HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-08-17, Page 5.0011's, 4$1404'
in, W11*(010404 thia
...) * IL 3. Host and her moth-
er, Ur*: ErOw**,, rettitvtek ite,Miza
Cr** on Vent* atter 'spen0.ing.4. week
with. eld, friendi in, Ohs ittetaky, .
cl, his 'Mother, *tip",
Joe Xrwln, Mr. Wflbert 14040r and $ ,
1oern, left on. Saturdsy by motorfor
a visit with, trlt,anda. at Galt and Preston.. :. 14 '
.-Minlr00 Wii9 tincierwent an operation , mot:rent. Jobn- ..;.:7-7 '..".""","' .1 23 - °O °a '°' : 0° °O 0° ,°0 '°0 ' °0 0°
.. . .
0.,4re:P/etseci, to ,report , that Mrs. R. Anderson, atildred.„, 2
for Appendix 'trouble in (710derich hospi., AStIaithi, Reginald ... "7.;*,.:::,...=7...., . • v 0 0 ,0 of 2. 0 9 ' 0 a • 0 0* •10,,
til.,- last, SatindaY. Is .progresSing favor., Paoh, liarrY ..............7::„.............,.......- 0 . 0 0 t 1 0 0 3 0 0 13 0 0 0
0011,... . • , • • • Harbour, Verna m ..-........“.........-............« t , e v a, 0_ 1 f ' a 0 0 . 0 0. 0 9
mr., 44)s, s.cott, iv lioronton came, up Barnett, Margaret. .".............„.......“..“... 9 0 0 $0,0.0X1i$00o'
last Thursday to to :be with itikt, 4004 ,, rlaiErszlwr,W,9114„,, PI ..... . . . :.....r .........,........`. 4 9, 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0* 0 t 0- 0
Mrs. Jewell returned.....to, her ..-hoini -in .B18 e2- truet4*' --,-....,--,.... . .........:..... 9 0 ' 0 a 0 s , 0 0 ' 0 0' .0 0 0 a
cibotze :__ ,....,....,,, .,..._., ,_,,,,_,...._s_r..„ Helen .....“..„...................“;..... Ot- (1.-.0';',,,...1. 0 9 -..t -1. 1 p t - in 1
14,-:_nut,h,irawl-rx:vueriZheaTiTi* ,...,71.4,lor.:1, torti.lizin.......,.."...—,—....—..., . ..—, '0 0 .0 :1; "1: -0 0 2 2 2 0 "0 0 • 0
-0 0 2 I, 0. 0 0 0 0 0' 0
--- SVIs week will see the end �ti .hiritsti. :'13tillens• deorge*....;..'....' 3......„'7........;...."...*: 1 0 2 0 -0 ' o, 0 _0 0 0 0 ' 0 . 0 0
.ithrn telis.hinis. , a;e_st410031neanda.!",re.oigtilitt_41,1.st_he; S_ItIcil,webili1,._paat47.,,;.,...;.;:::::,:•..;...„“...::::,,,,4 2.1 .1.0 ,.+0 3, 11 ...0: .00 :00 0 00 O•tl. ,tti) „ 00
,goad ._q_tottv 0,4 )11,, 1.4i,e,,, *1•011.,„except, curer, 24111p '',D.'.4.4.; -:'.c.'"-" - - -1 ' . • '.2-'' 0'
bailey, villa, svits, „ughto,thayi uttial.., , 4,0:1r4.e.rwiciorltue,rar ,....„.„i..,:,,...Z.,7,-,.......-;;;,-.......,..-J.:'..*,:, '‘e- 3 f '40. 0 'f- f 0' 0. "0'oil -'04
°Theifollowitig ate the reiltiltaa,the 1033,3,402,0, 84194 Ntiamthialorti oi Gode,s
rtch'Vallegfate Institule. "C" indicate* "credit" er. Inert Post 1; A And 3, Ara
ore; 'An 1$111irel49144lxiPer, not ritten.
