The Goderich Star, 1933-10-19, Page 6• N.,11•44,04,1,1 , eirty tii404; gr god *Wee, • or hi*. v rt, Iearn of the great, 9 ot thebi0414.4); po1n1ng to rtUriiiitor outg:Otni. iii the future. IT there were *UP iitl.eYettee, held *by. eit,t.„. iota,flii Eiteo1leneY1.ea,04..itf',Was /tie dety :Inettire.. Antethe*, but tie euId fier foceluilie.-*AntetteteleitlitIlleoce.rettitlithflat' Idote •of Ue 1d he, ho . . -,„Cettedierts were /set prapere4 to andenoeile. 'lintidtetV year of coustitik., it° lel preerea • ralvgit. wn$ in Otthearyt. Of 104 • tblitot•Ord- ""'"1 '4" . gi)rieta . • • • • tae of freer commicrekal Artter-Oure' ntey[theo tioverttor-OetteritiOef t an*° • ' , While teeio% reeson depArt' a, lotired Weetern. Ontario. autt 'oO •d frem. the prineiples of free tra e, n the '...010 world, *Welt in the pest he had sup- POr.ted, he warned M heitrera aaInst the idea that treetrads was 0 Paneeee: the delveraioh in agri- cultural Englend 0,towed ,that thie 'was not the ease. Ile then 'explained to the, ladies present the aboenee, °of Lady start., 'ley, -- 111001:CoaI carryVe of coat, An proniOt .delive.rys; The ontWo..haie j proving ItoildelO jtuAllarlr Ptlis: Me X1;0.011101 Me to„Ooterich. 1k1* 14 leed not tile odventaeeS 'gild temferta of todaY is Phasized le •th*. oceount a . the .vielt v•Itth APP410-14 The StOr Of thet do. ...much or the pleatore and hotel% to be deriVed 'fresh .thete meetings with tier Maiesty'e rePreeentative and the people. 1$,X41,4 -14" -III. ef.i.ilesieveoleoeeA loadego, tn-I-4.4einteloO. -It= wato--roordett."----"TiM° welcome given ',Lord. Stanley was a -wave one. even though:Ohe eother Ives un- useelly cold." : .6 I • The emeinittee ki,7...,r. citiZeP3 aPPOintefT to e9 -Operate with, the Mayor and. reeves Was as folloWs« 41, T„ °Arrow, Ottidge, Po*, W, Mitthell, M. Iluteldeint, P. Jor.1 cono„otOden. W., lee....lt Icldd,„ Chaa geaget, CaptMeGregor, Jobn T, Dick. son, Sheriff OWbons, Henry Spence, D. C,, Streehau..I.L.4„oektireod, Mee. Sethi* ..A„.- Straltono-Oolotheitilio.-Dr. „. es‘icAolt,00pArtoeeoototooOslit... h toles) eleric„TheasI eretarY 9r7.fre' . A bek dsehte atchoof -Iferrels and ever- - - - --..greetrosvotto-ereetecio-oppesite-theoetatio , 'embellished oefith ilags and ApPlopriate Mottos of 'weii6nte tied °loyalty,' 'rho vite-ee.gel_ party otriVeci at 10 pen. on . ...., riaturday andlit nday His Excelleecy 7'---7----,'--40444Witithf-lti.s.,4,-44444seorte4,-4* '-oalayorottutlero-atterote&-divine-eerviettoat ' 'St., Oieree!s thumb, ' - . , • • o,, , - Tile reception on efoeday was held in theocourt toc.tn• 'or the Court House, up- ProttriatelY deeetateti, for the *tension, %Ile Towe. Council drove to the station, end oafter oformal ' .Introtinetion PfOrtett MO t,v,t110110 to tlie Cottrt foom,, whioh as Ailed by a represeetetive audience, a letee nuelber 'or ladies being present deepitethe neve stortrt whieli raged MI day. •. bird Stanley% Iteoly 'Lcrd StattleY% tePiY to the* address of 3,1e,yor "John Sutler wos a combination or. IF YOUR EARS RING: WITH --mu) NOISES - u hove' rearlog, 'buzzing 'noises. -in yOut ears, aro getting mud ortaifig indreat-Catarrhal Deane**, "go to yeut •dtuggist.and get 4, -ounce a Varmint, deleble etrength).. atm add to it l pint of water tute 1itt1e-granniated- 840. Take' 1. tal?lelepOnfill our time iltdck relief front .the 'distressing head -noises, -lbinied.'-noitrila. 