HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-28, Page 24, •
th, 1900
The $t* hu beeretOld ,thtt Moder
.ss4001 ot boekkeeethefl. SOY 't,114.4.1,e4., li
'being i fltb 1)i unt f atirm
lout wit CpMPetent beeekkeeper 1* to
-engag.ed,•-to gt-the -srateni. tinder way.
Warden lisillantYne .1S •anthotity 10 -the
ataternent, 'which lad tone sis .Weleenie
.newe to the taxpeierk as will the art;.,
rictintement that comity 'cheque* •IiM
now bat* signed and coimtersigned,
they bearing the *natives of both the
warded and ithe Veptity Treitionler;
Heretofore tbe•,';'tteastirer. -alone 404
„and to thiai 'fact ta attributed much
th trouble With which we *II are lam-
All this may smear to tome � aexse.
locking the*table door after the Wise,
It*StOletY„-hutstilt-ifisgratiryibg•-to *no*
thst son* good Wit *Corot!, to the-coinity
from the audit and the proseoUtioas aria/
*ng Iron it. -The tuiditor •will .undenbt;
- eale. have Maw important recommends. -
*01 suggest, 'that heneeferth competent.
'and ettalified,euditors only be engeged,
Potainenting,' •On conditions here.- the
Stratford 'Iitepeon 110414, ina reeent is-
!Iti it has been In Heron County up
to now. and as It is, yet, in a 309d n.19nr
other ninnicipalities, the .entire rntids of
4, "be county were-1.eltuilly at. the disposal
of one ,,Cnen-ithe treasurer. .When
tfieque qr county wat...k.sned, the
nante4Alone- official, the treasurer,
; appeared The cheque did not
have to be signed by any other
du*1. It is a neOr SYSten-i-ter any niU
.cps1ity to have; hundreds Of thousanda
of dollars Of eitizezue money should not
be .p1s.ced -ait, the disposalof any One
Mans 00 matter who be, is. 'Huron
County'ls not the only municipality with
looaer syitini-ot-anditin,g- either.- -In
--toTinany eues thfrudi itinit-of hoots re-
cording .10rge expenditure of public
• funds nothing more than a mere.for-
mality. -Too MatW4i9CrePaP.:0191,1-•.#1.if:Ir
'1,s1Unted to *AO through by timeless audit-
ing when emiiteurs ate isidgied to the
• ' '
1474**enting On this Same question the
• in* to iglitt "There is-Ae.„dditht that the
matter of entoreing 0, proper audit O1.
public and conunniati account.should
legislator* and pet on a
- • I
a The' tiOn.to Biar•\.'eentinenta m
krwi "The notion which preValis, in so
many Es. in'Ontario thatihe Job
•'anditor laan.honetari sort of post •whieli
inay be -handed -to any nlce,tgreeab e,
cd gentliMit:--ittliti will *Ign-7*.bitt 18 set
,before him and make no trouble for any
one -ft One that outht. to he *h*n404*41:!'
It 11 01
• .•
•1a *is
e • •
-'thitiksithich the trouble in Huron County
_.*47•0*.hatt made pretty plaln Is the fact
that only thOde'll.*""tor• MOO -ot'' mat.
r*uld be soPohited to thefft atd,that
,auditing • Of Publitlactounts .she
tritrited to an important pubs
• Once; auditora,inelUded, lust because
he 'happens to he -frieterf of' the body
no:atogr the appointment, ii,re$pecti..ye of
'Whether be can *rform the 'work In. 4
-aatlitattorYi Manritr Or "
• maw, NOTES
* * *
,Prtzler Retires recent statemeet that
an election will 1* held 'qwithin the next
Are YelOal4 should "laeld" the' itentring
Pottle:let a few d*is at, 1ts1.
,4it 1dtnteof the,
le the tat let Is
"40184, titient
ithou4 be tillee041#*
ikatera 01141Ce MAP*
he4 with, _WS
$,Ontthe sI
-4.1"i*. •
.S uefortunate that
Zonis Ileder is afilleted With at;poor
Memorp-Ainforturiate ter Itr;;; Rader 110
,Most 01 the *I,Att ;pal** zzot
IO Untort".03 sOme' others.
