The Goderich Star, 1933-08-03, Page 8ro, ,tril - asu roc .ATRONAGE ANO .OFFERS TH WING 'SPECIALS FOR p r.t r WaO • C itn for hid A 'a Mita 4.4,41404n 4Acantra ,ho ut Vester't Cintarie. 24Onsliplof Ji- ukced `Atorteignor ,W tricri, going ti btk from I1re and later to has gan edtd. MozuJinor- tH , r Welt hits count of h*t* *04 advanced age. A 400 ofthe 10$3 pictorial stamp k of the WoZ4s 0014 XX* hibition *n4 Conference recently *04 these . stun lee& On tale althciigh Pone received. $1, Yet *t 'The Wit Your Sunday loner Wiser Omit it Come ' he 0.0114 House sold bring your guests :hoice Meal ntily Seryed. prikte.„ 1 h zhu rn4 .„Olt. Ye verjqne 141 1E4 lt„St, colpos with, or, MI. and 1112,000' tor ”.193. Tbe ihrtites, ,fluctilate• ter Andrew' POrter_atiYa 1ieMet 110 ptible, upturn 14 the trend, et hod-, as yet. &CCIDENT 141$7* 01 urd*ir rn4rnitst,iklmtLone 1. nortb 0 44tePtiTaman,.. William Rath and Milton Billet being 441i injured, Ttlo _teerien were !thrown' through the Iasi( 'Windshield. The Accident Ilappen# ed when * truck traveling south struck goiv, then' struck the car. Tantanli tar Was bittilif 414041;04. A motorcycle °moor from -MLche1I sittived on the etwbtit' did not Wynn any PetaPn Ior town' and & reeord crowdwas ptetent:Lydia sind 1a Beck, 0 e ...iceiderit,: The patients are all -With the therrnOmeto :dangling around i' 44"44°, 40-=44)01'41110 th'efr "ca"*. dolng wax, 0.0-04411t to 0740114,. ' the CI above mark -people sought relief with frcm the intense hod, but *Owed tittle. -4' .94#•4'"1' csiluame ;Pent a iew firaes were con IkVes Salkeld, Mrs. Mrs. lIckntlin.. Mr* WhitIngham Miss Owl Ifartwell. 010 eittritto AT 11Alt/3OR Once Againliot SUndothe bathing Oeorti, was Alm not PoPillitt Place in tor ottai' w41 spend his'had.** with McNefl and Mrs. Moti`04!* re 444 * ,Yolcation. Stesis 'and fatnci.r bt lAan. re Viuting relative* at Goolerich; J.f* Sttorils,'Isss returned to itgaurien0 after yi1tn bis, ,s1s0v, Ur* M. wansc a. Miss Xtlith Orlmn Is spending a 1tao --ttrm-gvittr uer-In* ,ros, La chine, Mrs. ..nunesrlfunie and daughter Mari have returned from :visiting In Detroit And Wa1ker/4c: . Mrs. Mary A. Nicflougall, who WA _cest, a resident of Atrkis$ has come V -vderkeu to reside. Miss _Marguerite .Lcgan, Bruasele, opendirtg several weeks with her cows Nita Margaret iluston, "took• tbv races t ,atraat yester- day -re sport. *tents . were we , d d loud peek**, which rea,-1 the gotni, stand kept spectate tent toucit'ivitho the progrest and the result; Irma' a_ service.mucli appreciated. 0:.Orlerlebr! *torsi* dld well, pertkularly 001c1P, Litts' Grattan Patch,. WhIett- won the half -Mile- dash In t.O44 :and time back. to isiptijiro.. the onetmile dolsh' 244. these w.4re novelty Onit*; heat races, and went over big: Ramona Grattan .11.niShed 344 in the. :moiler- ectiss 1 t area's . inciWc Orange, Grape, ., unc mow Limo per.bottle of Deliveryervice pecis*Ortlia FA v.' oo`orges ,011,Ure1v annual i.aty held Thursday on-- -thespQcloqs - t't lava*" under the iusplcs of the Onuth Woriarrs OuIId walt s splendid aucees, the *OM of *PALO* being reall*,: with complete returns not In. the candy table realhied $39.00 ' flowers #ncy, work.