HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-10-12, Page 7• .11 ;1•,•.‘"
#460' "••"..
tOUrie eep. But 1eep h voWd not ab
at last he ,tire$0.044;ivente*'POlt. lnto the
,eXalltY ttrettfi. -
,0** AMU latee,`Ied bY detdoita wayshe
cotlut '1101rProknilet h lorMa. himself it
' the CL depot Ott the Ontskirta ot,
nel :her*
We bere'tr
affic dfa*4
*1144 on the southern Satform aaid 10,d!
to ei004. the .ranrecati tracks reach, the
ibigineas*tion,ait .
Here, the *red lanclaulet, frOM.
'the depot lystrtio.,had. italteet.on.,114010ton:
Avenue waiting or .the "OM* to/ PUll.
• ,,Pie165,0,_ectald Sese :on the,'Istreet:.etot
HOMPton, *" aUtteritti'. 'Service ',elation.'
roti,'" he. shakily. ,ioistion.4,,
'thief" ' " '
• '‘,1401 C110:' ,'OP1***1*
• dyes,tt* you 11 It th*t. Crofto 's
cojt waft caught in, the, tar door. As tbe
Car ,eroatett, the „think. be OPanisitth door
aTIflWfl to Naw York VOMIOnteritq,.'41141lvoravelt tb:uglit 40414,Inalit:04,,
44"Ak;es„ .1,444 4**W/eel **Pala It
was ot paver. Then 1 Saw It
twat, not white, but graY€41.:..P0#4.r_tg.
Iltirtat.:04tr ‘•
WA them ,PrOser halted his (lues!-'
Ouhlit*.' Thered.eleetle. bands. :he had
'along instistedi MeantIfiQse PaPexlik
MysterionelY vanished. Had he been on
the verge•btjlearing-up 44-isit -postale for
Ker11110 1 ,
.B34 27,0 /0)40/10 041,,T113.t.1aII etirevid.,-.1ergur saw;-, but o liis-reriew-
fest ed
fine#101114 Stacey
int° $r 11141444
As, three 00 r ther 110t VA .40;'. that 'What hesaw, :caught,* the landfill',
eoendett *heath: 1/1a4nek A lett dpor, was the corner Of le itght IVO:
1,1tket.k.V.z..S•teight...44040041. Overhead :with ' mat.
grinding clatter that ralrbr 464611°4' Itergin called 'Thothas Shedd;
.A The deboimir Mr. Bhdd corroborated
Crofton's ' office, and the,dbSPL!aranee
BO Made, he atteniPt to dsputc that
Nitelornie-had bran1Lebed -the revolver
*4 be b
taken • personal -charge of .Deloamea-to
nr,gglng zot4t*:0,•tor$,. 41Ven iatibefopirtet,orortuetiniater7
a, alaaa4,-a,a4,----aia-aaaa-araf.----i- •
•nta- andvirinuendoes;----10-versuade--
-Emig g fa "feheatlittlijaT:_
i''"""trolffir ---uns spleirurrdr,Pliat-artit
om1h'-1-wh1st1d-up-thetube4o--?e -,
Lane. -
Just *head Of 'him. -Seeteelt 411seerned
posit, Where trees and shrUbberY 110v;
. leafing. tint threw heavy ehadbarat, the
• 6
tt •
ePtreal'Itiftlhat, at ;tniewraiaint,
• &einem:le' unseen by l'ati* or -Stilly, hacL
PPett: frem . the, tail,' into .the lande4,
"That„theorY,".-Bresteeir told 'himself in
r' rfT5-**.4!Ity.,*ns InWOWPIX&P'
morning the "traVeling
aelifight br long.
stance terephone 3iVixittsOlr the pre,-
1ious night testifled that oa the 28tli:0!
• Vebrtiary Delorsee . had- hoarded the '744'
eastbound at gp;ritrigtxt and had ridden
%int. the ,entitedistance to Toronto.
• Brestiey. harried the Witness With in-'
kpiestient regarding hit pre-
-71.i• iirititts-alattialtata-nce with, Delorme, which
and his identification (if De -
lie Ulfh4 had merely 'Strengthened Ker-
• glies caZe. • „,
• .41YOUrti man,".4.iped. Wien, "that
• donee lets ',..Delenne Out. .lsTeiw, we ,will
algain that Cigarette:ash."'
