HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-21, Page 8Otitis
h utti
r bo a* .ecetuI wlth lits Bff
. tate fir 0,4 one
thad with tight o Oats
th to;',ferofw,*
live who atich.w
ne. 'night "-last Week
turned ni *4
YOr Lee
6: telep
the station.
• to
Prineillaf4.P. Hume and Mr. A
taco acting 0, pallbearer* at
the f?11era,of thaklate MO. J. E Ford,.'
tv graduates * .0041erich •Co1legis4e.
INC:Joss •Cuttand MM Z*4 Bonier -
no* qualifle*teacher* Wednekday
taugh n the schtiql Which4hey attend*
Cbild*n. ,
Wanted in Afilverten on robberY char.
ges,0. 41014es auei Boyd Johristmi, *tran•
elents,, were *la.st ,ThttradAY released by
Magistrate Reid Irmo 'Boron County 44$1
, and taken to Stratford liy Provtelal
cotstable Beatty, of that city, the-offen.
terhaving taken place in Perth. County.
* even
Jo h
tat. to Pr
jrteoUi ncL,
age •popuLar
younger set bf the, tOwn t
, t Mr. .0. •
• h 4
4 WO tbdito to
ord .
r. 7,-
„ trip. to ot
otos by 'ecattlo
* la , ta
oot and. sod Arrnnetlu
01 intotost. 4i.''Attbiottos , and fotttOr *Ito.. opent •p*at *rook • vItigruk,relaT
activities. He is 4uceeede4 by Mr. II. 'al', tr.oroi;.itt •town„-ltrt. for new "Y•OricThura-
Suddah/* Of ICiugday. .
sville, ,• - * ' - , - , w •
, . • • . ' t * * * *
1;4 fon.
rid "Miceli*
,4100$R1011 g.0100X • *
Ate.;4;Snotramtf000rdrot,:r:pipAeor04#7. tvedwbr4at.bCtori: lotyoonoi atrbeettyl,soLtitisegt.. ultins4**Avemekr;*' „ft
0040 night#1,4ek and lort , pot
.13104 cloute Clot 1440 'lit, 14. Misa Wale Smith and. Mrs Belk
cos wry, toOIut f 443 ocdettek On vied. ; Shah, lain* St.
in lodge .work in 'which- the lodge from •
Obis. Brydges, iot Toledo,- Oino,
Lucknow alto lo.141d,The (WeroCii, de,
gree tem 'exemplified the degrees and
felloWing this •pertor the program t
evening was spent Id 4,40041 manner„
timed• frOM
•1*b4 *fl
tow 440,
-• 0 ek41
•tv we*
oles, but may b� sI$1y
-it and other
4s, ,:t)s. 04 004414t4 01000 .4V0 Fa040'101,*
0 ,eaterta., 0441010004.1At 00to`..!bgito-,00i74:000114TS,Itso:, g44, 4;rt.ni
raVotiRlatend't4 the ke.UwIng iovtLits: 1 bagi, Canned goeds and patviler
jack •Jkluulndsout:blaek.laced CoinedianV Products. ..The reduction" *411 be of hen-,
Wryet Zfdflitt, radio" star and to*tedianie, ow Jo, Pronatingincreased, expertaitt
A.VGeMoor' ge"0:04011Foulitt;°*,003:rn4oyt7,11,..4"........lir:10*,:m1164 41* 11:4"'
*Ate,: "'la* Wire -artist; Georgian 114,0P,
014 Vert .1farne,, character, cOrnedian
fprise Sisters, acrobritet.
'Otearii)*P11.°4-,,g4044,4 - •
estertiay V/10 So great day for iocal
and -OW0 .hozseinen. and they 'made,
ILL best of it, the **tea rovided being'
Who has 'Vent the ambler *41th*Itirt4/44, just as 7.,..goodi -4(it, ,botter,.. t,4: that
returned to hist home, rron was cheered to, the eello
Mrs, Allan Mael)onald...113reck. $t., 40 .provided 40140 .0,n1,0 time$ttnx.•0 ctor,.
