The Exeter Times, 1880-12-2, Page 811SSU.. OUR Special Offer 'LOOK. LOOK. IA')©afii. We are narking an effort to double our 1x1esent large euescription 1.stt,cifore the new year, and have made sucb. iteraugenionts es we are cone - tient win enable us to do so, Strictly prepaid ('ASi:I su ,soribors can have the Moos incl any of the city wee teres at the following prices Times & Weekly Globe, $2.2 sc st Advertiser 2.2o A< t t Free Press 2.40 Mail .00 flair is the best offer that has vet been made, and every man, wouutn mud child has now the opportunity of reading the Times. Subscribe ut once and. take advantage of our low rates. 66 IC N .REA IN LOV1LL'S ADVANCED c:o�. PRICE, - - - $1-50. .o. Scut anywhere, pouf; free 0n rt oe.,ptr of price. J. GRIGG-, Bookseller, Exeter. ghe xeler THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 2, 1880. LOCAL NEWS. The Vs talc Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., Will sena their celebrated Electro-Veltaio Hilts to `.he afflicted upon 30 da.ys trial. Speedy cures maranteed. They mean what they say. Write `o them without delay. • Tine largest, best and. cheapest assortment of shoulder braces in Exeter, at Central Dreg Store. C. Lure. A young man who has recently taken a wite, says he didn't find it half se hard to eet mar- rieeas he did to get furniture. He slid not try John Drew's furniture store, or he would not say that. More new boots aria Aloes jest received. Stack complete in every department. See ad - going to St. Illett!ys any more with illy grails. They raise thein markets to dolto people, thou drop the prieos when wo get there. Besides led rather collie to Exeter, laud know what I'm going to roeeive, evens, if it bo loss than St. Marys, and be sure of honest weight, My mu weights mid those in Exeter eorrespoud, but they don't with. St, eet ry$ by any means ; and mine are right. too," Pensosree.--1Ve see by our toter..., the Nor. wioh Gazettr, that our friend Dr. Hutchinson, has commenced' praotising in Norwich. We don't wish any ill to the good people of Nor- wich, bat no hope Dr. Hutchinson will have a large number of patients, The Norwiohi folks can arreugo the affair to suit their owls con- venience. TOLD sere Taurlt :MAT Titre.—Wo Maestro that the young hero of the "Teed Riding Hood" escapade sturdily denies all knowledge of the "refreshment" episode. The story as it goes from ear to ear is the hard-olreeked young per- son's own version of it aster gave it to some Of his companions, and upon enquiry, we find that he told the truth, the whole truth, and nothfngbut the truth on that °cession. NOT DISPUTING,—The Parkhill Gazette says Exeter papers are disputing as to which began the crusade for &second railway. No reason to dispiite 1 Our files slow that we advocated the C. V. R., and when that was found impos- sible to obtain, we urged the building of a brands of the ex. T. R. The committee who visited Mr. Hickson retntembor that their inter- terview with that gentleman was given every prominence in the Three. IkkNAwex.- On Sati trday afternoon a horse with cutter attactiod went up street at a com- fortable canter. It was caught by some men in front of Pickaru's store. The horse had camped from bis driver ou Huron street, and was having a good teine to himself, and seemed a little sures-lead wb en brought to a sudden standstill by a share, jerk on the bridle rein. The cutter,though on its side, was not injured, neither was the stead. Mr. Asa Ribble, c tptain of the steamer Kin- cardine, which has been mentioned so otter iu ocnrnection with the Blake bust-up, arrived in town o,x Tuesday piton the north, the vessel having been frozen. in near a northern port on Lake Huron. — One of the recently arrested rob bees in Leucite] gave leis ne .ase as White. It is needs less to add that de•, siopments of the next day proved this to be a ease slander on the name. THE TIM S. • k resume tiring in the viehrity of Exoter was rather betty sold last week. Ile brought his barley ter St, Marys market hush got 90 conte per bushel for it;. then he went home, pox, chased hiseneiglrborfa for feeding purposes .at 70 touts per busliel In a few days he drove it down to St. Marys, dud got 05 cents ,per bushel foe it 1 Ho hadn'tdaleulttted on change. —St, Marys journal, We have Beard of a good tunny farmers who have bei fooled by tak- ing the price of grain fuSt. itiarys one day as a standard for another, • The prices .aro high, but Wore unsteady than in Other places. amain* Racemes err elem.