HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-21, Page 3•
•51301 Istlx
A, welt, •
glittot in. 2. AtrUP
'automobile drLven b7 Job.4..
paroisi in he Inter?, on gon
. •
„Con:mound, freetureS Of tiie. left ankle
1t* Warless teeet'ved by 'Bert 40.17
8s.; 400$441ine • w)tr !veteran
mbar 'Of 'Kincardine RIO 'Es,n4 7it.hAt
te fell.;trona:atOP the Veer of tut betuee
-here he was applying„,* tar
'POTATOES (vat. AT ExElrait
NO AV Ir,14N
.stock -food epittpieny
Ln BeatorU1 for * tiOnottstea,
, , Wednesday atternoOn.
but negiectads* amiU but
-eve0 her4ehand,, and -4;ozie
it45474: , • '"
'ira",14,0ott OE JAS. BURN 10/0$.41,4
The 100010 of'.1aMee .43firn
,41ifisesreMaini. 'Vete 00414 to •000,0•04'
from 00$:en Wed
zle,i4day afternoon, September 144 ,froiet,
the reAderate 01 liIs lather7ins1aW,
'Scott, Interment `beinhe :Made An
The Totato trot"' at Exeter, though not landbank cemetery,.
fire erhich, started tuound'Inklnight
on Tuesday of last' week and which took
the firemen about two Wire to being
under ttaiteol;destro.yed, the garage, on
Main street, I'lltinglenn, owned by the
'Supertest.Corporatien and, operated by
41..)* *RAM. *
11)04131 13 *OA' ,;te, or lust, ela*
Ilty. The tubers Are Or A good tze, and
are coining .up Clean. 'Carreto, beets and
.:sttaniteldi, are A ta4'• trop, while :turnips
At 10 oc1c Saturday inorntng, EeP,
tember' litho:the Marriage of Catherine
lip,neer PrOdhaiterr, The dead ,minee
home is at St, Clements) Waterloo
County. ors), 'vho worked. for 41a)
Eastern Steel. Products Ceanliarts S • of
Preston for the last ten years, was tee.
gaged at 'the peak of the roof, forty feet
from the ground) putting on the venti-
lator. '
George Smith, manager' of the Cans.
'titan Bank of Commerce'at ' Wingh0M,
• , aceonaPaialed by hia brother -1n -&'W, Ur,
.zuzabetb, diugusee, ot.Mt. and., Ik4s, 30- FINDS Mili___LlitNG slOAMAGEO'- itelsiY*.ell'Etat:1".iv_...w1Y' e_s404.94:". jiesaiseath-ss-4veei?; rshitgthehr.-4 8/4601.70,,*'telt°1;' 14:°.' 41°.;114111.Sst iiii-N°31:h41,08:M14111131
' of Winginon,- 't0. Or,- Zeslie
Ci_nrassUSs„,.. „....... . Recent diseoVery ,of destruction which -AsceUrred•Sle"Anar e.se'sfilsitee?hltireti. Mr, HMI 4 sane Gratbketreacinitierit. Elea °. ,h' t bei
" ' lemnized at the
made of S. 0;140. 1.(! whule..1,,banter was
AshtieldsToW h t", Witbal
Waa held at!, " $ On.Weettitle.
41)r APter0000. UeettasfUl event,
„with a goo417. neMber 'iu attentlenee.
'rive 14100* VartleiPated in the Pak
"Which OPened Parade, in W100.11
feu** ached* took Parts the Parade being
led by Mr.. Kenitoth Parrish, the skirl of
whose b4410110* tickle* the tenerot the
Seettish, element of the 'township, whit
were Present Argo numbers, AS * per-
usal or the orise-winners WM show, the
)40Donalets, MasKenzieS, Maaten*
decks, the Mei4ennalls, Sandys, :' etes
ets. Schools taking Part Wire as fol-
lows: *LoehaiSh, ktes '4, with Mr. Rod,
Finlayson se' teacher; Mitteldfli , NO, il,
with Miss olive Anderson as teaeher;
Ones, of Toronto, was _
its banner. SPecial,mentien •
'United church manse) vought,km, by tlie
114 been got1g on both Within andwith-
out a puutuutrAt'okupW, Utnized_AS A 'owner and driver of the ear, tried, to
'AVOW:" hitting -cattle -which- were -running,
apple lOorrs 134 '"°°. arSed Pre„" at large. '. The ger 'overtuened, on the top:
,Prietor,-10, John Jeynt, that he it' 4:Ss
ferh18 A littY dollar reWard ter f)f' st44116!"15ile °4“lit wire frliee Ivir"
tio4 tuat. Nvoi ,SinitIOVAircsrOshed, te, the Winglas.m has'.
