HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-08-24, Page 6:urIth, Au,j 3L—A. murky pill or trn(k$tti hung htvUy tontzht9er t Ittn1 3ittie _ 40 fliiy TOwnh1p,following, Coliagretion, Whteh broke„Oht • terneon in the dontown bialnece -Oen and taneed-144--Vibieh' may to • ttentent'* history, toed 141044 01 the/It” loges main *bucineeer hbuces,, partiall$ ;destromd. two roldinces, :einit 'brought heavy property loss to many other bowies • and. 1**. , Y040401 volunteer il.te4ghters, o or them born Zjurielt *41%e other mm near the village, Were zer- 1ouIy -Minted hi fella TWO tell tfOrtf. 'home rOete;,the, othOlti-int the WO: tire ttnek, itt. the opitement * •01014 telt,frels, s Wagon*44,-***,,,,,TOrk . . 14e.ae of Arliford WWI*. Tbe nine .ot ittl; ZeiriVegti. 'Age cloOre' Operated' by CharOicLs Fri *r KloplMiin;ci'it.trmthootlfaetneLod' Aintoet ;core Of other residence. 01, btdldligs Ia the villoite cenitht tire the stiOnx, whirl eortied spark* and nat *era to theroof* gn4 set theM e. Prompt., action twi the three ct fire'tiePOrtntentSi end.dozeui, of - Veluuteera, •forintiffi bneket, b4adee, hleaked-Orther progreu before tedium :dereage, resulted. .h4uredl , :Zurich; eXPVesa MY' *Pinloh41441:: ,. . It „,ts , .Z.4 4. . -oo 1 ,. • rot of the ,r 1 Pi No, 0, , ,IT . ...•;thst, . f 0.4derichit -:to,, pent 't Mel, `Toronto,' milArednecdon Our ttath actide.flxed *seemment, - Itiiiirnitl , u )3t . r tit Alepteniberf. IOU, at the hone of NOW ,TfiRICTORE: the .3‘funto 1 - oteloe*, in. the 'forenoon, for, the . ,. 00104 of, the Corporation or the To - pose.of iottsiderIng and If deemed advW 'of Ooderich ewe* as followsi, Z. : 'EN t s jerit Rrnplo :mum: , b, ,-00lc ..111.c t -0,7-2-xtriotmoir rosoutton ; -.(x) - out *ow *coidkupgii-viactuiv n onrm and ratify genera ' Will4the'"1111010r1. Tbte4.°,4/0(1°°crier44,'Org":4'. Vo •• retaken * rug-, ,i,,. e t, Irt thollmato ifstn$,----Tolmitc4-, --:040Toi -:-.nc,- 4110climich-,sholl-he anti- ape are -40eiaro, ad to be cUklect, to -* tticed . aelsearnent. . in _ • , . 0d. teern01.440',00.0.011. tketuru,‘140)0,volowr ctiPer, o .., aueas- ... „ v h.oht to be ithiuie :44...the..,$car...114/14.,,but •**uoh flied' 4.0. eitcutent ,ehall not affect t4or,,,school",--00rPocec , orlocal, mprovoments„:: and the mid ,ClomPatt$ - -:lietteruit-,t 0 44-.14 iiiirttoUlair- -the• UttOtt--14---theL toe In negottathIg an ',option, to In* Ln *11 Ineeluittic- lions .4004 the .A.tert . gaged, rremiceofor a 1044 iniroinkee prke of $20-0100:09 as 0.4tune 29th, 1933._Anit ' Interest ,on, ,Incte amount ',at, the.. rate or " ' 41X P.0.7...404t;:pet *4010 front th4-41 .. 34)" tO toe (*WO . eXereiee of ..14b,e, 01*,10*. .(h) To 0onz1der: and If thong*. fit 10 -4140 have *. fiXesi bustoess• **moment , •tiailetien -the, TuOment- brthe-Vustee, Of of One 130110 (SIAM) • during the,',040.• the,, stint '01. $laxia to the .04;00: .'lvtio ..periOct, .' but miell-Tixect .hognesa assess,11000. 41* - 'ilivr,e4ii!* -ttegotuded •the stim.,.