—judging by the fact that it Is s. common praotice to send receipts by mail in an unsealed envelope, pre- paid by a oue cent stamp, it isnot generally kuown that:the postal regulations forbid the practice. Receipts for money should be sealed vertisement.—Chas. Enron. and p epraid by a three cent stamp ora one' Me. S. E. Jog Es invites the attention of parties about purchasing °Mistmas preseuts. S e his aunoaneewcut iu another column. The parlay concert which was to have been held at ler. 0. Suuthc.ttt's residence tomor- row eveniny, will take place iu Drew's Hall. fix you have n. taste for the beautiful tate a look at air. W. B. Setloy's windows. They are the most prettily dressed ever seen in Exeter. A Brio Dtsootexr,—& few Clays since all TTn- borne farmer, of a speculative turn of mind hearing thittt grain was ]ringing a good price in St. 1lIaryt,thought it a good chance for maks ing something. He went to a neighbor, pur- chased a load. of barley for which ho pied seventy cents per bushel and took it to St: Marys; but when he arrived there, lo! and be: hold! barley was only bringing sixty and sixty-one cents, Tire farmer sold his barley for something like sixty-one oents,losing about nine cents peal bushel by the transaction. Tae AnvocATrr.Anvtee1l,—We welcome again to our sanctum an old friend under a new name. The hast Lambton Adviser, which was destroyed by fire a couple of weeas ago, hes been revived, acct amalgamated with the Forest Adviser: The new name is the Advocate -Adviser. Iu a few weeks it will bo greatly enlarged, and printed semi-wnokhy as at present, thus making It really ono of the best country journals of the West. We wish our enterprising brothers quill -drivers every success in this venture. They 'deserve it. l)EOE11I..Fie 2, t ' A Lear `lien assn.—Ore Thursday evening - last, a number of the young ladies of the vil- lage carried into execution a brilliant idea which they with remarkable unanimity had conceived on the rat day of last January, This was nothing less than a dozen or so of them taldng a corresponding number of the sterner sex out for a drive to Mr..Wrerry's, in Usborn'e, where they were right royally enter- tained, and passed u pleasant evening singlet, rec. The girls paid for everything, but failed to make the affair ie complete leap year erleeeaa by taking Dave Bissett instead of an engaging (ain't leap year parties for that ?) young lady , as Jelin (nothing personal) for the evening. The young gentlemen enjoyed immensely the novelty of being--ahem!—courted. It didn't cost thein a nieael, We letru that level alof them had theirhearts badly used up. I3 is to be hoped that they will not forget to return the compliment when they are again permit- ted to caeereise the privilege of lavishing' their snperabundauee of shekels en the girls. COUNCIL 1rIeeTINnrtIOnneil met an the ET ;o; It Will pay you to get an COAT R°� Vin. -•; Fair Ht _ °4i!S: or ONE FOR YOUR B ®-Y Froin 1.64, DUNDAS STREET; LONDON. 1315115 SocruTr. Merri::e,--The annualmeet- ing of the Exeter Branch of the British. and X oreigu Bible Society was held in the Bible Christian Church, Exeter, on. Thursday eien- beglast. Iter E: J. Itobtuson; President of i hat-ing engaged the 3erviees of en 0mperionocc% the branch society, took the obair. The nreet-1 fUruel'eni9hhttnic; is new better peep ared than eve: to lug opened with singing by the congregation 1 after which the Rev. (.i. Webber offered up a prayer on behalf of the society. The Presi- dent then read a portion of the scripture, fol- lowed by a short address, pointing out the req 11r1n =Gucci sewed wont' yitikel tlo 11 t•11 *„ Live 11110 n cal, etc+petering of ull' keine neatly auS great beneficial influence exerted on the worrel promptly attended to, .by the society, and shawibg