The Publie !WIWI Soiard is to be con-
grstulatekett-Ttbe-sUccesa- -0 its ' joint
cohuheagezaent exerciles. The *Mrilte,
inents were Moot complete and the ,pro,
gram most, delightful on The de,
'PDX* to Lurie Victor Lautisteri, "eta
conte here or th *Aston,. was
happy one..
ao *
the Coluity--Caninell 'out see it*.way
ear-fcr -ffir0eitietriliaraboar-thitriates'
, .
;worth while.----Itight -no* it -is the moat
travelled' and -the •peorest road, 'in the
'comity.. Its eondition has dene dodetleh
and other lakeside tewiei mueli'harni. •
, t
rig Wont an
(Brantford Expositor)
Mrs, Doris 'W. Broadway, recently
appointed mayor of Wildrood, V. j.,
a Oleo of ,tome 6,000 people runs the
civic tall from 10,,a. i$
the - active head of a ten -roomed
home with the domestic care of a hus-
band and two -sone,- -actively_ Interests
herself )n her garden and spends as
'much time as. possible at the Piano.
What she does .with the rest of her
lesiure it not recorded.
((Clinton News Record)
Goderieh is going to he, very busy
for the next month getting ready
to entertain His Excellency,. the,
Governor-General, Lord Bessborough,-
and Lady BeteborOugle__Whe- will
ke an (Adel -IAN% to the.-Gotitify
Town on Qeteber 19th. The council
finally voted ;100 for the entertain-
ment OA no doubt they will make
the best of it and make' as good a
natured neighbor, we, .express regret
that the visit could not be made in
midsummer of s normal year .when
Goderieh, -with its many lovely, gar."
dens, 1s. looking its best, But one
eisure is not-recorded--
T11E AllttOltA BOREALIS '—
,(MO: and ,S11.0141'0)
The Auto) • Borealis 18 always an
attrattion though few are aware
occur -some -60 milee',44bovei the earth.
This is the calculation wof a British
peter yearboapedition that tor fifteen
months has studied weather -condi-
Notthemst- territorieee. Complete re-
sults of their observations will not be
given to, the,publie until the scientists
have had time to analyze their:find-
Inge after their return to England.
Their report will Midoubtly be of
veins+ as dealing with meteorology,
sti*l nragnetistre----attroraand
sktmospli 'erie-electrie"
• •
(Stratford Beaeon.iferilici)
Huron County,
Young, foriner trepuret of
moron 011ilitle. was sentenced . ,at
Goderie'h to lc -term *Web meant one
year in the penitentiary. Witht..titne
off • for, good behaviour,. it silli-nitain
elis, than. that ,T, The _theme to Will&
Mr, Young pleaded' ,kullty, . included'
At-ofiaking an*inoutit *MeV May.
yet amount to as neieh * as '$15,000
from the county Auxikg mutilation of.
eounty„•.tetordst corporacy to eeture
the -silent* , Of • ,a0Atort '1iif-pitYing: .
them to remain -silent. The courte of,
conduct * which 'culminated ' in . Mr.
Young's appearance in 'court forvaen.
tenet had been going on since '1930
at leaf& -- . , • -
The ftiacpn.Ifetald i, not .preming
for * longer. sentence; we hue no
detire to 'see Mr. Young *lend laili
,more time than is titeets*ry at the
reforinatory. or atany other Atte
Of torifirienint, but it cannot be Over-,
looked that he was extremely tattle.:
ate to tecore such * sentenet.
Whether the decision of the Magi-.
trete will be thane/40.4 his enPer. •
Ors we 40 no know.
'There is mmething more ...In th
leation. .The atterney..40..qtren
,., • , .
Mr. Young, and who ,Marle a ,
Or Itint before teeter** Wit p*
"admitted ; That hit"clivetist, takii
bad had ao preeeneeeXperie
keeping of books and /wade"
a tonnts, ;hie a busineet width
the disbureetrient of es much
pei year, ono *Aft welt
to *Nola to *IA* poet *
rho bad no operien.he in *nth •
elite at the menttht
it conterti whieh
d� bcatM*a that eio. It rut
r, to the 'rate..
• 41,4 A' SI. 0.
