HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-20, Page 1adv ricth Star day, the shpphi 11 ..0 so Thu", 4alt linexpeettaily." but A** aPpre-" _ , histOry-irtaking Italian tit . *Tread*. - agentrealrOtioafte bound;. gave GOtteriellItea a thrill list. Saturday after* noon.. inotsing by Vila port in all their maje.ty PA th& record 8,100natle -"tight .trOrn AA" to the Century of $14e0..1'114,...0.10O110;" rejig. Tileiiiedrititel :glittering flYlngebelat$ :41-e4r,(t the romi, Or their- motor* • 104;0: :‘•701ties, 'Of a".Italt and•-nlere'VeoPle' *waited 4.c. .7*.rat te v1thout any ettlten*. Attire Of ,thne or money. •• ,',While,:lareParatiOrts :were -'10e1.4g.': niadia! • torLtho,::$wmm1ng mee at the.attreor: the -.-roar of twelVe airgatin vootonct*Mkt • out Of a clouded sky .tfroM the north! at 2.26 pzi. flying Jew Under.- the Clouds,,, 004 two, mUe out In the lake... • Ali eyes were .;cast okIw•ar41 The'sVsnR-7, '310w In ,OrettP0- 'MVO; v-ker*iatiotl• with :Oen-era:I Itele laatbe's Mitehine.• 411e.' spearhead. rho rreport was quickly :spread that It Wks. the Italian 'fleet bat ,nOticdy Vao„ SUre.... All doubt was 0417 - -Pated„- ten minute ;:a704444tes„ 015,..ercliowsver wnen sibt,a.11 1 nod; witation Tosensy Itiet The 1ageat oft Inttottion, eve held b Usintland Golf Club wit pyed her. yeataroltY under ideal cort blifristY*104r payers Satittnat piltyers.coming from Stratford* TA el., Bayileld„ Clinton; KU:CEO: 0.0:44 Mend, London, Seiforth, Walkerton,,Mount Forest pl: Tor ontoan Detroit.The r s f;lt IOW MO team Vote won by '004 ch—C. Waiker; Wm. ‘Oftriatian, Vie El.• Mott, Tom Pritchard. • LOW net Won by ListoWel-',Dr; Taylor .0.*Joinustott,-•R. Burt,' Wm. Lew 'gross soorei;18 holes—H. Oruee., 4tiTatr("*.,,.!IV, Jo!? 91r 494,0911A war-•" - •4:007100451V-ft4 Pet T I . • • Low AgrOos.. secOnd. nine-7Wm, Chris -i, tian; tow' net, •Mr. , Higgins,AttOeld. .40$ NeNge otiol..„0071U °-,tolte. 0- MeditiOs00. unveiling ' of $1110011•44„ war Veine July 20th, at ae pan. . the. Village square. ^ The: Puh1470..are cordially Invited attend. lifaior, the Appleyard 11411„ 004114 the unveiling and the leen/ Bayfleld.clergy ,will conduct the cere- Mouse . Following. the ;ceremony the veteran lainilles, will carry on with their Zook for pesters.. Veterans at- tending the.. memorial service' at- Bay. field are requested to wear •their, MOM*. Those haVileir *tom in theireeart,onA Jno.ctiLitidtw , rR 0 o Char* Jerry Irvin ,o,auler; w. likeable leen.-age thapSovere good psIS until they Went 'aneetkaT ere itne 014, autoinobile, for which they pita dol. lets dein. . The:: the trouble 'started; Jerry sold 'out his eliaXe to .0)auley, but. the sale .did no include a tirer-lvinek Jerry had v10 ori_the, ao_dN. whodp.„ Jerry went •te.:041-Y's placeete get .ehe tire thexe .4.001 lassault, given tuspende came out 444.4i0ggzehet:„.040:"Allturtiej:;04,0,1"ltcpt.7.610j::::/175 4 4 • to:nee,' ordered to 130 *11.50 court eo eluding a two -dollar dectoes„, ttirta_pbtisUpt-irJeerlfa Pinkturebut,,.440-'4:01',k;00, Je rim. - , • The evidence teeite that 'while Jerry was ,stooPed over: jaeiting -ttpi the oar to take ..-off . the -disputed* .tere, •,Gauley 'tionePere.'.. hint from They clinched, relied, _met, and ---exchg,40. blows and kicks. .on Jerry. 'went after Oaulty with the jack. Bot tombatante called Ale eeinforeeneen Jerry his tatlemea _end •_sueuley_ b 'bittiter7olfq7lie—himi.7-rwe anis and. ne.4,11i3ore, igathered. wIll. •ineAttle Oswald -Inhoned- the., -Pollee A,• the _free-for-all was soon over, It ,Shbsidflag on the attearanee chier Postelethiraite Charlie Jerry was at- tended -by a doctor twiee, but the dOefOr testified 'couldn't find any -externa narka ,of .vielartice,, counsel Cockburn Beet' tried" to get the' boys : to shakc, -hands---4atter-rthe-triali:-- there-7.