HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-10-12, Page 8•
• V V h..v 4,1
,1,04,24.0,004,4,00 .11000040.0004, it•
4.000010.•40 040
'Altai :o
, one,
to date with two
nni.to be payed' is 13 'fig$10113.
41**1 aliwett Ai% raio se.R.
ingtorrtyk1301,11,10# L WO* 0.
5411* IsErCTED
the, town authorities.,
Wifeionli SAW ehi1;1
.Iett Goderih in the 'Ofl1".
an.,..'ina lion lacer, . bound
ind, mm whence .they.„.e*Me,
Two• Years ago :.the $01matoit familYaeeme
from 'Minim and WIhave slnce been
upprted by the *own. Two of the cin.144.
•'Oren were horn In the Mi "Ountrr and
two in Canada.. rhey range an ate' from
'oda Menthe' to ,elght Years. -The
the *tend:that Where there. is 14.
aetural to. Vorkand...the'msVs footly
'omea public thargee._dePortiOlon. IS
the only-altermitivc. •
ine ite ..nd 4h.
11, t *re be1n .repeoin Ter t4
t zrmn on PIO
worth reading.
ii eaiboreag
WTh$ '60,11tOlit 11$011111( At the first'suninn4 meeting et the
Mr. Herold Williams. and Mr,' George 2.4Pie Leaf :Chapter, X. O. D. It., oii
;inner, anoltsts for the (Arrow trorlib.Y. October 5th. Much interesting intainses
Met,' at the Ateitiand ,001nse on Tuesday, Was transacted: A 41$tistiOni of 425.00,
Mr,' Willien0k W1n4inti-1010:4 and .three. 'was •voted tO the ;');f11$* Z.aagisS,With
On BatOrdey last a Oald d!or,ivolield,,, wiltelt the, photo ,o, .p�rt to
1,.. C. A. nod and lif,r. :Rona Lloyd tie-- be used' for their general. work OM:04
itii for tht:"Xlibr trophy. - They Osyed the garnet's. an the Atlantic .Coast.
00 PO TuesdaY,'Nfr.,,Lloyd behig the vie.. the Great 1.11101. 4,41**.irr6±1e1ter''.woit
tor, • , 'P' &AV 0004,00.,,,L.. thl$ Winter.
TWO, tad**, .themselves tbe mother* of
T1lANIX801/114#4 Sit*VIliCEW.,", l' man' thlidren, were ppotitted u s ipe-
Approprlate. Thanksgiving aihitces were etal, committee to Work in iconinnetiOn
held in 11 tioderich churches on •Oun.. with the teachers and to call, the .01,,
day, the ingot •rneoSges-. sounding* note tiOn -of the .Chapter to attr. ohuctren in • late *Um SAO ',Jos ill. but a tor 'lays, tended the tUneral 'of lior cousin, War- f
-* • ....-".........., • ,.. 44..7V 4 , ...,-..-. • ' . . ..
471 Itilia040 thitt*Peing). , *5 *id the Alio tehools who Apposood. to, he ',:ander, .1,12.0, having been removed to megandok sintif .Peagant On Monday. ,,,i*i:. , ••,.
houl„ and iiroyors.. .ney. 00.#04 me,. clothed or In need of, ihoec ., postetto 04 ,::tile, Saturday _ before lier ,010,4 Ida IlipteDenakLot Moose pia*,
, 4(.0d and Ito. Bert ',Howard. Aot,,. Artelii, The dates of the semi-annual rummage deatir. Olie.' Was ..t.Orri : at, Taylor's' Poi- • Seale., Is visiting her Uncle and alknit'r 55r., :
--Saair„ were.. the. preohers „At,. Victoria sale are October 2o, and .21. ,. ,. * nerak the daughter 'ot the late . and and lidm .A. MaePonald. .'
street,atrnitect•reharth**7 -444-2-1_ --'7.:k-rlettation-Of*, 5
the 'Oaptitt churches c
Mmtli4Mr,,ilityket 44qarail: 14‘4;the t, ' Saturday ii ''''' . "
0 -.00 or may never be without,nte* that
hc.tarr* . 141inet-;hei-huabin-
ot 1 '"strestr --iii, ,'-er -"1 h re,Aitn *Mint
os ind.
