The Goderich Star, 1933-08-03, Page 2THE MLT �YLAW
it decided
Usl b prospects or
be byi&w ri a*, one rataiVer
1 the did it
advanced in favor of
r. WO* tbelt"
• eiX had 1
1011, the
tomer inenettmente
Iwi fa that it 10,4 *piked
am ahead' /our" gear* Of
e increased, Us staff and ou
midittained arisite,s and galariel
0 -probably most important, of ..-111,-thit
it in at Sent .undergoing • **Willett,
the auin f .$20,000 bang IV* new
• this means much o
. • -Often. Muse
DO. not sat, -Vico* keep me poitefi.*
611`0,.*Tlease, keep Me IiitorMed,
Do not say,clfe tettid net he otssuati.-
PurpOseCi' , Say, -"frOtn. hi* pur-
hot; allt, :The guest
wu n g#,
Do not 'lay $411et*,
it4' the. deferstsiut.,- ,
*hen the defendant 04004 guilt .*
•'por not say °We ,c,,fuluteft our *easy
and pled that we enlY had ;even dol-
...:47* "We had -0417 Oven iithars,tr
130 net ley* "You have the; advantage
r Mt.!' Say, "advanfoae. Of
Wof'*4*- brte*:-...11.*rahti,
Finale..1sifirtoftec. $001)* -10,
me onstress4t, nre a as itt ah, eii
is in lay, Recent second _
Defalcation, Pronounce • de4alor.a-
erich, twin, 0 as, in Mc Cor as in met), linit
.t,..41mOunt lout 1441Y,
who-WT*444d, Mandate front
his /elloVithiene to 'verry etit his Plans,
0:4:The star, 13 pleased to .say. Mae
Plane are in capable *lianisT-,..=
$4,10, the fl.eve Canon Pi,' Appieyalk,
during' -the conrait ins •addrese
IneutOrt41 the h
EidzitPrdine.PY, 'referredifinvounciaa
tion eks-trer.di-ita.ri, o In or.,,,bottf
Ts as in' it, a as In may unstressed, ac-
cent second, syllable.
Merritt**, Pronounce the s as Si.
---OhorrTirtonounce-the o .artu-of,-**07.
'teht latt 0711Able... • -
Hoop. PronOunce the 00 sac loop,
not as. lit iook.
- Words Often Albs
tirotbliheed- littir-huse •
,Aisassin; four s's, Acs,demy:-eroI, not
aro,. ,Boitillon, °beetle 'the tour vow.
Of It. On Bunday
some o( the boys jo littetthit het dikr stud *ReEttll'"
hiswiltueste, feerlint' skuistr." "oke°16. Itigh*htil'eert.
eft, he parted with bis own. cap,. Ant
littPPwirgt and all, ta$Z,Uketo.itt: ruee:tivring
It did thetrick
and the etero4 b4;1:„c*ativ- ruitiv
tosho . co or two among Menai;
is.weenecli sitty,lniftiet gifentutireist'phe' wonek.ea4P°wItarisc'ti:::
• )401447 isthepull time lojor the YeSi_farinnt
i:741:44'eg°114,1;ki,ft,1:8(1.131ar, Tvite"4`ivitri
something ..t*hls: 1111141etze.' alt v111120:.
/411-,i1 said i WAS. go
•iunity not have noticed it, 'Mit with
Rice' tiodun4t3lierA-eof "thil4e‘industry ortAllsnlaY
nraVdtei-thWil6e 9cnhanwgeastrithae „jairtr174.5,tw*Itlx"74,f4W
strokeS Of ilia deft crayon. Old 'George
certainly looked pleased 'about the way
things went
or W4010 0.00/`4:11WON
els and the 11, iganeuver. •Observe Me
t the ovoung 4 00 war. Most.. Observe , ,
at Bsyfield 144t, Itiet!,k.'" WU'
• Synonyms
eUect tb#2thti 74-1.111- ,Lcat_sk inOttd).;,. eodee.rno' 11?-4-14;14tiir.0"
bravery' 'tention, viguazi4e,
.430444.0 ,it,,,reittaisig,;,,fospooka• ititt conipare, di.soF
au, maerentiate. • .
