HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-27, Page 1• v. 7 • .• M1 :1VIY IUCUC U1 rck ta ds,,,6 the clay, tt o of time for pnsa1 and te shopping, on , 4 THU DAZ tit, Poi t t thing, Atufouneernents, Catho Star. Piloting that Plea, Events. nvitatiorti,„ f�t $it ifttr monat ting Table vimdtct nei znd tl)orougblv up. to -date 'operathi table' 'ha. been pre- ' *exited *t� tIi Gderv1i. I . by Ur, .`T. T. ineuoij, Petetboo, 10,14em. '. Oil 'a .other, t1e iate Di.-.11itninet.c , son,- -•:.- *.ezentatiott. Olt p1ac qulctly ,on Mond*y evening' : at the Imspiteli *Dr;.. ' no- 1.4es -preientation, on - behalf Of the v..1eller go.0.4.',-.4titir 401044 atft''Arael...eeetr• byi '.ibe." proddent_of . the .lietPital,- 0 WIIY They Are .G.ivimr.Support _Open From Nine to Five , advantages,' er the Ooderloh pot:00s !Olr Which are beyond. that: )ii.:4,m,ark, power to etillaii", Yet which they anu,st meet in Price .coMpetitlen. These ton, ,Which obtain, taken in: oonjorie- tion-41Vitht, Other-Ftivairnsteneee' gard to . the coneessions roade.„V the 'town to 'other lepal-, .ioduatries, make Mx, WUrtele's request for assistance:remon- able and fair, The Salt Company, It "should be kept tn,-Pantic-has-litel..-ne„loan:Or7lboneir ad., trance wi• any kind from . the -:••toani, and pas 'since wages. It has grO:0150 and has been worth =hob to the town ,dorlio the iires51011..; to Vote cli Salt Cornpany totki Tatzeb""eit;;;Mittiii to e ot, 1t7 derith the olloWing ,r0S0 Salt CeroPent es Iota, * - vett-bk. e le, °Whereas the Ooderiehf' have oked our .town ,cionnell to ntit On their Brett,- to the ratepayers for r - °And whereas; the. VOWtt---COur,611-.- have Ratepayers of Ooderich tothe Poll* tomorrow to :Vote on a bylaw .whieh deeply ' ootteeri*- the hulUstrial future and ,vre4rbeixie itteit tom; T4c!---by- laiy.1014.• to 'Wend, for ten /ears; ex- emption from taxation, except,' sehOol taxes,;„ and, free power,, twelve ilOredbPOTiter* The Company has been en.. these concessions for the past 32111° ea and„--9,5-11i'WeitAtru. awn, -,-has-- made. 'narked Progrees, extendingits and., output . and emploYing, more hands than Parsons who expressed the grati- tude or, ow board, and by Dr, Ma • who expressed Ow gratitude of, the med- tat =pa of thif iOWn. %he new table P-ennits. of much 'valet variety 01 4- , •itiiM of- the patient'. than the old one *nit= that account has advantages the ” old one dd. not 'Poo , alhe Old table, • when it wits proaeAtea MUT IOUS ago, was the. gift of the Dr, Alex. Op, lor, It will be And both table* _ *--‘41,tetroirib. •-ittediCa'';106i;-oti.towIr . • Zmnierson, or Feterborooyere pre- 13,11114444,,,A, -"V LOST' ..„. LOST._;-Set*cen Carlow anot-'Ooderich 454. the County Highway, on sat- urday, lath,' a -heavy brown and 'Arey,cheek-oletle,,,raincoak:-Pinder -please' feturn STA4 :0PPzegi, or to ,100: MITER, Carlow, Reward, MBLIC 110110E, NP41,10E TO DEBTORS., . sm. . TAKE NOTICE that all persons owing the estate of the late Dr, A. T. .Ennner,. • .,11-a,-7..-•-thesante=to4afeSsrs,-11 :Ana. /14yei Baxrzlitorl 'gtreetk-044 'please *make It..tratigeMente , pay the . Same ,on or, before Auguat 5th, 1933.,• RAYS and HAM 12.arriate1s, Oottertchy 'Ont. _ _ ever before in ,Its 11.1St0194. 