HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-14, Page 4a"rs
try . it lee at acre. at en lull
#w�aaaaderi`h. e .
rdets tewdart
de f Men art Aar g'$
..ludo I14 l of _ ?
ter' lid taken' down recently'. . £.
Dint* ;the 'threshing' °MOWS at`:the
farm of WilliamJ.' Stothers Friday,uat..;
o .. urn
.. � had themisfortune
Allan 1�
h'a'rd a fork run ink the vett of his
� ° Annual � Baum y dun
• Monday(Libor re Dai) ti n'*'
Stratford,• when descendants of
he. will halts :moi for e.:in car
warm'. MA, 00000 AndersonGordon ti iss the
0 tactor foie the mete work.
Tbawedding' of two eta►• Fear* ago ''O.
atthe tome Of :fir. and ?► a .
ila cett,who 14Sen 'teats** on 't? 12th
coneeiaitin of Aallge„ ; v, 4, I. Our -
t, of the Mlifle14 mut of -lire
. a�hur+cil .,'Oiforined cere-
mony *Weir ,.
_ . in "lted,ert T,ee-
� lett an
1e►►1Ce1. � � ,�
,. � ifaaceft,
was �_
bridesmaid d
of t»,:.
,fidut to
R Y Few People an attack 's)fAUmmer complaint.
t burro
sere bu
1 �
t �!
t1I` .r°
• Lai; 1>e aid y� »� hs
ler ieaoint:11-
ou 'cannot tell *len ltY� ► y low g sit
+ To . a;dti-twro-and wee ' •
roetaraat It will -leave you.
'On the first sign of an attack" of any 'looseneee of the
a f w d �ee of Dr. Fowles Extract of Wild
bo�elar•ta'a?� � _
Strays and. as a how quickly it will Overact.
set to -e lk' -1 . dh rn 00«� mit�edt
€ c• 3 .. *_ '+g8�lti- .'"ate. 7" ',moi.$
' •f ieI Where . many "':
still T de. Tom. original'. f +d
17,E tour lona ,and three datgbters, as fel-
lows: Henry - of Olen % rrisn John
Robe0 and Fames, of,M f1eld ' 1.?
near fir nnon; Mary Ann (Mrs..,.C_,.. -
r�razartiin, �ia'et. Helene, M, w
later became Mrs, Redd of Puslinch, Ind
Urs. Thomas Stewart, of Muskoka. M,
(1tArr Ann) of St. Helens, is the
sole survivor or this tine family. she bar
now ye of e k, All were married
wM Q3' Years ' � ,
with thee, ecce of Robert, Kuno' relict-
ed 1
. Concession c , d..
oa �e
Chinaa' Wedding
very pleasant trate `waw, *pant at
Woodbine Cottage.- the, home of Mr. and
-Mrs. Bert Treleaven, +Cance+ n `7, ' Ash-
field, on. Friday, evening, upon the occa-
c c -sion .of the celebritldn of theirchin
wedding. The octad ,also narked the.
80th birthday of ,Mts. 'Ltobt. Treleaven of
itlid b
Dungannon, the mother ridegrooni,
ea.ago. 'rhes ^rn ri *e really}_ too
' Z,•:celebration -therefore
- held, ' on Friday the 8th. About 'sixty;
guests were present, all immediate rela-
tives and included Mr. and Mrs. :Joseph
taer•,.JM�[�', rotfat ai d,.' a oshno "+ raa-
Rit±r aon i� •, near.
rdai, called ori M..t' .Mrs."
and '
',John Ma Sunday eve ing.
. torn sand f'amil
aaa hand; M. 'Barn Sherwood a ' ooh Earl,
a nt haat iSunda afternoon with Mr.,
and J6txaa.'°°nd>rew" .Gaunt. off'.: St.
tt'., -r'> .• .h*e r- w.-sY,w •-c✓m•.- n , a :.bpgr•;...-
.: r _
and the � :was ' x
�'� ��`: aid Mr>x . Jitob» : EO ... aai>uad M .
+�i ltng.i�oaon, the la.an ta l� be, .j" stns. Kalboilepe Kaine and little
inga w
.pe'ot",d+reo*' ted � Bo and yuan I?enton, of -Guelph spent the Baba-.
streamer*, thecolor ac4Ime � I��Y�ath -their causrns, Mr+ and drs.
