HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-08-17, Page 713041r$04 tedd1ck, at the end o theeon-
00,040A the previous inight, hid meta -
his hands or the en.
see with the derisive wish. 44
be used ONLY $roin
ockin the morning and from
toicek in the evening,
ore water itt 1404 for lawn se -
application must be Made in
ting to the: Water and, Light
. -
s hose, tjuring a 'ilre alarm is
rietl prohibited. -.
Any infraetion' of . the *bogie Will
be dealt wth according to the
sawyer after lier at t
the glory and neiy*Ik.
Artt 3res#4,
ed stoPi
ay bebalfse' the story
di* ‘via Collinson* wuso hopeess.X
-A later :40,49,04..ht
give OeIneslight ground
* *tense where ,raaw be Si
„ this morning',
'cq'AntY Atnl, .Aut4n
talk. 'with Mary Galt;
That =4 swt justice are *Pitt the- truth the wbol�•trntlkt.
price the A0OUSeit '010434104 Pa,y3 14* the 4;ttio
mUnity from the tbird decitt, FIAUd where shall x
Witted 'of * cell; they,met in the ohtt-, " ;14,,;;Ic; If you iilges, to your
ss dealingswltb,, •Ct70
,.",teit'itrim- Vt. ilreleeyi, 4ad thought
let Of Vir: Oroitoul' We all' regaxded
him a a, **ton fbe:virtu
Atter, dad 'died Mr., Crofton'; looked sfter
%other's.. alltairs,--ror..tter,:. He yrke
fectly_ honest, -toO,„: up to to AU,- NOtooltie
,A4s Arspiill hellelt tote
'1,X001 went me to *TA pin
)06k. or hurt
; her hp Oitiver.
out ,ot
ogoorpor ptirt
upon ZauI d At airy atep
Id me W* �fl&U�I h$ the Widen
utrs po44t1ono, ikw**
As onl:r Saraimrl ehti
,T1014,1-.,444 taXtri -0111,*,
u• tl 0000 PM aStObly *t Sibk
and lot% Were ,cast- se to who w**
t Sala' "les r'here#114
tlitt 0040 intimationfound lifdaon bi the
14. Iron eilvie of bettitiCift around the ent,auiP.
Ong ialier's private parlor, but through-
out the interview..zhe -young ixiw3fer--00**.
OW., with his utimts. eyt, the haeltgrOun4
t iren bars.•
He found Mary
well-proportioned gir* With fair,' bobbed
'enris framing a.,4'gdwitivit lace. - Two
months'. oO,nfinement • -14a4:tidetiL_her
healthrlreekles. 14 mere- ,pele.'• .traces.
Her blue ties eagerly sOught __her lawy-
er's •eyds, , and •OreSsey Puna.' ;himself:
staring evasively at, the. flOor.
He made his tone_hrutally bUsine$4.!
411notaltittgaqikr, derense,„„,Mrst Galt.
'PeoPtSWO'itir attreVasummer con1Iaidt.
and the old, are Sable to it during the roomer -months.
• „YoULeenOt.tell whemit seises you how it is going, to
end. Let it run for a day;ortwo anduee how': wealct,o, 4
prostrate it will leave you. -
On the first siign of an attack of atly1O,otenies-of the
1 boweletalce a. few doses of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wiid
,liltrawherrir and -set how, iitticklY, it will
Manufactured,only by The T. MAIAM 0.*;,44*ted'
Toronto, Ont.
Sliver deal, • - ; , .
"Yen see* mOther; lutd. stock iq the,
.304:tortit ,mos. and When the millslhere
Went„; into the Merger .;• she got $20.000' we'll 'htint Him therlitt4 lqeelee
cash. Mothc'r and Mr. Crofton, them, declded to put the moneyolLtmw7eig2i:'.:'.44.01,4Vdt:Tvi::00e41:114eg'r.S'elnhils:a'111111,01t:Lfan:*t.:110474:74:trP'.1:471:1ri-7:14,g;
"41: Vohriitt.ii:,, silver went '.,1/Ve .0iret to the
o ;11441d:dim., Then glisiovered 444 these are
itr*:'al*aVS1heert•:'WOrtitless,' . . „ ,
ay bring.
Crofton.' hAd*-ficin.
`OAP., At: one time, , hot 'didn't. own.
when .the eompany. railed,"
poor defense; undoubtedly, -bit ne. oesv
"X • winiralt-have 'minded the money,
though its loss meant poverty for 44-.
