HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-28, Page 6•*".. • • 1111111149411.041ge*, • • asimw , 'Pi1iS ; •,Ston tiiliig 4.441vog1ilin-4.1re4 'Barkor. TriAti_r*'„ LaithwaitC- G _ * • .1.omb4rd....1)44 ti •fort,lr; Vit4 Barker, ••''Ikeine '11400 Ow' Bern •'Stirling; Frvd Barker.. slt,riteinliert ' • • . OW* flolden taitli. walte, 8101ii. Doak,. Ooderkeli,,, • Evans -Geo, taltinIntte. Abundance -O. Itogers, Geo, Boa - row,: ' Priine-Mrs. NV. H. !treniblay, •Albert; 1111ton. Truennier. Elberta-4111ton Trueinnort ,PEAO.ligS Xellow $t: 'Ioini-Geot.P. could, Late Crawford-las.R. HtIrIIng. Edwards, 'Ooderieli. , • 'ORATES, PTC„ EIRJIt varietW, open tnithwalte. Four varleties-Aleo. 14,11t11Walte0 -:(01-4t flalkeld,' Roht.. Winter, • Ooderich. Delaware-Itobt. S. Winter, Jplin W. Salkeld. , • - Virgennes-lohn .W. Salkeld, Geo, JiLhiaite._ _ • • Campbell's Early -Geo, taithwalte. . Rodger's No. 4---4olin W. Salkeld. • 'Lindley Itodger's No, , • ArtalVon, Rodger's No., '00keltr,- N. L. Carter. Sabin, Itodger's Laitb. . . Niag-ara-Robt., WIntet, Geo. Laitliwaite, • - $. • MOii Ear1y-4-4llebt., .8. 'Winter, Geo,. ta it ite. Itrigliton...4ohn, W. Salkold,' Geo. Lattliwalte..L • . Judge -C; I. Middleton. AGRICULt 14 • Pall wheat, white -Alf. II. Warner, Tiytwld Hilton Truouner, . ----Falr-WiletiT." 4M1orantber.--4111ne Rader, 1)ahliwooil; 'II. A. rtissp Zur. Spring w1eat-4,441110e Rader, Illiton Truennior, , • • „ 'Thirle3s,-.4.9aiu Alton, Lucknow; Rader. 4 • .4 'PO Int*. . Gladiolas, -t arker. octualak dolible,11 „,tiolkeld Ovilerlelty tt spl lit tie , • Fred Ihar. vplIeR10*. of 100 tho. Laitinkalte.' • luck,. Mv. .T S. jlowrle, Ventreplece.". Table Ptotainet irs, 11. Stonellointe, 001)0 *s. • Iland iloaquet--li luck, M5Ss M. I. Salkeld," Mrs. 11..Stoltiolionse. Stiapdragon-I. luck, •Mrs. 1191v,t14N $eab1on---Jobn W, ietketo., Pinks -Miss- X. E. Salkeld. • Storitiered Barker, 3, luck, .Colleetion of W 11. viniday. Collection. Garden Perenulalti--Urs. • Stonehouse, Fred Barker,. • Colleetion of.11verlastings and Or. namental • Orasses grown .• in 1030 - Pfeil .11arkei„ Um; W. H. TreniblaY. Clierry',--Tree•Xts. Carter. . Judges -4.K L. Watson and Dr, L. X. Mabee.. . • plique •allt- AI lingt, gra. AT, flow ,4t001. 1 1. 0.; ,Agne r ocliet:. Afghan , ektkte Agte*.' • VUO , „Lanett,' Cloth, 4 Servletteff-.4., Edgar .barllng, MIS . ,S1* .8.41404 XM, Edgar DarlIng. , Pair Towels, Inseition 01101;044 - Mo, Vagaf. Pnrling„ Mrs. plo* Ag- new. . „ • • Runner or Scarf, 4.tiatnyal linen Xts. 'Edgar -14iving- ston. , ' , Crochet, L:iee In PillOwilips and 8111m1,44tro4 .0(101.r Mrs. '(lare -Agnew.'• -1)res.ser Set, Scarf' and Piti2CaShlon ""irs'• ,r4Stir Darling. ••Xiss U. Lir. ingston. ' • Tabin Mat.0.