HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-9, Page 5Emma 91080 THU T1.mE 7118 GROCERY. The latest Arrivals of the Season Lake Huron, Labrador White ;"x•71 At A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF NEW SEASON TEAS AND. FRE SII . WINES AND LIQV'OILS, 'Wholesale and Re t gkil. nect Sign, Main t Street, Ezreter. GROCERY. The Latest Arrivals of the Season Fish & � ,t b' 1. 2 Bbls. A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF FRUITS OF EVERY VARIETY. LABATT'S ALE AND STOUT IN BOTTLE AND QUARTER CASK YODNGER'S, TENNETT'S, BASS' AND GTJINESS' STOUT AND ALES ALWAYS IN STOCK. t T.RAYE1),-On the premises of`ibs subscriber, lot 15, con 3, Stephen, on or aboltt the 10th of November, 0, ono year ola steer. The owner is requested to oomosud prove pro. perty, pay charges and take it away, HARRY PARSONS. Cltopht 1, Nov. 15, 1880, ('1 { REWARD. --The above reward t._ ' will bo given tonayperson orpe1so s w 10 will give such information that will lead to the oonvieli ,u of the party or pantie wino poi• soiled my Newfoundland clog on t1•c morning of the 18t11 Inst. 0. DORW.\RD. lsotor, Nov. 91,1840. 121 STY, -Caine on the pretnise$ PL,Y .4 of tho snb,•ariber, lot 20,0011.10, Usbovno, on or about the 1st of ,Tune la'it, two steersand two heifers, AIlo n. owe ILn,t lamb, Tito owner is re- q'le-te l let prove property, pay expc!uaos and (mkt t'Lco, away. 'Lisburne, Nov, 25th, 1880. R. MARQUIS. QGRAYED,-Cil lot 1, con. d, U4 1. ') borne about the 1st of November, a rein mud white yearling calf. The owner is regltested to Pro 112(1 axprl1aee ailtl :LLiie it away. lisbni'ue, Nov,111,18'i0. RIC HAlt ') Q1T1NTON. • i OIt SALE OR RENT -OPENING _ for lint class baker. Tho store on Main >trEet, I;rulOr, recently occupied, by 91r. J. H Baker, as a ftt•uitm•o store, Goad lar go dwelling uttaehed. Good g 1> 1011 plot, stable, hard emu sift ,1 atm*. Every cunvenienc, for 8rst•class batter -new brick oven, T. 11, BA I>.Er., ire'ua11. CAME ESTRAY -- A13OTJT THE 1st week in November, on lot 01, concession 1), ilteph,'n, t white heifer apparently coming two years old. Tine 0wn01' may urcive property, pay expenses and take her away. 5. fRCIKI! NSFIIRE TRAY STEER. -Came on lot 10, Cnn.01, Stoulton ,about the 13th November, a dart: reel Steer", coming two years old. The owner may p1 ow pr play, pav expenses and take it away. SAM 0.,'S aODGINS. Dec 2. �UTTND about two or three weeks ago, on my promises, a new C1084.0111 BMW. '1'he owner may nave it on proving' property and paying anargaa. WILLIAM LllE \V Deo. 2. '11.4.11STRAY.--Came on lot 14, °oncos- gsion t2, Tow11s11ile Stephen, a white heifer coming three years old. The owner may prove property, pay expenses and take it away. ANGUS SICCOtt'IA.Cli, Deo.2. TO'I'1C; ±My wife having left my Bed and -Bo lid. without jest cause orrea- son, ali 11019011e er0 fol'bf't C, oil,•! her anyehuiig • n1 my account, as 1, vill'not be, responsible for 1110 stone. NICHOLAS S1TThat. Dashwood, N nv, 29,1880. , 1)IG J S'PRAY.=UAia1E uN LOI' 15, Cenci aim10, Dsborne, about the last of August, a whlpig. Tho owner may have the sante cmnayi oxpense6 and provi'ig prnnerty JAMES III CCUL Lt1UGH. TO PIG BREEDERS.- '5.S.