new Mere-
, . . .
Wt. vicinity; three et. - Prosint.4,-, .Pr(i- bere Withing ;to unite with the Conigregto
flounced roz.in, ,Tingeink.'vne tion. ' '-'s , ' . • -
e after . the g. Coarse (not• ,loe), 'Nett tunday ' feiv. -A. E. Brehinere.ef
'tourse.(a _path Or traek),.• reeeeetieid; willepreakh a- Union. - ItiV:
Fe We -Craik 'is- taking: anniversary ter-
Synefiyetis ` vices ee BeeeezeltieeSundey" eehool, at
40indeet.34.• 040.feele,M,
. The. .seetnel ennuat-Va".1 an oys er
supper Of Goderie,h Township' Rifle Asso-
elation, held, in Oddfellews wae a•
greeeet_siieees4 * relpfain_Laithevalte and
.tlieegezieralectmraitteeeareetoebeeeopgr '
fa -tiled: • • •
-* * "
. •
On Wednesday morning cone••of Chas.
O. -Lee's delivery horses . took a nm
around. the Squar... several times. •• The
animal was ;pulled up several tlines and
tInal1,stopped without damage to driver
-Or veiftle
0 e 0 0
John Sowerby, Ooderich .tewnship, has
purchased a Berkshire hog ,from Snow-
den Bros. of Manley township. This
beg • has .won red' ticket at nu2nerous
fairs and mr. sewerby 'can' fairly claim
to hive the beet hog in the toeviaship.
. • \* ?At _ *
Mesers.`J'ohne'teellteand ••Ceettiald Carer
haVe .returped from their hinitingtelp_up
'north,. each bringing back a moose.. -The
heads' of the animals were -lefte-with-ti
Toronto texi.deemist, the hides are at the
etatniery-andetheetlesheithe been enjoyed -
by -many of our"eitItens.
* *
• wayseeleareseee Jeeelieffel Terticel -tee
feCt. • Stimulates the skin ona makes it
Wenderfully seft-teetured; • Softens and,
whitens the - hande. Persian Bailie Is
eetTanaluable-tryinerc,-as an excellent
Splendid_ also to, protebt the tender ekin
of :the ehild.
• '; -
• . .
While young •ellotner ,„ was ba
the baby, .4 nelgbhorte ,girlcame In
and watched the process.. The Child Waa
holdi,lig 0 'doll minute an ern and, leg and„
theteb knOcked, about generally.
,!How long have you had, your babyee'
she asked the mother.
"Three mantles."
"Adty. but you'veirgpt here nicer bv.
claimed the -little erl•
Mrs. D, Carlson, tillesve, Man.; writes,•, ---"Six
,Years ago I was very bad with my nerves and became /
sickly and run down. A friend told me about Mite,/
burn's H. & N. Pills, so / decided to use them. After
taking one l2oxi felt some benefit, so tontinue,d -••
• until„I had taken five boxes, and 1 can truthfully say '
1 never felt as good as I do now. I sleep welle my
- appetite is good; .1 put, on _flesh; githe the tired,_
-evoin-out feeling:"
For sale at ail drug and general stores; put up only by -
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. •
tionii jealousy existirgein-the Werld to. DO NOT LET ONE OR TWO WEAK'
ongeit-eke-record. Play -commenced in :--;J-TL111ES MAR_YOUR_ENJOYAIENT
Aka and lasted. until November 4th. A ,
knorzie mentees rhik skipped by James, Yates, and ,c.,01n.
ther outbrea-tifit le Im-
pertant to ,.realize that the promise of
another War- is a definite Pert Of the PO,
The went 'people the world over to talfltki( )/c°1•1se', in4tificskticiri, :1"m4-111"114
The etattor Reif, VI...Crane ocetroied
about ever, for It lies the effect of creat-
ing' a war -like psyelielogy. It enough
Ple are tenyineed that ear Is hievit.