'Son*. twerve lanianrefl, PVOPextY own ere." are entitled to Vote' on ;the. bylaw,. baJnOte,;140.41Ann•.*4-44.0r-44*-,...„....,:--4.7,1,404110i141.1144°.0.4t -4).11t1t*.rt°,;,0•R•AK-..1)-ar• feporte A --Star r;':' roturdr-lalled. :Vote.,In.•AS; rnatiY wards as he owns.pro4,, O.': find one ratepayer' who is '43 opposing erty in. The p0115 will be open fromthe bylaw ,Although 'seine, for: personal reViela-..Reeet tensauted to submit said SON*, 4-0540 lit.ith War Veterans ,from ts_-of ',0,5„ett-Dylaw 24o, with,the no-Ori,',t,.ontity.iothortiVatlangrogiit - tint a'S the IbilaW".1tertabiating - _ 1034, the vote, 44 .aid Bylaw terbe.teld •Parit;,-4130Aeldf--:•for.tlieie. ennuit„•,pienie. on Friday, 4011 23A•13)33.0' twelve Aiandaortie ' new War!, Meintirlal • *hit obdivis-400.' the •4•91V.3;: tr0 1104 'eSt,eretti 'afternoon_ ihiPtee* "And whereas his '33004 -of ::-Trad . „ , , While artatoita' -',.atl,.`tilries **et in sive' •cereilatuIy. the, Towni, aro equally 'ram already established log4_4 si„ , her and 'feel that Other* titi.4ustr,,,_10,.**'lla,11- ton. Stik inset ta7'.0,7, -- - tablet beir,,_ h ' names eight --norl-*-iit obtaining indiistries to 'locate,' in our a a volicitotis of the wei- form of 0. a cititllt.' built of native Stigl:e Int Vtlst George ahit Ws- ing been granted 'renewal.. - inx-t in halte tilt! • s• • " ed tile 'contetrno- the ume 1,,vot_illot01 ed-c-he•-extendetl Al* .C•OhlVanniot q Nvil41. lost their lives • , • ttf the 00derich- Salt demilann "-yin*" the Preat 1'he tablet, erected .111 dont a great deal in the assiStance , 919 ,,m..•-xtaw- • - own al • Y lad .01.8 "eold otit $70Q,000. in .. -Of 1 on on , •• ; 41tetiol7ied. that we, Abe .niembers of the organisation, ;was us , Ooderich: Board of Trade, OW tionofthe. oaten by-tpriaent, • -aarr,-ta•-6-41;n4.•-TheY ''s,re'locatettn reasc3US mddiatir, :asked 'that *. .eledtmla•'044°1 4°1434° . • from • ratepaYers *mom: , for the places • as regillar" January' zett quoted: Here Are- Topite board; , • • as • - ,• urBkIndustry -; 11. .blizirien4"1 'ant g011ig to vete bled, give our hearty approval eir Old ' Aft 42-Anc1=--'1.47-elester,t--to, Village. in Oa Ia of' .3 410 a or , • . - - 0. 1if and bylaw this 14 dealing ,l'h° °CelnPanY alre443r has n "Cel *.olople .10WettIS.:. :Grote, with the. town's roost .basio Industry and. record • in -this respect and the future - .• ,to h 6 b ig• highly teinpetitiV6 chatacta. k ‘. The progra o , Bayfiel'J, on °n"g•-ilt-haer7:alt7' COM- 1110 4ove many 13, "Whateleiere" Is. no doubt noon Was the hands of tVgr v0r$, en- - iach byhw Ls 61 a "tillrerent .i3Op out -the unemplOrment situation - tem t :united p•iltirett., 11014 a lnost ottocessful •Iarge nianufacturing industry is tertaining ,gentienien; Messrs. A. L. Cole JEWELLER - SMALL Sig yme Tkri 34,ao.'otoc<tt bnefit a town and every nd ,;- aL. 94,:',11101., role of '-ane • should. be trexigtin TWO. 80Xte'', tries. I consider that the • hoult. ball games,,adided theinterest or the be 'atiliPortad •by'*the ratepayers." ,..olternoon, the tirsf.,gaute :hets,,Leen:. M: itt,V1-adChy-,•tahieron Stret•-r,---"This. ,ii:Ltim..t604-ts the captairtiof the wilihing • • ' would be a- better town* if . are lied More lost Jeo, Itebeitter the_tansi'oecti aeore',o1,0,_ won over, iVirs. Earl _West - reasonable .0encoura ern V' and assist . e• • Baur BUT LIFE: , 6 AN 1..Because no unai and 11,6 business . SolVent-Without a cont t•iney fund. ' -Beeiuse-yOurivifor iatu y -„depends yoti het -and -‘the-, Chlidr against the contingency of Your,deatli. ' • • • BePaliSe you- want your children to start whe-re -7QU leave. olZ; no whore you **tett.' ••• • , .4. Demure you 'don% want to 'hale work all your life -don't ••„1,tell „ • • • „ , want 'Pe rest,sometimel 4201tto LO Dieriet `Agent Ph-. ; Residence 849 • . , : **77INTAIW), thOrougli. -Wee Tegg:lit supply Ts.: satisfactory, „proof 'can - given that:6:10e disease gerins_stich as. tuberuloSis-, un.dtilenf fever; Septic tore-thrOat'ortyilhoid goes i to your'inilli bott).e,t4exic then- •only can raw t;e„conSideted dat(4 no such' investigation haW' made,and safety lies pasteurization ()cleric • , „ The Local Board of 'Health .of the Town'of Goderich has had its attention drawn to a pamphlet published anidistrizbuted by The 'Oodetich Dairy in- timating that there' considerable disease in the caused from drinking raw milk 'and, stt gests that onlypasteurizedmilk be used. The Board wishesqtradvise the citizens that the statements in the pamphlet are very misleading and cannot be substantiated, nor were they printed with the approval or consent Of the Local iloard*of Health or the Department of Health at.Toronto. ' The milk -and water supplied to the Goderic e are under regular scientffic, test and the k supplied by any licensed dairy, whether pas- urized or not, rnay be Safely used. - The citizens are warned not krbe alarmedby u advertising distributed by any of the Iocal to, r their own gain. ' CtODURICH BOARD Or IlEAL A NOX, tr • AndustrieS the tioderich Salt- Com--ziac was ' ,Thii-prettO.uttMeit,Wort W.- 1 , ttire or the.peeaSioit- it 'was ii -;beau -t• tIfi.day,.. the; bright *sun's ,rays being =mired by briele•breeZe. Off'the-Wa. ; Three hundred war. veterans 0, flfteen to-ribioteen. 'years *IWO; slia,ny of therir-, now with thithinning'and* grey halt. the.. Clinton: XlitY -band, ina..teliett.eniartlY,Iventitt.the.-Perk*And.- t-Nolt uptheir pwitient,:bifore the. mein - oriel; ,Mesto•nr"the ;Men were member's er the iftle.C. battallon and ninong them 'Were COOM6?" b. 0.1 'iitajoi 7Itt „hays and tietit.-461.,.,, Sturdy,. 0.C. of huron hegintent, ,and Other offleers.. . , • , . Courage Needed' Today ; _. . "We cannot. ,do withont.-heroism,,,te- :„ ,WrIMI-7---OfiliftWinbre-th oefore, We.•.have tired of the World. do. ,-•presSiek' for it Is a, autSty word, ...but we Utast face the tact that ..thirtng ..t_o_ past. •!:::::Yeis,::::e4lit.lhatiitt!Ac. fliitirauthbeet4ise,e_ain:leI._11.reeeetvtgruantel:*Ini . ,c•:,.. sic_rundw:. , 004:1Tclveterattsrift:olves»,40.s. Erect -Witten: You .men So, 'nobly disPlayed Ohm, Mrs. A,: D. Couttal,Untriatrie A, - or*.; a E., Appliyard„ g.C.,..•Whtt. gave the • lin,' licit, •flostelty-i4eri,. Rvel ard, '.-40;,. -4te4s. The ;_meilter bridged the ,ePir „A,. lialatine.„.,041.,.14,,,yot4 awl -uncier.,,,,, 4i.rie Keating, Anna' Cerritsh;.°Iive years .1,-Abile Woods, .