* when, he innititht (Toe ,Privap, beide a
winner in the thbl heat ot.tne 2.244 af-
ter 4 thr4ilnit whiPPlug flash- The Pro -
4 musical program w.as Provided bYI " -
numbers of the 000401 lodge; tcr. SYmOnds, of .13tentford. and
%toy are to end, ,thetr (pet **ails() sm.4sest ton. Norris, of Otte**. Were visitors
*BM *
•re*rdr, any, avertable& One gives &olio • win. 8*ot:cc* this week,.
r014,Sc0.04. •
his adtit'e,s8 scout;
Alberta 411,4 the other Pending the hofdliltiot an .4.0144 111, * ;!::o.ann41...5.-wreraei:.e'har Anistw4)4,1:61;t:'firttalut 'leittlin°t11:35:11;te?;;',,,thitunirtiyP6diterri,°°:13.7.:°elir
en°re :lel t * 415". ' ' de n
to the" death of Lloyd Scherer, .killed" W, ------------.. MA- and heit hot .-Osititen with another 4141,0 oge,:be4under• normal collations.it
The demand. for . rosed poultry, to -
cording to. T. A. Bernina, ,Dorhinion Poul-
try Branch, has' been 'qukte * little more
active during the past Week; and While
storage holdings are atill tomewhat
heavy, the market beide fairly Om.
Heavy fowi are scarce, as receipts In thili
alas or poultry .are less,probably -owing
to the better outlook tor egg prices.
Higher Turnip Pttees
wan*, to exceptionally dry .weather,
verbial blanket 'Would have covered the apeerding to• It Purvis, general mans.-
at the home of the former's brother, Mr, ot t.n6, wire Re, went ger, slackwJ. ater arnip, Growers, -4...1,10.
visitor of 004Siderab1e note in •the an . „ tjrt he, sulky,. same driver 4430 was ,sven1
person. of lArs„,Ellis of Ifonflon...En4land, The
spent,,an hour .with'her fernier teacher,
'AfrS0."4aV.:ThttrilltOW'Oti.-- rrne0 • atter,
nernriWilt9-1—,L4iiSty 04.11.Y.11, t *Ilmr* -
kiedai•-tBiUhhaelew.L--V•orki-•expler to4returir4.0 scene
et aod•-niapped out the George Ritter ln cident. Ball" in the aim of S1;000 was
tabrador and afterwards wrote the sew renewed Soberer died in -a -London hos..
count of her 'ttoeis,'.under the ,title of jag the. minting sifter'the'aecititnt, he
UA Vertian'a WayThrough having 'been atrueic on the * head by a
LtOradOr.":---., Her niece,. We: Smith, •of 'tailing telegraph 'pole as he •sat in the
Aughl Mr, figeOni*nle.4.• her. to, to•ble..seat atter- Metes,..cattl..Atitt
ahowed her the -beauties of the place' of the polo:- •
sbo spo'ke
very appreciatively to
- .
The ,latest laaut,ot GeOge's..pinfrob.
Bch-'Arinstrong, .veteran .Mail•corrier, bulletin tuts the :following:. "Mr, Zorn
mitatid ,callitig.. He should, have been A. Manor . present oiganlit,! of 11
, When ,he backed We •*helent SaInts',--014011, Windsor, has -4PcePted
rd into O. Doneera sport ,' %Ude.' the ..pes4lon of orgentit Auci choir Mal, -
'baker toupe, front a the l)OstoltiOC on for at George's.,chUrch, 00dclialt, and
aturday, Mr, Oancey• . the iaarYer;, commenee... his ditties 'with choir
Waal get a V.mrd in• edgeways. practice on Friday evening, 00;0er
.ArtnItretur baking away from ath, :splet4d.• type of
tricot or "the 'POstonleo when .Nit.-DanCeY devotional chnrehnotni. *x014410144 '4010-.
