The Exeter Times, 1880-12-9, Page 10�.
;°PItUI'G;Wi Y Ltst,
leap in tlietu\wtle;tip of AioGilliPray,tliid i
11oa tx;t) >^, nodi'? td1110tole.
�1PpA} agree; \ ; ismer, S•ttioitor,
or dotes office, Euxebtr
Q •
USE e4 isei! IN lulu nu FOR
SALE Gf{M31.* WEE CA:SR--This pasta.
ale itrnperty is e(tnated ou \VIWS1tt street. 'rhe
oosc is a stiry and. a half brio containing sot, - rootus,.a cittset•anti-a woodshed, For taigas:it,
I�011r Sll.L11,-- A NEW' 'F lIt.NIE-!
1) gwitltono. wire oraatsore of' WA 1
.."Situated da Nelson fleet, E:crtvr. Time house,
eoutaint,g re otos, t upstairs and 4 don',u.atatrs,add,
well finished,. 'rn.,re is u good. Weil at Water:
s180 a first- lasawoeclahed en the lueini.tco. J.
ply wt the +i¢xras td3Sce.
TAMES t1iU OOl'1.N.TY AU01'IC41ta.'
9°: neer, Salsas at •omattiiy-abtundod to, Dive of,
'x1.11e nrraugada.tthis cute . {
'llvfe0.1s.IEY T() LOA (:lN AL ES-,
teamf,}rthe Huron 12 Erie ,Lown Savings
'l ,dais, Loa rates e:I •iuto•eei, _A.ltply to alibi?:
"O,If ty�i 1
116LU 1NAl' 7 A.N 1)
per con' to terms. f,lieettw ad
uU4 ;!es tri thoseborrowing for flour yenre and`,
waras .iA.1.043'to
Li, V. eases ,r,
'Oetntzr11,sae, icitnt,, di:esttt, ,
TO I4Gel sl ,t:.}14 ti L13 f T.:
slue Cuda Vet:Voris nen IRetid Es'ta.te or •for:
tuiiclit g l,turpose s, for :the 1)attsin,ott tiet*,•aet s •&
'.uvestnteut society. o". 1.ontion, ta.+t•., of etuy:
rmub of year. frena e:teto tris nay- t,lwiyto;
-vil�t s.:AI N1014., eittt4 1-a ,mens •tsxeter•.
NT • J. CLARK, 1" gel t'Tor 'tale tree':
s,. ht+rate and iiilrbort Lattnal Fire rueurar-cc•
'• lnetptoy, sriz,ttlies, •4\mors
�aai3:nntalttlY ttth.9hdedto.,
1yr{���•j�,DWEDE',7.ikt,Pit 0Vr,FRCI.A.I.,.�
•:JV,;+'x0 Lone Sur ve?ter, •10 .mgt the
nu th. 0.'iters Ws: $vork lett vitt 1ir.. d-oh¢s`
as-t;tcl xrisaa•ecilltte:ei'vepromPt tttontiov •
.ISS -{>? (?lire L_ZN
licgs•tmcbtora • the 'LailtetOf'E.xob» omit•stir
a rot*dingmanarl•'t wtsit ,tss.gain.rrepereatcdm'
•Iiadwunukiut:iu a.a.ltsllra•;cttea, ,Cult
t•:iug asucnisAtv:- P1uce.eif loasinoea ,'il,r, :Swelter.
.t"on's;cett.tge: corner titan: and Statlair- t, J'LReter.
s/ OM ,1d.11INDMA I,,
,L1 .
Q N(yikr, f iloMYEl`yA) CE I '..EAL
,-ESTATE AND t; rf.A A1,74 ti,GBIT.
"motto,- tdhY,y,ar.,tn rrtr,atf tges, Mites •died other
t ecattt°t!S .•Y. -sots curl arrennts. 'CuI'ler.9aci on rea-
-oetuttle teary ,losereti oo t'ffeeted in arst•olttas
c•^oaupa ise,s +,:t Toaeot, bre rates, ttatco—at Dr.
