HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-12-2, Page 6tuj ltinilttntrpartIt ttt "LINTS FOR TLU WQPrlii OF TILE • 111UNTU. Soft roots and hollow ones, which °tweet be !fitted, are profitably fed to either pipe; sheep or young o:Lttlo, and alio to cows that are dry far•trlor) has been, elected Member of Parliament far Wexford berough,with„ oat opposition, to fill a vaoanoy, AN MON i)ARIi sole. Dublin, Nov, 24.—A Limerick oar• re6pondeut says the Government, in eoneequeuce of representations made ill oonuee'tion with the late attempt to murder a bailiff at tho determination of the people t') bunt bailrfib oat of 'I hrast1iag must be dfella'enllrttll r town, have ordered an 1''on barrack for . elle tempos ry aocommottatiuti of the wheu yarn eta get the thrasher—No i4 spoeiral pollee, ie tae urigbbnr• is moll to speak kr it in seas" . Tho heed where the entrap took place.. suozier grain is thrastle+l the 1110ro there The structure' was removed by rail to t\il1 be of it. It should, ho;vevtr, ire Newpa111)s to -day, but the police were thoroughly dry. Small fanners will unable to not tlnvulte to remove it to ! improve stormy dap as they come byits iutended bit The barrack still ro- t.ilaxhiltg by hand. Besides this suit- able wain at the railway station, �} INGRA't`iT1T1)P TO A G+ICNLROUS LAi'il)LORD, aril) •clay Wolk is palutll)g and A Lnughrea corespondent says Ed- clealving of tools oiling and Mending of b UUb cuUiu r L1t!tliio.,r wood laud day who turas shut on 11In t day summa , is a most papular land Ll »tjt11'e1 8 t I. Softie of the beet and Mot suooessful Waters aro those who ditto been driven , to U'e farm as 'a refuge from business 1 revereos, and many shell 41:o now daily leaving the citie to find homes to the the oolintry, Both or those and those who aro "native to filemanor born," we would point out to what seems to ue really the n1(4st profitable result of a ffarm life;tand that which to .1s has beeen productive of the most 'comfort and enjoymout than all the pecuniary results. P UBLI.'O SUPPLIED "ell like jabs e''':•:'41‘'" Lll,uli every lard. He recently subscribed liberally fat to. to the Parnell def�;r)oe Thu poultry year Ctllllllllllt(+11 last I1lPORTA loN OF AIMS. mouth. With plenty of core and some ,t L,,odon, Nov. 21. --Telegrams from lhiug t: Pick np is 4 ,e barn, 1 )(iu1. Dublin !arae( lark State that levee quatn- tl'y 1Lte!'t 4 e: 1:1.i+!-t.V iii weight, arlll titles of arms end ailrlriitioq are re - should hifo,c:tt soii'rl.;alts the wow calved daily and distributed throughout tLer ret""i" LY1ud)113t(', '!leu the l thertu•.> nater goes lower and low or.the ' Irtlan(l, file iuvoicos ate principally \lilt tire! g hardly frtiuli rltnerica,but largo quantities come 1 slain; su11d z:1y, (arid l rig's fi'()ul flurlc. ; (ley escape the vigilance held their ,twn,thaug'tl consuming more feed Of course that would be the time to kill ii everybody did not kill at mice. Those who have warm airy houses for their poultry can profitably 1_ tion of the police hi some way and but few eeizuree are ret) )1'ted. TIi1:; LATE AnF13-T>- - Dabiiu, Nov. 21, -Tile ditto of the to then until the reactionG')wOo and trials of the indicted Land LeaguLreS hoe been fixer( for the "1 i th December. prices line; but th040 who watch the Among the fonrtoeu men arrested at Cork this morning for participating in the !',(dial) procession i3 a soldier. The prisoners have.boon committed for Theve persnu9 arrested near Lnugll- re:t., county of Galway, for assisting t0 reinstate a family it! a Boase from market may take advantage of tiuotu- atious as they come at any time. Do not work horses at ail on the road if they have -colds or the prevalent lr:tivarzzn, absurdly called "e})iZugty, the best cure for which is n wart!