HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-28, Page 24, • th, 1900 The $t* hu beeretOld ,thtt Moder .ss4001 ot boekkeeethefl. SOY 't,114.4.1,e4., li , 'being i fltb 1)i unt f atirm lout wit CpMPetent beeekkeeper 1* to -engag.ed,•-to gt-the -srateni. tinder way. Warden lisillantYne .1S •anthotity 10 -the ataternent, 'which lad tone sis .Weleenie .newe to the taxpeierk as will the art;., rictintement that comity 'cheque* •IiM now bat* signed and coimtersigned, they bearing the *natives of both the warded and ithe Veptity Treitionler; Heretofore tbe•,';'tteastirer. -alone 404 „and to thiai 'fact ta attributed much th trouble With which we *II are lam- _ All this may smear to tome � aexse. locking the*table door after the Wise, It*StOletY„-hutstilt-ifisgratiryibg•-to *no* thst son* good Wit *Corot!, to the-coinity from the audit and the proseoUtioas aria/ *ng Iron it. -The tuiditor •will .undenbt; - eale. have Maw important recommends. - like* *01 suggest, 'that heneeferth competent. 'and ettalified,euditors only be engeged, Potainenting,' •On conditions here.- the Stratford 'Iitepeon 110414, ina reeent is- sue, !Iti it has been In Heron County up to now. and as It is, yet, in a 309d n.19nr other ninnicipalities, the .entire rntids of 4, "be county were-1.eltuilly at. the disposal of one ,,Cnen-ithe treasurer. .When tfieque qr county wat...k.sned, the nante4Alone- official, the treasurer, ; appeared The cheque did not have to be signed by any other Indivi- du*1. It is a neOr SYSten-i-ter any niU .cps1ity to have; hundreds Of thousanda of dollars Of eitizezue money should not be .p1s.ced -ait, the disposalof any One Mans 00 matter who be, is. 'Huron County'ls not the only municipality with looaer syitini-ot-anditin,g- either.- -In --toTinany eues thfrudi itinit-of hoots re- cording .10rge expenditure of public • funds nothing more than a mere.for- mality. -Too MatW4i9CrePaP.:0191,1-•.#1.if:Ir '1,s1Unted to *AO through by timeless audit- ing when emiiteurs ate isidgied to the • ' ' 1474**enting On this Same question the te-t • in* to iglitt "There is-Ae.„dditht that the matter of entoreing 0, proper audit O1. public and conunniati account.should legislator* and pet on a - • I a The' tiOn.to Biar•\.'eentinenta m fol- krwi "The notion which preValis, in so many Es. in'Ontario thatihe Job •'anditor laan.honetari sort of post •whieli inay be -handed -to any nlce,tgreeab e, cd gentliMit:--ittliti will *Ign-7*.bitt 18 set ,before him and make no trouble for any one -ft One that outht. to he *h*n404*41:!' - It 11 01 • • .• A t •1a *is of e • • -'thitiksithich the trouble in Huron County _.*47•0*.hatt made pretty plaln Is the fact that only thOde'll.*""tor• MOO -ot'' mat. r*uld be soPohited to thefft atd,that ,auditing • Of Publitlactounts .she - tritrited to an important pubs • Once; auditora,inelUded, lust because he 'happens to he -frieterf of' the body no:atogr the appointment, ii,re$pecti..ye of 'Whether be can *rform the 'work In. 4 -aatlitattorYi Manritr Or " • maw, NOTES • - iran-whes--wor , * * * ,Prtzler Retires recent statemeet that an election will 1* held 'qwithin the next Are YelOal4 should "laeld" the' itentring Pottle:let a few d*is at, 1ts1. ‘4*, ,4it 1dtnteof the, le the tat let Is sunlit* rted ID "40184, titient ithou4 be tillee041#* ikatera 01141Ce MAP* he4 with, _WS $,Ontthe sI -4.1"i*. • not .S uefortunate that Zonis Ileder is afilleted With at;poor Memorp-Ainforturiate ter Itr;;; Rader 110 ,Most 01 the *I,Att ;pal** zzot IO Untort".03 sOme' others. The Publie !WIWI Soiard is to be con- grstulatekett-Ttbe-sUccesa- -0 its ' joint cohuheagezaent exerciles. The *Mrilte, inents were Moot complete and the ,pro, gram most, delightful on The de, 'PDX* to Lurie Victor Lautisteri, "eta conte here or th *Aston,. was happy one.. ao * 11 the Coluity--Caninell 'out see it*.way ear-fcr -ffir0eitietriliaraboar-thitriates' , . 