pitai, where an X-ray allowed that .he
:Prosecution. eot those -„resPonalble far '.;t1i0 .g1.0.a_ctor; while -devastation,
ItArr.HOBSE ISAMU*, ear was badly_svreeked,
. A young horse tietcligh4 lyiRS. 'HOLMES, .ItE•;ELECTE1D
4'414'"W"'' Ps.setth .The annual Meeting ,ed tbe Horne and
.be..Ings-ridden by young 'Axe/4as *Hchaol. Association vat' held,' in, the Spa -
bell at the race traelmn Tuesday after.
MVO of last week, Feared and on being
home On truck. Luckily the rides' Was
unhurt. It was tinning
horse and'was preparing , run at, the
,races on Exeter .Far day.
• The 'lion* of. Mr.., and Mrs. Thomas'
130*r, Alice St.,' 'Whaghani,,. was the
scene of a quiet but pretty wedding at
12 a'alocksideri, Saturday, Sept. 9th,
,when,•••thete-youngest -daughter, Geargina.
Margaret, was united in marriage -to Jas.
L. Baker, of Belleville, son 01 .Mrs. and
the late James Baker of Lakeside. Rev,
L. H. Currie 'perfornied -the marriage
..The Winglusar -United- parsonage3'!
the scene of 11-tliet Wedding early Mon-
day morning, Sept. Ilth, • When Clara
Beatrice, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs: Da-
vid Agari.Morris,, ;MIS united' M. marriage
to .Wm. • 'John Tupper Scott, of Morris,'
Son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Sdott, of
-Winghant, the Rev.
Following a ',Wedding ,trip to 'PhiladelPhia,
they 'W111 stake un, .xesiderice , on. ,the
• „grooria_larm....in .„-
• ArA.31tOtTvItR-
purple, with goo letter**, and whose
pupils looked *quite 'Mart with -their. pips
;LK Parsons, Exeter) nas re- Iead to tenvict1gn and of purple "arith geld .tiftngs. ' ' Each
-teitedVard-front-Vane'ettver-ofille death .
school .taking part -in the parade -00W.
,-- -,-.,----e. esh.sseestee4nsbasts„.14.74....Parions..."..widow.: est*ii. awaxik-o!--31-00.. na Order, of..merit
. riellW*Ate1133PSLinstascorlosittbaP, tath,
Exeter wnere Parspn4 conducted •-a• -sehool teparate hover, .ands,they went
through the Stratheana 767;40%W -the
R. F. J. R. rpItSTrate
ss,s-se-st•sse•iiise.,;-•f: _
— ' •
Late 'Rouse Surgeon New York .00114
thalmie and Aural Hospital, assistant
Isooreileld's Bee- Hospital ,and Golden
Square Throat Hospital) London, Eng*.
51' Waterloo' St. S.,,,Strattprd. Tele -
'Phone 201. _ . .
At Hotel Redford; GOderiOil, from 7
(VCIOCk on V.1•0 evening Or OA third
day of each month • until the following
, ,
Tuesday, nt 1 p.1114
' ^ .
• , ••••,....r•••,••
, ,Barristers 'and Solicitors.
R. 0 ys $0, and R., Q. Hays; BA:
' --Hamilton street, Goderichi. -
• -, • TelePhone 88
Barrister •and Solicitor
°awe: vifunoton St.'--- Pliolid 512.
' Barrister Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 282; HAA4ILTON* ST.. Gode
Barrister, Solid*, N.
ciliary. pie*,
r..Pif•rilfilikr*Sft,T,44,1.01LAR4' •'
The lEvangelleal chtfth Of Crediton,
Which, for , years has held' an annual toW1.
supper, attracting usualbelfiver' a thou-
ERNEST M. r'lait, --sand patrons, seems to be all. off MS
' Barrister and Solicitor
_sun life Bi' - e a e an .
