HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-09-07, Page 84 It • It). alining" 1ii Willie% Logi .0* fi 0140 i wflei heated 4;1,404 14041-1;:.f thway ind expefltinbe* to , $ as tt• atid. ready r the fia,i ?term ,fatAlte,r,tolteiAtc' . , lel J. W. Moore bas t °tr.vc.s well ac , I r ; ht4 n$4 MIe*fl,opeuin era, lug state;. Citleint .0404-L. have ccminnd thproleCt...eXiggP.1 ing the opininitthat it tilta-** long :felti *0 n *derith. va-Ax,sozotatE.0 o,. ItosTo tripWent , . ,. . '*444a..!. 8linotis,c4;, for the t , it' , of/oraigo,,tuning 14 'tit, tbLne and 1' ars a Viiiiiedemploveof the Western9 1. , *into-, The heat piano that/ Mr. 'Moore .Canada Viola 1%0114... ha* been transferr. tuned while .there, he report*, .Wiai A td to TOronto. head officeand tal$ *lrextlY; ,nt*"4.111,00.4.4" ,Concert • Grand ZOO left rpt that tity. Last. Friday the, ein*,, *SO he tuned for Mr. f)oliglas •dintint. PIO* gathered in the JAM And Pre-! 'um toriperly Organist of .North St. Un- .en'ted 4Mike" with. An itAtltm., lead by , gm.- Church. Goderligl.'' gobe4 11.01104 and * parse, of moneyeQTT,. ACiEIfit friends Wish him 'eVefY' suceeSa tit hie , - iti to,4‘1.1), ,• ...........__,, ... AtA.-A rn'AtAttAt 'AA * •-•A , ., t .,. r J.-- -------,- V 00 r ,......itt" Cirarid Bend Was robbed , -Saturdaik• tli ight --:by an, nitnOvnt. P90E41.611 8710tos PIP . . and 050 In -American moan ''. 'carried ' It A's gratity410, to. see OP Pezty Bang' . . twat There Were three $20 hill!. tWo. $10 deposit*. Ai* Ciod4rie4,2 Mote '4130tile1s ills, nrulthe. rest in 'fives And enialitr .40.,' maintained -in„--• these ‘dift,letilt times; At nonliotions. ,Constable Gundry* wiai call- the end of June, 1933, the amount on de- -to the scene and has the OW in hand., POOt *OA 42325.01, as . compared With ' . . 11 at the sAme 'time , a year ago. Z P . AY,. _ OM 414 N 101M • slight 'increase, -Total. derKiiits tor the • .0 -Yana* giris, aged thirteen OnC 'ratite Province are . down ,..41,22e,,e95.65, ‘sixteen year*, causcd. their parents and as coMpattd with '41,320,000,45 on Onne .,• INIGGINS".4044, lit A P4 f* r _ .20voly Vcitt01115and c rings to cho„;le,11,0111 - -gutiliie itoerilsat Monday svh,)), 304002. In May _And, .1.14ne.30 I.)er cent ,,r1e,-ttnited. Church, parsonage at WY'. they stayed out itli.: night, jetiirrilliC to of the pupils in Victoria school made 40- Mg was the scene or a quiet but pretty ' linatcr,„,,rty.ztesili)Y motignir,21"1:io-40-a4 ant.1 22---Or-i‘-ut;74a, PP** qchooVi-wodding,-at zoo= SaturdaY. Sept. 2; When ._.,,;thi pour *0r0- InformealtAalroorott }Pon. :‘,„„„„,,,,„,,,,,---' ' • '-',140,ImpirL't , '':--: ''.**:, 7 ' ‘'44141141,r Onirda11011,0"0/11artet , ducted, but ...the girls turned up -While ,Fr...........r.WT"' "-4 - - , in Weif Wie-401tte4.44-131airlAii to It was progress. Questioned by the.*** ,COuneillor P.; S. IltiMber received word•" ,Theine,e park Wiggins, second girt or. Sr. -Thetitter .they -stated.