HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-08-03, Page 3SILVEt WDD1N1
Mr. and • Mrs.' Reuben „ forni
inton.citiitons, i.bal.ebrittett tbelr' t
ty-fiftb., wedding-arntivorsart In 'an
• lord on rrit10,- oil' 214,
4The not • Proceeds .from the xece
41%014 Wilt be har44 over to ttjte
PaY. rod. Of
DEATH O Etttgatig 41,41it
*it' -040, and old
, Much esteemed - resident -or
pissed 'AWAY, at tile Scott Memorial os.,•;!
Pitaf on Saturday, *Ink"' tal* '011-004.0
an, One% .0t over, two
. .
And Mrk, Joseph Routledge,
Jch, announce' the 'engesernent
.daltiPter. $.4* Josephine, to
Isecnited.Artnue Bitic,,SAA., of ,Otteledt,
sop of Mr Adam: Ent and the late Mrs.
Birk) of ahwood, otitario, the mar.,;,
riage-to- take place early in ,August, '
'Mr, •Wilion HawkIns,o . bas
been ed the contract for delivoring,
and poktn& up kgght for ;he Of N. R.
In Se.dorth, ie USA purhued a new
Pard tortlek from t
• Cul?mOttreatElio
A 'Very Oh* but pretty Wedding was
Solchinized at Northside 'United church
parsonage,* at •nine o'clock _Saturday
morning, July 22nd when
-Fisher 'Reid. younger daughter of
,.'faid and the
-" torth, , was united.-- r e -to M
znorei of -Seaforth. The ceremony was
, •
petfornted by Rev. Nit, P. Lane.
flE. 0, R. PottsT44,
--„,„1 •
• Utalmiii and. Aura1,33001)ital,. assistant at
Moorefield's; :EYe.,-'111oSpital and Golden'
Suare--Thitat 104344- London,
03 'W.st61"100 'let :P., 'Stratford .Tele-
-At:H4tet 'AedfOrd.---oottericii[frain
o'cloek-ori• the evehlhir Of the thh'il
day - until .the foliowing
daY. 4440-44
Next visit SepteMber -I8th.
Engineers ' and ,Surveyors •
Phone 110. 'ooderieh;
.1100,4 AgS,
` R. C. mays„'XiC,;•:and R. C. Hays, B,At
•,•Bantilton street, Cloderich.
• Telephone88;- •-•
• •
OUGLAS R. NAlp.14.
. ti4tAistieand.•.Scalciter
Baltott-Sto„ Plehe-512.-
--TO-AR-CC Tioli1,,Lf.".LAY, ,14.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. -•
Irene' Zi2p,-,74lAr44-T0ts1-44-1,,--0-etierith,
•Tiarrister, 'Solicitor, Notary 'Public,' Etc.
liltIceestor;10 J. L. -ICilloran.
'hone 97 onice, The Eltiuitre, Gederich.
M..."LEB., •
• ,
TitatrIstet• and 'SOlicitOr _-
LifeBide, ',Adelaide and Victoria.
• Telephon.:- Elgin 5301
Tortaite 2. •:a-
tpa,1008.5 PRAC4.,-.
