HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-13, Page 8errieby.hel
. dieser preabytery
retleterit. of the Met
-Aithur TTrattrae, Poderieh toWnShIlh
ims taught ,,drktrit Without ot Pettatt
'and It toot *him $10. 17143 'Oen*
44, the lOth, Alpg...lifonmatt„. ',Vey
foiled 40 *WO his oar and t 000 him
ton -spot and Mervin 14eCtAidel, Tu
-31'400* driviri
Sam WsI$h an4 E, SObso" -Used to
partrer fn he lank business,and 41k
, ub
night tr. 4417
.for the • ef.
he t Or
ex 100
tha pattern*With extb.er
e **one In.podeet toadaton the
anies were moot enjoyable and emitted
keen interot. .loothwirtor are the win -
rev iotilee--11(rst Otostick, 1 PItts'
Jerry, Phu, .1.14 Mrs Tippltt.
plus VII Vire' Croft, 0 Pine 11;
Ward*, 2 plus I, .
plus .14; Xemen.—Z-- :0114
rg; T. Prit4thard, 3 plus 2; George
, 4 pine 21 C flIscIc, 2 igni.
aisoreer, 10 14; 0# Orif*
rue to the Park House
_ , .
Choice Med
intily Serve
on 52'''
rsk. Turner
Polo) Shirti ,the
War, glIttdk$ of Blue; trroe
Tait *ad Ilibtte* .131zes 24 to
the 'Town iCohncit and 00deifeli
.tlngand . Pacing -Aestodietioni Can
,ta-terms; Atablair- exeenta*I.it.ten
• tionet-horsee-witt
at it:altar*. 'Perh,,itt time for.
ILI% 001140 r4,4*. 4tutt who 15 10
buttit the' *Wet Alut who 11 to pay.. for
• them he* been ,distussed . at neeve,rel
vate meeting; of both bOdiet and -14
eemen 15 beirtir ;prepared.: riret tala
AssoelatiOU Offered * grant el ..$400 f#0
the Own an the underatending the town
Undertake *04 be re$Pothable for ,zeott.f
"Xtreet104. The town hu now Offered a
grant of 2000 toward the toot. _The
niotion reads: Humber*Ortigie--We the
AniinlciPet conned, of ! the-ToWn-of: Oode*
1'40 1109ePt the' PrOP0.0itionfrom the
M. ltazw.I1 Ifirsiirri, of LisektiOw, i*
auletiug his eeti.in*Iste, Mr Welter
ton, with the
41as, *414krbear itntt 41*.ithter lox
100111,0bGy are..vtettils *MI 114*, t
sr. *Norwood*
10,1-. and If.re. $0,111e lAnd three • dill
dreb and ' Mrs, PheMPion, of Toronto,
*re 'Visiting With thelr'aunt, 2,fra, jamas
of which publtcatlonse the slxth
day TA
y4 41,414rx :4144147:410307174f*4:74pride':::clottor, :tied'''. 8. 0.!
cliaPtor 2421. Section' 214 -(4), and4
t , . ro qualineo Antler Oa .
IN 4414 Wore the .,44te of Votlgit to fle
with me 4, SSW*? deolultheli Of qua-
112u:wow ethesutte tle1r names will
not ItMelir 04 'the lt, r ',list for such
POP? I' Isc;Tr'' Os atilt
Mr., And Mrs. Prod .Topp returned -to
'4hoir _hem hi Toronto after • A :two
Menthe visit with the letter's sister. Afrio,
Mr 4444 Mrs. Nirallt McLean, of sot,.
ford, -vent 'Sunda": evening With the
lettere' sisters, *a •Oeorite Lane. n't
0ars, ROY. 449;4' •
4447,11enrItiitutitti; Stewart and i.ZOR-
olla.'"Ot 1410:now, and Ulm; IA* KWh%
of 'ne4r Orangeville, spent' ThurstlaY
efteroon wlth Mr. a,rict, us, ortom 'mtg.
- • ---
. _
fia"log is '1 , ult. Mind - liere"..
)414.* Mgr"' . Itaiv -„Whidepr, we*-
.iasaing pn, old friends; who were glad tO
$ee her.
„ , .