Et WAS our trusting hint so icing, an
'03ent 1? -24) Hhs atatttra, at, Oboe
iconeiliate4' the public, fel1ing1. and tbt
POOPie .shqut "God Save the
murmur* ot the Worthies* of
zhe eeminttnity,' who, refused to ssbte
hini with Ute, stectuttonled nraunts were
oon Anishett 4)7 f.133 000141011'
WO°, added
130,Mael4 turt), speaking on
Part Y 14**,144..01rwer the
Ord had brought. him Up to the present
moment. awn sox tried to ',defend his
'attion -Out; was* antwered bit the *hal
191;11:14:T1414:441441H.soiturti, Villnin a MI
" ' proplamatiOn of his -retettionrAtSetauas While the Preetnt state of agora
Airkin the blue 4ut-tirk #10 4.400104 01unt He '110 on thou hest /t,,jected the wortt ot the Lord ina, is appalling the loyalty- an
ettly. his way *me, herd .ot ostiu, he bath also releoted thee trom beim; Votio4 to the out: of Violet by covert5
"Why*14 protested **TY ..004t, 'Oen:- titUnge reached bpi • ears ot the *Imo* In our tntiitOni hitt been most gratifp.
itot denying r hot oroston, 14,1, threat is - vied bY Nabarb; Out KU*, Of WO*14.,NOISSIONS int.
i. ly don'ttotomber:s. ,Arozoonc against Tios too *-Clitist,te-d0 MOE* thin
The Wtgnin`i NO*0E1 SogetY is to 'Christ tri title Perieti Of re.OonstriiettOn.,
Make **tudy a Min* the oldest' living She needs the trlendehirt..ot. PhristlOnS
emigre, PI :tins stud; we have to. do who. love her and who eau sympathet.t.
with ,the largest of nation'S-74our _hurt. eall.v Understand her. 'she,' needs )0hrist
dred Million 'people, We have to do with- ht her With Other nation%
• people k?,f reparka1410 phooeter, or and, every lphase of her,dellY atr-
thg7 wO414 not. have Maintained .* tow. welt ste ehurchee and on BuolaYa. -
tinuouS ocistenee for over four 'thousand We areant to think of the various nega
years., we bEve to do with An area ,the.to.001:01 need, the educational, need:
u ntold natural 'wealth, -second only to ; and the like*. tint china!a greatest need',
.the Itil'66143trohttdyelolv. Alti-Ohristo.,,MV,,*0,421;AltrxIstAuti this
year help shapeOlirtallattre chriet,'
*int. -tholittis40140 movituu;
_ .
Large acreagesof, land: .in; tistenl „-
titiisdgv-!are hi need of lima and can be,.
made to produce t more vritiltahly by its'
use, . •
UtC spirit .of Uir4 ,Ceree linen %Ili*" and : ' 41'004 moot, 44 • ' She luta 'ever befere, . Chine he,'
; irk this emergency' he had, recoUratt, to
the expedient nt the eerber Om; A
tent throughout Israel OA message the
' .bones or Oro 'Or the oxen.; whiefill he Was
*tying, All the people "taint:: out 'with
. one consent;' and 'Paul, at the ' head 0!
•""'"' this veat., multitude, totally Mited, the
We'll bring' Him heart*" that love:Xihn; , -
Am...mite. , •s Then followed: at Samuel*
., ,
Onunaho a', gathering of the •victors at
04eli where. ilth solemn .saoriftoes the'
vimtprieus 'leader' was re -installed in hti fint cit
kingdom .-(X1),. „ Then_Lit,watt.earonel. vet .,..-d. ieaotki.os„,,,, ;Napoleon_ 044,., „,,"When..
1"ti7ned„ Vs orrice or slukto, and warned' chiti4, beons to- movtihe Will move the
Sunday ternoora
By 45ABEL HAMILTON. ti940r(4h. Ont.
* -r•-i,e1r
1V10/44TEZOMAII- -
$Sa1_drainakStoclucti0n-1560 costumed chakacters--':-
.1OOO-root Stage. 'Mexico of e eat y, 16th tm?.ryf
• Opening peor nancMon4a--AtigiaT:4144,
Lord teach: us to know that to abey Is
Amen. .
14O7444% riso-gc,-4. Samuel 15-,;4428,
Gowen Vest, -1 Samuel 1522.
