HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-08-24, Page 1.4,
Triad' Sot
rep* of d coIrcs Shorta
County fundi, variously estIMated st
tyteelr -4_2:.4.90"%--4nCt-",tta.000.0, --tievd04
Young, treasurer of the Ootmty of .,..aux
on 144y afternoon laSt by Trovinglal
but they 1ie no
Toe, watt tlie sre 01 tm
to ---01 .
The or bu ben aked to,make ibis
gact pIan, totile pjzblic. The Aro&
mere colncldence and4were,--e4used by
eettse wiring. otrIcisxiZ *re now
at work ripping It nt and a night fastehz
-man-is 'on thejob. Ee aug11t a blase
04. nlglit. The
remen were ed 444 *It it out with
*1. Pullin."' have
u4, • 1,.
• d •autlit, ordered. at Ole
ape SessiOrt, not delved. fnrtiler,
Ire.44it -14 charged -with:
The theft of 000,
.--71:10struet1on ,end miltollation Of the,
county' books ;Lint revert:1S,
t1 oU1t
InqWry Is Held
On .Wednsday- 14%-140. watt. •W:enrcl•7,
tin. • g County 141* .„ q ziathuboit
to Coxisultation
ANTE1X-Vras1i1gs. wanted: a11ed
for .444 -delivered it '4esite0'.
In -
e at STAR Ontiqr..
T:1,01). -4,41'011d0* received
up to Sept. 15th for *4 5
'Plowman: "Addreall Box STAR: .
• -
04=8:1:1 TO '•,1313V. --Any n e. ter of
E004-• IVO*. ,21lOutt be •• ' • C antt
,LrIght, 1200 Ibs. up. AlV13r,. Przt3v4,.
" RANT," aoderlchIzn.
E5114,01,5iENV .,:W.A1+17Z1-1.-4: young
Man. vents position as thauftettr.
Refereneest„, Knows Toronto and Exhi..•
bitten, Careftir driver. Mane - WEL
, STERNE), at •658 W.• *
or hauselosepern.' A good cook, can
et lull cbrge. /110$
O. 'Ras'
�ir --141.$41at
bare copper
7. to the 'LIr
a jolsta, which,
.stvers1.p1ae, There
other reuou' 'being 'Investigated,
among thentl.being the possPsility of the
si4V being 'overloaded.
&., In cbarge ucUtY-"Itriftsnit-
this consnitation action was taken
tder the"MunicIPWAntIo-ifiAltute-an
quiryefore gfots,'• Edna- Reynolds,
, examiner. i. ; 'The firet seuton of this
qulry was held on,Neattes‘syn-- room.
'-when Mr. Young was .examined
ider ;Vatter .'•eross OnottinStion
batct *e.'hal*Inte510 -eertain :achnte.
They were Put in the form of,*
1,/ritten, statement; which
Warden,- SalfiditYnen dernan
144:n• resignation; which was tendered;
-The Warden then padlocked the trea..
• '1410111te-doOr'...and_pledfLon
duty. tbe vogitteeqtavini ,disclosed that
MOO.' were Misaing,'• ,presumably :havt,
,bee4 destroyed.. *Ise referred par.
tionlarltto CaneellethoheVes,-
Mr 0ibbs7:0$01ained that payments of
iikunt 417,000. had .b.?4, .nusite -by the tre/k!„-
slim, for Which there was no record -:-
1. •
4 '
Dme. The 44 _ PO1441ble"M01,417 . were en. Sten
lin es
nded.. Ileighbera ' •surjounded Bar4.i. .A.,
Ie hxougb Oellar,14°- so; in.."'11)441441.4.' e. , th unveiling by .,$.44.14;k . 11. 1411,14t..t
p two $ walto%; la- group''
th *kid
how* While the ollior•ora
and• 'aly telitiPflr t:WW1.40/444Yire ItOrr 01,5•41*
led -outt "Who's therets* Xt• 'was to Mrj L*lthwatC or bis artlztrjr,he
d1sc1oed that friends Of the latter replylng' tttttnslyderz.„,,,
ox's had COM. from Toronte 41,10.„ OrOgram fticlud4i e•e*tionts by
and had .pre.exrenson painuadoo, lora Novelty 'preheat**, vocal solos by
to use the 11910e, • The cOnetahle AO, 0000 130.**1104• Atm' Atianult Ws.