seetoad,,, Ott
The . vim* ,. 76'.hildren'S ' flay .1.at'.. the Croft, . -1Dionarfae4s. ;.:'..*:;.",*,',"*,;:.72.:::.*:.*:::.7.17'.::,:7. It-.';'''...04),.‘'let' 01' .: as : ' ' ' ' 411 ' ' 1 ' 'At: '''''): ' 'II .: il '41° :: (1° '.. °(;.
olos-,b,Y.....)311.1Y-Craig4Donald,L,iiii bl t.' POr.)- Mati011e .
dren 'Oa 70n, ', ;the 4oiliiViinik-a-0,.-E-iii-ii; ttitlibertfOlt;', 00
omen's ;'Inatittite held -.1atit Tuesday''. Croft,': Lulu • ' ' ' :-,,,..„ ...........................' .A.O.iii...,:,,ffr,444:0:2,71:...:1,,,.. ,.,.if:.ii.a'...0i,,,, .90'7'. 00,_•,' -90 0000',';. 00*
g*ZAIsittilf,X1rAe7,*00ess',:,-----77:51$70-55-eF&,, ' ., _13%44, , , . -- , -,-, ' '
- 0.4-' -- --"ii-,V:,6-"1.---,,,,,tp-
0,, Gilrcictri..-,-.,4..;,.,,,1“.-.•,:,,..,:,„..‘, .. :: . .„...7.1:, r 'c' . 0-- 0, `0 e' 0 0 0 .0 0 *'
,otlyr and Margaret .1001,uw.„ and zna .:10,,,t: tiwiii.d.; ve.in,_...., ,,.....,,,,,,,.' ' . 4 '...' ' „- ' 9-•,, 0 ., 1, . 0 .N,'n, 7P. .,P.' 'A ....0. . 0 ' 0- ' 0 ‘,,il'.-
,..pally.;•Heodie, 041.k. Gioda Adams,''D.' ' ' Mary-
,)3t.ttt,,,:lt„Ixiiiiil.7);4.040.,,otliiui; selection by. '''Zoirititon. gui;:i'.,";:,,7':...' :of' ' '03 ''‘? .',,9'-',,.0°--.i gf, -, f., • ;101' ,°p'i, .°0 ' .40 -.' oCi 1,,', '00.'
,Htigh-l'ank jaek;igerr-,iaritt 'Nast ..*(0.rjory.,, ' :Perguson-,,INfargar4.',..,";:•:::7.•::"!1“.','""47 ; 'c , 2- .2- .:'0, 2 d 0 0 0 0 0
'104:: .P.I£Oiri 1114ttOrflefitat- 41104 . by. toott,: Gray, Keitk . ......„';„":,‘„*.'..7: -:.*::2". :'.: '1'137,-0 11-0:;,.4 1.4 .:-.0- 0." O '' '7' ''' ‘-:),.: ' . 4.4
- *14'. voknory, „and, Bvivii neict;..". reatiOns . '3"ene. • Ifer0ert 0,.......„........,:..7......:;::::", , 0 ...,41. 0* o 1.* 0:' 0 :2 1..el ,a., 0 0 p
by..4sobel *llinson,'Herma,',,Doex.r„, pet), , Erie .: ' *0-10,
Iklatjtirie: ;..“-, . ,:,-;.„........;..... 0 0 0:, 0, .0 e :••,0, 0 -'.0:. 0: 0 0 . 0
140Nali Atul . ;roan' .Sheppard. Lunch Lunoh was. trieetli=gth412 . 2 -1,. 0.. 0 , 1 "2 ,,11.: 0-;.,11...,..40 • p , 0,„_0
,-.$q•irect 'f.a..,.411 Iiregent.y about . pt. - Next i -HilisOilttista,ei;":,:i1/413,5 jaeeraTioint7:.,; .. ....' .... .7..;,...';...7.:;,.."-'."..:;.".'.7......;.°,13 - , 0 , 0. , 0,, :of ,/ '.0 ., 0 I '-f.'-'0,' 0'. 0 '•