, strawbetrita
011•Ov* box
barfl" on South street
is .w th fuU nosseaslen_. It 18 * very
.tteiklsble property. ,
thelizTWMdoW for
. 0*, of our young liardwere, 0100,
while mounted on an 01,444410**4 hlgh
,WAZZ. 001011011014 • .1 ..;:e 00;041 Wheel, had,.a. bad' Std. 'On Monday, : &and
while' no, bones iere broken, 110 •htti a
-georgell' ehtireb, Goderich, and 'Well weed* Often Wipdamaged aPPearance:
ed * *,,
oivn %throughout Western .:Ontario 141 Do lee see, awe right often.' oarles McCarthy, •,fermerly of Sea-
iin,Anithean clergyman, 01044,14t 1Prizt&Y,' Ray, ‘4.1 see *err often (or $requentill," .1'001,. was sittOt.• and Med: 'bv negro in
at bis
pea el'a4 an a .venvireaOme• tamer, nowh,t,o, ,:tozite overriowed.":. sit thickets, and when the latter
-11001c -in-loondorL-4404, 1,00.--1 nOt * ,108111ands 'are 0 ,ohiekee. The .negro was itie"ling.
erleith, carried Idin from bis native Shot* Do pot 0,),,„ „limo sholoo see .03inu,e :reirionorated, the ec4r04 11„ .404
land 01100 become SOX *- towards me but. Oath*" SAY* %Noce, Delo was :,,a4tantaneous,
South Anierleark cattle 'fran4011, ,Made J111.11A .thould rzei tit
DO not. sziy;-.0A lot of men Were there."
Say, large,t number 01 me.141were
there." ,
'. net say, of we men thalI
go." Say; "Some off us men shall go,"
clty;• 'DO' not Sty, feel good totleY.'" 'Say,
' ' -
-to--7carda-700hrizit.t, .;:mord*. 3/4*Pninatined _
America -and -was - eduested---liv-HuM
college.Ae.,1801.„when"..3.4.,Yeare..014..he: ...„404,2„FeLePt. sputwe;
was ordained by late PlatiOD.rst
Muth and took his firat parish, in Sbei-,,
buriie.) i.Prom =there * *rent to Kir'itton, o as •.1,0 ,no..'
tistowel,.1elneardine. Poderldb,, Mexio caleboose,-, accent is en lot
City, lidertori- and Port Stanley, He .0:11ehle.:*.not the
'WSZ, reeor for the.-eathedial In Mexico Jiigular. rrOPoune,e.. '1W,',efilkylin**`tiO,
city, for .about two item. Throughout fl teol'OotlegnIrts#Eur,e;-*Far
his lie he *olio. ehttowasoz:nsuomot.Ungittres:t, ,,,proeo
erd,aocerit,fitstot 04'
and it was one of his. ehlef recl7tatIml
hu, -mer. •• • -
• Webster prelers 111;31- 0:- as
me. Standirditaif.i.11.. met.. , • •
W.00101Oiteit500., pc*
net Mark Turnbull, tomer •tee* of
A. Canadian clergyman, and then Init
hilnat the head 01* cathedral in Meld -
City. -Hew Mr. Turnbull bad Wed -
London since 'lie was enperannuatod in
1031 and Irla Work as relief preacher
made blin well known • throughout the
• p. H. Often, has bought from ,Veilliath
Warnock tie. eighteen' --term over the
railroad traek. Ur, Oreee „intends to
erect a thicken hatching establishment
next tear and es the spot is in every
way suitable for the -purmse.he will no
' doubt-her-sueeerefutx-'
'1c * *
Sok ilea
AtforgaN 114
oi tit
r tbc_oe,„• rat
rantoed hat.
iptixe in Oa atiorkint m
is chars. of Mr;John
11408011, AT CLINIC
ber of 'Oeilorich Lions were
in Seirforth on Wednesday of last
week for the • erjefeled children'*
clinic held in Scott Memorial homeit-
tiontder the auspices of Ooderieli
and Senforth Lions clubs* with Dr.
Beeehely as chairman. Over .40
children Were examined'', Arrange -
Monts at the hospital ;were excellent -
/index the direction Of Miss Wilson.