•01adya _Ivistedel:eight ye4irre-tAnt* *trill,. Jean„POWelir veter,,, ante'. foo ,yard dash -Dick Walker, . Ilar- old Alien; lieterane shoe, race ---0. Cook*, E. 'Anderson, ,, ''. ' * . The annual Women's ,Institntet picnic _ will be held 41t Harbor Park ThursdaY, • Commencing Saturday at • 01 pan. and August '3rd, when all Members and their ..meceeding nights, the Oaderich race 'children \aro , invited to atterid. ' 'Meet on-:.:Olvie Iloliday. will be broadcast A ,,meeting of the Women's Hospital /34..rer stat.ie,...."..,...„.....4.,,#__ti ,CEL -W, Windsor.._:. , ,r4titbrxilicittaryp,awollnide h jeludiy'inutsht,e pantb,141c pli,iint„.._- At 'Sarnia yesterday °Gni" Litt 'W -ii -s in Every -member , IS particularly requested the money, in three Classes. , Itetiforf to be Present. ' ' ., .. Grattan -wet, the 2.23 pace, Grattan Camplete_r_cleartrig. tif all spring and : Pathlt •Arft9 In ,the nibney in the 2.20 and s• ,u:me--eep.r J13.,thil:cinlo. edArY:thattentd:m.1:.0034.030:atzEnsupoiaNypitt General 'Etrewers .sas third In the 2.r. .-vi• . • • the ' lviistAfi'rIfeltienerits Store, •Priday and ' Saturday, July 28th and 29th. , Coats ,remodtled or repaired. -, Champions ito- raCe reView at Strafe - ford 'Wednesday, Augpit 2nd -Free -for - Alt, Trot, • New Wan • Races. The kfar . ilipaign ness Association Yearly Review, reduced prices Grand Stands 25c. Autos Free. , !,i••:---;•6-,-...•••7•-•!---.,-..kel'.,7.'.• , . . :Loud speakers., Over •-00. horses.- Come! Extended Five Dve,oytie, '.1iptutd.P.;seixtitv.emlyo..nC:d,alosy.7;;0011t$7.sitii7r,,44,11,_,As!toit SO' EXTRA OPTICAU-OFFER- , dal:Itelgghiasteer,slyelisti ttorarrt most ut.tcir-, .......7,...... , -----Eveii R2...e.e_eiBet‘een 11,iiii4tog Contestants _ , wttti .lerises complete, only 18.50,i Irivti:, '-- theice in shell, 'white. or .pitik„ gold-lillea ,„„ _ - . ible bifocals with 011.0iee -Of-frame 0001 - We want very stibt..;eriber,. whether he • plete, only $12.00. These priees Include ir,...E•,.00/Ainatiritch4E°,41astrsirCItIPTION Otir- Well `known and rrah*alting spe- owes ' for a renewei.cr arrears? :to take a thorough examination of yolk eyes .by advantage of the saving which ,ean....be cialist, Mr. litighson. Over 20 3rearif made during this tentest. •So -the earn- •Court decisions rispeeting news- coming to Ooderich. The best optical Ain has been extended five days, but money, Thtirsday and . 'PridaY,:. August ,pa,per sultcriptions are. very clear., work. to be obtained' and we save you . Positively, at the close, -which ig 'Satur,, reAngfgailerily"..°11froinw".thvs st oillillirer,„„ leth and t,ith, , diniie early., - da, iugliht, :5th, : the subscription rate tvhether in tils.neMe or another's, SMITIVS, ',kw; -..,sToug.*gitioderich. or " whether *310 110ennSerinOtt or . will revert. back io $2.00 Per 'annum.. not.. is responsible for -Payment; Sporided.41.11,:do-s-o *lore the 010,5cl-owl whetherithe kat,Per la takeii-or not. ing molt: beifiaienient. -TheY iiko-* Wish* , we • ate^ want ' ou tootositontie... If a person Orders his 'paper (Us., , CARDS OF TRANIES teive . full credit, for their workm• during .co°rtthitletleptlibblisehnler44.Mt:aliynYett:natinalr to brother, Andrew', Peagatt, Wish to thank - Uri, Re Peagan and son Marshall, and subscription .campaigrr,• and 'We hope send £t until payment ismade",,Arld neiglthors and friends: for . their kind- Olir eilbgeribeft Wtto' 'NM *hgt ;Y6t re'** then f.tollect the' whole amount, *leases and :expressions of Sympathy dur- giVe their support tO One of tne_tandi- Thee ourts, have decided that re. • to, tharik-those-who--so 'kindly -01(e- tto • ditei:•'- ..E- '-'•'•-'•' . _ _ .... _ . fusing to take -neWsPaPere '. Or * nee, Of their 'cars._ : .