-)als' nothing doing. - '• • 4 • • . GIVEN RAW DEAL, ? 14428 in identioal. lashlon., It was not ealtleOese, Hamilton St., "Iiiitir'llaree o'clock.- one-half -hour atter ; the Amt., was sighted, . that, three more appeared, further oat and.higher uu • They.. prat '"pionik hitt* . their • Motors were 'nor herd. The. remaining , three -tplanee..---- it leas -Since tinted, oat, had`beeonie separated and followedthe • • original course along taiceSPlitario and, Erle, joining the. The 24 giant fieteg leaift$, left .e.,„-..,,elefentreel 'about •11 ait, %lade 'line' pro* greet. along the gt. Lawrence eriVereagel • • the north shore of ,feeke. Ontario" as ear'; as Belleville. At that whit they ran in - bad ,Visibility .04 the main body' swung north* •liYing,over Pet,erbore and 'wept ., over Lake Sierieoee • They'', ;were eighteet t Coldwaterand; Owen. Sound; reaching' the -shore ' of; leeete Hatton A,at. • thintpton* then SWinging south to ,Porteleitron„ and Petro% t,Isertee fo, •eago. , I , • , „ • 17,0ST.:..eAlleut June lath, year-old 4e:A red. Steer; • delioreted. ,AnY., 'Person • knearing its wiiereabbute PliOne HOWAR b • k ;whereabouts telePhetio. $ . FlOWAttp .sPI:tottt,..., 24 r, 13; Diengen-" einVeirrk ' • • ‘4•••••••••••., •IntlrOW. NOTICE •P410 ATIONS will be ,received, by ..the ,vr,deratne4 elereeeteeshineme- s and privileges .the exhibition-trot:rids CiVie leolidaY fektieliet athe up to ,gatardate• .Aug. 5th, 1933, .0randstand , ,separatee.elceeeareams...cones, • and -soft drinks' to, be sold at •0 tents,' / PR. W. F. MAIM, "SOO; • Race ki.isoefation,. ' ,CtOderielt, Ont. REAL g.§.1mixt AND 121,1SURANOB P1IIE' ARMSTRONG .11/31AT, ESTATE ' eik.141/,INSIMANCR APEN07. ter, sale at big • Jelood,hotize. snal1 barn,, fruit treeseA aeres. of land. , .Price $1000e' --Ask for erms, ".** rine garden and' orchard. 12,' acres- of - Near Goderili,goOd house, small; bare . 'good -0414' with hay. • Price 41,250, Mar -.004edelle:geikt IOWA', small new fine orchard, -5 acres land. Pelee 1500 e• . * Extra _g Bargain e-11,1 Ores Untie We?. $12310 per acre Large hank. barn, orchard. good_ oil no sate an 'Mee Water eliPPlee !lave, Meleseeffebirr 0 crick *, Inianediate passeselore • • w.-A,Tt43 ONG,,„ -Bo x 89 Goderleli Ont, ,11) WANTODe-To refit, , apartment hi , T .0ederich, . .modern ..eonveni.enees. !Cite „ !ex', ga„. &rat Orpicg,, •AN'rEti, wohlan .,no :outside work; general • heuiewerig, "PO„lit • otioking, referafales. Aly - Box 30 •STAU,GIFFIC15..- .• „ ' . • Grahl prieee are .advaileingi Wily. _keep a; lot eir .4104-laYlrig bea,rderswhen you en IfaVe yeat flock: hene_dulled, tree ,chafge, by ,,anwexPe 7.4r3 ot . experience arse hiuldreds of satis,.... rangeevith yobt neighborreeteie „ your flocks culled. 'thi Sarno day, Good peiteeeepahr for the cull hens. For •,particiiiirseeep h h. e DanglItriOn • •14, :7• - _ itortr#01sT r Selis PAON.g- 2 6 insurance of all kinds .frOnt,hitebetore ienewin,g• ne% ixistirairCe. • Get rates r planning AIM 0. F. CARE C • - st 4bi; rr tytt " , ...X40eal • Bavylers Charge 'Stratford Seem, telly With •Sevitabine Draw . Local bowlers claim thee. were &yea a Ppm- 4:tear' :at; Stratford . yesterday, and charge-the,ffseeretery, of the Stiattorei Club with a_ display or peer .SpOrtsraftne. shin 'hi eveitch,ng the draw so este pit Ills' awn- kink' against .a weaker one and thee0ocleriele rink, agalreet a stronger .one,, . whereas the, scores warranted the reverse. „.. It Is explained that announcement was made to play high. *Ore, against high score in