'Equipped., With electo,magnetio bathe,
.tclectronle. treatment and 040*
,praetic, 'chronic, organic artd. 'nerimue
diseases. Lady.. in attendance. „Office
toirititent. Closed Wednesday 'fro
to •
-;:.Airratr" tat, = -resident*"and
office,' corner: of South -Street •444:- Bri-
tannia ItOtot, PhoneAUCT.1011EgiTTrIG
r/10IVaS gt:SoN:'-- •
'Mr. And Mrz. C 11. Itanglo;':of
deld„ *Monne* the .oniptifertiertt"Or their:
.400 daughter, Anna Mae, to Mr. jOhn
Morntoolik, M.A., son,. or the' bite, ,litmeS
Mointosit, and Mrs .11,t0Int,00ll,..or--**-
itorthi the marriage . -to- -takes plaetin
01160';•fitOWN,,DOWN TIIZEE;TIM*,
To ,have hts woodenode blown 'Own,
three times within a few *rooks has been
tho ecprtencc 01 Vitt.. 0. Shrag, near
.Aurroh, Thesilo was blown aver' during
the *Seit.ert
1•40,4iih the Seetion.'440140.:1,ekelFag% Lt
*gel*. '.44p again but th*wintletortn
later wreked It again and
.another strong " wind :41.*t
„ -
WINS, 'SOf,10.4iltfilaii:
Master Dick Wilson,. '- Mr. an
Wilson, 'of Sarnia, *boss
-Mother Was formerly -Miss Vera.tobb,'
graduate, of „photon:, collegiate,,_
at the ,:recent HIgh
hoof -entrance exams by witunag• the
TOW. e, rcd eacli year ut
7the,,--hoy-taking,the highest Marks„ al-
so earl** a JeaSII'Pr4eq' *
uton,.'C_otinty boy, .is.•dittect*
at".Reghia 'ne#71tiollth;-,•',1417-14ittsk**V
a school .te,tieher,.1h". his , yontit,•bitt • went r
a -_,..homestead. repreSeAted • Last:
Mountain In .the..-SaskatelieWan
'ture for a number or--Ytare and hae 'had.
-the, portfolios, .eduction
and „Prov_tirt4 secretary.
Alt IS 'BLOWS 9: V ER, ,
The ..long, Straw "barn adjon1ng. the
ouutit, Alexsolop; was.biown over during
A. 'recent sterin.:,Mr. ''Sinith• Wes' doing
the rnilklng *vat O'clock
storm • struck.' :As he rari to clOse. a' door
the -barn roollaPsed,. but fortunately he
was not- injured, 'other than having ;his
'OlOtheS,, torn - by a., failing tiin4er, There
was no,i'nsuranee : • , "
• While Jack,- Nicholson,' eldeS sort, of
and.;IVIrs. Wllliam Nichol , east
boundary ' nearwaostaio,,' was drawing
barrel .Of water on the th"'
team he Was. Ititiving became frightened
and ran away. -jack was thrown ti. the
ground and •knocked unconscions.--
sustained a, broken collar, bone; also a
token -rib and was -badly-eat Vid-brAltS*
ea :000 the headand face,. '
. ,
• Three-) Moretowns in Huron •
Vett:fa 1,e'rvlee,,of
vino th*% town
Widths. „
petty lawn weddln took placa at
o'clook Wotinood*Y, 604
Cori may 3ervio, BA., daught
and , Mrs. Oliver 4. '4orvis.
Farm, Base %Ain% near Chnto,b,
was married to Arthur Irlitome Bishop,
,A. OCOU1* Ontario. The Uey„
Oa offlotated.. marquee,
th hri inS�ith, son Of. Ma
th and tile rata '47Ohti, 3. atttit4.
00tieriC1 irownatOp. The, ceremony was
perforated by Rev. rector
Or aft' Park 14 thirty
iprto mrved, Atter which the boo Igne*ts_. The ehurcti ,e11-
cosouplcoo,leLt ttbytthuemenotorio eia*,fOr rifo volit°004;:tvi :0:001.,w4e4Gti7dut."4•Woirhlv'utelna7VIviloetylowill' t Othf
ISgtven in
te. Mat* bradtravellhu mortue,by her tatttot000ko or in
1101"04 1,100010 plpk etepo with an,
obattruidered. Jacket. A Idetitt)s- hot,
Pallor shade, •Whito lace, mittens, shoes
And hose convicted the -tostUrneN_. She
,oarried & bouquet of Ainerteari *PeatitY
roses, , white **met Deo; And maiden hair
fern and Wore.* white gold pendant „ get
with' rhinestones, the gilt of the bride,
groom, Charlie tererrill, eouSin or the
bridogrnam. was 01044 and as the
French blue stilt WIth 'Per 'accessories,
On their returnMr. ad We. 131.0(top,
-wm *made iu 'BUr1logt041, Ont.