do' opects trill Man 't0 .i 14. dUty,'?" Sample,: exam*, •
• bleu 4ain, 14 tiro instancp
ev ence
tut the darkest days of the oreat ,Wer, 4---:•46$1441. 4Avelcaue, • 'tannin;
would stand,Oatiada-14--goott... Caress* .i"ititerb);
trials of the present . etertutalo abotinate, heOstrang* Ourt #4417-
i.Xemiadtens, ..e'reki,--twould, triretprY, unruly, unpUkusgelkh
occaelon and Sind 4 fra7 'out
Auffieulttec 41144* they had Itt
1114-1g, There had been'...another great
during the
— 141(47 but --cr-
marihoed and wontanhodd would win the
After.all that bas.,bee :Said Yrit4'
- ten and after, *11 our .1)6440101% bsite'
done or ettettiptiWto 4$.,•juo lourieris
tonthint to_so ittouf vie* ;404itss ,*frod,
flnd-; Lotnaidtit4,-troOpii,
Were:, a, VOsatile. lot in the Great Wirt
There 1* no doubt but that.
Initiative and , 40roAtility „it
Ute battlefield ',Win, pull Canada 'A)
tite aatdoh ;Which MX fan*.
la tact there is evidence 'Ort
*very thing is hapt"
nuwittints, perverse. ;
" erg Study
word three elm an
* "Use.. wo . _ea - is
yours.” Let us increase, our vors,bUlerY
oy mastering one wertteseh.da7.• 17004.
for tbha lesion:
1114bVtlirit0041 iniqUeetleOlthiYI in *
Manner to remove all doUbt._"Otatiet
Inthibitably, clear -And; ertaino"'
....ttattoars • ,
ISC*14101TOItIC:: fthatratlen;
tonotiircrtto,t' re'isk:Ilnd,°PedisgrllestIcenect,o—tta.c*.enttulairty
INOTIWATIM hints, 1It was
an lnslnustive ternfok.
"PgalatON scornful .treatment wbich
'holds one iip tOlidicuilp "Satoh beheld
. Ottitt.,..Antruest 2.-'-Ani0s.''n'., dind,Y• the:
famous negro . comedians of the air tan.
:foul of 'the, Canadian antirerities' by 'seine'
itinatia 'they •Marle during' si,Tbroadeastr.
on „Ifuly.-_4th _in: which :#40r.p.a:4_;',. one_Olotti,
on the British Eroiiires000rditicio, the
views of Many CanadlansTcwho, were 'Us.'
.tening In, and proteeted., to the coa-
otti ,Ardz ocomisioti, - .., - , , , ,,,
:Au*,, program was Sent out _ Over
',..°11iding.ft'ii1411:311,1,11;;I:1.-isita-tV'eOilrontWni4Park:':. :44i;W:s_bi•th:671e7itimr,thro-r7wrigi!e":11;'
:niade,:'-,t . that uniees- * , . .
they -yeig4 he dewed panictlan broad-
casting.- fat ties beginning July .2k- -
•At . he 1 - , minute the loonier i
*if came - Units with Thomas Maher,
radio:-...noningssioner, *lid'. Was hi NOW
York atthetun.. It was Agreed that
WOW Itecognike
the minds .ot Ater :readers liowv;;O: e
,;-43itt-OrAter'-*30' 04.efutioNr: 4.* se*
Bang,. '(Capt.,,,pernel. ,100.
and did not retUrn,L'. great,
Itnkie,r was felt for :the Safety' of the
crew, and, through, the efterts, 14,40g:'
Lewis the '44 Huron was *0604 .'d1S.