4 .411 went beck.' io, their beds., E/4„tdiften 444 Mr. H. AteellSgOr• * '
1140 $0104-4)7 Mr* .1***s 4Ohnstott,, her,.
*oat*, stiedton.s by "*'44003r* 40Yon
, ,1001 numbers 117- the 0004010014
(zoltesirol.; Snell. - pr�e," Clarke and
Lu Orsiokow) a reat114,2 b3r Mr. Herb liett.,
get,..gultar nd mouthotgsn o10 by 14,
atallV eSt „113110r,, vocal a rumental
v1..-ritaldinewan net by ,
l�f *1
aw --,-
.„---- _ , , ,,,-,J
1 • t
and Clerk,
(*lit of,recent flrea tbore is 0.
nerd on duty at
elan* Wive, 'ripped:oat -suited* of ,
feet 'of table and 00._rsp1aeifl It
with new to avoid teettrr nee Of
tree. The,' elettric lightlurt
1414 was osteniIby Pf.poor 3ob.
Warden Ballsatifle, been 447*
AO* " 1.4 telia of WO*, artit It b$
needless to toy he ho ttia his
1104 fa
"Billy" MacLean,
.Gcderich, Renu
• , •
year-old seti, ,or Captain .ancl'. Mrs, .
'MacLean, 'forneertr-ar n .000403,
003e .1,1Pfte1y Oath was reported in
our -last issue, was 41014. at Lakewood,
01110,' last Saturday, On the 'Pre/1014
Tuesday this 'bright' low* fAi4u4',.,: while
aboard the Str. T; W. Rob!nsofl, oi
_which his father s tot/Atli, On. a holi44"
4ritisk,,A11 down a hatch, on the WOO'
of Tnesdell,,A11,04$t ;16th, ..444; sustained
:fatal Injuries.- ,ite was taken- to. -1.
'vital at -,Roger 'dity,.Micit, where he died-
Wednosday morning '6.20,
-itas nixi hqSenior year it 'nigh School
no . reneeilate• 4.6- cancelled cheques-- 41r* 11:fe was torn, In Ooderielu , ,
'atutle. Voittig ••-waisn exiunined, it,em/.,„ ,
by item 'The Ougtioller.s were :R• ''''.1"” were conducted by -1)r.- LeRoy Lawther, -
...- , The- funeral • services ort• -Saturday, last
to spend the niglit 1.137,4 sleeping .314M.0,141! town -that has continually been •oWn.• '
Xi% , , t ...-etfurgVel. and Auditor of, 14.• kew0.04, presbvtotign iburc;11, azibt: • on the„ 1.0.,w,Pe. -Nett , 110l'ilill. g' he n,i.tirse ed" and operated by local,,,.,ettlzens:_, .Next, ;Sunday,.,,eter
missing.; fni,. h clothes had been . ,,,, 2, -By using the „bszne-,-. Oodericiv on o /),40 Appoxitineens
11,1i •
,, r,
lulte• 61oPbereeno Causes 'Wife *concern ' The ,,, IndUStrIal Commlttce, of the
Nviti4i 110.14n0:****, 01, Night: ' - Board of Trade' has unanlmoOsly *wen- here. OnbdaY evening, hose atmonneed 'the
... Suffering: fretn, 'an '.0,4acit of, Antonin)* dorsid- the -i:&:loderigh; Organ CO:' Oils% leUe*Inif PWar-annt: '; • '...._ -
P4Ve ikl!cPliersOti, an o14 -timer: and well-
,. on ',which. the latepayere are, to pas* MvelV14.0°1441 Elx"ent" Bagley
itnoWn ., attleng llarbo* habitnes, lam, , .,,, 4 .. , ,,„,1‘,,, ,00ortUr0.;-.%1014 Cavalry" • Suppe
SUP•cl•iir evening took4-'0,ton-to vie.* the _._,..4,aPlen/ °11* Friday,' - September D'4'-' ' COrnet,'13010---.4011414,07%•., Halle
:glories, of the new moon, and irt.00./M $ , 'tlnis action was token at a trieetiag I of
Dairo. il.' "hale' and 1104141004 - e,a19.ri an R. Viglef- ettairraii - -- - s -9 Ii„OnriVsir.-
-Ali-7'1C welt, $. - d.„-tedaY ;COMPatil.",The letter is addresSed to E. Tro-40040....,S,010"Thi-'0* 'tieing 1*.kiwn•
ab,;e14to Mr. 5. P
. he ..gave his 'good" vitli* and his ' *friends the eoincolttee•-ifa' eit*,*ridek Oveninii,' n selectiOn..,.'14siesir'pwitehi Alfred
cauSelor much 'genre 4 ' If:0-14/4$ nvow. and since then--jthe---Conunittee-haa ,-re; 401101111 01.0-,--- Sehnuscht Ilartilien.
