The Exeter Times, 1880-12-2, Page 7•sElBina 2, 18St) '+:,+oe.+aruacartwrscr,wceekfarwu•.n•aam• ,thu>regrruwttJs,;yyargxR iliqp U1' e "lll�t rt�alri„tt1Ct nt frid4Netar'ly four hundred years,' ✓ {:it::; l that is nothing. I have an Arabic table over two thousand years 'What duo+ rarefy .v1 CL i.aidt love oil '? old.' 'Indeed l' *• ea ; the Inultiplieetiou. French il)1o�1,•1 ttLlNut. long ego an Irishman' applied to 7'he load tllktt 1,”. ,3 irj ",ljte, lsti<Jn IN i ff,n overseer in a Tyne shipyard for a. the route. of all t�vt1 job. He wa4 informed that his request 'Ants, vitt inakeL4 $,4o ii " =3 !AV cry (ionic' not be eotl)1)11;- ct1 with ; batt as flat so ? PO it Want 14et iiclt4,'1:,. r 'erase cnn'tiutted to gat," at an taliellud' whict� 'det'tr, and its fodder, • too 1.' was I.yii'lg in the vait , ii,y the foreman A California men hale e,-aura3 of (15,- repeated hisrt"uly .:i atllvis<•11 hire to 1000 acres. It is fair"timate for lhlIX that 0 'DiVll a s:+t ,iii i t: l.' he hasn't trona in lr jaw. t Amity we y 8,0a, Iu 111 1 tho midst of lit t ,tat x' --•tial 1e Acle tho man ,?lag+, a .r ilz to use to find elm ,tames '1 /1'1411°'1 .,,t . sir PRA that certificates. Way i.--ELt tl a baby up Clean, A Lowell young 113,1ty ie1 ao r^ththu irks - tic over erequet to ,t her i yrl,'ur says silo is the 'maiden oil e.a• t,a Vxa.' 4. fall bonnet exlairic+:l 11 `;i'w York is pasted at eight -thousantl�lnlltl,Yls. iLi.1e for some editor's t to , we sus. pct. 'Love is an internal tr r &::port 1 ex- claimed an enthusiastic putt. !So is a c'uio,l boat 1' said a 1)racaioid old fur. - %Yarding merchant. Iu au Ohio breach of promise snit, the man was proven SO mean that the 1 given such a test of it, curative onalities as jury awaiPlled to the woman no data- 13"'"""'''"irT tt)I. N t3YnUY. Inthree you° two m111tans tom hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by druggists in ;his cr uutry to those affieted with - ('ousnntiati.zn, A:•thma, Croup, severe coo;;its, iue:uuuw .a, and other diseases of the throat and lungs, giving the American people uu,leuiablt, proof that (+Enures 'Ssuur aail1 euro them. The result has been that dlnrztrists in every town and village in the Ca- natt5 an.1 United States•aLre recommending it to their oustomcrs. (;,a to your ch•at'gist and Own- ask what they know about it. Sample bottles, description.—Boston Juur'tt0I of Own- 10 oeats. Regular size,. 7.5 cents. Thus doses Mores, will relieve any ease. •We know that the boy who refused to kiss the girl in school would create a setlaatit't, The ?ltilatlelpllhia Chronicle An old physician, retired from praetice, hay - says that he will Lever become a minis- ing had placed iu his halals by an East In ter, (Ha missionary the formula of a simply vege- table remedy for the speedy andpermanen- aa•:uritio. aura for Consumption, Bronchitis, Cattarh, Ast htl^rt•I's sitting in the firelight Waiting for the lover true : All the room is tilled .with darkness— 'Tit; the shadow of her shoe.. A toper stood in front of a typo foundry, spelling nut the sign as fol. 1 iws : 'Type f-n•u-n, fonn, dor-y', dry, foundry. Tli�,'s jos' ray eondisb'n. I'n2 that sort of a tyle myself --foun- dry.' Jones said, looking into the glass the other horning, 'I am a mau with thiie- heads on. my hnuldera-the one I see, the one I feel, and the ono Brown phut on me.' A. minister walking with a friend stopped on an icy pavement"and sat •(1ir�wn on the sidewalk. Quoth his brated physicians, desires to make known the ft'�bnd, 'The wicked- stand on slippery ( cure (which ,roves successful in every case) places.' '.I see they