HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-9, Page 44 The M o tsch'si Bank t;ptce1Et'ofA.'rEU ns *es OF raurairunt r„113J5,• C apitai,$329orood.: HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Theater WonNUN'(;•Esq. - ,Pronelest d.H, it. Bronson, ESQtr. = - - Tice -✓Pres DIRa,Ct:O11S.• Ben D L Maeplrersor#, iC't'9Shep Shepherd, r Loa A Nelson, kiP P, S Ii Twin,;, Miles Williams,' P,Wrno'iaaaravTtxcu.. •.'.,l. G.,ibilfxnagor, Jas. Ea,r, [or, E s .12ttra d' ornirecrt iira>Ec1E. VIM TX-MEIS �c+,...�ru irnwinrwre.e+e�Y4i�1� o7 nder pressen running at a high at the bnrial of an illigitunats Wild; 9piaed, being very light, flexible and font. Th el, irepairing gorltper, $'tte0o sbittrable.• but this last respect they are H. Snell, do, $2; If Phiel, cttivet% 15, laid to even surpass metal platee. H. Cues, work, $88; F. Roseate, Cedar, At a recent Berlin bird sho•cvrseveral $18100; ;oho Hey, 3ualvert, $0; H. canaries are said to have' at'traoted Bender, do. $8; M. Geiger and A. Bon rnuoh attention on Account of' then po- net, $28';.'Ji, Brooks; $11; . �oier, MATO+PiNE Dnozli Ei 9, 1t: d` rut/ Co tc zcers 411 Thi nags ""' o new French MedleinecuresEpsith aterahan Fresh G)toceries,. Streit* Q Marta I1 PiDTE11TOE, acrd . µrio i s coo uuints re• at !ho irig in Logia of eUrory, serious imytcmeuts Go , mtirrlage G deprossien, oto. 73e per tort for SI Sola by druggists everywhere, Whole 01110–'•I+YMAX 131406, di CO,, Toronto, Sent by Mail, Securely �sealed, en reoolptofprloe, Address 113edioine Attune. idOZ03QP.U. Toronto euliatr color of their p ntnage, Some $1',50; Reichert �1'telk, �`25l .lie l oy. - Taaveriatl were green, others red and light brown, er,- $5 Elias d1 t S. Troyer, T�1 �` {� H E. N I�Ji' A T ( ..R�G:I and others of a soft gray pint, while'a11' $9; R.• Blateliford,$3.70;Alex:It ram. SANTA VLA differed more or lees' from the light $2; H. ti�'entlnch' $t4; 1!'ioLeitn 73rce. US, SHIP' 4C RX (IEO. KEMP, Exeter.. er. neeeoe, ale., -:t• - - easpasser. yellow of the common bird.' These part payment for prlr,,tf , $40.2'5, Ur. V ,Exetet Bran^hL HENRY C..BREWEI( I!IANAGL$, TO FA1i.I1:R , LOANS s s Money advanced to farruersaueasy terms, on their ew:, prondssory notes with one or mere ccotl en- dorsors.. No mortgage -required as security.• SAVINGS IIANE'D1 PABT11rENI'' Interestabibwod on devosits. Drafts on United States bought audsolcl: Ster1- uetFsclutugcbaught and sold, II !Collections made in all parts cf the Dominion and returns promptly remitted at:lowest rates of exchange. Exeter August Bich 1a17S. G•m • THIS PJ 1410wt:>;,fG& CO' Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street),contracts smay it pp®�qn� triol; where:Over gNit@1�r YORK. bo made four it. in 1! lie ;fedi rt`}.- variationit of oolor were pr the dtuly use of cayenne pepper hi the Carried'. Moved .b Mr,1 lbfli h food of the birds, The pepper is given seconded by14'r' Charters, that the fol - in small' quantities• st first,• and the lowing'gravel'bYl'1's be paid:—W, Camp- birds appear to like it The immediate bell, 248 leads, $I4.S8, damages $6; effects are,• however,• anything Put J. J lesac,cler, 08 loads, $5.88; D. pleasing to the beholder, for the !hell- lire1 nerl'nan, 784 loads, $44.04; C. ere soon begin to fall, giving the 'bird ()tawald, 801 do. $21.66; L. Wolper, the appearance of molting. but in a 808' cl'o. $21.78; G, Ross, 210 do. $12.