" . menth'.' Will .be,,Orandmotherst Day. : i ....., ,..1:2-1. ,..1 -0 0.. 1 .i,l, ,a.. 4 a, 0 .,a. ...a- 0
('PrOnik:44-Otliir correspondent) ' ' - -ifuntefi',4ean....-,-7:-::::::.7:''s"'"
, ;.*lie home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Winiaiii. : Jackson, liatol"<i7,7.."-r.'"."'"'''."•'"'“r"*"'"'r,-..-t --P-4-:-.4-474-4;'11---c'-'-'17'-n":41---0--:-.31-:
., ..... .........„.. ... . ... . „ . - , •,,e ‘c .0 0. ,;.,e 0 .0. 0 0 0 .0._0
_ . . ra e,„, , was , 4.0haeri. Betty, - '..', ..*,.. ,.. , .• ., 0 -0 , 0' I -0 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 0 • .1) --0-
PlitnicciALcr the Blyth - (a v 1 Road,' *
- • the-..efic.,. or a. very *,en.foyablOf-'.--kl-theiiiig 14.12„tf:H,VinniTtfrecl. ' ' - '' ' 6 ''' -O . o . - ' - - ' ' -- ' ' :. ' . ' '
, „.. . -a - .......,, , .. .. ....,...,,.. ,, ......,........." ,--;,,H,-(i-o, ,_ o _ o... o"- 0 ' o .0._ 0 0 a 0
, 04 ,ortillotikv. evening, miii.,40t#..... tilis....;taxv4ence,.. 'Phyllis„,.,......,,....... . . . '...........;..... . 2- ,' 2 ' e .' 0 '.0: 0:"-: f 0 a- -0 • . 0 -31----a.-
).dit110., Marked the 75th milestone, in, the '1,1,..alwr.:ru ;11..erIce :...;,..:.;,.,......-.. . -......;;...........„... '.-f , 2• 3 0 .0 ,v; .2.. .0 . 0,,,,O,..& il.•-• 0 0
111e of Of. Iii Plunkett, when ' his' family
!... and their ,obildren-all :_,Met. at 'ila te,me'
in,':horior of. his; birthoay.' -,After .bitth...
_ , ' •--' dai 'telieitationt were extended; * 'large
Mr t -plunkett,,placed ip.„,. ii",7_,vibii..miitfin..
.1/1,11 fOlii well-ehosen'words expressed the
, best wishes a , ii,u- present and the ;stet,
' - that v.h.e.4041,*:'_eltdor'tlan$' ;mac
ye4ri, et'. :health and 1 happiness.=To , en-
able him', to take the :declining, years Of:
hia', lifi.;`,'.illie.ies:elinirfOrtably .0.4--e-iisily..he
',--atked..,that, his lather accept. the easy
1 -J9" -0 -1 -11. -.0'!0, -a -f.
' an4 .iiandehildren. AlthoUgh. ,cern iti P'''''Id"e:44tif" - • ' " , ,
-...hrw. uglitA 06;,,i3O,10,-to.,-,..1,-, nitos..,at-0;*0.7, . gl:t.iiiiileds:tc, 7 L'tn„,e-yd ''' i..„..,.., ,....;,....:.' f , o -3- 0 0 ,.0 . f 0 0 •0 0 O. A 0.