theefinal,-gameee The ilmt two ,highs. were drawnk the second -two high ts' •#04---417(07,#4-70x-z.;:t4 $4•Argrtt., • eacretaxy.gand: Dietigliee rink:of -liensalt. Faeh,eof the latter r4raks' had two wine' and lejel the secretarY, It is alleged, switched draw -so as to play against a weaker .home rink anddrewBensall. against Goderich, .Bensall won. "Bill" Powell says it looks. to him like a "raw dear', for tie& ;:outilde rinie---anete ask The .tai'. to ment,don, the ;fact in the in- terest of 'Olean sportsmanship. Robert Johnson,- "lack Johnstoli ancl Joe. Bow- man other inerobemot the team. Fiv local rinkst'parttelPated .at len yesterday .and. thr,ee. were in • the money. lioitard SaftNee and Tom Mc- Dermott were second, '.100 Eieveffield and C. Griffitlyt thirde,,and..A.,,Taylor and L. Young • thirde Other rinks wereR. Wheeler and Jas. MaeViear, Jack Wood and Wes. Litt. ° - - • * tourney 15cotch. doubles 40ing-tteld-,7-atc.Ciederiela text VIariday. .t A "0. , Tift401.t.'104.114 ST.,, apt:struck\ Pko*s 233 NE Mariakl. I4W -CAL 110433E/C EW4.1Urik .„ THE 814A1.4.; SIORE woof ,,rtike rita sTbcit , 1441.14111104.41414141•4411•41141041 W. 1. •CRAIGIE • mutate 80 Real Estate. ,-simitorepo, BONDS.; -- BSUTOHOO oinpap o ape a war sari INSTIRANCEt , - ,1; tecaute•ho Matt slid no, bizsineei an lie' tolytmt Vithont ,it contin. .,geneY'.f.unk, 4. . 24 -13eostPie YOui". depetalt Yott4hpotect her and, the ehildien against 'the cOntingeitcy of Your death. „ • . 3. Bea, yfati,' Want yoUr children to Start. whpre you leave oft,. nat.- Where" yOtintarted., . 4. 'Ileelitisis you, aetot•vint ,to have.. *Ott yoUr lifeLdien!t, y� • want to rest sentetime ? 4 "' • (oince 115 i ttes !dilate so H. R. LONG, DistTiet Agent ,OPEN EVENINGS :The rangeo in e Ve e have so gains. Call in one, and • OPEN VENINCS °ice was never better than right now, ' o e otor0K-seasoniWe also - d trucks reh at% eveptional bar- nd see our ears, or better st* drive t••• aldra Ar 0 Vie., --DOG ,OWNERS TO:PAY-VP - To date 155 dog owners hatre„takeii oui licenses tor. their =Mee, which is a re- cord for tilt& thhe'ecktethe year, Twenty; *two citizens Were prosecuted and were, obliged. to pair one dollar extra court tests eteldition.,to ethe two -dollar fee for the tag. 'then there was a great rush to the 'rev& Hall, over sixty Aniying tags * the space of a few days; Three, .116e/SeS have been taken out: They cost $10.'each.;. • .- • The Sum of $125,000 will be offered in -Metes at the Canadian National Exhibie tAREel/lifi .04r. • sAtt Olt TO. RENT .841.X., --A. quantity ot .secondd '7“ leated. windows, -deem, . brick and .1.ustiber.' Apply fite 11013FAT DOAK, eentratter..leictori St.'" - . • SALE.e-Orie span et greet' Silks, throe years, broken double, gen- eral purpose, well, *.niatched; .prieteseie .47,:urg tor team. One-generalpurpose Weak ,an filly Om years, broken :single and double, lha perfectly This colt -develop an ' quite A Price 08 4P, "DtillNkN, we • thirikannen7„ • W. A. Thant ond Toronto., toltrish. TorIntO, The afar* Phyllis '"and %rosin Icy'ut , saw ,reiouvoo-At- Miss Olisie rtoher440., et *10,01140. ts visiting 'with her niethO• 110. and lank Then. 'Brantford. Were guetts, ?Arc.' Wm. Stritehan 'Itust week. t/41.7S N411* Catling, 100013t0; a gueEt itt‘ the . C. 1Sta . WM. Hall. . nto, at the., heMe of 2,fir_Isnd • Joe. Bre: h " ' Vf..r,--Ssrnuel-•Peterf--Atwoo4-,-Asr-visit. at the home of /411; and MM. John Longmire. riextnrell.„antL„,Mis*-Williams, .vIst tit • 1 01 TorontO, are aPe.nd4 tUen!' 1110t -On at Ooderieho' • _ . , ttr; - Willard 14ritgi1.110-Ltimikttftpk,..- 1111., at the `hinne • Or Mr, and Mrs. C. 44p.4.i'4grduits.