-for. Anent Oak not ,f,roolude' ,asitesSment -for . . 1. ' ' ' H'eti4 .0044 the t 'int1-7 tuited ' an.1iff tende-Few,-14 oirgitiriilitJs4e7ift+iperost :-Untirovemigits, inkhk0,4PttO , Obtainhig,-,0,- eucli Alt*, much*me ----'(2).----Ptirittt ' ,the - .*1*-1.4*-petiottr * ten. . , . - ithatie -: tifflelstV,;, . 'sir,. to . - atie.'ottly oot„,_of theproceeds o eare, covered to Me Vylith* the_ :$94 , ., , ' _,,;.=.-4.-- antinii-by cl-Por- ' lkonegt' ' ' ' ' . - ''' il'i$ AiTie ,,, _ _ ; Op ! . - eriell'Vrgan,Cempitnyt. Limited, _. th'' the ,Zttrieht - Itrentett, .0- Om *Ott' Ir"re' .f ' • her'Or.,not --the eptiOk eit ' At requested - give its 4.014ent ',III Mentl, from ilenesli_mat,_DashikaatLA ' - ' . ' doer,,fite.Voliti• withetit*o70000U';--011 „ " i ii ,;.14 , ' of 11 . the,MOet di*MtrOttirZUrrch:bas 'ever see.x4 li-Sirorthor utomittl* .477,509H: . A, 0 Old: Town -0 00derith,',' • • - 0 0,;....,!Wn, : Of,;" ,_..•.. -- at • ... . .•.. ' 40:''irtartf will t"!'' . Mik4,4 to 4114v140; Ohl '.*gerit:tor'hIr. root& liv 'teetith* T, ,*'(3)- ,"' 00,--040ein- Provided ;for-- , 'the ainconvenience jnen_eseati:_caneeki, ._14 the tame, sUch , conitaiselonld he, pay -,granted upon the further condition, that ifii,--44tige.. 74:rhi,-,ivi*- or.„0.. htet ;,:mous., ' . hie only, Mit Of the , oroceeda or *any it,;, the' ticAt shall .be eloset „down and,: aale of the itartgatecf. Oren:rises and then,; nOt in; -aettUktOPeratton. or in Operation' . . . ., Mervyn Steleit, 22-year.old Zurieh 0,110., PrOMPt response and able anda tr!ot ;arm yOltilk.tOrifitht *at resting at his ,liMite. after * Cat 'tram the 1004 fire. t itA ht Which he 4bittered4Ogr bents- • .4., . itt bus ler. Gordon, Umveld„ aged *bout , et ouscoeutt'clirectinif 1 int Zurich atiothef volunteer, frac-- • I of 'YO.144ttera• *ISO super- bro4 his 'IvriOit when he telt from* tOot-* otte,ot- the -411W* cl _ . . *eft :00101%. iod- 00, itigo Or Zurich, tom DeahWOod' and .iientegt Pie backward trent trwrop of * house il Sink Chitren flIUs ottemptIng to Otinguisti -roof 4 etAted 0444 the b suffered ,13001* -1 -*.c -k -444110 --1411e0;Tif *WM:and was to his home **toe's, or -a eigorette er°Y Wrawn ' 10114 down: in la Outiitusi 004 telrerely train 'snoei and ntinoi at thc vot the Z.,1,414 bakery and * 7 thittrieC,Iihnl he felr from the 4 .100 VOI4feZtiOnOrY, eaaet: tenet tonlibt * during the heat of this at - was untliterinin „but an ,,ternoen*e:ooltement.' The on Wheels tigatton via be launched tomorrow, Tho grated hl head *fp' Mg. matches, or butt, '1040 lo0Seitritly In tie outhouse.. The flames read 1 rt Start01 Nod Xt-akeallo0 , o _ • , • le- the- 14,1)00.17 and from thore 31°,44- 9" 2-40cb.- )110;r/0:Watt- to' cortteo t4, to the .limtery •night inelinmi tOwarils the report the lite .origitiatett *go., th,' outhOuse, at the: . .. . . „rear or the,halteshop from .enpetettes and 'est y *• triatehee':in the linndc- Or ,Ohildren, With . r$--* ufeetioneir, ,ahirMhifir;-ratddltr-lhe-7-11cInetr'-, yerep „ . tors bot ,. .q,. , 4.9 # 4:110., . through the oothouso up , to the hayloft• ' tiis.