The Goderich Star, 1933-09-21, Page 1. .itittlt N.' 4,
e. • ee
Appiaelnes. /fir . theie•-leefoekt
°Magitrate C. A Reid, v • , '1%.4141140 '
' rut Mg been
three" tientiterOandede GordOne Neennieee'
• .foentere cemeity z„,treaensetii_ setlYeleri crowd ,AlneOlt_tiPeteeezParit..PelOte
inorning .Pleageet gulity to three.6146-411, , :Downpour Morning 'and
:0.31'0e:threw himself On the mercy 01 Afternoon
.the,court, and wa totonoca, to a 'term
4,4044-.yer *melte and six MelithrOnser, A:complete„nee 01 poke 70/hinew
-idisterr011utte on Of41Vounfretlai $4.04;01e” 0e Goderteh Fall Peer will *PPteri*
to rnil concurrently.. ' The • charges to -The, Stae notteeteeele, • --
, Which aterniete Pleaded :gedltY.were;
leeeTheedeetruetiOneeand. inekti.10-41.4,0fOoderich_ran ,Fair ran Jnto:
,COMItY'books: and teem* , tough -luck *tirday, pisi when every-
• lee-CoMiPitrecY With ble 4932' auditors, thing appeared bright for the entoetiance
Messts.' lioeth and ,14.3giln1441Ovit,,..4,Nv14 'eeeefin ,vxh, years., Cold, raw
, , .
trial, to defraled -the COUnty' ef.gult
eether, with intereeletene tains enorne
•ser'nee-ithett *Aden. elfeelientke • • • -
41termieenteeeeteeed,eteeeklele ieeiteesel.Vgei•I‘$4,4,‘. I:141444*r .
• but. exceeding 45>050, •M tbe 0044', ,A teridanteeelOWne.buteaCethateeleeseatid.
of Huron during the. Yeles..1403e,li3Otle achnisslOns Tuesday rghb and Wedifes,t
ee-yearSeingettsiveee----7--"---;"*.7-:"7"'*'da were nearly.40,9eeean4etete;siseoplete
•A -fourth charge, that o dtaillre 10 ton it fie hopedwill re tebeeettilett
aco.ount for certain meneys".. was dismise the red." On TnesdaY ;eight there was a.
7r-SeaThcrtth.:- the eeneetit ottileCratere ,no bumper crowd at the Opener,the largest
_sevidencesbeingeOffeeedeTtejas:1OOOXPeeretr= .ineyeareeseand-LaSePtenlFeVee'a, ,e41es4.11144S4s
°°.lifethellieft -thartetelit wa& explained graui wus thoroughly E4SPIttliTile7. rain
° e d„4 cesee 'Reignee on Wednesday lefternornieWaver0t
s--- 7- • . ' ciently .heavy to 'interfere witia-the Pro"
• Before a:crowded koler,t rois-nt.*alte.r his gram President Green, SeorOary 3. Ile
counsel, Frank, Donnelly had elected Robertson and others wOrkedelikeetrolans
summarye trial, Mr. Yogi* repeated the to -Melte this year's fair a sheeess. They
Word. "guilty" after each 'charge had deserved a. better "break"' fro* tht.ewea-
been reed to hini. He plainly showed thorned, ' *, •
the pliggts efeulels• 114006r.unent • • • Peltibite- •
W. H. Roberton, giving character OVI- - •
The indoor exhibits of fruit and vege,
dence, -said he had known Ur; toung tables etteee good, Though not a super -
for - more -than- %lily, yearlsande.thatelec.Tabethderifel the•Tattel Wire tide in;tie-Wier,
had 'always borne 'a good reputation.- 711i
deepitgre long -continued drought. 'Ap-
hart been .0.etiere inechurch and omeireelne pus, piete .,specla143;,, wero• utettte
ity work in his native township and newt jolty irie ,frUlt classes. Potatoes were
of his arrest, had cOme'ae.a great shock
large and there was egoed. competitive
to NM and, to the ceennennitY, 1*. -1,09- Auenefey shames .•'The.,2,eleteray.ore- a val.,
, ertseri said. -
iety of vegetables, grouped were partied-
-"When the Matter first came rip I waS
nett, another Character? Witness. "The
people Oet-ther#,fele as though e a great
personal tragedy had, come into their The flower* w0.0 ,surprisingly be:state'.