( airy stable, -and perfect rest, although they ou lit to have a run iu tllo b:tlru• which it was evicted, and wile.) were re- t yard duringtLe warmestgar. Tram of tueIrano udett for trial,huva been di:charged, Cows which aro giving: mint must for ta21ury.tratt3 static!!( it ,vas no case have an increase of feed. TM engel/4, or J A SUDDEN' Ft732:1£ tali. E'Igar beet:(, are beet, Cut theca in London, Nov.24.—z. Dublin tris• slices, and sprinkle them with bran, 14teb ttays the Co`ulnantier of farces in (telt foe:! hell to bu11101 more or less at Ireland has received a SUIhIUn autnrl7etha a time, after the cows have filled them- on Wadi edey to meet Foster, Obiof !•elves with hay or corn. S )ft turnips niey be fed ti, exile cows at mining - tone, olid not flavor the milk, L.lep up the flow of Milk, if possible, especi- ally wale young cures, by feeding meal, serve on the jury in the State tr•ialw; bran laved route. for fetor of very severe injury to It is much better to hill pies ee11r their bushes„, or murder. lie the than lute, As sol)n as the c Id =.' "s -..!her , cornea on + t n,•a' , little.,r merchants ll::ve dirLtilt:fl i\,'lit( all parts pica \%iii . lt. very 1. ul the d/nil try they fear being "'Boy - any, and often lose d,,ring colli attains• tuttfd” if the trnver ars aro �nnvicled Tberefilre.erowd thrall if (lot fat enough to kill. Feud occasionally 1 tilverized 1 0\ Cott 1 Sa received :6 tllt'c3atellIllg !letter r bearing the Loudon rust mark.charcoal to hem) their dl:;eative fuuc tions iu toile ; keep them clean and 1, b-. war nand c)as tlleln to eat every ounce F FAMI LIFE, possible. Secretary, et the Castle. erneto T•) 51 311 ON T1113 JIRY. Dublin Nov. 21:.--3lerchlultt( and other citizens declare thi•y will nut IIIELAND'S TROUBLES. MARI111TINO 13 rive T's ItAT Vrs.r. Dublin, Nov. 2-le—Fifty-seven sacks of Boyeedt's nEwly threshed o. ill have been d'):,patcllod from Lungiiwzsk to Coug for shipment to G.aiwt(y-, theno by train to Dublin. They were Mout to Ong under .3an escort C'' 'f cavlllry, in- fantry, poiic-•in:ten and UJIster!non. 21 'ER AC:aL3.T:i. Cork, Nov. 21. •F.lurteeu men were arrested this morning for participating in a Feni•all 11z(.c,::<li0u from Whieli fourteen shote wet e fired: Talo police state that shuts were directed tow sed: thew. TRE PItOSEI;T'TTr-;.. h Lnnden N,.v. °?4 Tiie case of Philip Ct)tlsee,cllarged with libeling il,ex1ndet nll)vatl, 13 Pu3tp )ltt'd hurl! S tin 41 1?}r• The leo'd .MLtj'('r of litblitt allottraces the C'Pl81tl4lr1rimi of the feet that only d:':)i.JQt) hear; 1.131.1 raise.t of the lien thousand 4;'+''8' 11'y to defend the Land Leinerters. Ile tausforrad to that Lund 410.3, the b 11 41,00 of the roiiiical de feeee fitusi, of which he is the sole sur- viving truetee. A LANDLORD IIIOT AT. h`,u1edy:, a land;ura near Lerrxb'et3, who re:euily t .fusel to )iceet't Griffith's v.4lnation, wise tired at hist night whilst w:tlkingiu Li3;riutlou. Threeyshots were filed but all nlieeed. 