-.0411he,;&. .4404"*,•0142"- .444 feet 'AP -4_40(d ,4..i.ifil•thi. hake4 04 :WI,, *blot kolkiehrt,ittii, • art residence above. 7bikteher ihOP, 000 ' triteOee ,wat the -heat 'folfet-olilei uoliiiseau. And, his men were' -unable' 10 *pproieh, them'reer'-' Of -tit „ stOteS.'' They *ere fore44-to voneentrate ,their: eherliies towardrd ,ehee)Elhici_ ...OW relii to ititIOttling and nearby •111, ,, ilid*: 'inSta, ro•itintit-4,c4t114,,eeligh - 1.110. he 1114t only inthe event 0! ther,e7terefeeby oe. oulfutvollutteoliboovik parin4.or three ‘, . ....., ... ., ., . , 1, *tie :Or stiOix Ajtietil - - ' • • ' ' ' . '-etteteetige: 't40tit4t4r.'theit. •lw toh .oient, • , .(cf).• WirtoillietAti, opitf to purchase .the.,Couneil of _. the Porporation',OtA' the 7,1*tottlh'e4ref vict iiIttitoutirr&htlileeetfit4*Ileietitk'r4orisi';th'i, T4Ittwttrt.4444)41:lchmay bmi, ttintrit-10,411.41he'7.1%4Y4Yit the --Trustee to aCeeig itittOr such . offers; ' ',repealing ,.. tilla-,hYlaW ..ancl.' ,witlitlralving'. , . : . ) ' 0°u 1 r. . 4 n. " , t c , 'fel. -,TO•anthorise ..the-Trott,ee to enter" the .• 'eq.': „here)* granted and. thereafter, • , . . . .• . into •an, agreement with the Company ',WI ali. ObliOtione, :imposed. noon ' the unni,, 'vivo . erreet lb.- the, .ttioc..hatation 'or ',the,' 004 .Corporation,. to furnish.any lurther: ,::. • Trust 'Peed PrePd.terr.. hY. the :"--Cettli)an$ •attt 44 'hereht ' PrOidecLi :i`Oris 44011-- 4.P4e, ' As' VOi ••. • '0 4.0contacts:,. e saveri, , - ;.q'kn'yel,iingifii..„°°,c,04"ignig.:..tlits,tii'-',!:enrcii'n' ;':' GODEWR V• ONV• NSHIP:',.. Whereby 011:, Pr0vM0110'4s r 0 ' .giVti* -xo, , ' It -being' untiereteedo„,.rhOwctret.: , that the ,..',„, dieans tice -Of Vfeetiltge..-4 43010tioridep, v. ii4,, above otovotow;;ire..notto ;aPP13 4Aita4e, , . .•, , .. ,.. r ,VertIsernent.:'are •altereit''40' OA to require the plant:',,iten'eloeect dotvn'ewing to:. fire,. 0 0ti 10 ',,stina, , ,14, ..(tinet.,... .too..:onst!itoilisgttt,oetfi,t;i,fes..730, . ' MI*. marotlerite Stooner;.7. of '‘er.''' litiheatio4: .0.f,:filleu.,:.tiottee, Otioe ..•Ohly ' In 104100 ' or other .p4siOal:.or.' unforeseen ' ;.fiiiieiiftir liU,""iiiif,'ist4.sTi$W.O.7'Aii4iiii-,,' ': `014101i4' 1i the 7rolt0 7V-a'aiitig;77-7' ii0: 7chAjr..iice7.4:'7eCiiiditiOnAOTO.Ver, --, —...,1e.- , I en ' . : O.' ' 407.,..;',041:04t ' ' infront'Otd#0. 004';;,,,,. . . . . . . rioll'o- silent ' Sunday • at. the..,honto .0 , her 'a dallyneatena.Per` a genorati,outtilattoti. tualcuity. ,../iiievibith.,.4vOnt 0.04. • *aid •poitit cat ' ,.., • . , ' . •• i , :'(:). 'Generally to Instruct,'the. Trustee i,conte. and reotlfy. the 8414 -:olifileOlty,, and .. ',Y0,!,It F.P eat . ,SttriutOt• r foe.. ,, 1,,,,:,-7A. 0.x,allc: will witli-,..te3atil to ite'forther'eotiOna .,hi, ' 'the ,,. to ,:roorieitim,retioo.,,iiti the ictitileSt :p.n.s-. . ' ,H ,• ' _ , again occupy. the .puPit Or 'Onion- einnth, .ptottlst.,:.:' , :, „ . :,' .. :', . ,,,,' ';,.tibl4 4 -':224biont,.