that it was the . stele Worn .rdl'w¢ru y$ oat. wniae ata. duty of the people to contribute liberally for the support and spread of the gospel: He dwelt on the excellence of the Bible as a )took anti as God's word, Rev. llr. Gently 'decayed, showing the great importance °filth° work per- formed by the Bible Society,. and urging its claim for the material supperet as well as s m- pat]oy of the People. TheeBible should his spread broadcast to counteract the elle and atheistic teachings of the modern books t1 science whites were to be found iu every Mecliautcs Institute and public library and were oaIettlated to work a great deal of harps, Rev. F. Whitlock spoke in a soinewhet similar strain, encewas followed by the Rev, Mr. Mathews, of Clinton; the agent of the society. ]r the course of his re- marks he described the founding of the society. At t' f 't f t' tl b of the-yt�� Cc F .0✓7-.�.t....f S w Homer▪ gy Boots noes of over$ description. Aerie finds his own mater- ial, all se done on his own responsibility. Parties Incrnuc?- 0 1 S 1 orma IO11° re num be cent stamp aceooadingly as they are intended 23rd inst.; the Reeve ante Councillors Bissett Bibles in e'21ltence were estiin ted at about four for deliver • in 5104 office where the .aro- posted 1 and Reuther eseut, Ism minutes of the nsiilliclms. At that time nett of the nine hundred y y I ' or are to be sent to a distance. only printed in fifty of them. Tie sale that that orders be granted for the following trims: 1 present i i 3 r" previous meeting were read and cord:cared. langno.ges and dialects of ithre world it was Moved by J. Renton, seconded by W. Bissett u a to tete scut nue the British and Foreign TIa ; RAILW• AY BODIIsS.• Mee Planless of CVOTT deseli11,tion, Tlnrsn teeth Mg, Whips; Trunks, `alines, C'ltil•:l±•elt's Carriages. ,Sleighs, f:c, 0. EAC1tETT. BOOT c SHOE SHOP/ C;ENTRALIA.- E.EELEre bogs to mina:nori that • Ile has decided to beeoine a perriuteent resident of Centralis wheels he carries on the: boot and shoe business ie. all its branches, Alt: work Bono itx ; The Latest Style. None but the best material and most s3:ilfri workmen c•inployet. All work guaranteed. Al- ways it stools, foreign incl •Uourestio leathers of the Lost quality. Fines i1l'irecl IT'cn* a Specirrlltty. Repairs promptly attended to. Prier: ireasona-• We. A. trial is only ncetssary tel ensu � 0 Steady' ouster. R. KEELEIR.` centralia,:�*ov: 4, 1080. ly .A. HAlmsonrs PARSENT.—We stepped Into Mr. Fittou's yesterday morning and inspected a handsome silver communion service, consist- ing of flagon, chalices and patens, which was Rules .esu the debate in the B. C. Church conspiehously placed on his show case. An on Tnesday evening next ruder the auspices inscription on t:he flagon read as follows;— of the E. Y. P. Cl. A. Subject : "Which has '•Presented' to tens B. C. Church by the E. Y.P. exerted the greatest and most beneficial influ- 5000 ou the tvatld; man of woman ?" C. A.." which. mystic symbols stand for Exeter Young .People's Christian Association. Tiro Coverrr Council meets in Wingham, on the present is out of the proceeds of the lecture 7th of J)eeeniber: course. It is ;very pretty, and is valued at about e.37. FAnarsrts, if you have lost any of your own, or have fouucl any outer person's cattle, read Pnxranlxo A Leerone.—We understand the notices of " strays" in 'the Three. that Mr. Itobert Porter, the Conservative can- didate far the Commons at the last election in Tuarcrs Strrrren.—Three large sleigh loads South Huron, is preparing a lecture on " Rob. ofturkeys were taken from Exeter during the ert Burns." which he will firet deliver befor o past weep by Mr. John Parsons, of Creditor', who is shipping them front Centralia to Win- nipeg, where we believe lie realizes a baud - some price for them. So much the better for Mr. Perseus. an audience of his fellow -countrymen in Hib- bert. The Hibbertonisus will have the plets- ure of listening to a first-class orator, and we eau safely say that the lecture will be second to 110110 of the many on the same subject. We are sere that Mr. Porter wonld have a large Tare St. Marys Journal publishes a little audience in Exeter, if he would consent to pay yarn of its own about a man named Routley -us a visit. What do the Mechanics Institute buying barley ou the Exeter market and fore- Directors think of the idea ? _-- ing the price tap from 55 to 70 cents. The story, thougu written in overflowing egotism, Tun PULPIT.