- sllort time new feathers appear,•ha'l*ing 00; damages $5; J. Oesob, 210 do. the curious tints abserved. $I`a'.00; Wm. Bell, 187 do. $74,88, damabes $5. Moved by Mraalbfliesch, sec by lir Biarritz that the following odnoed' by Suirlie. $Obts.>: W. Wing, $2.50.-- ° a ya Aso , r ..a , ,® 0 Over the COMITY. mess or NEWS' FROM: imam Ex- CHANGES. - A heavy snow storm ragdd in Wing - ham on S today,• making the first sleighing of the season. The mercury for the forte -eight hours previous re- entered from 6 ° below zero to 24 be- low.- THUFSDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1880.• Another'paper is about to be atalE.Pd ,in Blyth. It is to be called the Ice - Scientific Notes. A. German:pcietltiet reeommerds par- affins as en eflidient means• of protect. lug stood against damp amide and alk- alies. The wood is well dried,•aud then covered with a solution of• one part of melted parnfine.•ether or disulphide of carbon. The eolven!s•' eva.pornte quick- ly. leaving the T arnfli.ne in the pores ni wood=. Great nare•Pbonla be taken in the use of the preparatiou,as all of the snhstances mentioned.. are especially inflammable. The next United States Congress will act on a bill,. reported in the last C't7ngress,in support of an International Cr•,�rumission to agree upon standard tents for color -blindness and standard v('pnirements for visual power in navies and nnerobaut marines. - Prof. Palmeri consider!: it proven that great earthquakes are always pre- ( eded by a season of preliminary earth trentbli,ags. He believes that, by tel grephieolly connected. stations fttr eb- servations for observing these trembl- inge, that it would be possible to fore- tell eatthqueli:es just as storms are now foretold`, and to issue wrruings to all iheeatened districts- three ditas in era ranee. During a recent boring for water in the \\immera distrust. Victor in, a tree was passed through. for a dietetics of six. feet at a depth of 250 feet: Several fruit stones were brought to the entice. At some period of the we:id's history a grove- of trees is supposed tb have occu- pied this subterranean- ep.Oto. and the great depth of earth now covering the remsius of the vegetation indicates a vast lapse of time tiince it tlbttrished: A French savr(n: has made a careful cc tnparatire analyeis'nf` the statistical tables of suicides f trProne° and Swel- en. He finds that they'establisll two laws. viz:: that widowers commit sal °ides more frequently than married men ;. and that the existence and' pres- ence of children in the house eiminiatnes the inclination to suicide both in men and in women. Prof. Dulft ur, of•Pitris,. !PREP devised a thermometric apparatus which • is en sensitive that it will denote=by' a de- flection of two inolles—•the change of temperature caused . by the entranceeof a person into the room f?.ihere it is placed. It is iuteresting to note to what' ex. tent the doctrines- of evolution. are taught in aur Higher institntione of learning. Iii a. paper trpon°the"Oritic'e of Evolution,- in the May; and June i,ttmbers of the 4'naldrlean .YO'uralist. Prof. Lippincott says that at Harvard o. very professor whose department, are er+ntiected with biology—ouch as G'rey,, CW�hitney, A. Aenseiz, Ilagen,Goodaler, Skater, Fatrlaw, and Tnxnn---i8 ane aro• letionise, and man's physical structure 1cgari_ na 31n exception to the law. They are sari to be thei4te, and ' all r' rtseavative men. At John Hopkins lltnvti,;iee,.wiliiih hilae to be the most. n,l":lneetl it) the Country, Pw.r,kntinn- id let,:l nrd tneght. In the University of ;:'.