HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-14, Page 2• tt, 4*1 arror!,4 • IflJRIAZ S PT. 1,40,..1.033, 'NEW LEASE OP 1.11M 11, 3r j*t o President ,WMjiin tit asociates ;on the heard of pichistrial tor" this Tear% tnit *tune imPorteZt, etisn. . • ges mzde. Abuses. have been eoFroote4 . bed Onto 40 that the $1500 prze ey ylnett iz. offered might go • much to to tbe mait. tit4rving and nottoo *fudge Coeteito is an early lint: -.life "Piotendonal.*ealdligtorag" 'Me Imes to-oget-going.t. In the inetang, `Last . , year the board has 4iiiiir-en Ott some Of ha reds). he °Pepe(' . &visit* ,COurt at 9,00 :tirolditY and ho elyaged what laniatalP a.m. and business was held up, 'because -- - !,- to be -eseeller t re-917-atiftif-a--fiteyer,-*'"Alpt to-ge.ton-- '''' ''''''''''' ''''";'• ' ' 61it'lit'ol1Uf Openlni hight: ire- ntvith , e docket. Well, 9.30 is rather early 'while the Perfermanak trent of for isosiers. the grandstand on the ''`hig day" has bee relived. Generally,' iriiitirs appear to hav '0, mrked, up a •bit with our Pall Pair rtt* as• .0,11 4 .0 7ive 1a4 to b* bullt * and demand pow . •fer,lisere arterial roods presenttbe toe* It watt) all EINliORIAI. NOTES, ext week Is ?'*IrWeek! Ine Atid enC1,01,44 skir. Volt*Wa good paper." writes a subscriber or The Star, balarenge Patterson of Sibbald, Alta. Th*Vs the sort of Mail we like to get. - • * ,* ° anclukit," , DO•not bvenin the eir r, 4 tell i;a1 not fslit sulrOur statenient is *outs*. with his.° oey, 1* eon -Do nof 4ge traveled incoaz' rook 131 colloquial abbreviation. Say, tr*; Veled ineognito;" and teMernber to ac. vent ft* aVrkonsetond yflab1 net the, thir ,,. • 'war& Often •1110spreapstueel Ineompaxable. Ment 'second syllable, 0001.1PrOnounce tiuth,4r• az in Corsi. Pronounce the o as in of, not a*'rellaviare'n-t. :Acceti' *11--nari on first sYllahl‘ verb on last Syllable. Pronotmee .90 as 'In too,' a as Id axe. a unstressed,, accent first - PIannt. Webster prefer* flant, a gain ah. Wer:Oftenipdk 'ttlipitragre- Observe: closely the 'con 43onan1s.,•-lrresistIb1Observe-the two the *le zoologY; three a's« Adoles- cence. -Ob'-tfrfeTthe7reene-e.-Batiailon,; two Vs, only one I. Ninety And ,ninetieth; nineteen and nineteenth. _ - ./veneadriPali " titriff lire P43 .SaFt, thrOlith ttiffiel.Pt ,44,41-ita,04 JoUt- 410'. thin* in, a • blit Olt 'var. The HectetY•is. fttilY'deserting of supper* These, ,tt exhibi1. should do so and • tterytody. i*.nrrett to .attend and help Along thie 'Year's obtett. THE. CANADA YEAR BOOK Tlie Canada Year Book for 1533 hits been hinted. It is. an .entleloriedia o'f, . formation- in regard to the. OomjniOn„,„It Is -Abe-official -statistical -annual •or,the country'and' contains a thoroughly up -to - • date sweat of the natural resources of the temOnion and their deveicipMent, the history at the country, its ingtitutions, its 4:4106r4Plit the different' bratiehei or Production. trade, tmnsPortaition;linanee, • Streatforr, 'gee.-- in br;er., a compeoteu;tive atudy ailtIA1 the limits of a siugle *Annie -of the sd1al and ionomio tenditiort91 • thOretighlY-revisid-•thrOughout. and .1n. eludes In ell itsclapters the latest infor. Mitten available Up to date Of going t� _ 4 ' • The County Counell should not lime sight of the, fact that- any 'money Spent ot .