• John 'ateter, the tower man, on duty
• Ritti
EaPert. NOtkitiehablip'•
AII Work Guaranteed
t Your -,:buitnfsi will be .
ongraca,, , • evriutto---
- 0: Boa lel
; •
14,"10.1? -*'44,100,"110"" -Pr At' r
qUestion, her " clung' times to tihe
af :the withesS stand to '
steady lnrn-
Ohliddt PertArbahW 10044 at MIA,
answering everything With in. tool**,
ible, alino4 pitying Patience.
'"Regiardina this revolver," questtoned
as *Pkked UP the, WeliPert
from the clerk's tlesk.'1.`ttin you Swear it
Is tbe same weapon Delorme left in Crot-
"Let me See it," invited Shedd, ,
Be carefully. examined th weapon,
'pressor', picking up the ;our red OW
stoles:sly twisted them about his forna-
• nt,' Is 'Ott' stone reVolVert", -•teitixita
-Shea ."‘"
BresSey .; took It. .Alisehtly he held . It
While he Wellfi tWiStlXl; the elastlea;
""Will you arear..". he asked.. "that Pe-.
lorines, revolver was 'flied to alutie-t4g-
• Puzzled. Shedd regarded WM, , as Pattinf( IVO VA *Well .the lirohel apart, The report else observes
•hen-demagea.atalieakag.-puttin‘ g the that stem _of-hlocking4lintaatitto
"What dojesantarrre--,-Oz
ela that a very SliWPtill or Pr We tieeh_- are-64-41144-4414iii7-talleetr1111711iiiii*e:""4:14t4"4,,dirft
tare eterer:11Ovievef,. is to hand over the to harvest.
•."1- did not *aloe; that;"'- -•-
bird to. the, •
Bressey,Silent- a meritentiThient oh
The seed b carrots, Otle'te the feet •-Li Nate of low: 1 p 5, in-
fu'nbllng with the rd eastie bands. He W:"1" -
I _Cr
them 7;attOttC the :TOtitt0.441":*li that the indivfdtialgeed-elastera, de ii0t guides, for Wee . high:1'04W 404
once 'rata*, anallten about the:revolver.
So prolonged ,beows the, olont, ripen ' ti*4'.$04414 1114P0: CE4P13.4 be har.- breeding reinaleS;, portion:lariat ewe lambs,
vested in the same Mariner ,Manges • has -Amen *greater than titaitil; coordirtis
gin landed. be Ittedlinialied.'
• • '„
1..41„ ma
I ke
, ba
ed .In
, hibu!rt, vistbeott,tvirtutii:i4,400747:1417.4,414yee,471,"ial'...., 14.1._pm44:111_011011.1,1Au040*4,',1,?: vahittouirrease':at;no$114:ii,l'S:net,latio 1
Of OW 4 ' lp Oodt Plt ittlprk* rAl'Irtt:Vittiter,
'and a
the prettiest lace in IKerningtort. redinitiOrt 4 Ow number0!-abaopral
• End, and ponitrY Otaairred hetWeeri, OTOnit tit*,
1 „ 10310 and ,tpine. 'ZIA,' 1032, The tOtal
VrtiallittLrofingalitithtvestucterkolinartitd,wefo, 01104 Soopecoules
la's further drop Valtlet per head.,
The total value of.all livestock *mounted
to $14400.000. on June Mt. 1932, com-
pared- -,with---41741S2-000.. Alm June .1At.
1931* whkh,--rePreaente a reduction .9g 10
-n47.0.0444 **Alt 350 ntilli\nt acre* of 1:*;"
land Suitable Air farming purposes and
of tlsia total tat Million* are in oecnpied • on =twit* Mang*
farms of wleth neaely. Oil Million., Ores Experiments tarried 'Mit over,* period
are improved land, of 0/1111t )(cart, by the rtorainlort
. Mental Perm, Ottawa. She* that the
tertani_oggestions. eures,,,,tor bans largest Crop of mangebv is secured when
eating their eggs . have. been, made such they are thinned to dietanee of 9
Neos and'Information
for the Bray Farmer
obty, atbseotOauntitrturea)
pax ' ROL.,.Xematcl-tinl
er-rrlreeing.:, Peierine' Olr" 'hoard le oritelielSee
7•50 trit14•';.4.0 had stopped at the leeVice, IlretseY was looking . at Mary
station, a baoek from Hampton 'Avenue,ellen while lie fingers contintled.tb
to la*, the re.edhanic 'batik over his en..l'alesentlY twistthose red elastics. 'Itergin
gine.t• 'saw the girl's -glance grow hopeful. _
He did not le4i'ite the -service station. He frowned,and.phewed savagely at a
till 8.28, and reathea'Main Street only 'in! 'Omen.