4irotton....taking advantage of' her •Saul, the ilret. icing of Israel, VMS
°trustfulness,. to unload' those worthless lon or Kish the Beuirunite or 4O4bee2i.,
shires.. .; - • He ia describedas a gehelee•youpg
.1 still hoped, ` though;„ it wasn't es and a goodly; and there was, not among
a4 as all. that Went to )iff, cirotton's :the 'children of Israel a ZOOdlier person
office. 1#0. , WAS JO TPT01#0. ' X Went :titi* tie* from lifCrheuldere and.upwartli words "r have performed the cemmand-
tianAtY the solution of our natiotial Pro.'
oth the people an/i SaUl'oi the dantrer werld." 'Aid Clinna has really' begun to
..oCititibbedience- to,. the., 'commands- --of - move.She has awakened -from herlong
.7'00d..---''FOr' a -time- soul iI41.4 'good„,.11?, , --...-Ieep-Xter-lace-- is towards „the-rutlirsl-
-, .. . .
- to 'this warning QUI, .4S tUtte 1/8154ea and For ror thw ancient peolo o. new ere, has
downed. . ... .
the eXist11410n et the Placed
"less' arid-leSS ,tottioos;-ot nks, „need 'o
leading;--.:In...„AodoVs „JOAO „,we
read how he disobeyed the, ecnunina of
serauel, to "go and tonite-Amalek, and..
utterly destrbY all that they, boo, and
•spare them not.” '
Samuel, . having received or the- Lord
oPoornmunication, went to meet Saul and
dellVer it to hiin: being at ,the
zenith, ot glory, met him with the
ce ,
ofticial mice ranarked "We have tag.*
-err- over-everAhltig-eise-,fronIt-theY-Wast
,y4,%7.414 your religh441.- have *adopted
your form:of -government; we have etta*
Wished your system of public sch0O1a; We
are modelling out busitiesi$ according to
your ideas; and we nod, ootsoves worse
CV than before. ' May it *tiot-hrthot-we-
have mine& the principal Ailing from thi
West, and that -we shall find' in •Obris.
three 'times, 41r:ft' different "ire* The he was 'higher than any ot people." Vigut of the Lord" But there was close zietto
.hiSt time another man was there f 100)(7 At the desire of the people Yor a Ichig).it hand ogoomstantial evidence that
he in 1 or -Mt Crofton, too; .very " angry Samuel nh.lniingea by "the Spirit or I was not speaking the truth in It% 17•1. WIthd'the il*easiz4 *lumber 4:4 P.• rd",
Mows 12* P. Box
lihOnt-Hscinetlibig,,,-•$a: 1,,•:.:giiesse&4ho . • -..., . . L
Ur.. ,Crotton..: must,. have ' been -crooked' --
ivith•other people as well • as with tts.-
. ., . ., ,
evening„.,,orc .mairt. :street T:.045$
that 'big; beaytitai.'„ear.c.- Come. leisurely
along. . ilt.Maddenekr ,nie to, think of.that.
.Piettia'-.thypoorite.,parading: :hic wealth
after ..what. he'ddont. . 'X ,don't' know .
What, -.;,X. mont-to do:. - X Waved' ,the
chauffeur ' to !stop. • He kept ..:;on; -goalie',
' lih-ial made 'me .erwrier' still. -` I ran out
,.:. , • . . ...
...t1,171:;golig-.-:greelettL-4111:0101.- A -11-e .
-StoitAt-ihe _ear ,,...'.:5 , -,.
She halted; Putting her hands ., Over
-her-•eyes,:,-As .theughto shut out ',some
i,Iiititrifirik vision. . ',.,, . ,,,,
ran - aerasfs- To 'th6'Tar--antV.-pulled,
_..._. __. . _ . _ .,. ..._
'Open ..the door," •
And then? .
. ..tressers • .manner was tensely . expect.:
art,. yet disaPpoiot,od. , tgiateoliateri, be,
"-oause this story she. told 'WM:- was the
. ' 't144-'stor3Lalicija_____d • told. P0111,zi...______
r' T'."4,10.#; . all at once, something, secortett
11.- 1 dont , reinember *hitt hap -4_
,eriefl, 01044 1. was standing theretho14-
;• .inK. the revolver,. and IV, profton. had
..siumport down in the . Seatwith blood all --
' '•' ' s --fate. Petet-tatte_grahhed my
- . hands, 'and I went' into hysterics., .1 _
Lguess.. That's all ...%, remember:
- .;:pla,2!,' commented Allan Breliey,. :,,"Ero
' - that's all ,_;ycia remernhtr;, eh?"' i
7 -,Ile tried,:t6 make his gaze penetrat-
:ing,-,and-ended-b_t. st,down' at the
. tioor.,,, , He was, in queerly mingled moods.
-446-4hatta-thls-444.'..400;,, betattit4Ale.. • .