(.301114p s I • . I s sfito who has in;:ighicarflinet gbts )01140,y, Purina, Junior Inatitute, who has Vent sinti- lid,„14$ *tuned to 1144 Wawan • retttrned to his 'hen* vlsMfng his daughters, Mr's- Hew cxrteei of Toronto and MIu Kathleen Reed, of Vora. While In Toron- to he attended the er mon r, • Mrs. . B. J. crawford. avb,O, las ,-a•Pent lone 'weeks at her strtArner _cottage it Pori Albert-, returned* the week -end. to • Dungannon hem. She wits **Ira. Panted, by Miss Hebei:* ThomP$011. her frientt and oemPaden. Guests' 13undny with Mrs. Robert Itasty were: Mr. ,iO4 Whinney And son Bert; Mr, and Mrs: Boy Mule And daughter, Miss Ili • Maize; WI, William' HWY and landist.., Mr. and ar=ivallaor-Tieztraley-of--Luekno and ars:. Willhun--Adtore-- Mrs. ...1tme/LWAY"..._ilktrle#* Mrs. Adam Johnston, their daughter Miss -Myrtle and their son Gordon, and. Mr. and Mrs. 'James, Dreerieri, ' of -cotirrie.s Corners; Mr. and gra. Wm. McKnight • f t and Roy roe • and amilY, Mogan 4 i with• -the ntirel'itypioval o tile -taxpayers. Any move -tt; hush things up wiU uite: rightly be looked upon 'with sus'pleion. • . • Premier R. B. Bennett holds to the 1 utittrcjinAni-..lpint,tetireikalt relatiVe. . . Reinantic, fanciful, viskinary, *earn*, sentlinentai. " • Thought (noun), reflectiontmetlititiari. contemp. lation reverie _ Change. altar,, conVert, moddr, trans- form, transinute opinion., that Panitdiart farmers are noti MysterldMS, mystie, mysttral, Inserut. "nit fuU stdontati 01 ivpoettudties able,- *berme; . • ottereti:4•the 'trawl nunIcit. He sbould mRestitirtionretoinpente.• retterat,,,,reparation, .payent, remUne.ration -in- knoW, for he 'has been over. there 'to demnity, amends. _ find out, Soluis Hon, T. L. Irermedy, On. . Werd study , 440 Minister of Agriculture, and le Said - the same thing. • • * , Several -Ontario weekly newspapers; eluding the Shicoe Reformer, have bad 00,4A5IJOrt tO tray 'editorially that American tourists have .• no 'carte for Complaint 'Of .theirtreattnent at hands of Canadian. traffic officers. and court's. A fact that has been Overloeked is that the latest tToutge *our*, *4 point where the 3,tagiiitrate Is -Pidd on thri*iee afrettin. And' • the 'ease more trOtible ••••••••.0 nisy t* from the same loetilitY. "-" 'A further ativanee hi the price of ernde oil In the United States makes Increased XtObert in. old Huron County 'boy, ruo is DontiniOn.StatiSttelan, 14 re- '•apensibie !or the volumeIe haagradually ;developed and improved this "Annual book unt11 tod* 1t4t-*-4node1--1or-en try„ ,•ears , the tettdOri ge. Coate a has, since his rappoiritmentbuilt up 'perhepsas`f4te'a Statistioal dePla$4;n: re to', be found trilhe- World. Ile 11 4 1 1 4* 4 I *1 **. I I a A e an a, ii.the news Whith has tome io Us In re- cent days, However, there 'will still be .1t 'vast difference In the', retail price -Of gaso- line in :United gtates and in •Cattida; Something t has always been a jeetfer, 10i:dement among our motorbts Experience has been that, the :higher the price of a coiunaditY the les* there le 3e4.ske poitage,stainne, for inatanee. , • werit'br•the-,,c a Is tortnnite A 'Public -offielal or bit -ability an If' • r. ft-duitES o risible' critics or .11t* Ontario iniet ilbetrat 'OrOgresoltica, ct Whit have-yoir, have .lieen .going About Vie PrOvince stimrnei.jaying Anything :and everything 'Which 4i1Otie to thOr• minds, regAittiete ot truth. .01-1. $0.teme0t. md Ibe BasIttld 1or01- sive Pkttle'' and at :01her Places, -was -that :146`tentit font the otoline tlx And urceio hive not been going '110. PROVIntial, highWayS., The PeOPle .haY� "seake44 it was siated. 