HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-27, Page 5a•h4•44*,...• " „d • ' fa, 04rousomooto • utiv3140, f.Ferguzon tam- fty SPOO StitklAt Vtlt, )Lr. and • of Bt., 'Oeo4e. grainistiNnt 1:o extended. to VIA L.,443)140: 034 her' seven,. pupils o! j Piks.*04 thetr Entrance •reiransii; with honor*: ; )4frot, %wooer , and 'little -datiiii.• • er,'Laura, of Weet,,Virawanosh, apent .s 'test,;days thia weak, at., the 400'0 her parents, Mr. and Ms lWm,Roberton. • ii".(r,* and' Mrs. ",Eart Raithhi, and ehil- drn motored to Windsor and Detroit on .Saturday ,last to *it relatives and 're- turned on :Sundap evening. Miss .130-, dette„. of • airt1e0 3.11034 -.'„return,4 'home with 'them and 'win spend * 'few days with her friend,- Ws; /C. 4eitliby, 'Uri and Mrs. Bert Marsh and children, ieXt on,Saturday by- motor for ,North Ray. to `Visit Mr, and Mrs. O. '1111OMPsot alisIef„Aojtn._•.,,and June wili remeliv, to visit' With' their rriMr feSt-it ' ,feW weeks , holiaa.lre;• • , ivnt„. It ie-expeet0 Bev. Alex: „ c tar' 41 et j tuxoon fron b* hum $M1 t4t est sI4 in san den and, Mari* fbik Witt311411t.,, re* to. tlar,,,In We ifttSart three iettilciren they nitgraterd, 61 Yeara age $114 *WV the* • 11t,t° -When,; MOeh ,ol. that, disOlet st,t4 *light rloreiiC,-OrWerity;rtine years *go Mr." Y/ailden, PUrehised 'the .40M0 in Hullettwhere beAT,es1d.d ui4]' .the time or his death. 'For many yesa he" Wu resident East ICAWaneaho. Mr. VeldeV enialed good 'health •Until Years Wan to take their toll. 00 beettme bedfast tWe Moths ago, Mr. (iffsiden. Was * good might* anA„honorable and .upright In his deal- ings,` Ths- thorough methods won sin success as a farmer He was an Mei- lent• horseman And trainer of note,: •In religion he was. a igtithodist.'' 1.1W lave tor the land of 1113 -birth made hint 'A strong fraperialiSt. In polities Ile' 'WV -staunch 'Liberal. The deceased, rvived by two daughters, )11a. Jo.931 catdweli; Bast- wawanollg Mrs, 'John Thotupsbn, who resides at the family, home and narted her I4thek'during his last illness; four r rAns Akar.; Jesse. PenSerice, Saidc„: WIiliarn E. Wavanosh, and -Percy, at-home. Al- so 10 .grandchildren And 10, great grand- ' childr,j en.' Mrs. liVeldeh predeceased him by nine Years. The services were .con- ducted by eV.- W. 8- Morthnore, D. D., PaStot oZ Xktets Lrne pail -bearers were s,, oeo, Youngbiut, E. ISEtai, -Youngblut , the' . •ubs Ask...or- X er air Clx OCO late Mil 1Yra1o"71rUni pure fresh milk and 1421)-4r-e--aoto!'' - • Ven,11,,be,-delighted°, with its full as(e-th,e: Difference.: CA:7.Z A.11/01.110.111t *1 Vititor Radi� air/4W Phon�ra HON •trd, ardtiam$$$$$$$$$$$• tne Cseetto 13t; Ilient $5c1 UnItomit" 11 IY113 . fozgo .t Lad • terY. litthe - •,•••/AA • Tstots+-xnterment /to plot, ihuouvem aop1e We now 1 , Jeanne reeodf,141r,idsay, tilt - ink Mies Auieen tat, Mr. and 444. Oliver Onehotnen And DOruti,d, .01 Toronto, were ooderioh visitors_ this past week- klumes. Frank And Miss Irene Frank, Alf -aaekao, wela., are visaors Is heard, in, the distant. Sonle, of the With Mrs. G. 14tt,• farmers are busy with the wheat th h Mr. and Mra. Aerb, wilkin$04, Of Tor. ,r. and airs, vryesrm,p,h, Sea - onto,' visitOrt-ot the • lat. forth, and mrs, ,NiTalSer, and children, tkr:4'41-5ter# Mrs. W. McDonald.' WinniPeffs's'irtsited last VridaY t e tatting- '0011erieb, and 1405.