'Should' - Oen, reeilling'betoute ells* and the mucus *top OroPPing Into the roat„ '4ft is eets3r prepare,. ens little and IX pleasant .sto . take. Atiyorte 'whoohas Votterital 'trouble - et the ears, is ,hard et heating or • has head noises should give thie*, .resorigion-trAtialz . -T Oeorge's thumb is preparing a 're- flet•bale for otiedy ruirerers in the Vest, It is t he Made ul/�r Provielone, 914th - n -and Ooesehold needs of afl kinds. • A., Lawrence was „one to take a dip in the lake. „on %indite morning; atiO v7ith tha t,eitiMitr, e"-Werrng 'hear' 70 aPradwitP*14%**0010 ,i1419#10retr-' reports conditions just to 1s liking, -Mr. Bernard A. Munn, the new organ.: tr-Etts.Wocorges-clutrehl-yotith---clife- and fatnilY,' have takei up residenee the: house at the -eorOer -of st. 'Patrick and Waterloo streets, formerly oceupied by Mr. Butler, The-naktieT-OrtiVirtfoilerien Obys,71Lis... lie ft, ey winners In the"4o•oettp, Eook contest" oenduct,ed by the Ofititolvot toglarid Canada, The list is published, in the current issee. of 11.11e Living Message," thurch publication, A prize was won by ileart hoboreble-bietitiell gifeti to Harold, ° both members al the. Church Boys" League. , IN POLICE COVItT , When they *appeared in police court tted, Friday on charges of theft, Norval Precious and Charles Kent were remand- ed for one v.eek, coving to the Absence from town of their counsel, Frank Don- nelly. Tlie_pairowere recently aentexited . at Welkesleo cei eherges Of breaking and entering; Preelous- to three years.at Ports- -mouth-- and Reht-4.4-two years -less -a- claY ' Ln the reformatoty; Although salt 'is the Imost plentiful' oontroodity in Ciociericio Charles -Sell, accusedof the theft of g -bag--oHt--frout * local-plant;-wasiead stern lecture and told- he must secure future supplies in the regular way, Sen- tence was deferred for six months. !flack Col fllowers, litnnidifiers, Futnace,, and Stovi ayestrough nt and lumbing. ompt Service libone 4Th *EATS 131,"4„ rK Os 144. 310 • COLBOAINA Vtr, and lefts. Andrew Love, or II -email, visited" with. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Me. Pbee On. Monday. ;dr*: Williawripk. or Oocietieh, spent , the week -end Witii her mblher, Mts, berto•Been„-ter. Mr. And Mrs, William Watton took in the, ploughing motel* at Owen Sound eee slay lest. week., Mrs, Walter Pettenan two, tion Harvey' event the weekend with friends at -Owen Sound-andoWlarten. , Ur. end Mrs. Arthur P'mfl1pe 01 Tor- onto,- sped, the Week -end -With -Mr. and Mrs. Edward ,Maskell, Mr. and- ItIre. Arthur OWic, of °ode. dolt; Called at the home et -10. and Mrs. John.-.Treble•onoStondsty. . Master Prank Veneer, af Goded.412; Spent .the week-eria_withilig Cousiu*._ ter charlie Wats0.3, Mos, teottardiXen,t 'end daughter jottn ett1311-Ittle's.47.10-1! weirs -Tit -for a ter weeke, Mr iind Mrs. Williant lteltnight and atto eldidrert, a Nile, itud Uri., Isaac Snell 01 Myth, .wont:lintiday witiT,ttr. Urrs:-Uri v ...00tedy orrilso.ivaltueogr.: wio,*X4, with* .4140r -thee iegeorn,r,..00banzirtx:tleols:ttovlbiltvtogvai ,,Gtot6:01.064:11:1);. o the tette,. • Tbe harne and beitUtio Of •, the eltatehtine ot Olean- 00- iie--beefA-li11441y,--anuptuito, ed upoe,.. 'Seine or her intore4tocure A a little about her, greciO0 Petoonelitf; itia$* be found in the following article' Puhlialiett, not log 1.7011 'a great deal As known Itobeite de Neuflhte, Countess of BessOorOugh,: as she Is of a 'very rVtirlflf( nature, but ire•, terest, in her IS great, 'OrtetlY as she is 'the nest FrenoltWontao to be mistress of ;Rideau Hall, but particularly as she Is much -adthired by the women ofCeneda, .w110'1300 Itead'the,pritrilege• of seeing -her, for her graelotisnes,s and beauty. Thou- zands throughout the .Donthoiolt who have. not seen, her are anxious to kilo* more or the story or one who Stands in the highest fposition of any *Mon In the Dominion of Canedflo----o-• „ .Her birthplace was say.Sons, Mont- moreneY; 