-Mra,...1Mgar. Darling. Mrs, .Clare Agnew, Towel and Wash Cloth -4-#. russ, Mrs. D. A. 'Pinder, Tiliewcaseav Darling. A. Fussg , Coeliet Qoilt....Mbps- M. Livingston, Mrs. Clare Agnew. '.iberons-Ifernilait-4ared-4-tael*ri- Gevnnnni-Mrs W 1.1. Trembia;r, Begonia--0,11.rs-W,mt. Orem, S. , „Begintiti, not Box or Tabereus..., ¥rq Wni Oreen, Mrs.- R014. Good, -Fero.iiastairagus,-Mrs, liowrie. asparagits-Pred Barker. House .Plant. In flower4C. OrOes, :Croderith. • Honswrlant, foliage...C. E., Groves:, 3. ,Ittek, Mrs. Wtn. Green. . Hanging -1,3aSkot--01.- luck-, Mrs, l. Howrie.. Geo. Pt Illyiliangea...Xrs; 3. 8." llowrie. Collection of Volebs-illeo. p. Gould. :GARDEN 'VEGETABLES • Irish Cobbler -Potatoes..,--Milue Rad'. der, Mrs. N. L Carter,' Mrs, 3. 110*- -- . ' ,•4. • ,;..tuY, other rarlety Vaily.T.Jittit . s mrs. Ix Carter,. Geo; Salkeld, • Serviettes.:-Mrs.-J4gai iriin Mr, 3. S. Howrie, ".ilibl-e--Itunner,' natural awl- da-toreti D. A. Powlwe Miss ,1;--tivi Stan, • Embroidered Baby Pillow, white .or •eolorcd-4--grs. POWler, Milt, A. •Stmage,,,- Sofa PIII6W, e:o1ore1-3.frs. D. A. Powier, Mrs, A. 0..__Sivage;-: • Embroidered. Night-dress' white - :3t, Livingston, Mrs.` D. --A.:-*TOwler. age. - Embroidered Night-dress, colored, Mrs. Clare Agnew,. Mrs. A. 0.4 -Savage. Einbroldered, Child's press. --Mrs.,,, I), A. aPoivil er MrS, A. G. Sava.ge.; Embroldereil-Towels, 1n1t1plS--1411s1S1s •Liviiifon-,---Mrs. A. 0. Savage.. • Embrolderpd Ilandkerehlefs-Mrs: A. 0. StiVage. Mrs,J S. Rowrie intintts, press and Pett1coat-43110 Livingston, Mrs A.' G. Snvage," • Dresser Scarf and Pin Cush1on- 141-vingStouHlqrs. -Edgar- Dar. ling. . • .• Buffet Set,---Lwilite-Mrs. A. .age. Xrs. 3.-$. floVvrie, • • Centrepiece, w4iite...4tiss M Ilv-1 Orem. Moiintain ...Potatoes-4*.rs,'• N. Iio1..wer41.11,04..er.„ Mitte.itader, Alma, Milne Rader. i Any other variety Late Potato -est Atlettf D. A.' POwler, Goderkli ; Milne :118.4ler;" -aoderitil 'Bader, .1Valitiee WIqte t▪ ong ra. -N. L. Carter. "Alf.:n. Warner. • nt LD1tOOTS, RqrtrAttrAm, pac. _len*, lied WI gold. 'Wtirtiel1..1to1L, Wintei,.'lle_soliTlebbortie, Ooderieb. 14Vititlian Milfgolits--Ullue Rader, oss.4Tichgarne. • • Sugar 3Itegollis, wIllw-Ro$1$ 1iorne,--11444 - • WflU Carrot$-Pred Barker. liold Corn, :110Y variety -4a*.. elt'Anna, Alf, It ; • TrneuitiOr. reed larker. • ,•• Sonastr-Illitinr-Tnteartner; lia rker.' ' Largest and best stalks, of Meld ¶C Latrib_, Ooderlell, and iasac • DAIRY PitolitteTS INtt OundI`tkaltle Butter, salted for uPe.,.roils•-411*-; Itohertano, °oder- ' len; Idra. •Xo. Carter, Alf. 11 War- t .ii jowftls 'of Table Batter In ernekg, salted for present use -Mrs. Itoberlsen, Mrs. N. L., 'Carters; UM. • 011v'er lerris, Clinton, . Tub or crock a nutter, not less•tban pou1ds.