'etched to aSeertaiir luissiOle'Wbeit. had
happened 'to the Sea King.
j, and 1! with-
in hunnuT pOsSibliltY aave the lives 9.17-
-the, The 0overiunent,, haVeipr „
_ ,
Ae041'. ';recognize , the five brave ,
men vitfV1.01k.e.d. 'as' great .fleSi ;to, save, the
• .4.ter#".70theyritititiougirkilt itil$1874e a
when the pair -0t-entertainers-mitdera
would be breadellet•"ther4011143 be' tutek'biore been sold for $24,675 and
lillttable "lends' 11°4°4' °baTles‘VPtth: ex:riled interest There tis been
tommiesiott chairman,' personally looked(' A _
'O'Ver the 'ileriPt of the - InVititett' ap0190, tpaid o ;VT,Xrill
to make sure It 104 a *M. -ompany $25,000, leaving
law; 45-0747iietailect statement
oli$einliorsd.,ra on
gig charge' of Mr.
Discovered t •
profesSor leo' his berth In
the Keeper to lin& a. drink- cit ice water,
and Irma hopelessly lost .14, the middle of
th . Wee about reiftnight. The
tnsln was *tool** wougli the 401011,
it, you, remember the number of
your WV. salted. the ;Perter-
ri,-afreid• not:. was, ,tpe
boort" you any: idea where it
eh, Yee, to. be Om,' The .pro.'
, brightened. .4% .nottee " one
'time ibis -afternoon the windows looked
, out upon a little lake.**
AAA yaY0, 'coach • lines and steamship
lines doe *rouged' low rate excursions
to tbe'Canadian Netionsi 'Vachihrtied,
Toronto, August ;5th to Sept, 1433;
ig oi oor own.akop
W4to up yourLiver Bile
,INithottt ,C*01,4
y0 liver' vori_101011 a0Voi.]
thioy eau put, your flteelfrce: sou'
one,no Out Of by tOomiutt VOW 014
4:1*1$ tWQ•1)0408 Ot *VIA bilf WO.; /400t,k0W01.0
You won't 00044Otalt .00fttt
• by toicingoilut,oill romeriity.fiter.
0/iiiiftlag 0,131t;
„moved your aoy*ks they re thro*ih-*Pd
• •;• need *hirer stita'slaot.
Cortot's tivet Pahl will *WU .§TiUst Nog
the "*.uuushinOloto.y,our TikeerelniThit
. ege-
tab! Safm0ure,AskJor til.imtorraim*sfatoss•,
b#,tito*. 20,43.gtoll'drinAts; • 46
Ole, , crew . 'Of ' the Huron .. was , . . , .,
. . , .
foliows ..0.aptaAtIc 4110114 ' lv;0.Ek0,4'
, . .
,eitgin r, Robert Cralgte*, :;.sallors,' .114 James ,Craigio. and:, George.
teett... The 'lost, ..-tug wei; 'dIscoVsred-,
' adrift 414 ' helpless the centre 01 Lake '
'Unroh.„ some, twenty nglesfiton and. by
the tug OverYnc---and.',..‘44..,.- lowed- , into.,
Ooder th, harbor, ', escorted ' by the tug
urmx,,The.,00uso 0; the trouble was a
breast' 40".4h6...iniciii-, iiii*r.•:;;Th.-.7:E.Ve-71-34.i.
was Charge ot ;he caPteln. of the life.,
boat at Ctoderteli and the See '1f4tr, on-
ly -- a.-10 flay* ,before leScned.,..,eighteen
' me4 oft,'' .the binning '•propeller,..110e
!Cheques. ;-•ot. live -dollars' -to "..tbe reaputip,_,,
and engineer of the • Oarott and tor. three ;
401lats to members- of the trew:;.wers
inileVV, thol. Departtient, of' shrine rand,
.4 Inilteriesi,T*Iricli.' asked .014 -;public, 're-
, cognition. be Made. this was done.
.• ,.
. , „ „
. . , .