Mit _DU P.' oil OW0, and ilex.
daughter, Mrs; 474citeen or Windsor, and
Children, :steartett ..anct , -Mary -frouv. are:
:•ho ,lidaYle.g. At Tidif; 1). W. 'green's,
Mr. . garri Liveratore; •.,Of totiden; witi
aigt: ohikkett,. and also his Mother and;
mether-ta-Qmi Vire,„ jrninet' Alik.,, or, Ittt-
trottaitt: and PieTair etiEoehittozi to ihAlkti ,ehener; *evert 'on K. BkirrOiy$ -bete. and
The Salt Com-
pany, tintited, has for eon* years csr.
tied on busbies in „the Toe% of Ootiew
rich of Mantifectining mit 4ind. MOON
a. considerable number of "nen and es a
consequence le or, materiel advantag
the nitePayere tnci citisens of the Town
AND WHEREAS the the *AK Company
-enitreirrelndid1WOW Pan
indiding and *nage shed At An *Porox.,
innate cork of Twenty Thousand Dollars
10,004. ,
haa nioniciPal couno
the-COr _Om Or the Town' •or
rich to *id It by granting to the Old
COniPaPY-4 -Sited.ICANISttleta otiOne.Dol.
ler (31.00) 11PO4.4$ h,
15.lant for Period of • ten year
mener with the, estoesment tek
In ' .1934 (upon which seseeement the
1035 taxes obeli he based), such Axed
asseurnent not' to include 5011001
or local improvements, and to AtIPI*
OI trio power without charge ill) to
no exeeoding- twelve honfe power' "
the votes of he elector* of the mid
*ill tate -1:0100 ln the several polthat
WhiciPelitv ot , the Town gottetteht
sub-dtvielont .00 the. NtantelpOttty be-
tween the 'lletwe'Or 'nine o'clock inr the
forenoon suid. Ave o'clock.' .ity. the after*
noon on Pride'', the 28th. dog. Of 41117
A. j.
D. 1943, and at the mowing- place*
r- the kfollowing Of*
.cers aud Poll Clerks:
Poiflng Siib;division lattler's
Oswego, at corner of-irictOrle. Street and
Mitin Ave. _,,, PelnitY'iretnrninit, iJfileer;
g_ at zstr
mittheir4 .Store, at.., corner of. Sayfjeld
React and Britannia .Read. Popu
tattling *Mot, Walte;. - 1
Clerk, Wilfred McLean* hove return from a* Ys'" Moto,"
ttuttin4:1,13.0414:4„94ritittiveetttrtitrit5.1ton. .No. 3 atx4erts4S.
t..3....„;,,,._ .i...,..,Aaningutt„. su_b,,,d.tvisikuta.ti,wttsieoce.trt.;41 prototeirticer jr% lazt-,1114,41:11x:t,f)ota:AIW4.eniteirEt),Fa4nrre40* anctolrohe,r and '
..,, ‘ (1*nel ere Glad n Irmo ' f ClevIre;C
but Meat Market, v,01:13t. i:stree,m4,74t.„:011;0;verct:' ,,enivrxts s.... j: ar;:01)seitintsg..:41:414fo , rode's psi I.,.
00 tinning atiteer, .px,,e4 ,. 4' , 3113ePaXere os . XIX. and --MrS. Woulhop.11 4,
Salt' ConiPatili- Zinifte
Ue 51 the Town of 114cOderieh t° submi
Oirslotw to the ratezpaYertiof the .
TOWn 'GOderfcb tor the purpOee "boy
A.$14 -:WHERBAS-- it expedient
_10,•zotttsvo',.the pObl,lerati.7,!eoreeS,tist1004.0:04:::-uo
GotIch erred*. 1000; .*
_,.1,. 'Me lanele.;4buildin and plant
ciodorleh- moan"' Limit
ow situated 4100a' Part of lot number
*.erviet. 0;0401011 .Town
tfoderich, ,and any ;improvements ther
jeechtl,„1,tboe: itat:iftn,x4.sadoleti:srldnrealart,veuti to
•Oline' for a period of ten, years beg
n wit.4 the assesSMent to be niatio77
he year 1934, hid 'sift* lilted' "Ssegtilie
not affect the •.otsespient 'tot Seth
0,1001 titiProvetriette,„, And. t
'.01#114,4. s:71;$1, lialre- -11*ed int
.firste,s.sment of One Dollar, duri
.sante.'perlott, but such flied busin
,•.‘iirt-essment Shan. not •Ineliule the assess
rit for 57.hoot. purpo.seS: or- local: im
,7ovetzionbc„." provided the 'Said. °oder!