DEATH OF, CLINTON latt'stotorr
The deat,4 occurred early ,MondaY
morning, July 24th, of Mrs. 1,eueindo,
• j`
's•01,kioebevLot.„Que„toe, at 01,4 age 01
77 years and four days. Mrs. Walking -
thaw was born at Aneaster. and.,_ as a
young giri Acme& With her Parents to
-Huliett township. A feat years, atter her
,nisattage, she moved to- Clinton, -where
She has .since resided, 'Mr.- Walkinsitale
TrodeoesOod' his wire by five years.. Aittr,
,and and-xrs,;T. R.&lo„oms, also
'Wo' &Werth "Mrs„ J. Mcgnight and Miss
J. Miller, and •orie ''brother, Mr. R. 0,
,M11,10,.. all 'of Clinton,
--.0$1,tattATs,-.1*3$0, MittfidDAX,
• Mrs. Margaret Agur, Of Hen/tall. cele-
brated he 102nd birthday On Monday,
of last week; Mrs. , Agut was born
Prince ,Edward : esountt on Amy 24. 1831,
and has lived all her long life in :On-
tario, In 1805, she was married' to gr.
Agar and 'for It number ,or years lived In
ingers011:.1,4e0....heXi...4usbe44 was t'PrS:4-"
"ti--eid-,•when,-Queen -:,•ltictoria was
crowned and well remembers the ;-time.,,
,cati anything be- ma*. for
tifroman. - than ^the colsoisss round of
Wambold duties? • You WOW no Ow* to .
be sick o ••• you aro 'tired• *Mai
yorcaunor stop. Thoco.coiAls,11 Molt
When something Snaps and you ,enti
- yourself simply worn our.
, .
••Lydist-E. Onicbanes,Vef.tablt Com.
pound !On holts,you. It* tonic action Will
•liiTo you tenewsd"Stronith,
,your dsily taskit_sawn assIselorAu
our of onto: let womenwho report
t0,us se‘ttksy aro bemated bth
y is
AsKz:raZii" .MI`ktile,bottle.-.from your thug.
Oat today and worth Mrs *WIWI*
bride entered the etotrob, played the
weddlng fliato .0 He.
oleo: -Aired during ,the Omani( .ur, the
gi,tter •. Mile 'bride and bridegroom, were
11;40440d: Immediately following the
eeromony the'wedding party returned to:
the hOmerof the hrlde's.; Parents, where a,
innehlion. was eerVed. Two friends • Of
the bride, Mimes Dorothy .Corliss •and-
Jesate Cameron,j.106.140:1-.‘ • The -house
uecoraPon. „color scheme was pink and
I white. Stietnner$ were 'festooned' frOtif
the Centre Iblbare,tq the Valle and bas.
kets.:Ot pink and White tauturfer- towers
lent their beauty. The -long -th;ble
.whieft .thirty guests eat down wits gm.
tred •avith, the bride's, cake. Pink and
white sweet peas and carnations and
Pink landlo* in Silver holder ti with gold
horseshoes for luck; formed the table de-
corations. Later Mr. and Mrs. Smith
#0,441k,A- 1W.Volfc_41-..--4110-3tr. id
801nr AWAY costume Was-t-White--nOyel
tweed. swagger suit vv,Ith matching turban
and .willte.• accessories... On, their return
AliKorig--11Pr Mosk,.•-lutze91-P°044-51°n8.---Are. AlleY-*111 relikle-at•theliase LinerOode-
togroAldateilr, lettets from the Hon. MC; rira The •bride was a Inent-
-,nett-vport-reachnig---her-4.0ptk-l4rthclaY; 'gifts received 'was' "handsome ,siiver .su.