•tan rvl%xi,it7. all the biosngic:tl profess• ••rs nrP c volntiO,li ta—Seidv, Allen, 11 ••• 1 t neit end Parker. At Yale, i 1ielii !all Branae Partntnnth, Beserl'sin, and reir-i rton L,cavereit.1 ', tea bioingiaitl pec fcserrrit fire in the ening. category, Will eve.r tlrerhis a a orkingr.atnrttlist, 1:1811'.. 1. On Sunday, of last week, the dwell- ing house of Mr, A. CIoak('y, lot 5, eon• :cession 0, Morris, together with the .cnnteiis, was totally conenmed by fire, the inmates barely escaping with their lives. One day last week, while attending to the cars at the Godericli station, q voung man names; Crawford had his hand naught between the cars, and lost one of his thumbs: On Tuesday of last week the ecltnon- er Ontario, owt'ed by hewers. Willie me tC Horton, on coming into the Goderioh harbor. was cut so badly by the titin ice that she sprang a leak. The services of the town steam fire engine were cal. led into requisition, and after five or six hours steady pumping the sclinnnei' wag saved from sinking at -the dock. I1r. James Graham; who' was con- nected with 11r. (;dill in the establish- ment of the first newspisrer'• published n Seafortb; has. been elecad to the; Legislature of the State of Pennsyl- 'vania by a large' mnjQrity. 11Ir. P. Nelly, ofBlyth, is engaged n buying poultry anti butter along the line of the IT. & B. railway, with the. intention of`sbipl'ingthem to llatlitnhn. This is another evidence of the rapidly _developing trade with the North-w'et'.1 Cnnsiderehle excitement was eaneed last week in the usually quiet village of 'f3enmiller, in the township ofColborne. -About three or felt months ago a girl named Annie Henry, abont sieteen years of age, came over from Michigan :with I',Ir. Ferdinand Weise, when that gentlernan and his wife returned from a short visit to friends in tient State. A short time after she went into ser- vice in the family .of Mr. Jahn Stewart, .nurseryman. At the t'n e both 'Cr and Mra, Stewart fancied u e pirk was pregnant, but in reply to their pee - thins she sail that her nppsarnnco wee owing to an necider,t rbr'Pived. On Thursday of last week Mr. Stewart and his wife were absent from home, and abont three o'clock the gii•P'went to the watercloset, and remained there -for n long time. in reply to gnesthnne from 11 Ir. StewartTs daughter, site ssi<i. that she was suffering from diarnc�w't, and could not reeve the place. She re- mained there for alenut three hours. and shortly after eoming into thehnnse went to bell: She stayed in bed until late neat morning,. but in the after- noon attended' to the washiing and household' diltiee, t;7lriing to certain suspicious circnnrstances, the Sim. 4310118 ',Rife Steuart famil jr were at length thnrnnghly aroused, and' niter manydenials, on the following Suture day the girl