ou,..i':honte, ..„- ftWent14,q4r" l'44,140F,L' 1.-0416".!' I, tits& a -lett‘r• .of appreciation, from Stgpidt Mr' 419:ZellZ, -
thing he had, nevet-•#0-iiiliefore,:-.4* olio. X-,.--Saniniersti president- of the Interbiervol--'110):040.1t.00.;_. - lieeVes
all is well: that , ell : el 104
4°P4:1-144011, IvA4 141?"‘Irten-48, .e.v.r.-11,5 ex" In readliing it a deteision'the Indbatelal' ' '.So101et, Mr. S. ,110use - • ' .
Iritence, ; - •„, ,-:-- ,--1,- - -- ' - •-botninittet-took.into_vOnSiderattan ., rear': .140100tion=r-VOnViltial. $.014(04_, ; Rolipiner
On •.' 8141•40•7'. eVen.bair,.. 14 1Werheien.0 -Sons Why, the Bylaw ,should lie' 041-iPait-,7 t 4•41tr--t1/04411Y" ' • 'III
retired; but Wit., AO in )3ect for long ed.), 'They :are 'enumerated 'be fan'ow,,: Mareh--4'On, the Quarter DatikO• Alfred
when he '40101414E4 of the heat. He 1., -The Ooderich -Organ : ,Company -___ L'
vase. 444 detineti hisn.elOthes• '131tendibg 'Limited is the oldest eitabl4ted industry HARVEST -H -HOME SERVICES
• • . , . .. ._ . ,
. •
ven 1101
otos e
t?; r'e•ish
v for the,'
tlx the OK ;SIM he end
10.; it 10110Porter 1 at .',
just 40 is141;4114t41.°441-e0011"vellsr7*frontY144'•
4103140* 44notiot, AU, Order44404004,
rectint17 $1110$4 at ,Ottalre• ASO the • age,
Umtt at 66 yeara ocod,pethts4b104$51,00Porter within iti .
scores or others.
Mrs, Porter Ivo been tourtemia.
40514 st4 -*tent' public- 0tOnlal.
and ret4084. vilth Man.7„/Itisr* Of • tierfOl.
'lleat„:•ithead has had I eot-
erful and 1-4410table
church *nd °' '117 'thl'°
rvice twent' ye*re ago
110i -0).rlaterk -toole up and be.
*Me bikUirt40400$0r4 110,1..for, rocrober
.0:i An ropoi y: many
,5 .tthern, 4,1 'nuht
4L4,44: ,„ •
Further developments *,diMurbing
nature, in Connection With county
fairs *One ent yitterdor * 021stjuir of
the ),,srdouran Committee,: 10Pcort*4.
decisions were anuottneett by .ifitardet
,Ball*ntyne, at its •tlose;., They are:
Audit0.0 •Xtenit ‘011)ba Vide 44.
erin*,4eport diee14100 between " 41,000.
35,44trshortsgest, in the years 20,12-4,
andithrs wer&MStrueted. tO,,tbste
this,„ ikhott t.ovi-let0:004,1'.:te.,Iiisicelkfualt 11:4i,..'
Tbe eaunelX..Wilr -earri( _41008 'tin
t .0 Otri;PUVW.ne7:4 7,sautsorttirvi,-,;-ititvt'tiu,,e,i:•(110,:initittzboctot,rpr.oet.::40,
. DAY'Spor
, loistBANCONCERT„.,,_41,13,„10;e:::4;v7Itnimot:::.01:10int.ixt,,tii:tbillt:*Ctift:nio,u0O.::00,11::.-r,-:01i7;i1.,:vorl!.:•!:*:01?,03,- an
. .
ilin” a , 3 . .. —
„ 2.-.SiFe•-.;k1711
04 : t4'11"0-1;14'' *Ab* 4:031.;":1748i'tuil;;I:lita.:411V'd, ''w-tebriOh°Y1)-ltaig: 1 hitinf,:ir i'...nadlibinn:10;:telni °.„it:4:7;24:11:11bna4t):°. tnUniagnrnitt1413t,e. iie
*ontersetOn, to the - .Proilnciat .Police .
