HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-9, Page 718b
RU 11th% lull, EDWARD IIAZI LAN 1
TnNI.•—"JV u'tt be lata 'bat Charlie F"
...There news fro Enilaaduttau' this auorti',
That makes -us ayeet gran,' nuts,
""That Tricltett's'beat, feirtan' complutc,
iTy our min 11dwa141 Haitian."
4souaa.--'L'heu Hll'yI stn tan' toast tlte•caip,
Au' join in hail and ben' meat,
Au' lot tis sing till we.kiu ring,
Hurrah for Edward !Lurked
4•011 Coolly Tyne he mIt the.best
0' 1ti11gL ua't1 stns, sae giaW,ttteatl,
.:To their dieinayyWna led tlitl•'tytly
But our sin Edward Rankin ?
. CHonuR.—Dllteu till ye nit, etc.
fibs 3"nnkcos, ti o, brought forth thdi:r•'0rttcv,
best insure' their eau', man,
-;Bt Le and a' tokey had to 1'a'
e our Ed Hanley'.
• - C$onum,—Then fill ye np, alto.
'Anstralia's Fon, the Great big guu,
Thottgltt hold show in the van' luau;
73ut in the rear he did appear,
Behind oder Edward Haulmn.
l truntts.-Then 1111 ye up, etc.
To heat dor boy, they'll have to try
,`;trans or some ither plan, man,
For ha's so rare, nano can compare
"Xi' Jur tan Edward Hanlon.
Cuon s .—Tltcu Ml ye up, ete.
We'll welcome hame; to wife an' accesses
greetings warm 'an' firau', matt,
- li'i' cheats o' joy. Tosylate s boy,
Canada's Edward Etonian !
tilts 13eruuar.dt'retired to ?iee'esotlttl3
apt eight fi. ru yesterday, worn mat'wJidli
excitement.•--ls'a;. •Mrs.13eidgett'q'elmd•
gaateretirect t3 her t/1Mb at eight et. tn.
yesterday, wore ottt with serlabbing
[four rooms etuddtti,ttp[.'big fetta1y [lash.
Bet here the'reserntllat'ee ends. Mrs,
0'0411444n .haelattl'for lntsbalads and
u0 children. alit •Vfies .ilerulttv4t has
had fou Pottihlrenttttni 110 husttaueds.
43Iy deer;'-snicl Mrs. Green to her
laesband orsetttioruinea«'the meal which
we horl'owed from lir. Black a few
tin t tt ago is almost out and we must
bekn tu•ulorreray.'
' '[Well,' heed be, 'Renta and borrow
Hatt a bushel at ales, White's he sent
to the mill yeeter'day.'
'And when at comes shall Ire retntn
the peck borrowed more than a Mouth
ago from the widow Gray ?'
'No,' said the husband gruffly, 'rhe
cau send for it when she wants it.
Johns, tee you go down to Mr. Brown's
tuid ask pito to tend me his axe to chop
some wood this afternoon ; ours ie
dol! and and I saw him grind his fast
night. Aud Jame-, do you go to &Lr.
Clark's [tuft ask him to lend Ines haul aleaneRs Hata llteateet'ton willcnll attee real
sills of families its the I).)tnil,ion keep
it in their tonnes .as a atendtttd Cough
Remedy. ',.'he sale of this article has
assumed enormene proportion*. ()ur
advice to the public at large is. to try
its vlttime jf they sltuttld at any time
unfortunately contract'either f'.oughe
er Onside. It ie sold by all chemists.
National Pl is, superior to alt other pt rgatives
strength and virtue, in safety and in of a••tion.
The Undersigned wonldiitforre the inhabi-
tautsofExeter and vicinity that he has
one toor south of his Blaeasmithshnp an(lhopes
thesatneAbera1 patronage that has been ac
corded to him in the
XAC1 XTII AND w/GON tfe.aIto
1lnewillbeextendo(itehim inhie newbraneh
the",rand, 110 Fun heal' ? you m:ty as 'lents of the vinagetltreetiweseaolweekend
,- ,M,YpdA�p,
A distinct and pecuiiar 'Co�fnrb'ination.