-11,s„ N.,14..CarterifMrs J *Robertson. 7 -DAT Itutter-11-0011u4410-M . orison, Alt O. • artier, Mrs. P:irtier;- Robert Oureti.., HAWERS ovovitus (*ollection Cat Vlowers-Vred- tar. 01'0'3. 4004 Gaderleti; Stra.,',11 Stone. DAHLIA ,Pred Barker...1 SalittlOsits-Pred litiker; -Ostrielr-Plaine-AstersobleTto.ung, -luck.. • , ea-"oniet 4ster$4-0, luck. Collectien 4stera+Nolile Xoung, Geo. Verbe11tis,--4. Preil Uarket Zinnias -3. 0Tock4 MI% 11.4 Car-. ter, Geo. P.. - • • 1Pb10-Mrs 3 8 Itowrie. liwton. Mrs. Edgar Darling. , Cheiterlield Table Coven -Mrs. Ed- gar Darling,.,Urs. Clare AgneW. „ , 14-lineY Apron, colored -Mrs, 'D. A. Powler. liklgar Canning ToniatoeS-Mrs.-N. t1. Car- Set.. colored -Mrs. Clare .A.g. ter, Earl It.-tooper, p-re0-,1 Barker. 'I•itsy, 'gra,. D. 4. Summer . Squash ---Fred Barker,- Centrepiece, colored -Mrs. D. A Wm. Doak- " * - -141'owler, Miss U.,- ttringston, 1 Ilubbard • Squasik---P.red:Nraiilty,„Svt. entored-Dr; 4,1-01xn lgatiler'Vaunto- -Grieve, Mrs. D. 4. Fowier. - lVhite or 00liteil Celery -Dr. ,lohn- Redispread, faney-.Mrs. Edgar Dar - 1'101 ft, )0ooper.• Mrs. ;Robert Good, • • • Cabbage --Mrs.' N. L. itr.; m. Living - ter i David, :,sproat. atprt. Mrs. 1). 4. fowler. ver-Preiticl• -cutratiit-I-Se ' • Bed 040146-.1:qrs. N. -atter.- --oottes-Miss Liiinoston, Mrs. 1 Win.00alc. . Clare' -,A•gue'W., • • Turnip, I -flood -Beets '}1rcd flarker," Ten Ciotti and 4 'Serviettes, tatted-. Alf. ,tr. -Witmer, Itr$, 3. 8, HowriT, Wm. -A. MacLeod, Long .13lood Beets, for table 115e4-- 'Kincardine. ettetee,-rred--4ttttkeritrezr-Toviietif;-tli.weif:---r•-IXrr Carrots, • for table use -David ,gar Dariking, Mrs., D. A. Fowier.' Sproul, Alt. It Wainer. (-;;ard, 010110....Mrs, Edgar Dr11ng. Parsnips, for. bible use--rredgra. D. "AL 1110.11,1.,et. lted Onion. Weittliemtield l'red-.41.,_(1001d0 mis.*„..m..-AtriAgston, • ,* Ne'etileriqint, •0041400---41. 4i-V.11S YellOW 'Onions, Danvers,..Tred Bar- Miss M.4•ItAvlintiton. er,'unite-Videf._ . 1„ Yettow, 0piont4. huy tither VarietY."-4 • SIOW.="4 Fred Barker,Dr. Iolni Grieve. Lady's Itnitted Siveliter....Mis, A. 0. N: L. Car- ,F.Avage. 11 N PINDE AL,Wonic •P. O. • • W t To 0 avag, 4'd 1 no, • 119tinned. Lineri,„ Urs.''Etigtir. Darling. **.ltot 144 f40;ic. net `Wool,*.tt r olinr Grieve, 144-$4,14111" " • lToked 11,110-41ist, ..Ntra; itobett '1004d. • 100•Ided Mat.:-.Mrs.Ed Xlas • 114$140 nt ross, tato, Iloudoir rittoxi. IvA, rOltler, X.ArSit#1141(1gai nitli.,10441!'riii•S, Mr. A, Savage. • Hooked Wool Tarn Mat -Mrs. 3. .1tobertson, Atrir.' J. 0, nowrie., Knitted, Rag Mat --Mr. 3. S. - flew " • rio. .Tudges--MrS. Edith Evans- 'and 31m. Margaret Green.. IX:ME:STU/ SCIENCE-414MT, ETC. • Preserved Fruits, 0 'varieties*, .pint jars -.Mrs. ',Carter, Mrs W. B. Cohleetion Canned: Fruits. --Mrs, N. •L. tarter,, Mrs. J. S; Howrie., Collection- .