-they and mrst *alit's; .0,Wiganni*. 1011 with IStrlingery 1414, 4Pent stornae .bundlugs the mon • belif performed d thOlig , ed , •,latit Matting the 0 o II . only'lawritY Ininlitiss, to clan up s.cJL 'we e eterbitto visitOrs 'ovcr Itilited iniSineita atAti rots* ' ttlaTit$ A 0 le Visiten4* 1n1 • .11 - ° r Bowden; of r ;441 r, zolui ` 0.4 1.44$11: *Olt last trthere la art - Itatit eontrtivetatal matter* Wort '‘'.131tiniir "Withtalttain et' is mother,. Mo., %Ws 411 1Pent. the tOWit tott4001.40'POss. and while arei '.14i,,,,,„.112in, „','„ - ..,, ,,,,A.,,4.e.,,,Y,i,' . ,,„-,.1 ,k,t,„;,, iii„,„„, not 'la on it,". for 'apargelY 'a word. otiteri..4,41!'"7. J. B. ''''''''"'`'. ---" "'.."' --''''' !than the hum:».4,runt„teatine. was heard 041 ''''''•.:;.,,Y riSited 'frionda in Stratford Otter 'the :Friday'. night„„ the •iieSsion closing In in Cor, '''",,,,„":13,.4,',,,„ .,, .,,,,,,.. ia„ .,,,,,.....,, and her hOdOx faSinen, when Itt'010 Cral,gie fe'rom '''''."." N''''*""""''' ''"'f.t.r*.;',..''"'c'8"'"4"4"'' -""".'' "'` .,,,,.....,,,,,, 4,,,, 34.,o,i4,,,,,,,,,. ii.y .,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 41rughteri, Mrs., -fteg, Darrow!, Are Visitirig • . 77`',...7,•,, 7777'7 ,7- i'''''.7 _-:71 Att. ,00trOtt, 41,ii.L ,,,T....., , ,. its. third ,itnit final reading atter ner .sitort11114t; *1-414';'' .814 - - - - - v ,igi Mrs„7Meore„ . . ; AP, and • The.CloOrieh bylaw was given 4/4 and " t ei1 discussion,I It, appears -that the o •z• ; lev.tear oittitroni to a11 it the "water and r'C'31)Atcs.': tcht"7' 111774t. lkttended hat been* the town With the' full, 'ext °Pkarige., _•• power bill otthe csimpanyi,,,inxteeaiet the, , .1411IPIL has ..,r.Pl.ntn.,04,1*-7nni.. '.11640Power ealled Tor. In:. the bylaw. tr44 'with frienditurongh'''North.., - ern Michigan.• *Mils WAI-he *matter for aquatinini, * ;•,,„;A taXeS, Paid $1.04cOlete last report amounted • AT ROhertSort. tax Collector, reported `m•-• Morton Ball and family, of 4 :Platteville, are: tite"Oests Of pr, and .1 to $;2114.34i and 81,0,76/J14 VP 'tO date Mr!. H. . •. tor the year, mr. ;rteherteon *partng ; Mrs. Wm.' Patton 'an44tuth *Ann, were Oorrontuton. "ImoAtt„.0014tcators,i . 1 1( 8 AR KING, LADE , 1111 uyvot 40'-oz1 12�z. „.• 44 VICTOKY PICKLES, LARGE J& tverything:Goori for the Pi* Goods Dellivered A ne• ARMS', Mr. and SIMPsOn. of Chicago, visited -relative; here last week.. - Mr, And Mrs., Rae White and Child- ren have returned to Chicago. 'Rev. and Airs, iVicqilivray are home again, after a holiday at .Bice Beach. Master Morris ,V,0Wler spent a week at the World's Fair in 4Clucago, 1Wasters Donald and Robert Simp- OFTBALL, -:One Tuesday the .11Mt. gargle - of. the _ ,Chureh League play-offs between Vlc- tor Street and St Peter's ivas-etaged at Victoria, Park Alla' the second on Wed- nesday night, tins. being declared "a0 game". It will, .be replayed tonlMat. t. Peters'-wori the first contest '02-25. It s •tree, bitting-affsir •lrith seven horiie • Lb Imenstraatnivde.lans ._ta,tement, P0•,1d.nreeLtsst: ..01+1,1oistQtrysittrY4ortt-Pr. d•-• Atrg, son, of Chicago, ,vislted relatives here rdris; tad rlight,s, game, was o, sloppy Skating rink as a. train -ins' comp for ityPeeet-krpletn;4/115,atedc-t-'141101/41id'arvel-stiST$, '12 ',Pe and..