4,0rrrogt7n0ritr'11-..:depliarablervon ;worth while.----Itight -no* it -is the moat travelled' and -the •peorest road, 'in the 'comity.. Its eondition has dene dodetleh and other lakeside tewiei mueli'harni. • , t 0 rig Wont an EDITORS SAY BUSY (Brantford Expositor) Mrs, Doris 'W. Broadway, recently appointed mayor of Wildrood, V. j., a Oleo of ,tome 6,000 people runs the civic tall from 10,,a. i$ the - active head of a ten -roomed home with the domestic care of a hus- band and two -sone,- -actively_ Interests herself )n her garden and spends as 'much time as. possible at the Piano. What she does .with the rest of her lesiure it not recorded. t MONTH ((Clinton News Record) Goderieh is going to he, very busy for the next month getting ready to entertain His Excellency,. the, Governor-General, Lord Bessborough,- and Lady BeteborOugle__Whe- will ke an (Adel -IAN% to the.-Gotitify Town on Qeteber 19th. The council finally voted ;100 for the entertain- ment OA no doubt they will make the best of it and make' as good a zing...11e4eystible. natured neighbor, we, .express regret that the visit could not be made in midsummer of s normal year .when Goderieh, -with its many lovely, gar." dens, 1s. looking its best, But one eisure is not-recorded-- T11E AllttOltA BOREALIS '— ,(MO: and ,S11.0141'0) The Auto) • Borealis 18 always an attrattion though few are aware occur -some -60 milee',44bovei the earth. This is the calculation wof a British peter yearboapedition that tor fifteen months has studied weather -condi- s""at-Fort-Itauein-Alte-Canadia Notthemst- territorieee. Complete re- sults of their observations will not be given to, the,publie until the scientists have had time to analyze their:find- Inge after their return to England. Their report will Midoubtly be of veins+ as dealing with meteorology, sti*l nragnetistre----attroraand - sktmospli 'erie-electrie" LIGHT SENTENCE • • (Stratford Beaeon.iferilici) Huron County, Young, foriner trepuret of moron 011ilitle. was sentenced . ,at Goderie'h to lc -term *Web meant one year in the penitentiary. Witht..titne off • for, good behaviour,. it silli-nitain elis, than. that ,T, The _theme to Will& Mr, Young pleaded' ,kullty, . included' At-ofiaking an*inoutit *MeV May. yet amount to as neieh * as '$15,000 from the county Auxikg mutilation of. eounty„•.tetordst corporacy to eeture the -silent* , Of • ,a0Atort '1iif-pitYing: . them to remain -silent. The courte of, conduct * which 'culminated ' in . Mr. Young's appearance in 'court forvaen. tenet had been going on since '1930 at leaf& -- . , • - The ftiacpn.Ifetald i, not .preming for * longer. sentence; we hue no detire to 'see Mr. Young *lend laili ,more time than is titeets*ry at the reforinatory. or atany other Atte Of torifirienint, but it cannot be Over-, looked that he was extremely tattle.: ate to tecore such * sentenet. Whether the decision of the Magi-. trete will be thane/40.4 his enPer. • Ors we 40 no know. 