The Goderich Star, 1933-08-24, Page 7.104744.41.1 4 .40 41' ".14001ft gAtStlirt.' tk _ ,The entlre in 4 gtr1'S 'If , .aa a'Inurderes0, , t ,'.atterrip*, re*. • Allatt Breue tagerty: "vot eenT." .1 got:: her .StOrt, „settled _i4Y_ line.' '.44. 1.1e ' adoPted * MI*: Of • ,e,ssurance he oonit not feet.: ., qt"si thls MIS I tiulte.,.Cr''palOn e.bea_i_ted.,,, ' Crofton In the hist of health, 4 few you on, that Attifallmo. o'ver ''' u'''''' minutes earlier ,ittOilant at Seeming, eon,:, moo ..10.ve4 you,' 'had shared your Tour faith trel of the Delorme mine* now Sheothig, Ut. 9rotton, trOaded On Proften'a Croelt.., ..himitit....7and *owl; ini, the exactmo. edziess until 'tile Sigitt •Of 'Craft04 'gaunt- rocrA trAt.-1VIarY Oalt Prig open the ear ng )34,,weaith in the eyes of Morning- door. to 46the \ ate4,., ton fairly drove her road. ' And; ,in a 'fit , Orv.4os:0r Xergin would simPIY laugh: ..et,..4rneritiat, . she slOot,' OrOttOu*". , that preposterous defense, out ot; court. :,.,z.he moolorto ,protty, Yetithtui ' Sac* so be tow the *man, and thereafter momentarily • : allelic( w„i#11, -UV% grew weighed:his ehaneeS of lighting: the case ashen.: . , „ „out: on ttio asSertionv'that 'Mary gait . , "That- will , ., 'not fire on the shot* this ,i,ii'th,fi. teeth et ' "NOi rter she PreteSted, ntVer dor ' ' a teere of witnessec, Whe-fhid 'alreadf - lan'..Pressek stared. 0, , . IT toe, 4:9 ,ott14.4e.fen...e,,, i he grintlY told her. ', !'We Will, 'Of eourSe,.• claint. the 7thot•Was nnbitentiOnttic oceidental, 'You •see, ' IV/*.1S,. Galt" -as the „.Weina*s. UPS parted to kerotest,.7‘lhe facts are 'ine2ii- ' eralge,, . The prosecution will shaother us with 'ix Cloud 'of WitnesseS. who saw Mary lire the diet il',W:,t.,.leizn:,,e:.,n.,•Ar'ee4,...'wcak ' reeds,', -the IIPPoS_ ,itteir;R'--:dinientia,. tii*Iniostiitt- i#6, shot Might , have been „ftecidenta4 *and 'syMpathy„tor an:1140.We girl. Just - .1y, angered at -,,Croften's crookedness." -t, 'Iiitaa',the.yiel.hings turri..to, stare. Oat; if WO/ ' n, 1011, CrOttov Who didlo '.tor not thisie the: dep,"t -knew." i"Theres one P0a$1010 -.4suieidt;"' ._, *014 knew mr, Crofton. 10(0 men, Be"- iv do *11,04 -- age thing as km 4 AteAtalin BreigeY *AY reel wOnAll% attttiXde Wks nttertt;bnPossflfle, But se, he decided, vatst the *Weide hOrtu, riPbte 4 was flr•otten aetutiAT known to be At'iter unbeettatb44 red Isadenlet eitth the icr. R. vladoct, ton whIetled 01) the *be to• rete to slow opposite the itnittingIn4le Sri d.',Ugbter, , 0014,44 Ferrier,, Carmen the 14#04 and. Oiirt terrier*: aPent 40440 With, M. -an Adam ono, BreMe4 %Aft ObInIneht- t'And 'when the CV 1wed- ot, ot.‘ ilmol vomit» oss Psold y a N1LI Mr. and glir* COOlr• 0!, ,Toronto, are vlatthig her sister, Istri, 0...NrOthee,, • Mrs, McIntlfre, of Dutigartnon, VI*, iting at Ur*, ..Anta,t 140Perinitrit this '"Xt's the bunk.1". disgustedly ejaculated tAvingetortO bid Old US that w.604 • Reddlck• • • known Of fore -fathers r.; how his', MTS. t3chwang (nee',Reta Young), "1 agree,", retArtmet Bressey; bitterly, great-grtindfitlier at. Oullodent-light; Vetrolt,, and children, are yisiting at "It's the -bunk. But it' *11 zdjAkve, ,fOr .,the•- '4)14 line k1410.1 "7 11* the parental 440 NouT. of, arot*4 iteddick; 'ogee • grandfather' goad; .0 1).104Ck.Or six gen*: 'Ws. cl„ .Stewart„,04 Misses oral here, you pUt aex,ttot the ides of, eratiOns 01,1* familY before' him., IC.