• Mrs- • Alex': Johnson., (it] '''-'eia°rngt:stc'ro'wwltdwh,lnr'anlazz:euhdLg:_hitrlteSale,tuirPral. YadeYrsalilamV._ Major H. /I, Jane asked for the usfrot-the .-474..*:4-,•--1124m;t4Tiggil% vrre* and of 'last 'week: _ , the t..etiott. Huron 1teginient for ritn, Chicago, visited relatives this II$ctoria niglits,:eovering„ft -Period Of fa* and' a -4'444- .spent vicinity last--welat71" • - be‘ necessary:: -Pat •Page' and lar:ebb • nfht Sunday in Utter. at :t • home -o-Mr. btrai.41-1V1AcKetri*"•=4'!*tiir • the Itointa#OraintS:and.C. eititain .4‘.__Iscepterobor. of. .0, oluttAndrezzl,.. luta MacKenzie_tettpaa.,t,,are.ek.,to-a,t;- counclllors Wn. and Sproul - Wat :-$1375.--garliupaelltart!:,leevel'Ir atIt$he.'t 7:v1,18eLe4,44fdri141,,w,41-ilire -t'Pnmdrata}IeteiE-xtylirbNijta4'-eD° 'oinnarethas1:1°I.eturri- VntileP.,r1Nao stte, WeTanalie:s• okifPflPeeita;ediVE:c.liQua" id* ferried tOthe Pablio.works committee with • , ' - .visited 41 Flri ,t4)„, • there Attended the Baist reunion. • ed from Chicago, where she ^ ,he,,,iotht, la a .40orway, nooav,100 as loth thou.. cootcjitoi,,,ciAattlpt uts_soris. I ,,i,„moiolary, pasto. ot looriong 1.14ited, 7.2eiri;_cioderioii in:acie aopiletitio to __Austat, Donald: strapb4n, wno..,spent her aunt. Xis, AjtaMniend; 'and "The Empire is. 1.1.0; .1011Ow drum ..ta •:gOt-a''OhanOt -49me hi• al green car hi,lawdlesara.- ,1.3,ellat_eYer 'and:1190-0ald8013.1 qinsrch.. Th'e• bride"; who, wah unatt0#ded, .p4,atut .tsmak. council August IOW Mr. WZ.11401,_ StraChanrre, attended the World's heat ..jt Is .a. gigantie • estate ::.awaiting Ifariiii;*terthehrie'-'"liahlietihtbera-bCidiAllig`tt-tliergitiiiiiirb.11,t1.11*ATrar quest- be tioo, the pliblic *arks .10riala.anN-n.,,and.-',',Mr, t or .t 14-OTioolo ere:. miss Lois „ , • . •-• „ In 'the morning;They could *net remem. At ?vat :cotirrs;., wearjamilt-011.-141,11} wore, a„:becinnin:ii. costunitrof.• bia.e.ffla IhnikVerAltdxfoubtmov4.4,„„41tAlhe: Allied to Igevelatidar- - v v evracpenictitx...ziey xteorge. 1 d were generally -.VerY .vague Mt de- night, The lesi, will- run_ into thousands 1 'tion_ct, sa...,..4,cqua#,Ita4de _begun, smile. ,,,,,,tt ,.._, ..-- „ ,, , ,.. ... . . down,. of at. Thomas', were recent visi.tors 1$1aeXenzie• to Toronto; • Mr. Charles tads. *spite repeated OtOstioning. , . of dollars and -,b mly pArtir Covered bY. ""..-' '' .-----; ••• .• ' • - 'of. Ur: and Mra.Wni. Pliiiiips - ' McGregor. to. Kitchener; 1,,Ir. Malcolm_ „,-, -, - , „Luc Pnblie Schoo,-B-oard!i'request to . • • . - .- . _ ' - - ._ , , , .,„ _ .._ . , •insurance, Mrs. 