'There is mmething more ...In th leation. .The atterney..40..qtren ,., • , . ed Mr. Young, and who ,Marle a , Or Itint before teeter** Wit p* "admitted ; That hit"clivetist, takii bad had ao preeeneeeXperie keeping of books and /wade" 1 a tonnts, ;hie a busineet width the disbureetrient of es much pei year, ono *Aft welt to *Nola to *IA* poet * rho bad no operien.he in *nth • elite at the menttht it conterti whieh d� bcatM*a that eio. It rut r, to the 'rate.. • 41,4 A' SI. 0. A ur • , strawbetrita 011•Ov* box ** „ sbMboughtfrem.Thornu „ barfl" on South street is .w th fuU nosseaslen_. It 18 * very .tteiklsble property. , . *. thelizTWMdoW for soki . 0*, of our young liardwere, 0100, while mounted on an 01,444410**4 hlgh ,WAZZ. 001011011014 • .1 ..;:e 00;041 Wheel, had,.a. bad' Std. 'On Monday, : &and while' no, bones iere broken, 110 •htti a ' t. -georgell' ehtireb, Goderich, and 'Well weed* Often Wipdamaged aPPearance: ed * *,, oivn %throughout Western .:Ontario 141 Do lee see, awe right often.' oarles McCarthy, •,fermerly of Sea- iin,Anithean clergyman, 01044,14t 1Prizt&Y,' Ray, ‘4.1 see *err often (or $requentill," .1'001,. was sittOt.• and Med: 'bv negro in at bis pea el'a4 an a .venvireaOme• tamer, nowh,t,o, ,:tozite overriowed.":. sit thickets, and when the latter -11001c -in-loondorL-4404, 1,00.--1 nOt * ,108111ands 'are 0 ,ohiekee. The .negro was itie"ling. erleith, carried Idin from bis native Shot* Do pot 0,),,„ „limo sholoo see .03inu,e :reirionorated, the ec4r04 11„ .404 land 01100 become SOX *- towards me but. Oath*" SAY* %Noce, Delo was :,,a4tantaneous, South Anierleark cattle 'fran4011, ,Made J111.11A .thould rzei tit DO not. sziy;-.0A lot of men Were there." Say, large,t number 01 me.141were there." , '. net say, of we men thalI go." Say; "Some off us men shall go," clty;• 'DO' not Sty, feel good totleY.'" 'Say, ' ' - -to--7carda-700hrizit.t, .;:mord*. 3/4*Pninatined _ America -and -was - eduested---liv-HuM college.Ae.,1801.„when"..3.4.,Yeare..014..he: ...„404,2„FeLePt. sputwe; not was ordained by late PlatiOD.rst Muth and took his firat parish, in Sbei-,, buriie.) i.Prom =there * *rent to Kir'itton, o as •.1,0 ,no..' tistowel,.1elneardine. Poderldb,, Mexio caleboose,-, accent is en lot City, lidertori- and Port Stanley, He .0:11ehle.:*.not the 'WSZ, reeor for the.-eathedial In Mexico Jiigular. rrOPoune,e.. '1W,',efilkylin**`tiO, city, for .about two item. Throughout fl teol'OotlegnIrts#Eur,e;-*Far his lie he *olio. ehttowasoz:nsuomot.Ungittres:t, ,,,proeo erd,aocerit,fitstot 04' and it was one of his. ehlef recl7tatIml iens.' Is hu, -mer. •• • - • Webster prelers 111;31- 0:- as me. Standirditaif.i.11.. met.. , • • W.00101Oiteit500., pc* net Mark Turnbull, tomer •tee* of A. Canadian clergyman, and then Init hilnat the head 01* cathedral in Meld - City. -Hew Mr. Turnbull bad Wed - London since 'lie was enperannuatod in 1031 and Irla Work as relief preacher made blin well known • throughout the _ • p. H. Often, has bought from ,Veilliath Warnock tie. eighteen' --term over the railroad traek. Ur, Oreee „intends to erect a thicken hatching establishment next tear and es the spot is in every way suitable for the -purmse.he will no ' doubt-her-sueeerefutx-' '1c * * Sok ilea AtforgaN 114 oi tit r tbc_oe,„• rat rantoed hat. iptixe in Oa atiorkint m is chars. of Mr;John sip) X00 11408011, AT CLINIC ber of 'Oeilorich Lions were in Seirforth on Wednesday of last week for the • erjefeled children'* clinic held in Scott Memorial homeit- tiontder the auspices of Ooderieli and Senforth Lions clubs* with Dr. Beeehely as chairman. Over .40 children Were examined'', Arrange - Monts at the hospital ;were excellent - /index the direction Of Miss Wilson. This year's clinic wee larger than in former Years, especially the eyesight eases . which were examined . -"by Pr. Macklin,' of 00derich, and, Dr., 'twee of Seaforth. The, cripple cases were in charge of Pr. Ramsay, of .London. A large number of doctors from Oodetioh, Mitchell, Clinton, ,Brussels and other towns were here. At 12.39 the Clinic was adjourned- until -the afternoon and luncheon wairved at, the ommerciaI hotel. . • •••••••• • 'Vermicide an excellent 'preparation: 18 Mother Graves' `WOrni.' 'Utern:44 It has.'Wed,, the lives„ef emmtlesS ebil- dren. ',OcOntante'natienalism-has- -coMe • to- ate,Y.",--10. Son.. L. el. Amery, 1114. HELP FOR -TIRED WIVESL - Take Lydia, E. rinkhioni Veletable„. CompowMl diet goihSoloolos dom. Thsi its the aro snot ,hankimi a tee ftasW. Items ie. II*001$2141000101 *ONO /481I No, WOO MI IWO eso10*** 4 . It la tb• *to WIMP, 1110041t$0141K141 OM* Sad Paakiiths be* '`',-*.c.ydigHttili,:ii4lipar•-"V'tfoial' • .10s. woo: you *ski , thatyrin,411.0, YO0',tb. .tru.4tk t 001 . ot of a*.az:loclaiiiisa *tie t4piide 407 that ;Oa ,h***fitost by tide see * bottle' from - yout ,1114.0 *00,0,r.• *itch •00.:relesita. •-• • /PM dielt_A?folviiionthx;ago, and sur- viving are his wfe, One Son, ..Charlie, Tor-Oftto,,-="and a tep-brother, .'peerge Cary, Pettolia, .---TIltTeurtent..:,..lsaue: of St, George's .cliurolv. Bulletin ontaini_*the • following reference to the. late Mr. Turnbull: was , -with deep, feeling -that - word was re- teived on Friday of the passing. of Rev., Mark 'Turnbull. 'Mt. -Turnbull came as, teeter of this pariah' on. October 23, 1492. and tor:elmost ntrietten $eva littered „faithfully tria well, swing -AO occupy in affectionate place in, the hearts of many people. On June 11; 011; Mr. Turnbull resigned to bome rector or 'Pert' Stanley, where he inin- Iztered until his retirement, twelve years age • „ St. George's :conarqation was repre- tented*, thefungi* service,end expres- sions of sympathy and the prayers of Op.:congregation as a•_.w.hOle: were lor•!,_ reed-to,_,Mrs:7'Tittribult and faPiiIy.• ClergYMett, of the Anglican Diocese, of Huron paid_ a Anal tribute yesterday Rev. iVratt Turnbull, for many Year* a seinine. rPronounce 440. co.:414e. 'able. Obseree. the Ole; 'Operator; final not .er.• trimeren not eiriporer. ,Noticeable. . Retain thew - 410r the 0, 'Pennant . three, Ws. , There Is seme_talk-Of.holleing.le...Publie dienttiOn,- Meeting lon„gotount of the street eghts.nct ,being'eureee on, There are no .trieters on this service ' and there '-;044aot ber'OgOawaY rate- payers . in darknaai. when they- pat for 'Let Prre.t.:be,11,04,,TOrn, on the efeefiliTairrent* oiery dark night. . .„ Latest etyies--,Large number of ladies _ _ attendOcrithe'miliinery OP'sn1ng8V writer 3:loticeti a Gainsborough composed entirely, or bliztewith--#settion of, 'War* pee- d two' large . plumes. held jet, • Ornaments,. railing gracefully over back,. ,, Thi* hat was Inuee..0,0eeeee .as was also 41.1'ertdhe and ,thinehina creidiree,,ilth a decided flare eleet. The work of our Godeitett -SYnoPY414 Milliners ;takes a high, place in .the esti- Amuse, divert, entertain, !nation Of our ladie*,..0.1:14. one of the best Airest recreate . evidences 0! their am:prod-atm*, ts---that Satisfaction', - content, cvitentmenif, fiats are never bought 'In Toronto for iratification, • Gocleilch