drv toward the Square an 'West street; *teacher, as well ..41t architect, and
The nuning board kt pancey's tar -collo* to us ea highly recommended by
Was, rilfied by the impact), and he was those who have •worked with, hnn, in the
',plainly _fettled. .hilt drove away aWsi *It but 'past, ,suppert,:and
.•-•-octivirteett 'wrOrkg-0Wr Bob had qi..,olooine 6f every"- 'nfetnilee -et Our
-nnle4:sh-:e4-441mV-et orottPilikt 64teete.r.. congregatiow:t... • -
- ISM n fashion'. 'iwhy''•don't fiau witch. 4-- •
-• by. running ti.lt4 *or Bob. Wcil• -TEE
.Wherk.)-00-:are-Tu*.'Vh*.t.-d0"1'011 -mean AMONG
nothing like' getting in "the first
automobile -accident " near Grand Toronto, and Mrs. J. risher, or woe -
onto, were guests of %as 'Buchanan,
0hurch St„ over the week -end.
41; -
Bend on Septembsr 2, George Metz, oft E.
Kitobenor, ihe driver of the car, weal
-aiia* „reminded:10r- One- 'week, on
";" .4.'• •
Vkthes riot, 4 girt. for , 1
Toilet "raper.-- .„..7 rolls -2
Ply Stkkerir„. ,1* for 1
Prat* use FhPar•• per cwt $1.4
get. IWO vil,b00
, On Saturday afterneoh, the
vray !siltation Bind or Xttiox Church,- are
se_rv.Inic..,.:* light lnAo». at the hen* of
-The ' ,Eiundayt,
24th: uno. A.M.' and 7 p.nt, special
Etlifee4 conducted: by Major L. 1.144ifti
Ot London. All are welcome.
- The regular meettng ot- Encor thureli
wAll he held In 'the lecture room
•Oh *64terabor 26th, at 3 P.M.
.141. Redditt *1114 halt charge Of the
nreeting and & paper will be given by
Mrs. A. Taylor., `, •
rv co a or $treet7V4ted church
BrindaY neat, 'conductedby the pastor,
Rev. W. T. Bot: Bible St.hool at 10
a.144 Aospot sorlilto at *I ,sublott,
-Attenaliting Oreat•Illings* With attd per Ye
,Ood:" 7 p.m., .gto1W. rvie u ett
"onr%:.ttarlbirig "
Orders:' hear
, el„, an
One Is extended.
- A Wed tea will be. Serv ,OroWi 2
a the "Evening 'Auxiliary' of North
United church on ".eilesdaY eVenihit* Sept
26th. at 4.10 p.m. „In the basement of ru
te Pad,. 1,10,,
Vold -over
t is.oa tre;
4 ;At 4
Aok o Ertlelopte
Mr.r and Mrs... Alex. Malpries,.
151.1-13 ..V7hTirr'fitirrned. lunne:atfer 'a • ten.
"110e1 lliehigati--atatt-Ciiinage;
where they visited the World's Isair.
*. *
.folui Bromley, member Of the
iteretary of ithel.Engineers ankfirenum
• of Great Britain, be a • week -end
Visiter With Mr.; U. Vibes, PlettOn..street.
,ite has 'Iust,'"at.te44.ed'. the . Trades and
:tahat Congress at W11.14501' and Was, a
delegate' to the troperial. Cedifference at
Ottawa -list * ' *
. .
victorious with, Braden Direct in 'the
2:11.- Stmunaryr.
.10e Priv4teA.404A4Y,
.Prattan --TWIlkial'. Ilifklikli, .
Biyth).:.,......,.......-,.....,..........1 1 2 . 5 2
Mist - Peter , Smith. , oreri4y, -
Creditor4 ,..,.....:....-.......a 2 a, 2
-11IPPen....._•-.,,Pratt:4P--(14 ..-,.. ..
-Gocierich)..............".7....i;.....„:r•••5 ..4'
DominiOn' Boy,' (Litt, Oode- ,
ooderiphY.,,,,....,.,.4. .. . . :-.7,\..,4 4 5
Best 'One -4:14% I.