'near Paris. and -she Is a de- scendent of the family of Poupart of the Pe do .V.rance. At the date of the revo- C"atiort-Or the ediet of Nantes; - toifte'oof this Protestant rantilY. went to England, so Lady 33essboroUgb has a bond - with Canada ormany years standing. The' part Of the family reiiiairthg there, starting a • teatlie factory in the reign Of „Louis XV„ who .knighted, the ileatt'of the family -1n recognition o! T.he magnificentmagnificent,ffee'peA7 'Charlie.: 4 -lake he visited. in the Canada; 'so enthralled Lord Gatineau Valley he admitted was, Macmillan chairman of the Royal More nutpificent than Loch LP, COmMisSIOri. .011, banking; that monk *bile his descriptionaf Seetemao though he be, he eoh. Lake Leohle: was that it Beented fessed, Just '.Potol°-to sailing fcir to him *Meet a 010410 vision. England on the Empresa of Brit- The -Butehard Garclotaa'inNittoria, atn, thato*-4Warted„the 'scenery he -gaserted, to be the'mOst bee:Ott- er' ..Scotland, and":' ilia the only fulAgght-giat the eye could fest, thing needist:Viae-fOr some author! '00;7- In fact througheut the whele;:- to 1)lend it with,:grffit_ntoetiel. ••.; Or the Dorn, tnion-the eminent Privy tory ° Of CahatiltY as, Sir '"Walter councillor found • beauty every. -Seott,lutd--bleudeft the scenery of Where he Went, and declared that o Scotland with theromantic' his- he Would carry • back with-blict .tory of the land of Donnie 'Prince neestoOrieg that he 'would cherish. popularry land we are getting a' 0 it'll:1er 01 repeat - orders' kir sitrii, a, twxin 7 0:41 rh ,:e.oraeCatoratd-toqIcs-.1,r 'i SIZH or ,1710ing, Heating, Tinintithing„ gooes. troughing and Roofing, we give ProraP! ,,- . service and all work is fully guaranteed. — tle some good values iii,Second.hartel Cook Stoves. I ces o g , He "took the title ol Saxer* de Neuniee. • te 24euilite .Family Br - the- late-tifin ers-de-Nealliaeo-owas,lao•Parlsoh* an cloogent-ofothe - Sento- -Of -Prance. H was a great lover of horses and Wa4,niati- , tar of hounds in tilt- forest of Ernienon- ville, Where his only daughter: Roberte, spent Much time with him folidwinglier favorite hobby of riding to 13..ourids. -Bar- on de Neuflize was a well-knoWn judge of horses and Was vice-prsiident of the Concours Hippieue, held ..oe.ch year- in Paris. • • Iterate Review Rerninde Public of ' Whin, y A. ctivi, tie* of t the Chapter "host attractive' gift anicincidentally help' to swell those shrinking funds. A 'Yule- tide bridge At tt.-1,eeat:,-botel dId likevOse. DurIng the tyMter,,in addition to the --42,uroi-opreviouslY---nientlortecir-ot.te (By the Pros Secretary) chapter proideed scribblers In the; An ./. O. D. 2.*Oltapteioin A small .town scbOOls. for children whose pareirti were: has about it a, permanence. a simplicity, orO relief or otherwise unable. to 'Squeeze a toomeness of impose; • the members ..ohu4thesatritarriarainnhilCIZy, PexrUazones ittotronsthine grow up and Might, say grow' Old, it and; "With it. Our- very attivities become each of thrsclello31s- also --serre-d to en. yenerable institotioos. Who, for In - 'tante, in quest of bargains, would' mita otir seed -annual futhmage sale *Well al- • ways :nets -good -profit lot no expenditure gave. that, of time-ohd effort on the part of the .rounding up, oileeting, arol-'-selrhier It is amazing the ideorengeoef--gtoottentsoitritt• artieleS courage yoUngipanada.. ratio -sized lib- rary. was started on its way to anolsoiat-. ed sehool.tiOUse in Northern Alberta, from where the • teacher wrote tie- the' the children coine from miles around attd` inutt apply -,their- otor.