<, * X' ,, the . CeinPattli , fail..1,0„, attl.,•''r. havinlprkeVerit 4 *4,5;44 vacation, N.otioe je.:tox.thet. given that, pursuant,:use,OUe..tliIigence'xtc'tbe.,:tentov.4.-of the ii .. ,,,,..telattliee-..et4Nitontitiat,---7-- - ••,.'A,.! -- 14:-Aho.±._:110w04,&toilt101 .411......10.°.....,;:the±,Aig4 ..eitinse 'et the_olostug ' down of the 'plant . . • .• . ., . •, , ,. , . , -Mortgage -Doett ,or' Vust,,:.the , tellewing. ''•ille ' COuntil of ' the '.-ClOrnoratiOrc,thali. :• • . , - , • .. •• - • , • - . -r,i' and iVii4v, 4r.ri010**E••• Ross, Ted .• 014 regulations. . have 'been 014 -de for the: Intr, -itsy.asoretion,,have thetight.in tile r*tanr:. Betty, .or Itingetoti;.'aroltiettIng 71014-, y&_ • pose of ,.--ettobline the , holders • of' seorit: ;tier ,atbreseici_ to ,withciraw,..the..ald,,,here.• •, ,.. ...,,,,_.,_,_, her and '..,.., ,,._,........,..........„.,, ' etlx.wir;*itholw:ottiatiorir,t_tteir...13:64ds. , ...„,..(i),..,„i)17*._.„sititt_Tho_Goderieii.„,„-brgot lathreg 11110. -Tnt-i'li:-iiii: CIA' di Prfriti . ' - - Ber;t4ti• .fO.c.'.he' '13eseht-:•-**477*ate-:at''' the. .'fiiiirtifit--.--7. --:. ', ' •-,, -- ‘ ,-- - . The VrOjiVi‘Oittlit Ateolho,;$OcietYheIdt wItt.,,euatel,tog: • them. tobe present- 'and OOPP40,Abrdteit;e13411 ;Under ,ItC-- tor- PAM -4,'"7.7-ditin7.444- -nrafchnialletie--.? rniat-'7*11:*at'lat Pre?t3tt7"--, ---.,,, ' , 7:--,.:TorAte7-***-00",:'-'-enter --itito-,,a1r-it*eentolit* --- isuors, i.,„ohit, beiot--,94'.3tirodneo:itai ive'1,,i;-r-7-.4-11.aidei':Ot, ZetOoi,,. Bonds 40.s.hh* 10! ., *WI the 4;;OrPotation of the .;TOVin; , Of, . , • . , 1)* . PrOtetit. 41,1d vote without production 'Ptetierleh '.prior , to the - final,. pasologe. of • , ;tux .this., week, ._ . '-• - • • - . , -• • • : of ' 'such......11endS' shall 'first deposit such Oa, ti$Itocr ._,Nfhleh '..attreenloOt:. that' ' ern- - Volt Clerk, 'Whittingham. - , Persian oaim is megical hi:treating,* . Ur,s.-..flii.,c1:: -Ivos.---wirmiitrier-..- ow . :13,0no„, :with._ -_,4tot.,_•••,...rtoW-.,:voropany._„_vr, ,..00.0vtheirohuggtroh4...herehkAmpo4id... or Roiling: ,.4;0;,.clivislort.....140;..,:44....,,trt,..14,.,,,*_ tithli '-;0211Plexioits. A little gentle .0th'''' , . .. . , , . . ravraturn•.4,,, of witialifthi, iiiiiiii.b.;-4, • ,?Chartereci. '130.,nio7'ar : Department ot . e„: Igtelicle to he ,h(roesett:.poh, the '..sa,14,-Arthure Vleetrieal, - Shop,,I. West - ,oereet, hilig• '-.-Miti your ,skin- is •invigeateil and , ';,--4.01,here-,4icititetii::-/he.- roof ot Jew • .,. htful to ..... -.., ....,, .. , t... a_., i. i, --,...,... , ..,..,.,,,,,, ..,.., 1 ,'Provniohit.'0, the Pominiortov u. .. c .... L n ....'etitt„,t,...4,,t.,,tirttoroorau:,pro.,4eyint ' or . Doiyuty'rketou o lair- Poll ,nieteir4T4ir,t _DILA, 1.. --it ',"'r,,-. lolithZiwith, the true , Ititattr4r.. yontfl:f.;_: .._._ 4 0* lhe, ,l'rli4teei.Haind, .* tOtleate::_s# :':Silit, :V4!.:.:,IX.