' 4 ' 247 Pace or .Trot, .
Braden - rol,reet (Puy,. -Sea.
for.th). , .4...„...,,,...,. . ... . .......-.. .
*,./od- bat • (moz,le.lii -..Zlyth)......,.„1
Teddy llarbeff Mitt, Qaderieli)2.
I.34000 /;101.1Wat0r, 0401111i,
GOdeiieb) .,.........,.......,-.......-.....
The ,Tatler (Gardner, Sea -
forth) .,......,*„...,..,...,--...:-.,:4 4 5 5
Best thne-7.2;ii, . " '
.The open ,runnMg race proved the
most•eiciting Or the.daY, When be fail-
..4edet-titiy., jreir cd.:-,t0;-9rthee:seeall tfoortrh--t,he flit;
110dlane, - - -Was :4, .7.7-,nletigible.":1r -the
rlizahetb. Penriebaker Wlarlow, atia 'was 'N4-463 -074-4-3:6-ta, •O'',...t4e his 11Qr-413 In •-ttke-
he last surviving member et the Auto. barna.. Nevertheless, he turned , and! Eggs for .mor!to-shoold never •be ex_
Be .sPent his liftethrie in Citnien and started, with the flact with :lbe - ",,,tcl' trer:nlede to direct ',tett issunaligg0110% rpiplart, al*Soiretox"
Goderich. 'Per the peat 21 .yearS he had "QV "Ininti" libri, 46614 to *fil tr°In
been 0, valued- etneloyea of the Western Pure Qn10,P w -P1 V" gadeline.i49Q0,0 keep the ;eggs over-st with a cloth" Or
clatia43 p/40,t4 .ivtins. end .cre.,s, it. booper. girl JoekeY,..,141). Vike "Poe W" atva_rqe! other Means,to.-preyent...firding or eyttp-
"IlY trade. 'He it SUrilyeti hy, his_midow, to. Mu Nat, hilt' *-- hill-crot_Idivilevi- oratipp,„..,Xn.. moceting.„...or._it.imr _ether
fOrMerly 21,1', aria coidi. of Clinton. -There the judges' jUriatTin Protest. c &nor
were to children. The funeral VAS held Clalitt4 the'St*I:tint tlItte'q 'tb.6-i':6°' - v'-' al .1:11rameriiinOnti,130tilistOtarto, „isslii_cipect .4;liraeuothIlliese tere:eis_t_,gionroe4r.
readily abiorb octoFs., '.' ' •
' Ther f 1,4%4Iih.re7-' iFt- 47.0wer4f.eet-'1.1::.:101---Vralt--.,- -
lie said that *smatter% 01 early sown.
_turnips gives no ln.i.11eation....44.4W core
.0r-W0Em...401114.-4114-:44,14-4ixt5r• Yr -Or
00arenwint olg4-15!ileaotrinaiiitict_maylier..0111. available' kfbe xp.t‘pe
e estimates, -that IiiiceS• for •turnips will
'he higher Owing to Short feed grain
yields, and lowered vegetable production,
with. a *Probable .maxinnurr orAwenty4ive
- cents, a.atushel, _to .., tf, e..grOwer....". , -...,,,,,,,
. .
" -Ontario-Bean Croix -
firespecta throughout the Ontario bean
belt; according : to •Onta.ii3O--M011ietlpg
3Oarcl• •advices, indicate A theft crop.
1 1 . .... ... ,,,, - ,
.vIcere,lelitgii:avitydpeElr.gchlem't43. ouf vtaIese;DeraenPrecesenretaingeg•
2 Were particularly hard hit by . dry wea-
ther. Conditions in. *Iturcni,' .CouritY,
however, have been -more- -*Mote. favorable:
'" Some trops bo,yo bentitecl by recent Mille'
but these are throwing the beans Into
second growth. This condition- witt ren-
der the trim late in', ifiativingt and open..