0 ii TE S
� 0 �'� S P �
IT contains the•elements essential: totthe annual
organization, ;the oxidizing agents and tonics.
In combination with the stitnulating agent phosphorus, possessing the merit of be-
ing slightly alkaline, and is dispensed in the convenient and palatable form of a syrup.
Its effects are usually visible within twenty-four hours, and are marked by a atfm
ulation of the appetite, the digestion and assimilation entering directly into the
circulation; it tones the nerves and muscles ; exerts a healthy:action of the secretions;
neither disturbs the stomach nor injures the system under prolonged use, and may
be discontinued at any time without inconvenience.
In a word, it possesses the stimulants to arouse the strength, the tonics to retain
it, and merit of a high degree.
&ingestion of The Lungs. nroneeitis, Consuenptton, 1''rt'or,R Prostration, Short -
MISS of TIre(ftre..Ynlprtal•Ioi. of the Lfoart, :rrrotblinp of the Hands and
Liu.Gs,,Payeicut mad ,lirrt.t•at!l,pretssion, Loss of Appetite,
Loss of k:ner(U, Loss of :)Lent,n•y,
And will rapidly improve the weakened functions and organs of the body, which depend kr health
upon voluntary, semi•voluntary, and involuntary nertuus actiou. are BEND FOR A PAMPHLET.
well borrow a few nails while you are 1 1..T nae r talKor -;
about it.
A little boy new enters and says: all kinds kept constantly .to hand at:: hi
'Fatter sent ole to ask you it yon
had done with his hoe, which you
bonrruued a week ago last Wedneaday ;
ha wants to use it to day.'
'Wants his hoe, child ? What can
he want with it.? .I have not halfdoub
Clroeus.-Then-fill ye np, an' toast the cup, with it yet; but if he a its it, I sup.
'An' join in liar' an' Lau', luau, puce he must have it. Tell him to
Ail' let us sing till wensre ring, eeud it back, though, tts soon as he can
'etura•ah for Edward hinulae 1 ,,pare
' A. Mein. t They sat down to breakfast. 'Qat,
Toronto, Nov. 1 c11.
(Our gtltnorong
Alight affair—a itlnp.
A. poor rider always has an eye on
• the main c1iitn e, that she Iane already seut yen niueteen 1
Life's bittorest lessen—biting, a per. plateful[+, which are snored i.n the dairy
Sitntnnn. • dour.'
Apple Jack, says the Nycurn Adeer. 'Nineteen platefuls!' %claimed the
fixer, ii first emeul to games James. astouie:hed Dire, Gres _, holding tie
The "lap of luxury" is when the cat both Lauds ; 'ata no sne11 thing, 1 never
.lets at tate cream. had half the quantity, Vaud if 1 had,
A. fatlace for a quay would seem to what is a little plateful ! 1. shonldnever
be in a (pock. chink of keepieg an account of such a
The pay schools is the place to hire trilling affair I declare, I have •a creat
heard o
'"A11, said it deaf mans. who had a --
tee lding wife, "roan wants but little GEtUUI .i-.YRUs.
!hear 'below 1"
wag sugze•tecl that a suitable No other medicine the world was ever
A.given such :t Wet of ate eurtttive qualities as
opening for malty choirs. mould be, 13nscstttr:'s ter•.nvax Settee. In three years two
'Olt, Lord, hive tueroy on us miser-
able ,,inners.'
A Boston mats was, according to
the '1ranser'ip,.asked to buy a nett/ style
of blotting pttd,.aud he asked how it
Ila!' exu!aitus 1lrs. Green, 'there is not
a particle of butter in the hontte, run
over to Mrs. Notables ; she t,iways lute
excellent butter in her dairy, and ask
her to lend me a plateful.'