-Mildre4 -Thornton Were '04elph visitor* I** Sat- urday. •,_ • Mitt*''14-atiOrie Ca,repbell Cousins, 04111104 Z404,4 •014. POI He • Of- tkOderich.: ' ' • . 'StOnehonat attended' the ,stonetionst ritilaion held at -Len, don, on IlVednesdayl 'haPtieMal. service was held ` the Westfield- church sundaz. when Wee :infant* were christened... The .Whirr '• Of the threshing. machine rrt 041 lOtt040 *31 °Ye): fat t 1 the: h rates t; • • rieh e, tui ftt). 11kOt 'Meet* 10•,,recent 'ears; you., 1/11b, all the. sr* tattt'hor• es n 4.1antsda entered,.Ihe eiVie, AO. ' *14 Or: :rnitn: are t he fair 'ground* repaint stitlitic - eta., PreP411,tion for the, * Meet. The tr.** *40 is l';$04ut Piit 14 ltot-olsos 4;o4(111101L: • 1, 'At , . WS, ab...1111, - - • Anyperson. or. person.. found . OWICINIGT-TA-L'grt'ES- • • • , TB• • .sixtEwAtic$ Will be .'proSecateet 'Onder the.--ToWn=?)4.1„ti,ws,, ; (SA41) R. C. Postelethwaile, Chief of Police -A-- apilsomaisitt•aliaailamonal.opiotomiimmounimimaia.o.W IT 1.1:4'•• 0:1 ,.„ .GODPIC . ' 1 es —a. FEEE Eats, Balloons, Siventine Confetti , Streamers,' 4tee,:: • .41 Fuii and favors for all: Tony Yarr's Band Aantission only If)e_ . , ',••••0 4. 4.• ^ • Grocery prices are rapidly advancing, ,we Thursday, Friday, ai*I Saturday a mollMapk Leaf, Red S,oeye., lb. tin •artrillade 404E.Largc 40 oz Jars 11. ,Large Package !Wakes Clothes Whiter ear �ai . IV aisins Finest Siiltana i.,,„110,..1„ Chocolate Mars tnallow 1*4.4411,,,' or Pink and white . 0 bars s. 1 ic en Uacldie. -firand ORANGL PEKO p PHONE. 46WS CMS'S 116 and 2 Wo4. iVeWaineeh Nenogcn*rIafl 1. Oteled Sy the Fttr- The defioenttanta Or' George RUtiedge, "Maple Greve Piartn,t1-near-MbUrn, held 'UMW reOlon. at -Herber' PS4k,'' Yes* artisyt. in hoiOLOrYft, *fledge's' 90t11 event 14g,eorilcriokiel,virtitsbo rititaa•t, 1,orri his children Of 4 PAM et gold and an address,, :Which, he WO .ustired :that the inflUenOeV hi* ideal lIfe Wonld home of Uro. Prat* Campbell. • member* or the Westfield Sabbath ever' be--•Pe4tAtt. Men1431 as an "alnl* The me school intend holing their ratnie- -9144reix 4.0 0rmulthildreil olfte froln Wedneeday, 'afternoon bY, the river at distant Pants ler the event. On the (toast list were114 sunt!;1/0111144t„ otTraIl ihe sympathy of the coninninity Is 8,04 who; read -1'11e, address,--Ivir,,,--But, extended, to the family andfriends of ledge, sr., replying aPPrirPriateIY.- 't -t 7-----7.-ui"---","-^1"e' the late Mr, John 'Nflalcient, who Posed • HAMILTON LFEAOAN .away last, Week, •. - d Mrs. ' t•-4'' tae att'ranct' /13)=! lival:torTe ,u).)4 gni Virith'his eightieth birthdaY Only a few days itWaY Hamilton -Fettgan, Itoter.941: there ' one day hat'. Week to IriSit. her died last. Saturday at bis aunt, Mrs. R. Buchanan. • home, on 'Bit* street, Ie. . was .born: in • Mr.