The Goderich Star, 1933-08-03, Page 6Hibi motored f 'Trail,
is of 3,104 miles, W. 4' Rutledge
trme wellitrown, resident, s itere.vith
hti vUe. on *04, two daughters tor a
. vacation. Tiey Irutde the trio through
with Uf ,the United Stock *pending Some days
at ya,lowstone Park and, the PentUrt
of ,:Progress Vele Chicago..
tiventy4ve years since Mr. Itutiedle lett
Ooderich and for fifteen:Years prior tO
de Son. It is eight years since he lest
that he was tbe store of W. Aeheeoni
visited here.He is In the di/ tootle
bushier* at Trill and otates that ,his
IdoPted town in ,pretty hir olhuV,
with inkyrolLia,the lead and lelnO
Petry's,roneti; In -the
,n4cre **lot.
!urestr)' pratticat,,Will he and t. :it is Iv*eri, 140 It will..shotid
.4 better and More **Oltenia
Vet* of handling their ,Woodlatitit„
are far More different: Methods
t mnaement heinX*Pio,ttistitATOrt
mew woodots „than w2t4, any othez
erops on he , font. 'There are :different
,tcasons'Why there tt,s Ve*$ a diversity
o management.
cnj,yad $ pluiant, ,
flati on the Nine MI* Xthr ,Mr. and Mrs, t
r. " 1, •vniug Wo* *Pent in gsnma Were guests of ther goilsilly Mrs. 3lter
and cOntests. An *musing' .journal, reed en ruuZe toPikes re t' where their bon -
it,' . *pent.
o''Slii i " 114 , undtrwent an cper...
*Mrs fo the removal of , hf* *Pl>ertatx
In St, Joseph'sRopIttel, L3ndon. Hb
guest wi mother,. 14rs. il. A. POPiestoile,,
otoirtney hint' in the city.
Int industry of $120,000 month. How
much of Una our former townsMith gets
.he, of course, didn't Oro but he 1145
Preenered. He •Ciitne etkit Or a* reunion
_of the Autiedge forMilY, Which WO held
at Harbor Park yesterday, his father
celebrating his gOth. birth00.-
1. stLU tont/4 etg"et
that were ,emPloyed'when clearjiig the
mueb faEter because they hve been. re-
s44.'These toore correct w woOdl.
eased from the shade an& eompetition
had little value -and , object, *as :or the largo -trees, •
-but an +mint** 'dillerent Irces he Spaced ,closely when
In order that they: be tort
Mitnegeent. is **Wise* when. the oh.
ject-le*.to keep an *tee In productive to grow straight and tali,' thus develop?,
nt*Per. 1*4*,
• are;Velz -itahlahle tiniher. IMO 'aii4:0VAC.,
nt the'POttire WW1
Abe v4$041404'.0.010,14lY teiinit1' the 41* 1111113e4tf%nancL4tet#n* Nature Is
, '
.gradual., deterioration' end eventual Ma-
very*ogle and often the trees are
oportinto 41c_thiopt„,, _ spaced too,: clOily'and the Intense' com-
L It takes a. time to grow- *,- result5 in -tratv:
:and often tho, owner ,reellges nthe 1arget 1 zilig Of, the /Aging growth- r2sulti in:
amourit possible ,from his *1044fintt And ilkoo,ro'lliforoits:groittit,ny. tho..reinalhing
topsider the, :future., -treei. The _triaterial',.that is 'remoVed us-
th mere tor fuelwoort-the
reaporsibIe ti,it.ilashing Of many rine the -404 0 40.40VW1t7,-iiitieSe-tlitd
• )pc'ebvcod stands,,0, the 6 hi„.8 in. pail, .nings should be continuedat hitervilOn
. Malta:flne buzz -wood, whUe the old the gt.owi4Or of a"#414d 01 timber AS the -
• mature have - to worked op . by nUmber Or . trees per, acre • Is Alava heir4
the'eroas,„eat• 'mem *44, 140. ••• 'reduced itc the treeti 'inert** -1440e.
$, Uany, de not teal* thit it'eos • spi4'.' Pete thinning* itive thei-..o*neil an. 4 .