• Weleptions.:: Elgin 6301
• 'Toronto 2,
r a
." •
••• "DI"
• A.,....1••••••••10 •
year unless plans are changed, mo la-
dies deeidect to „hold fa canvass. in place
of the supper an. 0 success has, been
MOW to the men for miles around: In
Exeter At least one -•ChUrch, laas' decided
Against a supper this year; the few vot-
ing for One, being men who received re-
Provirt- leeks /to. th ladies.
,pommancts for whielt were given by Miss
!firth publieszahaol, With*. the,. president, rim
• --
r$, 6--,141PA, 40,e-tee„......,44e,7yallioessa"espo-s itinteS-a'thnadni*.satils,
presented by tele secretary andireasuier;, 4t;itelr zbliat4tEsuottleco.Astrueet wat'esiAlaff4-a...
The eleetlen. ainters resulted as folgtti of -
lows; • Past presidento mrs. R. 144321 tsEl- fe,a0Nhoot.... 15s, ertwritanih M.CisSurfasne,linss.
OreAdent, Oharle.e Holmess
s, came 2nd, With -81 points; and Cior-
presidents, mrs. L. R. Weetintark, Mrs.
7, .3, sechiey, and Mis, R. 13,.. Meffat;* 3.4roci4;14)viittb'oals;oinlmtsul. 8 8X," 1:5" came
reeorcling 'secretary, Miss. .MeLean:,:tita-
surer.' -Mrs. .1: A. 'Munn; Conveners Of These earies almost every
vatious *litiottiztes: vv4f,stoi Miss class,- Wit. net so ° many as_upon some
txotry; in6inberswo, uctKpllar; eaelner -00048ton,o, the fruit, and vegeta-
bleS being very good what there were of
social,. Mrs. Moore; ways and rneans,•MrS.
Eat]. Mre. Keating. ' their'. The fellowing is the prize list
EmEjtogitl.,s4tr' DONATOV . ,
Spring wheat, Goose, sheaf -Bertram
The annntil ineettng of the Women's
• , Carron Charles Adb;ins:-.0ats, Banner-
libspital AsSOCiation was lield.retentlY in Harold: Atlams.,-David isMellanald: oats,
Banner, •sheaf -Harold Adams,, David.
MoDonaidr barley, 0'..AGard'on Rebb;
arley„AO.A.C„. .sheaf--;•Roderick.1VileKenz.:
KerSleke; reported- a MoSt -successful-sle4:Nt'sweiceeetnzicae.ril.-trola:,en--7antani
year, which A- great deal -of -useful loTX
work had been-accomplithed by the .240.
members enrolled. •An emergency, lamp Mangelds-r-Gordow. Reis, Ja,ck Mc -
'for the hospital toga, which has-been, Kenzie, Harburn Adams; turnips -Gar -
purchased, will add materiallY .to the don Robb, Donald' 1i/teak:maid, Howard ,
resent • equiPmetit.. the sewing coro._ oBloakric.e.netift_usEsevieli
GobeertronLi_rwet .Robb
mittee visited 'tile hospital each, ,priclay
Marton Cowan, Owendoline Robb; car
the 'visiting cominittee made weekly rots.. --Jean ./tarbuta,Aitams-, Mar --
visits. The formes cancers were re- orioi _mox
Mar -
elected *Stir: the excePtion• of Iwo ; --Mrs. Robt., .ritrri$00, ,teap, _phyins
W. '0i:Sproat, Who was .appointeid,vorie- Irene Noss,..s.„
sponding seeretarY, and !MrS. Z. ghat:31- CLAStsEtt "
-many -gonvener the•.visiting-comPA.. jesty Watt,
The treastlrer,' Mrs. E. it Close, reported Bruce H. McLennan,„•ca,therine M. Mc -
the stun of. $209 raed during the year. Lerman, Jean Sandy;, Winter Wheat,
sheaf -Gordon Ross; potatoes, 'Irish
Obblers--Ireue, Ross, Elrairw Alton,
the Carnegie Library:, Seaforth. The.
president, Mrs. Charles Holmes, iijitt
AMY 'vasietY-0-3,tarion e
Orton Gwendolyn ;Robb,
ran: Seintee 4etass.,.. *Mt 'It
trun COrrlin, Marlon litteKtilliks
Alton, lbsteell, AltOre; hai;ket
4344-er•Berttaln, Varrate," •
• • .. ,
• flar,rest Roc •1/4'..etekerels•e4aek
aie., Bete-4McKenzie. Tiniest' 11. 1,40)4en,
'nen. Alex. Parrieht Betted 110Sit Pttliet*'*
Jae); McItenatt,. Helen 1ttoKetutle, How-
ard • 13140a,, Ailless• • 140/.:ientiens.• White •
.teittiern Parrish." Pram%
Whitt Eieglasitn• .PUlletl-elgUS rot
.yeatiel Itaint1100.;' .1 :doe., brown eggs,
Mttasta"---;neriott *Ken*, Owenb110.