1);?; "(1,},1;:15 00131,78" ACT. Len(lun, Nov. 2 -1. --It is stated that Poster said the (ov.ernllleot may, in at)tie pati,n1 of Parliamentary action that would authorize each etep, aus- Fend the JI.,j':tf8 (iur'pus. Act, and nn- prieou 011 the leading Lamest Le agners. The W.)r'lal says De11Cunsfle:.'t w11i move the suspetl;.Lvn of the habeas Corium whin Parliament meete. Nc:W L343) LOAGT1a BRAlrcrn:.—? () SAVE li'JB IBE3L EleTA'EP. Bait week lllirty•teine new brarroho. of the Ltint TLaagne were organized in d•.fftrent seetious of Ireland. Dee ]'a'gttis. nt Couynglearn's Chirp estate. was pet up for ssl•e the other dray, 'So(.ne purtione •no one would buy al any plies,. The pticee offered for other por-ietes were, EtO 801141st haat the sale 14 bin p1 ly teruiinntd. Ate rerm'r11D.l,eeire :L(AC3t38t1 .•. ELECTED, TO 1PAM Thlir1I3T. Luudain;' Nev..24.--Healyt':.1,11ij Sec.' retary of Prleuell, alecently- committed ou. tl!w charge of a,n.tilui:ttiatiug. a 401/1.44 'not memurod by dollars and cents, ex- ists in a feeling of inde,peod .11co and security which n0 one can possess more sat(-factori'y 1114311 a good farmer upon it good farm, well stocked and free frau, debt. No reverse or rerul:.iou of of .sire can touch a1Ttr. - Iu the worst of time the world rust eat laud be uletbud,•1T1d the 1'1rin, r feeds and clothes the wo:l1. Ilii ttl lrket can !lever fail. Thera i9, in addition to this, the vast 5atief:aetinu of possessing in security so!nnthieg wflieh he c all i(npr•F,ve and adorn !end 91,x'1,11 1114 hours of love upon. It pays to live and breathe; • S )wilt! pleasttre9 } aC ; the att ehille)lts of the family p tr ; the culture derived from tl:e at.u.'ly_ of book4, of men, and b,.antiee, aiiL1 the 1Oyeterles Of Mature p:ty.; arch all these the farmer illtty en- joy, njo ', if he will, ie a greater degr:3e than t}3• n'0jnri•y of other rrie'' Ile ii ay 11bnr (larder and be exp, oil to hest 441111 cold eel rain and StOrtns, bat the :%r.3 p ,)f til :l l.ab8ri!1g. 113143) 1.. sweet to hi.0 ; he breathes the pnre.-t air, and ou,jeye toe c'tsy dieeith)11 of his food, which c)llsists of the best and the freshaxt the liehle, gardens and .)1'Gll,4rtle yield. •1Ie may "find tongrlee in treee, books in running brooks, se - (itons to etude:3,0nd ,mod in everything. In all them he may 0,nut his 'profit, and the farrier who ignore all but thi limey tie can gather at the 011(lr of tin year, lives but a email hortiau of hi: life, and thr4t the worst. It is all that 11)lakee the p04sene-inn of a pisoe of land a p+3ssiuli inherent 11 the di,,pnsittou of ra man, altholl„;h in. may bot fully recognize it and it i ',ht4 whiell forces the gueeeseful man t' seek ,'eereatien nl)o1T a. farm and, the disappointed to find .solace there. . Jlist at this time fliers are more -men than ever lookingto-a f; i'nl ea rte more cer'tairi•po(setesion, and to. farming as a more seeureiyprrifitello and more. de. entcble 0cei patiou thanbtiwifler8s•'yram line to.be Ili tile near fatales'.. One of the compensations of a farm, }` 1411.141)er than tier. O4SHWi)&L? FURNITURE WAREROOMS W t. W. BALL would! 