time to see Ort;tolfahody down "Are you thrOtigh, Mr. Etresgey?" in -
from the red ittnattulet, cluired.the **age.' -
* Itergin *keit .brie more question, • 'BresSei glanced at him.- and then at,
• "11/4/14Crofton had the reputation of the tan& revolver,.-rea ,,ilasties :aria
.disapproVing the use tObatee. "Wlmt fountain. pen in his hands.
have you to gay ae to • that?" .
shedclAteiitated. "Your lordship; X was just tonildering'
"He did not smdke'in *ptiblit:" , 'lifted, the . tangle; Be.: tugged:
"YOU mean,. he.iintike4i-on the -sly?" ' -pea though,
"A little." - to free it. ' , • ' •
"That .do," said 'ICeigier. •• A loud -explosion shattered the unstuei.
,Bressey-avas-Weaty'in Pectiniraulet otIlle-nOurt.rnuntrbrough-'
and tlnutterably -slck -nt heart.. His the,clearing-smoirec.--Allan --sresser.----tot
cress-eitiedioniug-of Shedd Proved ram-. sudden '"''tensely alert and \tremendously
'Whig and ineffeetivee Wide awake, Jana menacingly toward
"Sow ratteh nitre testimony have you, ThceitaS Shedd.
Zar; ICeiginy asked, the Judge as Shedd "Now Mr. Shedd, now that 1 have de-
at- last stepped down, monstrated the _actual purpose of those
"Just, one' Varlets." mysterious red elastics, will you ten his
The witness was ..Eastph Sully, night- lordshiii and the limy test what you did-
watehmati at the knitting mIU.. SuIly 4hetWeeii the tiineAhe: red :landaulet left
told -Mr.
landaulet -passel; *Theelandauleti he in- Shedd -stepped nnobsenie_d from the red
-sigted, Ade•-not hilt, landaulet opcsite the kr-fitting mill?"
. 'Bressey took the -witness.
-.Le-11Witait telid-yieeihreiliftetaffel • , ,_ . , ,.., .,..
',CHAPIlitR,XVIr .
"Why;" eablahrell 'Sully, shanle-eacea, AFTERWARD . • , ,
..ef -yells,. lit Petei! and Pete,- he yeals, Orlin Kergin at last emerged from the
Ifelio, klber and I yells, latiy. Pete,,dfyou witness l'OOlit where he had been taking
want to 'U. ,...,4 If " ' 1,,,0,4 16: 4 I i',. tement,,4roni-the--once-deliona1r4Er.
The -tit e that swept the court room Sheddlie beckonedArlan pressey,
brought a thzsh.to BresseY's face, "Well?" demanded Bressey.
• "While yell two were shouting, you ,.,,,,T#e may at well, get .rld of flits Galt
.-avereealso Idoitlet 'at -One another?" . - jury' -growled Kergin. "Kielethem„ and
".I-Ppose go." .. ' let them go.' What evidence have you?"'
• * .,-. ,t-Ateither-Of-you-wottld-be--apt- "Votr,"--said-Bresger,--outetlYT"hare-alt
to see anything that happened on the the evidence. 'Stour witneseee 'establish-
furthet side of the landaulat?'[ _.,.„ „ ed my ease point by point;liylane and
-"I dare gar vie-Ceuldrirt."-.- ...._:..._ stacer, that the red, landaulet halted at
4r'' -alstke-r.... suthighat,it-sPeke. , The -Hanzeiton-criiSshgo by Sticeyfru4-
• "Pardon me,' VII% Breesey, but I am, a- man wearing a light gray coat and
naturally earfoPte- .Witriget -did Pete imoking- 0.---cigarette.-a-marl he mistook
Lane.birr- any -of. -your rabbits?" ear.,oftorr-cliust ha'ite entered' the tat
The titter became a roar of laughter. there. ' • -
, 4116 TO 1999
IT 15 . .