mitting 110154 '405.0-06 • nogt. ' ,
'Om*, seemed treasurer, to: *UM the
,1932 nudit.,..knoWing the tresetniir to be
In default 4.0* Vine. '
It wee. deettled's0 Contit1Ue the itiOn
redrn.1,11.1ti When - wItnesto„. ,will' , *am...,
*kite '...tliW ',01illist triOtniner 0- 1
Att, vvtrit 7fgy- e over PrO-,
• fifatee -route•- "jnearby
distributing necessities to eatab-
,Ithed customers.. Must be under...80- and
satisfied IOW earnings'ef $22,-50. -week
at start. art give age, type
• N. Z
liistector St., Montreal,
Qtle. 1)0
• •
-For Salte,..-41ood dwelling 'Woe very:
ohze.p,„ .4crwn payment.. accented.
For salp-oeniall-farm Goderich.
Big bargain. Etlay terms for, payment,
P.O.. Boot 89 -Godericht Ont.
'Rev; -,14001) -*-The beaterali and Ser cant instituted-
ifrAt4#.0,141*-to,titfgi.,1q,!Qu.t.,.coovt,„.„,- -15'.-to-igi::, 461 e.
. ---- ,--,
44 T ,.. :4. cii"''
.4-4; , , tblifitti,
ou sAtg-..,43041., priiitts' .0.,-,,. ii,, , , 064,1, The active tWtielveterpan,nettUrrer'rvieurts;";v4"'".'w:"-arr.4' ,tbst he had been ;talking -*to nave On
. .
r,...a. irt-,..0.1cti!stiOt.00, MRS. ROSS SPARIcS), St..,xinruudiminaKtionni;oixtio,n_Leuritn.4;11.eise_litil.fita:visiviii-7440:47 riP000rurO,Sti4sulositahnerd,,,, rtit Ilari.0:eiroatpk104417, :wattle:it-,
tt RENT,--Eight400xeed; house k 94. , ''..0. 4.: 4414.es Irwin, • ' seen, pave Walking' along the, la. N. R.
tracks towards •the depot, ‘So.,the Ser-
Eitt St; Three..pleoe, bath, -fur- • A...t.or Of the 1010.1V, floral tribntes Viere •
nage and hardWoOd, floors, . Appli, to; from The •Eradley Trafesportation Iteeht h144•flie time and In eet*
FRANIt. DONNELVIC.. .r., . The stitanier 'Calcite. The steamer %.„ pave-'artivextitome;. . . . .-.
,w,...,,,,,, sen; le r tem," 44 t . ..ht Say why he stayed away."
z. ,
litlocuoitty..oz_it,silizky, ,Rietiver * Research Club, .., is, rs; MoPher:,:ati;,paie•74dole,byladYto! e,
nTe*star.. vile says he slept under a straw
7 0., : f I 1
ASSOCIattallf . L a 10* -1Y oed FresbYter „
ehurah) the Trautman Orchestra and tile ,ne4114' irt,„ betWeent'att. 116 is _,th°P*
Beeky_Rivei orthearii, of which Vale etkPLLY 44.eulect of .•11/144eif 444 is 4,74414
class he-boys..-JOL-the harbor' will make ft1,424_0
. there
_ •
ott,RENT,--An 'extra well , equipped
.4. • •
house on Bruce street .mtween
North- and „Vittoria Streets. , Attpir
W.,110WV144 - - •
4 a V .4‘,. quantity of seorm-d-
:,iiirs.,e2:41;iiilkcl_ltmd,otjVs. , oori,--hikk"----Wd _
controtar„Pg4oti, ERV °PAt' '
VOlt -S.A.L71.-7•Seed -n-wh.eat, , . Dawson. ..
Golden -Chaff, perfectly, clean. from
Rwe..!dtv-i,,.._.:,288,orommt„,_ruon•per.bushel. GEO:. 0. '9INN,
• ................
HOUSE I, DESTROYED • L--1110 ' Companr, did not redno
803..i. 22. „ . -- • Finley MacLean, Mrs, W. J. 7.-sean,
Olt 8414,15 white. Reck ptilieti ., 6 .' ` .t•Ortbeiiiir7Mit';.:40,0. one • wages until January of this year ,*hen
Itome,711•14*,un ow; es.,-, is Prey rates were redueed 1P Per tent,- ..