• „,a.,*e,p_that ntoura';and,,then_oeurj!ri_ ,PortunttY .to * -:favor the %mere, 'Valuanio
•Va10e.`, fheY Only utilize the-fallen4z4
,4efeetly,e4 Wilber -and often- they pride EbJifl1ng Out SecosOni
themielves,y!ntt Propel,* **ea..: off,: .tidtiniiiif ,tiie ,,growth
• 400diand. They would '._do • , more 'fort being -7carr1ed on In mf 'titatipirtio
Avoedio,i; ntostor the lOrtwood is being
taken out as It does not retteU timber
there is:, consid.crable nepeh in the
$.0121* g:3ekvt:11, 'and w1i in cempetitior
,jnifr neighbori to,..tollow7 their example,_=,,vith nritelFhit44-.**11." MA
Walnuts-, are AriVezi, 'preference over
,"..sPecteS. Tt vraitifitshav
en , see04 ,in ;the infsh by sOuirrets,
Vitt *Urea the, front it tree in 4
'neighhoes, gtennitt Straight; viiis;
etotts..,trees.*Ore-17givart :the* •gireferertee
'Orer WAIL detitY
lei ptoervation"an. d haVe liner!
• it thy eh:Ville 'OW when setnia,
higher profit• -Would be *dhoti Amt.
firjangtal -Wetild 'encourage
Ofthlnning and
gloving -4 ',Woods by euttiriga AO
tray -understood In -:tint: totintr.
„.• otit4trairditg`th* past hundred Year4.
inert_ to,,,ilasli...inirn:7,the,:rest,ittltt then
ator the land -for ,crOPPingl.
Ail 14aritree_d_ _
-Wea. ' ' WOodlat is,. hardwood,
obrup*"7.of -sugar - pup% beech, bass.; and-orooied7sterni,*- ..,It- ,Is :advisable to
,.. look white, litriweed, white , eira, remove the large thnher before thinning,
". 44)0*, elm and valttizt.' %Patten , year ,t4lirrtinel-tre°11riega7,!",:41iagaell, 'oisllet;.inzetho4.1sittgh4e- •
ago It was *,eeittered trei Woodlot,
is tO torn:mon in ,oittArto tO40... tie' 14"4-trt, ave4."fite4.4r,t 4...:-'4;Thi . 1,4 ' '.;-L 1 ';'"."4:4:1-- ' "- ' rww --* -
1f4,4Iii lied' the run 01 the bush Auld- they. *-- '41a! ±-',--"!.-°.434.0.-0,,41 .W' t-te -9!: #.4- ' • _
horsed the-seeelling4ihrote4b0"*.puft jr.ottult giti,tyth and there:were only '01 _, - , _
Injured the roots of the. large vitt 'pilot,. AVt-IPOLi,...te 1411 s,e-e-cure04 White ash re,' '
I%she itceic was $04104, out Olitels mine illint for rePrOchlOtiOn _and --
-inspiting,,rhisonowned "Show Win-
dow, Of the Nations' tawsibe
•-changes of 'modern Orliiration, orn,
• Year IP Sat.
For fourteen dsys and nights In great
pettnitient talAcas aloof* and steel;
new andimproved manufacked 004
matted products_ of the Americas,
Europe, Mot Africa, *mut* and ,
the Indie$ will he on display. AfOiiere
agriculture in all its branches in the
imas largest oho* building -7 -Am
Ogritakurel education in iike1.4 -New
painting* from near and fat In two
;.1sinnus Wind of His
jkfejetties Sots, Guards and thirty ,
- other bands, 7,04.r_l_rte ohamplariShiP
Marathon swims, women's 10 miles,
Friday, Aug. 21, open,. 15 miles*
Wednesair, Aug. .49.501111:40% nee*.
forT the. cliain-
ihnik Troluvenk Oeuried. Mboh
riment Cie' Woe Owed - and. the
mring per*: tollowistg Ant.,
-• Mrs, fiskoluel ..'enVaneouve
• is tattier :With her mather440.14W.