a'lmitted to iyf'rs.. Stewart that's child had been born, and that it bad net'lived, and that skis had thrown it down the privy. g snatch requited in the bedv of the infant being froend. An inquest was held on the bncir et the infant by Dr. 1reLean, of Goderisll. ,l)a. Taylor, e'bo made the poet m. tr- tenl examination, gave es' his npiitine that the child bad breathed; atthongh it may have died before hilly born ;lint es no cry bad been heard liy any .per- son, the Tarry felt justified in bringing?'. in the foi,lnwing verdict : "That' the said turtle ui,ld name to his death at' the hn',3Se of John Stewart, in the tnwnehin of Cni,harne, in the minty of ilurnn, linf.,re being folly borne, unci not lir env violence at the•bands of its mother Annie henry. lin 1 .)11(' it h0, a.ltnC9t til 1tC:'ttt cxoPp t,, iso ,>C'•'111 if iir':o• ;or :['.P4i(yr r•btainiI;;tt:Arentyret I kit.µ ft.'' 1in ova lets fitPsi .(lisc•'versd i;) srl i•:il,il ' ,1 n,in, n ec niter of L'rtr,� w.1 ' taty?Ir•r nq (o emplt' . ter that ,,11,, ,,• tats' n 11(1 istl krinwtl OC CC.Ilnlnicl' 1 . Thr rirnct z, „f p nl7•tralinit tarl•.Ps a 't en r,t'.r, nine, the m -O'er ie nice' i :fV ;, 1.11e ,.1.itr.a '1)11s prn(leerd tat. A,.,. 1t 1i' V.e-sol„;'(at f':ir ll;caking on s GRAND :�,,i �lt���t ,-w�� �' `t•I °fir - t.T'�ti •'""�5'" 96 i t•• r - r4 YMa -i,as Display ltp •• TIOLIDAT FANCY' GOODS IF'•URNITURE ROOMS:a persons bound are hereby appointed Deputy Returning Officers, for holding municipal elections for 1881. J. Bon- thron nub -div.: No: 1, A. McLaren sub. No, 2, C. Wilsou No. 4, and J, Schnell No. 5, and that the clerk ad- vertise sleeting far the nominations.—• Carried, The Couuoit adjourned to en Dee. 81st. 5, POSTER, Clerk. Blooming 73111. Sidi: HORSES.—The . epizootic has made the horses In this Beotio11 look as thongh they belonged to the Bony -parte breed, or, as a ,young man expressed himself with regard to our horses, "that we would have exsollent horses after some time,its we had good frames up-" STEAM T33amSBlNG.—Stearn threshing goes a7ittte tough, owing to the incon- venience eitperienced in the mode of locomotion which tiny are forced to adopt, nainely,that of wheels,wbeu the general made of traffic is by means of runners. Tills will be an inconvenience which will be extremely hard to remedy owing to the weight and extra danger• of capsizing when placed on a sleigh. If storm threashere supplant power machines, which they are withont doubt doing, farmers will be obliged to thresh in the fall, before snow comes On. PErrowALS.—On Monday, 15th via. the wife of John Leatta of a son:-1Ir. Nairn, of Ceutralia, and wife paid their old fiends a visit net week. He looks as well as when ho was in our midst:- 11Iins A. McTaggart, who has far the past few months been confined to tier room, is able to be around•agnin.:-lt is reported that Mr. Thomas C;rse,:.of McGill College, Montreal, a former teacher of this school has departed' thi. life.—Mr. Ge: rge Latta has, been laid up for the past week with a swotting o1, the neck. It is now subsiding.—Miss 1. Fuxton, teacher in Pnekersenith,has been engaged to teach in Westmiuister, a suburb of the city of°Isondon. The trustees have made a goad 'choice,. as Mies Foxton is an. energetic 'arid pains- taking teacher. • ROSS-T'RICKA" TT BOAT RACE. THE GANALIAN WINS 3T FIVE B091.T•LE214TIiS, London, Dee; 4.