- Edward 'Rodger and his •mother, -,iht-:parentage`and--as a young % =P. took Up 'photography as a voc,ation. It Was MK for long, h'owever, fo_eturhed tel. he land and farmed at A-6nm, Dun- gannon and . for ten .yaars at Empress, Alberta, Ten years' ago he came to saoderiell-ttrrefdde'-ancitas.:'since4alt, AI* carried out his daily duties as rura .,carrler. In Colborne,t4twir14pe„He `was-ta-,United-otuttorunar-PraPge" Wan, a member of the Canadko Order •Of '. Foresters, which - orgamiation had , charge of his funeral on Monday.. He wc's Member of the Octogenarian Oiub, He Is survived by his..widoi, for- merly NIIS.5 Clara 'Neal ot Colborne town- wo--Sonirmarshali-nttaxi Joseph of Empress; Alta • --A brother, Andrew, resides"atAubtuti/ Rev, F. W. gra* was in, charge of the funeral ser: vice: -Interment' was made in ' 4:1111$11 a • p. 142 ter -Cook visited vidth t;aiteri', of 'Woodstock,' on sunday. A number of the:friends and relatives ,atterfd'ed?-thtrluneraF-of--t.he-iate---1VirS7- Ed, ArfetOwell, or Toronto, at Ooderieh.• the: burial taking place there, • The sympathy of- the-comlnunity IS extended o-her,Anreaited„..husbancLand_storrOwiDg.. friends. ,The devotional program of the W. M. 8. held ,pn Thursday -afternoon was un- der the direction of the president, Mrs, McDowell, With twenty-two mem- bers and *live visitors 'present. The bible esson taken,front-tne book of Ruth was mad by Mrs. 11141,rvin McDowell. .74114:. devotional, leaflet' was read, nn 41enth the Woman of Decision." The suggest- "' rograni....3vas_taken. by_.Af.A.....Fred J. Winnified Campbell, rifts. Harvey Blitek, gra, R: Suchanan. This was 4V_seesen: of prayer led,,by J ELi13 and --Mrs., J. Mc,0111, The, Meeting was dismissed by the president Following the NV., M. S. ineeting;the La- dies' Aid put",oit: a short pfogramp: Oon- sitting of musicttrrnthiber and --readings The 'Eunehine bags Were handed in. A of th eetin 4 daint 'Ulna • . -SEEPPAltDTON. Ivilsa Isabel. Pollock is Iiisiting her aunt, tfrs. :n' , That' laeavy rain vi.e':1'lad:Steiter4ay dIcL intich.,2:003)11,2:1M',,:iloadiy needed. " Ci-atnet' Jackson, of Windsdr, spent the week -end With, his family, here. k 'Mr. N. Forbes •Is visiting friends in ..iSheppardteon _art& _took • the ,garden. party Friday evOnirkg• • Those •widows of Ociderieh should, be caleful Ont arottz4. Port, Albert.' Don't be kidriapped; it has happened before. Mr. iin t'Watts .and.fandlY, Oshawa, visited friend.s in Clinton. Mrs. Penna. baker' Aid they eame.up to.,e4.111. on mias cpurrows,' "th latter's sister. • /Kiss Mary Gorden, Goderich, and her friend, :‘,1Virs. A; -.*It.," also IVEarnie, Fi6ster, of Totento,,, ViidaYe at MTS. .;464117...„ .)Gor do:iv here. • ' ° Mr - "Pit (keen- and Mr. a Robert.; son, m.P., took,. in 'the Masonic gather- ing atL.St. Catlielities• last'. week and spent two_dalts,_,V,„Ling it Splendid time. Thr alga took in the sights of Niagara, • mr. Leonard Lindsay, and bride tailed ,on friends here Oler the week4nd,' Mrs. LintisaY was a teacher at Tipperary and five 'pu* ''pasSed eXiin- InAtiona -this ear A jo-ng harspy- life -to- boar,- , A :garde -n party of 'St.„Androw's 'United h -ti uray oro-11,46,CA .success fit everyThe play was ?rev- much :enjoyed and people ..were ,present froin• an over, rant- bers :DOM- Ooderich. • The ." proceeds amounted: iabotit '15,' whIcll was , ipTendid and -the ladies. de§erYe credit for the fine supper got uP we thank Yon all for the good turn -Out, • enjoYing excellent health and this fact >added much,' the enjoyment, op the, day.