- frOm - 41O•cd-teited stock, laYing., Mrs' Ci." Xenl.Pe' Mrs' 11''' Burlingame, Mr;
, . • • to GEO. Z. .,1•ITTL/6, Belfield, and 4vire. R. L. Cotten, all IreM Detroit:
' ti,••--L---:-Longs.,,---4knik.-40114..an to 'Flaitliellli..kn , gebouti,.:; , ,9.„ --It 44 the, only .woodworking plant
litr„ In.1;:•...„. e ome o n t isle In the town making 'finished' Wood pro-
.: duets. or na ona •-ti 401-.7- - .
'Petit -SALE.,--A 301111 Waite and barn, 'Dile Chicago; Mrs.
It4'/r1)31..1004:* '111.8n9,4116dP!sliVIVroodraffargt16', 'illte. .11°#h ot Benmiller. ,4rst4 dest0Yed
' •I'• - - iiiith one and one-half lots, on, bop:4o Notiavic /aura means, eatri.ce...itriv.elltiteattoedn-;Ttit e2ri,Y,„,iont,:ttlatee#4,-tuttoi'ttAtite_.; 'Ticte --.4-,q14.1-0'ully tht*eidbrry:'to*Desitss4ii-Lhilee spent 111
•the late- Thomas "Pretious Wee reit' , Wage!! and, securing rieF, business,
Itinoks St:, 00derieh, formerly Owned by ,,,,".%01,tes, , an . of Geneva, 4514‘,4
/*table, Apply to MRS. -11EN14 I-100- ,..1 . . , ;Chen, ittrs‘ Rill was lying' cfoyint 'at' tile
-, 720 Lincoln Ave.,: Port Huron, Quite a .numher of Gotterich, arid 8- time and\theIribildren were, out playing,
- - , - , ..........• 'triet took advaniage'of_the cent4,-Mile While. Mr. Itill- Was at, *ark, An stern
SA14-1921 Model ' T. Ford 4,-xgursi011,- to tingstorti'llgiagara---r0,1* •-•wais4tint "up. and ,it..-erowd soon gathered,
Coupe in ',first -clout ' shape, low London and ,alt Intermedlote points over but were helpless to AO' aqthilp-.1.„Ii1,, 1
mileage. Price 416040 veal. APP17t/
' Vox the. . N. ft at, the week -end.' There :furniture e,
There An.. the.,,kitlilrl.100
' 'STAB.- were over tlftY• fares 'sold here. " -,--1 - - Sailed, The house, Ws* ns‘ twcPitcerel
zt....... ' frame structure, with lean-to, fairly, old,
but had Just been papered encl- redecor-
ated. Mr. ;gill, vizi° his resided , there
rtOr about,, a year, 'has given a contract
toFloody igg Vi.A04,1311,41.#.-.4.9......WA00,,...
Work 4es-4i:ready darted. .
._ _ oX t1 txcilhrtule,t4*.i."..1:4''* 6 '-.°''', t:11r!",
Burn. -70:448'67000:0. 4 twenty years 11:t.t.
CoMpany has paid, out in ages the
. . ..
/4. -In 1010-11 :he 'Company rebuilt
Its Pant, Willa watl destreed by fire,
And in succeeding years. employed as
Many as 125 men at one time. . -
8. -The Company expects good 'bust.
nem Piet as soon as eon. 1 0 Praire
'the , building trades) for whielt. they
-nuinufaiture--plultibere---itoodwork, lows;
. .
• 8..; --When a great -many wood-.:worging
ass member, 4110.,sebeei ma e hi m., Ixe says usli hoer go. ltse_zAts ps.or_gn_00___ild hi4- other ttIWT/tr• usilseinree'Est°ereentetheiy°1 .11 a.m.-Morning. Prayer and Sermon...