' -fitting :reply,anting_thern_Ji ni, al cWd.. Alma' f.1..;......,..11 ;..,:.;.f." -2-1 .11 '0 1 • 1. , 0 0 0 ..9" 0 0 0
c 11 1V1234t1,1X:1,111deV,,-,1111,4,th,701ri.:IeSnt,€;erartgli*:Sittot7.'dtlaegt°11_11b1: -.1".1)riaiebk$07-17t43/11,' ... • 0 0 t2 r -re •3 2 --40-740- 0
Wal'a 0 0.A., 0
eintrell, s 'vaued meb of the ArthU .144114114
' and d&fl1in
.1tetlati,vit ftom4 04140 W
tes ar t#4 10,-ationd 'the fUneral Were )jr. and
en it orstred by"
041, And
Ilfree children, ge41304
„Itoertso,n,, vvian straughant Stanley liarrisOn, Mena • ON „ f • 0 0 '0 0„ 0'
is, and Donald A; her parent*, Mr nd 1.0eittt ind Cordon OttnitiniihEri,
Mo. MeX. eoptt, Witighlittrtive .broths and )44. Albert Holl„ ."Mrs; Robert
Sterszart., An4reve tud, Seat, ander, WO, Aolin Prescott, Mrs Robert
Winghana; Dean .00ett, • *041 Hell; from Ktlx7t.b* /4'00 curolnithilm
;fame' soot, Toronto; anti three insterev and Utit Bell onnionshini4 Owen
Pairserifte,,Of Sound, Mr, and Mrs. Dan Cunningham
tEeheopmn, and Uiss Scottrof Hepworth, Alo, CunningliaM; Port El
Witigham, The funeral was held on. stus Mr. and, Ni0Carol, An
AtexidaY atternoOn ond Wat...verr largely Din Maticati from Itinetrdttle. 1A`
'attended. 'Rev, D. Lane taking Ilte ser- friends troru the Surrotindlait oltn
vices at the home and grave. A word, and heart*, °towns time alr to pa
ton of floral offerings attested. to the their•last respects.
b1h,esteem in Which deceased was held, .
The pallbearers were Otorge, On, VII,.
ham, James and Andrew Scott, broth-
ers,, and Donald 7r4ener.
The funeral of Zama Lyons, •
LUeknow,„ who died•tuddenlY On Pun,44.1,..
Aug. ath was held Wednesday from
• Miss Bernie ct "Witighant.
the gUest of her coushi, Miss Winnifrod
Bake." - •
' Mims, Dove and Harriet Ilott0o, Of
Leehurn; are guests of 4\ their eonsln,
Mary Horton. •
his. late reskience„ ,where services' were -Miss ',Dorothy Our - --Tiv enjoying- a was given .around
,Oendileted• by 1OV;'.0.`; Vorglh410.'4*,. two..-weel<4,-. Vs% -With :her -,..coutini-;1Ars.,`.--14tP4:3M13„.--AM. a4,14 10.44; tou9Wa by group
sitteit by Rev. A..- M. , ;write Mizner, Stratford. , ' garnes•,and•a,--weitier';ietief-;-,The•••pre'SV
torment rcok plate 'in ilireehtillt eenie- Miss' toiamorilitvrirY, Torontriii dent,..TOM. Anderson, vote <4'
terf.- Ur. tYont' 014 six,* s`Perit •PiW dp$s Imt, week with • her 014.1110 ,to Ernest Stuart,- who Iuta taken
_ _
----&-e07 *WAIF
tpend the reit-x-044er ,et the holidays wit
friends. in: Detroit,. _
ropivs.$00i0igy 13,014 tbcir
Monthly social pro3rmii at Wotan beseh
FridaY eYehMit With a aPlend:d attend -
.litacdon,aid .. . . 3 2 e 0 .0 c ":3,. 0 '0 0 0' 0 9' 0 •
maoar g Jean........................................0 ,0, 0 0.,t 0 0 9 0 0
9 9000003-1i-09000
vratraetnri, , joule 0.0.0 o a 0 0,
lvtasen. Margaret ............" 0 a 0 e ° -QT ° IL"'" °
,r• 7),:ttr u 2 f c 9.c c'fao o
ivielcensie, Ethel .. 4 C2200
Murney,Ruth. .. ... gi• '
orro'13,fiesvri„, • . 0 0 0 0 0 -0° 1„,
141:11) °
Ppifratinnile,,613-r:oris -91.(If °•&' 2.A._ 39 Vir CtO 0°' .0°. 96
.... . .......... ... 100- -too- :453( -00°::004:7 -too 41.00 400 :slot; 1100 1100'
R11,1r.91. ..... • c• 0 0 c .0, 0 0 0' 0 `9
their on • behalf-1ot , his ;eon., daughters
. .