°,11' Mrs,..L.'1-1; Zinn. - Mrs, Cowley' and, little daughter. of • _ • Toronto, Are 'visiting' At ;the '.lione Of and Mrs. -John, Pinder,. • ' ,evirseE. J. ,Henry and Mr., W. 4*neory were week -end Auto= 7'ot-the-home -or eeeeCurw, .:WWS`getWizietta en -are4visit41g-ut-Int4.014.--guesto-ot. B.44 AlaWia.C111,':wCicrtieittglea' vis- iting rurnheel"..te4sliteerr,; 1.11Vgs$.01n4..7jaetaPn'ert1144,91.1' 'has Mrs. 'Horton. and -Miss Rail left -Oil: Monday . one a trip; to the. Gaspe Pen, insula, where they wil1,14)end two weelts.: YOung,„luis-hee cepterieby the Stratford General' Ile tal••as •senleir of- the February traini elan. • * . , • . Mr. Anct '41VP.mcl,':and ch Reriald 'and. Raymond, of Detito are oeet!pyIng eottage at Blue liVa and Mrs. Mr;S: s taineronee, of ganellton, 'Were weekee guests of - BetveeeSte -Batelle& thee- Wo 73.ertelle‘ ' rig 1- young, people on Monday 'evening whin Pref. t;ousianti, EmMentiel. Colleget Ioronto., spoke , on Growth In Christian ter taking. his tejr1 from Peter 24.18. .) He said, that. Very often religion, takes _ -sotond place -in life, but that an exam. ination_of ourselves should, reveal whc- ther-It means er tial. To attemplith Spieetoolgrowth For the correct thfn Announcements, Cards, ar. Printing that Pleases ri invitatkn MEETINGS HELD tilre TOM,. 414Pan 0 • .• uoderich Sum,n10 kicricel opeo,q4 •14 week's seselons on Mondayealltellinetez a 'rally he' tetreet: United 'charele'on ,moric4ty Ivelnktg. -no eptalter 'was Pro', lessor - E, Cou3land, of Voroute. ••.,.The• registration .thla year 1st *bent ifiXty. the • same as is,etyear,„ .and considered sat- istiaorr Morning, afternoon arid 'even' sessions are being -held in tonform- ante with a -daily- schedule, ' Closing' ex- ercises °will he 'held on . Sunday ,witti. a communion and. tenseeratiair T•efAr,e in Vietoria .street tiniroh, in the afternoon and .final North street church la the evening. " • . , Embre;:. president:Rev; C. A., Malcolm, Seaferth: Dan, Rov G.-Watte,---Gederiche +seem- tary-treasurer,-141,sa T. Cheer, Ooderieln registrar. -Miss. -06derich Miss - stook Musa, 4panese student, )1 the guest at the eeleool and will speak oa Pridey night 'When 'Mrs. E. Rush, .Dorninion W. ace -rotary TillsorlbUrg, will ale° give. an addrese*. -.Monday .-Evenft's Meting' Their° was a fairly good attendance 02 :Ivliss:to',..7,.essie..,. o,s.•• .ter..._and at the rene of Mr, imd Mrs. •Arth her little niece, Miss 'Marlon Poster,. are Eugene, Of Paris, were week -end visitors visiting the Venters mother, Mrs. Ado::: . and Mrs. A. t. Unington and gab . F. clerk ived home t week' after-bendinet weeks attim Ing Grand. Circuits rat meetings in t State of Ohio. Mr., • and Mrs. Robert ZWilthril .and daughter Jean and Mrs. J. 'Miller and Miss Miller, 'ilte viattoes: Hanover during the week. arest-Mr ..u'ele-oberte411etlek•---nd-ildt and Mrs. _cliesley _crites_ and baby son, of Detroit, were week4;end-gueSts RI Mrs. • YoungePark ,St. Miss Leona Webster.- ei spending two -weeks" vacatio, at the home of •her. parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. °W.,' A. Webster, .rEkSt Street - Rev. DreaerftIntoeh and Mrs. aleInteih of Landau; and albs Aeune "Ooodlianci of Detrelt, are the guests et Mns, /. Hetheringtozi, Keays street_ . Mrs. "It. U. Vetter, of Toledo, - Ohio, Motored to tioderich to spend; the sum Mer Avith,klier ,thoptittrf- orr. the BaYfieldttaead, .. 