'lumber had been visiting -Mr John Marriott 'Afir. and afire- n- )stel4ennan to, Barrie. se., Elizabeth 'have grading of Central School' grounds .Mr. - • k ,; , • - Bs . , , , her daughters at ;and, W. ' doll Marriott, Mr Wm Phi.11ips and Mr. MacDonald to Nile. , • - .• ' ' etivred to the, Public. Works, , - , -- - -,' , ' ,. , ,, . Humber spent spent the holiday . week. • end done ayas..x . - . - . • Bertram; MeCreath, were TorontO vlaitors done whkir Already had the 'mat-, • • , , . • , , tiler°, • • - ' ' week year& ago- wherk tl1e-br2de-and -bridegroom attended the- Deaf:. Ancr -histitute at. - The bride's brother, Eric .adted, interpreter during the. marriage' eeraMOnY.„100110Vini" the 0Ore- all-returned to the ,tioni!. or the ' bride% patents 'where a •dainty. Wedding dinner was was solved, only' .hurhediate re-. latives of,, the contracting, Parties being prerenti.:Mr. o,nd ,Mrs.,Wiggins left WY -- MO, NikriNG • - SHEET METAL WORK 'Acne 127 1):0, Bolt 131 Gityour summer suit And trousets, ett and pressed at 'VrOiliati'S and they will.. look .just- 4 they carnd, frOm • the tairti.r in the 1'04 case - • , Heatiqii-arters for,ladies' And 041. cgport cietpting, • • ErtilitiMktfrO P#Oisti- 1.22 000Eiticii 111;ENClit pio =AWING- " • ter before theM, • ,,_ • •Attr and Mrs.. Neil Fraser and son of MASONIC rioNto .• , A '411mb° i'r buildlzig Peria'5 were WoodstoOk ?spent •the vee -end with rifis,- 00 the itiVitatien •or litigh *ill, .D. D. referred to the Ore committe. : ''' praser's 'parents, Mr. and Uri, Allan 0,..1VI., seme 200 erflee'rs,, their Wives and The . Blue Mater Bighw,aY Aseoelation bracDonsid, Esrtni stroet families or South Ituron Masonic Plitriot. enelosed. a statement , in a letter setting , - - , ,,.. . _ _ „ . 1.1._, . .. Mr. and attrs, Leo uorgensat, a, a ram .gatttered Barixor ,Park,yeSterday .for A oget.00quAluteci" picnW, , The • Weather °ming the same evenirig by- motor for was ideal. and the •afternoon WAS spent ..bungannon, ,where they Ve..11 reside at -the. -were adeli.tetil,a$ 4eneWV. 'Vteiting -Mr. and Mrs. Allan If . • ,.. • at ball ..,ganlea. horseshoes arid •:at -the 'hiltrio• Of th...,hiliblifOoni,•*pne. Milo north .•• ; ' ;Pogaid. Brock street. ' • annon ,• • . - • • • Phlailei. Conunittee the alicitment for (loderich as $300. , • 11Y. of Mich,,' spent the week,enwlth d The repOrts.of thestanding committees • „ . • Messrs. Reg.- and Bert Sown- took fu waterfront, The ,v1Sitors were extended ° Thing, " - • " - , • • Nee recommend that, a further sum of.' the li . orth ot rbt t . . • ,,,, . . arm.sw m o boat 'races;„7 a , i a civic welt/onto-by Mayor ''ZeO. the past- -rottN-G-CattROSY • . 1. 0;9 .-rtraking A -total -or $340.93, be paid .Sarnia on, czaturday , as dut litF jar. D.D.