own lives: Strong Men, friends, shed • fur. Lovely ,basket, beWje and vases of
(continued on page them Were Placed witie-lealini-anele house
Plants around the fountain.14 the centre
WANTED ' t the Mata':leuileTet illsOlttee of
..roots Ahd- 0,# 14.101144 the'. Ponv-
eine- and squash. were as Urge and the
ever were. 7 •
Several Merchants ant manufacturers
'displayed, their '.wares. ,An ittrecteie
booth decorated in green and eellO ele 4
a line display of groceries el
Bitechlee, and was a Credit to)
The-ptede.rlele-Sejt-LeCompany. khowe
salt .in 'every shape and term for Man
OR SALE.—Quebec 'heater, he good
'condition. Price 4740e. Apply' FOR SALE OR TO RENT
OFFICE. ( OR RENT.—Elglet-roomed • house ori
SALEast--,Ste-eTntee-pleee-bat ,
nace• and learclweiScil
• In A-1 condition, used but:a few rleors. Apply tovita. -DONNELLY„
months, at a , vett ereasonable -
LBO J. SANER; • tiort. itiENT:—An _extra well equipped
4; house On Bruce street between
North and Victeria° streets.. Apply M.
NTEDe4Housewteiler leading of-
flees 'etbe. elerkine. in store .exe
Perieneed, Wantedby ntarreed, woman.
• with eleildren. APP1Y 'STAR .0F7101fr.
4,grrougs, i� SALE
CRESS CORN SALVE—just tub in
No need to bathe or bind. DUNLOP'S
larlyt tempting,' that -of MreL.•Car-
ter, Of Seaforth, being e.speeially Wei -thy
ot note and 01 the first pre awarded to
. Pale% 1J SALE
porr-SALE.--1,00' W, Leghorn
•e'LL—esteilete......UaYeehatelle. to
cheap. Apply Z. PRACHEY. Warren Ste
SALE.—Olioke Leghorn Pul1et/4
mediate sale, 'Me each.
HOME ma1:1*1'0N,
. • R. 5, Ooderich.
Phone 1413; Catloite''
7.--Aff]) MrStAt-MOX:ACIINtilt.,
For sat--Good-dielling house very
cheap, sznall down payment accepted. '
lre fat% near Goderiell.
fl bargain. 'Baty terms for payment.
4. W. ArtusititoNa.
.P Bo; 89 OOderleh, Ont.
,..,orottossoxio.to4m,X.Wssi 4r..,0,00grticti
riot* 230 , Wtt,-.1416taiiir
ee'ee • ,
Ex -Waren Otennotditeealtltre*. lifianetteir
' 01044'14ot Wanting'
Teetffeing betetre'$tee. Ednie fternehis.
special ekeinintr; 'Montle)", in eenneetiene
.with the ilalelitOr,' ingleire'e $40 ROM
Oounty.:*teueees,,, Lolise 'Hader; "1932
4040410. awore tht he liad no recollec-
tion "Ot 3. Ite‘Teyler,, bank manager„
lnin in July. 1932, Of irtegn4
larittee- in .the AttoUntS -Of Gordon
:Toting,‘ former: 'treasurer. ". now _under
manager hd. wanted., libn, but, he could
Mr. Rader- 4%7 not deal' that the hank
manager had. warned bine, but h tecOuld
ente.--tememberethe- eirounestaiteeteor-'oce
easieee. , • ,
Last Feiday, in The elan*" tribunal, j"..
el. Taylor, Bank ed Commerce Manager
at.",tereateriele, testified that- he had on
tr -28: 1- $1,4'broilifte,-tertain suspicious
transactionS on e p o
IreaSurertcr-the-attentiotr'of Mr. Rieder,
the warden, Mr. Rader an that accaSiOn
he stated, had said be *Mid take up the
Matter 'with` the county clerk. That was
the last heard of it. The Bank 01 Com-
merce has the account e— Mx.
reeeetwas questioned by lee Gibbieeec'eli
• -e - •
and beast,. • Loge ealtes oe' rock salt,
crystels, and elneleegranulatecle•and but-
teretake made from, coarse salt were
shown, Barrels, bags and boxes of Rice's
Pure Salt, "Nature's .Gift, to Goder,'
are tastefully exhibited.
The Women's institute had their us -
a1 stand where they said aprons, tandy,
home -Made.; baking, and, last but not,
least, . delichnir afternoon teas
0F. C. Kalbfleisel,e, Zir1h and-Cioderie.h,
had an, interesting disPleet of bUildrs'
material,, interior hardwood finish and
eloots-attracting • much attention, ai- did
the fire place.