—The ninth quarterly Sunday he pretty, but lacks the esseulial element of ;School sermon of the Providence Sabbath truth to make it interesting. It's a who»Ner. Scheel will be preached in Providence (B. 0.) Joie the church, boys.aur t Sundayafternoon bythe Rev. J. L eh next f Mone Sxow.—Everythiug seems to work Holmes. admirably for business and the farmers this fall except the G. W. R. The snow, of winch! we have had sufficient quantities to make' sleighing for the past two weeks, was getting pretty well worn through, when a fresh •npplyj of about four inches fell quietly on Tuesday ; Thompson will preach again next Sunday. night aid Wednesday morning. This makes the sleighing fust -class. SHOOTING MATox.-0n Saturday last, a PUULTDY Tlnavxs.—One day last week, the shooting match took place in Exeter between poultry house of Mr. Robert McCord, Thames J- Woods and T. Bissett on 0110 side and Bobt. Road, was.invaded by some fowl-apincted per-' Sanders eons each we3. re s ellotved. ott, on theThe h followinger. Ten eon, and six of his plumpest and beet Christ- so r shows the result; Woods and Bissett, Awes turkeys mieappropriatod. what is the the losing partners,eg birds; sway the thief had taken to stttle tlse Turkey 6 paying for the . lleesticere, Let other ;turkey proprietors take ..orris, J. Woods -0 0 01011111-6. erctl;ltaug. . 7', Bissett -0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-8 wtlens. R. S tin d e r s—•1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-0. J, Wuetcott-1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-8. — The pulpit of the Presbyterian Church, Exeter, was filled on Sunday last by the Rev. Iter. Thompson, of Brucefield. The congrega- tion in:the afternoon was very large. Mr. Ifuenax J ,iso ()start.—Tuesday evening, as a few ysoung,chilezear were playing on the street iu ,front of rear. Iplebe.rd's store, a team was driveo,along, and one of the horses touched a little slide, Imecltfng her.down, and frightening Jte:r badly,. .13t gond. Ate seare, Oho suffered no injury. Theeleiver twee ;rae to blaane. As elehnange says thiit ,one of tthae Wee and etiiirlest remedies for the.episo°tie, ,roar pre- vailing througltout,Elte.couutree ie,u;1six Kw,e of. the oil of tar arta assafoetida—:cute.etieee eiffiuwr' Itud one drachm .of assnfmtitl.e.--ten ,J.reps,of +sv,J,rieh are gimen tttvfee .a,clay iiu the ;recce. ;i;ee 444is,Gtds a. Warm. 'bran mesh ,ouco, s 1uy as tee Caner andeel. Wxs�;r lets S.tre. A,i Helm - ire farmer (he's au tetegttoted persona'„° iowatittie, istr't lie?) wee lis toe a eereterdty, Said he : ..1'u2 nut. Snxrncs Aconnawr.--One day last week a young man named Clack, of this place, met with rather a serious accident while working working at a farmer's 'near Crediton: It'ap- pears he was -getting on a horse -power which was ip,motion,'and slipped and fell, his legs being, badly bruised before the horses coved be stopped, One .leg had a narrow escape from hang erusbed to pieces by the cog wheels which, while pessfng around, out several pieces ant of Inti boot, He earl that for some time after he was taken Rent,the horse -power lie hadn't a particle of feeling in his,lege, which ft waif at first feared would have to be ampu• fated. Fee is likely to be laid up ,for some time. 65 Bible Seemly hal distributed throughout the — — J. Brooks,�2. furllimbex;: BeTr..'V. Elliot $10 WHAT T ` con>arlTxt >r Harr ti esee, for services; Bissctt Brost, e46.45, contratt fur world nu less•than eighty-eight million copies ai'i_ street lamps sena cottl'oil; E. H. Fish ea..% for of the Bible,-anlcl had translated it into save The committee appointed at te';nie it eee. lamps.