+#3tiaxiitos. 's.Biain S.reot Exeres
•seU:.1 T;E()NF, c'lt FOR
+J.'�ijtittit receireddos+ ,skestunent on mortgages
res t tlterneut.
rt rleS,iV LLS, ±ETO., DRAWN
Gakroaeonttblo �t'BiYY13.
-r• oReiefleRfr3:l'ITLTi. D,a:,D1.1t.C.D.S
kAegoe ON -et ITNaiilh.rndr, and opposite. Samwell
1 4.21:t KINSMAN, DEN-
1taompoot .we ,i _t' i t %�*:
• 1ratesoti'e
43look, : ~tarot;.
vioess rtertha
of CWi•Iingss
w ove. Qfete
.itst lairs.
At 7 Per Cent.
Aplily to 8.. �V.HAI,L,
. Sol'icitor. F.cotor-
t or,n SA.AIPtrEIMMS. ;,Corner of York :And
Jiichniossd Streets. ,
FetiEb2Aa�.4391i firs OP,' 1v031DOal.
• - sarsarainifir/ it 1782.
Agency established is.:Odrradain19�4'. `Uniimi
- foot liability of ail the Stockholders, andlarge
teeeige Fuua . Moderato cotes of premium.
SORT WTYRE, $nagar; A4eot at lt'xetar.
�eNzi .
�';. Til
.'A,761it,14yt, ATR i
Uz. 44 QRd
Exeter, Ontario, Thursday, Vienetrb
Itionaon, Deo. 4.—The manifesto to
ttaekeratigemeu of the iluuuty Down,
endorsing theoourse recommended in
the se,softttion of the Grund Orauge
LRn4d of frelauel, to organize oounter
elesesonstratiens on the same days and
at the 'sante pieties a•ppoirated for the
Land Yess.eee meetings, received 10,-
400 signatures in two days.
,' swereseieN REFUSED.
s 1,ubl'an, Deo. 4. --The application of
'Z armed, Bigger, divan, Sextou and
Won for a postponement of the State
triad +r,utal atatier)r 25th, on the ground
that •tdlut date already fixed will inter -
fore with their eoaatitutionel right to
be ,present evsteu P i'liament meets,
was rei'esed by the Court with ooats.
The C!,ief Jtestioe strongly denounced
the state of anarchy existing iu th
London, Dec. d.—Two hundred ad
(Unmet.'endues embarked at Ports
mou1lla ie -day for Ireland. The ex
1,ite'nnei't'a'7er the situation in Ireland
growselrtity, and it is apprehended; that
unless olio Government can give satie-
rectory assurances as to the action of
erliaz'iaent on the laid question a
rising is inevitable.
toridou, Doo. 5.—Tbere was an im-
n,esaae Land League demonstration at
Waterford to -day. 2aruell was present-
ed with an address of welcome by the
corporation, and procession, which in•
eluded the varinnssocietiea, with horse -
mien, escorted Parnell to the place of
meeting. The houses and ships were
decorated With flags, 'and the streets
were triumphantly arched. Four bun -
,fired police, two hundred infantry, and
one hnndred cavalry were drafted for
the town. The speeches were of the
usnal character.
Loneonr Deo. 5.—The Spectator as-
serts that a re-oonqueet of Ireland by
the military force ie tdi
e only and in-
evitable result of the present struggle
in the island. , ,
New York, Dec. 5. -The .Tribtane's
London cable says 'The. wild pro-
p•+sai of Gen. Butler to defend Parnell
is absurd, as no foreigner is allowed to
plead in Irelatid."
London, Dee. 6.—A despatch from
Waterford save that Ptarnell's visit
here is believed to be his last public
engagement for the'present. He was
banquetted after the Land :League
meeting here yesterday.