- The uuder- signedhas still got his well-known Pers- shi.o boar. "Duko'of Belmone," and will keep him this season for the improvomel,t of stock on his farm near Bodgerville. Terms -$1, payable at the time of servio0 with 1111 urivilage of retttre.- 4ugifnecessary. WILLIAM: EL1tf;it. Dec. 21 New Truns AND Choice Family Groceries of all kinds, AND EV. IRYTHING Suitable for tho L!) Liman slGv$SOJr, Try C .A,, .1TND1 &a T F'anson's Block, Maint st., Exeter 4, ti11 Ahea d ! Look at It! 4110 RU[O Wade and 6 s id by us only. o aro also showing as usual the largest ted best assorted stook of to V es and Tinware To be wain the country-couristing of ooi `Moves, Parlor Stoves,. B Stoves n otul{ess verle17".- A full stock n8:rfitware of all • kinds. An ittunonse assortincAlt'of - and Larp acod • ch we aro selling 6t enormously lot0 pr1 es • 41.-TTigliost print paid for 'FSicles anal Sheep i8 cash or trade, BISSETT 13Tv0;, AmA JOH1\T 5.e' IMER.. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. vitt';It}'4:' a 1I 10 }Fs reotetuit`fbcylrf If ex Wi,.lima Gur e Dealer, having boon drawn into the Furniture Line by cl0ceittulnes', and falsehood is compelled to continue he basilicas end is prepared to sell cheaper -than any other house in the County of Huron, An ex. :urination of my large stock, which is not excelled outsi'Io of tato cities, and a comparison of my prices witfl other factories, cannot fail to convince the public of tbo truth of what 1 say. Every Article Marked Down to the Very Lowest Figure, I haw jnst purchased n first-class Now Beanie, and am prepared to attend funerals Coffins, Shrouds and all Undertaking Material 011 hand. Prices very reasonable. Society Emblems constantly i11 stock. Be sure to give toe a call, and I will make it to your advantage to buy ,your Furniture froin rue. Remember the place -north of Nelsons Bank. 'WM. DREW. White Wheat Scott .drt.ad.1tTEI ET'S • 1lALL WHEAT. 103 to 1 05 ... 1 03to 1 05 s5'BIN6 WHEAT Fife • ... ... ... .... t 05 to 1 12 Red Chaff " ... ,.. ... ... 1 05 to 1 16 Barley ... ... ... ... ... 0 55 tot 70 Oats ... ... ... ... 028to050 Clover Seed 4 00 to 4 50 2 00to250 ... 055 to1CO 060t00 JO Timothy •' Pees Corn Es Butter • Flour per bbl. ... ,.. Potatoes, per bag ... ... Peaches per bus ... ... Apples, per bag ... Dried Apples pr b... ... Hogs, dressed per 100 ... Beef Bides, rough dressed Oheepskins,each ,•. .,, Calfskius Tay per ton Onions per bush ... ,.. Lard Tallow per Ib Wool,per lb 0 28 to a 30 Turkeys per lb...............................iu.,. 007 to 0 07 Geese " 0 05 to 0 05 Dunks, per pair 0 45 to 0 60 ... 0171o318 020 to 0.21 5001o501 _YOUNG 111. Gs itT Learn Telegraph? and �d 5.v d' ,i�,,9 carr- ;;•10 to $ I00 a month, Every graouata guaranteed a paying situation. Address ft, VALEN1IN1;,Manager,•Tanesvilln,Wis s. 7 (.Ra f41> A. SEAR and expenses to aaerts 6 outfit free, Address Y. 0. VICK.. ETIY, Augusta Maine. 4el elegant chrome calls, new styles,"10o. Agents a� wanted, L SONES i Co.. Nits. au, N Y A DVERTIST''I1S, send for our Select List of Lo- cal Newspapers. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 10 Spruce 51.,14 Y _Eaxeter 11 ort%1. •::• C? 650° t� I FLOUR and GRIST MIL � i, .. •.. , to '1 05 Doing in good working order gives 0101.3' ae lent- '„,. 