great danger from fp:It..). The cisrrying;
over of bearit„froM ...the _1932 Crop is less
thanthat-of, a -'year ago,- arta Jiily has
been the .best_month Iry the. bean .busi-
nets Once March,:
nt••••,1,..V1.•••...y. •
A te
C 0
T TAlt
for 25c
trogen.... then be. packed tlht-
itt -barrels
0 -00*es- And stored: pro-
tected- from ramn Until- required in „the
cPrItig; time and wood ashes ohourd not
be used for,„thic purpose as,,grey,set tted
nitroge4-...' Poultry- lulling& -being essen-
nitiogen.oucis, PartictgarrY virintbie
for garden, and ofy crops, generally,
• the Majority of poultry keepers will
`no doubt do well to reserve for thi*
use. ••• •ftowever,
perinits, it can he profitably' emptoyed
d'or'' the cereals, grassetctroots and corn.
the -*mOimt„,airailable
. flea vrapf..carasaiar,
n in
loA32 grwe'llaste:rt' vr4;.p
CoMpetitiorr 01;aes , Uri C. 11/41. :E. and
..e..S1 -whit 'of ... -he alsztLa
Are open, to 'exhibitors. who, ;Taactoompet--,
the -4 7: Is' t years' - /;921)''111°Plt --"17 3 a • inclusive. - dur-
Seme wonderful whcat ,sheaves were ert-
/tied from Weetetri-Ontarlo and -the bet-
tiereiraclzatistiehritad 0, solirotatelorminarikaabeltewsiathre.ptlesto"
exceptioir Of a few entrit6'7Iiconrnew
hibitors, prevailed throughout
, •
.WAtrgft MARLOW: •
, I
After an • 'extended waiter
-lvtarlow diett-in-AleXandralPsPitallOtf-.
day ••73rd year. He, was born in
of ll,obwt-teratiow and
NV•etinesdAy--aftenioorf-ak-two ti!elltat, 44214
altered without; notice ad, has entered
wet nriVide. Rev. Mils, recto °Metal protest,,,, ,Tfry„, den by Fordyce
of St. 'Oka -tea chtireh.,,of dekeati- ',EL** Wu le0,0* with' Wil-
ed was 4 tomboy. conducted the s_erviee 1114. "Parrish As ,d;
at- Ulf inntoilot
street. - Alex.' Andrews; 1449100
terthent Waelniade Clinton cemetery.
ono, -
Alter lingeringli: itul' sr -a' suffered for
over two years, Harry E. Wiggins 'died,
at 'Aire borne hie...64W,, Mts. :Ames,
Orniiien" On Imo morning 50th
_ .
ar. Somewhat improVed'*.healt)o two
eeks. age, he. akOOMParlied . his brother
s w e;',V7141.4, 'Attra;,jarnea.100,
S•Len. alitetet. ArIP te-
• The Racket of Bees
kthen0 honey stealing bees is
likely to be roost,. troubleWme 'hi late
summer, the 'bee,,leeiier has to keep.ln
Mind that robber 'trees may start. -their
ea Pi; * time,uo,prrnn•awatze;v!tciat,hilerQ
,got rrOm. the flowers the bees will easily,
yield to any temptation to obtain it any,
how. „After more or rett .,fighting. they
will overmver any very weak et:ignites,
and "carry the -heneY to_their own. hives.
Old robber bees hAvea appear-
ance, the hair ,having :become ary4.14 off
*With entering t So many ,different- hives.'