do.' replied the fel- t" those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and the Affoc- len preacher. bat I can't, ` ons the Throat and Lungs, and will send When &darty Antnny remarked to the 1 the Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, Roman plebeians, Waterfall wn.s there,.1 if they will forward tlisir address to DANIEL my cotntryrnen,' ho mu•it have been. i ADEE, 31: Liberty St., New York. 6m. referring to an American tour iu which he took ~n Madera. Teacher—'Suppo:•o that yntl have two stiolts of candy, end your bit brother gives you two more; how many- llvve you got then ?' 1litito Boy (shak- ing his bead) —'Yon don't know hien. He ain't that kink of a boy,' An American laatvyer is now attar• boy -general of tho Sandwich Islands. If in two years he doesn't own the en- tire country and bot(1 the king's note for a lane sem he is no credit -to. the American bar. • Porch gives the following as an example of self sacrifice : Boy (to lady visitoh')•-''.&'Bast&&;r, there's a gal ovor 'tlhare.a.w!nkiil' atrne 1' Teneher–'\Nell, then, r'ou't look at her,' Boy --'But if I don't took at her, She'll wink at some]) sly else 1' and dress him tip eery pretty, Banti he will result all rtdvan0e8 with a most superlative crossness but let hire eat molasses and gingerbread, and fool around a Boal -scuttle for half' an hoar, and ho will nestle bis dear little dirty f'tce•clove up to your clean shirt front, and be just the lcvingest, onnniugest littlo rascal in all the world. GERMAN YRllP. 1Qt1 other izlecliciuo Elm world was oyer ages, for escaping mall a monster. A dud old lady, being tolyl that a certain lawyer Wile lying at the poil.lt of death, exclaimed °,a..Iy gracious 1 won't even death stop that man's lying ?' V You cannot make pull sociis of Sailors' yarns—Tl'itterlrae (.)barrer. \Ve don't take mach etoclriu' yarns of this CONSUMPTION CURED. three, and all Throat and LnngAliections,. also , ' OLD ESTABLISH 17'..:D] LOLL) ESTABLISHED THE TIMES _.- C c S. GIDLEY0 Unc ;ort r kElr., and .illan•ut of re 1� 11 OULD SAY TO t+bolo who intend )urelrus,ls,i;to do so trent o nsanufactur'el•. `;rho deader who buys to rac11' rsgsAtu most unoe5sarily have a peoft. We "ilaian to givobho purchases the benefit, which cannot fail to moot tato views of the Y a Greagexs; Our ex hatless aro loss than those of oto manutltehnrereoensegnent f ,, we can sellohaape�r, `' -etre—,.«...-':ti:.--.- 1 'Y E WOULD - °alicrpecialattentier be our undertaking dop.rl ment,which is more 00511- rieterotianf ear, as w have added several new designs t of late , The best oodles, easkots ehrouds,and every % lateral requisite at the. { loarestprices. Our new Hoarse is proneuneedhy competent ancloes to be second to none in the provinces Edid'a.bbentk of all tete Different Societies. ..,. ,mow,.,..., ....nolmmarsnmevporrns ,�.o. .. ._ . tsirffsti COMPOUND SYRUP 'DPNDSPVIIV- � y A distinct and peculiar Combination, FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF llYFO-PllOSPllIPES IT contains the elements essential to the animal organization, the oxidizing agents and tonics. In combination with the stimulating agent phosphorus, possessing the merit of be- ing slightly alkaline, and is dispensed in the convenient and palatable form of a syrup. Its effects aro usually visible within twenty-four hours, and are marked by a stim- ulation of the appetite, the digestion and assimilation entering directly into the circulation; it tones the nerves and muscles ; exerts a healthy action of the secretions; neither disturbs the stomach nor injures the system tattler prolonged use, and