• .* •-"Peeple are. ,IIVIng •100- fast today," -sairmt:-Rutiofte;--tegretting-that -.the 'Sabbath Day Ives _PF -longer observed .4 t tas2. Jot: fhe -,4ais of his_YOuth-.--: '64e "fe- 47-rigtir'elsr ship and eomes o! Irisb, parentage. Hc waseducated at "Porter's' Bill and as a yourifi-nan-ri-co<iis up, WI -KW -hi es, wawanosh,, Where " he Still resides, In 1869 he. inarried MIse toitterne township, . Seven -„thil, idien bleased fhri-iiiTon7.-1-011ifIlii6m were present, e*eeptin Gordon, of Sohn- -inacher, 'The- others are: -1Miss Estella, B.0,,i Mrs. Mrs. J. Taylor, Atiburn;, George of Nile; Robert, cin the hmestead, ax104,4,. Oador, of 'Detroit, Mrs:. Rtitledge- died 7thirty-nine yrs ago. Mr. , Rutledgc. is a United' churchman : and fraternally...in OraWnen,,rktelift, years he_wa,s tax 'Collector of 'nis, township. ' . 'The, most Mr. Rutledge ever received for his-wheitt'Avas:sxia -4-hughel.-:during the Airie,ri,(etn„ eiVil war, when tli-d sold 500 bushels :from thirteen 'titres* grown among_ the., studipS, -lie' sap. he never saw the like of the _present 4cononne, `conditions With prites so low and taxes se high. mr. Rutledge has been a life- long Conservative and 'hit's nailer failed to cast his vote- and has AlwaYS urged his sons ao-Oie same. 4 texcepn*Jiy, gIattns whch allow o enter Canaa dutyti *n t e'new of Arlsh • We carry a arge andvaried ' stock farnous.Iinens and you, will be favorably impre with the new 1933 prices on the following lin t e cloae e g • y was served .by 't•vtrit1-. of ', the ladies. The , ptoceeds, trent- the tea and sun- shine bats, anionatect,Ao' *U. c ec . 'or (IL)ItiCki TOWN SHIP .6ENIVII_Lib-gR , Mrand lanai Brocie-Orr and Donald Mr. ati71i1Virs. Joe Mugford spent Sun- vi.FAted. with relatives at Sarnia the past] 1day with Mr. and Mts. 'If. good Migs Mary Wilsonof g . . -,weelr, '-- ° - • ' , '-- 2_ od.,„: ericn,is vis--Ite_ Patton and ion TOrn spent a vMr itirig- at the home of_l_her coUS112„ Mi -3 F. feW days this week . with the family at , , .. . ,Marion Porter... 4 ' . 1 Shallow Lake - Mr, and Mrs.. Robt. 14Al1ister attend- I The, Misses Brown,' of . Burgesville, .ed the funeral Of the iato Mr. R. Feagan i have been sPending • a week in the. vii; rtettilt Bairn 'ereates and preserves' lovely and youthful ,ediriplexieria: *Penes And 'stimulates the skin„ , Fragrant as a flower. 6)0 as, morp4ig dtW. ,Stiftly thzarbed by the tissues, rrialting- the skin wonderfully. Sat-teXtiited. • tnrivalled as in 'aid to feittitiriti„.elegane& Dlight- ful to use; Impart g additional chant, to, the daintiest of wancli. Persian Blm , is a fine toilet tertaisitel fat tho. exacting I woman. Peerless, as A '.beatitaier, 1.y '515ECI 4L pLEARROF and BOYS* POW SHIRT'S' ILK „. Men's Silk . PoleI Shirts, the "pepulat :shades of :Slue,! Oren, L'.4ron,' -arid Mite, Wet -34 'tor-, 44„. 8Pd-ob1?* DricettAt_ ..Ott oysi, the lame as above, tdmii to .