Um. ,David ,GirVin, who *Ithf her rlaugh,
tor Mr*. Joan Wilharns, entertained 4
number « keixthres. and :Wends in, her
honor at . telL TherodeX • eveningt
:Mrs, ,Pentlentt.,-****-4009M-Pliziott---
. DiMg*AA00 .by her- sister,, Mrs. D. „ „
SicirieLt. Aci *on, Edgar Blade, with the
.1Atter's ,1000,0 otliamilton, •
Mr; and ,Mre, WUliam 4.4140,0n,
ley, Were recent 'Tlattortwith.1,5r.,.141d
UM, David „glean. On their rettirn
.they were io,000,10Pi*ed by Mra. Olenn B. 'Carr in Wftwerreeb* *bete he
Imo her tivo 11tt1egrranddeughtere;thee 'fliede.mant 1riends, lIiz wite,_, who, wal
and 4.eial noint,-,191--larellaritt, who baY.0 .formerly ItIbrabeth'ItionlittY of Virettfleld0
bech ber peat,* /or a fortnight. •away 4 f ' ago. Itest
The beriey And oat Nivea het begun t ew .
In thle aistrxt via While some, of the, Me, Vender 43,
flelds ere very_ ehort and Wilt Irate, to E. vernier of petrolt, are ,eOne.
'cut with the Mower,- -other fields are
fairly well ;:tuigeed.r rottittisktdee rtine/rtt4het*feet.
that no .rain of any aceranit low fallen
bete for 4, Montil,; The threshing' Of
wheat Le being done now, the Yield being
all average 01 from .24 to "05.blottelo per
are.., ' - • •
. The 'Unto ler Mr. and Um,
401VelV001Worne.-IVAS the lettittelai an
enjoyable - function on Friday, When
-Melvin Cranston; toes plate on. welt*
-.44caliatk- gathered": for a trousseau tea;
The eongreptional *00 or St.
drew's United chureh 'was a pleitint if**
fair ;it Th40101 On Wednesday afternoon.
-The wheregelione of ,Seigrave, Sixth
and ,Auburn Anglican churches 0,103"04
:mod. pleuant *vino at &uburn on
the same afternoon.
Vender :Outgo:VI* his hone
in Bad Axe„ Mtch., ,etter spending:,tw
Weekx with the. .Carr Olt
'years ,ago he lived for some time 'Mat 4.
•„ante4ded' ,tor 'lest wee
Mr.• Sznesf Mftohcll is driving' A new
Plymouth. Six "anio„.
The Y. P. S. 'Will hold a beach partY,
at Sunset Beech .ori • Friday evening.
1Vtoilwain spent the wee
end: at the home Mre.,4no. Tittob,'
..NUss Pettinal;fi . Is visiting:, her
lrlend, Ali* Darine Webster, at St,
;,-penithfOtylennie.:-Lef Torentek-d3e4
Bgcnsi- the day ivith-a-048Ptlig14-13-ie4":
fast- and see how cooler, fitteryou .
feel; 4t .1(41toes Cora Flakes ' COnie!
,first flip aterolit •
IcOloggfiklare• so „
y. dig Wtif
OcrAt ifoteis better than heavydsot foods.
• Kellogg London, Ontario.
qiYir"-Melirr telts00013-trig4,17,21 ---
cnitinnea-prOduct' ion depicting the
conquest of Mexico by Spanish adven.” A.,cid to the parsnips "together w tte,
assisted, ,their Oster; ,displaying 'the'
trousseau,,' atter Which there was
*web tbe-servIng Tot
-,swhiner flowers .Made. the 'hOine
.• attractiVe 'Or the happy (Weston,. Those
:tram pungsation rho were: present: were
Witinifred McClure., Alin* moo,
-mew hilillianCY---,-,10effe40ere--,-11/i
Treble. ,
Mies AImfr Mudie. of OOderich,
'Visited wit,h Mrs. Wm, MO:44v ' xew
ion at Pedi, • . de:Ye thlr week,
When the in-iktm:e 'isr• thick Ana leintheeththe,,
tablespoon butWr. Melt t*oztriblespoona,,,,_
oilers ue jet Cotrespreseored hy 1100 .pf butter4ri' a, satieepan; etitTpt .111't*o
'Perf61.4ne" °n• 1°C4)'' .fcmt Stage': "tablespoons tout and one cep Milk;
•-•sohtfles are aristocrats, but really, the
,literal translation 91 pout*" "PUtred*,
Mrs'Wm. Clayton and son -Jack, -01
Putnain, are Visiting- her parents,. Mr,
and Mrs, Ina, Treble. ,
petformances the.tioW
Nevertheless,- uPPielt.' thy
be, souffle* are very delelaua and clef
add to 'the parsnips, together' NV,
Pets t th'e hitt
. stet rnattons og .yolks of two Wenz.heaten eggs'. ,Beat
mr-ithc-ivxt,e*Vnfr''Wation7*ntt*-tro -light101,, - - - - ,
mootsh Ha 04 gen, Margaret .,4yon and ,Cfertrude childreni Porothy and. Charlie, and. MiS, entertained.' Atottlh'er'..i-4.gar*to. Etc th-e' Strir11#64briiriea-6-17.