This year's clinic wee larger than in
former Years, especially the eyesight
eases . which were examined . -"by Pr.
Macklin,' of 00derich, and, Dr., 'twee
of Seaforth. The, cripple cases were
in charge of Pr. Ramsay, of .London.
A large number of doctors from
Oodetioh, Mitchell, Clinton, ,Brussels
and other towns were here. At 12.39
the Clinic was adjourned- until -the
afternoon and luncheon wairved
at, the ommerciaI hotel.
. •
•••••••• •
'Vermicide an excellent 'preparation:
18 Mother Graves' `WOrni.' 'Utern:44
It has.'Wed,, the lives„ef emmtlesS
',OcOntante'natienalism-has- -coMe •
ate,Y.",--10. Son.. L. el. Amery, 1114.
- Take Lydia, E. rinkhioni
Veletable„. CompowMl
diet goihSoloolos
dom. Thsi its the aro snot
,hankimi a tee ftasW. Items ie.
II*001$2141000101 *ONO /481I No, WOO
MI IWO eso10*** 4 . It la tb• *to WIMP,
1110041t$0141K141 OM* Sad Paakiiths be*
'`',-*.c.ydigHttili,:ii4lipar•-"V'tfoial' •
.10s. woo: you *ski ,
thatyrin,411.0, YO0',tb. .tru.4tk t 001 .
ot of a*.az:loclaiiiisa *tie t4piide
407 that ;Oa ,h***fitost by tide
see * bottle' from - yout
,1114.0 *00,0,r.• *itch •00.:relesita.
/PM dielt_A?folviiionthx;ago, and sur-
viving are his wfe, One Son, ..Charlie,
Tor-Oftto,,-="and a tep-brother, .'peerge
Cary, Pettolia,
.---TIltTeurtent..:,..lsaue: of St, George's
.cliurolv. Bulletin ontaini_*the • following
reference to the. late Mr. Turnbull:
was , -with deep, feeling -that - word was
teived on Friday of the passing. of Rev.,
Mark 'Turnbull. 'Mt. -Turnbull came as,
teeter of this pariah' on. October 23,
1492. and tor:elmost ntrietten $eva
littered „faithfully tria well, swing -AO
occupy in affectionate place in, the
hearts of many people. On June 11;
011; Mr. Turnbull resigned to bome
rector or 'Pert' Stanley, where he
Iztered until his retirement, twelve years
age • „
St. George's :conarqation was repre-
tented*, thefungi* service,end expres-
sions of sympathy and the prayers of
Op.:congregation as a•_.w.hOle: were lor•!,_
reed-to,_,Mrs:7'Tittribult and faPiiIy.•
ClergYMett, of the Anglican Diocese, of
Huron paid_ a Anal tribute yesterday
Rev. iVratt Turnbull, for many Year* a
seinine. rPronounce 440. co.:414e.
'able. Obseree. the Ole; 'Operator; final
not .er.• trimeren not eiriporer.
,Noticeable. . Retain thew - 410r the 0,
'Pennant . three, Ws. ,
There Is seme_talk-Of.holleing.le...Publie
dienttiOn,- Meeting lon„gotount of the
street eghts.nct ,being'eureee on, There
are no .trieters on this service ' and there
'-;044aot ber'OgOawaY
payers . in darknaai. when they- pat for
'Let Prre.t.:be,11,04,,TOrn, on the
efeefiliTairrent* oiery dark night. .
Latest etyies--,Large number of ladies
_ _
attendOcrithe'miliinery OP'sn1ng8V
writer 3:loticeti a Gainsborough composed
entirely, or bliztewith--#settion of, 'War*
pee- d two' large . plumes. held
jet, • Ornaments,. railing
gracefully over back,. ,, Thi* hat was
Inuee..0,0eeeee .as was also 41.1'ertdhe
and ,thinehina creidiree,,ilth a decided
flare eleet. The work of our Godeitett
-SYnoPY414 Milliners ;takes a high, place in .the esti-
Amuse, divert, entertain, !nation Of our ladie*,..0.1:14. one of the best
Airest recreate . evidences 0! their am:prod-atm*, ts---that
Satisfaction', - content, cvitentmenif, fiats are never bought 'In Toronto for
iratification, • Gocleilch wear, simply on account of t#e
-Eneenrag$47-lnipirei' hearten, cheer, priee and-L-,qualityi--and --those ;who- know -
Talk (verb), ape* obit, twirler/ie. say there are no ahop-made" hats,th
Perrisot,' conmlete, . correct, ' accurate, ,Ooderioit',, although like skirts, waists and
4 'OtIlet feminine wearing aPearel, there
are lots or,•ticem In the big, cities., our
brous, Pondorbaa milliners are Miss Donough, Mlss oilby
' Word Study and Was Cameron..