The. enterprising .,firineof Stedlebarier's,
eGoderiele,---TillseMbures-and--Deihieshad -
display of used cars that looked like. new
and. two very, good-looking ialeemen on
'the job, Both attracted mach attentieri,
Harry Sturdya regular exhibithr eat
the . Part displayed Beatty Washers and
other householdelecerical articles which
Proved ef much. intereet to theeWbineh.
Cafl Wrefr dsp1FNtr Idep, fure-
-nicesk reitomatic coal burning bloveere`
lieutnitt :leexereder -that, cold-weatlier
Is at hen . •
The We ern Canada Flour 1Veills had
Its 'usual-. 'Very 'interesting' display of
Purity -Flour, rolled'eats and salteartittie°
. arrasegeresse.
sesseeeieeeesseeeec --rie;eee '
1%7,, 747--i__Yerita He °hoot Children
s.‘rpbtiTel'isatilif of tlie school children of
ooeerich was shown TWethe AY
their work. Home made biking ,of pie%
'cakes, .biscultie etc., had ,et large entry.
Collections cif ,woods, pictures and seeds'
were interesting. Dolts In knitted silk or
(Contin'ued., on page 5)
Tuee4aewas an eventf,91.'Vey 'fiat elle"
Roman catholic, parishes 01 Gleiiirielt
and ditd.riet,,on the occasion Of ,he hold,
flif of the tiventy-ArSt Eucharistic Cone
lireis: of tti-O3PleceSe-,of tofklion.- -TM*
the Aret time this 'impertant eereroorty
has been_ held here -404-U: was
to, be 'held other than in:a CitY'; T110114'
ig -people lathered or the event,
Part.lottwatini in reverent ':.‘a1.0 solemn
manner in the day's dellberations.. Muth
Lowry, Of St.
Peter's.. and his ongregation, for the
fauetles.s and edinplete rrangernerds
made for the day.
• The, scene ItUct ,service in the. morning,
held on-the-lawns.of 81. Peter's
the churaeets a. background, an ou,
altar stood in front Ofe the church, -bee"
tween. either entranee, „ under • * large
canopy festooned with the' Papal colors
of yelloW folds white, His Lordshile
Bishop Filid and other high, dignitaries
etWrelitticellieWete-e'e Preten
robeL Theerielikeeenbreolderett
me,nts 'of the clergY,7(tht altar .boys and
!little, girls •in white,: carrying ,baskets oZ
tio-were, Presented a colorful4nd" impe.„ '
sive scene as they took Up thenestations
for the -singing of Pontifielel High Mass
by Bishop Kidd, ,who was assisted by
Rev. Fr. meactoto, or •=rtgsbridge, as
.deaeon, and Rev. 1., Hussey, of Sen -
forth, as sub -deacon. The singing. 'was
in charge of Rev. Fr. Brisson, professor
of ehureir music, Lt.. Peter's Seminary,
London, eiveto led .the Clergy choir, ac-
companied by Cecil Borro, organist of St.
Peter's Cathedral, Louden,
"The Blessed Eucharist is the very
:entre of belief," Continued Rev. Father
sermon. ',His body muet be sustained by
water and. food 11 Man‘ refuses theee,
the flesh will fail; just so is it with
eplriteal nourishment." In epeaking •ot
the:necessity for deny ,spiritual commun-
ion, theePeeather -reviewed the trend Of
Christianity. Tri its early. history fre-
quent comro.uneon..„ becw .eineeeaseand-
Peele eerincoratuOMI The '!-'ereaorS and
ries 0!ese church; ratted objettion.
Then it became more generAZ, and Pope
Phis X declared frequent ariddaily coinnunion: should be open -to allethe faith -
of every station 'and _rank in -life, - •
There are many ,pecipleetoder who say
etlegeareeeriotewserthy-to go to Hely Com-
munion. They. seem forget that the
c «ent was instituted for all. "Some
peopleetlahlertherhaVen't time," Slid
Pather -Gibbons: e'lleey have pletite
time fOr frivolity ,and sinful, useless con-
versation. Theydo not leek thee, but
•hiclingiope.„.and.s.the wine' -What ./
of Ood vere reel* done! e••
A ire ter apperecieliorie the sure-
raent of the Etlesied Eucharist and daily
Communion are what Is needed eoclay, he
• Affer mese the procession of the Bles-
• sed Sacrament, headed by the childreh
of -the-convent: was held: The 'Knight
of *Coluriebirs, 'Members toi the Catholic.
Women's League, and/theelergye. tile
latter.enearly • one brnedred in enetenber,
proc a ong e ac
the grounde of JUdge Costello, where
the ceremony of benediction Was per-
formed -by his Lordship, followed -by the
singing Of the children,. .