CORM". 70 DAM*.
MINA 10.1,7-1-couxot EL
• .10RONTo -
waits 0Olt
'edesr-The-seed. a rep rom a er UR y.
terampist at4freat .Mrt.
become brwn and several pickings are • preyed the. toteditieri the !and for fell
neoessarY to harvest the Crop in best Con,-, whelo. aermirtation. Apple picking is In
full 'swing, in ,all the orchard.' di:std.:Os
and a line. eroP Of .PlOath, healtht,frint is
being hamsteci. Pastures , have i;held up
fairly well ir Eastern Ontario and .1hre
Stock should go MO stables in gOOd: con-
dition. Frain 'Leeds County, comes the
.....rePort that. More. clever' 04 alfalfa are
being left for seed than usual, the secOnd
cut alfalfa having an exeellorzt- seed set.
,-:!No, ,Judge. Pete, he, didn't ,feel,,lilee ,"et eva-1-ettahlished by Lane that the
-gbill!--into!--rabbits• " a' winning Orthe-treiglit'ANAre-t4e-vbx-
, . •
',111611it. f101ieCT Breggey, , "What made 7,excid,heiourt4.„.ot anY
V: .rInire:4- . 'A , • In the huidatdeti if, Indeed, the :nnirdeter.
'bn my *ay down, to the mills that' :did . no Use a ' silencer, that- linieL, by
night -1 got talkink -to -Mr; 611e:dds outside 'Lane and Stalk; that opposite the knit
the service',station.:- lie say ° to me as -,:ting milt their -attention.. was Centered on
how Pete Lane,- lie *AS thioltliV Or ,goin' °lie, another: and by sully, that Shedd,
- , . .
'kriewing' the ratite the landaulet ,,,ritust_
' „tniat-, , 7w, ill de,” "Snapped Breesei.- -take,-' deliberately- contrived` -that- 81111Y-
sat_doWn.....7_, L._ ..., ____ shotild distract:-LPete Lane's. -attehtion.
;4*---the--critelal-Monzent.110.4 coltre...„..ietee„ While he, -uneibeerved, stePped out of the
• II
1. e•
, ' 1 her denial of the iletual shooting, let "'What led. :me, "_astrair..." sad treSSeY. lin.sgiertatee;x:weapst ctolostead1.1uanyereotWlittneeadoth.. lan,,d0aouloent,!Attromedadi:ere'lzi.igstif.etaway."
1 fight her -way .its -best she could through, "Was that one dint:mists:nee of Crofton;
Keegira . pitiless tross-examination, and the ,Aupposed Crofton, whistling Up the
then, appeal to :the erhotion of those tube to -Pete pane after the car emerged
emotiohlets jurorsfromind& the viaduct/1 Would
lint Xergin had not finished. 'Ile was though. be a small matter for. Shedd, to
'. . .. f ' . ,
recalling.the deborulit Mr. Shedd -!fl linitate-.,Orofton's - Voice:- --- -
debenair .latr. Shod a,id not_ retnenther ern ,the 'brief interval. he 'had One JO,
Veg.-brig' toe,Selly plat niglit, or Merit, replete the spent eartriilge with a blank
'ening rabbiti. , ' , - • and, aaust the revolver with the elastic
-01 mime, Sully Might , have iNIteii to
. ... .... _
, #
Xotit is
All you
the Time.
Store and-
sizes and
your home,
• Virat
tit Water
r c
for -
as -to
Water Heater
41o is, flay
Call at
get particulars
Vats-- required
• I
bit`Ite had not left the service station
till 826,, and he, was eertainlY there when
au* wont to- 'Work; jot *mit 8 o'clock.
14'41 -be iihnielt did telt keep rabbits.
'Again the tourtrebin Uttered. Bretsey,
nualdtig, felt that evert the Judge was
making game of him.