Anti 014.4PlItto Atabies fOr_30; StellS as. Per- ..gn ., othi.r. tiev.44,„.,,,,,,,, , - ...,_, 4, ,._ „.,i..,.. -z--....--.- -.
that '4"14,,rictr4Pee.altretoexit 0:11:-.1124,wit itciPertiro-cr' -1V1144 4.6114 and. Iktait; `:POSS$e".W4,10.410 Of .,
. ,
:tut *holt matto, ,.u.e oval. vayi.oir sew „t4Olore,40 .8PriNies, called on . the jatter'S .:
brother- Prank,of , . pv, •alth
.tlite, . :I) aid . ' ' e, job.. -.1S .;...._ •- . ' -f. **a-, '
tomoote, oaint140. . ',a14,1 sii,,,,,cenied„.-wwwaitodroViis..t!Pro:to.tluiPur. evirtiPioard„matoximkinsto's.,,e0.. ulvfmr3.- ,
Town Solicitor Nairn ' has 'prepared the .witi b, ,i, • .ssett he'e, sb," Wing Bes
'wetroO,ertniciterlyt-t,..ntils:4i.kettit,.he' thhe 0.t' i':wri.,t1hit''''It' Elea lieftwai"11.%3•1 r'a: She „Inteelided to inek: e As:
- -' • longer , viiiti,, but her health: was riot ye,* '•,'
cy, 1,1swiloNto,'----- ...,,
l'Ile rogitiar ,A.1.4044g. itii, the, 66041,6 !1s 1i.. Burrows has "a rose *140.4 Op
mrtmeoos xocauto was held wd,,on Thum, 0,t,frozil DO------miniuni,I$e, ed .Store, Oeorge' t.
. WW1, la,te 14 May. . At 'present: it has n
40,, Jot 'Otb, the "Prishreht; VP'S* ./4211Q.$ nine lovely rees- .over .4 InclieS ..aeroe-.:- t
Osett, - hi , the ich,f,41'.' 'rhe 'hieeth$1' ttli .:oolorri$ A. OriaY40a- St,e1V,0 ,,s114de;r: . , '
•••:in.ett,:by .';the linging - Of oThe MAPIO on the .$41110 , t ', p . snittl'ea , o
•Le41 ,,orevet;*,'.:*litl the repetition' of tte toseet:„ This surely .1.5., A, treSic of ' .ugi,t4ut." : et.
'Ne, PrOorr.ka. -44e11,'",§eoretort. :Anse gurriiiii'le' ,gaite proud 0! of. her rese•.P.
.troaufort. Mid. the ., -Minutes *of the, 1"st: and she .1145 . gotth' 'some' .',irotere'ilrPth• 'n.i
.nieethli: .SPIenald, reports Of -the' dis ' loeu . - ' ,
cts — - . – . . . - 't.
.brtot, timbuta-21:leottee it WixtCham, Axere..'
, so , r
next week, going to, live with, her sister°
614:0;i 44r._. and Mrs, W. - Price 'sold' -WO
Sachet . 'daughters were at oroeto Over .ths
t ° week -end, where they,. Attended, -the gol**
- Poiling"sub-division No at the
.• den edding. aniiiiversa "of.the er's
r , ll'ilt, . ' . :Street- -Pepiity-ret fiparerae,
ohicer, E. L. ,Deitn; roll- OK% ,, Nv:,;,' J_,;,:. -
/ • II
said 'Pable sub -division No. 7 At $ttothiZti .144,0MX14,3 'Elit.alror°a011df: l°efft 'les°1t week l'oi
and 33444tiltli" - . `-*--",-- '. ' ..'. ' - -'" was visiting in` Ooderiehi the ne0.
st of
. Nagon-stitCP,' Victoria Street DeputY-:, .., .J. *..,:l
oil ,returplek. , ointort , A. :, utigitort; , 1,011, terStrait.,,,,44Where: she is i.,lsi . !..f,... be r , sis.
.• ' ,PlperIttanz:lon-tubaite*Ith,eir..4.,,''N.,-----,----iet't s'';g:i7 11-7,-,' ---iLet,744.4S,-iietneri...:litil—strY if:TATO
_ ,
- , ,
-- - - - '---"----°11 -1/* '-, -,•• - °-• et .14.fie little daughtersof.Caledon.' ont,
Wagon Shop, . Victoria street- Deputy. ei40 _ Mr. .044 408,, Wm. Awin std. 31,0%
ed Ittlitnillig-ttfaceri -.V.-: !.W.0914P. „h:,L;4,P1., ',P.9:11 ,,14841r.,,,trwirk, ,, ,,org, ltuoknowt , Idstted_ _„,.. re,.
oierki,114; F. Somersall, . , ,-. oeritb,* with .1Vii..-anctIvirs, :it, T-,- PhilliPe,
-,.. 4 • Pelli.: .1.1g 'sub -division ikr0. 9 at Vitalten's 'mot st , , - , ‘ , - , ..'