Fottnieattly rain •teld off throughout
the morning, t onunencing to fall -Pest,
Afterethesprocesslort had icturned_fcala
church. The elergymen were dined. at
the Hotel -Sunset, and- tea—v-atsserved
Them at the home of Judge 'and. ism.
Costello. •,
• Afternoon. 1Devotion.
At sPetial service Of devotion
was held forethe children, there ReV.
leather'. McCarthy,- of 81. Peter's Sandie-
ary, ,Pondert, delivered the. eerdion. The
7'C.hildien Were Seated •exnvs direct!.
OR small -house and ba
• --witer-eine77aritt--offeatle--15Verr-d
Hitielte St., Goderich, formerly owned .by
the late Thomas Precious. PrIce reae
GAM,"120 Lincoln 'Ai,., Port Huron.'
FOR Malt—House and garage on St.
David's -51. Reasonable. • Phone
430 W. ' . .
liott,RENT.t-rurnislied room, Suitable
for one Or tWO, "centrally located,
Mealseif...4.esited.e_Jiremeire. _at STAlie, OP-
'PICE. ,
11.1rOUSE ?OR SALE..--pmall stucco
house on Elgin Ave., all modern
conveniences, 0,1sce stuccoed .garage. `Ap-
ply to MRS: 30IIN MOIR,
SALE.—Two-story frame
ettorrie, conveniences,, good gar-
age. Apply MRS. CHAS, WAlirk,'HEI,
Corner Regent and ,Britaiania-Rd:
Artl,&--Ifert--13ALtortY- acres. more- es.
- less, the _property
-07Nifte1Odttiated- at f,he end ot
South Street on the southern boundary
Or the tOvin: Of good day, idgm„ large
house and, barn, -.11rilfe-,--31kiedf---.WorkShOrit":
hen.hottee:..a4csittn well (115, feet), the
Very best of water; good 'fruit trees.
Weal location,close to achOott and
churches. For further particulars aPPle•
on tbe. prenilsee. or to rEttcx-• or WIL1.,
MR, iniiiit'wr
-.v1l1 sell by tublie-auCtion-Atr-Lee 2, Cone
el -firer -1 E. Colborne91:4 rmulc east
of Smith's Hill), on
THURSDAY,: SEPT. • 28th •
encing-lk-1-44, 0--01clocka
Horses—Filly 4 years old, broken, ,
Cattit--tetirlaam. pow 8 years old, due
to freshen In Nov.; black cow, due to
freshen Jan.; spotted cow, • 5 years old;
due to freshen in April; / •steers, 2 years
old; 3 steers, 1 year old; steer Calf.
Pikee-elle' Pigs, 6 weeks old,
Inepiements:—Hinclers.-16.1ft_cutr. Man
sey-Harris; Mower, 5-11, cut, Frost
Wood; rake, 10-11., ,Frost & Wood; hoe
drill,- I0 -hoe, Frost & Weed: steel -tired.
top buggy; teeter; No. 18 Fleury Walking
plow; Oliver elding--splowe.-tWe-furrow
plow; set iron harrows, 4 steetions; Wagon
and stock rack; wagonbox; gravel box;
set sleighs; steel roller; cutting box;
epring. tooth ceetivator, lVfassey-Hileris ;
set disc harrows: root piper; fanning.
Mill; set of, 240-1h. stales: Pit crate: .7
Iwheelbarrows; cream separator, De Laval
12; cream selsaraterYttenfreW; hay forlc;
tope; Set hlock-alui:taekI0 4-uatitityi,ot
grain bags:- all household effects.
TE'RMS—Cash. •
as proprietor has sold :the lariat'
intsaptiT FISHER, Proprietor,
Croderich U. R. 5
T. oUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers.
4/tptt t
inWrance and Kea' Estate
ID1 1L11 8611111100 0118
'*.tiome FACTs. oticomitallo tut matitigloz IN cAN4.n4
1. Life Insuraticeiltt OatiOt, Is lie alootiatlop, Of Ave million Polies'
holOreeeette-bstir dirt POPrila
telTe. 2114-1rAhte.In011elfeite repriats: the Aetettattlated ettelngs
billiatia of .dollars InVested Under gateminentriftniationa.
We (74findai by Some,t4 the it.ellit*
dal lands " With' iteperei by, eminent,
LONC. nigitriCt 'Aro
Mra. ,,,IVIdtdOch McDonald will sell by
, public auttion at lot ,18, concession *2.