•.' .-r• - •• , • . --An~!'exteniion 'is, given' On the -extitie _.periottivais Irozyt the .peet.. offlea.V-The -.funny of the late John Walden ,- Vote. credits for arrears and new sub- • ;till:44.14re* Ti' atirerida lefacalougovi;theilLdencb-110 'no; wish to thank -their -.,many- friends for .the kindness- and syrapathy s.hown in scribeja for this week's returne.; intention' to fraud, their retent bereaVelnent, for 'thet,,beau- Regular vote seliedules Ohl): Will ap- ,•.. ktifinutuyi floiraoalnetdribouotesS? and tho. so• -who, so: ply the last 'week of the Campaign, .• Clese•'-Rate iiittiween Centsitianta Usti% Alex. o'soiSiteiciiiiiiat kritetirect. Winnerts-p., - . ' - SONS and DA.t.tdfic, Mrs. ba- Oec h 0 • aril. Aong'elnheii'lkgetibtring Cel'Olttlels'.tInst, aantie.tab,,t! i:hle'61,4c'rs1)-;iitarni%-d.6thnliale41.1-hW ;:,,iit,,,o.itseltais.iidw,o:torkonliftoironthiti-e- results, during the last week no doubt will be the .detiding factor 46•_tet JUSt, hOW the "prizelist will be, awarded,' tie. Inettiber the , leading ' candidates *tura hot clieleo,4eit tliOvards, and egett One etelirea ,-their elielee ikeOrding to -the Arial stariding, ne . OtttOlattilt1 tfila*C ivitteh Will' be announced next week,' will be 71141;teile"4.13.0itULhtlielati4dlitdoV#PiiPsinlItttlfaiibl:s 4;04;11)184' ens fo'' their h•O Akita the Ana day.. 'vett 448 utif W ered prayer: Peddle, Pre** biteriek:student,..,reati the lemon' Rey.. .,7Patinl4.4644.00jkli Chtitch,.. nedieated e and", Mesdames •OUZele an TOMs. unveiled thetablet, 4,The bend -led lzi ti stuging of three ,11;yrnni,,!'itieluding ihe National Anthein,, after Post .anit...-Ttevellibrin,d, been winded, .The names on the tablet are thoae, Of gamey Currie.* Kenneth, Ourrle, -Wake '-',VOntee*Ober* _ laPZ-thertan-,•'hiSetkiel Adley , an rt1iur-01arse, Wreaths Oire placed at the base Of the monument CoiM. Fi H. powelt400ttertot-i-to.witatio. toot 'Peed Watson for Satiley toWnsh.10. 1*--MAlvd-hil TOM* 16r the of sayfteid, -Effotitti4Drlie ud lengthr,..Ast 01 races40t. 'Vetertfiete.''"iiVes an .eheorerti,i, 'ton won the hundred yer4,--sprint. Mrs".,---pred,Ohm took the dashforvet- erans' wives,Elizabeth ,,hiar,ieirle, seven and a.half mont3s etaughteirtliajor and Mrs. A. Arehtbola, Olden, captur- ed first honerti, in the. 'Baby.- ponteSt... gfaieT'"(WO: ter of and' Uri. Arnold Westeett, ‘Seeforth, was* second and Albert, 'teen-menthw son '01. -Mr. and Mrs: Albert' Ward, Ootterieh, won third. Thejudges were tir. Ot' W..shayik plintoni "'Rey. 0, Ooderichl Mrs. (Dr.) Atkin Exeter; Mrs. (Dr.)