A memorial, service WU held at 1404
UV* -street Methodist„ehortkori: Sunday
for. the John Shannor
Many ,summer Viattera ';',Are. • registererl •
at the pro4enso, the Itookersi the St;
.t..atvente=4:!U.Ifterin and the Summer
• ,
r has Pincliased' the iVal.
on West ,streerfor
PersOnai appearance Toronto, 'whi4lx • Town Orgah'fact0r7"
me by iiituchatiana4t.Ist,WsOrt ;stated
So 'return pr bony. that Ag)425, had been spent lands
hob has been broadcast th* tiltical tea- ;atittib Ididga add 4004849 on thsehlrierY
fig to 3olottin .4,0isely andl equipment; ta ,of 650,45320, '
reports:of * rosy ricture w)alch coMes tont
.1roort thne to time. Reports Of itictetuted rett4Awveu4 .11441 V",Yutr ..troull' troy': IA' 44•1
their PUght. and tO mitts 'thus 'In delis ve (Kgrie e `and theMOttgage to the town ,has been
derision ettlied."—Milttill.
a, tiotitioniciarne; pen
niStace-, It'a14.,' itt
VW• % 4 *tin :no).' vitet book ,weiac, pub-
lished Under the peendOnynt Ante
Ashley." °
t041,00; parched; ddett bekt.
'litte were, etoaOng,,,the torrid xtetert.'
- hero
;#1 c'0,111404044 itt Oft
two, tiatulitiaehin
out from ?ort Ooliorne, a,
t *ht..NII* yeri*ked
# ,
/tat, regarding wbkb
** t :otke bet,.,The
Oro* . iturotit.' -
take ea , tt fiuianior
, always
ont--vaters Ofl
spa st,
,eittoloyntent, this sprint - not nitwit PA11933:-.9)7,
much 4.o. in_ the know, because The annual. 060.10_,,4 s
than normal: fact the -employment tire g -a au
Curve .in -Othuld14 eOrreded 'for ;teasel:01 grOve, (}11 e elt'd"•*'
thek' Were '004001 *WI 1"°*"t.
h t -ifordr-. beautiful
change, fell steadily freirt, Jan,- *12t,June lat.. to *' : R. R. Sallow"
But at hitt We-iiii*,.gt.?liPti0,;,u'4'
an tiPttirh.b The .4.04- 0,1410701eilt re- studios will • be -closedeh- !igedfickos
tarns, 'told& 'beetite available in Ottawa afternoent.. 4
;last Week -end, ahowett-the beat teak gain -*
th-iine-evelltion171 Igeitded-by.-Ahe-41Wreithrie
began. ,Iri fact, Quebec,. 'Ontario 1(ii.d. ,excumiOnists ;rein.
British OluMbis,„" the. advance, in,. eta-, .Seitforth:yeatkdity. the 'Second 'large 'ex.
'PlOYAuent. leCW*6 grottei' than; :._ontatint.,„:0r,,the zweett-..Tbe day w8 spe.'
the tame date any previous -Year, , bathing; boating and fishing.,
emP107thent gahis, of the Past mono litatters.,,,rue ivett,otd., , and:
(gat three Months toe nearly g0000 esu**' ' with
ACTION toiJlos mere* tecord bow to be .opt, *
young feliows sel-
ling tickets 04 car AS minutes ,get
t..01 town. . *tot,: noolr eterY
town felt° tile!
Throughout Old riO towns and
Wet Village* that* have been Ott
***vit., boat $ tentury iattit branchig 01
At kw tie° tboveret -44tok* are now
king compelled Id. do their hulking WK.,
nett at 'enc. ,Itanks: like other leatitu-
titzts haat 'teen IWO* The irighgAuttot
an by .iiiectinioctr protest boo 1)ecti
ituoonoin wags here and there Where
butinets been showing. Via tad.
'In IituSiels; the Bank 'of trota Beet* la
'Wing in tarot of the Bank_ of, 0**
rt.*, stut the hitt*, bank polling out
o 4i0Stern town in favor of the Sant
01 Not* litotia, The- Benrof atotrit**1
Is leaving Cheeky to be wiled by the
Eiink or Connuertte. 4,13rtice" Cinintg
PaWy and Port 1tlibt are the only two
ill where OP still doing
Within the morning *sr un.
1 re is an Upward 4entleileY In
nurribek of ether Plates *111
tio„ the attlite ent,listak.