010;1 en it is ts-eilrePle. matt
`N4m underway. reoPie'haVe 'teethe to ex-
pect it and are not surp4,sed when it
breaks out. $12nilaS Methatia were ufed
10 fithunitiril the Great Wet. :
One Of tile beet 1normcd ot. the tor- 1 ,Weed Study •,--."„
eign eervices KM that most o war 'Use a word three times and it is
toe, nnsound. Per instance, the yours." Let us Increase eur vocabulary
?math are making a, great noise over the by mastering one word each day. Words
G erman rectret-PU1115.t° 4)4°4* thr°ugll-i-for. this lesson;
Switzerlend. Instead- of Belgium, 10 order' vserERATeo!1•; tile highest. degree Of
to strike iriltnediatelY at LY9na' and .t.he ropect and reverence. "We find a sec-
arnitMenLanaindattliter2C4OrdrefLixLIPPAL.:retr..440-0,nd,,:venetatiini;doe. One• -•;se
Valley, But thi French outcryeA =Yves ateeUtens in u •regitiar and Mo. ...Dowt., „fa:0
Is largeW- "ariflunerit-ferelinereaserl triete ._eoetese Of 'Virtue—Addison-, eee, bitn- •'./elemteirtbere.-: -
*MeV' lands -t0 'extend fortiatIation vOrk. AselETIC;--exiremely self -de -t %cation -114S had his wind- straight into the Von • dram -which at
and Jebel' wynn defeated a rink.
Scorn (verb), abhor, detest, despise, the pulpit Union church en Sunday Ball
J. n. Tigert and John Galt, 20 to 19.
• -the subfect "Steps Leading to a Sue -
composed of William Lane, J. L. Grant,
Horizontal, level,. even, flat, • ,preac_hing an • impressive sermon froM
tedicms' t4esmrie' 'weariscmle' ificsmhel cessful Chran Character." '
Lot (Is 'rest
A-soeial evening will.§a Oti Saturday coaPoil went up from. 20 -1toitir 11
BflOugh, ainpleradequate. sufficient. ' . teetiech ek. tie eseeeeet Sehool on Hal. ,
to. 2,5 cents,. and on Monday enilk was•
; ..
, Apperidageieedditiore-- adjunet. -adrien.. Ketteen; October e.let. Everyone ,is very. raised from 6 to 0 cents a quart, and In
duni. atecesery, at*Pendix: - cordially invited: • A splendid program
tn;fif neither case ' did .thoxeity call for aneede
will 1* presented with contests' l'hfre" vance. coal oil 18%,,in the'• hands of a
refreslimentkiell_le. served. -gianti-menopoly ;put any -price_ tan be
charged. The milk men are apparently
taking a leaf. out of She oil men% books,
Mr. Walter..Pettman ia,laid pp • ,with although the grass is stili.green and wet-
* et
We are glad te report that Herb .Early Monday morthng as..a-..boy..was.
47lehee,-. 1 g otter,
the foWl supper in the &lying some tows , along Albert street,
one belonging to IN/r,,Atfeltineori _Walked
nett. end devetiOns..;."Oenites always inill,reinevedietind yitt 'halting totio India-, that aPot was abolit five feet deeP. It
Siteer ineKertee On, 'Peace on the Cate
GOVerriment was fiehtIng at a disadviiiz-
EDITOR.Lfteta, -NOTESe •
rsttuiow f 'thosegOn
d tIhbS,H ot
o t1 lien. Ititan utOEM ho
tillike.set.• hint ier*s--1110.-ttebt,,e-t %be
itottee. There mmt, be of
ceded electori lit the; ridlegot Mae-
knIe,tzoint, • -
ith apparently bore *the brunt,*
Saturday* rtighti 'teiterte etorite Sonia
int the only Other .p4ree On Lake U-
report -Th'e teverity of the pie *
etticeted an the her& wrought,10 towti
and totnitrY. treb .Nere tiPreeted'
aridethe rmat% btlitertth tew,nshiPon
iffutidai alto '81,0"4 with broken Umbe
Ohtton ;end ,OktAtertu. a10 1'4 in tor.
renti4 itt It 44in Wdettelt,bit Wen
The ogbut.tot t mob et lit3 velotity,
,gy :to 1,4 Alele.
W$se w*elnitted itt 1
keY 'CANtny.tb
tottst at 11,14 Viet)rla 'Opera
Von*. It Is tett hum le ophiltinthat
Mex Is the bisti; I .oAltig Of the fire ten
t1I 1W4 as mod hi the sfllsi
• war but on the other hand oiaitta12t EtztanKryr7.:,..arriest ' petition;- "Ile
re-iteratian of the feet that the wOrl4 „veiled -net listen, to her entreatieee!
on tho- ,g4to of war *lit ii0546 Sac . Kiteems•Mee_pesitleenets In lupe.-
'And distru aation lii.eMatters Of oPhilan. "The sells
jg.pe, wholesome,
and economical table
yrup. Children love
its delicious flivoi.