°400.35, tea - fabler :gate .40.50, and Mcidentalii ''-tablts were attractivel paxon unity -to spend The following Wjar summe •themiteirei'-01-.the delightful , sifteit000n;' **pairing, Altering, Relining, and raflor' ing for there was scarcely a breath or.viina, A TaclY'' a visitor tl-towniWita ,prostrated and had .to_receivo, attention. A small four-year-old box was :Shovediron one of the rafts into two feet ef Watin-innt was iying.ozi the bottom Whew -noticed .-other boys. He was sallicklY revived: AMONG T114. C11URCIIES meet of• the MacCii1-- ' • • (17on Sat1r— -r8th7a1 • • ' .1.4„ wife, vacation'It W.-A*1'0W L30 p.m. w , , . 4, cr ott, t. vices at North street 'United cluiroh, .14.r. and Uric; :/as, Mwaid and their suotiv, noxt', will be -4onducted, by Rev; „daughter, Mrs, Prost, of Toronte., are. Alter it, Batts. Sul4e4 at 11. a.m., Visiting at the home of MIL A:Buchan- 441:leutt'etteOtnuti ',1111.tieleet.;:,::ikst47-1,14P44y111:''s-41.41141-reitti% ;Mau; ElS,44.sonialtvlAve .; :e'vldtoi;4titentr t.of I() In daya -of i1s.hoUdays in. ciOdek''' tlehi atter taidng in the Saguenay trip. Mr.. and IvErs. A. E. Payman and Son,. Bi11y.-tot-lterittnite;:1-17.1c4.:rore Visiting at the •home o1 Mrs end Mrs. H. Fllslnger. tw - • OitiiisfiiMd. iislig$0P • 7 - 'Mr• "BucF Sturdy-' is ..5Penaing-' M*1, VAtatiOri at 04/0#4,74. :10110A5 inllitRry caniP'. at ••=1,ontion,. firtisi*g his ii-eutOix-] ant's cours. . . • - ..gu4.4„..titeir..uriole, and ...atint. AU- erviors StrieC, 'Vatted Mrs, 3. . MIlne.- church Sunday .nestt *older ,school at Mr,..- and „Mrs. '0,*.m..-c.humh_teO1ce_ at _11. IPWA.,rd '4010,s, ,Utelltni_are guests at diacttd by: Aisti, 4r., 40, Baltimore, • the hoe 4; 3,04,' catgiine Jones and chiirch, Servi:tv at / p„m„ conduct- M:cs Evelyn Jone& od by Rev. ;Mr. Ilawire. of i..74 ' Itasheer,,,111,4,--will , be services, at, Baptiit 'church Sunday, Tfekt,t, Bible e011,0,4- at .20 441. "PaySti!i, .- vocal spcaker at ,p1114,b11 ,SOiltAcS. 11 4.411, ' ituNeety "PrOg1:03sAVA .4.44Vt**YY, lit" 7 P;41,i subjcet,'"The olory-otthe Clarke and Ms. Clarke, of toridert, Ind Wu TO* Clarke, of Tor- onto,. are occupying „*ses Wiggins,'" house' •for the itiontli, AuKutt _ • . ' 1+4z,-and.ikefs. and, Um OL,Kclean were in Ban -014 ton on leticia„Yettindirig, the funeral of, _ W. :Wed Cook- , B. Blake, ot VoirOtitb,. CitrAr$V014449/0.7.47, ..Pici4-:garden=nivedding was -selentr x*.e. weoesdo R'aernoon, Augusb 2nd, at the home Air., amt. Mrs. U. Jewell, -Colborne • township', when. their eldest daughter, Ethel Grace, wes.„gt taarriege by,. her father to MeIvin ranston,-Ion of liar, and :Mrs,. -4-..,.Cran* • Rev. M. Cy rArty oZ London, ottialated. The hqtie looke4 clisrining :in witiT,0 Satin dress Witia ;ace trimming and 0,2 veil with a wreath, Of orange, ;blossoms. - With X .011,eXer otquet 4011.Ate'sta 444,ntrWir7— pendant gitt:'-O.-Wil-r0444;111.--eiti *1.2.41' -t71-'erg4e..rl*Plr 13-trd44:'" to the Sttitina ,,of LehenitrWe .weati..41$ _in• port Saturday and Sunday with a - March played by 'Miss Ethel Ogreni,.