- resourcefulness in the fielci•ortamtisement„ even to, eontott Itera-lialibititoutoot a small rook, ruminage sale willproduce; frorn, turi. of twine,',e,ntt flannel to over it all. We .brellat ilutthave otee been noble, and remedied' thili,bY Anditig some .sporting esi 'om-oWexo7.-1E3511ilem. dms and hats or' aocient, .vintage-ttat f'opened in the epring. Sneak the itokest Omer. Men's IDuriU0, the stminier inoilths the Cha eest.orre and babiee things --are always ter teitlittedos tetlar fiepe- Chest which etapies. Out, :regular paCrans are con*. was raffled it the Gypsy parniVal in Aug. stitotly. in attetidsince -Mid • We neNt ac- ust,• ' 04)01rnedated At100054iVe 04014101U And ..ece of the Maple Lest Chap-, _theirOrrepeing In • emptyoboxett behind :ter, one, of -the oldest 'n the .Province,, the CoUoter, dereartoo many 0! the, contintle. teith- Outo,autt jetzt hands Mrs, -*inn; Vlititing With her niide. thifaren who are our Matta, ' 'the "Olinilitres* 'We Ise Charlotte Good,-° whith the Chapter during the daughters, their noble work. "for the "Mt. and Mt*, Harrold Walter. of thriMo chool tete**. Period, have merle *their •Welilite of our Order and for the ties' to, pent the weeloomd Xn, the vlllage., Art44_100000 Irt *>.lie_lite. froin . a glifeh 'bind ut. together' ,within our Ern - Mr. Will Tong .SPent the Week -end In elothee-basket OW Our turentage sele. Toronto, hiterviewlere the *400 Pent- In 'ettreember --m-soymember*attend inissott,, . the hoprekalie 0031• -air SerVite In Court . Worm Powders are complete, A' 'bop, number ,pffriftitt attended the notite Peek When the totes 'of the ,bogie 1n therneehtet. They not only drive antral of Ws. ehOtathith 10lete :et:feeding "Teloe"" and the '1.41et Poat"*.rflie "018 '044 the system, bus repalr the rkh on, Friday.. away in the Wei* November let *A they dentate that Worms eiteste and InOig.„ eVoltroehewoof Nile. 00uot4 once thed away. Oro,' ScaeretiOiattle.fieldi orate 'the constitOtiort that it speedily re,. nililer PUIPit on Sunday ; In the aboottee Iiitteket-er- a 'well.leept.vark'.°, A Wreath .CoverrOM the disOrtit0 of the-Itittelit. dome. t000loo ot-ooioaroibio .l000d on toito. #tomoiritto„ tion that are the result Of the , work of A carload of apples, St*etablet; and by. Obri.....ret.e.0these paratOtio lotrudere. They 46 tbeir. clothing, le 'being loaded On *W'snridiy 41..e4 we forget„,,,,,...„4 • Work thoroughly and strength tuid sound - for the needy In the Week , • 'December with' many toile to hep lieea follow their -dive; - - -The young people r -of Beneilliet will those _lest fortunate, eta the Chapter . Vtetent their soy; ,titngerin at funds ° dwiedling..theeeofunds that are tincletteeedon rondo, ootobet 23rd.. SO tuttft to raise *not Stolltagic*Ily shrink mp e u es or Afiniveriroy *evict* will be held in away. We Of,. tato lakeperttown. whe Setimiller thinth th 801140, October 'eee the ship% cotne 'into dockin their icy ; 111 220, ;.ttev, Dungan- shrouds, and have lot many 01 one nolo- Will he the Speaker. Sep4tes morn4. townspeople -throng-iv the treachery of voankatier,;044 4)f -irtg' and evening. ; • Wind *04 vete, tontributenow to .Cart* sos- eo.osilid *glows foe .11 fAdii* Nay because io 0 stay .rther, .joemet is totte, mint 0411101 hattIO are Ineeribed on thattnolatunerit :Itt *COMA Uoitte Perk, the '0 .1 • intieleetOo.o.Albert, leitesteirt*o. iota -branch 'of . the :cianadten Legmon re- telves • donation. 'Wan* we are leteteettel, in 'Cititeda's tieing 'gertetittieri„.' Obrietrotts time toile Mend: we titte the year's copies of tflct XAire,.. arta )11tgestine". E- bcund ,ter the eltildreree Veen widththe ve tbepter. eksitiored in' tlit .)