. P e* Roolt!evr,tison., Jean ' 4. h, 2 1. I' 0 0 2,-.2 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0
- ',IY "taken iv °•-surPFise, Mr:--Phmk,ettr=-in g 1, . kid - o a 6
,_ . • . .
for, the - the, , gift, but for the Spirit ,that -gallOwarlvtirdted-:.. ' .,. . i0--to----0-e---0.---e-f. -a-07-a 0-0
,p1vmpte4 the:gill-4g of it. _ktihe lii4ni, iy: ,6,3.410y; zdatgaret . .... ...... ...... ..„.,..,...0.... 0 0 0 r 0 0, 6 c' 0 V 0 0 0 .6
tomists of virnfred Iii, must, Milton ,ili samtders, Keith -..........................0• 0 0 ' c .c 2 •,.}. ci c ;a, ,0 c 0. .0 ,
,TOr-on•-t—lvf-"'ao, rs. rne- 4olviston- 01,,8224:fair itt'll:rlah,.. ' ' , 0 0 2 ,..1 0* 0%2. 0 0 '0 0 0 0,
. -0'
In Aslifeld and 3.1r, Fredpletzer, -- ----
. (Lena) 'Stothers Keith . . •
--in Hultst.t, *lee „eight grandehildren. The Atritutoi;liri3erztsn .' -2. 2 .0 0,2 1 0 p 0 o o 0 0
. 9,,, 0.0 3 *2- a 0' 2 f 3 0 0 0 o
.,:rothaint.10, of ,the'crening .was spent in Pi-0,ughaii, Helen . .....,......... .. : . . .... ... f ' 3 .,.. 0 0 't % * 0 .0 :0 0 0 -0' 0
, a' soeialr-Matiner.sup0 Ltavler.-pliVills. -.....„ ... ... . ......„. ........ .7.„.-"2.1.- 2. 0, .0 -.I. r - - 0 . 0- 0 -0. 0, 0 • 0
throughout utrui the .birthday lunih was rrly'lmxtli, Frances * . ' 'I • 2 '27-9 0 ' f ' l', '0 0 0 ' 0 0-20--
\ - -2
-ierVed-.--.-which-lnaritedashi. - ',ill:iv= ,iiii*VrVo , .llina 0 0 0 „ e 0 2 c 2 2 0 0 0 0
' very pleasant evetatg.•
' tiros:tall, Eleanor . . 0.00.:kt3irOcc.2600•0
....., ... . . . .... . ...„ . ...“.;.....„ o, _ 0., Th'. 2-- -,.,.-i-.0. --6-- ' f o', 1 . 0 0 2 •2
• A Pc0,,io'Astinna,liVe A$nnia *half . ' ViidalL Igt,eiellq
' .C.hatifeelimil-ft.'„gain's• 'ground -.rapidly. Vv5inbcAd'i latira . o' 2 , 2 0. ii "1.. '2 0 .0 0 0 , o .0 0
XTIP.ibbT Albert - 0 --0,., 0,- I-- I -0-r 0 P. ' 0, ,0* 4-4: 4 .0
31,01.1141)14#0.4ireas-SR.,...-16.tIts a Dr.de,:iL.Kathlct_._ 0 0 0 $ r ' 0 / I 0 f 0.0 0 0 '
,o. 0, itilosgo, 4,114!.,hint. Tteme,dy an• t :ilmite, /0 , --c--7-0--,'-li''''t .