•ivitinn,1Seaforttlit and, Mrs-.4041.:•ThoinpSon.,- -*ClInten. Fire, years'. and.,under,---Tatk McLean, Prank rtY;7 eiglir,yearii4Dillie Carter, Rory. Earl.; --7W:years,--Itert 'Castle, -Roy- Alltinday; years--4,e.ivrente Johns,. *'0:. will get -them ;indirectly: It",o_tto brook's the. second game, hrad as it is long. I tun supporting th#** Married . men against • Single, the lliCkY ' benediets. ,defeatect- the ' bachelors. The , , • , • Thomas Pertnington,--"Other,-indattriegt. winners of themes whien_prompted the building of thecairn have been accorded 4._averii7- and -there', -4F,,YeArsza under-,-Overi 4t: heitatlf41,ahd. ChaSte site,. where. it should be n� dise6mination..-,,....The in; 'irree?n4n# Mary litUlat'',1"01114-•,91011n. -cauld be seen by all. He spoke .Of the- •:81-liatrYfria,here ter'Stai.7:-That,..ivsoritt‘°- VIA& developed --thing to *insider. prQthing -shall(' be • •B•oYS 6 'Years and, under -Stanley among men on the..battlefield and Web. done to discourage Freeman, SheardoW11, Iviartin had been,'perpetuated. "The message ot, oran„ Seabrotir-''The-b-ylaw • _, - • • * • , - ' ?fiber- • - Nelson-at-Trafalgar„T-JEnglinchthis-day • - " 'clirls 8 years and under -Evelyn Gray, sxpeets every man to _1.6 his 'ditty' was :-supported because the! Salt Co, is/6mm :add. best JiidustrY we have and, has -a •very ;mitten in their spills. They answered hrlght tuttue, with prospects of employ. toYs 6 Years and ▪ 'Inader--DillY Price, the call , Manfully :#ndnably and today 'Ing still- more jam:IL ,The working man Harvey estbrea. lc, Billy Thornlae. • -We are gathered here tti-pAr respect to isthe bet asset we have?ChrLs 10 years and. under -Pauline :the memory of to. ose .who dfd not ,re- - br.WP....VIark,"*Mant--suPPorDh• ig-tn Johnston, Helen ,Robertson, ,Freda Malar A.ppleyard said part. bylaw becauseF. - • - • •,•• * • - • -,,ottisiaz. is never before, Nelson's fem. - similar concessions • have ,Boys, - 10 lyears- and unticr-i-43111y rri.ft= ....bi--IL:dying words Tor. Cod and Country' leen -9.tbel 11174 probably n°t'' „Janieg -lviaad, Walter Darrow: • :8t-eTnt.-our as challenge to .Canada's ag,deserving. ' The company has 'lived . 12 years' and limier -Pauline' taiiciliood just 'as they did at Illielfalgar.,s, Proving the Want ' and 4'employhIindre up to its agreements and ,pronitses; Johnston. Ittlitt; hobertseti, Ethel Wen- , Rev. R. 11.1nited -church, g • encouragement.' Boys 13 years and under -Ted Chap- aidsVet* • " Dr. U. 1tely-.7"The Salt Company., 0. ,-mart;--Ertie Salkeld, James gg just in ,its infaney, The growth will: Olds 14 years .artil Under -Ruth Rob.," require a. larger' staff ,which Will fur-, ertron, Ethel Weaver; Edith Darltavt. ther ;henelit the lawn and. While other_ Days 14, _years...and, IlLithiStiles _have lowerefi_wages-tile- Sal -Lid -Chapman, Walter4Darlow,', - Company has maintained theirs." •Oirls Over 14 -Dorothy Gray, Mary , Joseph, Brophy -'I think' the' 'Salt Iviathtegan, -Dorothy' Henderson. Company thould be accorded the same Vey's' Open Fell, tan OraY, treatment ,as other Industries. .It his Bertintreell, _ • .°1-• Mara than, llygd unto :its agreement in • 'Girls' TIOSO and ,toe race--tetty--isteiv- the matter M7ort'Atilic whi01, combo,. Betty_.-0ray„ tOis , stands. out in. ceiatrast by Comparison . -130y8,1' nose and toe race-till*,-Stod- conmany has a .cortimendable go- dart, Ernie Salkeld, Terry, COoper.