°:=4)1‘;!-_.,?#:r1P-4--4°,:' It's. .'.-.-1.1,9- . jil-' 34141.7"°11'15°2=-4. 'It* -.!Iii• t.. .- . - Fr- . • licalt itr4;fet1/21 estahlblimetif - Tithe. ' . •• ' i.--: ' -i.. It-- . - "--....' ' ' .. dePosttii ' 4100%. to7 the. D -PPM*** • El, Jolev ,seem „pece3F4rx-' ., .. filecallohse,, at ,torne Or.' wunams: - 07:: , , ., - .. ' Ogtei,. :garltplil7!rt ,s?„7 :4:1. .-ii:::r.4'-'-' _.,x!,- -004' .„*; '..4.0;HeStkilaotIrt' 747.1.049.1)%,.fftu47,04,'""4444t0,4,1 ,.114tiimatIOAL rtnoit' eltootionot :.atturttitt,,t1litaisttin,xishingloune:,, 0;(1,2001,45)!-Witettott'•.-etitclo, .i.Th,,,atzte --,00dee4beraithei- itrglite. Igoe, 11- :34.-trivit,ipizitItz,inqtitit itre,p,,,, ,,z,,,,a4,,,tts4 ,;,,or.r..::1:::,..,:,-, 2, ,,,,Iono -4,14,.,%.170 .#re,'' 1.46 On, 74,4Y llyeptio pith_,00ntx. 1-0'ei4i*0 :-wiii. 'remain. .:So:., -4100eitett.. tithing two ',,embodiect, 10 the_e4reement.#1 the 'fourth, 'aer.640,1*.." .4'' - - • ':, I'' 'I: ' *' liest ton*iplexion, '' pnrivalled .. Op ,a ,,Per7, C. 1 ihnth • the '01,0),e-,Stnettite.- and:IjriA61-c- 441114 £A2144:- Roth ,-.- johristozi . hi' _eitlender month* ' eti$110,.. troni, the., slate , pari.osratili : ,hereof -nientiotied 'a clause .,... On'','Thfirstiay. ;., the ' lth . ilat' of Sati".: r.e,o,ct,:,_•04.: 7to,Veanty.„and jObij,r,,,n_. .,,.. '' "..Ittgie',•:•iiIirirti:e'n't.41.1a.- -t*'AhYSt't,l'O'11;;Oi 4:*84inci". --/ amOlderineht The et-noke issUing from the :ruins ,e0n- hued to hang In a; 'goo hate_over the. Mac plenty f time to get - neighbors . pver.0 for the job, re iratialr .11ihi"4:;e4 4pe 46Iy '-" 'offer *. vi minutes attentpta• to SAW the ,h, ' . • . •• .. _ , •,. ,,..- _..., ,_ of suehitertifieote.* untiLtho.:fltial.-..116 PrOteethlt...the.Utinfol040.0tparatons,,of, - - • - - ----- - .-, - • • , ..--,,, ---. -„, • - o amp., -.Ther,ntee Ing opened .the --- - -----. • r • .-:- , : • ••: - ourniient of,the . said .nieetiti .,whioh- the :Town bt Ood ri• h - ' It . h; " . 1.1itti4.6 41140 -IR.' 414‘11-tter044' '-' ' '-' . gh)0' of 'illt,itYbiNIEtabi: the '10esterii ever' iheit'..-be' hi :.- - ' halt g • '' ' liet' -thi4iet,, it alh:t. PO4Ya?.0,S.S.,tiCO. ,, ''n11;.ett; ,..1,4.*: ,...it,i,.:.:11,.45..es: iteai,r:_..hktkm,HI.,,,Voittitaine:4:#r4...,,e,..srAiptie.•tingg'T-41/40.11471e'ra-at'seNiHaiii,e.,:;_e_er.oso.ry1,74.!. ht):tif,t11011C11%,1:tait-a-;447 to.r011snla.YbY,blawli,rr--11' oli1.9A--7:1' bethen"r.3ctlit.rtai),t,:ii., li-isiy::tri"siZt),P7V01111.1':att"inr8°.‘ia'?-ttr--:::::: ' no butcher snop, traeketi. ithq, .blitet 1.0, telaneo: th*Ptei 1.6) witi mot itelionsive- 1, .... , 4. .. wind. carrled gums , ,,.., *44 mr. ,I.y,. zsex , utonwaht. toad a , timer .,Oti , production of no: .bentia at the be deplared.'hy 'any iiidicial 'Rath titY to ' .iowsst :4104., 7 to,ii ii 404 ,witietovi sotlesIota ,.,04. ,41,„1, .:thlit, , 4.o: ii.,..,t., ..•-,,41.1, os,..,i9.0:14, ott,, ,),:.rimi.t. any proxy j*, attached: to. or ' 'produced' DO 'illegal; : ''.; '" - . • ' • . , - '.; ''.