. a ditlMi DI4iganrinn Vrld.aY and visited witrolVir, and .Mr„e. flaVora ot the „Vegetilbles. .TrY 4'1.0 baltilla"-(114.4 444 -.41c-sc
4:W4' PPY,4gt6 66' r9nP rilgarry•- Others were 'present' from 4u1s-,-•gollert--INteihygin -motoied tor-plyea, Plymouth eteme own,' t- • 3..jut_lh- .inte4 the mixture... f!lade 'in a .
,owantilelongroiilaray,:' hot , • , • ,• c-fe ,
-.There's 6nly rine '-eiorld'S • htt the bride -elect foriterIY-tatight $04001., Geo,. 1W -bee ,whii.e4 there f one 01 Iderate oven. -Rerliniie -ahti
A 050 r00 PeS and see or, your .
annual•Exbiblrioni pied to, see it t
euiturio sochety srmnsofed: euneeatut mr. and, At,re. WM, .tclayton - and
directors or- Dinigainon Agrlouls, Mr. and Airs, Treble - and, 0011i
, .
. „ EttP0t. 401100 .PriclOi7 0V0X11.110 which at- troll jack; `„,„or ,putstata
Prceptionat excnision rates arranged. •,1 traoted a large crowd. Music "' • -1‘41$4,...talikcle.4
;0444t10,01*Sents.'llailwaYs.,*eain, nishect.,,by. :the .T400 ,orchestra, *BiWts t ::';'rel.* ;4114 cklehh/Po• Pt t0C-:
• 'ships 'Motor Costhesi.-- eelS: onto, .7Ehincray w4,,11.14:14.„ urs‘
- ' • , C. 'Stewart at isTile • 4 • •
Jack Austin, eight-year-old son '
. • . ,
, Corn Snaffle ' •
Mix .ln aauce,an two tablespoons p1
flour' with one tablespoon Melted butter;
petit one Op or *tring,
to the",.boilirik -Poi)* .,Addtone can of
4044 one .teasPOrm,.stigar,'.one. teaspoon
ealki-pepper-te.44ste, andlhek-w0Whea'.
- the
*whites ,of the ego,. beaten, ,Stift... :Then •
turn intO..,,a buttered baking and
bake • ter; thirty !.011.11.1teelin. ic-inciaerate
oven. Serve immediately,-
'-ral*.ii*Ottle •
Cook ' four mediumr,aised ParsmPe ,in
,skins A**.rutr through._:4;,,c0linxlet.
together one teaspoon Olt,: one-eighth;,1:01,11ton. Austin, .„mlatleld,„.$,41,,,se, prirerwriter' and deUghte,r;
gooemiilialry;or _toAL*talk44r*`,101.114d1Y110,,g,eslaiiiirecle:Tollet,111:ei,,,ymerwat you9g0 „re- aur'
- Zailirday-They
1' willie his :father Was, P14410.,'cii4 (.)ine the Irl . by : ter . 4 took In th
weeks., ago has r)0' ,f0.e.feenvored as to be 6
, p -1310 an .e
World's Vail . at Qhicagaon the ' way
over: ' They 'left here- for Erre. ..xe44.-,
'where they will vide the former's sister,
'Urs4. 'W'eeler Underwood, • ,w,
-'-. able to be brought home from the hOst
vital In London' where he was taken for
treatment., " While not allowed to plate
any vfr1eitrinid#7.pwrisoriii let; it being
still encased in a- platter cast, he *1.1 eiv-
.. . .