1:117bentL On
11:47;.:-- 0ood 4.00.01- -44104.1) 1341:17. v.' 'I•st:ligre'lt tirlf'°i: the mar ' '
Y'''''''tIvIllinetgH*.eore::.' elir'churv:p.. Abel! -the,11hrarian , _ev___,,, etesroom . .
MEETING,Oft-lf,i) i***ITIITE. kte4a1Aear!_ 1.i.r.,.ti! AtliLa,i4,1404. .i.410::it-
The regUlit. Meeting of-tht WOnieri! 77 !T'I'*/*T'.7.-P.c--,1:1`-11-, .1.
itituttf- viii:- head 'lit Mac/4,r -Hat. V
nesdat, Oeafiefltii;7''ivltrthe-,presid*eh l‘te-40 -- '
' i Jatickl(giatetti,iiiiIiie Opair,..: * ''OeXie41.i,kn;bettl - 'sor
ateteiyirtigoalviotir, :48_1,0'''titir4thsvprio,"ctlity,lr; tute Llength. . The hia.,Ake
Mit i 'iollrliicle'rat: elebeeir.,"‘to
Abell aye the report of thelabOth: a
fail., ' Ir.: The. info:mit , 'bleared; . being raPPed "hi eellepha
37,,92; The .Women's lititltnte beniten,....:.PrOented by the 14,*
ion: . will be beiCin ltineardine on Oct., ' • A.'*e_iiteee Octal!
oletr Uth, and 10'3, and lMrs. it Tiell
borne , Waa' ,,apneinted " delegate. 11.113 AMONG TO,
being, "-Grandmothers', nAr." there Wag a . .
large 'ettendante. ot, grandinothers,- An , irliO,'40414,14i 'Die
inotenixorettiegAro4ogrtaintrti 00148,, 1 -t,;.siit, W.
. ,..70:At:: „0:1114,01: ittle,f0d7bocem: 17*10
., , - - . y, o . ,
born at. Thes.Ion 5 year. ago and Uv�d
in Qo,orn ip, and in 00440
for ten. pars. He is survived by bts
agd mber and one. brother, JoSeph, of,
funnel took
. from' t -int
'Ott* to Dungannon
canieter, wth flv, F. W. coot, Of Vic-
tor* atreet United church.: in charge of
the services, The .palibearers were Wm.
a 4. Ifaist *twatti
at ber:home at 'Ztirleb. An
ude Wheeler,. of Alma Col-
3t. -
Thomas. . was home for 1;
Ittrelyn ollatrirea was
Vh*hOghtligt viAtor with her
Mis.E. Clark
Misi 13411* 1,04Wrente spent
Uedd. Chat $4114,1i4ine Craig. N. mtra, evil* with her cousin, Rev.
Steh4 0409t4 .44t.„°,1w00:44:14Beny,*10:1:mostouirett* olle ipVirklJames eitorekee,_145:Pewth's.brotuer, tem sttear.
MES. 4611-45,Twor mous 84eard"in 'Wall a Tbankaitildne
Dea0040141411, 14011 ggeexite4 citizens in down, at Toronto,
the iperoon Eno ,1,00401,0, , widow Mr. Reg. Pinder, of Toronto, was.
'4415,4410/04 4421110h MZer, widely week -end *411 his "rents,' Ur*
Irhtns111* hotateePer Goderieh and ari4 Mrs" W. Xt. Pinclee.
• IV I
# #
OZ."the Table
„. Nominations for the 'Ck.' C. -,L titerarY
Society , were Competed .last Tuesday.