1 A .01)0s!te:7ktrUe; actording 10 :Supplied. by Hon. Ltioi)old•-VJA'C' 1*tbat*t'or1at-litsttiwirk 'Who **tea general tpokrreiVatOrdc*T:a mll:l:n darts -4o it*Ville excess reveniie coliected 1 -nn .'rtiotoris Tbc ett, toinments the Hanover test, ,not eniy ,rerce . to show' the. vortiot pot by inetorlitlytoglird geed WHAT OTHER EDetfORS SAY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.7.01Zith.r.M.-4114 A -G41, •••. =know. Silver ' Wedding, AniienrsarY.,', • o • s. An eVeit. Ofinterest to _Many in this. vicinity._ was celebrated in Whighani titurdaY'. Sel/teMbet Val.en 1•11', and Lr$." John P Blake, former high* es-. teemed residents of the Township .*1 ,,AShfield. entertained abeut eixty-live 01 their Immediate relatives on the (Woo, sion ,Of their 15th 'wedding AnniverearY., The Marriage of twenty4fiVe years ago was held at go hitme Of the bride'Aliar- . exits, Mr. and Mia. Robert ilastic,of eon - "Use A -.word three units arid it '•• I cession 60.&sbf1eld*neal• Crewe; Rev. W.. • ur • In. town haitinit iniettes. Oddfeflow*. are Utettasing Murtha . IF ° fluxing vvinter there 'be bowling on. the earpet tn. tile iodge SOOMe. *' * itv, D. of teat,*hai-received Word that his missing son lifilt4111 luta been „la.' na*10, worOntit AO a „..PrInting, Office in Kansa* City, WhY ar be, he went out there, -1z not. yet knoin; ••• • • * . Outlaw, Chase 4 Weston's klinatrels will heat. the OPert Bouse On•Pair night, -40 stars, funny end men; 10 dancers, double quartette 44-14_1X-Iin.,11,AUPerl3 or- ebestra. Price," 25,, 05 and 50 cents.. youri." pet us increase our vocabulr7 taf-A4 smith (since deceased) who. was. pat& Masterjnuong_word. iamb. doy, _tor of the Dun:game% and Crewe Meth- this- Ies,son: - • Odist:firoblittOwl`JrilW)",;'heing the of- megt4nt oritttlaar: obldisPeitlbjeet."..Ifiiobwit ilvtehi.••-tha. • el-''`vietgY1111Y- tee „twat* queli!jun for. 124.m...it spin.. Hasty -.and Mr. John?. Blake. WO or et' 'the,guesta.whci Attended the Original cete-, t. , . Portentous: of the nature Cif an ozneti, •menY *wet.° PMent 'or the eelehr,""n 01 espeeially foreshadowing I be"' t'llethe'llilvd7wwirtlinth telg9onw'nSiant?-ripfanky4 zshe7hwenas lieve„ . they. are P§rtenteus Shakespeare. ' • married; The many, hetintgul gifts -of ill. Wanible; entirely exempt; trout itabji,„:_ver testified ..to the ate= In WW1, Mr, ity inistaki, ii.ad produced infallible , and Mrs' Blake are field by their 'filo:ids, el14011oe," • -Who were. p,resetilt from Ashtteld; Dun- a dexterous , gettoannnot Lott on=iii,L,.o.tottekurievIr;,Ciinizidtoiteloin,Wr,Z- o fnadorerxer-irmuegeterids,.. elitke, 'nide_ of Congiatulittions and .good wishes were quaor .0134e, anlingera env lowdemoxiatrt_r*oduring the day -front plaids from ted by its-failMe." , a distance whocould not be present _ Verdant: covered witgrowing piluat4 for the lutn0 CelCbratiOrt, forth the verdant gr*ss "-'Milton e e . put .....,...