'Miss lieaellaLCrotik. It*, of the Chile d renes Detroit, -is spending her vacation 'with her parents,- Mr and Mrs. L. B. crank,. Lighthouse .Street. vie'fMght4a+n‘Vd.'41M14i.f. Nrttale' to'gna,riof Vrirae: Unit, were guests Of the fotrneres sister, Mrs. 0. J. Brownlee; last ^week.' - ,Mrs. Howe and Master Maynard Ilinve and "Ivlisles Best and , Margaret Elliott, of Toronto, eleelatethe week -end at ibea,01), with Me. anci Mit. Sun- ders. •Vls.itOra at the -home of Mrs. Knuckle, VatriOk are Mrs.:,--itebert -.Barney, }Ito and daughters, Ruth; and Mrs. Robert Barney; 'jr., inid soh Bobby. of • Woodstock.., , --_,,Mr.--arld-,74.1rar--704-gagikriga•two-Pqris7. antl Gordon,- and Miss- Eagle, of Ilarollton; were:week-end. greats Of MM. Eagle's sisterS. the MiSees Campbell, and other relatives. . -Mrs. er Vdmoriteric 'Alta., is visiting her -brother, Ur. U. loitirSon, El - 8111 Ave. ,Mist Iffiller of Toronto, and Mrs, John Blair 'of Ooderieh tafp„ are also guests at the. honed of arid iyr, 1 PLANT 1 Sawa E3e at Mai Hand aeturing "Eataprointt Yesterday *Witt fittY of these attend% In Ooderleh, Sturtmer *hoot Under', the lower*. p, or am.; wow. *Ad Calk, v* ed the .plarit of the 'Oetleietit Salt • Com- PAfit and • ,Vietved IV aro hand •the Matturactitre OX product that hat made oderichTfitmetw: vas ex- plalned the :student**ete hnlOh -41,4 •-terested-an. ItIrtlItTeWftr0 •prqress „being.- Made by 'tin*, eontern. 'Atom, Bremner., ,steed tutmir lecturing : eat: e VatterS* all,yott potrs plan ,and •your part in Ills 'serViee, he, urged. • Before the meeting „commenced. Bev. , Mr. stood' lead theeeeheol- In eingleg, ' _ Vs' of 'lleirtatmilene , Wilmer Rarkiliblf,. Porter'sRIll; Ronald E. Boughest% Ida Moolowan• Biyth; Margaret ZehnstOk Blyth;,.. Annie' Ora*, 13lYth; Rev. Virarlea 'Daniel; Pet* ethorought Thclma Cheer, • Otederithe. Mabel *A God I ewiefekeeelamga,4,31444:eeeelVfet;orlir:12-t; VV.414 • Not *POPO*, it fix up.a. lug nuttle tv:repre* ve of the Pithlic 1/ghats 00,1itnis4..- on; en lawn service* And lo -far 'fedi , citliena have been diecoVeted , 'Peeing water. tor , their •lawns and garden* W101,4, Out the note:114y. of...paying4or - - wee and 'In:bane to Atie 00-reemlialeti, loheioulratga 4ervbis.wa$3,rklso.ftior tohutsTevasoon_a_Atu J. B. Kelly, ellnerintendentipoeheneohe :tit% t'inll"Sea'‘to'Ultr"::p3Te'Vmet41%;as reuona.ble for ati4 tenets painted,qrte:-Ortharge. Would test -this 'WWII:400,00 canital expenditure,th.to give the service SO* people are asking for. 'tt,„ would l lAnIre larger Maine, extra. pumping „ -ftxpiipment. attnawtr4?ateyeaery.feeater'toatrar twrileateto%elo..enp-lee, %v°‘.14t'bl'e*oPlA should thinle'''haf-atellee;Fe OZ.; feigtf4°.4t10431114$ are"ClidiVaiiirl'i4:111* 0- theroUghly understood' that the Gotie. rieh Paleihe' 'Confralselon hit to Ontait!Alidifor every drop of - '.7trater en Goilerith; .Annle. NieItinnors. 'Ooderieltl-, ed the • larger 011r-- 'power bill --Tlic- ProTeStor, K. .,Cousialtd, Toronto; Mra, K. ,moneea_anUsteeenneefrepiesemeeplace--and .Ceusiand. Tortifito; ''..teSSie Mathieeon, ,where, else ten. it tome from exeoPt the ,Gekcierieht -_Loster------Batitt.---1.1VIOtherwell-;-- peeketseet -1,lit-tifeepler."•---. - • * 'Rev, 'P. craikt, Gederieh; Margaret If. mt. lolly .rer.allexi that with every . rerrest. 2E4mo:10111o; Marian %limo, drotight this quest:on Arlie& "WO can Rgmendvilie;.. -plater Hardixt4 >Gerrie; give the people- all the. water the' want Ruby- Ifartinigi- °eerie; liernice_go3re, if they are willing to pafar it, hat T C' A" 1Vt'ire'pluele- V•040.116910.---S'iolgile•no,t'.--p, ayntr.J0tra-gaileirretirei. - We ' -wyniii..-1,V6adharri; Adar*Cookev-i.Vnd:4" i,,,otifdspette, all Itinde Of ratiney. htiti. It ham;'Laura Rundle, Mrs.-' a -Bash, Till-' 'would be te prOvide.,;:a t service wine: eohleurg; Marjorie Delbridgae Elimville; evould be -Used .anlee 4 'few weeks( In the , Anne Tabb, Nile; Xrene atoll, Carlow; year, I don't think wo are appreciated. Rev. Mr. McMillan, Dungannon; Mar- 'The present arrangement' is based.41Th...