September 40th. Ea,en forin' nominates
and elects its own resOecti.4"410r01, rePrP-
CarloW / qiukrtet of t century ago. The Nat. 014-4Autty, Bay , sentetive while -the' balance of the..eltecn-
Use is nominated by members of Ma
and IV Form and:elected by the Whole
student body. Thw is a departure frorn
the Preeedure of fermer,.:,yeltrs, • because
owing to the increased lainlhopOr st*,,,
John I ,444410Ultb., innt. was in her , -,Missee Olive--Wiil Or dents,. tale Agebott *IL. is Incapable of-
oron o-,-,-„Viiitatt(40Medt 444 gjal*"1"heat- form&,:liretrAVY;-°ere.---14Yea3te-41I,DrAKIVI
. roe er, -iii0.telY..,* - iestliistieltuttiAti, tilto:_n_ontitiou!S
,,..,. tw'heit'ill)ati4",loostYitteaPoStubianloahdeurhoherisrete: :ei: .jit.1!°--11-4714:' II:I:putt, 2wirra:,14"01064",....Brfteitt-",11-04- with ''•I'tel4n3.4e took
' weire..;i____,L* P*
ernOtj4-1"-,0ex, --..or 40-ittl‘t"nriterir:P'46044404/1:11.0titetieffio.i. -mot* -7 7Viak ''''''.13ii"ck-7erdr-4:11:1,4-0140-0, liva--e ----.a -:g.:"sirentrtt4t':-...'':'...'.''r.i.:'.::r.'...gtfLeeit4t1"'-o,sri,e,h,
Atm vi,j),4,,,an‘t St. 0004.043 040,4, roi.'hanitsgi , _. g visitor Oh ,itor , parents,. ist Vice-,.....,*,....,.;AtanY ZiringtiOn,
htott4 years the had been a deeply inter,,,:Ur. and ‘ p,#. .X.,,,' %Ikea, .. • . ' ; tut. v$44-pres..,,,,:444•4,.:.4. . 4 jean, uckbertson
. -- '
es ef17-70in. :0--virowirglotitute;T:ilkooTTycixer--*auterrot-Aotoors„pe4t4b . 41.---Vetee---,--4-- - ,i_.114 -
IA 040 'rhe /*et* IOW '116,1*eid tomorrow (Fri- Isroot-oo4 42 the home of her 'brother, : Seeretary..,„....;-.......„,....,......;...*.'„Marion fikiell.
1.'El -444e -;eaiji-:Xrlit*-io7r4*-*e-r'of -mt,-orct-mriti- *teltl----0, iT'Vigke4ii-VeRgatt=.--,, ' *814.,,! C-4Y--,!tcgiamatkknl Om' Boll
- - -...L. ...,, 1--,-- •-------.
''-Wari 'cliscualeit at ohixIei,,TPijher,,H,'Tr-afaigar street, to 41t,,, Acr-na.140; MAP. Gori *Pent the 4'14.'4150' "41'ealx If, '
tt'f a 14'-gaaPt of B peores clitirolvat 240 pm., where the Thanksgivine-haiday -witli.1eV,A:, %if, ',110gor.et " Barnett, ' *telnonIV -VW-WY,'
1.., - -hounket, -
basket weave, 411 blue , ripice %al be conducted ' by the rector,: and ,MrS, WeeiceS•at• lifOrnet&A, Oat. : :• Barbara ' ,, ' .,‘,..___i_
liltd *It'll ribbon and #11.4. AM'. J. It H. Wits, interinearwill-be ',:lYt*, Isabel Matheson; • Of -1Velitintt Journaloeie':2:Bditsstc're::-.ii.Ty"i4j*.r;"T-wcTio;',I1,90r54"tif:10,11-'
ne., 4Xlie . gift' will De irnade. in tlit:lamily . plot in. vc!titten4 epont. the Thstorsgivin*.seasOn •tirith ,,her
Ph..:TOrter 'Attu -claim $5; - Leslie
,Cox, sheep dabs, gs; neg. -Sturdy, valu-
ing ebeeP,'$3.80; tetnietarY loan to
phone system, OW suPetintendent'S Par
voucher NO. 10, $007,00, '
The council *then adjourned to meet
on Monday, NOV. 6th, at -1.30 p.m.