*,14n, cargo . of wheat. and oats for the eleira- .Wood," and 'took her pike Under an arch tori. .banked-, With ferns and flowers,_"..taiseesc LDuring „Jpio• .00.. large American ,boats• .Cenetta, and statert or the bride,:' brought 1,200,000 bushels corn to the, attended her. '; 0,114: blue' net ..00derieli. ,Vievatot SS ,Trensit. sses,„,with-10, 0-Mateh,-.And...terrirt lierrttr4E414--041e430,--liket*-440.41.14144$ ing sweet Ponts;' Little Florence Zsobet , cipium„ Jewell, - 11,6Parrani' and all 'pink 'organdie inict parrying A Arrived between the dates of .A0 . basket towers. The, groom Was .0uP-,' . ,Already „Shipments, •of, this; ported. by brother, • Ur, Bert(' Gran- r*avg..,c4A3telict.4 xxill-nver botli stO11,,,, sdr.-Pcniglits iteNte,i4" Ott* ,teilway,S71tr Western_ ent4rio.'''end' rew if the ,tedde.' .01ring the sigPing .the - e*ter Mrs, „BiMer Oita:tom song', -PPod: %he hoturious4 yacht Helene from moidtii,' 4o- heart* orse:Andfet, _.it4;4*, ykr,* int„.1.114,14w*. Th gitests, "lay and 'Ur port . UAW .awalting , to Cross==!" Garner is a -splendid slietio formerly ot pottland„.. Oregon, visited for dietseci-in-hie tt' , orge eh,a (IWO- AreAS. were _received by the bt140,s Artb-thefavotahle`'-'144thei-''hert-Proteed* TO'bermOry,' Mad the fishing Igo There will he, speaiel gosPei Music" st. few da,y. this 'week with,. Mr. 'and 3,0* a«miStect the. Junchecto • was sertred.to.the guests under h4t0-Pert fro Sarnia yestac.- The regUlAr moitthlY *Ohio et VIM' D°Y14 (4*bee •St" in • Esin4 8ergett°'' 'TheIft:wPrre" churchelate tfratle 14Atiei,are spend- ed. Ili tilw Orirrr, 331.0 l'.roater gir , Rev, D. J. And, tare.. Lane,Iklisa lided-- ceived. by Mrs. Teii Jelintil snaX4N00/- , VictOria BelPera tOf V.4cteria' St. rwas held at , thehome of Miss . " 11sizel, inivate month of August at-au:1r ent- -- 1 04.01433. Boned , Ar. The weeting. t , = trreasoeferteseatateedbri" otrrmi''thectsrlzortr' tre titgrwith X age att'XiNt et Bush, Port -Elgin. '-' - itre l'911hte'citrbilts?-4v.iliCTningr-Hrio-a re5ats45-Trxis**Ier was CAT triie'' rtsa,rg1114Isset':101:1111Idrstrd toUtgact'n'43-1,-SfeSem,--ki- , ficr44444404 svitti bar" '4411s• 'thv iiiimist Irepeated In unison. Scripture lesteu was read *by Mrs. Punti.7Atter the ;Oil .citli 4 Plar4t WO discussed. *aid- it !TO decida Von Zogs,n, Boy .Mogeo, till of Brussels. ! and solbist*" with ',beaded unity' #agt, ito.. .140k, Gee; " LIAtc4c01; Mr.- pit 'arin ':The Ymilir couple Ten by motor- for ' Stewart; Chitega: ' honeymoon in the' 1Austoka takes. an iiii.„„,,,,„,__ .:_____ . _led tO hate:It-at Berber Park 44 irtArk.y. '''''' I''''''"'''''` 411aa ' 41•6114-4` 'on ilrell. return '110 testae hi -atitilmie - 40.4 .a.Alt itef ). et, lirfessoe '1160;1 left , - -- - ...I day, „Aug. 10th. All inembort with their' tor these,,,,,t ea homes., - in. .7ruloari," NOWS,mtik.TTS, Tentille$ are requested to attend. The P.A. virloriday'afternoon atter ... - 1 ,., coppot scontest was left open tmtg' nest three weeks at Blurt POint-3611446 '61' N-ar=t11 strectL2;tirkite4, Meetiallt,-----Mit. Meti-,-elesed the meeting ...141414- Donitid-giirroc-•Bayncr,a,„--0 ehlireh.. Vas the Alre VI It Preiw wcd*.