-7--- garet Watson, larileefielde Graham Mae the expelltinee-ot years and the 114 -rate _Dowell, Westfield; Minnie Millien, Aub- is eritirely in laver Of the consul:ler. It urn; Helene •SettgereeVenkton; Isabel would east $2,0,000 to. install metors." ' Golightly, eaeorikton; JameseeelVfe0.111;. Explaining thet the parks and sehoole. 'Westfield; Ray. Vincent, 'Westfield; Der- reesilloweet_te We water duringeprohle ()thy ..,Hicks:- Oexerrallee lliteer S-inith- bleed homer reete., Itelly felid this wastione Ceti:treat; leeatrice Beecraffe Belgrave; :during off-peak hourse by arrangement, --,..-e • Ooderiert; Rev; 0. W. Oliver,elalytla; reev. dent think they are,. Aa' -it is theye, are there 'Must bg, --Pektillal, iteePt-' blare McDermott ir Tavistock: ,‘Piaiikliar' 0 that people might, have better pres..,,t - ance of chritA and, the power to-ropm. _Roney, Srar- -sure the evening. He agreed , that ;" ute in ourselves the examples of CA-rilit4 -fortTiT. Rielunondr Blyth; Harvey the flat rate was abased by Many 0; our hure.h membership was not the end, Bytans, Walton; Grant Shaw, Walton* ieeabee eltutehe, maple who aheard knoW, leat Just the beginning' of growth in -a aev. Geo. T. Watts oodert h - better. Much water belnit„ vivaeo Christian life. The only way to ,prontote hv krowth was by, renewed dedication, the Profe§.sor 41d. yev. MalcolWriareersdeit and with ur %Raton :80,1rTimt.i. LEA6.11E Godefteh' Intereeleaireiree eeetball . hint on the platform were Rev. T. league' hail (been organized by,represert* Watts, who read morrow lranslAtOrt, of -ItatiVes-- Of the; Chttrchetee 'The he I ,Corintinatuy chapter:. 13, as the tura lesson; /ley,. J... A. Steed, ,South African Missionary; who offered phiyer. Miss Jean Pike presided at the organ and Ralph Hendereali contributed a Well -rendered solo. *. Atairy- Oldham-, -1124-Sarnia;--presicierit of -London Conference of Young People& Societies, hittodueed by Mrs. letalcohn. In a brier address 'rerought greetings from the stifiimgi echools. at Alma College, Lambtoneefirtd.Ryereon. oreel your respmesibility; work for it; lcern WIl*"...0.-s W. Ferri' er and 'ci-;;iv lehlid.ren Mrs. W. E. Henry and two thtldren Veretarned to their homes at Oshalia d Toronto atter spending the peke two eks with their/ parents, --Mr. and Mr. R. Pinder. The engagement tate been announced of Mit, Helen Cfarrow., datiglatdr..•Of _Mr ,Justice Ottrrew and Mrs. OarrOW, Of Ter* Onto,' to Iter* Austin. 'Were tcting," Toronto, the Wedding-. to take 'place at sOoderich on September 2nd. . (Mr. and. Mr*. • Fred Brophey and daughters.. Olmlysand tithe, or Cleve- land, 'alio have been viaiting with Mr. lerenhers partfita, Mr, and WM. Item Bropheye left *lefty for Ohio where they will take in the eleehe before returning to their 'home. Ur. Arden H. Aitken and two tOria. of London, necoMpained by Mrs. Moss and three, children, 012ritormiale, Visited at the hontit of Mr,andMrs, John Aitken during the 'week. They:were areal/lean- led on their return by 14.1$5 Vote Aitken.' wl4e Mr, Altkenteeeeette regained for a .langer ist. t.• Ur. and Mrs.. pied: GIO:1 amt-,feur ,vott,413, out their return to their hOine atter. a visit 01 three weeks with Mr. Glahrei•-parentS. Mr. and Mrs. Aden: Oithri,-St---Diviltrereet-intiz Other' re, - halves. The return trip' W.beint Inside by way 01 Western Canada. Mr. and Mo. John 417. /sextet and their ditughter''Atildred* and Miss 4,1040ph4lie M. Leiner: Of thleaget, arellSiting Mitt tIblOk A. Weak "At' * tOnr to Wikahingtori, �, Balthtlere, Philidelgthia„, Pa, Atlintio Citt' Mao, New "fork City and Oneida, 'flicy **Pert btstitusas tentlitions int. poTed all 0,100N the WaY• RENT.