—Wkliaee Ross beat Triehett in the race to -clay by fire boat lengths. The race was most unexcit• ing, The start was very even. Res :was soon ahead; and had the lend` by nearly three lengths.. He mnintaiued his lead throngh ilammererrnith bridge. which he passed 111 9' minutes reed` 19 :4eennds Irene the start. He then wean further in front, and' hart the' race in hand et Cheswick.. Hb passed Barnes' bridge fre lengths ahead; eanwon with greatest d' t ease by alinut' the same die ten aro. never having been headed.• The weather was -misty, lint' fine, A fair sprinkling nf'apeetators wits present. The river was caltn,.and• there was"• a gond tide. Betting before tele start in • the race t'as i'to 4`on Trickett. diose lied the Surrey st•n:tion. There were two or throe false starts, Pint the men. finally trot away, Rees' pulling at a Strube of 34 to;the in inn tr,.and T, c1tett SA'tti 89, lirn;e wits even at the tower stroke and drew away. He 'slowed down ' nft:er pas,ing Simmons' boat hnuse.and even than maintained the lend. Rees' time for the fir.et mite was G' minutes 14 seconds. At'tiris paint Trickett became very slow.. Ross Inereaseci his lend m; every stroke, seemingiy tvilhout ef%nt. In the next tlalf•mile Trickett' spurted' repeatedly, b'llt WAR linable to'' tench' Denys', who; had led all 1be snn.p• work f by three Jengthe. Trickett slightly de- creased the lead after Cheestick .Lynt RIO passed, blit Ras passed Ctiestwick church twelve seconds ahead. and after this; he did as he liked, irccesionally. etesinif and natattempting 'turow. tearoom :t,Ineerrea.-The Canieil nkat` ' on Snturdn , Dee. 4fb, Ml mon:here r. Prevent.late Reeve In the etmir. Mei/n(111y Me.. Ileyreci;, Onr011o1rd by tiI . Ii'atlbfiieeeli, that the tenran ng ani. Derides Screw Works nee to 1•e-aom'- r'r'nnts he paid:---S'mnoi Rennie. Ino- mance neeeratior.s on the first of 1881.:, hot $44,99; Mile ICeebetni,.for set Idea, on an eelaig' dtseaalo. It) groat variety, consisting of Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Ladies' Companions.. ' reeking $arses, Toilet Sets, • Coasting Sleighs, Tea Sete,. Autograph and Photograph Albums,. lifetn.laphooes,. Necklaces, Toy W*,tc'hes,.. Aloutli Organs, Toy .Pistols, 'Wax arid China Dells, Chinese Lanterns, Dominoes, Buildings B•locker,• . Chessmen, Alphabet B:loeks Draught Boards,., Wax Ca:16108;. nitikOEL !! s..fl .Lid 6d� �L �. 1i vvtrag'pnrchasod 1jrr, Co, worthh's furnifnre anri3 iurdortakingy buaintss in Ilensat.i, and added Lis ,oIngGo stoe)t AmorIz xiter, can now show in•lieu- sail ono of the largest stocky north of Lo'3don, • aSrleave urhe hail a14 o. ytocrorsd' oprreautiucatl'bit surpttssod.. - esneriunoo iu London and ];ester: Funerals promptly?atteu•1ed to. First-class • rearse always 0.. ,pin . N.B.—A31 kinds of musi:at instruments tuned :andrttpaired. • i'ilture framing a speciality. J. H. BAKER. IIensall, Nov.'11,1880. ly ' S 7 mos ti 's Falces aceelle Cups : . OANFI H L,D' and a thousand and one other articles.. Come' 'y' •��1�•• RR and see] for yourselves, N . VY . OW 1TT1.'