„-z--- ahead spirit and has, succeeded where ..„,04rIel,.--,ehott, 13arlei, other salt,,firms failed" 'Betty Newcombe, i11en Vayley. • • ROO' , shoe kicking -Terry Cooper, Walter ,Sheardovirn, Bill StOclart.. , three-legged race-DorothyGray and 1,440 1.1.atiiieson,, Freda Barbour :and Pauline Johnston.-• • • -, Days' wheelbarrow raCe-:-Terry 090p - and Murray law:dray %and Walter Barlow.' • , Soap- venteitt,N1r; Chapmattl team, /tidies', tine race -Miss Lois Capper, 'iFltoliert-aahroetoirC- • ' Roo; soTATE AM *N$UMWCE rpnz .'ibittAISTROX(21. ' kizAto EsrAlt- 44. Alio.N1) nosurtimoz Aolawy: flothe small properties for 'Sale fat- big bargain prices, Good ,b4Use, small barn, ;fruit trees, 4 i,ereg or land: Price* $480. A,sk for terra*: • , • NeatOoderieh, good hOuse,•• small fitte gardetioNirtirorellard7 12---iteres good land, with hay• Price $1280. • I Wren's -Tame running baekwar‘t,-7._Nor., al I 'Near GocierioliPgabd bonsei small nearrintdr Warlc;141liek'IPAttlr".--7:* — - , FOR 'SALE. 04 stolturo. tro-igorrotreillynztAttertiatied, 'n'ear barn; fine. orehard, 'titres Priee $1500, , • ° Extra .S.Peciat 113. acres land, price 812.08 per acre,' Large bank barn, house, orchard; .aseta sou, *Sate land, line water MIA:sly, TwO Mlles front Immediatepossession, •••• • 'W. A./iNfSTRONGe • * Box 81 Ooderich, 'OM ''''VV15-15-L-C6I5Tkift- iite‘mtrireol" 14TvtitteT asientto 296 ti elle° illetiranee of oil 10114 Ott rittea from before renewing' or Vanning new%.3he " '6.thlon-et,,tet.tage wlth serefted.in porch at Klntail tor the nrentte,of Aug- ust. Will tent only to adults, .giris or two couples. Sleeping , accommodation for Sit people. Dumb viaiter and new wood cook stove in kitchen.- '$60 for month, but,' wilf,(zetit for ,le„.5 to good tenants. Make enquiries ar-*ST 114.-CAttglr C ACCIOEST 14 MOTOR CA N Ire '�i S • refrigorator cir quiek *Ie*IttiiSonable. F.nouire at F04 - 10042l extra _weneobitlea ltouge on SrUee street between orth and liktoria, Strette. Apply11 itleiit..1.0Six.;100- meld-- 'ft Keay estreet, modem convenkineet, Iso tbree-rooined,-*bertMent-A2---to(ith eet.•Apply J. r loaitttwm, Vow SAM -Cottage' lotc‘14 feet wide by 296, leer dierP, or aui gee Wanted,' On. , Lake' Front Of Blue Water tottcolor. Apply to 40/Iff 11. * R. R. No. I, Santa 'ARM FOR , firti acre tit leas, the property Of W. .0. Nagel, eituated at the utth'Street on the aouthetii 0' Of red elay i�a tte• •and bon, "deite,-abed« wc n -house; artesian Well (lat ) *Mkt good f ekee to , 161 a 4 te dat inReady Banner e Meet 0 Tim next. ''greak eVent o $eao Xilt benner-, fittee- -ineet1 be held at ..0Oderiekon-4,4uat 19.33, .01.V.1"ef trto„..theilargest cntr ilst, giiod "hersts,' eye*" **MI: toOth, at one 'tin)" at any Xlee inteot* Caro *de, the" wird Ineludea Ave stake. ,races-e- tt4hee ,.tteeeets*Y.teiteir:061144‘otrAo.ott,,,, with14:1243 ventittreliesert the free4or-all, 16 'entries; the. ,,2.24.• Stake, '24.' ,entries„ and the 2417 stake.,-- - With 25 entritie For each race there, it -a--,Viter-gake, 'and tbe-Wgezezitr/ co, Ataloinir Ow names Of prietleauy . the good horses in Ontario,- With Were) loin the, Weatern, Povineea, enSiues great afternoon's Sport, - -- The* ten entries -ler the 'free‘for,aii„... 