These attending the funeral were' ailv, ‘,. " , ' .._„, „„ ,, „ ,, , ,, ,,tollu,stliritisrellinYPIII011013$74117411,•Alinng1;e:WtiX'AulQiit4Qrr7TA-771k---7:nt",:,371:4;n:1-1fil:inh---:1041;n13'.10 lila'
Mr,cres;tnyirlibillths "14/34°I.PHitth* Sr" 114ITY `1°°- ItoliiiO4.-Mk , riiigi3fierian.14 la Yiiing,l' men. ' .: -*' i 14" 4 f:41,1 f - • • ,..,,ii
bod-e-ric--1,1, -1'4.: 13' H. McCreath, :*TheConirelisitf-ohn%; fi*nTor. for the bOYa, at !ale harbor. WelcOme him It -411. the Company Ls asking for it, ---._:„... - .. , ii" J. satt. 1
Onto:, Capt. 'William MacLean, , Sr.,. Mr. hsek with 011eh 311214•,• •• •
nd mrs. is. et-totactzvint---M, . • •tehthie -1."1,Itlildtusbtralselss '10,9ifolrinse.'sos.rine assessment
eillsving."F pr,coltptmer g,Psawslifo-nTemDtecot _That Janksinnutigtitine_.,
fr ..te • -
Te Deum-In V Sir II, 8, Okkeley_
' 4r. oiarreq
Iserubmilow,aat.:_ivtort. DeTtelln.run. BOok 61 .
. O. It. Lola
Offetatory-Solo - Mr. Mae, Meakins
Abthem-4"fia1se the Lord, ye Heaven's,
adore Rim" ' Edmund Turner
Amen.7-Hymn Book, '13R Greek Liturgy,
Organ Postlude-- E. S. HosMer
1104-40-10, av,
le, is Set Ahead
Ram -
day neXt.;.-Thilk IS .4tr_ week _ ,
earlier than in former years, but or- vtild "OOderich.; t;
def give summer an'OPPor--- held, at Stratfork.
Ittnity, of attending. the, change InuLbeen.
-Made. The services Will be 'taken by
the rector, Rey, -It will
be the, last. Sunday at St. George's for
the organiat'n kr. .0. Xt. Davies, Who Is
Moving. to Owen Sontitida 'Mr. 'Charlet,
MeakIns Will be -the special soloist at t
Services. The order of ;Service is a fol.
wood: Gatherat
Of -'110340W -..1-0419e*-;-° *etf-Selith----
littron, their, Wives '044 families, 'to the. ••
number of 200., will gather--at-414rbor -
Park, WedneSdair, September 1104- ler v.-
Plefile, District "iieputy Hugh H
=uncle. , . being- sirranted.:-
Velegatiorni ' are •e041149 ir,001 Car
Parkhill, Allis ratgt Re .
Stratford •Mitthell, Liman
. Sells Xnaurande
from,htm before-rene
new insurance;
, rates.
or 0141111ing
OCICit.ht *la )46T0R CAR
erorgiatampos‘vimpor. wits? l000itmas.
how NILSON RILL Sikeels.r
nand White
0010 11.01t ItENt, with Or without
o, board. ,„ All golvenlenees: Close to
-The. goitre And Collegiate. Phone 528. ciomstts. itate stu-
*Olt Vort7 scree:snore t dents' as roomers, Ali convenience- s.
or lest, the ifrofierty of the late, MRS. ROSS spArtirks, et; Patrick 31.
il.Softeif it*" t e -end ot
LH ' - t h
South Street ort.the *Mahan hoinidary
the town:' Of good ditY, loom., %riff
house end „barn. Ott' shed: workshop,
11411-4o0001•11.rteilart• "(12t feet); ,the
_very,. beitt,,of 'water' goder fruit „tree*.
Ideal toesition,.." -*war and
churches. For ,turtiaer ' rs
'On the or.to. or WUL
foal/1u °
wogs tvAN*
' Mott rliet SS %ZOOMING 1148tilititifOg4
tife Inettrabee, niCenadist is the Selstelatiorl Or live Million, polity
htliters-one,distif our portutatiost. • • "
, tee Insiksuate Itt-Cabada represents" th0v tioonturated wings ot
.411IllOus dows fi4,o0404.- overnsient ,
ot. the keenest 110,-.
losatauce, Oanadrs, is at
.inds with -441***iatf by the De
'Moira n 2nd
Toe* if pitiA 4)
AtITED.figh-2}4thoot rooiners - 01
boarders, one , block. from 'School,:
"Moly Mits. IIARAISCilfr•Oion Roo
nbr Phone 15.41%;
itittifile--__ItoPiners. _boarders.