5 p0 to 0 25dation possible in gnutidg and flouting. Plonr 4 00' to and milfeeduelivered to partied leaysn.;' their ,., •8 W"to 8 5"0" orders before oueo'aice:t at J. DELL'S Bakery, or .., 8 50 to 9 CO O'BY1IN E & CO'S, or at mill same day, ... 50 to 1 50 -0---- .,. ... 81 t0 0.4 ... 60 toto 0 7b E14� 5 0 ... OOTRCASH. ... ... ... 0 12 to 0 13 0 06 to 0 00 ST. MART'S Fall wheat, per bushel 1 05 to V08 Spring wheat 1 11 to 1 13 06 to 0 75 BACK 5utoo6o H 85010000 Eggs, per dozen 0 l6 to 0 17 32 to 0 33 Butter 0 17 to 21 Rides per Ib 0 n0 to 9 50 I Dressed hogs 8 75 to f, 00 I °104» to skins r hag .,, 0 %00 to 1 50 Woodpar cord 2 50 to 2 50 Dunks per pair - 0 85 t 0 50 Chickens " C 25 to 0 80 Barley Peas Oats Flay --0-- -7.7.712 7 FO E ICL•T2llz P 0. Buffalo ion' Market. Buffalo, Dee. 8. -Hogs steady. Receipts 75 cats; slnptrwrlts,1t;8 cars. Yorkers good to choice, 14.40 to ••34.50; light, $4.25; medium and iieav-s, $t.45 to $4.65 ; choice heavy held at $4,80 io $5. • Buffalo rya's Sihck: Market.. Buffalo Dec. 8. -Cattle. -Extra steers, $5.25 to $5.50; light, $4.75 to 35.10 ; good shippers, 14.50 to t,�4. i0; bed steers, $3 to $3.80 ; mixed lots, $2.40 to 5'8,50, as to quality; stockers, fair I Light to good, 0.50 to $3.10;. feeders, $3.25.to $3.50; course rougllll o good oxen,$2.70 to $3.50; I choice, $4 to $4.25; bulis,fatr$2.75 to $3; stock, $1.75 to $2. Sheep and Lambs.. -Western sheep good to, choice, $4 to M.25; extra,.11u to 120 pounds, $4.50 to $4.75 ; selected wetbers for feeders, $4.50 to $4.85; Western Iambs, $4.25 to $4.75, as to quality; Canada lambs at. 35 to 35.40. TIONTREAL CATTLE MArtKET. Montreal, Dec. 8. -Beef, 31 to 41 ots. per 1b. Inferior grades, 2} to 3c. per 1b, Choice heifers 4? -e. per lb. - 0HEE9E. Utica, N. Y., Dec. 8. -Cheese i00. to 1111c., ruling prices, llo. ' Little Falls, N. Y., fee..8.-Sales of factory cheese, 4,000 boxes at 10c. to 12 c., the bulk sold at Ile. 360 boxes of farm d&. iy,clieese sold at 9o. 11c. Captain McMillan was elected to the Manitoba Legislature for Winnipeg 001 Saturday. • A young woman named Vrnomat* was knocked inaon'ible in Belleville on Saturday by being etrack on the bead with an icicle. while loading a vessel with grain, at Rath, Out., on Friday, ,a man named Howardq'ont lop stairs inthe store- house, and a: a . . It I•1 ase; nvlll G shovohndtgrain .1cot• dent+telly stepped on to the pipe useaFfor fining the grain carts: below, 'and the° 07)112) :ca04) down on him, ; His Cries bredtit Mr. B. I'lullle1 tetine„ rescue, ,h'nd 'o, putting his Maori over Hooward's moat, managed to.,•lkeep tile' barley from tirrinnd Ills inorillr until other as., eietanee cache.' 'It took half an 11eur'to o;ttricate him from the grain, having purchased the stock of 34esers.11, S: E. Sploer, hes removed to he store lately oc- cupied by „hem, North of Post Office. All kinds Flour and Feed (l/was on Hand. FLOWER, FIELD IIND 'LRDEN SELD S in• groat varix [y. JOHN BACK. Dashwood Nursery ! Al/ kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Tees suitable for Fall planting, Standard &p,►le Trees 20 Cts Each When in quantities 1.; cents each. Parties at a distance ordering trees can rely on gottine the kind ordered -it not, others will bo furnis.uod free of 0hn•ge. Andress 13. SOLDAN, DashW0000 P. 0, All tree s brought from me are warranted to grow, or wilt be replaced by others. October 