Dublin, Deo. 7.—Last evening a
great banquet was given to Parnell at
Waterford. He said he did not believe
the English Government's great re-
sources .adequate to perpetuate her.
government in Itelana. It is abun a.
antty proved that geverniug • Ireland
outsides' of Irehtcd, by a :power and
people who do not lire in the country,
is impossible. "Look," said Parnell,
"at whet we hive done to this tiitifnl
Government in twelve mouths 1 We
have ob'ied .them to reverse. every
principal, every law, every tradition on
which they built their position. I don't
believe Gladstone can settle the Irish
ques't'ion without breaking np his Cabi-
net. He could not eveh•pass his mis-
ereble utile compensation Bill last
year. If I had not been confident that
alae Lnrde would rejeot it I wonld have
;h til!the Irish party reject it. but I'pre-
ferred to: let. the Lord* do. my dirty
work. When John Bull finds" he will.
have to pay 8150,000.000 during ;the
next four or five yew tcrgivern this
,country be will think:that'thb'English
mode of governing' £relend fie Very ex-
pensive.. 'I Minot believe ere can A(*le
the nation•�l gnestion,, naltil we ,ietile
the land qne tion We; have 10,000
landlords with 590,000e deprnileneiee
arrayed• against IreliptVo '
Mint. Of the ' retmaioing' X5;000,000 `.
mauls eombingdttotiiinq,oatt resist them.
The Britisb'Ct overnment may-•pase *
coercion hM though ;I, don't say I
would .let ti em=-•lipt if;, they, dill they
wou14.nolphO4sdyancing, ,cue mitre. I
tell them Abet, all tItetrtnets ani<iAtatnte-
i w 'Are bo ,rri,itah 'streets! . paper.`. lt°•li`k ilei ;
St Lot
e espnaYtil?nr,le ;On18i ,.fbe potal le a tqo
iiureret afibbtsKido!.vH'�. th e•en.s atnel.the"i' lgf'o• ,Yo
ilt$tayytt. neo the V:t age
oak add /lute aain Teo.
fAiiltei', Let nti,nEer
,uatitbet lb. This
a"nr thezpt‘iteotpbl
go, cudbin
ter Veen is ..
late, (nearly
4 state
Ihe. atajprity;o the people,a We ladies• in „the p'ogli;ion tion slttceplcra.
:stood, Wedeet'are'it:to ba the 'kitty
of'veru Iri,hman.,lo free his • cnnntrv'
'if he can. Wa Wilt work sltr e3 nstitn,•'
tinnal m^aats,as lnnSeee t titttilrl tt'*' 'to'
o_et►: \'e,,rcfutsa to plunge the e',lttt•
try into the• laorrprs.•of..eivil...War. 'vihsn
et lyri ,sok. a chanes, but: I ask any.
fishes . ;"I 'Inr•.115;,tsotild not
r 0, 1880.
oopeider it the first duty of an Irish=
man to do what he could to eut\ble hie
country to keep a place among the
nations of the world. (Deafening
oheere), If it could be proved to you
that fair prospects of euoeees would
follow from a maim, I ask you
whether it would not he your highest
duty to give your lives for your calm try,
that gave you birth. I don't wish to
be tnisanderstood.. Our present path
is within the limits of the• oonetitution.
If I ever orll upon' the ,people to go be-
yond the Constitution, we shall do so
openly and above board, We shall not
ask the people to take a risk we are not
willing to share. For the present we.
will remain within the Constitution, re.
lying on the Parliamentary action
of Englancl, and upon the organized
national a'ttiou at home; I believe we
have in these power to achieve our
ends. We call upon you, if you be-
lieve in its ueo and believe in our hon-
esty, to help us with the ability and
genius God has given you, confident in
the future of our common conntry.
(Great oheeriug.)
Robert Patterson, late, G. W. R. and
Manitoba ticket agent, of Paris, toalc
a severe attach of bronchitis on Friday
afternoon and died at four o'clock on
Sunday last.
A very peculiar- law case is to be
tried In the next Dtvi,ien 0ot1,rt
held in the to,vu of Listowel. ry 1
pears that a number of ratepayer's fail-
ed in 1878 to p ty their taxes, but Save
their notes for thei,^ eterious amounts,
payable several inen.>:lls after date.