'wilt fall back: even, faster., .There is n 'Whitely, 'Helen . 0 -00 3 ,c 0 0 .4 I .f 0 0 0 „.0
hallwaynitkitire abOutlina,renv.idy; .,It whiteir'. Jean" .... • .1 0 0 0 1 1 0-- 0-2 -1.. ..1._ _0 .0 1 _I
gO0a*. right, to Vie:r.• ad .dritfes, ri.s.tiinut VIM. John . .. f 7 2 0 0 I .I, 0 0 0 0 0 0 a
out. 4•It reaches'the itimost-breathing Wi1son,DcrpthY -....-“: ... . ...... . . ..........“. 0 0 o 0 '0' LO0 1„ 9 b , 0 0 0 0
'Paisaga -iindilealiatiltiTPlaed-fe:the- ---, 0urAY Atn•V-........,„..;:;-,t:-.......„.;.....,..... f , ,2 0 0 , 9- c- '2 0. 0 0 " 0 0 a 0
trO1.010 to hut., . ;11.4VC , it byr, you .tok0 . ..-Young, .0011fx . ..„ ' '•,, . ,,,,, - o' 0-- a- f •0 O - tr e---3' c 0 0 6
., ..trid , , , ,. ..„2.4,,,ttn'Yotin5;.t•. Iceith , ::.:.., ,. ..,...z.,_,... '-',fr. _ez. ic 0 . (c; 4 ,, cf,,,, 00 g_ 2 (0)00'-: co)
, ,.
The, Certificates of tlie Department of Ettucadon have beer forwarded by,mail
. , . g
, r
CO g.4811111,01tS,4444ENNIOS '.i, the individual students. ••• - ` • ' '
pet,ANTS.....EvotOREENS, Students Who intend to 'make an appal against the standing granted them:
Preifi from the - Cfribi*ci 'nay 'Obtain official blank forms of appeal from the Principal, who has received
. . CalladiStif 04`00 , ..„' thein /from the Department of Edutatio ri,
"Everything for the 'Oardono.1; P. /11XVIE, Principal;
tirite for','SP0141•Price List;
, "We Self the best for less." '.
AltpAnvol: Nuitsoute.
10110#0* ohs,
• active part in the S. and Sh S.
M.411. Or,f4",t.e.S_}:_er.,11.!'e!cotti, tilled on lits,
14h1y ;respected, citizen sister, -14-rer
, PannielPel affairs. At, the t e , he Mr. and Mrs. Stothers and few -
came to thiSieountrY an :older brother, Eallie-,,Stother% -of -London,
William, owned a cooper, "shon'in Luck.. are holidaying at-Kintail `beach' thie
4044 and At Was here he found,;,emPloy- Week* .
ment, Ws parents', also 'older' brothers , Misses Viorerice. Pearl and 'cora •
and sisters, remained lieland, While Thompson!. end MarY Cranston.