icenzte 4ratig-7,and-the---4Ion-.1,14,-41., 'Ben- t 'their* eittgarnotig- the
„ ' gar andsream. with tray fraiu the choit,
-Persian BithnT:trie_,creater and..preierv;, Members,:-.--„Out-Of.ltown guests itt - the
cr-of-,beantifuLoonapleidous.,,,Z.„,-Tome tooghls1146Ci,,hteluded_4gr,-,0,114...1qrs,-,FR,'Aq
splet rind woliderrullY • stinittlating, Hunter and Son, Donald, Miss Edith
-Safeguards 'and *beautifies. the Most deli- Johnson,' Mr. C. ; Torent0;',,
--cately4extured-s -• coolsltaCrelieves- -Barbara
ar-skins finale& r Irritated,* weather glesleY,' Halibartant-.00.4----Mr.7--and Mrs..
conditions. Magical in results, .eek. :lit- 'Harry Hayes and .0arnet Smithy. De.-
, tie' gentle rubbing- and a _youthful fresh -
nes •and daintiness is instantly created.
Invaluable :for solt4ming the hands and
*making' them flawlessly white. Truly
the' perfect toilet reenisite.ler the vaini.
Live Stock „detieref Auetteileere.
Eight AVej, Gladerleh.
Sales -Made everywhere And All efforts
rade_ to give you...Satisfaction.'
Varmere vow tdiretainted.i .7
Phone 119.
- NOTAICY-A" 10, ETC .,,
YT „
Perietal t.:onVeyant
Good Companies
, lotions' 298.. •
treltILLOP. 141ITti
4,11.0t COMPANlit,,
.10,Artivi AND 'ISOLATED otc,*N roo.
, r
Valurt-ot PrOvetty Instlied nrY
to 3n-
uary, Mo. S3A48,8'15.00. _
OPPB.ARIEfge( Mdeartx0t.,,Orest,
dent, 11.'11. 3, Sea:forth; Connolly,
rice-PreSident„,. Ooderich; 'Menton, *Id*
, litec.,Treas„ Sesforth. .
-talttOTtAtili-kites. Walton:
if.titur„ Constance; Robt. /*eras, Har -
lock; John Pepper, Brutenelt A. Druado
- took "sesiortlx; 04xv. rAnhardt,: Droad.e,
• 'ACI,EVit.. J.-,Iteoi 11. . S, Olititetit
41..'Watt,;._'131yllx; Zd. 'Iiihohley,, r,..Pead
John Murray.
MentA nt Calvin catt'Otedetich-1
'he Pool Bank, 'Clnton, or Jo11.
Reid% 'Haytield.
Bat Material and Latest
Expert WOrkitanatiti
-Alt, Work Guaranteed
*Price* Reitsoriable.
Aroht..letiiiness. eat lit
40. 0. BOA '
Funeral Direo,tor an
Also Ambulance Service,
,Goderioh Ort o
'Ali call* promptly atteribed to
by tight
glows Mere 335, How
Seven Day Conference on Eaglet' at
rArk, Lake -Couchichlng
A seven,day ,conferenceOn religion,
fwiticifTelletild be of unitsuai interest to
ministers and laymen, will be held'
ii:ngnst-I2.-to 19,-; at T.-,D.!kc..A.,•. Park, Lake
Ctitlerifehhig; **Olitarin.- •
the..,conterence, illhieh, has been ar-
ragged, by .the National Conn -
.Cil In 0.dlisidtation with leadere,,,ot'th
varioni,7,Protestafit churches t; •growS Out
Ion:- -Its aims' is to-provide'in opportun-
ity for those interested to Join M a search
-fdt 'deeper-ley:els-of ClitiStian fellowship,
for a no.* ainderstanding of the nature of
religious experience, and for a better
iippreplation of - the relations -between,
personal and social religion. It is hoped
that theconference will furnish a Meet-
ing --ground .for. many diverse .'points of
view, and. throtgh the free exchange of
'experience will lead to mutual under-
-standing and a. better integration of re-
ligious thought--and--feeling, '
Two main courses are offered,: One
entitled "Religious •Experience and its
Interpretation'• --4_ study In, the .psYehtit.
ology of religion; -with special referenee.
to Mysticism and Personal Evangelism.:.-
by:.Prot• D. 0. Macintosh, .1..L.D4
• Phairinan,tteepartrnent of Religion,
Graduate School, Yale University; and
,a second on "The •Ohriatian, Idea of God
in .1`onteniiiierary
•ittch,, topics of present ' interest' as:.
the Oxford Prptip Movement -by Pro!.