Watts reasonable. APply, -1M.
ttAve;, near Stratford
G4100 SCIA01,,"ttioderittely,,priced. for
$tnetent or business *Oath. 0.1fet
rOmfortable hoMe etirivt tit:. to The
•Square arid Colieglafe,',. Y 0. AMC
-rfax .ro
ltir$TICE •IIVERIIV drift' to.*11
Demils 111010 any claim' Against the
estate OVfleorge W. Andreint, late or_the
-TbWit titiderich,, the 'Minty Of
Huron, Retired Pgarter, 'Who died, on or
o ttenti'',1artien to the Undersigned or
Were the day of September, A. xx.
1933, _40,...,On_gind_ 'after. that date the.
1 estate -Will:".beldistriftuter aftiontrtbe
titied-therv..,t6; haiincregaid:
to the claints Of 10likh they., have notice.
mv.r113; 0001014Clit this 'nth. day
- "
of August, A D. 1132
04;04 NAV*
tiolkitOrs foe the ittiecutors herein.
Oootetielt. Ontario.
044ifio agigro pisr .. „
.. . ,
— -4,-
As iii, reinit 4 a ,tiunpus at ,Orold"
Rend at the week -end 41erernith, Or4lvelle
on-ttoridat-4aced o'c..lattge ,tit Ottelniltt,a
ing;:f4 asstiiiit.....atert_ltolti_ot...,th.C#A0'.
viiiige: .fie was found guilty, placed int
suspended ',submit* and 'hotittal'olvet to
keep the .
• .._,,,,.. -
Oinnty 'bat tieri Pl'ity or .1.T1:9004,
size job On his 'hOnds„.4t.' the County
Xiiiihlings tbeie days, gathering up the
odds and ends and ..trying to -Straighten,
plive:4Ov:.,.::,47,16rarde..,:a.:aintlynsti,hulle ' 1.3illiii:iiititi, tesurut...., . , , , .
• .. .,, 4.., ,11+, • ,n •,.. • , ., ,....n ,. . , .' . . .1
tangs out. Infe tells .11be Star that :.,4,14unagr4i,lii.zefaitit ItitiLD;6111., soolArdic 11000e,01.,...e. ,0ii,„,,,
.4ttetir it4sirri.P. been
ifirstafier, eett.t7s0114411`60*-11H'Qf tel.e.
have _been getting the* ii.silitief 'hq.41,*.4,. ' . "..___ .'-.Archdeviclin Bedford *fonts
bvauotitt.cleiirsv.;itho,,:truitellesiir.",wittirrteadonueto:rislogrintheie:t44e_tibt7: the*sut,jadrit::Ertree..,..,70,6.°n:ittellterit,....;_.,,;., „.%-;;I:i, 'in,ott,o..stir;iforliii
-roent 'as , 'this month. .Accounts htve 00.101;t,_ ly/L;'1Arin wttrilie.,_ .
1*00 -,..$144.-.1;i461", -'0e.I.L..n!Pet.luzi,ts. ' lv°4 °t,,°;* Te Dettin-,-/m 1* _. — ' Sit 0; ' a: ..0Atio,
PetlY Pilf,Iteu, the ' g'rdvv"--wr- Paillie"*"' "Sung as on ad Of' Thenlesiivine -
being signed after. All this hos been vesper_
stopped,' the Warden tors.
, . „ . otgan-reltst Vosilude 0, R. Reckwell
...-...........,0 *., ,,, , -
- In. last .evoning'.% local tournament .
Jack •..171100.4411stortAt.4:030033.4_,L...2_,XCetmetn Stowe *ere
first Vire WintierS with Peter .14414
ive or six' i•Goderich. rinks., will gie. to
LuelineW this (ThursdaY; eVerdng),"'to
coutpete in a tournament. ,
n bliondsw-' ev,:ning at the •,---Pleton---L.
$treet greens Lorne Young and: lteorge.
OeOrge .Mai Vicar •.
.arit-JaCk-Lalitlet'second, and 11111.81fn-4
mons RN: Ed, Mason nthird
r -
lot -And J., Swalteld. to. .
cal bowlers, are competirq ,With prawn.