Goderich Township (4/le Wire; south of
ClOderith), on
rtIsSimt, tiotOssit. 5th
One bay, horse, 8 years old; one bay
horse, aged; one. WAY, aged: three „flinch
cows, supposed to be in telt; one heifer,
three years old, niikinge one heifer, ris-
ing two 'years old; three spring ealveS;
flve Oxford „ewes;-.crte OxfOrd rain; one
brood 'sow; e*hteett good " ehtniks: One
farm Wagon; One wagon box and stock -
ori e set'. 'Of ilelgree; ',Mee Cultieletteiree
one set of diso=harrowssoneesettfilere one
*Akin* 'OWL, on hay rack; one Deering
mower; one tanning roill;. one seed drff4
one set of 'double. Writ* "rulmber of
cedar poste;-st quantity of 12-inth weed;
One eedatl* barn 24x40; forks, shay
Whiritetres std,Inirnerons Meier Otte ,
No, mem. ZverYthing seld,
ut8...--0 slime of *10 and under,
esistt; o'rerthat tratnint, eight enotetlfe
Credit. IOU be given on furnishing swot.
Oct lord notes, :4 disemmt of‘4 per cent.,
raight alloyed for *ash on credit
1‘,0 A
legera 1%4, DAIL 8e4
Alderniala e'ki Us Ninon liolotriti
strong criticism of Viceregal jenntS •
aerast the Dominion At this tittle.
when So znany people are Out of
-WoriC4-atut- .on- relief *lolesi,
The criticism onne during disci44-
• eibn by the City Connell of plans
. for Ihe'recentton of Lord and WV'
Sessborough next month.
'Vidor taurIston to letaliaermentatione
at Mut ,Commenemnent Tomorrow ,
A large attendance of citizens is ex-,
oted Lfor -tomorrow__-,krdday.)---at
torWsehoolse ;to b e_heldln Knox .church
auditorium, and at ,which Victor Laure
Won, well-knownauthor and termer
Ooderichite, will be present; Each year
Mr. Lantiston gives the two Silver iik*
ale. to the pupil grow eaChe'ehoet.,:hteving
k.Weif444":40k_heeteeeel.. le—
trie***yeit' -121-e-M0,40,07Ati. g
in memeryhts father, ,thelate Robert
PAO; who, eveaL-a"' farther • 'Principal of
edenteaer'''SCheel;!' the .„414erePt PAM
donated by individuals and .varieugto,4
gattiiatiens will also be presented:"
Goderich' Man Found Not Guilty of
Manslaughter in Kitchener Court
Roy ,Mutuings, Gedoicke truck opera
tor, was eon Tuesday found rteCt guilty on
a charge of Manslaughter ier the Kitch-
ener Pall Assizes, presided over by Mr.
.1JuttceOhaUes'0mi:iv& _Mr_ gunning
-was thedriver of the truck which &thick
and killed WAtialn 1tea4e, ititchener
reeled that the Crown, had not proVed it4
case. '
A statement „tothe local police alleged-
ly obtained frorn Munnings on the scene
shortly after the accident was submitted
by, Crown Prosecutor Nathan' Philips,
!C.C. This wes not admitted, an objec-
tion of the defence and reeling of the
•court, because the court held that not
sufficient warning was yen. MuntiingS
abotit sittyl 'statement he might make
being held against him later.
-Another brief rutelMit t the Tim
deliberatiOnt Iastins less • than an 'ho
Plans forsthe teeming Or the Geve.
*ernOenereil, ant partrwore diecheetect
and referred' to the Speehti cOMmittee,
which itsitta given eoWer to spend "up to
--slotr-of--opinto frairt---bis---eoune10.01w:
$100." ;Mayor I.,. e. asked for an 'eXPrese
tr.' denrarthii-it- 'ePondh344
thesumBrit-meetieeed..-- -TAW-et:-
lour thought $50 was. sUfficleitt. Reeve
craigle seal he was satisfied to tipend
14100, and Councillors Wersell," Brown,
,.0„Pt2gt. alut ' NO"- tie0.-106tlii.,,444. khe;
war about it, „ C,ounchior Ootiliti .sat
' iiell;li'iiitenst ow$6::=-6.11„
a visit, .whle.POPutst-neew Moser and
COttiarilEor Seabrook.' a thought $50 was
plenty: Councillor Humber said the
Own should- spend "very little."
Councillor Brown, when the subject
first came upsasked that the speolaVand
reception cemtnittee, of Which Council-
lor Gould leekhairman, be divert power to
add to its itUtnberee He said he was not
casting any :reflection on any member of
the special tonunittee: He was told that
the centetrittee already had -power to' add
to its numbers and that Mayor Lee was
an ex -officio' member ot the, committee.