1tW:unte to these about to luroi h houses or in 1/0.1t1 of allytlti.Ig 111 his ting t!tat 1111 lits 1 3(•il laui =1Iy to his facilitia;T for turning out Fist -class \Vorl:. Bash, Doors alai 1'I.ltu 1'r'lynit. ; uu 11 4111, .111 Or(lers a Specialty. Cai.vu 104:1 d 0,111 Dt$awuu(1,.1 one 17, DWI; NyrINTER .?'. -1.:1:1 LINE Ti MISS GARLIOK Iris received a 001 st0e,k of Deaver, Carnel Hall', and Felt Hats, at very low price and latest st;1e4. Also a 1011 lin,. of n ve: t Trimmings, Tltoae v:b') two: lar Wit` -1 11 call wi11 bo sure to t' sol14ethl11g t41 snit them, boat 311 style and Price. arecV Goods. TTo'iiton 11t 1 P lint Tirai041, ISerl1rr and .Fleecy Wools, () tot)t 1111 anti Slippers, ]rack (•mud's ant 13r(.i 1 iu i';4) dbn.tr,l. ^ln3t air, 0 tr , eto, Thom Gn0t1..11111•t1ee(lolurcdcm3 111111 W111 by SOLI (heap ort:tau they 'a ,e bo g.,t Luywlrtro olso in town • J.C1 A1. ICI(. \i AIN. STREET, P 1. 'C1:Ir t T„� wik 5 11 W.. lit, (1140 til 1111,1(1311't, (.Intl ext 0- DP, (r 1,t •1t.r T I i (t ,.1 dl V1‘. cutis. rodie01 t'i 341"t1.1 ...134 Cil t (without mt- ilin)3n)01 •lrvnt+3.3 1 tc ,1ent.tl-and 133y3:ren 11 up 1ty n 1 n 1 +mit to gar: !ago, eta., rc'. atll l: l lti elle• $ r :1.11 ill .t 'Only 0 'cents e• i,) td. r,:t Irl .. 'rhe t-11brcit t t 1t11'_ 0 t 1• adnlir11Lle'1ss11y n 01^ati 1 sat t t iron/ t ,tV 3tau 4' ,)ice.0S 1111 1`1 rt , t. tt 1- a : i rc( CO :v/1 PS %nay bi radically cuxoa wit; nut 1310 .1111( 1 111 483 r4( in tomol znedieines t tt. 1181f of tun u ; Point wit 11 1. c n. wave n +-u l,i•h. t-, ,Rn au,4 411' fe+a') 11 t1V i S I It (3 t i Let .1 " .41 -Ids, 4, Ilt)1(1 tt to ,vumt h 1, . nut 1 , t (IVO ;.'InuLso11 ah.rlat l t t lti a 3.r ti tl ti.,t T.'t1.'1 '. t Ca,110301. 3,11 Ll .-3U 111.311,.• If ever? youth 3ti) 1 i r ev.'1 y nein ht the hum. 11.0E CL`4'italWE.LLMEDICAL U0, 41 Aim Street, Now T it. Mao Box -434343 o' id t 'SAPA ILA Gnl wra��Tt r� a ��19id11 tr.c 1Lt •r' :..lying tb,e !E-1iod r1' s 1"i in use for 26 years, and 311381-s to he t,0 Fr':t preparation 01 the? 1.134:11. for 31 1( }TEA 1, &011E, PAIN IN `„L)E OR BACK. LIVER COld- '14 PI%,'L) 1 ON TEE FACE, orad alt Diseases tam. 13, 313, r ?'n a Disordered Liver or an r) > n:.,1 Thousands of our best a:;d give it to their ehil- t n t r , ,prescribe it daily , Those ,, a recomraend 1t 1.0 others. 1 1t ,1) fl 1 '4 e11ow Dock, Iiondu- l` ) 1.Vild Cherry, Stillingia, 3a:4161,11. , .fess, 1Vli.tergreen. and i' v:.l t rt 1a•n valuable Hoots and it chi. It i3 st 13301134 veget able, and can- -lot. (51113t the most delicate constitution, 1. ! : tea" of 111,e best medicines Muse for a u trier the Bowels. It !s 811) by all responsible druggists at one dollar for e, quart bottle, or itis J tett for i3v'e dollars, Thor' who cannot obtain a hnttTe of toll medicine from their drurtist may it`ntl eta one doilor, and wo will bend it .•4 tlleln, 1 Y, 301330TOIT ti GO , Iuanafaotcrors, 53n8311Tneaa, Orrr. € &API.rte ty Y. COWANAgent, EXETER NOTICE, Tho Council of t0, Corporation of the COUNTY O F HURON \v:31n't3et in the rrC➢'�. in the Tow of :. /171.v.glaarri, 011 Tuesday, 7thlaxinter next. All accounts must be presented heiress. the first 90eslan of.tee hod day of )naethat;, . PETER ADAMSON , Gens .Cliel tx. 14Tov omtlt.r:2211c1,.::880. 8t. • lz( i';14xc1 ) L880 1)orninioll Or'ans i i i` Q, iianos9»5, Tile IJttrt. s 111t°j lMl ?, 140x1001tta4'f, I..1a highest Honors f ( " 1 f i1 i 1t1 M1ifl.Lll A14,1 l'Ti't 1):i ," :!