$1!1)#cd at” , 69'c' ki0 un ask Cloths and Napkins 'Jie�n Cloths in all sizes cy Huck Tovitehi Embroidery Linens in Fancy GuestTowels olored Dress Linens Finger Towels White and colored Bridge,Sets - hien Handkerchiefs forladies anc Linen Pillow Cases and Sheets Colored Damask Hemstitched Damask Sets widths +. t 8 ft - .ancy 1 I i'uer 1/1 gents s ortinent of 0 We-,sarrliONY offering -the-balance of our.. stock • ri of ntzett'!. and "Iiiingtite" Bathing -Suits, at ' I n.0 86 ,• 4,1 ' • 0- - On the ' C'w. * - Square 11 - THES14--STei E t (batty' IVIerchaise _ Iteasonible. -Priced rogio===to=o) 7 01:10,) _ *10i*011,i==i0=t4. PoTato fluor POOR r 'The potato crop in Stratirdidis reports. ed as -generally disappointing and pre- dictions are being ftrely made that potatoes will ccrnrnan a handsome p-ite thIS; coating top and* Winter. , precliet that ptesent indleatians pclut to a poor y:eld. - About 35 acres'. ef , the conibidulty rele: ,E,,:trden * in Stratford are -planted In potatozs a While, -the yield is expscted to be . est- •. or bitter than the average in tniaks) it wal be away ty:.o,A,---wha-. war; hoped. iri-Gtiderieh on MendaY. "jage, 'also att.sdIng Stunnie'r • School in 1 anIP.e4 at 1itc1i1amt Canip.:1411° m14; and -Mrz. J. Facan and Mr. 13 again under the supervision of I/Pas', Stanley Vanstone \lent to. London on t, Oraee DavltL • Tuesday to ,be -with' their -soh, Will, who Mrs, George warner and Florence and was to undergo ah operation that niorn-1 Miss Ile,ath, at By city, Mich., spentr"Ing, last wk at the home of, Mr. and, Mrs. • Coqratu,1a710-ns are extended to miss Dive warner'. 7 Carr, who was ,successful in passing an Soweipz Stanley her entrarke. -pupi.t; three toek I , , Riehara POrteri Jr., Porter alut class •honors, 'one seennotiais and one Gerald Lassaline, Pur.40 of. pnion. 'S. S. No. 6, wire all successful in passing • • A their entrants, examinatiens. Ceng,ra' kteCitUAICIIES1•"- illtiOnt3 are anded-r.o the - so their teacher, Miss 'Ruth E. Byvallo. . , Services -tit-the Baptist chttreb Sunday 'While Rev. ri vit..,CraW is' on hiA va- xt, pastor,, Rev. , . a. t`gation. the pulpit "of Union church will neWTBunt: 16 m.. be occupied as follows, commencing next Sunday: Rev. t, F. Hogg Of/Clinton, , t Julyge 30°f 'siearldf-otArtillFWont :A5u; ;191ust2731t• a'andStah Union -Young People's SOOlety will .have eharge-of ttig iervite on, B.unday, 41,101st 20, On Ilitirsday evening ,of last week the members of the Union braniatic Society ieurneYed/ to , Slake (Goshen line) to recent their splays; Ismoldering. Fires" On Friday, abolit ninety gifts Goderich: 1411QUO/i sALgs,. pow& . • _ Sales of all dames, of spirits an&1i - heveragav, by the Ontario Liquor Control 'Board of Ontario continue to shoyt; C.r..;lize. For 1.03I-32 theiv ' was - a • re- tUhl,*t• a1nOst,.20• ,p-a-eellt-..nr-anas5- celwand tor the current IiScal Year ,or 132 33 a Toronto newSpasper says, it, understands Sales ot 'whiskies and gIns— al" wellasother sp2:its, are from 13 t 15 per 'centbelow those or la:qt yeara9d the bger elass total sales are reduced to (into t aPProximately per -cent -P.