.. „ .,
.'.. ..lioying the ',Ott...KIP-0-0E-4 :-.4L,,,YUta4
. Obeli athis home, . ' •
- ,Ouests on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and _Wei .Same g -McWhinney were: Ur,
4n4 Mrs. W. R. •Parrier and- fairdiln=
Weft VatritoSh,4and-Itircind 1.ttewAd,.
lun'otohnitoetand sdiu tiordon., 1$3):44.00.
f ' Vrae . And -4411011 pod., Dungannon,
'pent.,, the week -end. wit_lt their sister,
- NE1117,1catuleen Reed -Ind Mr, and Ore:
J. AV Wilson -0 4ter a. '
d tbere-is fine Yonne' stand Of trti •'•,1144 t4itt° '61141.16 at14 *it('
, their Sterlds they. sheind Melo, open*
ihke in_Jhe woods; near white ath seed
treeS. • •
The material that in.tiliting taken,: ont
is heing *Corked Op intn, flietkood,' Last
winter fiX0 Cods �f in..wnod_ were "
secured froog the, thin,'
nirtge the'leuillt, isre*th, arer*-
-ages V4 -4 -in, in 490:niter, make *EA,
lent *:,fuelireed.. ,Thirty,tive to forty
ot 14.f: amOti„ hi* been taltft out
nous* for lifteetr ,i9tara end • smith
trees up to chea- in dierept
WOodS, 'With *entered trees rauIta
in trees 'with, largo' einvats *rid short
ranks, . mese loge crowned. trees,"
terfere With an nttett„.tpin 'Arieoung
hg tree*, and Are belb%
04. young fleet groW
04413 flt%1 4.11114 TO WW1"
ft IS WOW 10 DA%
116Aire4A Asit, ert04.1/44
*11v1root oirsolui
Ur_ -Westlake Wends... to Plant Phlo
and spruceS * few opening* that-1nm
not 0,01 ,
,64, 'up, Very little PIVAtinit
Mary in * OfOrids. A few- tree$,well
plentcti. in tevorable locations stre better
thsn 410011*mla liPotlY• Pirtikg In tiiu
thtck tattoo *mitt. s
may be utsiv,
at to eUtliiMile ttiArtkiitUrel
stowtii. ttist is interfering
piloted tzeo, '
,slgn his ben Piked ott
iiijarenCto the WtiOda **mit
-donsalatition ismodko4
4: well stocked. WOotilot Is an asset to
,* fermi and it Mir deyoksPid , tO
raOre eal/t4ble brierleial teliet by pow*
° in/entire' toot** ,itbitti. eton-
otnleally possible *lilt /armee/ .
lot, 'at alt tut roaterial t‘hat, iminnvert
.„ mei Edith Morrish, of i'Proht0, was 31116 are glad to repdt't that Mr. JOht
A westtitia visitot on Sunday, .XclIPStmOkAt
Mr, A. E. Cook is epenalhg a ;Ow cuk."'"----------
COOKIES. f Beigraver
witt, torento" friends-„ 'this 'Week. tutu her. do..!ighter, Ago.. gliroxiond 1147,
Mr. arid ' lArs. Will -Osirtor 4-44. "f441)44t. iiglo4-4, '
Were Annurn visitors .oti Sunday. • 1,77,74,-,,,.../. 04 Ittri-4 vict,or wiittity and
A number ilroM WeStfield Attended the', , ''''''
UY Visited ,with telatIvea,M-14teknoF,- on
annlyersary serVice*at.13141::spiatcl.ei-..."....„,,.....
istnuMry4 Awnedre, MorostieriWai. .4',,irttitfoOrasinliortbell.4stahura,,t, lij"'Mr "wij ,t,,•4-, -cca,-, - 404- tel! e_vi . e fe4t,_ ,ley„:
' ' , 1 quaintanc among * some nt rallends
MO, 1.t.:- i3tlehittr4 is,;40eitdirtg, several here last week.. . .