Mayor Leeeel"How tnuch meney shall
wecospeunnotrinc.,Buthbe -;e.iy „.listtici.,
Mayor Lee—'I • was epeaking to- Col.
,Sturrlys__ lie eayeenseadllstake 0
dred, Men for a 'ffuard of honor and that
some men will have to be brought from
Windham 9Iintenand. Seaforth. For
tthhe satkne jie.yf pa, rfigetl.
ic',1o117 We should do -
Councillor SeabrOokre"TiltY will Just
be ,here an hour and 4 half.' Is it neces-
sary to spend $100 !Cr so -Phi:Mt lt" timer'''.
Councillor Humber—"It is not necese'
,aary .to bring men here from •outside
If theY °Valet to eennieeletstlieneedensoe
their own expense." The Councillor re -
tharked jocularly, he bas stated. that
ARE BENEFICIARIES the Governor-Oszieral should hasee.sent
• .0.11.4•••••••••••• •
Three_ Goderieh "'Fitriette-Iffeeelvii-
Annuities From tonMstr-
Washlngton-KC.,t.c., Of Hamilton, who died
on June 25t1a last, leaving an estele
which has been valued for probate at
$191,000, directs that three Cloderich
eitieens receive life &termites.' They are
s ter, eanor • Washington; a 'brother;
.Charlet Washington; and a niece, Mrs.
Walter '(Cora) Buchanan. His son, P.
P. L. Washington, and his daughter -1n -
mw, Mrs. Laurenoe Washington, of Ham-
ilton, are the ohlef benefiCiaries. The
ate-Mre'washiligtori vas-former-
Attornelt for Wentworth_ County.
'Occasion of Governer -General's Visit
The date for inspection of Huron Reg-
iMent, nowundergoing fall training, hae,
been changed to October ,19th, to con-
form with the visit tif the Governor-
General to C4od0rloh,_Lkeut.-Col. A. P.
2Sturdy,-.0C.,-announces 7:The-regiment
will muster about 160, all ranks and VAIL
be inspected by Brig.-Cieneral Ross,.
D.O.C., Military District No, 2,. in the
afternoon. In the morning one hundred
of the officers and Men will form a guard
of honor for the rattled weleerne to Lord
and , Lady •Bessborough, arrangements
for ,which are now under Way.
• •
-lyln trorrtof-the altar. Leaning far out. Huron - -temmercial, Academy epoxied
neer:the. sede- eirl'he'__ outdo. Pi, lifcCiie. on moAday with an -enrollment of 'twelve
thy, who isee fornieS/Goderich boy, talk.. and prospects of more, considered. quite
ed in 'a fatherly Way ,to his young oon.1 satisfactory by Rev.. Donald Macleod,
,;_gistot.., theta,much ktridirad,sesiee pebetiplit, _because the Ideaei,v_._euew-
vice, commending them "to the all _I here. He feels confident that his faith
.Inge 'watching care,p1 4esus ." , Two selee.. In the community and the movement will
ineardino, Set*. 18,--4'h Watee
IlighwaY Atioebstion deleeates, ott the
• , .
annuel Meeting! On Monday afternoon
strenuouSly ,opposed. the '$0404104 that
the ..:higinve.Y._ 'Which nbat-extends-tsront-
, .
Sartia along the lake to the tip- of the :
.00tieerepetiirtsufae!-ehould be ehttnile4-itt-
the--00thern end sc, that pert 01 Ingdie
Nvo.a Cand 8 would be taken in, to the
-eXelitsiOn of Ages% 'Cfrarid 'Bend. And
• With .thirty • deletes present! AVM'
Sarnia, Oodereeh. ltintardine., Southetatte
ton.. Owen SoUnd and wiartnn. Meer*
were ejtotedas followS: .p•reeldent, Col.
Woedrow, Sarnia; vieeepresideritS. M.
Hare, Forest : Maier Let, Gocierich; D.
BYers,- Whirton. • -Three-represeneattereS •
Tor-----rtitiniorptdities- Were Teleffeen"e
Z J; Byersr-Moten, and M A,---
lrfenrY, Kineardiner-were- -appointed at
thii;1 meeting; W. D. Ferguson, Sarnia, LW
te rffiltY\ttreasilper of, the asSocintion.
19.3.1iltneetin* Ik•T' he, „held inGode-
. Was_deci
Iteperteeehowed that:tne association,
had enjoyed its best year sincekgo,- with
traffic heavier than in .the' pest four
years. The Blue Water route is now a . •
heavy traftle cne and efforts Will be • •
-Made to have Hurde, and Larnbtonecounty
councils put their couney, reads, which
are a- part of the Blue Water route,
to better condition. Bruce county was
complimented on the tine conditton of
its part of the highway.