• and tVelma Pinnigan Went to Louden on. combinatien \tot' *ill three,. Ott lY traditiOn hiniSelt felt -.prOnd Ot,was sos, /%10,0, .inot-oevouog, • INfbat 0011 diata•nee trim. tb tunnell"' (itieried ot oldotirne. are to knOCk,thO *Do Ot the -400.0nOtiv. won't set fire to the ttulnel,ft. ago r. Mar hC explairied, et.eday areh*n*c4 mi mlgt denientia-or accidentr.or jiptuteat/cn: the Partientara eta; and, how the on business trip. ibis week., • you can't. put acrowthe Plea that Man dld ()Alt didn't fire that shot." "I've weighed; all that," 41r011- rue mere .ehut. It out. of your testilieetud wiitilMestity.:agiti that sh.4 YoU'Ve taken the one line of de. L! -- did= you - Mrs. Galt. fenSe that's alc4iltitelY hopeless. With "But, if X.' fail, dent 'blame me, "The r000sure of 4ymaitOity. But bore your ' ingston who was a donkey. _ .°d4isdlar'Itzeir otv.le^;11'ia, Gait thanked ihai7oroci. him,.• ymathet10 jury by lmplying that was The jnfluence o( his land blood' re14411aninarl)IrteeYrkl'onP-•!leuncillititaydre-naarotirld-P-Int,! • "Bat, just thesame," Bres.ler remind-. thoort. fppis; slit, you caul get a*aktiVraigstone's Character. It modified tne, telldi to stay a couple of weeks. Thirtelf,,„,,t,Qur deten,4- dern intateir...e.nt Ins early•Years. the Inahk, friends Of VW Vetta:Tahb,, realaor, - ,•,:hanged one iota.--ctofton's crookedness, Brease$' shrank. of the- Old Man. ,.who tever heard e„!,,. atiY Pets* irr hoins guilty. Of dfshonesty, and 100. charged his oialciren. never 'intrOdUee the vice. ,Ite ;used -also . to tell tiluning them to qiiiiitenee sciipot "I'll thance 4p"- he „told: Mai 'Other :tlefenee' elaul4 count 'Oa a -that neither had eVer heard Of a.;,T4 that arid Ur*, trod E3eltwant viatted with WA. rk..Outiedge a -day last. week.; The, 'Young tadics' o! had *very enloyable:"pienie Bege*O"Tletien laStAiteeltt,...biatriing• teing the ,?Chlit am- usement. ' Ur, Harold' Jaeltscii; 'Out coe. * lived; among the cotton -spill- who teeently unprwent an operation for,. --WrIti.,-"....0..alt.PrAtinets_‘,--and--.4tila--h towy4.46.131_,e4por nem: et tanarkildr‘c. ''' It Criablell bhp to'appendieitis, will be pleased to know she 7charice"that -the-'--:'-ehrit-niiiirt4haVe-71:0iirr, lc : -..,' -.7-','., ," '-iiiriTt.,T, IVEMdiwthtrtiregvele4iorAlet; isAtettlegotiethk„.aXIdt.41/ ".1-4 hardly`, feel' like tratkAng' a burn- the African - tribes to . flii-trTehtefa, :' It :fa can* -rii-e---tarwer.7.----:-..-- ar,Ataentav,, , On .1 -1 -Le ate.' stibloot..04-wager,l,..- , . k - 4110Wkli . itself 'tin the., dash' and daring There. • ykli be -no. preaching :service With„,Mary. Gafp,s .statenient, ,Bressey ,=-4. filleci '21ilt 'alteX.45:611 at tb4 "cd114.