'the slue, Water strike-404We SOnie of the greatest Pacers tho ever faced ithe the:, „.-„0,0t t. Is the great '.horse 'Wolter Stone,owned by 14,11„.'Setinett of Pert Hope, teal cita,M,00/u Then' there . is. the greet - 'WeStern champion* Dell Whitney', 'owned.' iwor tuniscle-Sasktr4wineh-------",-if-t -- hos, starred tor through the western ountry and the champions. of then East a real battle, , That .great„ marc..-Itam• ina-Orattan'r,ownett.. 4/Yr•-, . and Captain " Orate , tan.,..owned'' by 'William 00dreare of Sea. forth, are two Moro,' interesting--etelea. Captain Oeattaw'W494One- of the. great - et ,PeeerS the Orod Moult ever 'saw• • and he Is goad this year --:-Another great ontender in this event. will be Mack - Peters, oWried by .Thos. lvfeCrackon at litrathroy, the Vase- that- won the free- V, feeka ,at ,strathruy'4u1Y t4i With Sid Beth Peters, Burke, 4.• ;tee Path 'and Jack harvester?, all Stars ,osaitn1 oy,intaufcle et-afao:sr.ree-aarilti..:5,1ertitiSltut?enor,:t..°14.1* 44,703:3 the large list" Of entries for the and the .2.17' guarantee some great ,heats 4-them-tacts,-The-fornier-has-twentP, t •-,( Continued on /Page 6) • omin 2‘,14m, suswgss moo', nly Ten Days Goo Will—Chill ,V , , STAN PQRN SEM. At Alexandra nospital,•on .,,saturday, July 22ndtoMi-. and titrs,., Sabeedbers Can Await their R W. licit; a tan. raverites Tile work ,for the candidates the last week or ten 'days of the Calubmigrt• LT al- ways the hardest Stitaseribere tair help Considerably If tliek, Wotilki. pay, their sub- teriptionsoand, hand in their coupotfeat tlie office-4nd -give the credit to wh „ever they Mani peoiniste for the last' worare dtenkept in this mariner iING .0E. CONTESTANTS UP TO MONDAY,.' Atha. ttilth e tndng()if-votes ftitbrished tli-p to .-Monclay, July 24th, i ttsr 'CAMP1iOis4it'VOderietr;'-on &AZ July 26, 104, Margaret -Munroe, widow, of the lath- Vireond Campion. ICC.. in her Bard year. The funeral will take -place at ig% late - Ivsidenter„lielson street, on-lerideI. July 28t1z, at *445 *a.tri. to St, raft%.0toutlit Tor requiem inigh 100,- thenee' 4.‘ ceitletori, 01bOrne*„.for interment IN zeNEE: loving meniory of John IffieeShisW. *Ito, pamed away to ' rata -ago, July 240-, 19.,, thOtight, a SeCret. getiVil Id% themont onto ato. • Tint toot DICRSO-At Alexandra Tuesday, July 25th,to Mr. szid,,..,Mrs„ Vein. .olekson, Colbaline. twp., a (laugh - DIE» PEAGAN At Gadeileh. Satux- 124dilltemilton . . , _ ARSZIRONO.'-At Toronto General . Ju1 2ISt, Grahame, Ree1er Atinstrongi- beloved di tf flarr 1. instp)X4 raid Usibel ftobingon; 23•A'afttig averine, ,Toronto, formerly of Gaid-erleit., in*Wa. 24th Vat,- . Votes MISS C44 ;UDE, AP,VANS, Godiriat 2,536;500 MRS, AUX. .0014130,1tstE, 'Codeilcit, . .. .. . - .2,5i 6,000 MK ROOT, DAMSON, bungarototi„:„ , . .',... .2,347400. MISS !RENO JOHNSTON, Goderich,„ . . ..; . . .2, 165,00o MRS: JARVIS, MerlillOti, Carlow,. - ,.......,..".„ 1s.,925,No RS, LORNEJOHNSTON„-R..it-Pri-Albet. RS, I Si, LOQKHART, it, R. lc Godard : • .. !SS MYRTL6 PFRIMMERi lienmiller..; ..,..... MISS LAURA PHILLIPS. Anburn.......; .....,..... MRS. 64,' IMMO Oa R R 2, Goda1011.— ... . . ' 4,612,000 tii575,0%)0 866,5 0 4 8,6