&41 The store.telling,librarlan end -the mat* ten tit the Cunt" Siten0"• are not for. When "Ste M*ke• but our Alett UM!' 46 VC /Ott tedt the W 'riit borpittd, tit tor r. 6,suffet`for 'btitirtrf* The 1.. iiittnitis and Otiieral lifoultil **telt** OUritt *14 o'rrr* to Weaken no the ontflo **IA 1ast ear oath. latelikfast •traY hM ts VON The ttwit teflftorecuittes ratelfed In the testis* teletert 116: theta** c * Atty. doh. bill Ifit'ittioitent far toward* OtttlIna tk- a t1 ** 01***big" Oftherwi*. ,at everything mu boll* Oran.' Vaud, bootie Jt UM* an los 141 tor Ws.IQ _ .001*** Z. O. Married •In 19J1 ,/ . It , was .saortly, After Roberte de Neu - fuze finished her, edveatien that she met the Earl or BeesbereerehOloo,ClientillY in 411. The following y'eltryr41, el...of 19, she eras*inarried to i nftn, ti,t;'*4 - itin-e'tiirO -Old: fainiffeS o -Britahilifid ..,•,,,. Prante ' . ' The earl end his bride were much ad- med., _ for their dtstrnguished . appear-, ance; he, tall, ,fair and handsome, ,-With. ttis beatitiful vae taller •ilittro the aver- age and of digniied. •and graceful, bear- ing. -She traYeled:with hint -considerably durime the , early years' of . their ,marriage , When bitsinees, took -hirri from place to place. and•in. 1925 they:spentsame time .in South America • • ' , Among* her, eieellenerex. ttecoutPlisle.- nte,nte As the tamest lost art of line nee. cue*ork and embroidery, at *wbieh-plie is 44 vgpert., She is also 1,,,ori,,tood. a read- Inand doeSa,: . at• deal. • grk,,, . Her excellency is a, s e nsible naother and believesInkeeping hel. . eldest son • and daughter in the balkground until they ,. are of 'an age to take, their proper place In soeiety,' - ' .. I41.4 VIM% t4 OINK N4 4111111. ttliN,• '1*), , rublIct .,P441.angs •Story Telling, and '1•Snelling ....ChainidenShips.'•at Clint9n,- ' October 28tlit. 'rile' sixth, anneal pi:olio:Speaking ten - test and the et'oettal spelling nAtch will..-001-conduCtc4-10-4he---auditorinriu. 01 ,. Q1 ,2"14 !'..4 urdaY,--or Uth, 2.00p.o:tc!0 telling contest ;;1p;' ye ,and giriseight, years of age and 41sori-iiratir-heid,1, — The first prize winners In ,the public siTszking • and story telling contests ot;a,.. ducted at eadh of the Six Huron Cematyoo • eebobl fairs are ,ellgible to compete, and.; the contestants in the spelling metele .1.•111"-beothe---fArst -and second •prize‘wM.- ners from each school talt The, afternoon's program sliCUld prove very interesting and all are oordial,ly ba - late -VW atter-id, ' • -- 4-.-731,IltWiPirtIvio,v,i4fii. •.. A safe and sure -medielue for a child . tee4Vth ivories, is mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. - Because of a unique process in manufacture,' Aspirin Tablets are made)to disintegrate ---or dissolve-, SrANrluitake„h._;7*TitS; startoWork i Si(1Start "taki-ofng headache. neuralgia, neuritis or minutes ar. ter on your guard against substitutes*: I, tallang, • ,. To be sure to get ASPIRIN'S quick And they pre:vide &in' tenet— relief, be eure the name Bayer in the r. for 'ASPIRIN does not - boom the form of a cross is on ever tablet of heart -4 "When Yoti buy, 00110, be Aspzrin- .your • L_Jillstet in these columns gets - their "E e" • toe you tiuut off usthealthy ou 'doe's need to *terve ieurirtf. Eet *Iowa" to Warty the deloaude of your body* Irlit lout be rot 'West as fat m.at�. itte, And ' t boy rnismicolimi fgrsatid t neeouor want you*. want to !reach the 'largest number -Of M4en with your sales talk theirs-. avertise It in The 1)EIIICH; STAl •The Star is read consistently and appreciated by 'men:Any message' you have b5r. them Will *reach lioine. Star ads. 'bring 'profitable results, Glad to help prepare your att. furnish both cuts and, copy. - - For 'Our' loie "rates phone 71.,