.4 '-: Stoiti. '14re,,tu- Street:: Deptity,returning
VtiPat":". " .aubj' ''. . '; 'a', - ' -4, . pillitcin-xt-TedhC°17;bide:r3:1;;InLIT'In7laso;(":1P*1441411Seekoloetrrt:ttnItertta‘ ..,;.4.44.'"*114:.11616--
otttoet';' '.1'1 r, stitrov004.0erk„OarrY , IVIIS`5" Phyllis iittIvrene' ret*Vect. //r*rd
Ilia:.:,th,tter.,--tre4tiloadlirisr-kl.AOpil', -':',VVill‘s;t-LstAeort':',t°1,0„.. miss pho4. u ,.-..pupil,b"-f - 6:,1,
p04caPtu, ;c4tY, 4 ,r td. u ill- i 11:, . ,j0,4 s._PA0-40,44. ficham4.-14.7.4,..:Y(Y.,::iffAt:A.O.:.,, tolodert.ani Clintoni.tiei, ,....,..,zott.,miss..,40ei,
ii-- 'tillir4 , grlyz.f.dota --the) ,..., West: Street. ,
he ftli-th$r" Elth-4241.44 r'0',;.' -1 liv ."4'" °:;qeal, . and her_brotherit,40. *Iterate Weal , -
it:, ,Deputy.reitinduz..„ atsper, David air_ .orrukon„ P. A,* motored. over 'and are,
fi.:6!.: : house,7ii tin 1 1 , ,l'ag:ilro clerk,iliate 1: I ti,, . oRta 1 lirvi 0 nk tt' 217 al. a Eti sT. . al It' 1‘ a'.; StreetPr l ,4 ci la and
:191trosli:lilittl'ileti; ,I.,')f:r27.07itfh=00'41aio,anzcitdteewyrth;o14rcAr\,',teiar.,...1";!t:ote. ,v100,,der.:P- 70.1111/4:trf,4et.11'11-,tillt'
fci, ..ic,.°P..,:-E1.6-Y',,,,I.Fifiat.". :E. „., 13,1:-tYVI-Seill71110,1t,t;-°1240,e,er.: .::./.67x,etia5 :adieme.itiotzt;rbitrilote ''EADjose'..lehipt„h; lifolohegrni,asein
'41," 2- °Ilithtt‘f'-then-.2114-4:13t-I''''' 'Ili' .1 'Irla8tr1/4frth" . -on e!'"111403,45est4enitt. 1-11-'13,ZtilfitIli t 1 i e WIcrar:
r4: 'attend. )1 , , ie gOtia*0 'Ohal,taterS Of it,it , ,,,, .,,__ \e,
, 1933, -the lifitarar ot the said Town .vill ; •!'"-e- x'''"? A -Fe C'''' raU191lairatl*
:.±,rt: otni It otectiov.,..a.Tvt.07:4.tsmin,,pqatmnieteot ;„ ,rie-,0p=,dotk:artoioni, oaattt el de 1 1,0farnaed:, ue....t. was 4-4105`,4 10' the larg -attentiante
. , ‘. ' eV the*.fimerel, :among *both" Was;.7 Nw. .t.'
If4Y,Ofliondoh,.., Strperintentient.ortraZ-
O ii,t, the funiv.sarnagng u0 Of the' 'votes W. W•tli'llixt4"ervi-14`
, _,Oerk.-_,f3U-Tiettar,--ot: .the, -persons= in -r. :-' '
. terest4tirin ,Aant: -promoting- or opposing : ,
ZIVeU Nr.'Nfr4.
-Geerge` *atUtesen., Arivtgerderifi .'iteie MILS Anu Mae " to '
a te or, of, oro 371.0
made? ter the annual' 'Picnic' 4.0/.• the home for tut 11zIe,
ritembro to be held At ft rbo
., , , , a r -,Jir,r.: on •i , van .iobariotte NreciteOie Is -.taking o' _
• Aughst Sid, When ' n004111; *ext.t- 1..tioniner cowse in, Toronto..