-4-Eur1ished cottage at Port - Albert* four rooms and :screened veranda...4.11ydro;--lake Ade*. -Mailable Aumist let; Z.. a TWAMt.tr, itiort Al- bert. itsit---Pive-room furnished new summer. eottage• with screened -In porch .at Ithitail ler the tnorith „Aug. nut, Will rent only to adults, girls or: two ceitples. Sleeping accommodation for six people. Durrib Waiter and new %watt 600k stove • In kitchen. $30 for °Mantis, bat will rent for less to,efeled tenants, Make enquaies at STAR. xo, nor', • 1740R Sici. x App tt imtidttift, St. David able, ' roturiY. large lot: Tag ooptaioir atrAtt. • tier July, 28tif, reasonable- rote,: Pply ,RPTit. =WA .rittvrix)a, ,Rott lbert ; ;-..ittere or less, he property o the late C. Iffaftel, al th end of Street on the ic tolva: ot 04 tem, to • following, officer:: wore appoint* Pre- side -fit; NOrman -Witrk; secretary, •GOtticei Amour; treastiror, Jim Ueddit4 execu- tive committee, 0ordon!„ Work, North street 1,./nited church; Gordon, Ant lir, North street; Jen Iteddite, Knox Pres- terian .c-hureheeleaery Vic- toria street ;United; -Kenneth Jack St.• Georges Ang.11eate- -Bee-Talbote4 Baptist church; Ray Dettee-St. Peter's (R 0.). Thisitonfinittee wUl deeriv up a, schedule. 0=0 will be played under official soft- ball rules. . - 1 lose Race 40yieen Conte#tants—in The Star Goo Candidates -Should .Work -Hard -3.44-Weifc tO-Coltect-Ar:rearrWlli - 1 -Carry )3ig Vokst--Ancither Special Prize Lady's To -Set Any one of the first she -or, seve'n -can- - didatee is in a poeition toeseinefirst -prize in the Good -Will Club competition, so close are the total votes retarded at this :time. Thseultimate result depends en- tirely upon- the work' atecinplished: be- tween now and the end of the -seam- Deign. Tht_work depends not only ttp- en -the contestantsethemsehres,„ but alur on the subscribers- who are suppertilig thene . Every mibscription paid berm, etlieXoseedt the contest, Can' he credited to any candielete; Whether' paid to them Or at this ofelie, Subscribers who have paid before during the contest tan add another year if .desired. Thle counts big Votes' aria will help your favorite to vim- ..tatra, Votes on nark Subscriptions The largeitt,Aredif of the entire caffi- paign given On arreati this week,' 50,000 extra votes is added for taeh year back subscription. This represents ,„ big Vette for pradtically every dollar 41eur- ed, and certainly lie .Worketa this week - Will be the winetere .of tile leand prize awards.e., , • . --Atte; the 50;000 extra veto for new eubscribeite will be extenqd untl Peet Monday rtfght. • Last 'Week fnoi Coupons to•Way'S lesete tarries the last.tounen of the campaign.- All couPons should be 'tinted in with next week's report, speelal rrieo-4.1.41y's Toilet Set ' The $pecial Prize for the large.st eaah return tor this week up to neat Monday ntght wUl be a Toilet Set. This is the last special prize award. Last Week's Special Faze Winner REGARDING -SUUSCRIPTION Court aecteione respecting newel' paper. subscriptions are very clear. Anypm who, takes peper regularly- pain the post Mee, whethere-nenia-nme or another's, or whether .io has *subscribed or not,. is responsible for, payment. IX a pervon orders his paper dis- continued, he most pay all arrear --et- the publisher may continue to . send t untiLpayment 1& --made, and then collect the whole arnotifit, whether the *leper is taken Or not. The courts -have decided that fee fifeing 'to take newspapers or perioclicate item the Post' °Mee or removing and leaving than • tux -- paid, is ,prima fade 'evidence of , intention to