21,1880. b.E N SAL1.L PORK PACKING HOUSE flaring commenced bnsinessfor the Fail andWinterTrade We are prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the following regulations 1 We will take off two pounds pot hundred if dry, and three pound ul If soft. Shoulder stuck y p ;�p q�'�s ��� rq� Ty' � or rt,,. cents. If any of the bung gut 1t} - .L $IREE J,Yd A6��tT'l l' S IN o d1,1. left in, 25 cents extra will be deducted. f ISA WELL & PICKARD. What is more suitable for a CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S GIFT than A Nice Set of Furs ? Look at the splendid range of MINK SETTS AND CAPS at SAMWELL & PICKARD'S, Main St., ewe Exeter. THE RAILWAY ' EXCITEMENT. C C A M t X 1 T G is now offering Bargains in Piaigains in Bar ains in Bargains in Bargains in Bargains in 13arga1ns in Bargains in IZ� :r :wast, Crockery, OVERCOATS CLOTHING - BLANKETS HATS & CAPS, ! TWEEDS DRESS GOODS WINCEYS BOOTS & SHOES Wesco', Liquors, cSco., always izt stock. Remember- I. Carling will not be undersold. JUST RECEIVED AT THE X E T E R gain,, O C E R y AND LIQUOR STORE, A IIARGE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, /0 -LING HYSON and BLACK TEAS, tRA1SINS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, ,SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, RYE, MALT SCOTCH, IRISH AND COMMON WFIISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. (. A, MACE, - Main Street,Exeter, WITIMIT :AN EQUAL Tannins:31-11 NAY'S IMPROVED .n. PATENTED 1879. - :0. No porK will be bought at any pr'ioe it warnh .. •• 't•Vo want all Ilona tutting flrigllt through breast to Bead, and (Tains opened unite tail, J. 1T & E1> t'TTY.. voi 1Iautiactnrect Soley by W. T: DINGLE,' Oshawa, Out. - :et-- Ex e - x LIi lTIC wirZE.,VT, IFIXAT/E e i THE MILD POWER. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specifics Proved from ample experience an entire success. Simple, Prompt, Iaticicnt, and -11Ttelinbic, they are the only medicines -,1 adapted to p0pul'tr ase.. t1n11''an,CtiAt'4,S. C110Ee, PRIM, 1, F>.vrt e, CAngeatln7, Iltfiammations, .25 Z '.v smog, Worm lever, Worm Celle, .2 c;r014,4 Merle, or Teething of Infants,25 d 4, Diarrhea of 1-hlldren or Adults • • .25 O Dysentery. Griping, I111lous Colic, . °25 u 6 Cholera lilorhots, Vomiting, • • 25 7. Coughs, Cold, bronchitis 25 x 8, tlleneaisia, Toothache, Facesebe • .25 ,, Headaches, Sick Headaches vertigo, 25 10. Dyspepsia, 'Bilious Stomach, • .25 11. Suppressed o1. Painful Pe1. tods ei 12. Whites, ton p,nfnsPericles,s, •. 13. Croup Cough, Difficult. T1*eutbftlg, • fes' 14. Salt 1i.itectln, 131.ystp,•ins d lona, 15. Rheunlntism, 11,1103013l40 1(1 p�ta',, ..26 11. Fever and Ague, Chili, ever; ngties, 50 17. 1'iiea, 511114) tr Bleeding, • • , • - .50 19. (lntarri,'actlte or,0br01dc; Influenza, 50 'Whooping hooping Cough. violent Coughs, .50 04. (4eH 'ran Debility, l'hys'lLWeaknoss,.50 1{,idnev'nlecpppr!(e - - .n • '' • • •,50 23, Nervous Den 'ay, Rn ertnatorrhoa, 1.00 32. isee e ortlle Iii-aol, Wetting ' 1pitatioon, 1•0 For ante 03 clrTllggtats, 00 sentbpathe Case or single Vial, tree of (lunge tf11 receipt of t )trice. Set11 for Dr, Humphreys` Iloolc 0u I)1ae(taa, &0.,, _Oil pages), also Illustrated L Addroeo, Humphreys' lireys' 4ioneopathic Vied. Co,, 109 rultun 6t„ New York,