The amounts weler.'s1rncit off tll.l Col-
lector's roll, reoeipte,rli;;ere given stat-
ing that taxes were :peed, without the
Council ever getting a' -dollar. Since
thea a numb)r have sold their farms
and left the towuship. Those that
still remain refuse to pay their notes
on the ground that notes for taxes are
unlawful, The leave has ordered one
of the notes to be tes ed, hence the
suit. ....._: eesesse,sese .. ; }
A letter, making n pamphlet of
about sixty pages, has been issuer? by
Prof. Henry Y. Iiied, of Windeor,N. S.
addressed to the Governor-General, nn
fahified departmental rerorte. Fit
claims that for several years past
many of the departmental returns to
the Government,partionlarly customs
and fishery reports,ha -e been Inc errect.
He particularly instances the fishery
report of DIC. Whitcher, Dominion
Commissi,�ner of fisheries. which Mr.
Hind °bairns is compiled from annual
trade and navigation returns, the
Custom Department returns and fishery
reports of the Department of marine
and Fisheries,aocl are in many respeote
totality incorreot. ,
At present a great nnmber of oonn•
terfeit Dominion one dollar notes are
in eircnlutiou. They are painted from
a "1)" plate, and are. very finely execu'-
ed. It is supposed they were printed
from plates made by the n1e1 man J hp -
son, who was arrested by Government
Detective Merrily a short time ago.
Johnson surrendered eighteen ennnter-
foit plates, four being for United States
legal 'tender fives and the remainder
for Cttuadiru bills. The plates for the
Government notes were in copper, but
is is said that the. '.J)" .plate was not
among tllein,and that it ie a steel plate.
Old man Jahn.uon is i,n:v at large, to
come np for sentence when called • sem
on... Ile and his two. daughters, wit^,
it is claimed, pat the signatures to -the
dotes; are Hying et N11403 Sherbourne
street. 'Young Johnieora. Mho.was ar
rested at LODInapnlis a ehgrt t{me age
for uttering oonnterfeit' bill+, and. who
wae•aoraut teel at Anhtirn, NrY. nn an
dfibi established- by his .sister's., Came
here, at the conehision of 'Vie trial -and
levee. with hie father.. , VIA, counterfeit
notes miller their. appearance oft his
return, and though The detecttvpq have
pet evidence that the "jgoiltq •one,
still they believe that he lttiowq more
ebentthe•epifrtouq palier•than he -would
choose to tell, •
An • Indian ' mimed, Simpsetn •was
drowned in slice Lake one- nicht last
'11:14NI,1) WIDE .! EYTS.
Gonzales has been inaugurated Pre-
sident of Medoc. fl Diaz will not take a
seat io the Cabinet. ;
Five million four hundred and nine-
teen thousand. bushels of grain aro re-
ported frozen in on the Erie Canal.
Kearsage mills, at Portsmouth, N.
H were burned on Saturday. Loss,
$500,000. Three hawked employees
are out of employment. One man was
burned to death, and several seriously
John Liiingetone, at Ex.oelsior,Iowa,
while drunk,horriblelend fatally mangl-
ed airs. Margaret Stewart and a two.
year-old child with an axe. He has
been arreatecl. Lynching is threat-
President Hayes' message covers
ninety-five pages of manuscript. It
states that Earl Granville proposes a
Oommiasion to adjust the claims of
the American fishermen, growing out
of the attacks at Fortune Bay.
For the lust few days there has been
a live stook blockade at East Buffalo,
owing to the insu ioienoy of facilities
Trains of from 25 to 125 cars, east
ooutaiuiug about 115 hogs, have lai
there for over a week. The Centres,
has not been able, to furnish cars enoneh
o ship east, end tllo yards ant' eagle
W not equal to the demand made up
ou them. List week 60,000 hogs pas
sed through Buffalo. The sheep trad
In consequence of the stoppage in trans
portation ie not very good.