After a few minutes James 'returns:
Notante says she has sent you
the butter, but begs yon toremember,
eutottersho) ,
11. tuiud never to borrow anything of that
i,td has color, for haven't we meso eteature again as long as I live.'
kite dark blew ?
millions four huuth'etl tll•,niautl swab. bottles
of this tuetlicillewere distributed fret' o(charge
by (druggists 10 this country to those aflcted
with C(alsautlttien. A&taloa, Crone), severe
Coughs, 1°lti•11ntl) )l la. asci other di -eases of
the threat and hinge, giving the Amerman
was fastened on. people undeniable proof that teenx.tN Sxntr
A Philladetpina tanmck iufertna the A'i11 cart, theta. The re nit has been flint
druggists in evalw totvu land vthage in the C'a-
-publtc that he ie •not all exe7ittssiv7e. lta(lae [tad L ani a States err recotuwentliug it
"If tt ptttieut wattle tit 4 entle and 11111&. to their eneroulers. CTI to 1-onr (11'Llsgist [tall
I'm. a ltntnt:epath, and when itnvbudy ask wheat they know about it. Sample bottles
wants thuuder and liglltujulr, I'm at, lo ants. Wailer size, 75 cents. i'ure., doses
will relieve uuv ease.
,a .lopath.'
Eccentric old officer to uew fuot-
•rn,tr.: "Now, Patrick, call me to cab."
:Prat "who thinks this. is a dudge to try
his l•iucenty : "boli, nu, your horror.
'It's not myself that'll be calling you-
liarles, at till 1"
"Shall we sell or abandon our girls?'
,etlltorntlly asks the Buvlitf;ton il(1(t'G:•
Rlacksmitltin€and tPag011making(aeried
as egos, is all its brai:ceet
Important to Con -motives
A gentletnan having been so fortnnate as to
Imre his on oft',,n,utnptiou ns itetrorst stsgee,
after being given up to die l,,v the most cele-
brated pbysicitms, desires to make known the
cm (which (troves succe,sfnl iu every ease)
to those afflicted with Asthma. Bronchitis,
elm. ho neuter. GIVd 'ern away. Conglns, Colas. (louisnlnptton. and the AlTe•e-
tems of the 'Throat 'tall Limes. Rail will semi
\ hen a girl is given away, if title is trot ti
o ilea apes free of char; i1 to nil who desire it.
";cold," the }lung mall 1s—iu a Ill i- if they will forward their address to DANIEL
jority of oases. it,t1D1SE,'S4Liberty St.,New York. alto.
• A guest at a fashionable hotel tooir
Alis beat at the etiutter table, but no ,, CONSUMPTION CURED
one appearing to wait upon him he re -An old physician, retired from practice, her•
tuarketi,"Have you any waiters iu this fn land placed in his halide by an East In
hotel ? "Yes,'' reepouded >v. wag on, clip missionary the formula' of a simple vege-
t)'e nppoeite side of the --hassle ; "the table remedy for the speedy and,pertnauttn-
tl)nt►there are` 'fte tvaitt rs,',' . ewe for Oonsiimptiust, Broncltitie,Cattarh, Ast
' 'Pears to le your inial goes awful 1 tlima, slid all Th oitt iindLnngAffecttuns, also
Itilow,' alae' im )ntieut fartn0 hot/ k i Rpositive and. radical euro for Nervous 13e•
1 l Y by are'. Nervous Complaints, after hat:
[oilier. ' could eat that meal fes i„gilittested ata wonrierful eurtttive powers in
:ter'u you grin) it.' 'How long do soil thonsnnde of oases, has felt it his duty to make
ithjuk grill Cuttld do it, IuY tad ?' quotht it kuowu to his suffering fellots's. Actuated by
[tile miller. .Till I starved to death,' : flaring, I• will seed fieeloftcharge to alt whrelieve haino di
:answoted the boy.
sire it, tins recite, ia1 German, Itranch, or ling
If a UewNl)aper eliould oontaiu a1) )isli,with full chrectiann•for preparing and ds.
elle things that all its readers want it to ing. Sent by mail by achirelsiatg with stamp.
)I int it would have to be bigker than. naming thin paper. W. W. Suittten,14) Pouters
•Elude ItoebeetAr 'N1 I% '
,a bedspread. If it should leave out all
;[list each of its readers does, nut wish .
to read it would be a blink paper.