MO, ,e,`,.: With her 1rietta.: Vire...13.1),lihifo of , , .144, .Itebt, Ifitetylil,040trnitannon.11Xt
MOIRA; ... . - ' " . - LLL 5J
ertelin-elerictriwe,, it *Is' Atetk, with vrs, ruore is,oviathittey,.
itigg et, the hone Ot•lbs OM' miss OeinietrIllaket Winghtunxt and
.0 , ,
' Mr Mar '
vin lts,Dowell, , '
iF 4_1_ los - Wtn tovititt-.,,„.---- iihk. 44/1444 Bildt .1.*weinlay, at ,tticimow spent
,„....!,,,,,,,.„„,,,. 4...„,,,„1„,„....„ jr.',T2,,,,,,,,„,. the weelc.end, wit1.2„their-cousins. ,Aidon to -roll, 114_14 inch thick On ' allght4r-
4itt?-44-41' 4 i:1110,12r 4"4CS' v"4 v Ms' '''''''''''' and; Lorne natty, .,- flouted board. put- in desired • shapes
-1S. Xt. -30,..6/, 404144ring and sen,,4 'Mt; luid Mre, WM OituleXiiiid, M. ...ncl ' and bake On, ungreaSerl ' baking •aheet in
Auburn, milted on ,surido at ,he ilom, Ur*, 'John Oeutey and sow '4'itkkie. . 0 hot oven. (425 deg. mit 5. to ko tednutes.
oi Mr. J. L. otonebouse, - Oaderich, and , Axis,. Voi. tt. Amite, Make:a 4 der011, 4dekiel+, ' '
'Master lebt=t,Snell. , .iiii4 WO' :11010, S.P.ent' , 8040 -0V0114- With* Ur, -and.,
"oarrelni- kriee Vele, She% ‘111141 ii'thet, Mr, and =Mrs, that kletatt and " 2 tesspows 40biwitstaii balting,
By litetty Bodo -
. ,
- Rost •tia*t dietetje experts he whole.
'heartedly iiiproved. sweets roodera
for childrei, 1111 the cooky tin wlth these
cookies, so exolting to eat and made ad-'
.t1;tion'afty,*hplesPe2e-vidth brat,
, Bran Delights '
ouPS sifted Tiour
ycy, teaspoons• eoinbination ba
• • 7ttablii°°:po-tn-1 orange rind
rf, uCg s:uwb:eai: e cb: (14 ther sh°rtiting
1 table.spoon orange julee,7
crkPe bran, hakes With, 4
. Sift Ilan:: owe, measure, -add 'baking
powder ,.and telt, .and eat •agelit,
orange rind to !butter and cream thot-
ouglOitritttiteti. Add sugar tiFitheduallY andcream
'egg, milk, and Jaratije.,, beating
welt, Add ilour:„ Alum ,t;.•,;',Iisielies And
ittk*.*tlinrongbli... Chill tintalimeriough.
of 00060X-70re Mrs., .cups sifted tutor '
theBenson. *Pent Mondo erlfh mt. and powder.
'n"'" 'UmRueU Ottiet" 40tatttel bout ,94`M. vrtte. tow, of Port. Y.Ighte, They Iflt teaspoon., salt' .
Sirn5l2Y fAttr ai'ul1n ivera1 *mews !efe atocintipszieti tiy me' and Mrs, 4,4 =cup butter or other shortening
, the raid With her :4Aleter• 140. • VI/ Dodds' irtroote.A. "Rio .
Atm; Harrison.' Toronto, 14, oup Drown suga,r, 7rtn„ty 10,c
list 1$, Aliburtr, end her Mother* Intend *taxing fer 14 fe* betnre' re* eggs, beAten
k t Blyth;h2d7
surance Compa
of Canada
OffICI r "M1114404 ON
Ln,linPrOVenient tlitth*a * **hie tnir
ilitiartiodzt arraidie the fanner 'iettlx
* tpnwthisitt and Oheet) tUPp4y,01 Sot.
The work It partied on during the win-
ter *ben 'otbei-- work Ars not • Pres*
*tr. Wolbleke mil 'tut tot.
vied *rid toe'. out * sbait.'amotint ot
trnber awl:Wit without depleting „
did as intortlit,Oii the remaining
uf the' th0,4Ati,;Erttitkids. tureinkto their hotno at Torontd.
thureh on Sunder, es the' PAW, P=04,1 , The loOng, PeePle lion; iaere were en-
W. ',Latimer, preached the. antivero tertained the--yoluig people of
MOT eery/NW = let Jihat*Ye*" uhlte$1-i, grulzion tinitott church the *river and
Church, WSW'. , on. the tete/ ,Mr. 'lleirby
Otero Branton, Ototnlbeht, thursdo, Vtit tentrit -pieessint#
to oist, mot** 100 from .iror9hte pent In playlhit garnet itrOuntl it huge.