Will*. I
:::.,��..., . ,;x . oho
m_ of
iad� t _ set
bre relxa � hly .•fig. • . l .,
As d aG
t hfte : rr
� k.
e S �o.
t ub
Ot1:7rhzt gt Ji� ioar ' i waw i al `ta ariYiiveirca ace+
.. - _ . _ _ . alit . wll
lie_ld " 'hura d ale nth dyce Nark, fii'avices hi Eaackett's :United church ,.on
vice,.president,44 the chair. The. roll ca11.Sunda afternoon, •Beit_, nth,
was. responded to by �'V>,tewe , on Atter
' CultUvati�on. ,. "Current Events" fires Craik,: , at aS etin . will: ncl�
'Harvest.. dreess he eveiiir meetiiar�.
was the subject l iii interesting .address -�
hYHarrison Taylor. and Hugh Hewlett
The M M:�„}
*also delivered an' address.
iss ' Alma Curr•.a"n returned last
regular rpteEti ; oft. the W: M. ;S: , ..
of':Erskine • 'Presbyterian ''Church,, 'wa r week *mit a three Nw'eeks' • visit with
� t -tom- sF a � Svc 311: 'ilo_troi .
+n k�day ..._.. _•, ham ..,.' -
•p in »
taeresting---program-w . nd- a
carried out. Mrs. Mct' hinney gave a•. talk Mr. and Mrs. Henry l orton
sided'. • szi-d alt an %
on the 'Saaripture lesson.'Tho: 'bilge,' Which. Mary visited Mr's: Stephen. Stother31
was taken by Mrs. Ross, ,*its introduced, Dungannon, Sunday afternoon..
nt e ofr".' and
:.Kers , sts
Serb Curran were: ' Mr. ansa Mie,
• ya ?r►n wo- dam:
`'Mr.- and 'Mrs. Kall ' and Patsy', of”
Detroit.. and Mr. and Mrp.. Joe. Dayµo
; .• Heil* Villam1le r
qq in ZaneGrey's '$ ontdQo ,adventurer '
-tans a
Eight - . . ^Csa.
were collected. from ' trees item . -••• by
die t taa�
those � in the tar�+e y#1>l4ri .. �Sr
state the 103 annuar report et the along.
'Kent Botpitcal; 'oreztary Department.
s ^
live stock
rn tCrn..
of ._.v
tot thirt3 »One
ta.t+ez`n Canada:for therest �..
as . against ahus ,
' s8totalled 3045
weeks. 4f l� . ,.
23491, h d illy, tiie t orrespaoOlt$ o,•
a East
f y
,Rackett of ' t uckitow, • ,rnts..:of.. t by Mrs.,; itrgera ld. The work; of Dr - Mar.,
bride, as well Mrs. • Root. rs,
_ .. .... .. ' � - - - . garet ..Ctrang Savage, in the r'eaoe River
e etore i� filled w th.smr- k new fashions'
W men's and Misses Winter ' Coats,
• Aril• id '�_ �. ` . tI -the=! ecel dl
ries, ch as Gloves, se, Bae,etc.-aN
is certaily the time to.bu 'and buyproitoY
linisbed material a
-7-Good.-looking'' furs :in m dura, Alaska
•-sable' wolf, seal; southern fox; etc,
--C'aUarariteed.linrngs for `two seasons.
---.Every line about. them is defiriltely new
and arriart. Prices ranging•, feria►.,
Aro you'looking'for anew frock in, black.
=... at n or ' r art iibl ix d'..errpe ? t fraaa�
--7-4c7ieliii=ial. style winners' in > t lad specia a
selection—ribbed . crepe, striped;.,. satin'. _and.
sheers, novel sleeves, broad shoulders, high
`necklines, trirnmin a of . bow fagottingotting and
f rakish closei4ttingype. Brims sea
_ cotning to the. matron »very : becoming and,
r asoni bly ''priced.
New and fascinating, appearan: rho very
►sr sand yet pre stt'on wearing. Spetial
tumn E*".=xsis w+tWw.S.?s.•+^.�+dk.r+xds4.eisid« +kh�K+:, •,
Fabric. Bags ,to . march cloth, moire lined, :zip.
►Atte, ` ornament fasteners.
Dungannon .T.Tnited phureh was `crowd-
ed to the doors on I3t.nday Afternoon by a
vat congregation Which, 'assembled to
-hear' Stephen • !i _ 'l abiius1, native Gall=
Ham Tilton, , >.