MITATIONS,-A fashion iteral tells us that silken The high reputatiou gained hyfLtexhltn's+Pwc-
Tutaet;' 13At,asTr for the titre of. Cotl'ghs, toles•,
hosiery is now All the rage in: Purje, and till oieeeees of the Throb[ and Lungs has
Has no equal fur tate permanent cure of
COngks, ('olds, ?•tre'rthroat, Asthma. ('roup,
whooping ('ongh, Bronchitis, and
all l.nng 1�lsenscs.
iter Eve bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction.
T. �IrlLBURN & CO., Proprietors Toronto.
Allan Line !
� v those who intend
purcllns::t1 to so Soon
the ut:anufttetuycr. The
dealer who buys to soli
ags,i:l unlet necessarily
have a profit. We lain
to give bite purchasers the - �G>• r:
benefit, which etsusi ttea •-•
intoot the views of the 1
Grangers, Our ex names
are less titan those of cite
menu 'a etsurt l t eonseq"ent
wu 01511 sellaheap(r.
lid Fi£rntture N1an-utac:turers
L..—E W O U L D
to our undertaking depart
:neht,whieb: is more coin -
plat ethan ever, asw 111ave
r added several new dc
:tet of late '.Che bent .
ltaskets stirouds,audeeery
uttered requisite et the
lowest prices. Our now
Hoarse is l.rouauuced by
competent )udpee to 1,e
second to ooze in the
Emblems of all the Different Societies.
OCTOBER, 1880,
Extra value iii
Flack Colored Cashmeres
Extra value in
VELVETEENS—All the Novelties in Spots, &c;
Raven and Bluel3Jaclt Velvets—Cheap.
camel, INTER.InEDIATn AND STEERAGE NCI.. ' t= tIiliinely Stock never mere ermplete. Ladies, don't forget our Show Roma before
Ery. "�iug, Se(' oar Canadian, Scoters, Irish and Worsted Suitings. Out cutter is equal to the
1t J .tter of Ontario." All are welcome to
Persons wishirg to send. for their fri))n,1G colt
obtain passage eettificatos at lowest rates from
England. Ireland •n 1 ct tlautl to any city or rail -
Way tawuiu Canada, bull particulars by apyly
ing to
CAPT. G. KE MP. Exeter.
y°Q ti'b` r��iy^ mil
Burdock Healing Ointment should be
used in connection with Iturdock fito+td Bitters for
curing Ulcers, Absce..ez. Severs, Sores, fie. Price
29 cents peroox. 1' ',1LRL'R\ & 5 0
Soba nt: «s rs 1ut.u...
Thisgreat u::ttten0ici Medicine ranks anion
the hauling nccea arses of lite, 'These ininnrt
Pills pnrity the iis•.00n, an(1 Start [Boat poivel'1+11ly
yotsoot; augly ohne Liver, St0 utcu, l�teiueys,
and boatel:', giving tone energy, tinct vigor tt,
tbetie [lislet nolu silting+ ut bias•. 1'hey arecou-
fideutll recoini tentlecl as a never Lai)1ug eelnetiy
In 1i 11 Cases where the e0llttlttttian,tl•tln i •hatever
cause, hue b oc i.ie init(ttired or weakened. They
are woudorfitlly efficacious in nil ailmentsNei.
t.ensalto teleales of all eget as til as a. genes a.
tt"eenie medicine ar.eunturtlttesecl.
JAMES PIC:K1i„..41;S
John Drew's Furniture & Undertaking Wrerooms
1;itIBAI.MINCl FLUID used for preserving the bodyin warm weather or for shipping. Any
Demon wanting Parlor, Itedromn, or Dining Rooth Furniture will save at least 20 per cent. by
milieu at JOHN DREW'S FURNITURE ROOMS, North Store Fanson's Block, Exeter.
JQI.I N l7RE W'.
—o -
Tapas; this opportunity of thanking toy nnmerotte elastomers for pant favors. and evishtei'
notify them and the public generally that
Y havePurchastrd Mr, D, Johns'' stook of
>t '11' 1 t can fed b life. �ielttaa, in the Post
trio coauty.