'zto colony. 'should 'be: allowed to grow
weak; -sais. the bomb:iron Apiarist, -snit
no honey or Syrup should be exposed' fn
the apiary,-
Weekly Crop *writ
Most reported.soineWhat ph)
the thin-ilde- Owing -to- general -shortage
-patture. via .be at a ,premium
this winter,, says . a report from North
weather 'has praktierill,v ruined: 'the titr-.•
crop.and turnip aPhids-are also-
,toexi-vanning-- ',factories- lir
k. th present time 'iv number Of
Brent are buying tomatoes on grade, for
helirst time and thi.a appears, very sat-
isfactory. ° Tkie planting, or 1'41 *beet •
has `been, held up by lack orrain in most
latriets: TineoltiV,Ounty-reperes-
Tiientleee•..wastage of peaches brown
rot. 'Cora Middlesex IS riPining
r$440 prematurely -acconnt of dry
The Inte,rhtownah4? relay •rituning meet e
Wu wen. by o. trio of liorsta frem;.*cidt' are helot received fr,0111 trtiit
borne Tnamship ridden by Walter Me- ' Troll:req. *Mont a beetle -the - .Bumble
Manus e-rdycclark o.0,,..Bocirishet,„ FlowerLBeetle--which is .atteek*k r
H. railer. Edgar ancl Orval nIalte- were. ening" fruit. "pits - Insect Is a. yellow'.
the 1(iciteys to 'finOli second,,*arni. bray* beetle, one-half. inch' or more in
Make; VII ratrisli: rind Miss htropa l‘ac.i- length,- 'with its wing, covers sprinkled
Manus were third., slr Over with smatt irregular black -spots,
4•,„ verlr:tittereating. exhibition wit* given
bsk3r4tii.r.W;3441, los tr.-.'4414441.4100.100494$4-iam)I:044---.4... :x3,4111earri"o71:lowerel.:4st,''Is-.61:14111'14Pe7efruill tY,Laper'
greater,' Ot
n4 the --CentntY 9f. °-it'gre$1111°141441' edhorsewoman.
yheit°r"..olerir colt to 10"46ekle‘tteth%). irurril'tres*L4m, .7Cb°'",4111'Pe.1:113: 'abtAPeisand apples -and *1t
*ithott. ftder- :and
• ,aftrotarde, Is rarely responsible
came itt itiiibitier.1 4 A1744eOgoriMriltts:011 Entomologist
e. Itt fact declared -
qukkly LT possible, where everything
at Vine-
_reetevt_iont_vithout.„4,0 Int by: Wok sou; mounted on "Pure lank We, have never, seen the insect
ray_mal;Wlitgri,iiiisititowsrt_te.th,evirsiziopts.thweill.rainte,owtMr, bC1gDwIlii'diLtie.41::::grittanel:atria,,w,43413$1iiit"„,oth:j):Ict aiti -t.otaturee.cl'ueniillitlyeiwla: rhaillivollrYhevilterhid‘°- -nti_000,iiiourk);
xtiluesilitt_atistitute_riblic street, Who won ion of -hard coil with t -A) i4libe the
444tIen' br any
Wen* - Ooderich,. *here, be yrs Citizens'. Band were :wore Mrs, „Ititters; East measures. *Akti educated in the ,
mynuor drar..mtioervtitti:**Kyio, fertuan...asek*, street, 100.-ibs..sir:tkk°4et •601tt 64.112an mantire lindtalbtedlY the
winnivite thin 40 .!chitagn".-wherev.9 he Macauley, Mac#10...$5247nereloandise;. ticket 19E,01. richest produced en -the- farm. Poultry
m .4 stteteuto otioostetot 34, 0,r48.u.n And 4004 104 The. flour, tot., #(.20(tre, hcwever,ferinents'..VetY tplicklY
et 312, Mayor tee D. Croft were losing, It lett eirposed. -a large proPortiOn
eld 'ComPloW. 'overtaken .
thtliW regalai:tanthilf t000t.
in will be lield dirfttly -after the tea. M
nlnterestlng prirgram.