*Quite a 'nurribete trona here attended, hinder ones reeled on the edge of the
the fowlestiPpereeit....esuleurneon lefondayl.dram the other one haughik loose, not •
..• • • reaehing -the-bottom. The four men
There Were no services in the hill last working there soenetame :to the rescue,
'Sunday, it being arini,versary-i-ereitee tit! fifl'-dffi the 'drain in front of the eoW
. .
Auburn. • „„.. • and then tut, away'where the 'animal was
Mr. and Mrs. .Afitireve Love, of *masa% I 'Wedged and bossy .was Soon on the read
were isitors e'Ve-tine
Mrs, A. WA:Vete* on Sundae'.
- Ur, Harold, Waiters hod..the nilsfor-
tee...be, kicked by one of. the horses
whlie plowing. injury will JEW hint
up for *tete tantel-
mire.,, O. Olen end' Reg: have returned
hoine after it• pleaSairt Vitit. With friends
OW -Pelee leland. They made the trip by
Motor., • , •
We are Stil1t i. report that Vie, ton,
fell a few days 'ago* and -breke' some
lelbS,Ibutirseuialtieee re. gond recovery. Her
rdaughte#,,, Mrs. H. Rill and Mee. Doak,
of Ooderith, are with their mother. '
'* „
Squashes -The Toronto World ree. • .
.poriet that A. Schmidt, of Carrick town-
"shiP,--Poutity:---;(5f-literee,..- grew a *teeth'
ireighirii lee Pounds. Oh Pshaver is thittr
au he etiUld ,dteeL.Without going so far
TORONTO,- Saturday,
Wren us4a1. loaf 24 6014enHeAl:11:ohltArt :"Choltig'CoOd
Isckets good in coavhes beta* Nee UlteliAlr •
only. No; baggage etteAtd.,. tiOttittltatv Termite; Sot, Nov, dtli.
' Also On. We Mtn* date to:folloWitig stations, and
all internKedlate. Pointa.:
GAPA'VA1;41.,,gNAPA"..IAlm.1 " ONittN $013Np 11141tA,
1tAWA: _ . ItiNGSTIVr WitiiItTON Ot.181.4Plf *
)34);(7101 . VISTOWEI4 -
Tiejtets to Ifounitten finitered either. ttioiet line rT,'iontO.
Fares 430e higher than to Toronto.
CEMI01‘,I nexasik wits, nit itoNourn.,
ktiti *did to tetutlie leaving
At OV. 4-.404 .11tMag inotiono up, toand itovina-
kkfts not rood on Trittio it in Son,. Nov. Titken not
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A Aitleat,„ OralletieltA' Ploette N..,
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, Tell* 'Sale, ;Sir** 'Wee 10 VOA
- Relieve At Iteitie
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•ric,IS or heed neiSee eatieedbY Writ& or
phiegn-iedrepein lot* threatand has
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You, Will, be gled to kneW ono, the dit-
treming witigtono rosy be entirelY.over-
tentleha Iretteneet by the followhig
treatment 'which yM tan easily prepare
your, at *One, ot, "two eott. &One
XrOthlot druntst 1. 'outlet of Permint
titrength)., Valet that beret at
n 'pint „of hot, water and
t • 01CMIliteitt **Ort ttir nottl dts.
tow& TAO Met tablespoonful our
tftti *' A* -:inettreetelent m eterte-
-a noted afeet the litte ,tiokrs Omit.
molt treothing betette ,teet,
le the diaitrestarie heed Wises. heed.
det Antifilaa. ektidy
graduelly 014000 ,ncI 5e
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he the liteet Of 11W thro..t re
pteMilt *Vett *Meet tl*
etterlid awl whieh, May often
titteeeletat tteetaien
thet, edinsta* Per tent
alt ear tro1e* *ttatieed by tater&
and th* ?aOre, be *110Y POO-
*lee treatetetit
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Every Connor Washer is 'Made by 'CrAnstiian labor, of
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