° )0 ' 4, "Then '',inu're - foolish. A, betting Which were so rediarkably, totnhined: -in' •next' Sunday, August 27th; at Nue,. it Reddiek Ar.. Collinson.. He asked aSked for Mr. Ift.c,ffii:,, 00 oreic iii-60,,,,or i•iic.4-thli, - "Iiii."' with_ Eiaxerl'i. forethought' and, per- being= i'ert" Albert; anidiettary. : Sunday .13.Uti?' she4-1rEher4eralT. PxotestOdi 11/4/r..-kteddlek, mtv-BedOciLlvas, -owed.• • .: Oeften•Vatet 4 '6rOLOIt`•"*'' ' Mr. Iteddick...continued to be engaged, put Allan Bressey 'waited until he got Bressey If* • WS' patience. -,-.. ..1.itees got to he a, creek, it Vin. to save through. Then ho etatnped. in. - -,,Your stbolgbterr- - . - --- - - -, - • - - - him prbroun no -defence- Whatever,- you.„caw,got. her logical and ,raologieal Specimens. . ., "But don't you sot Mr. /IresseYk any- annoyance, • ' - - Irv' on aLOtraight Plea Of not ROO.. . ' It Wita iliaithil-intiar- -ext3,---thlt the. thought of it win ruin her life?, -Xt pioug.i.4._,„ , . . :I've 4-..„1"ox of tv,tentk-nve, Cent cigars- the ;,great ,spititual .change took place • WAY, lf'%fary,., gets off' with that defense, "Oh,' see 'here,".. he burst forth, t`I ' ;to PRY that -the age Of Miracles is,_past., wIlleh-17efiiiiiii0 the "Om* of Livings by .side. beta on 111$, 4ses"- 'Well! a 'You. severikiiic,ei the '1114.01-a_S.ded_neas ,schoal will be _lield,:howe--verr.:.-at...te us - won't het' on; bunian life; bet on the 10.- 'character .4107,ed ea.Pli7;--1°--lii't7' anal time, `2.45 stract •''Prinelple-that where the., el/A,. 'content with- reading, lie• used to scour Eino..41an is :erecting a straw denee against ei 'SliAtirder.e.84 leves you the county In search -Of botanical, ,geo- Shed, be 'having +mil dowzi the old one YOn. thonght,',deesta triatter,", Anci... yea"--rteddiek grhuieil tauntingly stone$,°11141-re•ri I,r. Therft. ea4 be Ile *Will .hitintt. 110 alwaYs--that She killed a c .,what „14.#01,,,110,4‘ Jot , let_ me , finish; Please.' snarledrBressq. "Let your 'eye ' idahee -"you 1ack'4he nerve to take me up," • doubt . that David -LiVingstorie'S heart , d'Aveh when 13.4 was - little'iliti Mari/ • ' Rtidfck, seining 'himself With the hi:.. - ...• TI'-'7+-71.1.s,iisteitYk,c.iltyritial ;to., Ite-'4:di'ek," Inisteriouelrlibe sileneed, his protests. ,ever this statement." ,.._ -• • as -very thoroughly. penetrated by the iiii-Sin'olie hew life ;that now l'io*ed .into -it. **LW. sz$, 'llkii-: MASI "---WlellakA4 4gs. We ' PaC1 • 9' eVitable tivirettei giance& threiigh the your perfectos- I;;.'. honor of the twelve r.hieken_ittnee-, that ,••••-.• ze its feet, and typewrittorLe;oik_a_. Niatic:iciiiat A- _ 'A 4 -el"''''. .'ood men-,=4xid true who agree with-ine , "mot. f,,,wa,I.,gotug" to kill the PoOt -bird, - -tion.' • His habitual giln:Catne back, ' thai black . is winte.". : ' • - -J1L glittirifr-tbk:PONir .Etb40- On_ 0, eein- _ ent foundation. VVin. IVIcalure is doing the truolt.ing the gravel. NOte thsaik gPectitc u'Ostion o world-wide' scope for ionfselt*tutionx pldretzgs: 1:110 anOrging of a