°-' ' ''1.?..:i_cli::01"..1.4.:4t .1.111!' .111.W. -$01.10111K up of ' 0 Vttt..*:td 144*envklitlitlitat..-- 10002417 -0,30.14010t- ifite:-Treed-L-h-y or.------E0A4r---'1470*!-1-!---74tratt. 1?e,it'tertifi'' 11116;.' ‘,-,..tlit,-,11"14t-w---:'94-odthrlrePtali;et' tibiltiii464dir"ipIeirti- e:htill'itFep-il:ilvrk:,•ti:Id:e.;'+hinci_a:vtin:ftiptohti: . Aiarm Itaii, at tail .0.m., .1 Am._ __.igele.h, ' ,,:pavittio4,,• : ,./idolgolteiti* ,ehii.4.' he: satlifactory, evidence 'for the, ThoOoderich Organ, cleronant .' . ._ , ... _, .. . , . _ ....,.....•. .,. rr.fita'rttetantaisat4thoefi'rthtrg: 4,y,- 'The itlat/n ' N,_. r0s,i1. '4c,01,,T, if,tit;' 43. .;11silitl'us.' lid-lbric"----.1oint. '049-' 11W44iintlylle- - '4:i-Vgc"Hrtrlitt:ti'er"tar.H.. '''•''''''"'"4:.: '''iii44F'. _ „eics,,,, it,,,,,,, $000000,,, 444 wohiti. .4.140,,,4nut „nue Church's. . . , ,. . - , (Aloe te, further given that the ,,14: 101_16 -the. tatePaYel% • ' ...#T,e1.:::.t..911Pelsrvr, :lilt ',,EX,Zszit 6,,ot.:001$'1,111,"'' I* tker*-.6f the: Oouuou. or, the. saki , *pa rounds,* Mortgage Deed ,of 'rlirustproIddes. la. gals 1.74u,s' ' Pyle.* . shaltjake 'efteet. ort ' the. 'the forenoon, on Saturday, the 9th -day tzrus"., atIlitOltrin „lit, t'idileaster;..'*** .-e,o,m,. Pletef •, tion,!' 'WAS stitiii:::ntl'itlit Meeting, ;6,i.,ii. : stove as 1013010.,,,a.• - , ',. ,,,-,. • - daY Of the .11as,X-,,poslag,' .triereOt.'' H- ''''. - , .0yerho t, relief oPeAktnt.* '..ivith. the'behttlietion,_•,,... . '... .', , - " - • •Ilhat IltSidtrt'ot-l'eklsiO116aido ‘1"AliZ ' REAP' A ''fitst *44-44Pt nd':Unle:+411.e.c.:P171,1 P4r,r-gg*.gpit,:it.3.1tia.,11.4,1.1,x:.11ci..' by-:,' Itittrutrient --In -wrItIng und -1,,, --t40.-it- ',council, and proVitions,..y pusted-...h- ...... ,i0OSHelePhOne- central, *Olin duty , on'atar4a . th:ei'' OuXi- ' i4e_oii10:*.ii0O' le Ilands_LL:Vittiastitig-:tlit-tii*benLo . -c(Wnt 'Anitutt A:1:". 1031 ' ProY10301 0 1.7.:i„.,.,,c,..,,: ,,:,,,,,,,,-,,,,,•.,,,,,,,, 4 th,,,,.,„1-,,, '11$ hir 4141 ,o, .1. ti had charge . et, the ..$00.100 ,.. In tritien . Ronde, regaOling- which they are entitled ' •Mit.1,1: ,CHAS,,H0., tlir, afttY0t.• , . . 'pro;I:t :=T: .,t11,7iit=:-.4 them, ' ,.($0.) fi.... x,..:, IrlICPX, Clerk. ; • ' ,,,...,--4,4-- thutkolt ..,44(i. ',fl.oht. .; iliavitlson• "tor kiatil. w r, regular operator, the thedr5.1.0weitt ,, .-= .._,.h.„ . )410,, *her:. Ivas. called $4,00 * .1y, leti- thetaet410 40 .offeredpraier. and that oti're **ititOteioict litlit-as7o:VAIM:14.0Tidt that the ala0Ve.' it a ' e, tabnOt .r.aninio. 400411Y, through vlzit'itt .' the eOiltit.P.._ .4111.4 04144 t°' 1244 1 'flit ' repoontitirc.irrilitureL.Uuon ._0,alrii 1.14.0.V: Ithol_ohovo,.-totulottono.A1-:, Jail': true copy Of ft.i.proposed,. BA.AW -ntnion -intik,:oflhe -040414740gotial -Z/C.' - . ' - . - - "iiiiiiiiiiii-tint aly.2- ' '', ' e,,,,tt.;_u-' Itbki__It4a tr,..,L.v... ot..c443611h*IT he..a.toogniooh:' bet*.taktri-IntaideritiOrr,71Md -f ,...4,,,,,,,,,,„,," - - was read-- . . 