Shedd WAS stepping *doWri, when. tres-
sey littlted 1jIm4 ergin regarded the
young laveyer with a totieliof pity, '
,_,!1,11i; WY's' he -muttered to
PlaWsen Heddielr X Wouldrit be
.shoo.3 light now to a 'million' defittr-
deed Witt '114ked to a finish, and about
to open his wiselatliat'a he up° tei now,
413paratefor time?" cynically atiggest
tAti iteddisck;
• Aressey, 'indeed,- *as -'ori the verge. of
. _ -
s ervou
Had Bad Dizzy Spe�s
41441"Izsard VaIhy,,
was' is' nervoutvwtck, also disz
and eliortnees of bririath. • mos so, nervous
• eonid,not atay atone, and would lie awaltic MOSt of
the night -it X Was net a bit ibttter after coheithisit
doctor .attd, taking his One day a fiend
told we to use. Milburn's if, it ft 141115 which 1 dia,
and itia4try short ONO they itaillo 4 great differeimo
".itt my health. 1 Cannot speak too highly of then."
tot 5.40 At all drea and onttAt Atto51 put up oar by
V; nabob C44 ZiteiktAidi TigNittht UM,
• 'V•
iola' and. ‘1)otiliPPelnirr olnhelepal rtisttes of
sheep are serlolls ehOUgh a1 IOW tint- e and
cause more direet loss than is generally
SOPpottel,;..bitt during the 'Peried When -
the sheep are In'I4inter guarters It is
even more Importarkt to rid then Or all
1.41ArceS Of 1rrltat1on It 15 ,e5pe01ally
a1e that the lioeli'be clean" before and
*tips lambing, otherWise the infestation
is sure. -to -passidalong-to-the lambs
whith will thus, receive a very serious -
set -back at the:moat Important' period -of
the *all
One of the 'beet nethods of killing
weeds is to ridge the land in the fall.
*There art men who claim that there Ts
no benefit In the tvay or killing loetstocks
of •Eirgit thistle and cludli' grass renishiing
in thei 0.11,:4after summer cultivation.
Others riglitd ridging as zopplezhentarY
to early---after-harvesting cultivation -In
the eradication: of weeds: -At the Tetvt,..
vele .A.grictiltural• Fidhool in 'Ontario Mg -
'OA,* coa»tdereg 3np1.11te•---tTfiry
practice, an landsploughed early and
subsequently topworkea being drilled' up
In early fau,„„ Another . advantage of
ridging is that it aids ln getting on the
land -a -few, days
wlech is a decided gain on low or heavy
•land. SoMe clays tend to run together
if lett -in-er," highly ciiltivated state all
winter, but ridging up correcte, thia,
• • • viir.141...al
tound in Ahem, wordc' "They .inetke4,
e4 tht wor4 ot Ood in the arlailegnea Of
the ,Ows...7
Irrem Salamis the three Milidonarlea
uuVered the."44i0e Island hitt net one
cldent of .their Journey recorded
:they' reached the town et Polpiaat..
Witi *re that the. Oa* 411.1 ,wskOrep;
ped and when the Itierner WO returned
It was 'Vaal ahtt-lOrecirtpaitY," They
,441.01 AWAY ;MU '0).5 Island 444 4404
at :Perla in PanaPhiliti where their. stay tea merchant of ,t)tratty*,; stepped. .
'Wat, Shed ,Init marked ,h3r the separation ; out hesitatiOn. and fear Into - .
from 'them 0! John Mark who returned .strartite..for trie of 4611egalaUVe
Jerliaaletn. • . a lige ativereV9uN colortalt, rich
,prorivveroa„, they inide. their way, la.. with . pageantry .and tense with danger*"
RPOTto-771W-Uctge voniniercial -01-but'sWeet0ne4 trd, tritiObled by titter
_Antioch of. Pisidia.' afere they went to deVotien: to the canse for whielFhe work -
the ,
synagogue .on: the Sabbath ,day and
aCeepted lite *Math* and We are glVert
Saltit 1". ,hat is
for the eta, Or th opium
Watt I will Re Att'004e ti • Africa" and
,thas athaea *cattle his *Wore. and •
Nvitl 14ivinastiina looted into the heart
of has •destiny. The smoke * thou -
Sand Villages) The adventure Of it hp -
Wiled to the yoatia of him: the MOW- d
tude ot he task waked respell.* ,irt
the grafivrnit strength. '1,Vithin ins breast.'