CentUry- ,,, The gravel crusher. which has been oPerating in William Watson's pit has finished the contract and lias moved to the Viehlity f SJ tttford Geo 'eagan dio not inertlehend- the truth:- assisted with his- tactor bthlees:lorugt4tielawleadirnirito ItThnoely'Detrin="11rine oitflt Jaw' es bad a. -very suetes&-= • to theheart of St. Pain, St Augustine,' and others of that type, subduing all earthly desires and -Wishes. The love that bega*j to stir his heart in his fath. eids-house-.-continued to Move -him -all through ,his dreary African JourneYS, and In fun. thlit, „rlonearelYer, tringd-.4 ..lkilanf.,*vulti- never, anything,., _ already Spolled;-- irretrievably, XotAust , 0 ./..ordetliett art My <led and ICritg;" Thee Will ,,inagnifY and praiseL I 'will Thee -bless, and gladly sing Ilutd Thy holy naroe-alwayi. - Sti.ottish -±,saiter. Wrify 'Made me 'bandage- the 'stumps. "Ray on the -.eyes, isn't she?" • 'be ter4inued) The paor r thing hobbled around for ,,Yes-cotifound- hie" • - . year; it was her especial pet"- . . "Why the profanity, my, learned She 'VA -pen .her eyes., friend?" . ,• --'"JUltr- she-was-.--alWays-brn . a . --"She's too pretty- a thing to spoil--" toinelesA cats to .feed, and it hurt her 4.B0-, y that' your salvation." • ,,,hezi„,:me.L.3),..m.5..: n.kle„k-robin. ,.- . .--,-1.-,--in ...• ) + , . tut bee on Mondavi dravithig gavel I his new barn ';wilich be' is Outting up. His former barn was the victim of' the electric storm, which passed over these pads week ago.. Broin Broil are doing the cement work. kneir4M -greabt_need- VIII, crop 4Steseentoe-gergin,"f conntered 'because she --kIlled-Crettori,,.,--thaVev--had • .0 mr,.tettaik,- (7w1.41$a Tie qswiit kiti4v Y imit arts ort • nes Saturoays. 00 $1 - Pill3 a -range Go ,t1 iPketraelie.coos Round trip,frorn' 'Gterit„h. Fifteen' day ' it:- (.)t)- se Ift. ilv. • . .Voritg ATTRACTIVE-PANKFOR.,11-41MVIDUALS'APID SPECIAL RATES FOR pAangs of *3 0* MORS AND 100 Oft MORE ON APPLICAllatI 10 AGSM. the hut-iniLlala.,•04,-.1.404.K/41.1,1n growth, is•Ahat .-ein Every reY hat.4111-Nfh0 3w(3114' viltuqses Ivh°. enough -but lietatiSe She -relies on her. to Cuicl and Sav441t:% one reitlizes the. importance of air for • eaw ' her kill Creftolt," prettiness, her femininity, 'to get her -anitnalc--but that it is needed. lor plants •The linty " little woman blinked in tlear," • REUNION PUPILS •• "why, Ivir. Stessey, Yet,' don't*be- seruoes. , • • - - Nite the Yesteryear Have aniathe. '"; Redclick Iauhed.at uck callow lieve -11/4/fary did it?" • • "Your cgdenvopportimity, boy. IloPe- . And, incomprehensible though the .fact less case--loyely client -cause ofilebre. Wax, .13rqss,eY- hegmr-tu-gras13-tber w w 'tablish year--reputation-fo tgri absolute Immense. )11" was lvsfrs. "A dirty waY maim a reptitation, In all my Works' Tty presence find, liver seventy. . Young fellows *such as vicinities deluded belief.. in her dough- an time .to cOme," „:. Happy* 'Thies at Harbor ,Park Pupils or/411e scilbol In years gone bye t Harbor Park last 50,turclay y 