"Me a' lord _three, is:Mee:and, it --is * *
yoursP-, - Let, At* --Increase our vocabulary
by mastering one word estoh-daif,7.Words
or this, lesson:
IsOntrr; to add strength to; to fur-
prcaclter -111,1est2z -Onterio,- Laymen; „huh.,wltli,Dowet toles18t. !lime
or hia fait -StmileYr cainii to the aid e:f fancy. and both- cern-
Aed'the hocty. to lesfinal resting place blned to fortify' ide7rieolutien."Sir
in Woodland cemetery. , Walter Scott. .
The *arrive was held in St. paure ENMITY; state of being bostile;.Ifl
Cathedral at 3 'oecloek, SistiOP. Seager win. ollo ground of enmity between n5
Tucker, if the 'Platted -1/4
4* •
raly had charge,. In --the church were PHOPPEfti an offer MadeLeornething
"Many clergymen, 18 Well as ,trie1108 ' of pipixgol 1.0r , on'eptance • by another.
the, decbiggea tom. many Western On, "They 'niade proffer* of peace (Or
tette- parishes. - friendship);" •
• The Pallbearers Were, John 8. Moore, SUBMISSION; ..11eIding . to power, or
Hertbelome*, William. Belt and K. mends void Mean *1$1ter*." •
M. Ellison, of Port Stanley. ' • "LICENT190S;',1awleas;InutioralT lewd;
Among those -frem Oodcrithp who at- 1a.scIviou. "Ile led* litentiOui life,"
ended- the funeral were Mrs. 0. A. - ATE; haVIngt,
one of
long continuance.; "tra Is in Invetetee her 'boiler flues giVing out. nuti with the
appliances at band ,the •captein' Could
secure 261xitniils"l01 steain,-*and entered
1incard1ne-Tottr-a2 1-0-.61ronntV-7,0,ressurei',
without any "assistance. The -Evelyn: WeS-
repaired and returned In afetY.
faultless, IdeaL"
' Heavy,' weighty, burdensome, cum -
• iklanufaetistad
f.rths past $4 y.anby
ThE 17.,Miundorit CO., perin•ci
Torsideo 01144
- Harbor -The past week has
been „11 busy ono, The Wexford it in
with grain; the schooners Ida A. Olson.
friOra A. and L.--U&•/4.1son; all froviAan,
,eusky„,,the,fertnee with 47.0 Ions or,„.tost,
,for P.-B.Bolmes, and the latter 'With-
-1,0°d, tons for the. Lake liniOn .k
toba MilIiug CO., are also in Port; the
-nsbing tog -Sea King 'left eni Friday -for
Weirton; the Olson was towed bythe
t E'e and kept, it donkey' engine'
busy 'pumping Out ;water; the men tn.:,
gaged in rehundirg, the 'above -water Part'
of the smith .Pier are making , fair prod,
,gress; the schooner ,Koliage bas arrived
„fr9111 Pine Tree' after e. tempestuous
the probability is that the anglers wifl
have -a busy time for the next few * weeks;
last Vitedlietday th Evelyn (cape. John,
'titordy„Litut401. A. F. Sturdy, Ur- and
.letra, G. L. ParSons„ Rev. J. N. H. 'WIS.,
Mayor, 0. -C. :and 'Mrs.' tee, A. Rougyiei
Itettntid-resher, Mrs. McKlm. miss
tori,„. The*. ltneesba*, ‘Mrs.
and others.
body and vigor or, mind are .inevitably
Impaired by the visitations of asthma.