-Marmaladrs. N. L. Carter; --• Colleetion„lelly4,.Alf. H. 4' Warner, Mrs. 3. S. ,ilowrie. Collection. Canned* Vege,tablet... (1,27511, -3iegit-•reltoryewtitoSatICVgr...1. Car:, ..entstlp-tigra„ INT, 14 Carferir,Mii. b. A. Fowler. - * • '4SwettL--P-i ickles,---.041-rs. N. L Ura. 43. S. Ilewrie, Sour "PiCides-Mrs. S. Xr$, N. L. Carter• . Minevnit4tr-,44M04'11.,,0,1•4•, 0Carter- --,- -011,N011:L. 64100balcrkteetn,... Chicken -Mrs. 8. Howrle, x.0 4J'ar, f Iloney-John W. Salkeld, Edgar *Darling. ' Mapie..48yrap,,;.Milne Bader; _ :egetalliet '; R. Stone, - house; 73trs. N. L. Carter. 14'rtift Salad.'-tiored Barker, Mrs,N. IrCiirtex. '1 COW Meat Pie --Mrs. N. L. (arter. chicken Ple-urs. N. li. thirter„ . ' Beet Loaf -'4 -Mrs. N. 14. Carter, Mrs. O. 'S. Ilowrie. , • .. .• AlArd, Soap, .homemade --Dr; Jolin Grieve; Ws, X.:Robertson. • .-, •;Soft.; Soap.4.trs. 3. Robertson; Gar, field 1031feliael, Goderich.- , --"rkittounpes-.-Supper-i* TM-0er- ervis, Mrs, Robert Good. -. ..61i`reint,..vidittearl..1t-Ciioper, Mrs. '1.•Itebertsoni. Bread, 'Itobertson, Airs. TatinblaY. Nut -Bread -0. -Mrs. I'S. .Carter; Mrs. Stonehonse. • . _ :Tea. lliscults-,44Mrs.. Stonehonse, Mrs. Edgar Darling. Ituns-Win, -Belton, 11.1t. 2, Clinton; 'Garfield .40e)titlirke; „ Bolton. ' • Itoeka-41is; 11. remblity, Mrs, D. A. Powier. , Dark Fruit Cake -Mrs. N„ L. Car - tight rrnit L'ake-Mrs. 4.11Irow- ler, Mrs. N. L. 'Carter. • • Light 1.0ayer•Vake--Mrs, L Car. ter, Win. Bolt<ni. Pies, JV Ilowrie,' Mrs., N.-17.7carter, Pies, , punipkin. and ,cliocolate-itts, -N. L Curter. AsSorted Ta_rts-.-Mrs, .T.etVi.$4 Sirs. Jr; 8; Howrie,' `Best Cheese '1)1811 ---Mrs. N. L. Cars Cenper.' . acaroons..-Urs.. jervis„. -Stonekons t etirn. IVA; tb1tr- Else. -oily. variety --vie, • •-• : Vred ilArlter, Mrs. /I, L. Carter. 1ciiUe Yo1 Cushion -Um 1. 7f21‘ 11.4(gt Plant -Nes, N. L. Carter • Maltitoi, • ' Cauliflower -Mrs., N X etrter. C011edion ltipe Peppers.. -Dr. Grieve, Mrs, 1,C L, Carter. . „,....Vonntteel. an -.tart:op.-Ur& • N, ca:rter, 44qt, UeStanns. - • • 'eollecetloti Outer. flied Dirlte4 O• nlleetion•kt)arden: L Carter. Fred Darker. • t f3alsIty..-7448. L.ti• Carter, Ur*. Stonehouse, • Waternielons-4111tOn ttruemner, Geo Salkeld. * • • Muskmelons...00o, Iiitilkeld41Thes.•St. tioWdell.- Vrtiemiese: Netetable ltlarrnw Waitr Judgo-4nlin.-.1.1arrlsort Cur9on. • - V, e, 1 *Ilinbtolattred irplique • Quilt...Mrs, V.tlitur Darling; 3.11as * Livingsteri. , Pair 'Mee' flyjamas-rit , A, -Mrs; ,Clare---Agilew."