'fulfil; • fora reunion, with an attendance It hYstsr.leat, od quite saving a. criminal from her just deserts, 4knd prove Thy etteptable. will. -ThOnlae• Smillie. -V, and William 'Bailie, , at cncerned ,-her was, not tile ment?" , j.:1: S. LESSON'E'OR SEPT. 2r4', 1932 liscif°°1 ben:- Others • came :from Sea- . . . ec Well what do you ree in her- a - --harlei -Wesley. go; again responded to theelang "o A - 6;rerwhelniing evidonee' against Mary, ' "Alk/ui. bunk," grunted neadit1. but the fear that Mary's after life would 45110 -lying, of course. 'and not too " 'fully at that. *I can guess your defense. DOrnentW--aceldsntal shot -and-;" - "Not, flat; assertion:. that she nogr, fired the shot." . -.—"Yotr'infernal foolr-emloded-Itest-, dick. "Why, wfth the. overwhelming prima facie -ease Itergin's got, you dare. n't meet him head on like that. YO1I simply have tb sidestep." . , Th' 111!Istr,„c detachment, as , a problem tid.lie worked out-lita-the least- possible effort and the most possible 'glory, along the least re- cistive line. . ." . "'Toni trouble; Al," he commented, "it • that when 'thinking becomes worth, While, you cease to think. , 'Take a spend hoint brooding oVer-a'easeS- NOT-Stit. when I do think, Al,'think ]ear through a problem., YOU brood ii11 you „readh the pa*. *here eledrthirikint , is tibtointely essential. . then you let, Water and. iYrnPathies run awaY • „ • COMMI$6160 Bressey. argued.. . , "Oa, whare:' demanded Reddiek, "has .Witfkrfur-Lawtt-Serviee-,.: 'ntay. he used ONLY from,/ to 8 cc _ to Before Water is used ter- !aim ser,, application must be made in ,Valting t thea*itter and„..Ught ilDathmission, - ;:-Vise of hose 'during 41re a*W-.4.S otztiotlY prohibited. , '-itifraCtion, of the be_ *Mt_ wlfi Wording to. the 13,1w:4. COL0 A. E. 600 OiltitAli, Lt.n.f daio*om,Ilomia 0,ovUNoU _ _ , • MINFSTIfikciiii.ritittrAtIllits171:10r4r1-,114iltril-;itzoiailoititio#AL 11,FA1.S/w11.-„Lag, - • * „ , Sel3tem or, lst 1933 DEPARTMENTS' OV INSTRUCiION' toapostitoa • VIOLlit 111 eel sir rItal aro STK vIoLA tt.60tatioa Sifikttra vot.0mOtt.i.0 ,CoN 060' MO OivIAN 00ULE Taos DALLtr DA.NCJIM 0 ItcHtS1114$.1fitT 0014 flit* ri AEC ItOZZ. ICU Itliffi Mitt M1flWt4TERAUMWSUMMER tgAmlimtlatii .Relidence for Youtig Weinta Students koTA Aik014141..4titsON RtOtlEST-* ittbnitrAti iCOLLEt.e. SZ, 2.640,N2Oo When the bowels boeine 'oboe and &tor Invuter coraplaint and 61,her bowel troubles set Immediate Atteitit Aould begiven mut the dichari cliecked, beam they betoMe merlons, To AS& these- teduitutal Iishsrge ti remel3f in Dt'Fowler's Extract ot' WrId 4r1 rMntdy that has been on the Mirk Xi* * reablcaTal streelivis Lesson Topic -David. • Lesson Passage -I -Sailittel 16;4-13; i'salm t18;70-12. Cleidtal Text -1I Samuel 16:1. t -David, the yriumsest son of Jesse of the tribe-of---ludahrwasvbern.--m-Bethlehe YE, forth,-.BrncetieldrAtaina„...Loiidesboro and Toronto, but ,on Saturday their hearts and minds were at the ' old school house at "The Nile.".., , • , - After lunch addresses were given, with itt-lar *0--41ireildi ed of - the- school according), to the can -anon reckoning, speech. igrs:. •wili . Lyon, on es oto. 11.