—Carried: A communication from Mr. Ellie t concerning boundary appropriation was read and the clerk directed to inform Mrs E1- liot that up to this year that boundary lam hacl uta Aare and will be attended tn. The amount ordered to be paid for the support f Jelin htmelrtee and thirty-eight „1ttngnegee, and Glia- fn", celled to discuss railway m itttA�rs a ftliv lees.;. • From- this society others had sprung; one efwhielr was the American, Bible Society whose clfstribetions amouu'Jed to thirty' 1rni1- liov copies, Others societies had distri1,titect Bibles- to tie') remount oe twenty mill an copies, nights since, met in Mr, Mum' sem ,Present, D. Jebel. , G1;, Willis, A. Walpef•, W. J3isse'ti', J. Swenert:.lt;, D. Swan. erten, 1 , Detre',L. Hardy, Ire Jr' nick and J. Rs±.ton. Af(°veal by G. Willis, set:tut:Cod:by L. Hardy; c s or a o rn f malting a total of one hundred isn4 thirty- flint A. Walper act as (,Lttuarman. Carried. 1lorseheacl was ordered to be discontinued an ` • 1 .'ll' d' t:'it t tt l the Mere Moved by Il: Johns, oaoonibd by W. fhissctt, motion of J. Renton, eecoudecl by W. Bissett, that J. RauAln not as �eetonde , Ga . eras societies,. Aituon 13 so much, had been eight million solxiea is sn a by re c r of eel. Roble lileletren's tender for lighting stree I o g After stens., conch atncnis, It watt lampstlsonght- accepted 1 t eremite' t dome yet he pointed ont that the work was far best to adopt• the euggeetnrn made by Mr. Hick- by. W.. Bissett. 011 motion the council nit- distri uteri by the i3ritfsir' arra Foreign Society, of the G. T. R., which woul 1 leave the main f b a rues, ri largo mamba of which had come to run tllrnuglt a part of Blanchard, pass icirkton our own Canada, The society heel trenslatecl} and �4'cioclllam at an equal distance from, each place, then through TJsborue to Exeter., the whole distance in a direct ;line would not exceed fourteen miles. Tlus branch could 'then be worked by the engines now running on the Manch from London to ,St. Mary's, as. statodby the:Manager, withebut'little extra ex- pense, It was moved by e. Swonerton, seconded by W. Fenwick, that Messrs. Johns, .Willis, Reeve - Hardy, and the Secretary be a sub. -committee to visit Kirkton and Woodham villages and use borne Council, and lay the matter beforoprom- inent parties in the former places and the Couueihlors in the hatter. Carried- • Moved by W. 13iesott, seconded by D. Johns, that Messrs. Wolper, J. Swenertou, Fenwick, Drew and Pickard meet flay Council, Carried. ItiovedbyJ. Ranson, seconded'fly;W. Swen- -- erten, that Messrs. Johns, Drew, i3issott, Willis human bean in his own language, After a god Reeve Hardy wait on Steib - Council. g g Carried. few remarks by the Chairman,,a collection was. The objeot in appointing these committees lifted in aid of the society. The following is - to excite the interest and have the question. agitated by the people themeelves.prior to tak-. ing decisive action in submitting a by-law. Moved by B. Sw nerton, seconded by G. ;Willis, that this meeting adjourn, to meet and Nepal% progress at thp: call of the Secretary. Carried. . TrliertTON, WOODEAM A g1i,tiivxmas arrr.D.. On Saturday last, poppy of the mernbcrs of: hese Railway Committee vieited Kirkton. and was aeeep ec one agreement or` con • ° from oeiug completotl, Out of the number son to the committee that whited ou him' some be executed on motion of j. Banton, seconded . trmo since and agitate the building of a branch half f them bail been sent to the British colo- l line at a point between St. Mary's and Grenton, joimned, until Friday,10th of Dee. et 7.30 p. m. II. BAC-WITT. Clerk. NATIONAL CJDlrnsxoY bfuariu w. 1Te have been requested to atter d a National Currency meeting which is to be held in St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto, en Wednesday, 8th of Decem- ber at 2 o'clock p. n2. In the evening a mass meeting will be held and svill be addressed by A. W. Wright and. Geo. B. Brooks. Owing to the extreme press of business (and the leek of spondrdicks— [that will bo a good argument it- self in favor of a more extended circulation of the root of evil)) wo find it impossible to ao eept the invitation so generously extended to us. If the aforementioned league can strike upon any good and lawful ,plan of making money to flow like