(1,rit's including MessrS., (Iregory, of A,-1, 1 tittom ...wedding 'to th-a.,329,anPierfripaY,celehration'commit- p.u.tohey and_Harvey_ , • 144of Chtnton. In the venIng.4 lai.13us:Icetneassf " fterlogn, )?t.,e.ee: te'l!atv' 4reeozaei'pints1171,a.nt•ho,e,' etxrep"'enudrietr'usr*estattoe; 84PICe!tfairnitselYPhanolictdalsifry cards and the theatre; . . ived, • t • wlth the ladies were entertained at Meeting was held at thct .11/41aSTIC T. emplei ::::1...oaniTediewn;0:11;a1r;e:Iti"; and 4...,ec! on ,r;freisirsiiewhhohbq,,assrel been on ..tweek be • . • 11,6 was united marriage to 114 daughter Of Mr. justice (farrow and JUT and .1vs'ebte#9At,airaitudetneft atti4__adtfolulit croe„r- rilmonrd..sclinyddeuceraprIxtear,norBtrhaentltidd,(1) preec, • )17ATAI. ACCIDENT • • Austin Moore Yegolii, son of Mrs.. 0:hector Y- .LS Clint.,oh-,Aberbart,iit:i3eaftwrth. and Vol% 'XV" ."° ":11112:0ctin-St aeOrge'a'0110211-' • ' "'" • , - and --**04--- Itaittfror,; mr:'-'7 and BOWLING • At the,rilotoit __Street green's. -latt4;nighlt - Bob. Johnston and • gallohO' captured first honors, with •Fed and • sid `• Palmer ,second, , ,!.24:01argitesto'ittnftailitrti to -t.`itoreficalte.;s",r-the sittelnsi '11,1an'Ontgoa!!.(11th..,•,,• 1,4-te,. ' 7,, Ei'.'1.°,117!:.!:t . 'T.alvasVft14,10n' 111':tre*tcBh°111ratirT:Id!et'n7seaiiilottlyat:.:allisfuleithec+r'2.4,innlegia- tne-fIT-eUt'tillizS•tcrA'ritita'ttlail'idStiferSord.°Ar!"-aTris-fteetr"-ritUrn - Z.: - ;,.1 , „were .preferred against Georg Metz, gt . The historical ;old aura, '8Ottlir `.I nested,- front a -*visit to Halifax, Quebec and Mon-1- -daY. Metz was Arrested at Zoaden, tarbtl' .,e-r,0-$.1::ed algOrahlago, the 'guest P e W14 Duke stkeit X ite hen et, : here ,.on Too.; Itglited. :was thionged with • an - '4-40 p'1111,14 ast2,0t0,0'409.thdeeirrtOih933-Su:striatiLSod.le,t3r to, 0. ttzttclh,-ehra;;attieiriar:isiumored.th. exi4,postr4it,iseerihonalcii , , 0/1„.illisidaY .Morniritc_After Att. accident in 'RelOg -11111I(94 ar ..0%11 large b°'1" 'd ' 1'7131 at $ 6924t5n 74"11°'-alliCitilit of TP4 •Braltf°111.* . ' ' *--- , whteh.he, figured and aimehlisoetied- itt, *V, i 4 ti ' '';'' ' ' "..': -"" 'angel ...001/04-4rOni• „th0j,4"1:0„nd -standz- on. *riiingi---.001.-stoodwIt ..tch.010,-Trottra-,ittcit...:. iktotafeti ' with: Itopor. •Thtn 0.,0,•1,jilinte 001401,01,.x.,..11.,•thtg''. haenercf'/PapactSli ..11'446k.fe:ar04:11;01ort0vcrir irriam.iti.vern;$TasItcte.Antakto3toebr:. :::1Toc*hbi:trert117 ril*.yett'ivticill):444utttili',44r plste"'tfict',ralt beanlangfin'teertV*.lit.' ,B,PV.' 0,', ,..4,. . ,in the rumble seat It meto :oar, was sett,ver,,.Biaboo of .101,.01,-rotelete4 to: 121L,Ite$0040,10., , '... . 0 . - - .' - r Wilson. landed a JO on II* "D B. Hap., ,. stioek ori :the head :by .4. fining telo.,1,1101r,'_Itisi. lf, IYI, ill.S.. rector , of . _St.- ----'vve h*Vo iiiiiOnett iho, 10dvy. or county pa" Nybile at the head of the lakes P one .po e which •Metal -ear . d c 1>Pe 'e'r-efeiskted; .• To the ;strains r , - ' r--19n4or P tntal'' of $11,353--W:n47hoe,-V4-7-44---Brolvaa : **le-d-eolit'l ' ,ote, when 11 it took tix the dito after stoc,... ,cf the Wedding Mit* Oared by G. Wonktitletifieorn, octal :isthothinie 1.1sti;c4raeteitss arame-tflit,,:eearr':ItIv;eite°n4ddw,al*W141.th!anct$4tarn'esi.150ef:triwi.;iaball, riLS4r murbrise.., 'Wit a buggy driven by -Maori. Luther, or . , , i h tt rid ' t te d the We r-egrinneu4 that, the notice. be OM. J.' B. , Orahani .13. toang!