Iti,''.'etSed the lertelt. , Iris
4erMi-4---4„invm" er.-AnsA/OM
River. The best wishes of Ins friends
bere::, will,. go,' with ',him. ',Corium:m-4
singing 1114)000(X Pleasant enipit
to - iv- close. -
employed in'TAtiekno* Me' 'Lyons, met Marie MCrostie, Winnifred and Bernice . 'HirvestinglscoMpleted in this vidin-
and. married- Miss Jessie Citintiiiigharti 'Blake, spent last week',cionping-at Ein...- ity, , „ ' 4.,„...._ .- ....... . .:: , .. , . .- .. ,,_
from near Owen' Sound, Who, had 'tome tail' beach., • , • • . *, Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph 'ilitlPert arittviSito
to visit her uncle Hebert100.4trol,'WhO Mrs. Paul Heed of tuoirhow, Mr, .and Ing at the borne ot.,14,David McAllister,
at :that time *owriod- whit , Wee', known '4i$ Mrs. Harvey Webb ot St. Helens, and J. ' Or. and ,Mrs,„ Slake,..et\ Detroit, spent
the ,.!.1tob .Roy Hotel" *(1)? w the Lyons' C. Reill'of Whitechurch were guests of the .atoek-,fnd with their Sister -in -14 ,,
hozno7,- -07/0-the=linion--yeaL children lkfm.- :31111d,..ltrs-thainas_Aticiercon.-Sitn-_,:›Irs.,.. ' .' Blake. •-. „ ' : - '. •
ere born,. :our sons -lin' 4 three 'tiangli, da.14 Mrs. Reed. is renfaining for it few Mr. - ohn.fislios'OOniiileted as new
,ters,7,:iiic,,p;'*lioto are.'1191iii:±2ZAM et, -*so-- , ., • $teel bath, the the former. strxiettire having
'1.r.aneouvon'zilaiiies-iT-4,:.1.0neknoW4,-Roloiet.: -Miss,d11.7Anderson-lanit,4/111ora • .n. dearded, by fire ,sonte weeks ago.
'Icapuskasing;' .Mrs. Itir) ' tarinichael„ . purloin, Of DuAgannonTleft Owen Sound Missa-Mite Redmond,"- A.T.014.4- of Tor
Edmonton; Jean and fillixadah,lit home; by -boat° Satiirday. oVening for' Manitou- onto, is spending the remainder Of her
Por,a, lit*ber,:ot years •Mr:LiOns Iriek, ,lin Island, where they Will. spend' two holidays! here. 'having' :recently returned
ed after the !arm, alad'•'oPerated the weeks while w-hile Mas Durnin coaches Junior* from London, *here she .00MPleted a
mill Which -was some:thirty years agotTristitutes. ' . - ' ,.-„, course in vpeal music at Western 'Ctn-
. .
Cameron, ,returned to .Detroit.
Mr. 04 'MO: Dan MONalti, Of UM.,
treat and WO Tens- MeNtin., of l'or." •
onto, are Visiting. tpetr, parents, Ur* and
108, 0,a.‘ MONitin: *
Mrs. Atobt, Ifibbin 'hits", returned bane
Over ittlaree'veelta'-Nisit at the borne cf
lox sons. ..Tack of Niagara, -and-Ocorge.-
ot Catherine% •
- Rev. 10. Iminattinall. of Iklew'
Avner missionary in Africa. and'Pallr
sold "tio 'the late Thome% TrOesqen aid' Mrs, Kenny Campbell and two •daugh,. versity. , • ,
hat *0'1101 7
gt6out _fifteen xpars :a_go_t,0-Jolon,
rad-to-Detrair Sunday Miss 'AIma
alfairt Cnr"ran aetonikanied her,home, and..WW daying,,,Aa ',$b* :d* 1041 Of*. nIs.tr.' romoku
jiing 001111S
gliers a
Thus prices include wisteria'.
- See Out Sample yiookor''
Paiatiag aatt out
Here's better value ;n Tires
than you ever thought possible
Be tire -'confident
on your holiday trip!
, •
,Athletes of 'both, .sexes- wile hive corn. The "44E1c" ,tratic Meet is the ,4i1dost And
leted at the dtympio OatrieS u11 aeek-„*Argesi.f spiked show carniVal InOariada.
..)ttore n the Anotial track Meet at the The:, ittiet Will be held tth year ori Sat-
',Inaditin /stational Exhibition this viz urday, September 2nd.
vestitgate tlie,,ConjOtor
before bHvIng
z,opiinorlotifito El#ettie
Washatjtr itstilatedto roteiti
the heat. Mtahett- faitei. and.
tletrner. it it 114 time thicket
d'art the iegnistr Copper tub 'inaehineo
Built stvuer to laontet.
Oynriot *gitetter, po1ihecL sineoth.t�
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