frau'd. ' IV All Subeeribers The.. -subscription price of the °ode - rich Star to any part, of Canada, if paid in :advance. te $2.00.' Itt the Milted • States an additeonal &pc is required to pay for postage. - nowever, doh* the 0oodoe/111 Club; competition, sobettiptiorte will be radii - ed at the rate,ot 81.60 per annum, 61til6r notr-arrears or.renewals,' This is given As ant indutetnent to ail suberifeets to make a saving by Paying their suisecrip. Lions before July 3Ist. This- • offer peatively, eloses .the last • The special prize for tete week wIt9 day of ;Ufa Peeteht eatinidign, And the WOrs by Mts. 4444. natulton, 041,19 prize regular subteription price will be in et - Was a Parker Pon end Pencil Got. „ feet after titat date, • STANDING OF CONTESTANTS LIP TO MONDAY, JULY 1/th The standlOgbPitotas pupit§hed up to Monday. Jniy 17th, is a Vote"s MISS GERTRUDE EVAN, Godeith. . b. ARS",--11011T.-ADAVIDSON,---DurtgarmOrr. MRS, ALEX, COLBORNE, TIoderich.. MRS. LORNE JOHNSTON„ R. R. Pt. Albert, MISS , IRENE'JOHNSTON, MRS, JARVIS menRiDE, Carlow, * MRS, J. $.. LOC ART R. R. I, ISS LAURA PHILLIPS, Auburn.... 'MISS MYRTLE PFRIMMER, Bentniller. MIAS. HARWOOP, Rk R. i„.83,4„000 1;710;040 .020,000 50000: 4,487.000' 1,315„000i. 1,020,000 741,000 ,tt SO 2l,A0.0 .405„000, •. 4 %reW116 114eQtotghtrdr4e1.:4:AxP 13"eeactUrldto .te4ht bypeo- Picok to for leadershiit,p.arict. example. " have, never prosecuted- •anyone Jet. TA gonla paces thera,aiv.,proaccur---,: one every day:: said Mr. are va_ssiog: of draught,* but there's, no use wetting panicky about it Xeep-tool.". • AT THE HARBOR Max'•Clairinent, his soh Nor- man. "Ronk" McPhail, "Couey". MbDou- gall, Harold Doak, Peter McDonald and WlIllatti Murdock have all left for Port Hope, where William Forrest has a dredging contract. . There are nearly one Million bushels of American eorn ,in StOrge at the Ciederich Elevator, it having been brought here. by, American boats from Chicago in recent weeks. The "U. Se Gypsum" was her',410...e- early . In the4..,saiewelk with 230,000 bushels. and. at present the Several yachto were itt port at tht'e week -end and this week from Detroit. The Resewill, said to be owned by a Genera' Motors exeetztive.. is a particu- larly fine beat, luxuriously equipped and. furnished, . It is I2S—ffet fin length. Another was the Penelope XI and a third the Lydia, all 'of the Detroit Yacht Club A large sailing treasel, With Power auxil- 'iary. was in port Monday nighte • Comito EPent,§' I A.ND 111,1SIN03$ BRXEFS The regular meeting of' the -43 aftford Hospital AUxiliary will be held at the home or eterte Geo. Salter oti Thieeuelasee July 28th. 'CARDS OF erilANICS Mr. and Mrs, iolia K Mills and fain. 11,,Vi West Virawanoth, wish to sincerely thank all -Who canie to. theitheelistarite the night of the flrei and helped Save the other buildings. .. .To thoee who conttibat01 kindness to' Mrs. M. A. Howell theaugli the year; of her residenee I 00derich, we oder our Sincere gratitude. Particularly to these who endeavored to lighten the pain and discomfort of the past year—her pasebr, her church aesociates, her hur, Miss Ian Iiiradterdr, her neereletiork and 44o. daily the boya- and girb who in their Play reinernbered that there was a tick ,one If I. to all t"theie -Said _othess we give our heartfelt thanks. M.SliVlik/ W. HOWEIZ, HAROLD H. Il0WL.141.., Sons. IptED HOWELL, --4n eloderieb. on Friday, July 14th. 1033, Mary Alice leolatea, re. [let of the late Isaae 0 1Xoofl in her 8801 year. . • e- • k 4.)r -hr *non faun /MVO/4*Z QN iattotwAixa wut -be pre..1 der the Town. By -Laws. (Sgel)' R. C *itelttInvolite. iitt *I Nit* 4.4 - .4 .4 .44.444414114, - "Peirk 4; •