+ Dominion Laboratory, Sign €iolaan Mortar, FINE PHOTOGRAPHY:- FRAN,K.. COOPER. ARTISTIC PnOnrrt5T(PH ER'. • Studio • 374s Richmond'. Street,. London. All the la t st'iin}tro,verne'rrtl in' Photography at' this we11 'known studio, G. •od people of Exeter' and v1 in.tyy come and See us when you come.to London, awl. WE . WIMI, DO. ` YOU' JUSTICE 1 Agent for Exeter and vicinity.. He would call' Specie 1 attention to l.is well assort • eel stock of i<iineyGoods. it TalrEre Stoclr'of lerlitiWooI5•. cult Fingering Yarn, Mottoes, Card Beard, 1rIi>se Brailles, Pn11ing, Lace, .Jet Jewelry„Beads, Leather Work. All Ideas of 'Fanc'y Work, made to order anal 1 • Taught. Aful line of CHRISTMAS GOODS which "he wilt' sell,chta7•, • • Shirts, 'Drawers, and Cardigan Jackets. AIso e • good supply of Seamless Hosiery always on hand. • xnittiug done to.order,• We, are f.IGt4TN/NG.'.." ortt Children. Oppositol nnaon's Block. ;prrA.y Pukap-TionIcs:. TO NSIIIP OF UZBQP,NE D. DOLTO . PROFVETO11., haviaig added to nrvpnmp machinery; and Fro cured a large quantity ca first-class pump loge,; am prepared to offer anatrticle Superior' to •anY•Fin tdr it ttit.:: Corrn4,y',; and at prises tbat'crefy compe'ti£fon. • Wells sad Cisterns dug on the•shor-test notice.. Before purchasing gull at, the Hay Pump,Worke, r,Shop-,-ane- narte. undid ' nort of Ii rater, Tienc3onBdad, Hay Mims' Good, ,dtd:.:� ��s�a a.: u- JO 28"diifiirentki» cttt of Clocks, Fancy' and 'elf pat- terns, composed of 8 day. anu 80 hour. GCLE't SILV'E'YWTATCIES its groatvariet'. Also Chains, both Gold and Sil- ver, at prices that defy competition, WWWddit g Rings. a Speciality, �. 1 Virirarrantactle karat pie. S.E.. JONES. myzei zeal. Hing EXB;TEI . '.. B: SE..1.,.l,L1E.S. f C 3EMISr DR' O GIST:;. always.'keeps ttftillastbltinent of Pn'he D.riigs• anti' C9I txlicals • ' Patent' MVIedirit,es,. Toilet?Ar'ti les,.. - . Perfu ery,., Brushes; . . Oomb9,- ti`l•' pon4e>, kiosalt-;,i e: S1 LLE Cherry •.Crda le the 1 o iimaticn. Notice T; Tlio'Nexciinticin for Reeve eta 'Counoilldre; tai'.) . •' servo in.the m,xnieihatity of Usborno, ior the year ' 1881, will be held in the TOWN' Ili UUI14,.,ELDIVILLE,'.()N M'bnday,.Deo. 27,'80 at the hour of le'at. m; and 12 o'clock, uoon,teepec• • - ttvely.• In'case<poll'are' adman ded,'they shall be held on' MONDAY, 'TAN UARY8rd, 1881, commencing at 91 o;talock,.w,.m, aud.closing • at 0 •p. m„ at .the tallow" - ing xlaoes:: 9 ' W. WARD) A:t'F1'iiirrnla; N- J: Clark; tteturning•Offider: N..Ni:'41!ARD, C+n11dt G,.N.;n.R.t;.Thornae Allin,.DoputyBetties-c- fug Officer.. LE. WARD` •At Darrlulxt>rr; Thomas Cameron ,.Deputf,Returnu- ing-Oiticer.•. O ., - So.B.- WAB D,• y1 ONI ot1r,.Cdneession 10 ; James Nagld ,Deputy -••• k Returning -Officer.. mf,/ ' Usborno Dec. 2.: NJ, CLURE C1itrk. v./ C di .'':f . t A n;1n^.ug tore;. MIS BEAUTIFUL Xmas: &, N mtYear Card I'tit�A..PACISAGE: FOR TEN.' C ` TOI' AFT.' SEP:S, MANTLE SETS;{ VASES,. Writ' dig Desks;: '1'7or LADIES' COMPAVIJ Thwel Boxes,, Fancy '. Shel Photo A Autograph. Alb BIBLES,' alley. Cu'a I'nitetrriesi Fahey Ink fru anti rosily other• its*iet suitable for.lr:eserlts le lgb'i»C' Oen .•t] i.)r rt..._;' tT 1r . Dnll.c, 4.4 'l Artiolea; d yonng,.. Pletzsaiitcst, Ra fest' (.6 ,9idte, Coyph. MacOTV EvkrSol • . e r. xy a Bottle. NV., fir;t:111,B1:, !jF (WIlealerS *sot Mils dig 11/ ,1