So David, Livingstone,, &oh of a-OCOttfir
t1Wfligt-W.altlirPik chapel,-Iontion-aivr-on the tith of Do.
-record as -been- preserved:, -(Vereee ,11.141.). sldp
:later on 00>ellea-...,them :Clow and procescieti to the Cape' and
out of :ootirttpt thence to, .Algea ttaY.'
the ;test of 'Welt' ',fen agktns' Ulelt -"Ight-tiext year fband him in Africa, an
'gen-Unto the neighboring regien of Teen- . (Aor., ,mari or: to.:011,4i..
ium Bat thetr departuee did, not de- ,
.stro eigh , Intensely Ititermted in the novel
• L ' .*' . 4"
A ed-TheY. left helenctetheni the_lre. '• ' I " °•0 new 'eettn"
'"ifitt:b5TP13t4"le‘.. lc_ V-atetticetple14.‘rFt_thirte-51-ase Vandaan5mttfor tiarXjnviar'ticIL-.7:P-4v--"ir'--rriletaitZ -'-------'.-:-.'
the wilt in oo for Permission to looate. hig an $fita011. '
they delivered 'ma wh" e-,irh ; in the regien of the' unexplered eotin-
the Ably -Spirit.. ,--- . - --.-. - trir he did everything possible:4o fame- ,
In their miselOnary endeavors' in' ties. iarize* hiniselt with the native eharacter '
region they fellowed the injunction given
'When they. persecute yott .M..this eity,, and language. and lived tor:six mates
by Jesus to his twelve disciples when he with the tribe of Lepoloh, taking short
sent them forth As lambs among wolves:. _I
joUnItl.3 through their' country.' perfect -
his 'knowledge of the language. Out
flee ye to another." . • of his -experience, two things ' became
At Lystra they ,were regarded as gods 'clear to him. Ile began to see that the
and the. People, together with their work -Of the missionary was breeder than
lilltdieSs Oats
AS a cheap. source high qUality feed.
-Of particular *Value for ,pounrY andyOung
stock ,and one whieb tun be used at onto
vitbotit-'--Proeesshig, except perhaps
grinding,- hulless oats takno-equal writes
A.-4prelen -Skinner; Agricultural sepre-
sentat4ve-ln Haldimand Caminty. The
yields as recorded are most encouraging
• and tompere favorably with sthe ordinary
bulled 'varieties as to put the hulless.var-
iety in the lead when considering ettus4
pounds of digestitge nuttienti .prothiced;
and after all -thaViS the point in which
we Most Mterestede. A twenty
pminds 'per measured bushel is equal to
a Yield of forty-two bushels when figured
;on the bash- of 80 per vent hull.
'--.11ullesr-oates-are-verr -susetptlifie- tty
smut and unless, measures are taken to
prevent thie disease, , the lots wili •be
•heavy. Treatment is very -simple, how
6 4
' If I I •
priest, Would have Cone sacrifice to them.,
However, certain ./tWis came , from An-
tioeh qtnd Iconlein and. peqUaded the
people so that -Paul IVO istonect suppoeed-
ly to death. Recov.ering;110 and Barna-
• bas moved on, reaching Derbel-wher
they preached- and taught- many. After
time they retraced- their steps-,7toil--
firming the goalie* of the disciples, and
exhorting them to continue in the faith,
.and that we.must through itiuth tribula-
tion enter into the icingdom of God."
In the course, of time _they -returned to
Antioch, the place of -their designation
as heralds•of the cross. They on arriv4• ,
ing gathered the ehurtit tegetlier and
Itehearsed-ali- that- -pod-had-done-wit4
them. and how -ho had -opened the door
of faith unto the 'oentiles."