On the 2nd inst., a patrol from Ma, -
feting was attacked at night by a large
Nem of Bayutos. The batter were driven
off after an hour's fighting. Some of
the Colonials were wounded but none
killed- At last accounts tile patrol was
relishes, on Mefeting being too week
to hold its ,tosition against theBa,utos.
In '
Spies re it that bion
S L Uw bl t
1 1 0, tae Pon-
, Chief, has" •disbandonect his
',army. There bas been 'further fighting
in Loribe District, in which forty B•as-
tites were killed. The Colonial Office
has received a telegram from the Gov-
ernor of Natal, dated the 4th;inst„etat-
ing that the Magistrate of Koksbadt
reports that the Pundo army is attack-
ing Lsribe. Willoughby's volunteers
have gone to reinforce the garrison.
The Latpaiiel says :—It is reported in
ministerial circles that the Government
Iles decided to place a restriction ou
the admission of the Francis mocks in-
to Spain, and that the Minister of Jus-
tice has had a conference with the
papal Nuncio on the. subject. It is re-
ported that the Government's onurme
has received the approval of high Epis-
copal authority.
The Provincial School Comanission,
Berlin, has recommended the' Govern-
ment to dismiss two teachers for dis-
Playing animosity against the Jews.
The national (Zeitung prints a letter
from Dr. Moritz Busch stating that he
ceased two years ago to conduct the
Leipsic Greenzbote. He says he would
not have admitted into its nolutnns
ar ieles against the Jews, such as it
recently published on the anti Jewish
petition preeenled to the Reichstag.
Greenzbote having printed an article
on the history of Saxony from 1866 to
1870, which in view of the inepired
character nail ally attributed to Greertz-
bote, was calculated to embarras the
German Government. a semi-official
announeetnent is issued that the article
did not emaiate;frotn any official source
least of all from any person iuBismark's
A $2.500 WALstxG MAT(.-'•
Edward'Payson 1'Vestop, the-pedes-
tri,tn, wage ire New York_ on Monday,
Tie had sent. a challenge. to O'Leary,
and lel come so meet lion and arrange
for "',,;watking ;match 'as' -the
snorting Word never • we'r Late' in
the thy Weston and O'Leary mot and
arranged the preliriiivaries ; for their
neit clout. a'r 'tYnu've gat away ' from
me three timet+, btrtet was by adoiclent,
Weston said. ' !'r'f "^voit'11 train, your.
Self; that is, ,be indelendent of any
trainer; and eat yfitlr•forth ,in„yoaj tent
or ie fronted' ft, acdP.pfittg'nnnse a snce
from pat attond,aiit I"11•;walir you•arl•lss-
yon nleass •for ) 44 oensee orris.; lrours
for $2,500 'r • eliek',y a000ttted the
chatitenge, anti MAW' iris• ofleet deposit
with Mr. Untnilto i Busby, •,Ail; t)tlree-
moot as to •tile bits .itt which the eon
teat shall take plitde was not efttrotel.
t'a'Learv, Who Wits'fontlil a' ou Ilii nn.
.rt . r: ra. w t+ „ •
the height of my ambition to bring the
Astley belt back to America. but I've
said I'd never wells in a go -as -you -please
,uateh to get it,"
The New York World's, cable says
Siemens Brothers helm undertaken to
oonatruet two new complete Atlantic
nabies of the finest quality fsom Penz-
ance, at the western end of Cornwall.
to "Whitehead, Nova Bootie, touching
at Sable Island. These cables will be
connected with the Land system of the
American Uuiou Telegraph Company,
and; will be entirely controlled by
American cit]eenie The price to bo
paid for the two cables laid down and
complete will be nuder :51,500,000
sterliug. - Work will pe begun im-
Win. Patterson, of the township of
Pittsburg, while driving home from
Kinoetob, was thrown from his sleigh
and had hie neck broken.
Mr. Matthew Elliot, of Kingston, is.
a heavy loser by the sinking of the
steamship Ottawa near Three Rivers,
he having shipped about four thousand
. 'dollars worthof sheep by the unfortun-
t 1 ate steamer..