Who can live under the eleud'of reeur-
ring attacks aral keep bodylind Mind, at
their full enioienoy? pi, J„ P. /01100
Asthma -Remedy dit4ipates the cloud *
removing' the tato. /t•
dote restore the s&ferer-to normal -nod-
B• ought, sold or ex.. ;
thingett ' artat-'cheap
Atoree Y,04.
• .hring- him, 'inany age
01)Eilleti INN
• CA
0 $
Stodditt:,.whl. give •iut exhibition
or_pale..'votulting at the laseknolv fait tti-
inorrrow. (Pridae). ,Two Vieek$ $05 at
Hanalten 134S1) cleared /2 feet, 0 Inthet,
defeating 3 40htte -or Tott Oolborne.and
Al mines et IlanilltenIit neshiblifeee
vioilt later he-e,leared*13 feet
Many of the Wet residents of Ashfield
and-1..iitkiireV, had the pleasure 4 re-
newing tteualetanees ,with Justice, NVA,
.--Ittedonald, 001Umblivt. •Avtio OP To FOURt.pet.t. the lattet ,94t.b of teek twit PARR...AND-0XE rtitt
and in teMtain,3t With Mr*, 3. W Murray-
called On mant.Ashilekt Wends, just 'qirtito Dates: from noon Oct. Macdonsid of the court 01 Appealof until '
To leave destination not
ohti Modonsild of von. 1, Ashfield,than niidnight Oct .10, -1933
idle its tariett .ned,,,.16hh, to distMe'l
,Dorttei /*mew ,,ee feee-uelehiierhood. SiNelli&Nliri.Aript:44000 141PO_STR;;2
losh. hint from the veriout other Vac,
*eighteen !years since JuzUc Wed. old Tickets good going ATV train aftee,
' that ettasiott,' *1,1t ii100,1W ti* GOOd Vettitning ', to loath original
ptid les* to his native community, and . 1.00 A. Oct
death of ilicfatber; Pit his Present tri' starting point up to Midnight Same
east he lar..tiaMing Oritittle c1tiea Where • • „ day k (Standard Time) .•
he, le,".'tddrelites :41toedItti, 'Club. tThisa , (SundaY), rare aim;
t„austite ulicairicait,$14t11:t1Oinoritt4r111; „iitktetn
fortnetly• ohjelajhi teettat.„ rides th] ,intorroaviort and Fares from. your
terotto end at the age of nitlOt.onelocal
yeere' still enloye a • fair metsure, ofvi.0-1 le • ' i,arvatilart ,racsrie
.twee ALt PQilIts ir Caudii a to
Ilatita sok*
, aiaattet tot Sho
rairn • trip., Tie*kets "toed going
toonrmir, Ott" to noon
MoaIay, Ott. 9; Rood to tom
.aiifftskeidination not
DAT ,ott.
O1 »AIt TO3115
for the
Ttekets good going b
after 1.00 s nt. un.
b.'. 8 'or Monday. Oet.
mn to 'volt Matting
qater than Warded
Thar euffering from "%soma know
what, torture is endured., with the
berning,,,:,,,itchime.,,,and stinging tliat
, .aoannPanles-wthis-diseasev-osPacial!*-7 -
at night, when the hands are put in .,
water,' or when -exposed to heat.
..er blessing them is 14'41 *
. %reliable remedy as Burdock: Blood
Bitters for tlipiie tortured, day' and
'‘ night, with eczema, and who can get
• no relief from their mit*.
'take Burdock Biooeliitters in-
ternally and it •perifiee the b1664 Of
• those poisons which are th6,cause of
this eruption. "
Apply it externally and it,will help'
to take out the fire and itch, and aid)
the bealiteeprocese.
s.Save You Money on Your. Provision
uality at Lowest Prices at
ul)Plies. Best
hiuirsday, F,rida
ana Saturday- ,
28th, 29th, 3
es,. •T 6
•••••••••••••••,...,?; .!1•04••••••••••
au*iallCoffee.. 44,
.4. - ) 't; 456-
, ti ;
Old Dutch_40**,4
orne's Peano
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Ua jar
5.1h. Pait HOklitY*
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Mt. • .• 0 • 4 .45c
I,. LARGE OAR- lobai,s
1,:lap. Try' This.
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ate es 3 boxes
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Powder. le
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