water into our pockets and stick there like mucilage, they can safely count on our influence aria• our vote when they appear before the electors of this groat and, glorious Dominion. We have been painfully aware of the indisputable feet than there was too little money in the country, and would long since have,suggested some scheme for the relieving the stringency of the market, had we not felt that our pure and patriotic motives might be impugned as mercenary and selfish. People somehow dont take much stook in pats riotism nowadays, which lamentable disposi- tion on the part of the aforesaid people is a serious drawback to rnodestand retiring per- sons like ourselves. In these energetic days if any fellow realizing that the money: market dreplenishing,df li toollk 1 the 13ible Iuto twelve laugultges of our Hartle- west Indians. The *Pecker impressed on those present the great work yet to be done, and the great responeibility resting on them for the success of that work. Although translated in- to two Hundred and thirty-eight languages, there were over five hundred yet to be trans- lated ; although so many Bibles had been dis- tributed throughout the world, yet it was to be remembered that the population of the world amounted to about fifteen hundred million. He stated that at she present nate of working,. it would take two hundred years more to com- plete -the object for which the society was formed,viz.: To placethe Bible in the hands of officers were elieoted, for the ensuing year `President, Rev, E.7. [Robipsen; Vice=Presi-. dents, Revs, Messrs., Webber,. Holmes, Gundy ranch Whitlock ; Committee, Messrs. Jas. Pick- ard, G. Kilpatrick ape H. C. Brewer; 13ee.- Treas,,Mr. J. Renton; Depositor, W. Grigg, Sr, Mr. Geo. •Eilpatriek ryas appointed col. lectors, and a vote of thanks tendered, to the W.hodham to confer with tare residents there, aolleetors of last ear,nfter whfet 'the Doxology knout the proposed red. 9.hey forted all the. y L gy people of both those ambitions villages hot for was sung,tho Benediction pronontnece and the the raiilway,end eve y' effort will be part forth: meeting dispersed. to assist in the • sober7est. Wo would suggest: that the people of eth t neighborhood form st - - conntnittee to weals, 111 connecti(i will] tho' Exeter Committee.. They woped find it, to their advantage to throw themeelveri right into the work. i'lhey should set about tt)�e matter at once, and have aytt n'ec,osf,eil•y pre ,ilfnaries pushed through as speedily as,iracaib1;o,, The Ooinmitteealso :visitetethe Us)7Wa;nie Ocnneilin eepeion atElitnvilie, and found the members . personally, in favor of the schemo, bet owing to the neer approaeh of the municipal election they deorrjrett it best to defer making any ,,lii- oial premrss° until they receive the taeit app'(r- eal of tl;e ratepayers on nomination day, when, the' querttiouwill he droenesed end the feeling of the people nscorteiuod. The day will soon be. at bend. In the meantime the pros and cons o;! the schemes will no doubt ire fully 'des tossed, end on ugprination day the electors, will heptidy weenie, the opiixfous of the Count tillers, r'1V.Q V WELL 'JW STRONG." needs an feeling a keenly b'H` ? 1J 4 ti, 'Now.that the supply le notequal to tete demand,Dr, R, V, Pierce,• I3,tktltalo, N. Y. takes a oue dollar bill and raises it to a teethe Dear Sjes— a wish to state. that my minions of the maw pounce upon him and in, daughter, aged 18, W118 pronotineed in- carcerate him in a dark and loathsome clues- curable andwas foot foilinn,as t40 dot• goon for yingto make money more plentiful. tors tllolt(ehts witla oolistlmpb'ou, I ob That r'epr'esses enterprise and fes a deettki.blow to genine. But if Oleo men in Toronto can, bit upon any plan of doing lawfully what others have done unlawfully, they twill, as we before remarked, receive our sympathy rind our sup- port, We hope they'll temernber as anyway wH u tlrc'g, t into power, .0 tainod a leant: dozen bottles of yanr vis. covert',for bar and she commenced im- proving at cope, and is now well and strong, She scan the Discovery bast fall.i 7_ Very "truly yogre, "SOT. Tellee N. 111113111ct10.