11 Sir John A. i1 It\odonald, who hail
I been suffering for ten days from a
severe cold, has fully recovered, and
e was able to attend It Cabinet Clouted
- meeting on Monday last. ,
Justine Osler on Set archly gave j ridg-
e ment in Regina vs. Blood, of Piett+n,
• confirming the repeal of the Temper.
auoe Act in the county of Prince E1 -
The by law granting a bonus of $3,-
500 in aid of the Toronto, Gray
Bruce Railway, was voted on in the
village of Shelborne on Sattlyday, and
was carried by a majority of two.
Alex. Cane, of Peterbnrnugh, a turn-
er, was badly hurt on Saturday by be-
ing struck with a piece of a pulley
which burst while he was working eat a
lathe. . He was knocked senseless, and
.badly cut about the head.
!e'en. Mr. Bowen, aoeMupaniPd by
DIr. • 'hews, a Gocernmeut officer,
was 1n 'eville Saturday, and inspect-
ed the harbor with a view of selecting
a site for a lighthouse. After viewing
the ground a site was selected on the
west bank of lbs channel, south-west
• of 1130 Grand Jnnoti'an wharf.
emelt. ^ H'q And fecounpanion atteti peed
;to erot t ori the 100...wheen tbe,re&lese
went 'b thronan ,air.hole. , Thes�liorse
,and Ills other men. were aesa)teal by
ptUtie*'attraofed by tbeir.or'ie+;ft r helm
A K.,lilllintt; braketn.n on,,•the G.P.
$., *as killer) Saturday. at. Lancaster.
ife',•was'not milisecl'till ' his train had
roadbed fiiimmerstp:wn... Enquiry was'
ifimariietaly Made, end ltier:.body; was
found !aE Lttnoaster, horribly, mangled.
It is supposed thattthree trains passed
over n.
Wm. Bear, of Drummondville, on
Saturday night came home and de-
mended money of his wife for liquor.
She refused hits, and he bit her with
a board acrossthe forehead, knocking
her down and inflicting a deep gash.
He then, with the board, mutilated her
by neatly severing her ear and inflict-
ing other bntlily injuries, leaving her in
a very precarious condition. Beets way
arrested and committed for trial.
On Seturtiav a man from the country
presented e check at the bank of Mout-
real, Halifax. for $600, and the ameuut
was paid. The paying teller discovers'
ed when he made up his cash in the
evening, that he was short $500. He
thought !the transactions of the day
over, and °included that he must halve
paid it to the countryman whn present-
ed the check. He then started fortlt
in searoh of the man, but could not find
any trace of him. The; polioe were
given a description of the man, who
was found in a short time, but. denied
having received more money from the
bat,k than $600. His manner, how-
ever, was not that of an innooent man...
His trunk was searched and the Lnouey
was found. ,
A nntnber of prominent' antlemsn
m't at the Rosin House, Pdrbnt+o, and
formed a committee to colleot subeori
tions for a testitnonial to the” 1►1[a r,
r. arose Beaty, M. P. `
M J DK o his 'r
n i et�r .
y, r, ,t 8
ment from uff,oe at the first of the year.
The testimonial will take the shape of -
a full length portrait in oil, died still be
bung -in the Council Chamber,
On Friday morning last, a farmer
named (lrav offered a load of hay for
sale in Guelph, and it was bought by A
poor laboring man, and on, it being
weighed Mr. David Kennedy.• bailelar,
saw the owner of the bay deliberately
iget on a cross plece en 'the market
Coale, land press asretrrs! the bar, cnida:
ing his load to he heaeiertthanit ratty
was. 1lir, Rwanda al•dhee''i'faf5tli cati4
Mr, .Iirtbina, the Marltbt f;Yerk, a`rtti+►
ordered the man to drive his load bae'k
ou the scales and have it weighed a
second time, whs►i 11 wits Conlin to be
600 pound less than it did 01.0.,;„C•4°
it matt, if it had not been di novel 54
the buyer would nave been beaten not
k! *OW 014 411 ,. "r ntww