Robb, 4then 1404, Oereten Robb; 'do*.
white eggs, '"extrite-,-./etna, 4044, El;
Mire. Alton). Mer,forie
•th".?441 *
toplasvrt SMOCK
-• One -halt dollen oatmeal cookies-
-Louse 'Campbell, Eileen Wallaeee Marion
Nt*.dtenitee Helen. ,l'OcKenede; orieelittit
dozen sandwiches-eleau Sandy, 'Elmira(
Alton) ' Mitten •,COWen, Mary Horton;
elseeelete layer cake, white icing -eater,
ion Cowan, Marion MacDonald,, Jean
'Nelson, 'Eileen 'Campbell; one -hale dozen
-buttertlitte-siRolin; MacKenzie, Eileen
OamPbeil, Jean Sands; *one;haf POutut
maple crown candy --Marton Cowan,
Grace Campbell. .
Pot ho1der..'-00rothy Drennan; best
3 .5buttonholes-P4111s• Blake, Muriel
Blake, . 'lean Sandy, Grace _Campbell;
print apron, handma e--Enuira „Mt
Ititss-"WallaceS,Mary HO on,: • -
girc yo, of your
. tern t p travet via
it'anOtatt'XitilOtt*Ps •tradto;
de luxe-The'Ciotti:10044
UMW. Thlit modern snook
Carpet. settoothty unfoldi
tugged' Xtorthern Ontario
before your eyes."-acroai the,
'Ptairies •iouthiougls
ScenieRoutepyer the evilest
-leradietit. and at tim•lowest,
attitude -yet keeps yOu with..ortkOMigiciie -
and most inspiring peaks..
""*"'" '
Es se* e elICS- Affieand....lalse:' ,-14-31-allilut.i _
00-ard-seettrani-:outrati, Oabt:--ParrisisT -77:1* • od---pgirs.'cie6-77-44,a7kTn-s-. mi. ani
inder* 7741e -Grant Fairish; bread- 1 •„,i -
, .., , Of Petreit, .aess,,,yleitoes withsthn,lat
W 10
er spate S, • r. an. vs. u 0
model or stopiadder-aertram .gurran; okr• a
E bootjack,. full sWe-7-Bertrani• -. Curran: I Mrs. Win, Silvertherne and baby, of
, NAT/IRE-COLT:MT/ORB '' Tillsonburg, visitell ' with Mr. Thos.
Fatter over the week-enct. '
'-'-lailiA.11001C.44#0.04',4044W7s4t•delt 111.,_„,,,,aii-d_ .0,,,,„_„13.,Iffitielat4._,;:erso,
Plant -Gordon Robb, same • Farrigh. boating.. ,A sumptuous picnic supper
happy ,time was' spent in games and
Mr. S. MaeMath have returned from.
DRAWING,' ART and Warts° Toronto, where they „attended the
'Map of Township of .Ashfleld--sElleen *funeral of, -,Mrs, Hugh MacMatb.
svailace, 'Russell Altan, ,Berniee MUrP14, -
-Phyllis Blake, Mary ltorten, Elmira Mr, Wm. Potter ,has returned from
„Alton, Jean Sandy Map of South „,,,,„
Victoria Hospital, London, Where for
Clare Lannon; Map, Maritime Provinces
the past week he has been under the
Art, Scene at Sunset-Lyal Lannan, Ros friend's ' extend -congratulations. upon
a Specialist His many
America -Gordon Robh, Sadie Parrish. '''"-- o• "
Marie 'Annan, Howard Make, Elva Mor- his recovery.
t)lare Lannon,. Lane Phillips;- pencd w, Connell, of, Conochile, enter-
ef• the W. 1VI. S. and
an; ina,sS drawing 2n ink. or pencil, 2 Mrs.
objects -Russell Alton, Dancan Parrish, taint the ladites
drawing of 'leaves and fruit- Jean ed d
of •Ho mesville United church
ft rn on Past.
