The Goderich Star, 1933-08-03, Page 5t lazt ,wek zt the
Lng ileversd
weeks with WS Wilaeh*
returned to ttis home' in:. Zattion, oa
ROO Taylor and little daughter
j1td at the home ot her -parents, Ur.
towlor,ler, ,a,few door .4ast
Mr ft. P. *unto and daughters, 704art
4 Zeta, are gueats Of hire, Norman
Murray at .her surnMer cottage at Sun-
Eet Beach.
mil -memorial service= at
c*meterywilt 'be helknext Allausday, kg.
6th, at 6.$ Bev.. VEr. Pocock wi
be "the aPelaker.
Wilkimota`i, of et. Helen. will
sPeakl* at. firepOatory servtre in Knox
'Witted' 'bakement • on. Thursday -evening
Of this week
Little'lvfistes Eileen and Joyce yread.
ruffles. Of Toronto, who spent two 'weeks
at the .lioine of .Ntr.., WM. Stralighan re -
'turned to Trento on Tuesday. They.Were sent here by the *eel. Air 'Bodo
service workers workers of that •
The larger part of *the-grainAn .this
eseetliin, is .cut and several farmers have
ter tAL*4
CO11%14000 33 will be oburved at Knox
tOrnitekeliumh 04 titthdad morin* nxt
when 'Rev, Alex. 10.0.14/144.
Toronto, z expectedt0 ilksaist at the Av.
Vise, at 'whieh a ases' Of young people
will'S•,,116,tu-tbe ehurela.
At the **heel meeUng last Monday
evening Atte proposition „td btiy the
huildhag where 'the cOntinuatiOn ;Chloe/
hold was ,y044, *Mit So it will still
be rented „for the,sehool. from, Mr, 'Chas;
The annual .serilee
In eon-
necton cemetery Will be held
on the evening. of Sunday, - Au*. Ott, and
wll,I eoalreence at .6.30.".m. The prea-
cher for the oecitsion, will he Rev. L. .1r-
poco,* 'rotor ef St. Marks Angllcan
ehureti. Auburn.* If - the weather s In-
clement the services will, be held in the
thimla instead of on the, grounds.
£p�nded to the roli001 by sise at
zriptue on. liroot.," The September
esting W.11 be held the hoot* of
Mrs. Etrrington, wilto true will be the
wathwcrd At the close of the Meet,
ng tbe hotess SerVed daintr Wadi,
Rev J. Wardlaw TOW; Of ,Ooderloh,
104 the preacher ter the 'Preslayter4n
congregetkel last Sunds.Y. Sem/eta St
tAtgleY, August fith.: Sunday school-v*11
be held at X Pan. and church at 4 p.m.
'this change of time Will continue until
August 21, when our r returns front
his. holidays.
Visa te,e* SnYder, Of, liondOri, 4* ttat.
lovely rain on TUesday was a wel.
is visiting at tliiigome-of
Robert -
MasterRoss144pouald, - of Peterboye,.,
WAV.P,ELEV 4831 -
s ,,, his .grandparentst and*
rs. A., r. •
Ing her father; Ur.; Levi Snyder.
' Vere !ciumikw.h*ra had the mis-
fortune to jem 40X'.40..'04 Monday, age
i.15 the -heat,
' W. Vette* rnOteieC,011 WItes,!'
day to Obiti14•*--tikke; Where he will'apen
- Mrs. Earl ,meXiaight and. iwo, children*
ris and tw:14e, visited. in With At few
ays last Week. ,
%its 'Gladys ,'Treble has ''returned t
tont° after speeding her vacation', at
.-lirrae- hero.,
Vggs olulis;_Vouhg:lx44 Mrs. Jean'. Wal.
ter, of Toronto, are IT/Kiting wth their,
•mother-OVIrs, .weeic -•
" „WOW*, *.
* .0kItterkhl' -Ott -MeflesettKlt
Irufled w . csno* th. Ootkrlcb. awn
IOW 'it
« Vit. V ION
**root .lionrox, wldow et the tote in, the famMY piot In
gthealf41 C41000, X.C;t4dlett On -Wed. 1(a1tI*nd emeter. ' • The; Pailborer*
riescley„ July' tteth. in her kird, 'Year. were H. 3. A, ktaotalii•U A. D. %Mem, ,
Urs. Camplon bad been ill tet the 111aSt: 3., HOW& ItObert404, W. H. il*bertaoh,•
four . -1„,tioit autiintri- she,etell 1414 Oeorge Wil*Ott 114td:liarry Edwards. 0
broke a bone In her hip freM..Whieb, she of -town relatWes litre for.,the-furieral,
lyrecovered. She was _horn An yew., A. cc, UtrAtiory Uri. Z C. Me-
(*oderlch arid was `the daughter of the Itenaie, T. 1,, and Miss Rut -
ate Mr, arldi$111rs. David Monroe. Her erferk "%WOW./ Thoinint .,,044_1,Ylet•-ii '
:Una rid, who ' Yu: Well known . here ..Margaret. ClisilAe.- Mr. ,1144._ *ea, i, R. 4
where, he 'prattlised law,' *1004K -her M.,e0Ornalele, Mr,. and . Vfell. E. ,u, Ohm
'by* ,-thirts.:,-,,nrsurvlved. byBrafltfordi.,Mrs. A.' A, RUggle,4titehine .