wear, simply on account of t#e -Eneenrag$47-lnipirei' hearten, cheer, priee and-L-,qualityi--and --those ;who- know - Talk (verb), ape* obit, twirler/ie. say there are no ahop-made" hats,th Perrisot,' conmlete, . correct, ' accurate, ,Ooderioit',, although like skirts, waists and 4 'OtIlet feminine wearing aPearel, there are lots or,•ticem In the big, cities., our brous, Pondorbaa milliners are Miss Donough, Mlss oilby ' Word Study and Was Cameron.. "Me a' lord _three, is:Mee:and, it --is * * yoursP-, - Let, At* --Increase our vocabulary by mastering one word estoh-daif,7.Words or this, lesson: IsOntrr; to add strength to; to fur- prcaclter -111,1est2z -Onterio,- Laymen; „huh.,wltli,Dowet toles18t. !lime or hia fait -StmileYr cainii to the aid e:f fancy. and both- cern- Aed'the hocty. to lesfinal resting place blned to fortify' ide7rieolutien."Sir - in Woodland cemetery. , Walter Scott. . The *arrive was held in St. paure ENMITY; state of being bostile;.Ifl Cathedral at 3 'oecloek, SistiOP. Seager win. ollo ground of enmity between n5 Tucker, if the 'Platted -1/4 4* • raly had charge,. In --the church were PHOPPEfti an offer MadeLeornething "Many clergymen, 18 Well as ,trie1108 ' of pipixgol 1.0r , on'eptance • by another. the, decbiggea tom. many Western On, "They 'niade proffer* of peace (Or tette- parishes. - friendship);" • • The Pallbearers Were, John 8. Moore, SUBMISSION; ..11eIding . to power, or on;---Cept,ifIer-It.-Dale,„-II:.A.,-S.,•,.'ty,--L1-*eur--olibiiiiisitiii Hertbelome*, William. Belt and K. mends void Mean *1$1ter*." • M. Ellison, of Port Stanley. ' • "LICENT190S;',1awleas;InutioralT lewd; Among those -frem Oodcrithp who at- 1a.scIviou. "Ile led* litentiOui life," ended- the funeral were Mrs. 0. A. - ATE; haVIngt, one of long continuance.; "tra Is in Invetetee her 'boiler flues giVing out. nuti with the appliances at band ,the •captein' Could secure 261xitniils"l01 steain,-*and entered 1incard1ne-Tottr-a2 1-0-.61ronntV-7,0,ressurei', without any "assistance. The -Evelyn: WeS- repaired and returned In afetY. faultless, IdeaL" ' Heavy,' weighty, burdensome, cum - in BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS • iklanufaetistad f.rths past $4 y.anby ThE 17.,Miundorit CO., perin•ci Torsideo 01144 - Harbor -The past week has _ been „11 busy ono, The Wexford it in with grain; the schooners Ida A. Olson. friOra A. and L.--U&•/4.1son; all froviAan, ,eusky„,,the,fertnee with 47.0 Ions or,„.tost, ,for P.-B.Bolmes, and the latter 'With- -1,0°d, tons for the. Lake liniOn .k Mani- toba MilIiug CO., are also in Port; the -nsbing tog -Sea King 'left eni Friday -for Weirton; the Olson was towed bythe t E'e and kept, it donkey' engine' busy 'pumping Out ;water; the men tn.:, gaged in rehundirg, the 'above -water Part' of the smith .Pier are making , fair prod, ,gress; the schooner ,Koliage bas arrived „fr9111 Pine Tree' after e. tempestuous •;.2earch.liehinehaluxaninence, the probability is that the anglers wifl have -a busy time for the next few * weeks; last Vitedlietday th Evelyn (cape. John, * 'titordy„Litut401. A. F. Sturdy, Ur- and .letra, G. L. ParSons„ Rev. J. N. H. 