-- -------: ' "' lizitilitoiDnidiNtEN$ tm ANortAten won*. Tattliii-Virs.:_ 0...; A..., llowter, ' MisS X. tivIngaton.. . 1illet...4MM. A. 0. saw, MI* Ila -give Patiltog,._ - Notting -um 4. iu. Oarage, Mrs. late Ague*, ° .:chitiet lutitil.iittolt.......3tts, 3. Ife*rie.'- ,-,- Xiiitiett••••Tiiretid-•-Liteellta;. 1,,ottio:vilni:tert.orril:00.14,1i;-,GArl,e:4eitst siv 3t1- ,,:MIM . Iteniatt Cut Work--111ii M. Livin $ton. -XII. Edgar 'Darling. .' Butistrian.-Mrs."" Edgar D*rflzlg, fl. Eyerettrs. Clare Agnew, Miss a LIvIngston,,:` 06114.Mrs. Edgar Darling, !MI* A. 4. Otvage. - ',, • - ltasalan erds$1-0.3tra.., /. :48, ilowtte. ittlian Relief Iiiter144141i, 4. 8. ifeartle, IL 44, Vitt*, $a"edisit,'' WeaVing*-41,01‘ A. 13. Sli age. Gleo.'1):. 0001. . Veuetlati Ott -it. ..k. ra$% Ufa". irlaTittlet W*n-Mr! 4 � )(On X Litingeton: r 0, ttentit itnot-1/4,-Xek..3 8 Vttrattle. Mrs, -Clare Agntelt. , --Orlentat#411st X« TAI *Wet* r#Asst*1160S1 8Mb* 314 ' Wing**. 110,41,t, AlltliNCTACTtltrottl. ETC . kAteliwork QuItt, -cotton -3iflne •Rader; lArtc Mite Anew 'Lite ratelitvert QtAttl. WO014440. K&- gar 1)arilng 41landeboyt Pr. .aoito oricete. , nail 'Towel, and Wash ClOth. etit. kiiitted:-.4trs. Howilet- Dahrit •Itelzet and 'ftrinetf.Allse,34 tlitlintatnn, 131:01.;,.311tv rdallit• 0040 'Obit ' • Thibrel itta 8. trofote. Mri. i. p*ir„ /1. 4 raitUr. tri 11114-Xi74. '- hod .Xiltai-Alre :Myrtle. - It. Itrittted John tit UnItted So4k. rati Wont 3411 nu. Dr. itolln t Card* , • Cl Mts.. 44 O. Avow', *Iv* (vItIkro 44401 Mot,. IX A. rut*. Xelet 1)iellOws, Vett Mrd. Sow, *II okot Ott. Mot*. ttbi Utdigateit, 11 itA nose $44061110. bwool.ltsit Krt. 4. *knot otet 'Wimp Stitch -4404k 00, 13e614. I point- P. d It • 4. • • - , .1$.0,0?;,;4,:,'•441tko,11.1irit:1411" 4 ./..5tuist4e",.sce ' rs.. A. 0. :hgo M. i cm, ava . ) r 'At s.. r(17t4t).0a:losintoirtily. o'4•4rwrilli.Ors,„7.10t011.;^ ', 0 ., • 3:11.44:lltiit:tt'lv:it;,.602;:tioSt,lei:S".S.''0:4.:4),:trIV.Ing•S:t.0..n. ',3.1V.S., ki'.X, :StP11:'') t on. Satin 1 'ay sal* ec . . or 11 ),I..\1:0141,1gsto4; AMATEI.R -,1418*---.4VATif,.•.e,CkL0118 . „ ridRope, ,seenery..-Xlst(.'g ' TAylegt stoAtti,a-irrtre_4e, Al.„?.4;8.40.vtisgoller vAge: Anlinals,..MIss Me,T•41.14,11*t.°11P-0 4Ohn Orieve., la • Plowers,Mrs. At. . Savage, Miss. • ..141,vingsta11, Priilt....MISs M. LlYingston, 0. Savage. " 0 4,,InunlEuute• '0Weet *U0 .1.4tOng,' 8t°(..1141' kicGN: OKA*** ,A,ND INK Pastelle, Col1ection-41is,s M.,Living- Ston. 4.PIl ritt);-41.110•743014.1,sa.