may be discontinued at any time without inconvenience. In a word, it possesses the stimulants to arouse the strength, the tonics to retain it, and merit of a high degree. FELLOWS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES SPEEDILY AND PERMANENTLY CURES Convention of the rungs, .72ronehifis, Consumption, X071,01r8 Prostration, Shor5- ness of Ilreurih. Paloltat'ioa of the heart, Trembling ease Hands and Line6s,.S'hysical and Mental ,Depression, (,ons of Appetite, .Lose of .Encu-rjJ9 Loss of Memory, And will rapidly improve the weakened fnnctinn; and organs of the body, which depend f r health upon voluntary, semi voluntary, and involuntary nervous action. its' SEND FOR A PAMPHLET. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE, c3I iERAT, AGE;i"-'3, MONTREAL. a positive ani radical cure for Nervous De- bility and ail Nervous Complaints, after hav- ing tested its wonrlelfttl curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it knowu to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, .I will send free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, iu German, Grcnch, or Eng- lish, with full directions for prepariug and us- ing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. Smash, 14.) Powers Blocba,Rochesuo,' i y„ Important to Coll-unptives - A gentleman having been so fortunate as to cure his Sou ofConsumption in its worst steges, alter Mug given up to ilio by the roost cele - An o•a'or mighty ealled ioisgh, Wanted Calla la men to "swear off," But hey pail not enough, co he r'ot in a huff, And homewards did John B. go off. 'Is kissing bribery ?' is a question that fines prominence in several .of centemprraries jut now. Well, we referred the matter to one own busy- body ttnd be replied tbah he oonldn't: really see that it was, until, at least, 1 ies had a vote. The of our tno.t noted 'city "shoot- iets" went over to the Island late ono eveninao. IIe a lid ho was going to &lave. a "pop" at the docks. We said "that's the reason, we eappose, that pop -hot• tin is peeping from your coat -pocket." He win kr The Petrolherl.--Elder Sieter—'Yru should male friends again. It is absurd for an engagedpair t0 quarrel.' 1aura--'Well, then, let Edgar snv ileo first word,' Edgar (with a lively re. nolleetion of the recent tiff ).-• 'Yee, so long as you have the last, you don't Care.' What i t a reasonable .length of time ?--`Lx. Dont know ; but nn un- reasonable length of time• is "two mintitos.' . For instance n wiling man calls to fake his girl out rilling,� of to church, and she leaves the roma with the remark, he ready in two minute'].' Iter two minutes are the longest half hour the young than ever experienced. 'That is probably the oili' pines of furniture in Fnalnrl,l,' sari .a collector of antitlno e'lriO-i'ir?y 1) a Mend, point. in/ to a venerably lon)ti1lnitahle as he spoke. 'flow old is it 2' aaslte4 the It always gives lis pleasure to draw attention to articles which are desert,- It'g of public p'tronage. Probably no article ever offered to the public has met with the same t;u000ss as Gray's Syrnp of Red Spruce C=nrn, Tll.ous- a nds of fatnities in the Douriuiou keep it in their }fomes as to standard Cough Remedy. 'l'he sale of this artiole has assumed enormous proportions. ' Our advice to the public at large is to try its virtnes if they should at any time unfortunately contract either Coughs or Colds. It is sold by all chemists. This greet household Modfotno rcuhs amen trio loarltn i necessaries of life 'These furnon 'fills purity tilt $[ARM, €411111001 51051 powerfully y'015uot,:iu: ly 0u too Livtar, Stoint Cli, 4uil t„m'elN'•iving tune, anergy, 51111 vigt.r to those great rn.,iu epllilg, of life. 