• rer,i,:e-.4-14, very didatkli-mmt 4 and. her b,rother, Sirste - 'Won, 27,, 'when EU ' ef*,-itctei: 'diciittrit#t: or pt. 44.4„ attendett the fituerat or. 'mete' Rey. t..r.r*ti, , watts, le4i...tiottect ._., _. . White ties, turned.soles, reg. $650,for. .$3.9 White tieerpumpe-and,strtipso reg. $2.50 tWhi. s • e 4 r. te.strap*a4d pumps, reg. 4900 f hite ties,- reg. $35O, for, 4 4: t * 4, • a. a r.a.a -'-'1411:•-praYer.,. after the hostess Mis* it0thrini -0MiPtd, Mist Agnes 'Neal ding at neel - •oir Thursday,' ' ;iutt ittiviit it/4x etmatiga7wartoN7SALE Or TSAI' erilftieri CaleY, sPent-ta"-w---0z. hr nit, - -,tieremoul-- 0000' *1mo,, on the corner' ot.Vort Delitit,'Mrs;',W1fally remaining •for ior.rno4 hlt theft/VP" rather iiTigie Waterloo ttreet,--aud &name* Road. -lc f.tip.wIth her daughter, gra. Oaley... tense" of the onnediate. iaptilielt. °Ivey cloderich. together 'with .11 1h. turaish6 Milt' ;Chit rietrirth, *44,:g1...: arid *es. ,in marriage. by 4er-wide, Mr, S. T. i Uncle, liftr,- ganilltna-reistoze, ntoryttittn,zettet Thom 04;,, gin .14r. T. COle, acoOmPitnied mr, litr3 740 ukyar. nut.; cr by. Urs. litclially and her 411d411 Itt* ififfiek Anti White, reg. 42.50 rowx 144 $.2,40 tor,- 41,15" Wliit* P0 toti, to; 045 lor. stos *at. no, whitey rtitiber 43.15 for: 11 and Wh2te, .ubber tile. tog. OrOnertt,or.leir„ Vita, Morrow 4Tehri licasker*. 'oettat; . AO, of Toren -tap. the bride Wur •o . .weeka. _.0.10tor attitetritt rge&- ift4'-ettrrre4" liAittfltDAY, Ant,#: Sth Pot -undo, Ell *Or mtlim Dr bnu4uet trilarc/iffe .rotes' and' AW At Isnstia: ' ' , Vlet--"lite-4441"tlintrrfillerlAU peas Tile' liridektuard was 141Si Alice ti riagara arfails. , ", • ' .' Lilting Rem, maw. Boom'. Bedroom nAer r vir itott ,ur -crick itie. tos ;Allmon of riondon who NYOtft it Pretty' -Anad rOniture: *titre*, orsro- I • divot last. .1reek tor Kontre141, where dress of piPt: net. tOr bouquet was of Ons, watercolors,.. etching** boat" *434E1 tri W111 visit "sve. crintitiitither;40-e, iicset *and. Sleet -*foot .wre*ths,. tenor ctishiOnt;''Vesdest*I4 erkin, NW:turn Orailt *no Uswer watts* *Wm' or OP bride, lerneries,•,Traitt‘ silverware,- =dos arr a1SO gUstL was flower gIrL ',ST*,-7--*-earet-IC-dithl ,310,44Wartq -07440 stands. IgniOlte ,tanitn neurst' nor, *a 1,000 Mile trip byiietor' to lWanIXouu1 arch heater, , 3 -burner ell Sttiverl' oak utroict ,sntr tforthetweitirto.. .stier.itio eiothet tikhinete, 1 ook .1411 rack, 1 oak accompanied by be. nephew, Ted gew,t` thine cabbie- t and *LIM g desk, 3' tea' son- ot PiliOntiNewmarket, ., ",'-'7'-i- _ ' garden " tools, bogie, lawn VAPArer itta Book bed, for 3hot, gueor over the ther beds...toilet seta, bidding.' l m. and Ms. 3. V. Niritist44, at 04;104 numerOUt other sattielett, /grerYthing dat weekseutt" 3m, WhIstm.els tattier; W. L. in aPienda ronftion sta win be strlidlOcrue: lass Marion Iteiner Maw Rome; witlicalt reeert* as T. lianitow ft•glioingiertd, std., George crew grxit tttree efo, up beutekeeping, The ProPerlsr is in * &en, all of Tsotrento. • - ' " rirst-tchwa .10eatkel, is Convenient to 001* Am teit /Tend era two ofitraferi, legiate and pUtilio echo* aid. to the tow, „and ratharkle,, *rid ' Mr, Clint -On 611,40." 