-0,4-085.- ',While .a fugitive from Stall, and :Mrs. Charles 'Treble, organ%ed this he headed a band of freeboetels Whose - annual- reunion -four years-ago..and-th centre of operation vita' the 'pave . of lairtr'-6n-the-.41eath-aL.:Sa 14bi-o-$4n-,07avittr1c1ttir.r.a reigned .for seven years At Hebron, .Af- ter a tithe matters came 1,0,e. -climax and the whole twelve tribes tame under ba,Vid'S sway and Jerusalem 'bacon -ler -the ,capital-, The character of David ha been' ,Vory differently judged. In . In hiS .. own; day ;he atal-155--,1401-451-114-peo to the subsequent, prophets' and 'priests he Was the model king; to the later .10*S his kingdonitypifted the Itingdonl of the eiStalf,Iit-Whorii rio -wrialifintelf7a th:.:, His igefY, his zeal for, Jehovah, his *ten- , der: Compassion,' his generous Sympathy,his bold enterprise, --his datintlesS *nip - age;: entitle him - to adniiratien; He is ' recognisied. 'al ,the'werthY leader of the ,Claen- people,' and, next' to- Abraham, *0 Father 0! of the 'peg:Utile 011ie's, craVid,-' the.itriati after ,d'aii,',0' own heart hearti 'Some. -1-tZrx!.'1ittel'-'71W- glit''''102001101.*7-brth:; faults'sd-that they might sneer, at his re,, , titian.- 'Ittit Ahe-bett ' refutation Or . th16- .detraltion is the, . tibia toot& ifo free ,from flattery, co candid, and cotnPrehen- SiVe,"and-yet leaving i.ne. illiPresslafilhat. ' its ,Stibieet was a. hero, .4 Man Cast iti a, rare ,,ntouitt• He eames before us- In, i every litht-as shepherd, r4t1g1elari, . 1,thanipiort, courtier, fugitive, chief, • ;marl ' rier,. king; what lite could be mote 'Ur-, ' led/. In a more daniestie way ' 'fie ati- i Pears as Obedient 'ton, respectful younger' ....z...,..... 1 brother. modest, . 'youtb,,,, went lover, , ,faithful friend, 'tenster..huitbanCand. lo - diligent father,..,All along the line of ids' , development, private' and public, VA - PlotY is Marked. The palms he wrote attest attat the depth af' big love 'for .00d, and his unwavering ,eontidenee. ' }tit .elatrat. •fer,, was 07sentialik.the sante from -th days *herr under *6 glistering stati 'as ISyliii.45ii;.-.1iiLtixiiki;-.;r1V47:1l7437M.6116. elate ,'tlit. tory ot tiod,' v.ntit the day'i ' 1m0.1 at i aged 'nuniereti • it • was said of. 'crene pritkers:., of pivid„, the son of estrn-sere ,:ended -,A.- • late,itiii.:hy,itocinestie perfect.. He was Compassed with infirta- itiesi but, he maurrietiliis defections,: and Was pardoned, .the struggle ,• with his . llostiOntitt. nattire, SttOng and proud, was kept .tip rineestantiy, 'ink tbotigh 'aft de•• fated, , he tonqueted at last. The eins 'for Which be, is today it,tocked were pre-' tieely those "ot . an Oriental, ,.king. •Ile' was the mint tift*if ttediii Olin -heart, iiot In his sink Iva in his tepetitarce and iti lila eaett; effort -alitel .4 11* r OA told' Of same of their girlhood exper- iences. ' Bumorons Mcideni's also were .ritkan• of- da - and Will „Watson of N le. The •cortimitteefor nod year is as olloWs 7Mrs. 1,1c0ra,tten, Mi. WI.. flpfWatsoMr Clarence Dustow, An- drew Mellwtain and„tioss McPhee..,„, Vik*, „,f , * A4 'irk !kw :OtAilk )0P 11/11iies AGAIIIC.11611t:T"It-IPtiatill 14" -111114- I "'°!1`14:'' imdask. ye il‘..