11Mr. and =Mrs. Hiram :Moffat,' of
Sarnia, 'who attended the silver wed-.
ding anniversary o f.:. `Mr land' Mi s: `
lean shepherd, on tie subject. fqviy, ' John ,Blake .on Saturday, at Wing -
Shepherd Life in Galilee.►, Cdr: ,Raboush, barn, spent the week -end with the
who wag. born and tea*,on: the western latter's parents, " Mr. and- Mrs. -1146h,
ashore* of theaea of (rarLli ee,"".' _l sen ard Johcnst rda . • aaan at _herr
miles from. the ancient city et Nazareth, ' )Un Satu d A y afternoon
appeaared,.y:ia ' reactive Galilean costume, home in.'Viiingham Mr. and Mis. John; .
and looked: me:0 Alnairit in Welting rook Biake celebrated,; their • silver :anni-
flowingouter.: rment '• of purple and-versaaary.' Fiftyy-ti'v"e. guests were Viva..
creamatriped;:'znaterial,. 4eaigned much ent to ce'lebrkte 'the. happy occasion,
''similar to the, modern kimona. His miner sinuous ;whom were;; Mrs. Wm.* Blake;
ume w cre c to and was:iselt. 'ate ~' ra._ rnes Blake And farm.:.
anzt-� - ax b.
ifewQrea te :ice
e`3. witha w :da ,i►'uxP a illacdle..
,stop and ands `Elmer ' Johnston..
small whi'teh>glti� 1?X4 bandeau; and, , . , :_ . _� _ e
iron .this • was aped; on >,either, side. of from„Mafeking. W;e :extend con-
his face a whit* "clotty'veil. • Which , ended • grratulations.
In aCpointedco1'l*r. i , tiding 'most to
'the. - waist-line.5*.hea' string, Of' silver *Poeta* have' #gun' to think” they_ are
'owed -beads was srspeinded around 'Ilk no longer wanted." • Poet Laureate
neck,. -and was.t arrx atgd . naear. the wait John Masefield. '
try* a pendant, ;"The `Shepherd bay, of
}leer, as -he° -tai- fed, 1a~the' oniyitativ .
Galilean speaker the world and his
command Of the
e , 'English, t r
knowledge.pt a ch he acquired iia North
,,ar'merlcan r un erktties and` abroad, in
mar yello '. tt:f'. -7011:'_:s$ , aultlesa,:.; • . lits` . .
twelve years, experience -as .4.-- shepherd r
it "na"tiveamid; . has gizen hien_ en "° '
ccurate--and ntimate know_ •,: • ;
dittona there, and. hm presentation: of the
23rd. ;Psalm, which he" -used as the lusts
. of hia address, was leery lucid. and those
' heartng4im ni 8urrciay, could got fair to,
quire: a very ;much betterunderstand-
ins'; of this. 'hes, tIfui Shepherd's Pa atm.
All present 'aA'e.a it cipatin ,x' iiearl tg as d
.i,Ateing his famous muskal. travelogue
whiich- he is to present in the Church on.'
Wednesday eve ling, whin: Madam Ha-
•bou& Will -be • pets3nt t.o •furnish pleasing
and -approli te'-- sit ale, #Oriental. In -its-
-nature. ,
Untended' for 'last week '.
Mr. and li4rs, Roy Rutledge and fat-
ily spent Sunday with friends "'at Sia"
s tet tla Drawly has returned home
after a -..two moltiths..vlsit with friends in
the West. 'M' . .
'Born:—.0n rilday, Sept.. 8th, °to Mr,
and -'}} Mrs,.., George ` Rivett, Dungannon, a
.rn•#�msy.- let Th--
ursday,. Sept. 7th.- fp: Pyr::
and Mrs. Gordon Ar Berson, Con. 5, West
`Wawaanosh, a atilt • - • •
:Mrs � Bradford,of Goderich,
spent a few days est Week with 'her bro
_'her and ` sister,=m,-lave, !qr. `nand s.
.Bert • 11 d.ford. ,
, Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. McEaeliern and two
Children,- of ?Caldor#, spent the week-esd•
the 'guests of they lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. ft., It. Me enalt.
Mr. 'and Mrs.. I. Riehardsaf and two
t;hiidrena, June` and Hugh, spent the
week -end= to frlends at. Guelph: - and.:.
Fergus. Miss Catheriaie Dalt of Guelph,
who had °'b 'visiting Mr. and Mrs
Richarads, roti 'to' her he' with
them:. • ... oiin;„ �.. .