-•..Lttello•Grallt; m1,4 1.1. - •Pen JLWI ink Grant, Migs M. blyingkOn. .1.isIiueilo ki ra • Single _ conveationtii-,.MIs. LueIle (1ri1at -Dr. John Grieve. ' - .111&:4'1"ruPsLtlaC.itn(1 /44111;-ualiceti•SLMrs..,'$, ;$41.2r Grieve. ' r0,11;i4rz' Plyinouth'..R.Ock, „Barred -,-Cock, Z. M1.a.,er. St. tielens; hen,' w: mutot cockere4 T„ lst• and 2nd; „pul-: letL 1=04 ist and- 2nd.>iyincuth }ccs, wnite.-Cock, W. Miner, Truemner,.:Zurich;.*);iOn, 01.1t011 Truemner;. 'Tnos. Snowden,• P•kr-' len; cockerel, W. 1. Miller, lAt and 2nd; puliet,W. -$111er. 14. and '211(4- --.• •' WYanclotties; white -Cock, W. X., Mihr.' ler; cockerel, W. x. Nutter, 1t- and 2nd; Ws.,X,.11/04,070,'1et 4414 2nd. WT04" dotteS, .silver -0.0d; nclgt.k, ,and Cockerel, ,O'Ealen." & itochenPs uriekr,,• Olhien.--and-gobbeinsi- •„Wjandottes,__goldenZ.--7Cooktrel; Dether. land **Bentley, . Wyandottes,„ partridge --Cock, .W. 1. Miner; hen. W:t.„Wler; cockerel; W.I.: Milior;..nuliet, 'W71;14`Mitier.., • -Rhode1.sland•-neds„, B.O.-cock, ,44h..- erland Bettie' y, •Ist -4)111'144; hen, Letherland & ,BeatleY.: ;.st and gad; 'cockerel,' IC MAller, Lucknow; d. and 2n Rhode Island Reds, S,. C. -Cock, W. 1. Milier, Lucknow hen, W. cockerel, w. Muter; pullet, Iv, ' Dougiain_ts-Atro• • arter, John. Grieve. " n. Warner, Dark Layer Cake--Carlield Michael, • Alt Warner. e miss. Oro -b • s I lies, . • , 18coteh, sliortliread,Mrs. rt. Stone= bonise, Mrs.,,S:1•4 Catter." V.Iiigettreitt•T•"-alr$.'1S".. Oaitkl4)10116briel. Johhn 4:441tt"..Mikt. (laver Jervis, %m l01tOfl . - Ange1.4.,"4ike-Mrs. L. Carter. , tea "ARTS • PitOPESSIONAL La.tidscane, Scenery.-3,1isS -14neile Grant. Clinton; „Mrs. 4...8. llowrie. -Marine, see'fiery-04311,ss artint --Luelitij Grant; .dadmal subjectliss Lucile Oran Plowers-Miss Lucile errant, Mrs,' Prnit-.311qs Lucile Giant. • PROPESSICINAL /41.8tt-411/4•ATE,`R , , COLORS, Landscape.. lo 1-4t1' Ladle Orant. l'Autiscape, seeriery-Miss• 0014,1ilit; Mr's. I, Ilewrie. Marine, tirettety---Ukts tatelle ttrant. DraivIng In water entors-atigs Lu. Grant. Mrs,. itowrle. antijett-Mlo arant. Finwerp----.311!4,4 Lucile (haat. 2nd,,, • • it .4, Brahmas, ietberIand',& Bentley, " hen, lietherlaut & BxstIe 8t and 2nd; oockerel,„ Let,herland BentleY; ptillet; Letherland: & Itentley;• 4st and 2i24. , • klngU1 V-1teuverrLid----&. Bentley, Blyth lst and , Orpington.% buft-Cock, Ton **ogler, ...1st and 2nd; heti. Tom. Bowl* -,/Wand, 2nd; cockerel', Tient. Bewler,, tat lind 2n4; pullet, Ton Bowler, 1St and 2n&0.100e3r Truemner, '114 and 2nd; hat, 'Hilton Itneniner, 1St and 2ndr,, cOckerel, =ton Trutinner: Pullet; Hiltontittenine,r .$thssex+ V.,...:cock„. Atheriand & ' Bentley; ben,-tetherland & Bentley, 1st -and-ladt-- pullet; 'Lctherland-&-Itentler Cornish_,: A. 'V....Cockerel, Otit, To have or IleatinOverhauledg System °rice you want lO,,,t1$0.. it is YOIA,IniY, . 