.3e S. Thomson, MA., professor of
etii aro "ilitolOgY 4tifirPhIlirso-phl-r-,: of -
N.! S. • •• • •• _
;Dr. Macintosh will be remembered as
the Canadian who arousedwidespread
interest in' botlinatries by :refusing: to
pledge 'himself to
Orlon. when applying' for , Vatted ,States
citizenship. As r religioua leader.. he.
"part.teinated hi the recent triangular det.
. bate in the Christian Century* With Pro-
fessors Wieman and.Otto.-40ConverSatibris
About. God," and later With. Professor
John Dewey, Dr, Macintosh Is the
'author of ...several .-, books, inetudingi.
"The•Reittertabl.eneSs 01 OlitiStishifr
;and "The "Pilgrimage Of Addh in the
World Of Modern' Thought.""•
• PrOfeSSery, ThOtheon:„ a secretary bf
the great- Jerusalem -meeting. of the In-
ternational Missionary, Connell in 1028.
collateddoctunents,,,,addreises and Arid.
hip, and coMpilett,atid edited. the 'fam-
ous. seven volume report of that inipor.
ta;nt gathering:. Olude:i-Ogittrg-ta. can'
he has won an itilluentlal jlaee
among thinking- people And the affection
of those who, know•hint personally.
OE the -evenitig7Dr. 3. . Pattefibtor„
DO,- Of the Leytonstone Church, Lon.
don, England, .1.00,11 at present occupy -
the. ,.pulpit at: Eaton Manorial
Church, Toronto, Will cleaver a series Of
'addresses ten the sullect: ''Evangelletn,
Its Shanieand.
The committee in charge Of the Cott.
fetetice t (insists Of the-folleVingf
man, Mr. Gerald
..:Ohati. W. illiht")11;tir;',Waiter-t. *Own,
L. A. Buckley, Rev. E, Crossley
ter, Mr. IL,0. Dingman, Dr, ()Cage 0.
Pidgeon, ,Mr, D. R. PoOle..tlishop R. J.
$tenisort, flr. D'.• M. Wendt Dirti_ti61:,
Dr.•E',.•M. testi .detieral,:jecretary.
tional Connell of ltilVf.C,A.s, 40•• College,
• tbeonto.---Ordarle::- frent7VittOnVf Ur"'
. tiler infortiation ;dray be obtained,
. MilIlon dollar 'battings are nbt
1 bitlori; 'rorouto. whleh operate this
year from Aug. 26th to Sept. ilth;
1%1* the01.0st beautiful Of these. MOW,-
tdruttitecs •is the AtitatnotiVe
wherein- are. /101);_. -AdVistite
models Of the motor cars of 1324,
l'aesdAY, Aug. '29th, L tattlfritiOt and
Automotive Day, ,
The 'Ott the reogi1e,,..4jany
hate ,tttiroe and 'One, but Or, Theniae
ttlectrie OX,ItolitlAltelettOi mailita14 it/
Tx*%tkm And Mere:Vie It* SPhiere of use.
fitinto* Self Year, its odetilrlif 'Mantles
*might it to 'Ike front and kept' it
, and iteon? tray b alk% the Oil
by It and. other
trolt; •Mr. and Mrs.',13tert MUrphy, Stan-
ley; Messrs.. Herbert and Fred rtrodden,
Ur, and: Mrs. WIlI Merrill and Mr.
and Mr. Charlie Hullett; Mrs.