zie, RetA Yirallaces water color, Ploivering '
Sandy, am .a Isinnan, Jack McKen- - nes aY a e 0 . A
lVi_uriel: jillaltewritinaciffEyent,pg Hymn". was enJaYed----bY all- ..- _
'-#43•4:1*. garie - Lannan, HoWard...Blaki, ' The W.-IVI, g. and W., A. -Met -in the-
morani---wrip_w_SMy4.-attlestiol!-----* honie of :Mrs. Bided Yrio- on Tnesday
Jean--il sett, ---uarlol afternoon, when they ' had, the plea -
Helen MacKenzie.,
MacKenzie,s1sabelle-41amil on; ssriting, w
Bernice MUrPhy, Eileen Wallace; writ- .
Grace Lutheran church, Porter's Bill.
sure of entertaining the . A. of
"Ilte Brown Thrtish"-Duitcan Parrish;
in& $9.1Mdom, -the Supreme Prize" -Jean i Mrs. B. .I. Trewartha conducted_ the
tiazir,,, AR. etna ortWoan11;ace‘‘,TiMatinrgi3Orlie,oc" Beizie”t-t, i devotional exercises, aftei which IVtlirs•
Sadie Fairish, Gordon Robb. i ris.itolleaktaiornd, pprreetliddeentit. 'ofThtehepvirolrantag
, _ -, _
speaking-Phyilie Make; stoiy included an excellent topic on r-1"Ou
.• - ,ESSAIr ,4111?,- COMPETITIONS
Aellini---Ly0sLaniain; xlibiezt, "MY. Pet": Friends.", contribtited lay Mrs.- Reid
spelling inateli--IKenneth' Torrance- Intereating_ Milton nd
ineteoene: en by Mrs. • Woods s.Mrs.
Louden, wee much appeeciaa
and ug tompetsoln During the social hour supper was
-,--Cecil., McGee. Sadie , Patrfah, BertramiserVed• to .50 Indica,. Mr o: Walter, lAre.
.Currari, Eileen Campbell; .-live . stock Jno. Porter, Mrs. Wm. Yeo and Mrs.
ilidging-Gerdon Robb, Bertram Currand EIdrid Yea sided as hostesses. The
Jack • McKenzie. Bob Pahn; mentalsw. A.smade arrangements for a quilt -
*Ye -September _22,--in-the
I Si '
4040 PM,,
attmot. A.CTOrt, Arlo .DatrOLESs
ESUIPPed with, electro -magnetic baths.
,Elestronic electric' treatment, and chime.
diseases.- Lady In attendance. Office the first church in the. locality; has been
terra. to.
PoultAlezz.. closed Wednesday iron 12 in charge of St. Paul's Hospital. Miss
A. •-• under th__*M%• s
-ATKINSON, - residence land
oillte;:-cornerrOf-;,SOUth-fitteet. and.7-1k1-,-1 ''°f srsa- nadas-t!--
Miss Maigaret ivtustard, former
Brimetteld girl; who has been forjseine
years in charge of a inissibn liosOital at
Oypsumvule man., where she Was in-
strurnentalAri-having---a---ehurch erect '
ADO 0140141110
. . •
Live Stock and 'General An/Winters.
Mein Godeelek.
-tesiee -Made everywhere and efforts
. Made to give you satisfaction,
Farrow Sale Metes distotMted.
Phone" 118.
NotAnv icos.,,10,., ETC:
tiAttirt; •
/10're.ut .punt,to ,
gte,iierS1 ConveYanting, done.
GOad, Caliapaillea Represented,
phone 298 Gederieh, Ont.
.;) •-!•;,.•
limos co
otos AND °LAIRD • i'iotal pno•,.
vrEd•lt scum,
Vain*, of. nertY Insured up to J
140,191k. ,646,975.00,
. ,1OPF1Q • • iirtn0Y• Presi-
dent, R. R. 11;r, Sea rth; Jas.
Vite;Presid t, erten: Menton' Reid,
;8m.-Tie:0i,, <nth,
Duto,,,,,,ro At. Shotildite, Walton;
Witt, Knox, Constance; Robt. rerrisilfav.,
lack; adlin•Pr, littieetielit: A. OfOlid.
t°6t* eeafottln Cleo. riOnhateit, Bread -
AGENTS -W. J Yee`, It, R. 30 Clinton:
Oat. Watt, Illyt)A;. Ed, Hincllley, Sta.
forth: /Ohl% Murray, seatotth,
...PolitYhokters tint Pay their assess.",
MentS,O,Ceivin Vutt's, store',,Ooaerith
The Royaisant, Clinton, or 3. H.