t take Pl'n't 6 *n4 bonfire. 14401). 'was terved, after which, wdet 4 ,stilt 1ft . 0
ra emery Solace the Andrond , 040 1th the ,janoni et ,p0 at area
teaspOOn aitonrid. eXtract
teaSpoon 4v401114%
I tup nut inestso *Oren
1 ch'I) telsins
1 tup whole been, or bran aee
Oth'er pas of, wheat
1$40 tout *ouei, measure,' add bakin
?United thurehr• on SlundeCin the at. ,,,,e PoirtY t14, IF/ L butt•er; *da *nor graditallr, Add
torbean be came to Werstiteld, chetah eriti 41114, 'Ube . and teat; well. Add tour, flavoring,
rendered a, solo, which was unie., ap. ...I- nut*, and aim* Add bran esid blend.
Pteclated bY all who beard_ . psf Drop: on greteed baking sheet; - Bake itt
,. _
' t oiten WO Oak .r.) itt "IOU**
AO '4 40ireti "00. •
, . ,
rk-.tell th�usands,4) yotr feW., telling • T e ,Opderich St4r., what,
.14youyr,wv;aznetrt i,etdoo:1;outty; vite 1;.daelit-
trii4t stands ready, to help. Sta,'±‘,. Want -A4`
people—people who
What you have to stil,poopl‘'. who
11ave, fax sal, -who you want to buy; if itott:
- seek -to, olds and fids into,tash, or if
° .you-are-ftrying,to. *take ,sonle4suat or un.
nsual purchase; -4)ie efficient, inexpensive
m'ealm.16-4 spkr Ad, up your .phone:'
• ea)I-71;'and let, a Star Want Ad, do th,-regt
next Item' *14 'frittlit the vol-43erd'iletetaraigisidil oVAMetiagain be In.eftt°t this•rort
— an - ce. •
e AA wood rettratid, . wilt ,betotnel.the loth et August. Owners of Pure
treble as the "Weed tots will be,4 bred re.mlaitlitio or ihtialltits who. With
Obterlo 14
1* Yeibitintted inad be reiilakced hrs " t"4416 .414114 14;tit° inti4e41".1"' 10
the /1 et0Ock Attack Parl*-
•"44110)" 'tit46tt t""•'• .41"•4'; rota iire4dierge, Toratit00 arid Secure *
dIot 141 be in a healttl grOttlng; Wank application form to be 'Mod ant
the yaw* ot wow and returnedit-pride ta the Deplirtment
I * increeted *4the deceita,.1, IS* mou. wil' 'O.
co1giant 'OA. the
-WM- IS' tetia-Ati
pw-cbsie 01 alt XX Lamb.
t1.000 *Ill be gty.n"lirs
eat *she
tkve-1Sitpek Woe
ot an XX 40401101, *311 will be g1sn
by the Outer* ate tee*
$20 by' the DoottrdestUV* stook
00, the porawks, Mt,
kmb. $311 eria be #(00 b the OA
Ute Ioek glkithisir Oitst * lave
Uv Meet: fliketitelo. k ttte
XXX Yearibler. $0S wifl
gte*n by the ,0104pAio Vs*
.litUebo�tbZ$ck 4J
yout. .,titne4
arne *demo wea` inuiretsed by. us
nunintss. ot the. 40Yili $0,414 REAXPAST.
41 don% Want a shine, nty ad*4
lit, "bit
it yoleligp, told wash your fere
I'S give yoti .sixffiente."
"V richt:UV+ Wits the NO reply,
be went over., to neittboring totmtsdn
rid mede Me ablution*, Returning,be
held out his hand 14* el.
'Val, P1t
wAstiING, mAcyiNti %t„.
Tlie „ „ ,
atibve prices ate_ wjhoitsaie tor titt iga$citt that weare up catrng ths line 'of goods.
Paints and Oak Varnishes, Brushes,' etc. arry a
IatestoCk and t an giv:e' prompt servitek.
COAL—Now is the cheapest tittle tOr put in your Win -
;Apply,. We handle the celebrated flazelinook Coal,
free from slate and clinkers.
For Plumbing; Heating, -Electric -Wiring', ,Tinsmithing,
Roofing. and, Oeneql Hardli,tar try us. All work and material
fully guarantee&