It TIOIPSOT,...Cierk4
PLEAD 00114'11V
Pleading guilty to robbing Ifoggarthi
wage. on,gamiltonotreet, IfarrrEfroetor
atta ogcuey piouse v ere reinanded jag
for. week .for sentence :e4 Tuesday.:
-3310-,, electric -MR' and other -----
• Outhhertion, " • -
gent. • . cemetery), 1/4 ; parent, 'Mr. and M.ros, Angus Matheson,
war .was appointed, •
. ' • 04.e. gadjenaid,-,, was Isabel RxeSs' D0Ult. NtirldietOn
, pr,qst, :asste WATSON MacDonald And Ur' A Weir, of Windsor, 43011: Sptp.rraesUgehant:44, e vera motood,
CitultcptEs '3,11.rsf .leate Watson. Widow` of the, late Spent Thankr.givi1134 `with Viss Nattiei. r0r-n1
r. eting `tge Atwilt Ilhostlez morning last In her 87th Year.. and %ay' artY PreVI;Ors. att. 7dEtears"cle:etrtegna4dd' Uthres ri*auhathe". S0121.4'reSiolis,ter:'.1(1131;41P4Ecilwarar.tO111)1
' Wuhlam Watko4; died: 'at her home' On Mr. 0.
Mal/teller*, elnirPn , 'a after an Illne4a. 0' three menthe aura- oeocterhara-Knight 'wedding at Toronto US.. Lucy liarrison 03Y' avel*rOatIon,
onday,- 16th, ,to tiOn, she yi_afe horn, at White on,Elaturdat , OladYer. Moran;
IIIB., Jean Me -
Banff Stotiand he'daughter Of Mr sad Pfsher., 14eiiiieth litniter '749C' George
Bulien; TV., Roy
• • - - 4-- . ' . — nd -we ' . .w'''o . 41 ' of ' ' ' '
, Rey, W. °H.-2..costi will co not the ser- .. ' George - at . ni-and, tame . to Oode,41 et. 4taelricar".• Western.' liniVersity, tt-- ' ,•:-•,' ,,.. --- .,-- ----,-,:,. -....,
vices.at It's -.in; -and t .0.1n. ill port!). St. 401 from, Ale,' .0114. ' Country 414411ree ' ticli4"' were 41i.ctaY*Isitora at their' re- - ' "Le. IsTetiOtil,ti.E.lice4."rislit'114"/:" -
-Unitekela-nrcia-ion Sunday7nest.:74.ten?'s 'years ago and. as roarded. DU her [ort,q514teietiVe. bowel,. •' ' -roeenig' „__01:. fle` -0FeCn, ative- On • Tuesday,
-Club, will. meet at ,i,ba'eforock.and :Sunday" Zirtd 10 -Mri.W$41-0,4;--Who,:iVai'weliArnewn- .:-----lkfus -,-EstherHitont,-0V•Tor011tOctt ---0'4A-0?-er-1-40;*---Thel;jAul business z of ":01,.',
, , ... . ..., , . 0 0+ t
itillIt'Itlith -141.0 ' 1V--Iste* **burg. spent* Fieetiinit) aa.S .tiDelee..'1,'Wo..'rePresentallife
EttIlool lit 3,.#eitiOl(, • • 7 13 . * * aS a-oldikarPepte4 rlie,re-.• .1:fer-7,itatanand:
:SheftaYs. October 15thi. ,11_. ,i0,M,, 1he slOs0- Ibis 000'14; 01,0' sutrered- the liett11, 'Bunt and wrr:8 xttilit,-:*'-' .