4find hat py 4,regrilg:t some.'l..evpar parts dt %"; rna nean going to be novtooecodsfiror• cold- -weather wtiile tI-iese parts ar being gt-,aiid ,PosIbiY,' 4 freezing ' up of your pluinbirrg. Bhone us .ind IVe'101l.eetld, :Tan-lo*loOk over :your 'heating plant and have it put Lfl g00 VQ1*)titit order it is found:ileca;sa4 * - -Forfleatioi;:fijonihing'-oid Tinsmithing., • prcoptfully , gent:ic,:e. and all Work, tInd Mitt4ria ., ll We carry a full line of ANTHRACITE,. BITUMINOUS and ALBERTA COAL and COKE. -AU our coal is the .best that tau be bought and is 'weighed on your own tales (the: market „ rStore n°nesili tr**111, -The-Store-at the Harbor Iiart,*00Barton. cockerel, .look Barton;Parton; , Pull,et, Jack, --1„ -4...*,110.PAWP.,tAratt, ...Y__cikk:Al.,,eUs,' eggs -Tom 761.11;91riS74417"lt Ini;::::1:15::::14113411*i.::":;:uaurie_er'. cii*:::, lst a,iid 2nd; pttliet„ W. Hume Clut"-- -tonriWOM eieVtli7,-,V=tfine6,Clut,0 lat And. 2nd. , . ' , Cludon; ist4 and ,n,(1. ton,'10• and 2nd; 'lien, w,cainne .Clutton, Lucknow; Leghorns, ist• and 2nd„1, eOel'orPl,W.0/itune Clutton, 8..4; V....„om•govilei. .., ,,: Legizoinai-*-11-010,„--W-gunie-Clut. ton, l'st and 2nd; Iton..W. Hume Mutton, • ist and '2nd';' pullet, W. gum Mutton, VYandotte,''A...v..-•-:Koble Young. "-. ;: ., --, . ,,priS801:;40 PENB.--, -MIL= , 1st an,1.72nd.._, -,,,,,,,,,.. .....1,......1.44 ,-.0," .-,•;•,:;-,,, ---------,...- 1 Plymontit Rock,: A. 'AP:i•te:rileld'iy0.'" 'Rhode 'Island. Reds, A. V. --:Hen Nviic6;617W:Iruine-Mir°-11-7---. , . .Leghorn, A. V. -W. Hume Clutton, 16.t - ilia n, Rdh2ondeBentley,. Island aleds, A: V.-Letlierland A. O. Y.---BLelYttnhe;lind ...8z-:E-eatlei, myth.- • ' --- , -SPECIALS Ifidean 80 ,Co. -Best pen orpingtone,-- ,,,. Tom Bowler. ."Wita McLean -Best pen light breed-. -"- , ,!rrptilo.us6,•, 046de:gEr*:41;..; H. Warner, W. Hanle Clutton, Win, McLean -Best pen heavy breed-- 0iiiilitotourir TruTruernmerer;; 0. 0:18, Alfg,aztri;tewr,a,r;aer; Tonin6sIslaTiwleehr.borne.,.... Best Leghorn oock- .Alten; ,•young•gno*, •Sam --Alton. .1; W. MacVicar. I .. ' ' Embden -Gander. -Hilton Truemner; 4. .7. W. MaciTicar-Best Ancona cock - goose; Hilton -Tfueniner;----- • ---,- ,.•Boss.12tottbornot • Dt*6----7.'.'-"l' 1:G?:SAND:E:Sl:stti,aodil Vunove-Drake,Dr. 1014Grieve, Fantals,pair-:m. Doak,l r*alert4;.4i)r49rarieL7!ungsitge,Eaeryinpi draki3Or4tnCr:eveioung7dkDr,V; 3uoiriear, 1st and 2nd. , 4oln04vrd-22;,4It .• 0.ililli--Corilke, XX, B. Warner, 'Ms. Snowden; duck, Mb% Snowden; 'YounlC, drake, Noble Young, Toth Bowler; 'vulg.' duck,-'0',Briexi & Kcchems,,,Noble muintr.. . • Rouen -Drake, nos, Silowden;---dliok.--- 'rhos, Snowden; young drake, Tho.. Snowden; young duck, 'Ms. Snowdeni.:, I. Bromixwa ..PENS--IalliBITOlf ' otte7--A-Ir--13.ridg _ • „ Inlouth_134acit.,,,,,A, V_..,,z.