1 ' Pane Iall {rte PLCRd1tAr Besot has the Warne of 1'' '- tap 1 t •eofb elegsbadbreasts olclwounds
late size ,and sells at 2€i Cts. ' We think it effecteally snbbc l on ale, t(eck .and Chest, aR gait
[(, )t`arn the nflail!( BC Its against eL- r(gnu
ran iH
proper p K g (.a1dPi otic even . hstbNai lar C liil u a:; Swn -
vArls bearing other nmtnet?. or renleclie;t altered t linvs,:versaes, Pilcsitr{kElila9,C+odt7tlstaumlititnn
'whit insei tions of port/ sats and medal. l;lve:u rise to smirking irnitatloDEL The germ- Itssearcbitl and healing iircl,ix:rties aye loneWn and have moved My own stook to ane le u1 t ing a sly
levo • oaf hA rvarin.' '' Office ]31ock, whore I now have one of the larbeet and best assorted
at yeer.lady love's stoeklugs and feud,
int there the portrait'' of -souse other
for ale ell it.
Hagyard bi(Yton iu the' bottle which is of the Soros audt'loore, ft, s .'u luf,tlllblo remedy. If
bitetuetttitellressort[thu,at.l31 neLltq,l gl
t' t Il ]
1 � � 4
101 a sutlstituto. Look''clMM'efully to title and i end eseri' kind of Slain l)iso 1 dl
1 ] U t t 1011it
v ' 'True,' Reid Deroa' on Goodenough, 10:unlvtttnfn)). Trio i sins .0 ulev, a t
9 spirited ,11FC4aeiott with Elder Crows.ttake,110 Itster. than H.lalt.tati's Piterotixe DAL.. uftieturet.ouly at
shat:' t
.le$', on the creation, tame, eternal,
.name after titan. ]Itrt nusti didn't keep
saes l.t. lt15 never set
fee o;YFoleD ST1:1BT. LONtb0ty, •
l And are sold by al! Vendors of Teeth eineey tlirpughe
Uer waiting a 111irldlte, awl I'1 • bot nut 410 etvilirod works; with directions in allnost
mane on' it.' 'Which; ►e lies.,:tete every intense!). yyy R The Tilt eleiete of these Xfedlelrlee itee regia..
ehler. 'is'whero she dhlerar 1toj,..hlttl, %crutlte Ottiswa. 'fleece”, ally ono tn the British
( ed after ie, rowan nasesalnna,?prilnpiC1(3 Este'American. Coun-
` fur whl'n a twin K i ylAtt article ppier A'liered� t'0 � the ptttillc 11.RH geafei NA,or „ales la ! be llro((ecntnrl,�
now ts,la%s, eIsa`keeps. 11ltt;r waiting *p rnet,'atith;the Same�'tettctetle•as Grits a r�'rtllrttunrierg`'I i1lnlooto the rah tLtsrws
l'ctttiand.Bo:(tR; lftltcacldret+R is tiotG9atlxioadi
pacts half Luta' at' the vet's ellcrfrkb,},4;y'r't • yru:p.of Its[ _bptuee 'uuz, T1}otlis: Street Landon they ate Spu>;lo
it ass ayeaeiit'elt tie nit/haute to draw
lateist+i�otl tt al?titrlOs irlfirih 'tate elettere-
ibg.of publitr bRtretlttgit'Profiahlyi
atatlte du
w axle
� and, other Stoves
�o ,
Also a ia,'gt'variety of. Tinware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, tial Oil and C*ttery.
Rastilnatea given for Eav,eteenghing. Carriage .1'"lat ng..15 apeclaidty. Dbpetiel epolli,1
will give 1k gdoty Value tot' your money'. a
;',itht4 V011y 'hittitost ptiOsio. Oath peici fox Ilicles t!,nd Shea fski)
ot,. ['ret Office Block, Main Street,
m**. Itolnember tbat'lP°�•�'tlseEzetot Titrar`�tl S£b'rL Trott,
!� e,
Jlxoter, Jamsar'y 241 $00...