' had„thot Crofton., who doubtless was a:
crook, than bepauSe sh0. now, sought 'by s.
ght,tio...,trnt,kt4 ' ret 'weeping '
: letninine wiliti to *cape • tife conse--,-
,; quente OE her Arline. .. -.., ., -
Yet from this ,iihnst Material., be hadk-
invent .a..ilt*se:,,lq:,-**inkdep..L.hir..,,,.._-,
. tx4n1 haillag---it he tole .
.41.t,s; the .truth, .14r; :Igressey:"
.•. . liressey,' Pondered. ..,., . .
a girl%.story.rtatl,__!-.1.a4'irar;:ntiris '
' .of the, teMporary 'aberration stunt ,which
• Ailentating;.. Yeadatlity, :114d, thxze, and
..,:kavilp. .. put across &ntutteptible.:itilles. .
:' VOS,, even here . in, . grin, 014,b1oodett
Ontario; ,where woolen, Vit.:still, hanged. 0, -
for murder. . .
- :,- '
. '.This girl,„he ..tirglied; rata, eVen.',' he, '
%for,, 411e shot 'OroNiti,, have . deliberately •
Planned what4tay 'She would tell atter-- *
;wird, . the Must: 'irt . the. 1 loneliness: of i
lier eell;• have tithe and atillin rthearsea
the,•stery.„,- She'. had' gone 'ever it until, -
.rerhaps,.'she-herse.4.,had come ;to belieVe. 4,,,„ ,.
lt,... ' - ' ' -r----ifTL''''''--"-'''''''''' .
. The hopeful blue eyes met-h1S, which-- -
tried ,to *mask his titter hopelessheis. 140 • •
felt; with a, sudden' sinking. of the hoot,' .
tliat ' under any other oiretMistentea' ..lae,
;muse' have lilted her. tow be had to ,
lute her for he crime, to despise bet
for shielding herself behind liersek, end
' lo *0nm:to 1-lelt:deitOtlitt, ' .•,,
oltirlierer he demandeil, A'clid' you get
.. 0
„the,' revolver?" ' , '
"r—I dont -know." ' .
"It ;was 'yours, .v,iasritt it/" • ,
"No. X Cant fel% ,where if colt& fr
t.4n2ver o.fted A, reroWer„o'
*essay' inwardly orted ..,,th944;;IfiW ,.
frit.% of looking him straight In the Ave.04.'
',Zia-, ;took- -: made- him - witomfortabie,,
the Must have rehearsod that, straigW ,,
,fiffiOit.frimic: --iir- , hatl-Tehetatez.V-her----,-.7----
Mose' a bands inchiding,,fanDoxi s land pf Nis 1jesty's Scots
Guatcls-,—Ttording:ttoudadours %OA Music Day, 1.11:ntsday, .
Atipist 31st
WORLD'S PROVESSIOliAt camvipx9Nsurg
The champion, Ted Phelps front— gngland comes to 'defend his
tide against the famous -330h-Fearce: Aft-outttanding sports .
'event of intarnadonal itripottance.- Ftiday, Sepw1iber
unique abed costly di'splays from. Canada and foreign. lands
the liobOt (in the Electrical Building ..Chas. Noe Daly
ants collection:in the Fashion Building. ..11/400anioth FlOtse'
Parade.. International Horse 8,4,ktvir,* International Dog and
Cat Shows Ttans.continental Dicyc40-Race..-, Thirty:Ou• t:.
standing vando,itte acts.r-tIlatiopat Motor. Show_ (a4v4i10
•,rno4els-Of-1954)44,,,fashigkOV*1:4Pti74,11(4 ."W°114:lerS
of the *644on a nii16-1:00$ midway. -
*ntown official frecsinfortiaitiolittiMitaf- tigr of axef approved priwe homes availahlefo outokovri
"kisitots, 40 Yonge Street, 'Plione EL. 7816.
tute to inilte eatly,;,,telettitionS for the gtandstan
t *. fling otioRnanctottlOtonday, Mpg 213. '11,isetv
.00. Box seats $1.00 (5 chairs in tett' bOX).
WAIN lilk--lottiorexatrs"
*It Ioc4 4gestt,
. ......... ..... ........ . ... .....
Tires are not a small pur-
chase. e-motortng
public , thinks before it
its—first thought is Oood.
Tb,e. number of Goodyear Tires in
service almost equals. all other* brands
combined; Thisroitervvheiming eneJakc4 by the motoring pane's-
hard.earned money, In lean years or
—good yeas, Is the best answer to be.
wildering claims and boasts.