0.4 pravideetie t
Despite the
'test li goin,�qg or
t.ttbt* havirt enter*
ante to the Canadian
atktnat this year by *pedal
l*fslestf „the
be $cotti Guards regintent has a
over a
Octkar(10.4 it Port
,401-----4004,--ar'SPortS *is iytteo etes4ft-' 401* '14
loge emPloies Ubor has beeit ;04:iii•Atessrs, 0. OA. Otis
• it a. ':substanttel bnprotetnent.
ust'ote Igor keelr'''ievelo,headed
the -wog otemment ever/ mum ,00„41,ittle Current. The schooners Ott.
t,. 00,0t4„ Sutherland. and 0ort‘.
beut-it,we *halt hort4o-lidd Another
toot* to the *tow of returning. ea.
PloYeks before A924'10014 are tOptdacit,
ed. it the !WWI of the, lid, 'three
'months could be :`priletted' another
twelve ttooths towards, without any 1tos
thia from *woo Jocular, then,
/but nolo WI would Oriditiotis
*preaching: 4; Pre:iPerItY noritiai
taint& '
Party ;slew Censa
In ,the fltat•lialf Of the Mitten& ye'
$5 Et. pants Were estsblishM
in,!.0attadao, four British bretschet,c' end
.40..,.nto factorial, Canadian origin
matted. *tight, of 'Canadian ,plents,
:were' tot.'tdod Wk . -eight /or Wood
suld41100r4 Art or. iron anti Seel
four for ,Shoea. and :Slippers*
tiutberland, both imUhd.
north, light, ran in for shelter last -MM.
-aa did the yacht- !him, trim Vetsolt.
e stoatriet Norseman, with the
MoVetlii sabred In port from
ibalon. rYThe Itorsenutn, unloaded
200,000 feet -It lumber and, left. for
- Windsor to distil** the balance of her
300,)O feet. The liolltee
her 400,0 feet at thhi'litace • •
Lub 'TlAirtdat Ina 2411401 'there) were
buge *Weal* Mt the lake, delaying the
Ossifnage..and Pittsburg MEW kelt.% but
the Xing If4Watil Otte in and cleared itt
fifteen ralh , her ,taptaln-Pa
attentiOn.. .--Itrne- *ins Ed-
ward. 1111d: 111, large Utt Of P*SSengere and
Obi Added tonaktitrabiy midi
the Style in wiitat SUS entered the nil
and moved out. again shows that her
coMmantler knevre hON te handle * good
*tee tor oilk and, the others !alto , *tome liaphot Of
. &Int :continuo to $011
and h reachtli the loweit'lioint in, do gtoOddt the high tutirring
many year*. Whit boric,. food ofratiOdf. f
ties rising, the food lade* ,toint u0, 6 owner
but declining Anti ito far US ett and =big Many
the pint in food priest
British ex
cal of the Cahl
are colaunentlr
*AOaf thitn
hasitit lived *0 141 1
ts. At that
most $20,00%000 Was speflt In
eltiannfactnreof toilet „viva
Vous* soaps 'and washing corn.
Datind* 'Canada in 1832., A:re.
eentiy 'sailed official report states
that the tot41 value of the former. -
pmeneed was $0,073,134, and of
the latter $.14,1$41$41).
be7- hettnta -of Oregon, 814
• --wtmhhigton.''nmdo'tho-.1irstlet of
trip titi- lituilapat
In the Princess 'Kathleen; 'Seattle' "
f0.:.`YanOuver. They are travelling
C.P.R. item cLultbe
ciatiEZThey-ifit.t§ail foruglah
- Allfautaltr**ctrilltit441•-i.;;;';
Alaska the **Ultint hold their
.PoPtilarity .ast, • suanner.
grounds judging by the isizolgo.
• *list of passengers.sailiqg north to
,SlthgVh7, In: Canadian' Pacing- ,
, coastal ilno;la, Afa..or Of them: ate "
laintO4!anst,butineSAtIrte4 but the •
Rieritt Are-attMlner-tourlats.a44.-
radtedbY the„ rate seductions for
anmmtr travel.:
• Vorty.three Years`
• loyal,. and efficient 'Oerviee! vdth-
tbq .C4Inathp*, -Pacift0'
closed., „lune with 'the- retire-
ment of W. A",),atittermaster, Gen-
eral WesterlY Freight Agent,„ Chi.; .