-- -and","Xeighbers" at a garden- party, but owing' to the electrical- apritt. - which at 10.00 a.m. • . Ted, Pheipg, professional, Eci,111,ng champion of the world; will defend his title'-ut the /Canadian National Exhibi• tion this year; Phelps tiro trinc,1 all sPring, and cuinnaer en the ,Thainco in I .8ttgland midis ready for the tet hiS Lfe 'gAlrist all -corners. . • Bible school, gospel service at 14 anil subject, "The Favored People and Their God," gotpel rservice at 7 p.m., rubjett, "Our Divine Keeper." . Morning , and evening worship 'will be tTndueted on Sunday, July Knox Presbyterian- church by the Min- latex,- Rev. b." J. Lane. Thesubject' for wit 11'11:km111g sermon will' be; "The ThiIne • Abtlity" and in the everting mr. .Lane's, subject In the worship will be, "Prepar- ing for Emergencies." Sunday Schsol I broke over that.. illStriet diiring the evening "the prograriv • was not given, Vie regular meeting 'of the Y. P. S. of: tIgion.thureh was held in the. thurch tre Friday evenirig. with fotirteo mcmi- b,011,-10e4ent '' and . Arnol,4,- Porter in charrgeL• 'Ilio topic. un..„ 'The ,Nrer,u1 ivfeatiing of pepressioff,', .,was read by . • Everett MeIlwain, , ••- Rev- Craik 'ocCUPICd the pulpit cf fhicion ehurch. on. Sunday and deity.- ered an inspiring. Message on_tive, sub- lect,, "What Christ Means to. Me and to You," .basing his remarks on the text. 'llut unto the son, he salth, Thy 'throne 0 Ood, is forever ;and ever, A' seeptre 'of -riglitedilaneml is the ' teeptre of thy kingdom,'„,'i Hebrew 1.41. (Pam another 'corremoti&nt) Mr. and mrs. Joh n Sieling and tam: iiy:attended the funeral, of Mrs, Cr;( Sieling lif Srussels oh Vitednetday‘ of last week, , I BOWLING • Pour games of SrJetclt Ontbles were played Tuezday ritht-by-- the Members the .Ladiee fAwn Howling Club. The 'winners Um. W. Mrs H. T. Edwards, Elsth Elder, 26; Mrs, taurentson, 24; s..,,:A.,,,Goicitlibrpe 0$: ,.:Org,sfer Tile lawn bowling oho" held A etteee0. itqtststottb, -doubles tournament ,on. Mon- -Porty•ilic rinks were • aValio able for Plow but only forty tould ts at - inModated. 4nvice Were here „from 1.41tknw,,' Itii15*11, 'Clinton, Wit/Chem and TeeSwater. rinkkipped by,, following were the' winners • - the %int even: flan Stetioriald. Helms% 3 wins plus tp, onnebakeri Chao, 3 wins plus 21; Al- bert/ Tayiort Ooderkh, .3•Lwins plus 13;' %fits, Tees -water, 3 in plua 13; Ous. aylor, Ooderielh 3 wins plus 10; Itilitht, Clinton, 2 wins plus, ft, ARGAIN TRIP FOR CIVIC HOLIDAY SATURDAY, AUG. 5th 61Xir NDSOR $3.76 R;tti'ln • DF.TROI r poyA 00401 LP Return „. iron') GODERICH Going AUGUST 5th Returning up to AUGI 7t ,•••*••••••••••••.• • . e • intotination horn any *pent or j. M. 13EiVr TiS, Coderio 05 'Phone 6.• ' • • ML -• 1*.IAR'OAIN FARES AUG. 4 pODERicti -Aug. 4 _To MONIREAL, QUEBEC CITY CHICAGO -eside Trip to Stemule do- Beau..,-roo „children 5 years and ucIe 12 half fare._ _No baggage ehee,ted ( tfeliets, $00-i In conhes only.• Tiokets to 4131446 gold subjebt to pa v,tcnger nioeting butnigration re 0ero11fs\ of u.,p, A. -An opPiehunity- tcy,sea the7,, Warld's Chicago -century -01 Provess Exposition. P3k spieific return, Jarrestt-tra..,n ezrvizer,transgt innits7-tiikets,etc -Appty to - G 0 DER._ICII, ONT. Town and Depot Ticket Agents CANADIAN N"ATIONAL almrmair• a o e - Welt, Side Sqtwre It • • ormor WOyou p cnase a fry)tor ceta i,tho ut con sidr- jug- first - its Per-. .forma n e e t h e mann fa,cturer - the - guals•nteq -., the If yo u t h•e. sane care in select- ing your electric •tvasher you will chOos'e fi• "Connor4 and have year up• On yearspf genuin sa„tisiatiA61- Cdl Tel. SO' fat a Demonttration ot. 44r1,4,