1104yfield, ,
EIRE WtalikikiCE
gave it attended yo by Sti
WAWA*OSH. itlittbAt
" XIS SifilltAlleit COY.
rstotmcit tele ,
OitiOe; twovotais,
/Wert 1vteon putitstuitm, Ptesk
at; &neat &eked. Iteltraod., Viet -
President: in addition to the President
**ad. Vice Pretident the follifvfinf .tet
tor. : WataOti, AttbWit:
tatie.f. Aubattr,
it; w.
11. salte
• .0 -.to •i• 0
Miss Sean 'Webster, daughter of„ Mt.
WlIIlam Webster of Wet WaWanOS11;Ais
4 etudent of- Wingbara Itigh Schaal ions-
pleted her secondarY ecluca,tian with
-Muth- eaceesa.--Aiss Webater Won - two
Scholarship awards, one of which 000 IV
reversion, to •the .runner -Up. Tni award
18 s, $50,00 caSh girlie and two years' fr
tuitfon in University College of Arta (to-.
tal 'Value of 82504 Mita Webater wan the
scholarship tor .Latiiz, -Preneb. and -tier-
man, or•.Spar0Sh r Cffee)to also. the
scholarship for classies and two ,other
Papers, the latter gotneby reeeielon' te
,,lohn. Pickering et Imidore2
Myefas'age-110, traxsinstantit
killed at ,3:05 • Wednesday afternoon of
:jail, Week when he fell to: the ground
froniithe-roof t the new steel barii-or'
Ed note, East,bonaitarY, ivrertniopto
al ee
ruberai, D iren t an
Erab alineror,
Also Ambulance Service
• Godericit
Aft calls promptiy *tfohdea
' day 'or night:,
now stow, us; 21 35•01r.,
SERV/CE T Atari ,
liter in London Free Press Suggests
Hay Fever Competition •
imon Smith-in.the London Free Press
of Tuesday, gets file. following OT1 his
chest: ,
Editor Free Press: 'The article -in The
Free Press stating that -some hay fever
victims are disturbed because of bonfires,
inspires nie to -Write as follows:
Whin -a -have ra-competitfon-A, the fair,
tet them„ligh,t their fires,__Itfid he that
• -
,challenge.the just dangle one spraY • MeDonald; coreopsis--sHarley Phillips;
-of -.golden, rad or rag weed within a block rrench - Parrish; hou-
toes, Dooleys-1-Matio,n .Cowan, Gwendo-
line Robby Jean Sandy, Rodney McLen-
nan;• pie pumpkin -Warren Zinn, Gor-
don Ross, Marlon Cowan, Marion Mc-
, • "
Asters-Irene Ross, Gordon Robb,
Marion, 'McKenzie, Howard' Blake; phlox
Jessy Watt, Phyllis Blake, Ber-
tha McDonald, gileext Wallace; Zinnias --
Catherine McLennan, Rita Wallace;
cosmos, single -David McDonald, Jean
uissett, 'Korn Phillips, Gforge ,r z e ,
verbena -Gordon Ross; calendula-Lorne
ll1ps,..4wen-Robb, He
Christine ' MacLennan; salpiglossis -Rod
111=3.17r1VM. I
customers would hate tO. haitcontotheh*
.hats. One, timid of s.dtist,.anctl_ars
wettitt flow down nis 1M+rowed &oaks like
ti April allOwer dbven an eavetratigh.
. One whiff ottace,powder don't misen-
derstana nae, the barber dusted 'my neck
With a._ nowder brtish), and 111 outheave
any horse ,w,ith the heaves. 'The fellow
who, fell -off a mowing mathine, and cut
Ina nate off -and stnek 15 on ably to.tind
when it -Was =Wand ta have been pa
on uPsidedawn; tad now every time he
sneezes blows his hat off, 'has-. nothhur dri -
:me. Gradually' my hair in) front is van-
, The One that Is 'eft 'is getting'
more. difficult to comb:and part, each daY.