'WIS., Mayor, 0. -C. :and 'Mrs.' tee, A. Rougyiei Itettntid-resher, Mrs. McKlm. miss tori,„. The*. ltneesba*, ‘Mrs. and others. body and vigor or, mind are .inevitably Impaired by the visitations of asthma. Who can live under the eleud'of reeur- ring attacks aral keep bodylind Mind, at their full enioienoy? pi, J„ P. /01100 Asthma -Remedy dit4ipates the cloud * removing' the tato. /t• dote restore the s&ferer-to normal -nod- trint-seld-itiental,--ban ii B• ought, sold or ex.. ; thingett ' artat-'cheap Atoree Y,04. • .hring- him, 'inany age Or GRANT 01)Eilleti INN ----PROPRIETOR. • CA 4 0 $ Stodditt:,.whl. give •iut exhibition or_pale..'votulting at the laseknolv fait tti- inorrrow. (Pridae). ,Two Vieek$ $05 at Hanalten 134S1) cleared /2 feet, 0 Inthet, defeating 3 40htte -or Tott Oolborne.and Al mines et IlanilltenIit neshiblifeee vioilt later he-e,leared*13 feet - VISITS 0140H&TJNTS P Many of the Wet residents of Ashfield and-1..iitkiireV, had the pleasure 4 re- newing tteualetanees ,with Justice, NVA, .--Ittedonald, 001Umblivt. •Avtio OP To FOURt.pet.t. the lattet ,94t.b of teek twit PARR...AND-0XE rtitt and in teMtain,3t With Mr*, 3. W Murray- called On mant.Ashilekt Wends, just 'qirtito Dates: from noon Oct. Macdonsid of the court 01 Appealof until ' 1'4”" To leave destination not ohti Modonsild of von. 1, Ashfield,than niidnight Oct .10, -1933 idle its tariett .ned,,,.16hh, to distMe'l ,Dorttei /*mew ,,ee feee-uelehiierhood. SiNelli&Nliri.Aript:44000 141PO_STR;;2 losh. hint from the veriout other Vac, *eighteen !years since JuzUc Wed. old Tickets good going ATV train aftee, ' that ettasiott,' *1,1t ii100,1W ti* GOOd Vettitning ', to loath original ptid les* to his native community, and . 1.00 A. Oct on death of ilicfatber; Pit his Present tri' starting point up to Midnight Same east he lar..tiaMing Oritittle c1tiea Where • • „ day k (Standard Time) .• he, le,".'tddrelites :41toedItti, 'Club. tThisa , (SundaY), rare aim; Monday.ntt.rptatitoAktiz t„austite ulicairicait,$14t11:t1Oinoritt4r111; „iitktetn fortnetly• ohjelajhi teettat.„ rides th] ,intorroaviort and Fares from. your terotto end at the age of nitlOt.onelocal yeere' still enloye a • fair metsure, ofvi.0-1 le • ' i,arvatilart ,racsrie health. ON •ONDO THESE TRIPS • TICKETS 'GOOD RETWEEN ANT TWO PoiENTs IN CAII,ADA .twee ALt PQilIts ir Caudii a to Ilatita sok* , aiaattet tot Sho rairn • trip., Tie*kets "toed going toonrmir, Ott" to noon MoaIay, Ott. 9; Rood to tom .aiifftskeidination not DAT ,ott. Inf O1 »AIt TO3115 for the Ttekets good going b after 1.00 s nt. un. b.'. 8 'or Monday. Oet. mn to 'volt Matting qater than Warded 11: Thar euffering from "%soma know what, torture is endured., with the berning,,,:,,,itchime.,,,and stinging tliat , .aoannPanles-wthis-diseasev-osPacial!*-7 - at night, when the hands are put in ., water,' or when -exposed to heat. ..er blessing them is 14'41 * . %reliable remedy as Burdock: Blood Bitters for tlipiie tortured, day' and '‘ night, with eczema, and who can get • no relief from their mit*. 'take Burdock Biooeliitters in- ternally and it •perifiee the b1664 Of • those poisons which are th6,cause of this eruption. " Apply it externally and it,will help' to take out the fire and itch, and aid) the bealiteeprocese. ainoimmiimansamommonaimmor_ s.Save You Money on Your. Provision uality at Lowest Prices at ul)Plies. Best SPECIALS *,F(ilt - hiuirsday, F,rida ana Saturday- , 28th, 29th, 3 4 • ur es,. •T 6 an •••••••••••••••,...,?; .!1•04•••••••••• a ean az- tint au*iallCoffee.. 44, .4. - ) 't; 456- , ti ; oda Old Dutch_40**,4 • orne's Peano , • t lbs. nikir 1are00.96 024 Ua jar P 5.1h. Pait HOklitY* myrappe kt • • • ot • • 4, 444 Mt. • .• 0 • 4 .45c I,. LARGE OAR- lobai,s 1,:lap. Try' This. t• • ate es 3 boxes le Le drnet Cont. Powder. le oz. tins a *, • our 1/4 IIONE3$$