Smith and Mt. Dan Stnith,...,,Goderieb
-township - • -
-(Intended, ,:for ,last week) -
The W. M. S. met lest Thursday
afternoon- at the -home of Mrs. Albert
Campbell.- -
The. Misses Mona. and Lucy Harrisoil
and Master Gordpri`narrison, who spent
task -week at the 'home of their cousin,
.(r. Albert Campbefl, have-..returnect.te
their home in Oodgieh.• _
Zip Sunday School boa a, pichle_at
„the -river on Saturdaf afternoon.
"- The "Vo_nns -.people's Meeting last -P1.1 -
day evening was in Of Miss Mar -
'are taftifibell,:the scrIpele-sson. was
read by Mr. Bill Bush, and the topic
given by, Miss *Ploy Thompson. Mouth
-organ 41eetions were given .by Mr: Jack
Bateman and a eve was tong by Miss,
Verna Chainney; • • • •
• ULM Marjorie Cambell is , spending
thitweek ,with:friends in Poderich.
• (Intended /or last week)
, .
Vi * *utter like ,Ilsrey Tate,,
*tt tolt. you I wouldn't 'it
hhn waiting for au, istisWer,"." :Paul
. (loge . OnliOuricett *Loft., Altiri
-*tee 140 'situng, role* OrIOLog t('it
trout, ono orl4ary*YOS1e* glifaN, stoPg.
"W4* ' the 'AO* bove, *IL ' 'aorta , et
ro6Oey_ and llirry knows veyb�dy.9
Mar* smiled* little nhrtigged
her graceful' little.'slionitiere,,. oh4,sal4
nothing.' ' She Wonted raufw to uoaos
stimt -thi4 sti-i4,'„,hatl-litke ;egations''`for'
not eueOtirogtug,lairY', yeti She -Old not
root, to vonlO Otit holdly mid fell. her
,that liarry had a rival, All the thoe
sheVotild --feel '114:.shorn cOrner of
the last nolo she', -1.0. rve;,804,,* Site
tick'd folded' it ,o0inuactly and stuck it
Up her log light lile(nre \Olen ahe
heard ' Paula, , coming,' She- ,Wanted,_
Faulty to .; kutyW,, yet- . there was .So lit.'
,,ti4 10 tell, . ' • - ' . 1 - • ,
Ilklaybe`' there's togyik ono' else,'"
puttla Sid ,obligingly. ''''rhat woaIll
make a, difference."' . . 1
' 'It% all .so indefinite, and-01nd to- ,
niantic.''' .i4rY: anid, layltuit-her right
hand an heemt-Ifixtitt 'where' the; letter
reposed. ,01:"Kott are I ii.OVen't Orea Sega
4'im,, lle livesiinjho next* apar4nelit.,
and;'' of course,: he liasn'tmany money.
fle-worka- on a papee and,- does "writ-,
ing ,at home, - I 'bear WS t3PI*Ottil0.
And he •xnuat have talent bec,ause he
writes the '-noest ,wpridetrfill, lett era."'
pressetititpyls,e Out
,. ""tegurrt‘d7.4t.tte ,TInir`7.**T! . .
allaTi .-rir.4teveir7elr'ear"--4.7101 IfiVil_
gladly • explained ()tech when. Maw :
had pine 'away for the week -end her
: neighber-)(lid'. borrowed her StindaY• Ptt•-
_nor which hog „been' left out :at her •
dont, $11:6 found' it the ,-Oext'ilay::fill' '
ttlIeurcely_vfool jIdelltit)p• irvit:114,11tg..ntieirrie titta.,(1,1NreeSad: ,
borg.--Then-otree-Wili11-410-:•*-04:t4tIni-Y--.• ,
for the tgeelpend she had, taken tee
,ellik that was left" lo front of his
• door, and Abe Ida Veitteo• to thank
- him for IL WO noW' they -wrote back
and forth almost every day. Sire even
made fudge and left lt-lor- Wain his
doorand he had left her some cakes
and ,-..onee sonie wild •fiewets.
...w,en, that is rothahtic," said l'attia.