„;_t*bridei j?_reedecl by the P. . e , former , teacher near sheppartiton, also renewed7.-accittaintatlee4 • on Monday evening local tournament wnfiers were „Wer...'Litt and Mtn - At W1ngnx MI „Labor Day -'„111.a. Stlotch riblibTes 'to -Ornament Tom- ;Val/ tor:anctUrnd_lrir..tag:Ivon-t honors4or- -Ooderich, seven rinks- frOni here tom"- ayionlrouno comitinatraTi alone liiiMght home the *con,- • ORATI Iceallickfle:TPwn _ Cemetery .; SPOD-0 SEP-t-,1.14t1t.-.1.933-,-- . • . ' . itT s .r..- m, ' ' . . _ : :70;ya: hhi0,:e: ,:ra: ' 1ya' Sunday,4ttannual fe61t' SeptemberLIten6tvaettt'n9,,4t 1., tl - ;0, : ast.41. , hi* vl lea:t,,,,v:c: . .se,P7willac...,..me-: ; Bev. W. J. Issittodlivill he in charge, Citi.- ' , ALBZET p isorffintortrE,,, Keeye • AT. Vag RARJOR. The ,Prindoe•and OrstadO4 of the -Pat- terson -Line, are being fitted otit• 'for the, fah grain trade buLineat.- 'AtExeetri*v`olliree, ecapedlnjury. tttso injured •r_hytirett. and was. elVett itti a • g _ -occupants f the,' rria e n her father. She :Welted lovely in Mao was driven to ,St..oloseph's of*bite pe • ' London. after Grand Bend doctors hadi'sia"44t, ht, 'fitting goiNst with look train fastened'st *ren°:"1":iat He Wed on Isn6sdaY4 the waist. •.;11er veil of ':whito silk Metis 'to lodrobt in-Thir4'3* bridal net Was caught, closely to .her jall esoy Sunday Ira -thing and •with • coronet Of orange Mee - 4/4 '#1;44° bail li*Utet' 41'114.'1' some. and fell in grateful folds, over • Hamburg utattitfacttirer, had been. cont-LhetAresa_she_dirtteduciue e• appear -11.6.° Johanna 1141 roses and it Monde tosses asioi Suits Moister Chalet **4 ,Ta.r rse ilia • Ms. &pang? Lava Ajaiscy 14R.vo syieht of DRY C4r.oitit 611:* 6 *mg **J T * emit L,st. East Street Siture dePted for x%erusal.: We recommendthat the bonen re- 4e4t-tka-40#0,trar-of-Deeda-t. the ii,Sseskir .0f the town, a I tor an The 40.1.ses Ethel ',Ind..OlivelVithitre-y-fre0 lonveyasteiS Whereby land had,beesqranS,- turned last week -end from a two-weeks'tarred *nett hits 'been registered,,JO „erutse on the. S. /4.'17ft-once River, Orli; offlce/ during; the next ,precediat14,iesr; as: "far as ..hiewrowidiand, Cape Breton, *Ittich 3.14 'to *tie All Information and ,be and the Saguenay. They have since 're. as r teat= --tarne4,-tO-their--41ritles-ttesehera-nt...--TOr onto and Stratford. ' Mr. and 11/400. Trevor :and ttv01!