3e- , , . r . ..„. . •• Ifle-tue..„ -1 , 7 ", ,!.",, 4*" "4 A Harmonica ' Band, composed or averett eh -titled .to .0.,":11.{Teia:'-'whre,611,A the 1 ' 4)* ' hoaut passed -or3ho, amblvood'Pro: tleolljiots_,„.aiid, Vtelhoila, , Arnold Porter -1 and Orval 'meting I. ' x 't tile- Tiff 11 ide t- -9,41-14„- Pt 1110 .--20mieripality 2 -.„clit tact. . . . . g 12,... eellec " reoe :, ° a '' ' event ok the assent of the elect rk-heing if,Lt, . V-11140.0 .4:":011t.,:f!Iit 11, *oh, - iiiouth,- ottio4; ;lime -'-tIorter,, -Periehe.,,who- Produce htitegletereil What •o'botitt',ther-etei.- 'otter. one month troth: but ,t,hdwpot4toot there lasak ativi hop i;gut well r4okitaii;.. ,tvitit; • ' at the ,,MeetPlit '4#44#67!'•003,tere0 -*Pa*" the ,Arat..,,pUblieatkm, of ',A..topi thereof .ol lend ,' *i*ultio.t,00. iii1)014Aut 1(440441ritid',Vot, _to,. ' Toulutattoop :.,ifi'raii •fd c,', ,,, ' : :, . . ' .., . ' ' • .4i.e.o.ottergulagolgi liewepotr .4he .rdam o pica WOR t.Tor4 sTRFET_, t bet_ *pert Worluniksish All 'Work Gitir*14 moolable .1dli be ted4;-. R. ON '0!er A d Us:0_4W* , ,,,,,._, 0!..(1' *MOW Wks, greatly enjoyed. „Iliei seri*: every. effort lio,ttenr-ed11111;11rd.,..Wit,ting!nalte,drt ,‘c)Alit,VI'll'oP,Aligue'P4134:14,144.ii.1*."1, e,"1_4._r fro, .. , , m e other itio 'et% imuw,..wo.g. two lesson'. (Matt. 6:24-34) was read by'Petzon or 1*. proxy *Attic 'onesti ---.4140 voltrnrit- Tiiiitlt lilatialf that 4 Y •Pidet Herbert . tie ei cowen.- Th,„ wig.: ±opt chriAtijitt 'rota. toThonsidetorethethesitoreantinitdirettotet: arlitieda!nlinis„ wilholniseatehaatiderluseicrallfted,mtuliciptoncort,theugodc , w.t.1t*, Ilf* ity Orsette*1 tinder Modern .tonditiOna?'" ateetserY,that Boadeto the fate 'value 114,/,, chapter 2a3., sego* 114,,,, (0, and ifxolternent irettie 'il A wasread'br 10 ofett Makstign. 4 V061111 lat Two ' Huntiret And -SeVet14r44.ret antendments thereto, are-setnated' tea -101[0.1k; :4 house -thiatit, tatt,hitiott, staotHtsus, hart. lit, tystotinsobet,to:norix)4tpooitettm:oult,slittprods**Ntio:iitru:itOoti,t14'hP7,7tterl:41,tvil:rt,";it.t10111,ta.itt,!!:rht_tttlet‘i;s:14t°11athr;44:11tut' vo,*14.41thc: tuweib:::fraeolittretructl'drtherd:ee'lant.' Yzattigions:'9,:fau7di 0 AIX $t4ted 4b,* conflagration , - * , ..,„,,._- , ,,*,, own , ' 7'. '0 Appear sars, the voters' list for WO, vot- it thokottie„..tint , tad no.:4eiktent,Iniumer, Ran= ' AuSttato*itt$3.: , , ' ' ...,,,,, .1,* .._,,,,..,,_ ,,..,,„..,,,, co:iivieti, read :042% lirtitIe On 'lead ye the_ 'AM ittotAti 'moo COMPANY, ' . , AND ",POUVAkit• TA= 11000E that Me n UMW 4 Wt4til. W4111'' riorittO Airlikit. 10,1A, followed by"Oother " , „ TO** for the tiondholderi, the votes of the electors Or' the said was 2 osie I rehed threatening Pre 44 * . .. . . , ; eihoetton by the Undo 1 I a, um. . Suitable forum Of ptoty, and eertlficate 1,, MuniciPtlity., of. the 'Town of Ooderich , , . that . to iii•iirer tium . • 500, 136-uns, fit '40010 my be obtairied at the'ofece I will take in the several 1UNCetsii- 1 to vely. , _ r 1110 Company at,' 0,* Y n* Pall Y., 401,00ii .ivero, IVO* Time tt.,, Be .15013,,”. 