LOOAtti).:AT WEST -0
Thorough courses :in all Commercial Subjects:Shorthand,
Typewriting._iBookkeeplug and Modern Accountancy,,ACotresponcl-
encor-mnitheo English and Speilhpid-,
We also offer courses Lectures in tleinenttery conobtic,
Social -Selene% Vocational Guidance,. rsonality, and Character
10+411 ot *Welt ieofitalli importantIOCIA.life*.Wqrk
of the Staff for advisors. Wes bale and
MLss Akermann, -Weret,ehosen. A, .Preiliarir
was drawn up 'tailing for three
and 'Hallowe'en proin,, the "Liti" to be
three 'Weeki--aliert -and .the -first** tii.he
'VervieeS vietorte St. enure)]. Predeceased .ber-in 4Willist.. 1014; p.nd. he- the week -end with their parents, Rev; W.
pastor; (1...,rarrig, 0 e. 1,,ohst 040 of whom, 1Vlies• Isabelle .W,Ifo has been iris.:
(Atom, nday silbcd,', at 3 iple. ',George, vetoed -away in 1020,, Mrs, Witt- iting friends,' in Goder/ch, .left., Men -
Christian, service: Otroiip. Tuesday at. .8 was Ve ed 0 er omoshe 111 spend' a
set,;,'ker• 14_,I;tiotto" stnitthsr, titian tlturch,..Rer son, Pred..D. Wat.,0 Ntr. Lloyd currelt, ot ,Oshawa, speut „ > -
. de t t h h and day f , w e
„o, ,, .,,.„, _ , , , .. , . • , 11y and was *--,mebiber 4 ,tc*oic—Preeb$6:,- feWT:rUY'alsefer4-. returning .44. Matheson. otc,ge.t.*Per '201,17.P .. -
'40bERICH .TWP. cOlibitiC
' October- li)tlx; 4j1;do. 'aohoai at '.,1-0 .iit,t, 40Iii 4.. #e''' 230,er,7144/Or-,---110--funtra ' Tinsn'.::_ltetivIng-tWith, Ilia 'parents; in -, Salt.: . ,*
. ,gospo, ,ier,046-- it.; - It. :,:i,-iiii--.. ' iii -44-01- - i4121 -i- Altna-he.4•On,-Wiircin.Y",,._sizit,h,fhteri.nent...4_, ford. and with,' S.T.r. and Mrs. Irvine lAe. • -, - , .,. ..,,, .
. , chrism:an% .Thi,-44-doiri4.4, :4004,,,,,...-: ke ...1:Itl.,,tland cemetery. i:ieryites., Itere.. con -I ,r0.4,14 Mr.. '.and'i-pro.. .L..(!ielt.g,.),(ifrCeS.'..ii-tr001],l, ,.. llithi,o,.. toiiiicii lid Ili ,..iloitites.,1
'lit it. -0.44-,...,cogiblectiT, vue, rakehie .. eu the .- , 9..e.C1`'. b.Y:,,.f.t.IY.,i1 1:!,•!.1.•._,,,,:1_41T,1, Pt , Xrha..i. _..-4,•',...._.c .,.... • 6w ... , . it .,.::.... „f',.b... : vine,._66,,g,midity.. ,,Ottabir.:t act ."...t.h.,:."triti -
' '11.le ,ieOcr.!k_ ...,.,L'' . . ' '.. - ehUreh.;• "The'"Pilitmarers Were;.,- --.0 ',. . ,Iir: ' an • Mr. -3_13_ L. A icen. will, . 6 , ,., - . : . , . , ......... .$. - , . . , .. ,, . -
' -ilitriktS0n, .ifarri,Npitson -town VcrinAVat..'.- .''al.hreine, f.0',. t'ffeir.' _fiends , on -Tuesday, 005.1on.,- tear an tii-5,--..-Itrica
ting 0!
, ....! _... .. .
SOn and, l'eCklill'aitner,',1C.olh.,o.nne.'.;' .-i ' .., OctOber 3.1,th, ,tiont t to ft. )1414.- ,olt-HtUO: une'ln-OlOYMentt relief. '-M.r..- were ' agreed
. 7000011,*: TOWNSHIP COUNCIL —;,-,'-',.,,:- ; etb,, mreadino„ allo.1.1. that *here there Were any really ht' :need,
,Iti**1111)''Cg;Un01:01---etHin ih,,' 1:1:all, '''-'-'*411614''' -'(;,.. tritibli*nted::'ilk*IIE-i-,-- --i'li*FH- ' 31(;"-P.154,1174:171.°:;*.tils.e.7 ,447 H. ' bertSbn. . an. .CtlIOLVe:C.'il27r.ii'":*ttlir'St-i}ilrit .01-!. iiillb:S"etP;ii:e+rthtreiistti
. , _..,._...... _ .