Am Iv�ry� service s . will be• conducted
- in. Ottnganiton United church on tun -
day,. September l'lth, at 11:00 a.m.-,At d,
at 7:00 p-xit. ','R+ev. • C. A. Maaaia+✓t11nn, of
Ngmatadville, Will be the risihisterr' tor the
do. Sneetal niusto wild be, rendered by
•• the choir at bothrervkes.
'"',.BL Ii
lunging to tete bottom or • a 40 toot
well amid the debris of a shattered pump.
rllattorm, Dorothy McGee,, forte-year`old
daughtikt" of Mr. and Mrs. John Mcflee,
walax .reseucd- when 'se°reeraat bust ess Men
answered 'the .emergener telephone tail.
chid waw pulled from the well lith'
pe nnd. s3 we L only' a few ratches:
ri her. turiti1 The c'h' i E. was *WOW
bout ne'ahe x house wry t
i'baraa tk n loowned ar fibs pump platform.. !`
pla►trd end, 1 toe Kaye a>
aaaf ' the little rift 'the ;rOttobint at
al... A pa tntlY tho childs`trt
oar «, the lento nor .he piping , sly
et n W did *flit btu into tib .our feet
alF• woata
in the well. lbe,t400pherte earl
t to Mme; Et, COMO*, da,* opera_ s
the tiltaa bo rr rJl,,. 'aPnt a+a the,
raasln NAM in their taxa 'to
1r .
V. goo* wit* down
yWd'tom'a `r.oe 44t the )tie
litts* the Water ytCy'
t i+i '1;' drawm to 'tl'►e aauar .
o. •. t... the Go erichFallFar
..*Sept. l9 #i and 20th.
n l%efi n :or bTtfc l3ih' 1 e8
sixes 34 to Ab. •„
Fall Fair' specials
T GoA' S
Ali -Around , belt. and • 'Nor,olk
Fain week,.:.rspeeial....$4,95
Dnring'air vire•`
only.. .:.
well made., During
Fair weelt.,only..le
_ OV R.A LS'
Fair week special.. $11:a1e7
cairn 3RAy WQRK SR,IRT.S
y ,• «
During Fair wae'k .e
G r1;.
� er.... ..... .'
Double seats; and leather . facts,
ingssizes 26 to • g.
Fair ° elsr� t, .
please do youh i, `early --as th+e-: store will-beclosed �-Taurs -
da ,. and _ ` ida Sept. t. list._ and _22nd, on account Of _ Jewish. holidays.
Aent f r �g o p
PIaonc 384
' � 'Y•5.n11.-e.1. w.. Y.lM1 v"•{A�,AI�(:fi'y,l
of , °' resa Aural ly' priced Winker ictIt4rd.
ready One at a vet? low .price.
only the chole deet is 'bouglit b -v
expertaa. This beef is then luting In true great ,'
*Ott itnotll. refrigearatlnag• plaiit, ,t'he' tnsr
iritidern oZ its kind in Canadla.: dere tris beef
'stays untli temptingly tender.. , ErotiiC-the- P
refrlgeiratting. plant tire' beef els delhered 'R1ESIlG••'+
bulla_ tot 1'� & P.st res,. • . no wonder,it taa _tea •so
.. _ ' good; -. Guaranteed' satisfaetlon—Qr your money,
'cheerfdliy >lrefunded., rutthermore, A & <1? prices'
are' s45aa►ttirtattrths 'ate alta beer lteelt. $hop,WItER1
These prieeas good-Titttrsday, lrrldtty
Sept, 14, IS, iii.
SMPa r8n• ..1%,0101
Bactmokeelbi' sifeaIb125C
Beef ologna;. [ � 1Qc
Made 7esh - tp*= i
AltIMEit, Green C,twabei
jmo' strimberry o Rasrb'trry 32,.( 42, . Tic
L11 eV °
RK & BEANS 6 AA -0A ' eine 250'
QUAKER OATS t' Quakk ..tit Rctutar llatiti Pitt 186.
FANCY JAPAN RICE Bulk 2110. l'lb
SEEDLESSRAISIN ' Bulk lb, `1 +c
SALT a Running or Iodized Pkg.oxyob
L ,,.. Large 'P
IC .. CORN I~UKES 2140
ottlitfitOt stere•>" 1
ON ' ray ` ..