413ritatbet to. The nova trputt tonoaro, 'Cannot the inaifilif iitheikcleick * theforenoon . . „ on Me briiik dotr, and "Veit ,be the undertake to Act aft, Peet, and ,proxieit and five0'40** fb* aftetnoon on indicationa Of *Orals are ieitiest, . rri. 0/0 tipit potty: $110144, not, Ore;',,be moulted la Its . the Ith day of flepteMber, ,,tii,. , .,• • -I fltivOr, - - - - - , r -122,14,--Anit.et.the following *eta" -.bY the 3‘ Of Hai 1101112 ****- tie,..' - • VI I * ,11.0110):10. " , tollortnil 100atiNeetintluiX. Oflicer$ and i IOU, ktind*st',of O. teeth* Sating or It*, tett Mit Ude tonlith : the" moo; •**tome , p000lsiule* Ora td. "recon hot tro 1441 of the villso Of 4 ot4Otrtruktiorut. Under ihtoe ootsittion* the beat reined* that can be got is ,kitliefes, t •O • Wont Polders. they will ettAck'' the t I . a t as ao00, aa administered and *ill nos in t theta to, atoms that PM,affisyltx I , tiations. The.Iitt* ilutotor *hi, . Ito oioett.suct * trout of ottiot will. not he hlotyi, . u N. N WOW. uate inf. re tis • .the greataos and,..diversity Of the, "Show- *Mildew of, the isfatiots,' -, There, is somVh the rapt AtteiitiOn.. of the. ivisitor. One putt -Vials' tiles ail day 'and every day for g or Sweats; - Josieket,, No. *preying, 110 Wain :644-414°'°' Ask r)---,11r-Vgliggii)44' • 44,40 ••• PolUng sub -division HO, to At 'War% Gatitto. At corner of Victoria Street an Vain Menne. Deputy-Iteturrang OM* eers. Thos. R. Wallis; Poll Clerk .41Iva Polling sub -division NO, 2, At Oar* NtiWuktriklItOtre. at **to 'of Hayfield litoad and Ihitanal* Road. Deputy4te. tural4' Officer. William, Poll Clerk 'Wilfred *don, ni sub -division No. 2, at Jerry's Market.,, Ut Street, Deputy -Ito* Ofilcor, P. U. Weir; Volt Clerk Isa Canada—Without Preuilfuni Till further Notice The Star and London rree The tar and TJie London Advertiser, The Star and The Toronto 'Globe, 6.00' The Star anth-The4V41. The- Star and The Torquto'Star.,..;%, 4:06 - The Star and The Partneri Sun.. 3400 Tite,StAi and The ,Pamily Herald and Weekl'y Star. ,-,..2.YS The Star and Saturday Night... 5.00 The Star and The New. 'Outlook,. .,. 3.56 The Star and Canadian Hornet and 'Oar.dens.,„ . 0,, 4.60 -The star and May Fait, , tosoa 'Tbe.Star and The, Catholic •Redord".:":.4. 3425 The Star and ,t4cLeap'1,1Viagiiine.... t,. s, Calt at The Star.04ite or 'Phone 'It for any information. . • "Goderi4.1 Start 'Premium, incltided for So additional SHINO MACHINti. estle f • ing ate* with other Periodkais ap n u t line of good Paints b4 Ou1, Varniibes.-"Brushe% etc 1argti Stock ad ean give prompt service, twit ow is the chestest time to put in' your win. ferii supply. We handle the celehratol Ratelttrook Cost, free from slate and tlinkta„ Pot Plumbing, fleatin Eleettio Witint Tinsmithin *oodr* sad General Hardw*ie try us. All work *.n4 mate tett f