Ith,;*11.01-6-1*-WAWW. ' pore 2.1:44ssert.'•peace :- a,UltY' in, , her :;tiallg Cei- P
_ • . .• ' .:- --. . .., ..,..,.. ._ _ ., _ . .,..__ ._
t_ ar,li _ _a. arson -.. . 1e a: ", ' •.- . ' ' • ,. . • -
Novir is the time to think of
-StOVeS, The outstanding 'cook-
ing stove is the *
'rincess. rat
• '
our PlaNninelit ,Service we undertke to findpos1,-
nate', ..,
, ,
For fui-ther particulars. tell at thc achool/o”pb4a 429, �r
-• Box 896, Goderieh.
' co),
sent. ..Minutea of September meeting `sleep at her 'Ammer ugoc 40, ungsaft 'Nyito tte, twiner's ,.atint ati4 twain, 'Mts. . fly1aw No. i providing' fq. the EtCpritui-;
OrD":-$440fitect '10- read,on -InOtIOn, Dt J. Ont., -IllnUna . CUATiLe; heYnted Vildew`ot the Peld4Sen and 'fa* 'Annie. 001a:ton, co., tion .64,1,,_011,13 to be held in vionollino
P10.1*(1° "4 M. 'Th114101" ' All, corresP°11', late ,Doctor Arldrett. It "Needle, of Mali- borne St, . , 'boi
on *Mat SoveMber 24th, at l:
dine. was read and discussed. . It was! 'gow,' Scotland and Toronto, in, her 72nd Thanksgiving .41.11es- at - the---heme of- , was adopted', the Poll, it, any, to he .at:
'6 cell by 00=41 that all Unpaid •taaea 332cluneraLlym: held Monday to Mr. and Igrt, itelt. Needham; McDonald No. 1,._ *rano !tail, ton. *_gliriti John-
mustr•he paid tothe,00llectorl Wm. Wiit,:uount„ zensiint'Ronotery, and was late. street,. were str. and Mrs. mot:. Nip.: don Dmot),, R. Ninntionin. poli :tlerio.
ten, not later than Nov. tat, 1933, 1*..iy attended. Ite.bearers, ,Were tour quarry,' WI.' F. "aelfrY, Vire. *Tait'. aiia 4, house of E. Sturdy, H. Sturdy 0..Rk„
laiv 140:11,-olativele,-ovetdue-,4naeS, WAS grOnd, eona ;--rleorge and Reginald Tweedie Mr. Hector -30C41311%1% Of teronte: w. n. 7400abe;,tlerk; No. ?.'house,of lot
pasted,:.4ettinX the t0110Wint r44.0:0-trkt, Of• .torontoy, 4amel-.A. ' of 'Detroit,. And , -----'1'-'''''t
. tere-34 the X4th. of PeCember to 1:feeern; James 1$:, ot'OhicAse, and two nephews,
1FEWitt, '• 'I'vfr'scss, w25000,,con-d46,i4t4rnistt..Iti. 4,,Mtioeultomoiriviton.,,:ztollb
her .31st,,1943_, one Per cent, during the George sikrid, Rose Oeederhani, of 'Teton.. 0 (Financial Peaty ., W. ir„tolah D.R,O:, II Anderson clerk;
montly-ot4antiery, 1934,. -2.1W TdAt; 'ttuv, to: , 74n-fiaat.n.144* TWeediaiLlinzdied;".10 - The ,proposal. $0r,..,0ne.-.'proiintia ge'v- No. 5,.. 45 ,t4,...[ItevarteneY, It Mot'
.it the month ot February, 3 per tent...f..44V0 s011s; 0604eN Stewart and Gordon,. ernment for. the three „merle provinces , Cattne. -I,./t,04. IN% 'IL 'tkOhh; Clerk; 140,
during -moon; s' per cent. .and thereafter ,Toronto; Jame#, 'Oetteltr Itoberto---Cht- will not deWh• ''''Veli.-- W. '1) vigor, 14r4 - 6;:honze of R. ItM
iaer4 R. 'Itt°1/1""n.