*OS taki.ibirSttti
Boot. A fall 'attends/4mo , the mes
the fan. Meetinitk
Olt church a general
3:e vitt be obserVed on '34114Y
Ali organisations are e*Pected pi
nest. SurliVing Morita; hbi ,pissieg .Cluirge:of the draw. of, Its nitiogen. aninairlia. This fact
the prime *t Mamboed. are fent bre- v erniihatites the.derdralglity, systemag-
'the tVett Iret'ahl* the -Minister* atib,.' Inhn
***/ /1*
4,1 ,
o be present In •ftill. Th.* aund4Yst
be preterit ilia' body-, The
Ktt*1 them Willbe-q.oyigt.y." .4•et '
t ante* Of worship. At' the
-earty-atict•-frequeritly;Cleanhig-- off --the
Pt '''and---tatir alo .-01 by agitators enable thew ----to "stare bettra-bentath- the reOels a' Plan that
"4 4n** .°°4"14114' Albert, 4t...Vith_Ste**-1-ight iiiWCOrtclti0et-to-the general good, health
trot; VD% Vigitlnk--0-th0-40a objects,' Or to ohliOrriihtn they Want Alla. thrift of the fowl: suborner the
Victoria schttol; -404 Dalleelitto talk, wIth soy*: niernite. orefietiety *lox, witm
a. 4100 CUrstetn-vor Getlerloh, awl mxed
t Isiti be "Iniritialt the Poist.° Both
Meet t 'abducted bt the minikiter. -
,Iiiertiet* in Itletoria, St. United. thumb'
$:00(1.10 *hcoli• 31
nt edt PXO..., the pastor
• fir )110040 af4e
*ill' of
. itettraY) ittickineM and faellitate
DetrPit' ThO' funeral took "in 1683 did not attart einnyaniea,, tion, nay be *polled direetty to,the,und
"4 It" "t* 111"1$ 4ttendid‘
et on sgetioday. ftepternho-uth, et a with * lot of capital -1# the. result of },and worked -With the, surface
tetMent Witt mule to Maitland Oenzotellr.
4 * welloirrltten' Pro' Pectu' we just best Presettatt"te, Itt winter, at
The . other, Seasons when tile manure. %lama
'pallbearer* Were Dan, John, 4101es,
and Albert- Volt% brotherst.
4. Uwe cornineted the ,srvice
0IZRICH. O4TAt,t10'
istow Om, tioa4.T.po 'At Tr WEST .6,rgstv
irhOrongth'" totriliea ifl all, torntrterrisi Subje4t9 Shorthand,
owritirtg, Bookkeeploig *nd :Attodern Accountancy, Corresponds
V$4 linoineso Enielioh and ,Spellint: Rapid ralentivion,
offer Course* of teetom ittZlen*ntarr lgithyton00.'
Seloute, Vocational 'Guidances. Ii?*rsoneility UI'* wok Deeelopowert, at of which 1* vitally.important for it.WOrkg.
)10Ahjtertit ate under the direction of Miss
Stewart.B4 of Lontlan„ Ont.
Nlea Stewart i *, arradaate oit theour* itt al
leOce of Weetern litaversity, tosioubtedly the 'beat coo to
kind 0004 in 'Cinado.g. $he to aloe vooluate of the Oftterle
of Utorationi TOronto, Set tniirdnit for the sett** hrta
.we are fortunate bo Wino omeatiolbiworviree4
11 be In Plait** o th* pritkelpal. 'who has
th,:frourit *we* .10inelt vt-O.Xnett
'The Municipal ,Councli niet ink. the
wnehip halt at Carlo* Thursday, 8e14.*
mho 14th. with tugurgeiliore J. Pnblano
tutd moot the sett
*ldlng. the , taunt*, of the
04034 and Pt al VOCkla Meethat on
Most 14th weit;.ftail and adopted, on
moult* a M. Titidgl, and 3. Plith440.
A nisinbir of oammirdeatiOn* were read
and 44Poottl 01. the tie* was
trOcted to wilt* the ululate of .inalt.
oti restraint the -Vont tot
roadoi, The foilowift scrounts
were or-
dered paid: Bead .auperiritaridon
hos. it$14..4;. Wm. thoin.14*10044b7
john oust, one *heap $1144
A., titoek614*, totting weeds
and paying 144tattlial,* *aka, tat.
Adsa, cztUng *44414, '$4:
.` '44
*ART 00010
The Pout* Doty sf Octolcr
will bet Baby day at Truisleee
Studio. All toebile* of one year
and under, will be ItiVen 'one
fret Photo if taken on that
In* *Olt to **old the rush.