*• sons, of *North Bay, caged on gr....14.av- eryls father. Jarne 'Lavery, ..Britatmis, road cat Vilday 111 • ' Public Works, 4 . - °Y'S " We 1'000mnlpnr fhfr-the-Chlet Of-Po0- The maid at honour. M1s$ rather Uce,hiave the horae'etahlea At the Agri. hotilr0ottw.loa, isdiLtittaiter of the bride., 4taiond with: '4,1024rtieiki_y,ark eutv...4,400•hief, al* Teit-goi, zoos storertis be'rented for 41.004 .11'°Ine the W"Itrs l'aArt''`OhlOago, ot • London,,,,,,trete ,RoVitned; ; alike in per montli---thaVno skive pipes be '14aterY it now chiefvl'rk of tiw Patou pirdc'rough silk crepe, withtur. e4 proper thimney,isi ftaatvoty. , ban of the tante •;shade. noWlast .S el biniti And thet the Chief look, after the r tiftan1*:$." Arthur .itae4e1 rank roses and and' detAtiewers 'tied with Matter And, report the: first ot es,eh :0, of Detfolt, ,Veit *000'0nd Noftli ,..ribhomS of Pastel colours; completed month. _ • 141.14 AmantIVICIaedet,' aim Mr. sutd Mts.. the ttotturtociut ,costuries, e taionimit4d, thaoli•e. Toluest tht OeOrge.lotolterixte ;arid' tamitY-of latthen- . ra e ,E,R1-(41, 9NTAR - st- - 4 ' (,,kiniiii:StdArst-ibIed ‘• , 4 .04 voest,iensi. 00:iiiitnee *t4tlettoonstiti arid deopent 0 tat Proilded fOr'441 • liteditatee.,, onday, Sept, „At lk • .It Ott 4iCitoot kh. , • 4, 01 ot,14,-teivatt-torwenim,„ to ateTetv -and- hfra- inotheilttrg. clair. of Toronto,. .1mi', the *theta the ..Avieldtutta for exbibitta Morloek, of Waterloo. lArii„ Wreck *re. were: ',Gtabton, on Seg. oth arid 20th 1$ -eV -anted,' main' ed /or a few7days. TheY *Ore pleased Morrov,.. mr, Rupert Young,. bre We are Alottatin, three to find that Miss aftedel brgettitig along (4arrw, brother of the WidDON bt the grOorit, and Mt. , lames 1004'it-roieCtax, 71,1.6i1 .0*-agon . Z;;;Ixs,,T). nicely after her necklent of a rear weeks ,o_.e, ing die signing: of, th* logister. Ifies$ nu '`,Wurtele Sang Ifainlers eter''You ,Afterivarde reception was held t 4‘11oltntitetV' 0114 :beautiful tram.. -Iterne of the brides parents on Perth street« Between two telkurns, 1'41104 with, antunin'.. flowers.* under Shad* of this lisitUtifut old tree* ri the 1a,vri.- *rustic* , r. '71.tre-,,--.0arrovr, and Vrs. Young,. 'with the': br 14 a reeared the *nests. Mrs. Gar row was sroartit gowned in beige crepe tome, with fur.ttionned Jacket **nil matching bat. no, rivoiro, were ztaisrosti tobefk tits,' young* incrther tot the groom, wore ,*; boomingdross • or silver Spanish Iskett' and ta blaelc •I hatand tinvitid a- - sheaf *onset -!rOtl,e$4 • IAtcr Mr. and Mr*. Young left by *tot. The. honeymoon will be Spent In Beriroxis. • TIW- brides dress was old ,old rust *Ilk crepe, trIrnmed, 'with brown " brown ' eat With ht end sihoes to a. r 1 treat the road andwalk down Barbour egP. We -recommend that Your Committee he criitiewered to initall the necessary catch basins on Bruce Street to &en the water from the street oppotato .:the Central Bohol ground*. )the special committee reported. . /o the reatter, of securing a supply Or Wood for neat wlnter In re th Veflietexl omfl4ttee 1oo 4Teth- the purchiseed tor cemetery pur0 prase arid report *hat wood wand be available thereto= The fire **matt* reported that all applicatioa-for building piton*** re. leered, to the* at the lest Okeetingot the Council had been. passe& ni Tlw thendeal t`ottitiotinds kilbero lecthrely AS Sala tOOPtite,' thlett ' dilltri sulphate fOlaubeess, `41a4tio)t diUM. Chloride ' (Comm* sat) lust sulphate. (10pionn salt*); imd siortell!,the obtorida or tow** aait autt. AMONG TRE ClitliCHES ssitylett at, the Baptist church -Sunday, . . c„:ttith; .pastor,., Bev.