„...*•••••••••••■••••*r***...o.••••••••• • !•,...**,,.....***4.6•00••••••••••16 1 , .WOMEN dome yeti, of Kitchener, driver. of the ear in whith the late Lloyd Scherer, aged' . Take Lydia E. Pinathoneo., • 'Bend on the night of September 2nd, ap.- firm yea *vie fett, Oat belt -10.Nit*. Peered before Magistrate Reid on mon,..- wads to aostayditog Oat psi Oa 00 morning and Was remanded for one nat breii.tbo, stristilt 5. doi Sir mak?. Week. Mall in the -anm of $2,000 WO.4, _._.1144111441:Wber *mak end rosisdoins „provided by the' amused and his father:- 4 511.11.111 CI" al lagg4 eligh Lig"ii Piskaaaals Viastablo Cepetuute, Vitilikull:SjitItt;"61"IteltlIstillbure4r*ung 'aloft out baciacIstilehrie ars tbi rieW Mete is etia*ed with reckless nriving and a .sinfaiasktitum, ort. wlth falling to return to the scene of an • -004 potabialarsiloassaadiciao. , ietident. Scherer WAS a passenger auk of *very IN* -oak* wbo iroaact. rumble test. of Metes ear, whiell *fiver.. At ear pat I** aso brikkitodl this 11 •Seherer on the :head. , 7gist today and 2 •*WHIEN WE ArriltEtAillt HEAL111 (A.Ivinttolt Prete Pte:sq, Abiiity to tint 100 yards In to or 12 5eC0ndit.1 Way:to swim, stibetanif Play t itames; 0114' to hos, alit,tie And Whistle 1414-4110111g 44tront 'Pbsattipe is worth More to it Mtn...than-a posit194 wheel Chair With minion% But YOU alit never aPPreeliite this fad Until you , get into ,* wheel thalr-and maybe without the inillions At that . , VER.troorerAmr zubirtspa (Hemift.to Keriod) • The (onteat fer.puliikt'ipiiihig held a Plaiiirottletil Pageant recently deserVes iphili-Atteritkin Auttioritie Vhite-Lainahing that slaistathe young:Amin more than to be able Ldress himself to those he meett.:00b. IiC speaking Is of great *dvantsge in, ‘thit speck giortg a yoUng MO( e.i.ce and otifidenee Without, the aWkWarditeis or the rudeness whlcii lack of polish scat., times engenders.-• , • - otd*. but *i*o, dentio*tretely Mt. Bor. diture has riOtreMeti4O04 the totit twenty $tairs.''Av Mt, Mst. auto' pointed out,te.a peole iteatok th$4 Ontarlo 414 to. ,,eVe3 7011We Orpartrata in 14 and :,ttiat Owe WM cir wed Ittd *the open 4 t's Oen au oed tk itatt t,41,0,11fli the CHiN -4,„ ••••••••14 , sin Vann, fottr.q.e*r.old Voter 1)07, Was „ kW' down by amotor to on tbev ratan *beet there tatty Sittardo night as he rerf Iit*w the tterOughlets,' to get in cro At Ids house. Vhile lila Coat. ton Is serious, he wIll'recoVer, actor tG the*ttending PhYslealtr, IX 40. -driver. ot the .mk,r Which.tdt ibe boi Waa * ZondevOin mot 'returning to *•trititit, the World* Wes not *Id :trY , tartailit has Oeigt Irka0 te the 01010.44 ot, the • * • xtecereditor-,of-the-Mitebtot Itew 4.0tder, a Son or, tilsabeth *boite. next a kin was Advertised for, bits been informed, that a tolitune Of .10,000 po willbe diviatt Among the family • •,7 • ,*, * • * Mityor Vis -7 yesterday received 1214,,,s - sage stating that. A.. surveying party of engineers would reach G9derich,tonight to cornmextee the work of surveying the tirapased C. P. R. line from. Guelph to. 