444.: • /le. was - succeeded
Agisistant, Othersi”.
.Vreight* 'Agent,' the :office-
which.thol'atter, vacated was. ab-,.
• ;4.
° Porthe.,firsi time Since its fowl -
„flatten 20 'Years :00, Governor-
.ot Canada *010,;:,preseht at
•, thstnaual closing exercises of the
Boys* Patin :and. T.taining fichool,
.•tilhartbridge,,,'(400.„ reOrttlY, whOh
the 'Earl Itesiborough, steetnri-
parried by *Beatty, ,obairnuux.,
end, Presidentit-Van
Iva attenlded'. e---SehOO1 and, .
awarded rIzes dtritte—.
ilomere are tangible signs 'ot
1313011343S. anct.'„eeonciinto linfttote-
'meat 111.'0=104 anid the 'United.:
tor of thellank of Englandorresi;7,,,,
dent of the :London* .Midland 41g1;
. Scottish. Raitsta7; and 'oho of ttri-
• tain?s leadOg'0000,0mlata old te;tY,'
• tentI7 When 110 Sailed- for Eng. laent.
'1,411 -the Canadian Pacific liner
"tinprese lliitatnr,4fter a short
visit",to thiti
.• Ten, -Uonolithi youths betwoan
tL:': and -, of' ago arrivod,-
room:db.' at ,VariceuVer earth,-
Attattalasitsh liner. *Moho--
ittLert route 10 thilliktai*IYOre
ritpinid the .alitoiner 'In -
*144 festaieh and advonturet.
They Sail north to 8,fttigw:i;y,`
$0, into . White gorse **eke. they ,
the lcukOrt• "Ftiver ,Dawso
- Motion4.•pletiitea ordit'7.:e
,caribeit Eitintni the Swift -Cur. .
Vent Or the Yukon :giver and other *
striking „etude* 01 wild 1#0 the
far *Mirth hale been garnered :by
New* photographer, who returned
T4110407.14 the Princess Norah .
Vancouver after six waeks In
sake and the Yukon. He went
On to Banff and 4.c.Y.adfe 'touts° Will photograph
-Ulu scenery* -
total 'of 618,210.,1*Itetie ylsit-
the 18 national parks tit Canada
In thertlical Teary -4831.32: These.
peat -reservations cover an ag,,
*regale area of 18400. sitriate
, Zech, ha* lte. own attrac-
tive- tharacteriatics. There." are
three Scenic and four animal
Mg in , Alberta, -four ,,acerric
parka in British Columbia* "One
scenic Park litanitoba and. rine
in Saskatchewan; one historic
Iltkrit U1'1401,4 SeOtla and one •itt
New BrUneWkit), One fOreatieni
'Park in Ontario and two .1111eaut
perk -
Beneath the 7:0 Of of the .combined
oree 414511.setinz • and LI* Stok
Pavilion at the Oduittilin tc4tiorill
Torento, thee ate „rig% acrs
Many an etherise beautiful and
attractive face lei, sadly moral by
=sightly,. festering ••pimplea. Their
Vreaeliee as a source" of either ,r*S1P
ment, and wherever you go Ionian(
painfully ccoactoug of their _flis4
figuring presence,
Why, then, eonsent, to reet _wader
*.,4JALsis8y1oLenibarrassnielit ivIeu-11-*
is not neeessury,----41., •
detects, and that le •Burdock Blood=
w Bitters. There is nothing more re,'
liable for troubles, such es VIMPlee; -
arising --from an impure Condition of
the blood. It removes the iMputi„ticet
from. the'System and teats' clear,
clean),bealthy complexion. Our
dnigost about it.
ry as' for Your Picnic Suppliis tome' in .ai
fetus., help Spa -gel ready- for your picnic.„,