• totiur%11F-3914ament!hamAks yet ktli' let r'itnhki*-.1111aitlittrot
copped' off any honars,..but ,reached the
before going down,' The liest bOwl 1J..,„ •
the-proVitfee.. compete& -4.* •
No matter what one's interests or vo-
cstion n life, there is e4uesit1on "conibia.
al Exhibition. Torortto_The datei this
' •EVZNG' ' ' ait-Are...411214 26th. to Sept. 9th,
. •
7.80 p.m. -43)04. tvensong and Sermon
an-r,Siiii( Marti* in .b.; Hackett One hundred beilitiful
.6/0, 453, 37 strot - wear the newest, creations:Of fa:Shit/404"j ,
Proper ,PieEgna044-01,..10, ttogieltin- ;So, In the: ra,011.100 Show• at the Ofitumflen
,. • Barnby pational, Exhibitico. The show is held'
every Afternoon and 'evening. litturall,f_
it IS the Makes of the Wilts.:
i.datigt, 604 *0- toid
Montreal ... 4,46/07
;turfifrO, . . . 41141;$101;
KingetOrt. . • Ii10,440
Port 1,492,491
'001:147110/t - -42048
ks 1!lfthin. Emit& IAA
Chitego •
diipdWrfe,riti- thorloake siiiPttee
oft &VW, by vessel,Urjzig 'AO, WU:
'flMZf tifor RAI • sztiTitz
21$1,0d4:—.:, 44,004 ' 44.000
1 00,00
343,000 16;839
- 088
• 2
4 0715/411,6
Uteatbdire„Stottrkto it ion be ttoted tat, dottet$ifertilke Atilt)* the
' lty such eapott points as Montreal. tfurfolo, Kinglitott and
the all••••inifer rate bit lbeen' 10er that, our Orel
to cotnpete throngli, Soy or Upper 1.414 ports, IA eitteeding gut%
it 4
VOW& itte,1141diand, *On &AIM. ittatt* Ott tottonfOi 11 atitnet
ontlnnes to bout the preterenC,i for ihisoinadts to (*tat*milis
10001* font **ern coilid*,,
0 It eef. lart* 111404titieet,
the oitOtttli ot Jolt.
IN Optlitrit
Wanted in Unroll County on .ieveral
charges of ...theft, Peerge alias
Clark, was yesterday. Arrested at Walk-
erton by rrotinelsi Coitstoble P. ,)V..
Coy, a iuorsecaboutto ,be discharged
from tinron County hitt .Where he his
been serving a siz-montli' Mint; tigers
reeord shows. four 'emivictionsilorfraud
and thett, he having 'teried tittle, for
tech: He lies b;S,en gOillit *bout_ the.
tooth* ,titty stealing everything
from automobiles. When MIMI,.
County gefa through - 11-71tICIAng` -1$
WOW In Perth 'County. At precrit, he
minE- -vents
5' 4
The .regular 'monthly meeting of 11*
tiattford Hospital ithalliaty *111,1* 'held
at th hOnle of Mrs,A 3 Goldthofr
on Thursday,,, Aug.• Si. • „ •
order: year cool no* and ve morrlet#
Prices skt. the 'mines wtfl advente
SePteMbeie lst1,- We hove just received
oaf- of Alktertn'.'clal, which &obtains nO,
slate, shale ac1c -40 010, and is is' reel
'heating OW, WAS,.
CARD or 111,41411,$.
An appreciation 'to our . friend* and
froM, whorn we received
.ance tire. We desire to convey
to thein all our thanlos• and aPP,cec4t,lott
for:their unbounded kindness.. -
*MR, and 1.111ff. RUSSEL-MI:4
Tike w d late Mr.
art grateful for the maoY.
his iUne".'AtAttAtr_sympatlay
es 6. mar0 thanks, -
d their cst for 'the
ntkit, *r 1* .14, en
• -in .Are onzbetil-ae-A-result-of-Ak
clean-up iit the' ittelc-end In Oleo
borne toWnship., Two Mtn end it *obi.
an Were attowitplie with
it at Witted. 'tie men ikre 'held
on 'remind In custody Witil satittday ort
• tharire Of *9101Vinit....' The.wonsn w*
alloWed 'Oa 0iti' hi* h101.,
thers04 itatonty., .010 ttdtnutni.,
flan *041,04r, 040104 to tot, ookt the
lo a
to .thOse
oolityttitrst,-At Avouati
*Ai on Monday, tAtuoist , 21st. 1,03. to
MA and Vim 0eOrge Dougherty, Jet;14.
CloOrtelit.a danithter.1
bis h
Aisanot Mid, the
lifilsor. • terout,1tt 4$06 bali. *the pot* loiridy, fornierly of
toe 00 addd to hot itectoved atitintstioti • nh1401**1 tt'
MlnaIe Fit
Wootton% by thequetotootre ' res"11