'Ge'l"..tek -That' : * Atthe pnoz.o The Mikado.' •tweive lfttle ladies and 'gent1et9e9. win trite the 'nVtiuetter dsnce. They ,are Mast- er **Illie phelan, Roy;-BitarMan, , Jack SWarte. Goldie i3ralth, Basil KeIty, Bar- ad, Edwards, 011ie Smith,r.34Tyrtle:,Cottgreei and Beeniee Davis. • Farr 100.54. Maze, Cella ;3,, Vah. a running mate, • try to beat - the track record at Agricultural Pork at the North Western Exhibition. next Week. irtils pretty 1124re ,shojed, her heels, to a :field of six at Petrolla on Tuesday, -winning in three ,straight heats, the ineit two in 2.23%, so thcint-i-,:th)iotost,,edinagt,t0241.O., 15,--411 ;‘` * * 44 letteLts-te, week ottainingl* e-'8$4475ontat made m 7iiwhertLion .suofsup- posed posed to have been posted at the station.i The Inatter has been -thoroughly Investi- gated by the post Office department, and. it his come out that the young man did' ,not handthe letter to the in#11: clerk as he thouglit:bUt to an outsider, the result being that tile letter •never reached the mail car. More will likely be heard of it, " " ••••••••••••••••• CENT A 1V1110' 'PALL EXCURSIONS ToWEST1ERN CANADA ak:ici the PACIFICCOAST Prom 'All Points In the 'East Going Dates -September 20-30 Inclusive RETURN 111V111:--30:6Alt1ottor1irtaDato o1 Se Chiltireii*five years of ,ago.ncantler twelve, beg aIu1t late. Childrerittnder -five years -of age, het. . • t • ,ilaggage (lecke& S!o°p-Ovora Pertniltett Berths in TOURIST 'SLEEPINd 'CARS obtainable On payment fare -and - Tieketa geoAgoing 11,11CtlettltrlitIg. ClititaCtiall. Rail lioutes--onli and via tame route in both clirectiona. •". Set nett/rat agent or SPECIFIC #ARES—BERiN RE8ERVA110t4S TICKEX$ ADIAN NATIONAL mauler CUNT JUN V Oth 12.4 e front ich to' .„ TORONTO. 4.44 WINDSOR. . DETROIT . HAMILTON4.4 ST. CATIIARINES 'NIAGARA PALLS. . titIPPALO-04 4.44.444 • 4 • • * • 4 • 1111116.416".• oss**••••• • 4.404 ERIC ft , 00 lb. Sink Return • 180, • 3.80 • a 4;0$ 110 90'0 341 0 4rmauon $41/0 6.,$5 6.85 6.6$ 8.45 !MSS C, Marine trews --The' King Edward_ *as In port 15b•Mondity:extenhitt, hound north' .e Wexford brought .9000 bush - II I ; I 46,0 ,I011WW * *11 *gen to organ, Lt ifl 4#4. go, 0 0 ebiat hat. * in:014r .0 n ° " The Pg1Pegle of the cardboard, top: ort, *ilk_ 1)140esk #' to **art the milk dur- ing *44007 *Ad Aot, intended ,as Pernianent cover. When. the bottle," Is 0000, it well to diacsid the card.- ' cap And Inc one of the =WY 000.1- 0.t bottle eaters which are on the Asir.: keti Mei ante *•hnninuni are to • he lice - ferried, impel* they ,ste,es4,17 Washed. Sale* Of terouserA during the year end. eft Jtme 30 totaued 205,432 tffrnS as againat 21/2,048 tons during the preceding twelve 01014thS. Of the 193113 total 85,450 toms were exported. and 170,983 torut were 4014 wg:.sinads, ' LIY Caloala 'wit* "fooling punk" iimPl4r bccsaws.rwor totet POuriall st* dailY two PcluNilrof Wad& bilolotoyour bows*. pisog.i, stoctstiotliestioo; orir'bt,i0obrod.r.ssA*00 yo it weals Olivet silamisa dist vatoitartkertlutu_salts. oil, ktAtt,ProttpOidr,pr.stlernitglIWIor rou*hat which bay !novelle* bowelc-soortog fiso rooli , 'soft of troubleogl:st Tao Carter', t 'Ayer Mo. Purely - table. NO harsh (rowctui)..