Defaulting municipalities, Grand Berd,.
Bayfield, Port Elgin and Southampton,
will not receive highway atlyeetrsing un.
less they contrikelte, the Meeting deted-
A,V1110 itimtruip 1*vo1D34-rtivtrov
slim Of 'Owen Sound and Georgiari Bee
• weise-it-te - hey-soseealre---- -
The opinion expressed by Owen
Bound's repees.entation Was that such
would be welcome news for the Georgian
tistyi towns.
The- Blue Water highway routethe,
first to be advertised, enjoyed much sac-
tess in its earlier years and is now en-
deavoring to stage. a conieback, with
much opposition being_ offered by routes
whIth have -better roads, 'Carntinuanee
of effort, the .president • said, with. the-
todiest being reached before teeleft. his
home,wouldaist Inmakingthe Blue
°Water route more widely known and
.eesegreeseeen eeedvaRcee.eoceeevee -the' :travelled,
perees,44f44),f4k', ion is a new allyer-
' c'ampaign for 1934.
Semeinteeteafterre _ nejdurn e
rarunda-e: at--16C-Alf amount, tip
1100" Was agreed upotiel ' • ,
It *as pointed out that the
.Governor-General bonored
with e visit was in 1896, when
Lady ,Aberdeen were here.
The closing exercises of the Congress
took place at /:30 in the evening when
Rev, Cyril Doyle, of St. martin's, -Lan-
•iptedehed4. St, Peters.. &trete was
eroWded to the doors for, this service.,
many people standing,. in ethe vestibules
throughout.; A eolerrill benedietion was
given by Et. Rev. L. M. Pordstal;
of :A, Peter's Seminary, London,
Altar -4' therAignitaties present. were:
Viette-Generil Rev., A. P* Mahoney, ton -
don; Rt. Rev; D. P. Me/00n; Rt. Rev. C.
A. patent. 4:4 Tilbury; nt. - Rev,
Male,. president of the -Catholic Church
"I'VOnth; att net, J. Stan-
ley, 81, Thomas;
'Rt.,' Rev. r, x, LMitatte,
,deati, Of 'Fiat WinOot: and BLAU& P.
L. ?tench, of RelefieW,
The reittlar monthly .Ingeting of the
omans lidapital Auxillary„will be held
fn the public **ark beard room: 01*
artdo, sot *oh, at Tot, 4 ic uil
attendance is regitlxited,'
A rack 4 "Teets" Print fteesito Jost,
In, smart, new patterns„ good 'stYles with
long sleeves, and the price is ordy $145.
Sisea are froth $4 to 44, The* are el-
ePt0611$111' ood 100k14 *WS for the
money, OftSid rim at ectfAlillit
ConStable Archie Ferguson. 'Ot
'Walleerter4 Vete 140ertOli Way 4114
1004iitittrifwer, 44eties! ot charges of
Ottawa. Students ere present front Rip-
Stew -
art, B.A., a graduate irt sceretarlal scrim
ante, personality and character eleVeloPe
Norial kreclotte, arid ' Charles" ;Kent, ,who
merit also are -given. Evening -claszse
are being orgas.
nized. -
bel_jtvet,ifle.d. The students are not all
from tovirri, one coming from es far AS
ley, Lucknow and other plates. A mem-
ber of the staff is Miss IVIarjorie
commercial. She Is also a graduate of
courfes are in oharge Principal !Asc-
ot Western 'University, who is teaching
the Ontario College of tducation. Other
Leod, who has a Wide experience in
teathing young men and young women.
omit, social seienee, vbeational guide
returitedlo the •ttrute CountY town with
Courses oflectures in elementary mon.