David Livhisstone
(Born one hundred and twenty years
ago --died sixty yeare ago)
• Rifling The files
Most efforts te keep clear' of stable
fl1esave been reetricted -to spraying-ttm
Alies-on-the-cows,-- -Thesuggestibre4s- troy
Made. that the flies be fought In the
as well. The idea IS toespray the
flies with a kilinig spray while they -are
zettled: in tire walls '-arid ceiling. • If thit
spraying is in the early morfflng it
wULba anon _effective as the. Ines am
• then eluggish in their movements. Late
SO-Trgater tirne7-Cloilset
stable and epray with a fine mist that
fills the air. One part of totmalin in 19
parts .of milk or kweeterree water makes
a good and cheap spray. The same mix-
ture May be left around in plates tor the
flies to :drink: - Keeping all- manure,
`cleared away the stable and 'Yards
remove breedieg places for the flies
, and reduce the nuisance. Where
not convenient to Move the I manure to
the fields, it should be kept a screened
Ehe0. •
farmer with-eqapmeet whith he may al-
ready have. Cooper carbonate dust. 18
used and ruepording to instructions issued
by the 'Department of Botany, 0...A. C.
should be applied at the rate of about
operated 'cement inixes an ideal piece
of equipment for this operation and Is in
com-mon use 2n Haldimand. • Theorrna-
-lin treatment cannot -be appliert-to-Hul
less Oats ai it wilt destroy gerthination.
Copper earbonate duet, on the,other
hand, is safe to me and seed tan be
treated any time when it is donvereent
and -stored without injury. Treated seed,
Imwever,-tannot-be used for feeding -or
milling purposes.
1933 ratio Figures
Depressed economic conditions have
not 'affected the continuity of agricultur-
al :production. _in "Ontario,. according to
,flealree Juetlseued _by. the P. cPartineht.
•The -acreage planted' t43 the 'principal
crops amounted' to 9,226,700 acres in
bands pu11 en the left-hand 1932-ine eolnpated-withefereele'M
dope tvould diseharge it --filed as it was *Vkaus year. • Beans`, potatoes and gax ex -
to a hair‘trigger." • • nerienced the largest_ percentage decline
Said ICergin, ith grildging adfrera- in acreage, while 'barley, alfalfa, buck -
Wry. •
"Your bit of drama.sare, got,hirri?"
Bressey nodded.
"Olf his ,guarti. ,thought the case
Method, with not a lent Of suspicion.
against hlin Themechanic at, 'the ser-
vite dation tan likely supply What de-
tails You atilt need. ' °
"He earl tell $aair ,not trzerely that
„Shedd -drove aWaestitle•Itis -car, at 8280
but kid When Shedd Was inside helping
tiriker with the 'engine and just when he -
was Outside., StiPpesedly taking the air."
A‘Clever." admitted itergin,
coind,suspect ifint Of, '00 murder aPpar4
entlY totrueilttea �n 'kith sttiet lat the
precise ...moment -rle VMS, •leaving the ser-
vice- station ti;• away? ireve
multi' he forette that your elient--
"Ile -didn't-foresee inv 'elicrit, .
intent Voter- Vine - to bathe -oat
lIUhl He didn't adritit that' to nie.
tit,he "did admit doiible Metive.He
ebte, Orotten, became Crofton
Wouldn't heti) Valaad lea *WU-gess, lilt-,
antic Silifer shatea ot 1r OA. ,‘ And
thth thete was the biO halt -possible
.eottrao 13/lame, *wit meant
41einNalirierfdM youdirst itiswt
',Wok' said Itr ;este' y„, 44fIlt X begari
puree neer bis phetiothenal interest in
oe Onlirs rabbits.o • 11
,",truht le444 juitled to your
anent TO tell
thd trathp the whole truth and nothing,
he had ever dreamed, and there grew no
in ha mind the convietion that the stilt
fundamental of a suteessfiu evangeliza-
tion of 'uncivilized nations is to bring
them in tontact with-the-highe.st type of
-civilization and with ideals of high living.
teachings of, Christ. Thus, to him. ex-
ploration -and the bringing of :legitimate
honest coriuneree to the natives weie
neeestary first steos in iniseionary work.
The second idea that took star* in his
mind during this period , was the cer-
tainty that the stave trade was the most
iiowerful and most deadly agent that
could possibly operate against the spread
of Christianity. From that time he set
his face steadily against what he teetned
• "the=open sore' of the world."