-',..M_r.I; 1.0,1,.t.i: --.....„ 1 1+.1111er--Lether1and dr Bentley* puuet Lucknovr. ,• TUF�IS Bronze; young eockero-Alf, Jx.. War- ner, Payfield, 14sind 2nd; yOung puliet Alf, it Warner, l.Ft and 2n4. • ,A. *171-:-C" ,o0k, Oarfield ivieMichael; g. Warner.' (Continued on page 7). • ughorni, .vouto.t: a • `0:,--cati4-16'; gum! Clutton; hen, Letherland & Dent, 1 r -.Bums -Chi ton' .1 tete Vir • atch YurK1dn�ysIf "Your BaCK AOPes, and Pains -idony people 'fail. to understand the significance of a; week, lame and aching back. Backache it simply ,Icidneyac1ie-4he,g7 of the pick *houl(liddneYsl::tat)I etinP edit' tely. TheDoan's Kiy go tight to the seat- ' On the *14_0 gni ots backache dney Pills :• of the trouble, heal the deh'cate membranes of the kidney* sod make their actien regular and iiatural. V'cfr *lett all drug and general stores; pot I1P onbr bY .The T. !KilburncoL.Linaited, Toronto Ont. DOANS • sh, 411111114111111.14 "15.10.1111111001MONSIMINISENIIIMMOHNINWS*0 nume:alutton;;Ist. tA01. "Ad: t, W. Bum -Glutton, 1st toil and. ,teghorns, *own:7-S? 0 -Cock 3 w. MaTicar Iktherlifid & Ilentien Lettieriand 'St Beit1e, 3, W liiaaricar; cockerel, Mrs; A. O. savage„ Itirkesurd**:, Xr.i". .4.* Savage, 'Andrest -cio• catiLUaradisti0,` - horns, 0. V.44-71ten, Letherhind tentieyrceekerel, tetherlimd-40-tehtlelt•-"--- Aneenas. A. V4 -cock, zebu iiebboint: . hen, Boas l'ithholine; let and Ind; oock* • erel. O'Brien 40 zotheto; pullet, O'Brien Itocherns. - • 0 Black C. -Cock, &Brien Vtine,o,telks. , 8 4, • , , X4Vliems; hen,„Zetherland do Bentley, Jt and lnd; cockerel. Hilton Itnenniet • tsmh;,•Pullet, Bitten' Tilietrmar,-x,A. etfunt.,„ • dr' Bentley. , ,/•. • ..Batnhtuts, saver-Cock,-tetherland Bentlet, : 0'113ritta &toclients; 'hen, O'Brien, and Koetifins4 lst mut- and; 'cockerel, O'Brien and 1Cocheras,--Ist and 2nd; , pallets Oritrisa and Itochems, 1st 'and 2nti. •Carripinet, A. V..../(en, Letherland & Aeht1e3,0, 1st and irgt eockettl, O'Brien & Kochems, tat*n4Ind; 'Witt, O'Brien avitoehorist -14 and 2nd. Man*, 1*,,Rit1ier1itti4 & Bentley; fie% tethrlan & 13ellt1et :131100 1st and and; ppliet, Letherland tender. 014 litnglish games -cock, Oeo. Bea- m; hen, deo. -Beam* 0a*te1, 0, e6 flesm planet Ot0. 13tattan. gaints-.4101c. .0.0.:;;Bettont: holt 4360:, latik;04; ,e0ohhte1, tie& teaOtn; *114. 'deo. fiettetot; • • Clamor. 4. 0. It.i..toek, 1$01 ben, Letbeeland, itte *tatty, B kerel, Oeo.BeacOml punet "`.•' • Otie. ^ • ;- •-,•• "„,N 41 or the red hull?" Tool iota#04 oting ot st thst. Wt. bort tot& It hoer to the tea 'tot Tom efiott otaid to #to 001, in *few Vellitt4it • telt. et „