Meraber th. day -'-Oct.
be used tiaectlY) shouate Mixed With,
AI fair proportion 61 .loarn. *lea Peak
ntUckw4u4, lottetrxer-withltlittlel
or, superphorphate.14 fix the rit-
twerslitr; Td.hr Se!mittgepIllee tidsr;iti1116-lbolc%17--pr:rnis-143*
wih'L•hk,t,,,t4,,,ttAK.04.,A4iO4:14Via/tiod;r.,03AtiOlagPistrootts„ owl" be
greatly.-Increased over 'last year.: opu-
'tYlubtivjeherreeP reports
livestock ce. co'nolittlamraw.-'0,71%;;
proved with recent rains to freshen' the
Ptudtiresr where good .yie4s of "alio*
grain crops have been ,obtained Ana.
•tiltivu4relt.LOsoPOlilte4Tp.e4re4tvP4Y.vo,nrtatoonliselp nite-wl4ineett!---
teeds County. 03111*.tioli br the'
Tag* • earn; buekwheat, and pastures* in
T. B. test in Leeds EhoWed. 0..92 per cent,
447-Toevti artyfi_ingiuretiii.poiesind.ttred v?;yrtm, :erg;
titrestge7orstoriiiftest Oe.- sown itt
Lennox and. Addington. A report from
'rt#1.41,tanihlit 'states
air$4-7114111:0:11t1E44411i.---4441.-„ v.-•• •
aceatiF, jas:tmi.,,...7:,nownrbenesrtrcy.leat_.4,e_oe7rly:
Wheat has been sown.,
Fresh born the tlround *
,•Canadian Grimm
"Everything tor the Garden"_
Write for ter Special Price- List.
"We sell sell the best for •
ingtob4 ft
Insurance -of . all Wads. Get rates
from him before roewing or I)
ew'Ansurance. '
4 1
• trousers, 410.articd .and pressed
• 'VroonlaWs and 14e3rvi11 -
look just as they carne from
the, tailor. in the first
Headquarters for la -dies' "and
lentlernen'S eipetr -cleaning.
• ItROOMAN, Prop.
PII0E 122
4140001Cla rift/0TH pay r
6144,140111, loirOSILS
MOW sr •
Sty e4
for W
1. --Made. iv raeLisure-
ment last, to mauve normal
•°Aura and •r. • '
tion. Or 'weight between heel
and ,ball• Also. special fit-:
ting- arch-costritetiorir -
2 -Free _fitting ,ball and toe,
without sacrifice of ace -
3 -Non-binding' throat and
4 -Snug ftting--heel with seam-
, lose insidw-lining. '
45 -Wedge "adjustment inthe,
bog& ' lilting to .correct rim.,
over .irools. . -
6 --Sock lining pocket for in-
,, sertion or .flexible /*atilt-
•--oet-ouppoorf adjustable- to ut-
dividual requiremerft. ,,
-Shank ofl8-gauge„temper.,
9 est isoing rate/ supports 'the
longituilrisl arch.. . .
il-WidtliS AAA to XIE0 inoder-..
-ately. 4prieed 4high-gzi a de
*hoe*. * .
Let le demonstrate these Com-
, fort Shoes to ,lou, at
W Heris_ShocStore-:
The new Co* are here in grand -
array. Styles ..are very smart and be..
comin g4 eautihilly fumrimmed.
New sleeves in various treatments.
zes -16 to 46. Peices , are low.
_Cpats froth 40.00 to 432.80
comr ANE) SUIT uvula
54,4nch Farmers' Satin, finest satin
finish in grey, brown, black and sand. -
$1.251 per yd.. . .9$0
3 ,
irgeS.t° (10016 bed sipure
iticelY' artistica slngly. Ltgitt grey and
-dark .gity;- frormerly sold at $6,4
They re” sheer ch iTort to to
dull And clear in &smart shades. Sii
814 to to Excellent
11 fine e*thers sterillud and
of u 2.30. Per