-----A4111-Nr -EDUCATION 1117-7 HORTICy.LTURE 1,— gillfOliir 1 .e. 'Airliiiihi tini'malurPw vital iviti,, ENGINEEFUNG "Wax ALW awl —11111111111irop 0. AUTOMOTIVE - - .7 1141-IND USTRY i1.- 'VVE_HAVE• JUST REPRINTED A CHART h!IADE OVER 75 1PEAF$ AGO -0,1/411.1146 EVERY DORE& $1014 AND-YE4RS OF &SOD TIMES -FROM 1$16 TO 1090 - IT IS CoOtEct ti5,0Alt • TIL MO$TIMflREST1t4G READ ING AVAILARLE,-.GOOlt TIkviES AHEM) - WRITE FOR ' YOUW,FREE coPY. HOTEL. NX(A)/ERLEY SPADINA AVE:* toLLEGE ST IOROKTO iiasyisok ,01.01.1k ..15. to ,. SEM., 9 Inclusive - ' 7 s 1933 MarVelO)us. Displays . From:the, manufactUrffig centres of - 0-tinitistic -so Foittirgn th2-wIldi.ttit the miadipaificent display Inhibition, the creations Of man arePbglegh(t)-toreyOvuurr'apPlarvtalat annual r? Agriculture and - - 'teen competitions of tho eduntreerfineat . - Its alljed, in bteeds.of livestock andPet stock, trinomial - 'Iota- filirdite;-jutnping--competiti -- ntederneproducts and mreducation marketing methods are here for you cli' ' and entertainment in the Coliseum* Live .fitook Pavilion. and thenew Union-Dollar Horse Palaba, "Agriculturists' Day, Wednesday, Sept. t441. Sports events Scidlin raceforthewarld'S professional chaMpipn- roa shin; dal,. Sept. lst, between the champion iiV• al Olymp; , 4,.. ---Ted Phelps ot England and the famous Bobby Pearce, formerly of Anstra la. Will the sculling trawl* change hands this year? Come and see." Eighth world's championship Marathon Swims) Women's, Friday,,Atig. 26t Opon, Wednesday, Aug. 80th. ' Also inter. national amateur. Sports competitions. Harness races, includiug $6000 fatuities, Tuesday, Sept 5th to Friday, Sept. 8th. • , The greatest Pageant IviOnietimia"-- gripping, glittering,of ifilem,,air glamordua dtallia• tam* you back to Mexico of the 16th. Century and un. fold's the thrilling story of the e(iii4neatloi the Aztec Empire- by Cortes and his Spanish , adventurers -truly a tremendous production by 1600 costumed characters on a 1000 -foot stage. Aug. 28 .to Sept.& Music The regimental band of His Majesty's Scots Guards will be • here from England and, along with 80 other ha0.1/kb.414.***,-. W1110404 100810 I.OVett# daily. , * . , . , ' PoiontaWn (Adel free iriiormation bureau. List of carefully Seleot04 veA vete homes avaabla to out-of-town Exhibition Visitor.. ' Mike retervations at elite for Orinaittand ii`agetZni 414-)icittibiaik; --- --"'-- „ 0 10,,00;, ...z. soda 0.50 (6Chairs in each 1)04. Mail cheque to Canadian LARGE 11 Opening perfoiroance--Monday, Aug. ZS. Reserved Seats 60c„ 75c and National'Exhibition;Tormb0. • 1,-.._ _ , 4 Low rates Orr all trap4ortatiOn li!letiL- iletinliCal rates"r"geti ANNUAL .4.1vOnstilt ledal *gents., ,, . Vnt.11,101.tit , ' H. vir.•wellots. EXIIIIIMON .. Prielamak ., ht