' three sena,: John, at hOnie; 0014 10Ven*
tey, and Edmond 'V.'. Of „Weyburn, Sask.,, ,
Itte X.'lltSIAN .
s, Dave . Aeon was at. yondesbero >11',0* 17‘4a;7, 'ClaYten. and -son '../ack- havevLr
.vodziesettry., ,.0114 ,wts ricompai4ect rvlsithig her paents. Mr. and Mrs, Jno.
etUrned ,tO the home, Putnam atter
an !r;eble, the past
Mrs- -Walteg--:•...414-13fifis' AO*
youuCut Toronto, ,Are holidaybag at, the 11T t"ITlt
home of their ,Mther, '.1+4re. ft,'
Young., , ,
The---tadies* Aid of the PresbYterlan:
mongregation .met ' ar-the Mrs.
Ernett-ivdtehen_ on Tuesday, %Wan :14'.•
'.texidinte--orV,ghteen anci:•-one
The president Presided. All inenibera,fe:
!-41144,-.0) it*T1100.6011(70 6
Vincent Gerotnette-40,er Short
, Hearing
• After a brief trial on 'Wednesday
inCrniAg", and, withbut; hearing any de -
Vincent, itieroMitte- on ;ii; -charge:77e past--Rev.-.41.- W. *• Oreselit' wIte# The SermeiitierY....-Ellen
sullivan;,if St-ratferd,-16*Ieuta ago, and
- , .
*150 by tour ,grautiehlicl.tell,• The tuteral •17140:14 bis-"aa-P4htet- at, -
'wok placerritity poittln0 trinu herjate aw. kfiehigant Aiehard J. P1e1IUI, well
toildence,,, 'Nelson street, to St.- Pefterta khOwu and 14hly, respiaiVeitraeri.• et,
au4 thenee to the Ronan ;Oath, -Okiderich tor • the, put. years,
oemeter4, Colborne, for, •taternient, c.i 41.144enly lil awl 4141 on itteht14 'et
Tequl!m hitioe wasSung by this week,. .144 hl,hia
' •
tt0.. " *
'.;";.VI`r4s. ,:tillar414'e,h91111114!,‘*3t.,1!ica9W-*Gt.P*114:,
Ilani e,rolluittrytt.k MWililani, was uerSRoss
Martiubrought to
doderich -, yesterday and' rests , at his
h3nie an Britannia-Uad. :The late /At,-
helo. was horikktA•tragqifd,'i„son,,,or th
egiuti ttool lrelaad, lI jieiIt.711, IS-
aliract;as4416 ylliou-nrritiar(419';ogilner t'QZA:t1t*izqstra:.,
Retarning to Atinitille lie married Oath.
1V -hard '* diet
married. William Morrisia, who
OeaSed years. Seyen
are: 'Mrs. Olarenee; 'Walters . and
Lottie ,001borrie• township;
Jane'. MerriSli„ at heine';''Mia.. Wesley
.01•Odeelehi Mrs. John Chisholm,
-Erattford .11071-atpaly.40;---Norgusri.4,a4;Ali.0.1Ci.K..4.,...,404IgAttArt-otto,rt rn
; devoted 'mintier, of Victeria. street and,-:10:,r01414A4vurirtiety •ItoSegeti5,te,,,
0! Caigary.
'United church and the serWeeS
.Oluelier, .Seek., are brothers,
ternefan Will. be taken Rev. J. E. 16
and Rev John zagott who altald • rei, rdward. goes of 'Cioderiott-lis sin
fence evidence, Judge "00Stelle.- p..equitted -Mg With relativ_es. the.labseriee'et Mei - ThelateMr. Phelan married his
a t- •
**being lotind, wIth4intenti to Commit -- - -
•j(10`• FELLOWS -• • 'indictable', o.frenee," . After three'
'Orewn_witnesses bad repeated ...:After' an *illness' .*extending. ove\ a year ‘geediliaoli relikee'tete'etZEPoe::/f-41'curoltiA,n, l'ji°111)dassens..-
. Attor. a.. 'Very brief Illness ,Uar
garet -410(1:+ak her • 1100,6". On
4:041e meet' ),14tioy 4u her, oath, vet
• t1.14-7141 A-44ir
A:0 dif4; before .hor. death; When taken'
atideni, AS a girl 'eit fourteen years
'470.1ne canada Ed!aiirgh.
tliont, reside with her. aunt, itte Isity.ine los Aro, wire.„ precle
- ceasedl .,,tWentyrnine years.- _The
-.hride and grOo.rn. to West
and took ,farrolhg.:`•teifibir to
Mar "S;.-lealr-eito;-.-'There'Vere-lour
• et,i berry to the- 140, union. They
-Brennan,--of --Paw,
E. Phelan of ,ViittYi
given at the • preliminary WO, Ills gett- Joseph reilowi died at his borne opx.