"'SO he--seit• . yon settle Wild •-tioVers
1 and a' few' cake, wiii le- Itarry . sends
I.yoo ,A.ineelcan, .beautyr, roses -mid tive-
, pound holes,* eandyj ' Well; you can
1 lake your elidice. Persouatly 1- know
What I'd de-l'i- ", -
"Hurry 'never scpt me roses but
once, --and" the candy .wus ,foi. Christ-
nitii.•-•---B-e-stdes.‘ I'm not se ' rOrcenary•
as-, you am. and what's- more . De
Neighlior hasn't said he watt In love
with Me. . When he knows•-ine'r it may
..,,, -
never Oevur Do him Lo Want to marry
Me.' ,Onty,-6f course 1 can't encourage-
"Ifillry-when-l'in -writing eV -MI day To
-Linother nial!--not long letters or Any-
:006g- bat -enough. ,to v=all a cur respond:
, •lianitt left soon after,,usuring Mary
'that she -certainly was lucky to have
uwo men fighting .foe her hand..
13efore-111(mt_intil. cleared- away the
yellow-glaxed tea things -that - Sunday '
afternoon Harry artlifed. He waslall,
well 'built and certainly well dressed.
,...Aiary felt -for a moment Iltut lt woutil
not have been dailetilt a( all to'engage
herself to -him ItIveryilting *its differ.
ent-t-jow, however.. she reminded hers
self, pressing , the 'little- .mite, )n her
sleeve. thirty noticed - the sigh and..
.lboited annoyed. ' Ile felt her peeocoi.
potion. She invited WM, to take elle
of the --„Most comfortable chairs • atid
then, poured tea for him atiLpassed
• cakes but there wus little Toy in the
cereniony, Ile asked her whether she.
would-..-.go--ot-ttLfe•--i-luppei: -with • hint
lilow ahotit it, Illaeyr he asked
. -
Mary sighed' a• little wanly.' "1 inn
•soeryo-Ilarey," she said with her •h(0..
oniing Shrug. liatry 'flushed .and his
ray eyes' grAy dark, with rage. _
IV -there's some one else:" lie said-,
sullenly, 0,*.you tnIgiit Introdiice. him to
me.,I can put up a pretty good tight."
,. "fa have no right ;to talk that
. i'liWsliatfte;tit..-81:_11:(14,),i1:71:11:1Ittiit:tsit;u4te, r,:d.kiintd;;,wt‘ivrontl.:1,ot;i-i,
fel' knOck Came at the door tin& gave
Mary an opportunity to vasit--into the
little hall.
•" She -opened the -door and ate% rade,
er plain young •woinan of thirty,
stepped in. •Slie held out a hirge, !well.
-.A-mottled hand. I'm -no glad to Meet
you. Little Neighbor," She said._ "We
hardly need an introduction. 1 wanted
to have dinner with you so 1 thought
_c_cl (..onie in and fix It up with you."
, "SO -so you're Dear Neighbor,;'',suld
'.41ary• valiantly. _ • ••• •
tikt IN
IltiVe ft_atteattett to by Out „
-*VS* Wititti405it miltvAL rut
taibLietted :ttlg ,
totoidtot DIMAIrA,A0004, '
4ent, ItrileSt Ackert, 1/40004,
President: in additiott to Pre
Vice Otelddeitt, the
" tittle:ors: IN*, Wm**,
Tompeo, Aufoltdi;
zittekboto; W. P. gtod*-1
witreft xt, .00014 uoaericw-
A number from. here attended the
stinuner likchool at Goderich lea week
and all report an interesting time.
- 4Ohn--Klipatrick Is seriously 111
with plural pneumonia. We hope- for
his speedy recovery. ,
Mr. and Mat. John Blake, of Wing -
ham, and Mrs. Robt. Hasty , -431 Dungan-
non, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dave
NIcWhitmey. Stuiday.
The Sunday School picnic Was held
Tuesda afternoon . ' Gordon
Sunset Stake".11iree.year.o
Whitely Stake -.Three year
Bine Water Stake-, ree:for411,...L,....