I fear that it. to *ill soon have to
leave the 'old camping ground °under the
ea- sneezes
The handiettiiiii-iiing-thate-proe,
ved inadequate, Old Shirts, tihee18 and
.1)111'0W:dips have VW 13Oeit called in to
for me of those Within hearing distante,
-The night they tell me, is made lildeouS,
by strange,"-inicalurt issainds, a creas be-
*twiese the rattle or ,an antiquated Pord
CO. and a thrershing nittehine. 'the feW
itiements alUnaber t dream Of ir land
Where golden ,'reki• and rag weed never
1460015, and it friezes in Asiguitt, 3: tan
tell befere 'seeing solden rod of its pre-
Sehee: that. feverish, • thalping feeling
known only to the great,artny of sneeiere
is" a sate indicator. t. have often wonder.
cid how peOple ,who wear fate teeth get
*long.1„woUld; suggest tying them stovsti,.
or M. So touni me In eri-the,'great one -
Petition. May 1 state that the sneezing
atvgnnot be th niy-test. -We
46t, 'forget the .ao o hay reverite'
ahead- AllOWed• to tato, „.tinless.:Ide
nate etind serve at a tail light on.* tat
#Sfet,' tile0,:ellottld bebloaakatok
in ding one of 'the trimming, after the
.rtiglit, *tort,. 'T110-104ke. la order:30i'
It , were, get ill. tune with the .competitors,
olatela.--'-elettlisiaPiri over his nose.
fithen if the-Aptiet' blend he 4eari '*elect
dose Wha ekbrett. theinteliteltIn-torrect
tight:All the fires Yon Want hilt What
• you , de ,;pleeithinn the golden it'd and,
ragweed. .
Marion McKenzie, Enema- Campbell,
Marion MacDonald; •
6 Northern Spy. apples -Idabel Ham-
.11ton, Jean Sandy, Francis Hamilton,
Bruce • IL McLennan, .6 linow
• "
Winter is really a delightful thrte) -
'When we Prepare Or it properly.‘
and crisp days, -
BAUM shOiy,, blowy
Are, enjoyable when there i warmth
and cheer indoor.s. -4
If:yowls**. to him good time at
the ',Winter Garden Shove
Get reedy for it fotity by ardethig
your winter Supply Of Heat POWs
chine :cost,
Al rori. tlape *roc, '
in.the worId's ttraed fruit
arlthmetic-Charlotte' sgtisWford,--- Sadie •
) , •
macKendrick,— 'home of Mr. WM. Mulholland.
• 1.
,,,.. .).
. Eaton Prizes -Awarded for the_Death of Mrs. laugh MeMath
highest number- of prints received tii thel
.Palr-Jean Sandy, of S. S. No. 15, w,ho It is with a 'sense of deep loss that
won 62 points,' prize, silver trophy. Ber- we chronicle the death -a Helen Gor-
; beloved wif • t e ls e
-tpval"utranT-a7-87---NeCriSe, '''The f3haggimappi.. -19);,.-irE. Paull;re. Mae -Ma , 0 oronto, ,on urs ay
th f T Th d
Johnston. Gordon Robb of S. S. No. 15. of last week. She was born on the
dairy talf-Robert ,Parrish, Alex. Par -
with 48 points, prize, book, "Kinsmen," fourthconcessionof Go,derich town -
by E. Percival J. Cooney.
rish, sadie Parrish, Jack McKenzie;
L.4 T.—
_ ..
LIVE STOCK . 'ship in the year. 1847, attended the
i Union public scho.ol and---Goderich
husband to doderich, where -their first
-Collegiate Ten wt3e., wyeitawr t of
1877 took up residence- Irs:',""lieronto.
, agriali tirral or draft colt, `Jack Mc.lhome-Nots- established,-
Phylis Blake', Murieftlalte, Gordon Botts. i
Kenzie, Russell Alton; market 1.4asb_ moved to Kincardine and inAe year
e WifraNkli-Mareiriz Brhaltiiiiiiiiirtife-YWT§Itcgirict4INat tune she
calf -Muriel Blake, Sadie Parrish, Dun- has made her home with her nepheW.
can F'arris,h, Alex. Parrish. 1
IlMr= Brogdek,MacMath. Though she
had no farailY;"stheraieed four child -
WALKING 'CLOTHING :STORE: ren, two of whom vive, Chas.