'They are con• tidon bly recoup oencie . 1,0VOT fluting rent011y Mall nasus 1rnore one uc n:,tibatien,iro1u whatever cause, has ba.culllo impaired or weasened They aro wonderfully efficacious Cu n11 tainnents dermatofonn.les of all n:po; and 115 1 50003 r1 nuttily 115(ticana tore Lut000uassed :e: - A ME P K.ss`` k ID :n: OCTOB Bt, 18130, Extra value in tared 4 ,. ashmsres :0: Extra valve in DESS GOODS VELVETEENS—Ail the Novelties in Spots, &c, Raven and 131ua Black 1.Telvcts—Cheap. M NL E 3 FOR THE M L UON. ?Iillinery Stock never more complete. Ladies, don't forget our Show Room before —sing. Sec our Canadian, Scotch, Irish and' Worsted Suitin„ a. Cur cutter is equal to the at .3 Ater of Ontario," All are welcome to J .ArE S _PICC ' S John Drew's Furniture &Undertaking fir/ rerooms NORTH STORE, FANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. �1ir9t4l�- ;t`di'— ii c d`;"t—` 7.,��'"' ,�tj Jar i"r lit\wf .fir ' \y, ,�,,/.tpl I, tom+ .r' St's r]i33 � lz /' -1 ieL-- ,a=te ram COFFINS, CASKETS, and BURIAL ROBES and ALL 'KINDS OF EMBLEMS. EMBALi1IING FLUID used for preserving the hotly in warm weather or for shipping. Any person wanting Parlor, Bedroom, or Dining Hoon Furnitnr(+ will save at least 20 per eotrt. by calling at JOHN DREW'S FURNITURE ROOMS, North Store 1:'anson's Block, Exeter. JOE N 'nxtr i"''. THE EX lid 1'Ii1 IET AMID STOVE D P' s` Itssearohing end boohoo proportion aro itnawn Mnoughont the world, For 1110 01000 of bad legs,bad breasts. old wonlntr f1r resa IIUleers, itis au infallible rentetly. 1.1 al'i'eotnally rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into tucat, it cures sone throe 1, nrt'nobitispoil ghs Colds, ,uni even Asthma. Far 13land1116Swe1. 1111115; .Alrcesses, Pilr•e, B 1115115. (D0nitltheglna them and ovb'rV kinrl of Skin Disease, it bits never been known 'io :frill. The Dills .451(1 Ointment 10010 an. uracthroa only at 533 OXFORD STLET..i.ONDON, And are sold by all Vendors nf 'Medicines through- out the civilized world; with directions in almost every bingo tgo. Tho Tr)ule SVl'trks of thcseltadieines am rods - torts' ta or istorte'ta Ottawa,. Bence, any cite In the British ''nSnosSinn,,w11O may keep the Ailnerican. Oeun- gotfeits for sale, will be prosecuted, t '1'urclussus should look to the testy' on the Potetancl Bnxns, If the address is not 538 Oxford Street London they 1110 Spitriotl ,''a..L A .I N ST 0 TAXE this nppertuuity of t har.iliug my numerous customers for part fares,. and wishto notify then ausl tho public generally that I have Ptirchasud Mr, D. Johns' stock of STOVE , TINWAf1E, LAMPS c. &c and have moved My own stock into the building lately o , : h 1 ' T s ' I y ,q rt r.} rt ,l ,y . f1, t,hn, , in the Post 'Otlriee Iiloclr, whore I now have one of the largest and best assorlad stocks in the county. Cooking�Parloyand otherStoves D THE BFS'T Ivo THE MARK WT. Also a 11s..gevariety of Tinware, taints, Lamle Chimneys, Coal Oil and Cotktry. Eastimates given for ]lavUtronghing. Carriage Plating a pcotalit3. Depend upon it will give yon good value for 5•Jro money. Thev ' rr . , els ht„,izwb price ill Cash pe til, for Miles and. Sllet'.p skins. Remember the place --the Exeter Tin aria Stove Depot, Post Moo Block, Main Street, Eueter, • Exoter, January 60, 1860. E IL SPAK C MAN. 7 4111110011 NEW B CJTCIIEI1u SI -10P tine undersigned wonldinforn, tlleinhal,i- tantselExeter•and vieinit}that holies OPENED A NEW BUTOJIER SaOP One icor south ofhislilaottsmithshop anclllal:et, thesameliberal patronage that has been ac corded to himin the Dr.Ae5S5XtITTI"AN1t, WAGON 0003101+0 lineawillboaxtonclodtallish in his eewbranch buaiuess, °Itis moat wagon willeitll at the rosi dents of tb.e village threetimcsec(1hweekend FRESH MEAT au iaud, kept eonstautln liana at his hutetershop. lllaeksmitking tinct wagonrnak-ingcarriecl asuamo, ix s.11 its branches R. DAVIS. HENSALL FUR 7ITUItE B00111b.', . i l" p.. havingpnresaseel 'til., Cox mtL's furniture and undertaking basil ets in 11.unsa.1, and a.Lle,1 1:1. 