1000404—tit °°(lerk...21* . Goer and daughter tat, or , Detroit - Pwor-v-oiri *v per te4„.4, 44. were, week4nd visitorset the. hose of loint , to he PDX at lute 'or *le ut, Totter ,Trattet. Miss Aittliiirthe. ta4 -balance wh,n poisseasion la even, or malried for * longer visit, With, larr-cou,;- hall of ** Inita, MO teOlitili 46'' *4 100 ZrAtteltrkt Ilitttyet. mortg*ge with interest At 5 Per tent per ', about 114b411414rY end', the North Shore,',„, Sti,;:g9tensenta Ford - wniPany• :executive, and has a ,Cteir o ' fourteen. She an oil • burner, driven . by DleEeI-electrlc3 engines and has ' cruising. rad* of SOO miles. She has - a „Speed of '2,2 knots an. hour and, made uree_bolii-s-;:-.iiiir ten 7'M -hinted yamit . ..,equippoi,..with gyro -electric • • • 'conipass and antonattie steering device. Ur." and Ws.. sorensen were aboard Iwttn; party4or ttiendir.„ el:&sn take core a reimitrernents 111 --Geiwyour.:Aurrtroor suit and trouse;Is pressed- at Vroorttan% an4 they will :look just %.45 they came ftoir the' itagor,ili the Stst.',' aise, Reacietuartm for' ladies' an geutlernet% texpeet oleaning, /gah,. basket of .sweet room: was attended **Mr; Clayton Wattz, hro'• ',It PAW/ Or," Orgattiet = „street United church, Plitied Ore treddlint Ion* and Mirth/ s1gnItt Mary E'Urd pt tOrndotto sang 13, t /pm° Atter the tereintynY*4 and Mrs ttitive Tett du ft 11.020onii-trip which will be vent at eraterripoints„. ror Ong away lit:tr. itswi ehote n 4041114. Ostutne 14'..bete With MAtettittlf eesitorteS. Atter-tfe$ember 2 -they *IV take .141. itatittetoe at Flsnctds Long I - land, TrX,„ where Mr,. *pointed Pastor or the tOPOP OntrO#- dressing ,stparimetw auit,s to rent —eVreshrnaut. booties. A, frt:6111, - place to tike the kiddi,e0. ,00DEgion BTmNG aztvg , arranged, Vn phone 134 or write toile, 0.f. atate.A. tete:. ispeeteitst Frit, • /nee Itin. ROSEE1-4111tAlrig-,PEEElltil1tt,„ci ROCK PlAttiTW-EVEROLagENS /ton frosa the Ground Coinivian. Grown - “Zworthing for the Garden" Write tor •OpecitiT,,*100 tht. -"We sell the, best for less," , 414.011041(14 NUNgEltilttlo klthita*4.'ont,, night ict4alit Park' Victoria tteet +churntnued Bt. Peters 22711 iten**Intting gib*. ' Victoria the tiitrot arid ten in tbe *veni to ends itiotOrt, . • glinieti *ref *toed last, week in '00fthell **ening ht* dietAtixt , oath* Will a quart, of 33urner Mnrcb Coal Oil Stove s ethie13urner OV Stove Oven for,. . A,,,bestos Table Mats, in colors, e Frnc Sets -.0,..6 White Paper Semetti 1,1_,r:0* 48 int_ hy 84 in. Ptpe1411,04,„ ft, in.,gteen border, Poet Plates„ 6in stem boltr, Paw Pie Plates, 4 inper doz.. Tta, value to intez'est you4lv ry shade 211; yds. long, .tailosed edge' choke of pattrns • At endid quality; form, d 1.4ltt per pair. .. * • ILI ar Supenor Winkle Spreads, size Some°, in' gold, blue, lavender, green, rose. eplar $2.50. .;,each I ;new patterns in heavy qu- irt ,14 and 2 ydswidth1, at per areyardp,**44:4#44644######* Stair or hall Oilcloths bordered, t per 24 inches- wide. Seam1es) 91t2 ft, reg. $5o for. 9rIvili ft., regular $4$ for PUtO silk with tearte six, new shades sites 83,4 to- erly an . quality liaIt tflath. ig 7 inchetwi& formerly 7pryd