. .4 • A 0 Glewlyn Gordon. editor of "The Van-
.. leouver Province," and J. Brogden
Two -Hoboes Picked up ICY- Vendable --Nraellath, or NolineayiTte. Three•
Ginadry With Bag' of Loot. n brothers 'survive, her: Wm. Gordon,
Boissevain, Man.; Chas. Gordon
don Los Angeles, Gal. Mrs. Mac- „
_P*tbles ATUI tot& much interest Ja-
piublie afrartii;-Slie was at one time
• meniber of the board ,of the Hes-
Pital. for incurables and for many
years, acted as superintendent of the
rimer departmentssof,Ates_finastases-
Sell- I Cowan' Preib.3rterian
church. A brief service was held at
the home ,of Mr. J. 13. -MacMath,
Hohnesville, on Friday evening, con.
011ateci4y Rev. Dr.. Deugan, aseisted
by Rev. J. W. Herbert. Service was
also held. Totonto on Saturday
p, rn., conducted by Rev, Dr. Vesey
'and, Rev. Dr. Rochester: Interment
took place irt Ferest Lawn Mauso-
leum,: Toronto.'
NO A101141.011.410
is tfiluktig RINI
* aim
* oninsit
• 00016-4-innu4s •
.• wins** (cum*,
• SalliPattloi IMsneal• OW tics
*NH- SOW A 004* 11014
,•• Au*
11 E A L IMC.
Someihing in the nature of a walking
clothing 'and tobacco store was untovered:
by.Con.stable Tata Citindty a tew days ago,
when he arrettea G. James aged 23: ad -
dais, Alberta, Lind Boyd Johrittoti, aged .
25, of 'Nova Scotia, .WalkIng along the
highway near 'Clinton. They are 'charged
With vagranty and will apPear• On BM-
iirday-of thit Weep,. _ • -
then Were teen carrying a heavily -laden
bag • and this aroused Simpleton. The bag
,stras._loc--tOd'' and found, to tontain.brard
new merchandise, intlUdirig two coMplete
suits Of clothes, several pairs of trousers,
one pair of new shoes, several top Coats,,,,
neekties, socks, spools of thread, cigar-
ettes, tobaccos, tans of snuff, ithaviag
brushes, et"
So far the men in jail haves -not di-
vulged hoar, they can* iftU7 pottetition
the stuff. -An Exeter merchant hag laid
,elaitit to sorne of it, but .the accused say
they were never in Exeter: They -admit
being in Tees:gator end other places. The
authorities are erideavortne t Intate
owner through the reanufatturers• tick.
eta still attached-to•the elothing; for it
is eolith apistrent that a store or ttoreS
have been_robbed.
- Shut the abo Wit wr1i OTC,
"merehatidise has been ide:intified •.atid
Teeniest' by two -MiiVertaii merhants
who „motored- to, oderielt •**.s.
0-01L i08-tlitatt
(Intended' for last week)
Miss N. °Irina Potter spent Tuesday
and Wednesday with Miss loy 'Kemp
itt Mitthell.., -
lir. and Mrs. Connell. of Corieslale,
are -in London WS week attendkng
jthe fair.
Mrs. Jito. Cudmota Is home from
poolesbotoe where she spent,* tett
,iets vrith relAtives,V,
Mrs. ceo, mg*, d daughterMs
Olive, lowe'..returned' form TOrOnto.,
where they .4 -Pent the osrttatO
' -Designs
Expert Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
. Prices. Reasonable
" Your businesa will be
P. a. Box 161
Keep Your Bowels Regular
And Avolki4Constipation
When the bowels are not kept regular
they_. become clogged up with waste .and
posorto- tit Matter_ lima rinsing cotisti••
pation-,-biliousneess sick -headaches and
other forms of liver trouble. •
Keep your bowels rmular by Using
- Milburn's,
away the effete matter Whirl) oollects in
the /system and banish constipation and
its allied 'troubles. Get a vial; take a,
dose to -night; hale a free, natural move-
ment in the Morning. ,
For sale at" all drug and g.eneral stores; put up Only. by The T. Wilbur.
CO.. Limited, 'roront0. 'Ont.
•,EFIFECtIVE JUL 9th, ig33.
0.00 a. tn. 12.45
Pires froth'Qo,derich tc;
0 • • • • • •
IF(*()NTO #
Nit1)4s7#4 •.*
HAmiLiorq - 6 • 10. • . OOOO 40 •
. Ai'QS1)4.:7107-
sirigle Return
. • .3.80 6.85
. 4.05 7.30
3.70 6.65 •
4.70 8.45
5. to 9,20 •
. 5.85 10.55
Tickets and Inforrnation at,