` 1)o ,1, GOLD MEDAL ..V1' .'I Irhl�I �1!lt 1T'3'it 1II(1.1Ft4TA11;111 1 1l; t i';istt,. 'We are now Iil,??..L.fo.()1) n Best in the 1..11^.,rket, Q+orrc”.4 Fyitai"'ll(-r n trated Catalogue. .LUitli'3•4 bier. 1(1,11.'4,1'0 SST' at ry •w.'� as�,�p '° �3 :°e^� n,)tt'. �.. 7- � �6n �'�, •.tea .w a k,48't, �c,.e• 1 ';bt'! .�011lllli(13y itt the NVorld, Twin. isn't). 1R'79, l)rI ;11t Plano(',, 'ti. Send for '7.\-;14L1 , ONTARIO. The only Medicine ._e k,hau t<4,..., a':. ,..,!�'' pt. s._:es Blood, acts upon the Liver, , G'&C„1.,3, n;.r3, oral l”{+'''ne•y., while at. the same time it rt'ih.ys iier'vous .t..t,i..q;,.ticzi and strengthen. the DebilitateSystem, perfectly 1 speedily curingBiliousness, Jaundice, yEpept 0a Ct s»'i • •i111piton, lead~che, .shei.ma;isa, DioAs ,3 U0O and GE:, eral Debility, FE.w1n Complaints, Eter.oBila, Eyai'el1Cz Salt Rheum, and every species of Chronic Disease arising frcar. Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or E1(?cd. VIE DEBT CETI,' pi6iltFt'lf°Ru TOMO. 61 INE WORD, sample Polcte. I0e. T. 11113R2I & GO., SOLE AUNTS, 73110870. Pte„Mar Eire, (;51!.4:3) i 3lrs. Freeman's W01711 l'o`v,Cor is a safe, sure and' effectual destroyer of worm in chatircu ,rz adults. Price sg cents or 5 fur $1. Freemen's NOW F10' emits ryes are perfect in every rn1or. For bri;;htnrss ;old uuialihity they have nu equal. Price x5 cents per l:ackage. 3. M.,.,,.,.....,.,.x-..,.,,.,,ntnnraw,,trz,,,,r,...:. - la• -n,. -m 6-5 YY v ++tit 177.. P Pi\ l ri, 4 tj V SIQ:Cmp>r&-..� 'Y[.l.LL•Cm,i4.@.a� ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOOT MIL4,13L434 REMEDIES ltd THE Wom.3 FOS THE CURE 0 Goighs, Colds, Hoarseness, SoF3 Throat, Bronchitis, (Mitre. iza; Croup, ',.,,; hooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTiO?. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES •, ii It does not dry up a cough, and leave Mc. e� ' behind, as 2s the case With most prepa)ctio s, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allay is ?- tation, thus removing the cause or complai,.t.” DO NOT 3B DECEIVED by articles . bearing asimilar name. Bo sure yerl get 1)1:'. WISTAIt'S BALSAM OE WILD CILTilliiy, with the signature of "I. MITTS" on_ tike wrapper. 50 Cents and 01.00 a Bottle. Pr" - pared by SETli W. Fowx, & So s, p(3St+,1, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers, generally. r.�.��= amres_•-man. T37 (marl! A Protected Solution of the Protczielo of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the )1J blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by tho use of the ( PERUVIAN S' nap. It cures a "thousand ills" simply by TONING 17r, Ilrvreorarrxe, and VITALIZING tho system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searehir,c out morbid secretions ' ' ),king for disease to feed upott. 60)8131 one 331eret et' the , wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, . Dropsy, Chronic Difl's'nccia, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all diseases ol'ie,inating.in a bad state.ot' the bion!, or accompanied bye debility,,or !t low StatO of the system, , CA.trp.1o' Be sure y,ou get the `oi'Fr •, Soli) b ,dnuggists,gener. ; ally. nit. ':1 1 •,1313 free to -',any address by Sea+ra ;tfii 14' ,;vs, 1'ropxio448, 86 rieon•,;,4,t,(rt4G ., 131ai2{•.