--.840..,,i3.1w*,... Ask for tom by mime. 2,oftico outolitu - PC, it Ali drutosfat akIflg OutB I vidence: of Impure Blood BURDOCK LOOD BITTERS - ic-440illlanaone-ottlanagqi oftbebumaaracef0riUSta$BOOfl*a. you tlrinit* you are lid doneinOtheir • (toPe up to take #1.3R.k.c.i.N.Actniinglip• to prolong .yo`ur aptly. ' There is onewayto eradicate theefr , 4*. ,*4X...4.* .1 • from "tlie iby the blood a thoromgli eleans-: int. • iSfaCtillareit, %ere is no:better blood -e-leanset; Italmula! . ternoves tbe foul maitex froth: the 004 54' Vials t/S: than Buriock, tloOd pittero.It ' Toronto, Ont. ••••••••*. r blood, and when this 'Is done the - bens soon disappear. , • rovisiops a •d Save Nfonei SPECIALS FOR. Thursday, Fridn* antk•Setturday Schooner !foliage -Is here front Dresden. and will sail for ,Phie- Tree TratilOr. '10 load posts `. . The Big „14.111is running night and da*' to cateb up With order*. . The G. T,„ R. started Cleaning' up betwee WesdatoednacctimulTa' tebiltlat for fewlle inctlirtre'13YsatrilVIfel40 would have been blocked. • * -* * * • - The Collegiate -held its first "UV' on PritNy., With each, 'number there was music, the pianiste being the Misses Grace Dyke, Donna PArito, Vera Whitely, netts. Lewitt, XelUe Iftriles0i1; tease Tye,' Mr. Reggie Havison-andI,thst $ 47-.41 I 1' 4‘1* 1.0* um. territ•itro:. Presidelit, U Dtirnin; 1St vice, Miss J Woods; '2ncl_ vice, M13s A, Totter •; iditress 'college Journal, Miss Annie Swan; treaturer, S. Murray; secret tary, G. Viightman; eecretary of com., Miss 1*utherfor(4 co' inaelllors. Miss If.sith.' leen Switri„:/iiss, t)liVe, turner, Mr,, Bert_ Wellwood; pianist, Miss VirititelY; editor i;•f 3/Iode1 School. , Jotirnal,-Me. Austin vrotter. tit 1 t onamm*.i.••••••••• • • ancy Pink -45:01000: 2. .4.11 fiat 1 Baechler's Pur pat,i)tha • • LO bars for 43c arl a atrtiek, A.,fellow, who was' pro posing te her, on the head 'with itylithr.,' Inez, Mt's oznie, *Inv -hieing way of deal- ing with a man who *Mit take .`%0!, for- go, arisWer.. 44 * * . , Welled Smith., an 1r11i farmer, won the annual exnerkraut tbaropiontbb this sanerkraut festleAl ut Henderson. Minn„,• reent1y etonstinted eight and tliteelustrter nUnt m 15 zultirtes. Stotelt jolte.....t anal Was *MOW Sth theeoutitietor on e trafn whether he elvauld Ps$ a five •Ir :a tin cent late. 'The conductor became Angry $irl. Picking' hil SOO* aultesse.thretv It :out the Window into a WOO,* 'creek. - - "Reek. mon,” say Saudi. *IVA bad On- tett% to overcharge roe without trying to :drown Olt 007," •' * * * * . is. i -Ontario city. Ns -decided -to t*e 0iuttiOn to -t011ect takes- fr . the ,w1ng alt0O-or inote.,..,Vatteas -war- ' e be *tied and the *no fel- loos *re to be left ittnitofelltedrteas, or tut, nittire ti' butted. Intereidinit-4t1i, iliffererttfor In nied *Ca theit lite* the big HI* tilli•nie and .0/Matting1y 'dog i ' the' totttepti,of the little*fellett. •iFo 1, •••••••,...*• ISMS °net offee-- lb -fin -43e- • e • • • • • AA*" II' • .;14cakesMrl9c Pm' Sod Bulk - aBiscuits. °rat's' corn Stirch,'3 kgs 1 s. for • 11 • • • • * unniside Toilet issue 7frrlis One Pork & a 'um' tins 23:c , • : trptort• s a picg. fret cocoa, 4-11).- ;.••••••104 • • O, • 0 • • # • ' • New Nugget ‘`Poliflor WAX' 1 lb. in. and one tin Nugget -Shoe Polisk a 4.1***, a III 4 4Largo 2ic or 0. • V* • • • .4St 14, to •