• said there was no - proof --of lord street Wednesday', aged .73 wits
guilt. • ti••biro at • Niagara -on,the-1.,ake, . Ontario.
joyed a joke. VerMahl, Years,ho was 0,
uoliej Oats; mrxt ' *au the Priv-Metal
force ,in -Northern ()Atari° and latterly
:Oir the .,niglit. O.k, 'Sunday,. July 9th, on. of the, late :Thomas, and, Urs..gag.- with;11-10 county and7munielpal-forcee Ai
Gerpmette 'cliMbed the roof 'of a home -Eamalon, relfows, He was , engaged in qoderieb,„. His was 4 familiar figure
ncl- held-4:,conversition-..-at Ille • WilIdOW ' ' ailway-4611r-laMS• Iffie, for- many gears-labout--• the -.county coat -house and' 'he
or in the bedroom of a married woman,/ as construction ,foreman: 'tee the: C.P.R. possessed many warm frieruisv The.
mother7f three, hid estranged troor,ber Vwentyreix Year* ago lie," was brought. to, eral will, be held tomorrTit. morning,
•'hurban ,. The .1VOlittk ' te4Ified shehad -CtOd ri h b • th Ontit lo West, Shore , , „,,,.
Invited him to tome- to-llifr,windovr for Railway, now *Ada. ailforeman, and
a e t. Her --Sliter - raid -mit ay -al was for the Dist safeen yearo• he has been
_tightin the MOM- and that she had or- ;With the;olut„ - :Surviving are his wi:fe,
der.c liim Ont.., The mother a the, formerly Mary., Ellen ;Parr, '-eof Ooderfeh,1 '
girls said she had Ordered aspused from 'five 'sansand, two daughters. They are: '
the premises lime and again. • William •of• fiis Angeles, Pred of Vali-
' "Despite: the evIdenee -given by her fax, Joseph Of iqiill Lake,, BaSk4' Prank
'Mother and ' Sister , This woman' Still . seats --and johai-e1-00der10;---Ifiss-Ilelen -Pe
to Th1eld,..,0ense4. Ile -had' - no legal lows and Mrs; Edward Porgie . of 'Toren-
buzslutess there," ooinffented Crown At- to: also one brother, velmema of Nu,.
'gara-on-the-f.ake,7and one." sister, Mrs. _
John Doherty , of Evaalo., The (funeral - _...
will be held taturday_morting at 8.48. '
with.. service at St. Peters',ehureh ' and ,
interment- in Colborne* R. • ,cemetery 4 ,-
rin House Dresses regular
• .*!it l a most unfortunate. ease, Pile
.witness' says Geromette was in the
..rcterti. the others says nor have no
; hesitation. M. saying that 1 believe the
erit: ,Witness : story' Was telt-fti a .
'Eltid Judge
Qestello. " X cannot legaily
find accused guilty under the section
under whh he is -charged, Thereis
ta doubt there is a moral, responaibility
onttSshoiddert, ilnd • if f Were able to
thid hike eriminail" 1-e onstblc tinder
no hesitation, rri.: 'Iriiiitthig _a rather
S.6=6, paiialtyP
-Bis Uotiot"Witi'io-d tfit ooliTig doves*
to keen aiTay,..from 'Ono Another, '
-'011:0W. STORE, NEWS •
vnit46:, spectalo -at less than coat.
•Itosos Fleur $249 p,sr, cwt..
scap, lir bars fo:ai4;
veviva5 Sher.Sher.P, ,one-ha,it tit
The -.$00. 'SWwier-te tor,easit ths
Iihrtrestigate tbeCojittior:
COritior Thernit0
WaSher is insulated to retain,
the heats Washes faster ° an,
Oeotiers°"Xt is 334 thoes thicker
than the 'resplar Copper, tab machine.
Built 41:1,eagetto last longer. ,
Conn 4.gitator, polished smooth tor
make it Safe tor iinest fabrics, wishoh
cleaner and faster.