krovinekal 'Constable McCleets• and
bbreteaniltgoidanot erneteinustritig, TheD*Witt ttie
Murton Chapter No, 103Sfa1, Arch,
it440314, pade to 'Ett. tooftel
thumb, on 'tondo eVerilog for div;,ile
Tax Collections Lag
Sevetal times Councillor Humber has
asked for comparative report on tax
collections, this year andlast, but the
rePert has been delayed for one reason
another. -The- Couneillor—Inquire
again on Friday and was told that it
would--be,-ready---ncxt.:--rneeting.---In re-
• (Continued on page 5)
I. D. Eastman Cut 'About Head and Face
—Brussels Lady in Seaforth Hospital
Miss.Winnifred Lo of Brussels is in
the Scott Memorial Hospital suffering
froin a fraqured jaw; a fractured leg and
• other-trimies-as thetett1totah atc
dent on No. 8 Highway about a mile east
of Seaforth late Friday afternoon in
which, five ethers received` minor injur-
les. WM Long was the only one of the
six injured who wasi,required WAN:lye in
!. • -
the hospital overnight. '
A party of bowlers from Ooderich was
on its way to a tournament in Stratford
when the ear in wh!ch they were riding
And driven by Dr. R. If. Hall; dentis,
turned -out to pass another car, ddven
by-WLE. Longlel" frorWtaki:brother of
the injured woman. The two4 ears col-
lided, causing the injuriei to six occu-
PECK.R 1/4 -
A quiet but pretty wedding took place
on Wednesday, September 20th, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthler Baxter,
East street, when their daughter, Martha
Alma Reed, was united in marriage to
ur son_of_Mrs-LPeek_oand
the late Henry Peck, 0L-Bayfielde Rev. P.
eve. crane onielating.....Thesceremernetelea&----
performed before a bank of foliage and
The bride looked lovely in her
• retie of.. selseenee honeymoon crepe arid
carkied e bouquet of Johanna Hill roses
and ferns. The bridesmaid was Miss
Annie Baxter, cousin of the bride, ,weto
wore a dress of Ourdeaux- Crepe. The
groom was supported by Mr. ,Harold
Seotchmer. After a dainty wedding
luncheon the happy couple left for 'a.
motor -trip -to- Detroit -and Cleveland-rthe- -
bride -travelling in a grey dress and coat
with accessories to match. On their re-
turn they will reside on the groom's farm
near 13ayfieldr' '
Three passengers in the Goderich car
and three In the car from Northtime,
required hospital treatment. Mr. Long!
afed hisewlfe were treated for cuts about I
the head and face, although the infant
child of the couple esceped- injury.
Riding with Dr. Hall at the time bf
11,,tecreitee, Were: I. D. nan,an
ger of the Royal Bank, Goderlch; Rob-
ert Johnston, court registr#r, and .Fred
Hunt, Three numbers of this party had
their injuries dressed at' the hospital.
Mr. Eastman tuttained cuts about the
face and head, they fequIring stitches to
The Slippery condition of the pave-
ment owing to- the rteady drizzle of fain
dUritig the afternoten Is given as tile
cause AG( ,the reithape.actording to Cone
stableiThornas, Snell et Beatoethwho
ititieStigatiorf. Vita Of-
ficer 13ack Poxtork...of Mitchell, alto in.,
VeStItated the - eraele,ems-14,04 t.
tbM or. tun turned mit to pass 4 hetee
and bnggy suid:fin dein go ert,hed hod
ma tag vrt. Pined tat both Velieles
vete badly damaged. !
Dr. Wilke of trusses attended the
members of the -tong family. The Act
eident occutred about 5.59 'o'clock iri the
afternoon. ••
A meeting of the Cioderich Board of
Trade *ill he WA in! the town hall* on
IteldaY 'night At *
The autumn meeting of the Deanery
of Huron will be held in St. Paul's
'church, Clinton, on Wednesday, Oct.
4th. The Bishop of the Diocese will be
one of the speakers, at the afternoon See -
The Mei dean, Rev. F. R, -MIL-
-Ls-Moving from -the_ deanery- to Windsor,..
which will, necessitate the nothinatkrn ot.
a new:rut-A gap,
The regular meeting of the Sanford
Ilospltae'Auxiliary will be held at the
home of Mrs. Curren on Thursday, Sept.
28th. Come and help to quilt,
The new fall and winter ,shades have
arrived in Kayser Silk Hose. These have
not been disturbed by the recent price
itecreates. leirst (reality service -weight
or chiffon at $1.00 a pair assure you ot
the utmost value en quality hose. Buy
"Kayter" at SCHAEFER'S. • •
Mr. Oillies Haines and sons takethts
thinking -Melia 4-nd
for the kitainte.a and sympathy extended
,to them. during-,Mrs-ilainee .11IrieSS, And
shlisegtient .the lean u care,
and for Si�ral1trlbutes sent. •
MARLOW—At Godetich, on Monday.'
Septeniber 141h, 1931, Walter Mario*. itt
his 13r4 year „
loOftSES.—At tmoe onSatilfdat.
tietkeitiber 16th. 1921, uoya rorbek-itglit
42 year -a.%
WIODINii—Jde dei-k4h on F4da
September 15th, 1933; liar
in 1.1131-50tIt year.