1:10.9-.100,90,41- !Review. -
--e. -1/4.24 .ears , a ,
sittingaroom of it -students'. boarding-
house in London, two men sat in earnest
ccnversatien._.. Afton. 'while the young
man sat forward on the edge -del) -his
chair, his grey eyes shining 'aboie his
high cheek bones. , •
"Then you think, air," he atked, "that
Africa is the place for me?"
-tone's - preapeets of getting to China h
been damaged by he aplufn War; It was
in these circumstarV:es that hecame In-
to eontact with Dr. lVfoffat, who was then
itt Etiglialid, treating -Much ,intirest in
hiaz;--South, African nesigOn. 130, after
discussion with Dr. Moffat, Livingstone
Pew Itaree lase OS Vie*
.4thit, Mae Woo* orawtb, in;
then h eeeerallait le
titroctioaw Wed mem -
/*UM gef reillett
•••••••- •• .41,•••••••••11 IIMMIMOINNIMMORM,14011.*
Sunday Afternoon
By ISABEL•HAmiLTON. Clotlettch.
Take my life, and zet It be
Consterated. Lord,.. -to- Thee;
Take trty moments and my days:
Let them flow in ceaseless praise. I
'rake my lo-ve; my Lord, 1 pour •
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself, and 1 will be,
Ever, only, all, for Thee.
P. R. Havergal.
Iorsl„ we would pray that Thou wouldst
prepare and send -1 arth in ever incis-
ing nurnbers men and women to spread
• 1 we have Mown. TO
forgive our drat Amen.
S. S. LESSON FOR OCT. -22nd, 11133
wheat and corn ghowed the greatest in- Leeson Topic -Paul In Asia Miner..
creases. The average yield per atre was Loom Passage -Acts 13;1-5; 13-15;
very satisfactory, bat gross value of a,gri- 1419-23. ---6,-
tuittu•al production showed -a decrease -of Golden _-Text--Itlark 16:15.
845,617,000 from the preceding year, the
ligure for 1932 being *220.445,00.
A crop of 48;759800 lbs. of tobacco
was grown in Ontario in 1932, markieg
a new high - record of produttion. The
outstanding feature of this industry is
the inereatirig predominance eiP the,.
bright flue -cured type which has increas-
'41 will set ta.-isoitse315.1or _
• so lettftbItt
146 ilatell 11t6Miell,10110,.,
tehtewttirt r**011444•wW41.4 tile*
sea, *dee wolf. efueeteo
ta Of t410 get flit •01
*wr bitraltS, or
31.0.4404. ,*.5 -yo, tom itielit
*11 ti K 11‘05,6*, 0oit-.541#
Zeit, tat lifew
.inieb- • *055 the livor let
)5sitt**Ctiettitik ititietisk *15,
.dioat tuft fo4's54 0410
Eieceatteit froitat
te ta. tt„ 11.141401( Mat SW*
filis broier thrOw Vries t
roth 0 t tti‘_1551
tn the first verses 'of teday's lesson '
therelt retailed the fleet Missionary or-
dination, service. Two men had been
definitely chosen sf God for foreign mis-
siOn work and their fellow-workera were
ilithOrIftd 14 set them apart by the lay-
2ng on of hands, aPer a Season of lasting
and prayer. These two men were Bar-
nabas and Saul, who kr a. year, had been
.actively engaged br the building up of
the Christian. Chureh itt Antioch. Their
• arrangenients for departure- b,eing all
made, they set off for the eelpert- of..
Selencia and from there', they,sailed for -
tile lgan..4:.,q-cYlnial Parnabas„
:was -a native son. As they sat on the
'WM ltlieY itieh- -Mt '
deep, entotion at the thouaht ,that now
for the first time the Paitit, On which
• depended the hopes of the worhi, was
starting for fresh regions trout 1t5 nattar
Syria. • The future was all nieriituny
hidderx for „otherwise; ho W could P4ti1
have gone forward? Hill liftman golrit,
.tvotiai1ije Tiiiink front -the ofght hot
his hero heart wetild have tried nut.
Otil 46 thliva through Christ that
strengtheneth ine,"
Thelr John 'Mark with them tor a
timeftl the capacity an attendant.
Tht$r fernilltied tit Calamia for -S, Stiesn,
btit the otil, record of their t5sk„,thpte
sweet for the
whole family
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