100 '0 StoOw f, 1,5 1 Exeter, ca 11 31.10: show 151stet, sail one of the lung st .. tar -;t ;..rth of Loudon.. r'urnitnre u t. +t1, to a ,hc'r ..ut11+'t be ser t sed, • As t 111170 ir[' d 11 roars' 1 ,005ical exuer :nee iu Lnn i 11 and Ex'tcl Funerals 1 re^.:pta,, !attended to. 1'ir5t-class 110101(0(0111155 01, nand. N,11.-111 kin,ls of 15139ir'Ltinatrrine t3 tuned and ropaired. 1'i tura framing a speciality. J. II. BARER. Hensewi, Nov. 11, I880. Iy Allan Lin LIVERPOOL, LONDONI)I• aRy, GLASGOW SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. CABIN, INTEBSIEDIATE LSD STEEFAGII TICK- ETS. Persons wishing to send for their friends cart obtain passage certificates at lowest rstes front l;nglalid.1relond go 10erstla ld to any city or rail- way townin Canada. Fult particulars by ap ly- ing to CAPT. G. HEMP. Exeter. HORSE AND Cattle Pow i'3 ern .4. full stock of all varieties of CONDITION POWDERS, COUGH. POWDERS, DIURETIC POWDERS, &e. .tlso'tilrtan's Congh l4. Cr►nilitioa Powders, -which have stood the test for ye trs, at tho CEI" T RAL DRUG STORE. Tho best variety of GIBL"3 SHOULDER ;RACES now made, .110 additional stook of u rt -lis}1 an,1 Frtrneii Trus- ses Just wee aed. Tho sante brands of Medicinal Liquors always kept. ---II'yDF OLIN I; -- A new vernally for 0oi1a uottian. A Complete Stock of Patent Medicines! Drugs good and reliable. bio s1,' Sundries—a, c015111ete stock. Materials tor curing citrt:r. Stationery, School Books, Fancy Goods, 1&e, &o., as usual. Caen tral Drug S tore (WINAN'S OLD ST A1ora}, 0, LSTTZ. THE MILD ILD POWER, `ttsD 'sue Irt V Humphreys' Homeopathio Specifics Proved from ample experience an entire success. Simple, Prompt i lirdHenr,and Reliable, they are the only medicines adapted to popular use. 015'r rnr1a01PAt,.N0a coney, rater^, 1, Fevers, Conge> tion, Inflammations -03 2. Worms, Worm Iever. Worm 1 olie, sr 0. erring Colicor Teething of Infant " 4.Diarrhea of (lrlidr•en or Adults •.2' 5 Dysentery, t.riplig Mots Colic, 25 4. Cholera 210011,, Vomiting • - 2S 7. Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis 25 9.Neuralgia, Toothache,Iaceache, 25 0. tleadae hes, sick Reattaches, Vertigo, 25 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach - - ,25 11. Suppressed or rotund Periods, ' 12. Whites, too profuse Periods, .25 13. croons, Cough, Difficult Breathing, •.25 14. Snit It base, Ers'slpeh:.t ri'nnticns, .21 15. Hr itetnnntism, Rheumatic 1 Mils, • .25 10. Fever and A g u e, ( hili, sever, Agues, 50 17. i'iks,01113 or Bleeding, • • ,5U 10. Catarrh, acute 0r chronic; influenza, '0 ) 20, whooping Gough, rlol(511 Coughs, .50 24. General ltehility, Phys I weakness, 'r. i(hhley Disease • - - . • ,511 22. Nerrou5 Debility, PpermaterrhdS., 1.151 30. tlrinnryli'ealt)tlss.Wet fin gthefed,50 01, Dittman',lithe Heart, t, Palpitation, 1.00 J+or sato by druggists, or son b) the Case osmosis Vial, free of charge, nn receipt of 111x100. Send for. Dr, utiousltrcys' hook oh i 1soc e, cele.. (,di oases), also Unusual red catalogue, FR.k)h„ Address, ft ft mob revs': t4Ottie op rt Med. Co.. 109 Fulton 6t., flew i'ttrk, For sale at tho DON(RION LAI'O1. A-