- W.. Buott, Bible School, at 10 itau4-0Ospet service at 11 a4n4--.43uOjeoti "the Church's Bock Foundation"; °alibi service Piot lublect; IlifeeIFOrd-Pfeclons Spect*1 *strides 1. Victoria ,titteet Church' SuodaY**SePtenlhe'r' lath; 11 A3n. the posto-suNtot, *ettettititag Power." 11430... Stephen fritboUsb,„ ffetire Gali- lean shepherd. 'L'ictuatition of Psalm RI, school 10 *.m. A :1" * 1 Wrikt *Writ are Merely wet', lsy, lands containing well. decomPosed organlc *atter, are eometlines tort cot*, Pact Or "tight" for thif--iiii,terkuot two a but on. these landsthe fall should lts)j left rel,%gh oer the secure the the helpful isetto, of be A I S *fl4L ;Am rt r _•. .. ftr Pt:41'114ER - ' •,• . . xnent' posture tion and p4ing ree -without • ful lines. . 3 -Non-binding vamp' 4 -Song lessinsidelining. 5 -Wedge -so* °Vet* 6 -Sock- 80 ,support dividual 7 ----Shank ed „..apting longitudinal 8-41ridtlis ately - , eii„ Let us .4 fort W. Items e rc A- ' • WOMEN OF -STY-LT.-ARCH SHOES e laSt, to and proper, of 'weight ball: Also arch construction. , t rig sacrifice lines. ' „fitting beer .adjustment lining to heels. lining pocket . . _ . adjustable reguirentents, of 18,gange ...Steel- arch, AAA- to priced ei, a insure, ,between special I I of throat with correct f #3,..411.0 supports FAN „ .high 111111 11.1•400. , A oes . me sure- normal distriliu, 'heel.. fit- grace- an seam-. , In the run. . 'for in-, to in- temper- -the .i., Moder- -g r ad e _ • dereOnstrate these Corn-. Shoes to you at - , f . 'Shoe v et tote 0 ,. 444j. • - r • • 5 ' 01.114"..70N ST4tElt: . t'itONV. 296 , • sells- iniuranceOf all.ktride.'. Get. rates. fr,.4,'Itim before, renewin or ,plarining' .nevt itisntance,.•77',' - 44 • ifir.400,,,lit***!0!*0 liwerif0 FLORIST ne to "144.44,44,44,44. w ROSES-SHRUBS--FEREISTNIU4 ROCK notwrs=•-•-zimuraitictigs testi-from the -Ground--- Canadian Grown , , "Everything for the Garden" Write fOr •Somial Price List:. "'We sell the beet for leas."t , ARCADIAN NAIRSER,Igg, S(HOOL tip COMMERCE ititbr'70NTARIO VAI; l'ZBM OPENS sBrZ, 5th • COX.TABB.s: SienogrePhle_ Commercial ' Secretarial Special Courses! arranged ---tOrrespondente,J.courses-to-these Who cannot attend School. Write • or ,Phooe CAlinS.,t4o* vice. ton. . . ,•41' Your Casli-LetUs Exchernie.„' ur List for - his Week-.'Sth to 15th Sept. Celaate't reit* Tube •Ite twe for Sic Mwe,ee-tee • SIM 014 .Womi...**40.1,04.0111001,0..",4 tiara while. tia** Came See* for Owe* Aspirin . 441 ; • fr 24 1 141 • OIig * beano ,fer $1.0 101146‘114.111..iiiiiliwirrimfo11•0101. VOILA`itet Iffik tag Bea 44c W$po irog MUk .1 how, fleintelasiir; *tinting xis‘t 'Wad Straiv. ,beity Warapelee Grape Salt . - get mist 4140 • Po. e;B1Ue�ui$5for25c. uto stiop Ink fi