CoMeo Gate Sta,kel.2.1-7 Trot or Pace
Congratulations are eXtetided to Alden
Hasty, whoisueoessfully passed the Nor-
mal exarris, .securing it first..class tett"-
-ficate, al.te to Harriet Whitey and Bea-
trice • Treleaven,' who pasted the Vit.
'trance eX03118. with...honors. •
!Oster, Colin Crozier -spent a fe
• with relatives at Gotlerich last. week.
Por treatrilent of caked.. bags in cows,
or Rana, use DOuglas'"Emtian
nient2-the quick, flute retnedy. Savo
unliniited expense. Preventsblemished
I. •
p (Intended for last_...3!" eeit)
•14r. T'elnlay."-SliaCkiton was home. ir0111;
London over the week -end. .
Miss Isobel Anderson, Of London,
spent -Shinday With relatives-nerev ,
Palmer and Miss Olive ItlipatrIck
were home 'trent, Tonto this week,end.
fiss -*rade Blake, of London, , spent
Sunday_ with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
mrand mrs. Otram Moffat are holt-
,daYing With the latter's parents. -Mr. --and
Mrs. Rlehard Johnston. . •
• Mr. and Mrs. LoUla BoothhY,"of. De-
troit, are spending a for.tnight with the
hitters' brother, Mr. Tont Glen.,
• Mr. Harvey Anderson has puichased
the farm on the...9,h
field recently owned by Mr. Chrts. Coot ,
but better known as the homestead Of
grandparents, • the /ate Mr. Psatl Reet
arid Ms. Reed, who moved to LttelintYW
some 28 years ago. ' •
• The =Mayan, government -Comes
tile Canadian National Exhibitfon thit-
'year with a display of -pineapples and
pineapple Products In the -Pure l000e '
Building; The, Straits 'Settlements tint
the Federated Malay States are casting
coVetcius eyes at the 'Canadian Marko!,
for their delielous_product.
Dining the •Suniener. Months
• Mothers sheuld look well after their.children during
the hot'Aurnmer months. Despitelall they can der.the
children may be seized, at any time, with cliareh
dysentery, summer complaint, or other-formttfot\
**.ia safe in Dr; Of
vcriK Strawberry i a remedy that has received the en-
doesement of legions Of Canadian mothers during the
88 years it has been on the market.. Don't experiment:
Got "Dr. Fowler's" and be, on the safe side.
Manufaeth' red only by The T. Milburn CO., Ltd., ,
Toronto. Ont.
ttilfriptSfr, '
And comparing 'one-- heavy hitter
Doirt: forget -that the Vat rolks-Iteld.
the recod itt V* leato,i4 for the num-
ber of litiMe runs tbey .Make'iti A
tori. "
With thefr )oede ±.),
coat they knock cold weather over the
erite,-arat-beit A-ItOttie by : -a
hot are over "put o'turv 1, *into,
hent at 94 for an eJt1bItn1 game,
!'.'1"tia not quite what you &iteiit�
4 0,
see?" she paha
"4"tist exactlY,"teald Mary with 'a
•teilly laugh.
After 'Much dist:Wising Of plans It
'was agreed that Mary and liarry
• should tithe their Walk. while Dear
'Neighbor went back to he little aPart.
ment and made a salad and a -itch of
'autilltut, and then they should all bavit4
'supper togethet-in her wee apartmeitt,
lf there*.s, some ,0136. elso,4* Barry
utd -when • .i
alon ottho;''
finery, there Isn't .itlyone. If there
11117DoWn414'aldittne.'"esalVidrlfarey‘.•, "Datil
yea tee how f feetwr
If you 'mean that you terpo to'
etioged to Ate, 1 dila think yott ay*
saying it very niceiy,,*
k* IsustIng b1 Ourihro;
• tkneiato
She WillAVerit*
Lg.e. Tins
Tissue iotirlake Toikt 3 to
it Price
ONE 46 PI4ONES 11,64001
titWon, if tbey si
ma at
roUte Ofaifee Worm 4.*te
id protect the children fr�r