t tea, The'Reeve seiiettear.,*hiut-1go, and one ASter*---1-40-MaeXensie, of has come out in favor0!the Ptiiliosall.-1)-„R;04 en 'clerk. , ----'-
received the sumo! $5,00 for the booth'
,-don;:vittods who just. feturaid, •f„ -a' would have, bile' large Maritime pro. . The tolkking- 'accounts were -Pafat
tu4b,-.., , -
envitt vouchersso ol'reir. accounts. v -land„,atterliPend, eotie, wvoinr--tbeqa: other ;wets, xtri, the Interest
ot tte040. tiv4irairleinee-l' . .. , :, , , . _ Kenneth-Tte_ iirartbk-alteelk-elaini. r -.41P.,!'
int ,been".. found ocirect, were 'erciereli Oooderhain,and MO; Wm. Pugsley, pas, ...,.....
.„ ..
uald..: .1tead . superintendent's Wicket* sea away alittle; over *Year *O.. '83,1n.
42:3,,-.4rhos. eluelde,--loor and, mato- oathv Is vomits 'me,:Gee' rige Tweed*
I,. s1i60:: ate.' thuteit;--kiltIliji weeds, d solo, zka,Mrs. otorgo iNteettle (nee,
. %Pal; Pell, Wilt Co., NOtete . Ifata+: Ott ik40) 1. aeti0104 -AA and luit been
_a 1580301. Aiereeit'-atid oonfjned for hifet three- youths
ior $Olo; Counal -adjourned and Is entering iittid, next VviOk for
to t Nov. - VOL very .seritius ratien, -1**4- Tweedie Is
.ilasiztent -0Ierh, the only. abot 14,1te of this. ton,
PnONt N40 .„
4sItionance,of alaltrd4- �Thtes
front hint befor* ronewing or planning'
neirithAttlrlutW--- '
, • •
-special *ensure- ,
446 °I1normal,
merit last, to insure
,L_Peture.and proper distribu-
tion of *eight between heel
and ball. Also specie fit-
ting *roll sconstruction.
2-Freefitting hall' and toe,
without sacrifice of grace -
fill lines. •
vamp lines.
4.--Snugfitting heel NOM
less inside lining,
5. -Wedge adjustment in the
so* lining to 'correct. run.
over heels.
4.--$oelt: lining lioelctt:
Zcjr in-
sertion of flexible metatar,
seI support adjustable to in,-
dividuat-requitements-," -
7,--,SUnk• of 18 -gauge temper.
longitudinal arch, '
8, -Widths AAA to WM reede'''
-atelat, . Priced -high-gr * d
Let us deniiinstrate these Coin.
foxt, Shoeto, yot
ern's Shoe Store
Itii*D404uorr. -
qulct .toon,plate at the 'Pa'
ithe United. ormith, Mutat-.
dine, at. nide. &cloth' Saturdo moray,
October lthrH„v0303. itAtbuken. Hard.
ot ,004acith. 'tittai united 'In, retsx
dige. urnott .1:Ord, et lithlear:
dine, ',gm Craw' condOctlhlt . the, tete
1**It, They were 'attended; by Mr
,Douslaa 1400bRay and Nom owe lard,
'Wet ets the grew*. AtVet the vietwitit
emmony the btitie Auld grooM len on .4%
.*flWt iriP *Adon their return will a-
in ItMesollite
Get your Fall stilt ;and
trousers cleaned and .pressed
at Vroomanii and OW Vint
look just as -they came from
the tailor, in the first case,
Headquarters for, ladies' and
.gentlemens expert cleaning,-
14101111 122
slutett irmixon oat ,
ot *Pomo
reSell Drugs Give Servie
co-operate- with you?
This Week's Reductions oa Seasonal& Drug
Store Items
mottos trot tat
1:40ge 59°