New balk 6euring water tawnier with (*elite-x*11*
- 'riga 44e0Atticiquirkee. t,To tot* iolittatitig.
icCoits Longest
guarantee • ever given :,with a Washing
It will pay you to investigate the exiuswe ad*ian.
age*•ot. the Connor Thermo' Electric %litho before 4
Appmd :ithe 1-1,*dro'nlectrie Pourer Coininiss
oz:xo •ocw=ioztio
whin Bev. .Pither /Awry wUl sing
•-(inlezn high mass :• at --SC- Peters, elnitth..
Interment ;will' be Made in Colborne
O. cemetery, The* active pallbearers
ehoteritare: Michael and 'Jones' ouni,
IninEtk- Edward Brian,
.nptts, Martin; 411000$ McOrackcial, honor -
'Ars pUbare Capt;-. 1,4m*rison, W..
44Slaeri/14* Reynolds,. Sheriff,
Oliver -011r1r; J 3 KellYi !rho.
Oundryi3 ni .rtiono10. Oet)„ ...nd4n41-1
and Raymend Rednien4.. —
A native of :Goderich and one activelY
and intimately associated with the early
days, 'Atte.'_ (Captain) WlIIiazn 13a0, diedt
on Sunday evening last at the home of
her 'daughter, . • furdook,'
est,-tstree'alter,--a-abrief-lliites .
name' Oil' her, -hiniund;
Babb, -413-tr-witii-Ini wife euriduc,
OCean House lictel at -the for
thirty, Years lit the days 01 the: Jailing
:vessel., it familiarly- associated -withthe
d'OOdrItIi of the yciteryear. The ;ate
Nos., Babb was a daughter of. the. late
Harry- 140,4 „ and 'Mary . Payne Wood
/teed, who pailieout from ,Etagland over
;centitryage-and settied-irr tliederiChAn_
,the days of. the 'Canada -ComPati, 404- ,
' father, .carried the malt on 'his' ;back'
• thrOugh•the bush:front 'London: to Oode-
rich,it is rated; The funeral was held
On Tuesday' aftern04, Iteir," J.
/*//="fl OondUcting the s'erVizes ,at the
beind and graVe., tour grandsons' Ketp,d
as pallbearers: , rhomits, Wflliam .4.4d
Harry Tubb Patrick gurdooko
-children: 'stioltitie.' are -'kfts.
-14urdo* and ,Thearias Dabb, af OOde.'
, „
. ,/
JAMES) MaeltfeAR'
jairidf4Mgeltititts:-±IreilerabWeftIzxx 1111
this • town, died Sunday at lit hoin iri,
his 00th year. Ver eiglity.four yeari . he
was si reSident ef Goderiah, • itetivolY„.
aveciated With thq business -and
life af the togio:;ieverdit Arid beloved by
all, for his 'eneMplfory lifa, his, honesty
and,...intogritYAZ:Pett if any, Were' better,
kn'dwri in the.:oetuiromity. A t3n of thej
late 'Adam Autt otty 14taevear, iic
was ,,b0n at Otiathairf,,,his parenta
' to that eity. front Edinburgh, :.1--
Seetlantl,-,,Whil etill a bet-.;they‘.4eams
to OOderieh, 'Ate (deceased Autt
father Were for many years. 'engaged
tto mxsourytrade • is. coxitrotors and
-Why of the'''toW-Wo-tulidinga stead -it ,
moritinierits,• 'to their- Workmanship.
rhey 8i.efre.
the first lighthouse, „the. count:it tourt! "
house, Mitt/arid River 'bridge; the first,
GraMmar, Sthtietlite* the tollegittop, ,•
Triatittite),' the .041.,fid:-SailkIrlikitelOtit
10We-end rettnerets reildettesItt t.owil.1 •
'The late Mt, Milieltioar was Writ -the,
year The., (;lobe *ma fottpded, arid that
yor., his tont% *mitts .otoelatee.wlth
Alexander Usitloorts itt fli ( tont ,
Hen ,of the litrat Welland' trianal„, St*.
•,eierileed -fOr lt. It bac elute heft Ono
ittithtly in, lit hone isnd lit read
usitll le, OW days before 'dosthk, 'Thei
was prtottott itylr the-ttoderi4ht
Iiltctk*i,80elety end an authOrity,
tb 00,1y dipt,betobotatt .-14tot
ht *rt xxift4'144111 f t116,;,
These rites
or urs( ay, ..rt-
August 3, 4 -grid
IIUUJ ttidriey 'half lb.
rnoked .Style, Port
- •
Vorh-Oratitt Sugardeurad SMOKED
or Halt
sytheinect lb. 23(
Iice R. foe
igit; • tritillo okkh,":41 41'44;14144
,eititIti Ed rotilt:di:!0;isiibli
A -4k- P yo*
O*nIthief( of Air kis
nsoirmxied 01'4 gpi
„ .