. . . .
, ....— , - ...
. ' - Mr. and litte. 4012ti ..Clark,:. Of Toronto, '
spent list- week with relatives here. . ;$
• 'Sim Mervin COwati,' of Jerieit'',010, is ,la
, visitinglittlic-hoMeOpliZ-vno; t.lowaa4 ,
Ifis,-t--44tritttn,*-incti.443es. 14eL:0 'Po
,,`Nieknit4r, , ,-;.--.-. , '' : . . ,,„ ti
Mrs, , K. *.agteelloneld, *tut. ts$1....*- Louise
INisicDolial4 • Toronto,. are .iniestii-of
Mrt en Milini,- I.:al:OW.4.7- ••.,-.- ' ' Et
The e riaitunitie..t :Camp • a r
e an ta ie care o
qui* requirement 113
bin* 4._ Pt.
vitt maw*
oa ftooswoopi
ite0 isztVicit. rtivreS, 01.1PS
We Pot what -you went we
can rt ter you,
sidCOrtrPanY, I/melted, shah be,hi...po
mon and in PeretiOtt the sa
114,14bardingL .141(1,VA/it, and: prov/id
sOtha there shalt be at said date an
• Of-tiett it, are ,visiting relatives'in
ntinuonsly• thereePer, during sek4rIte
04ett peers, empliored and l'abo
e -*id, • OW ..,0:0,#,,,e!t the. numb
ali feast ,
„ - • 7 .
2. SY Way '1 .4 tiler "dd.:to_ th
,Ssitt, • ' -th
Id ' corporation the Town of -Slade
li u,r of ten $ears, tom
ericibr front the Atratdev_ot. ammo
Itintall has been opened with 'an et*. irt
lel:1004e oc_on_noka under,,Inc-oharg..
ta, ,or thug* to, ttte-aard ooderich
It Cenrpany, at its plant,' oleo
power 43. for ..itt vtoptiii, es,. but
t in any ',event to exoota tweiVehm
Rev, „
?° -.°_ to be, &Otte tite
_ driterided.,for 'Itiet week)
xesen, Arnett ,itatt • Duncan_ Usiatae„
of Toronto, wore home fOr the week -end, .no
Mr Itenneth Tbain, Of Toronto, visa.
ed friencisksItere *Lire*.
Ur. and -Sttra. Walter,, te, -Ot Pt"
the passing the:eald'.140.1x,c1 h7**14:wi'
4' TAUT« Clerk Of *aria -ot the
4 respeotivelV. '
of '43oditrtorz,. will attind'.4t his
Onea Ili the' Tai51' Balt through the •Ploriseg, Telegraph: Atmeia:.
judaythofe alitrYe;zil."44.1 Pntd ettlird'kPaLetilneumlbergth deliver fiowersIs titing Ztutf5i
potosolte,ta30%.,itosocr- ..*n_tjg.. AS4144 ti* 'Mid' DINS' Awls:dela= 14. the weri4.
t,.10rOX.,. Town 'Ole*. 7 -GEg
36,, deliver I=
"trOit,.. "pont a tow days At the bate of
`Misa Leis NliXtftlrensie 01 Toranto,
- • tuttw
toveso and in fact
anything for_ti,ter
ttend.tIfot laat. Week)
of Strathrel,
, Mr. mut W,.
' ' left for het boae
In )444404 g after
a Week's visit 'With 'het nlke, Mrs. TAtt
Clark and and famellY4 .',-
Setwaissful anniversary serticee , or
held in the .1101t0.4 cburch, Carlow,.,,on
ihnidat last; when- OUVer,
of St; Andrew*,
• and evalsing. The choir
' ted elieeisd muale, *Misted by the
Nat and at the **ening
Auburn 100x - *bloat thOite. wlth
Iliptutoth at the ottrait, 144 tbe
and. --gave two sir;i
of "twrellIvre:hirreetk`t17Pciliig rseuritulbtY,Itittieek•eit°*id
001Pan3- 10 10231r400nth tO 40 Paid -t0i
by said.Ohnuletw a ordinary; rate*,
4. As * condition precedent to the
eating of the said aid. hei-ein 'Provided
- t.1!" !!'r t
, Thr herein. .Proildest for 1.1
•„.t.4.1, •
fr.dnatil 04-21071'n Goderie
guranthted; -nweibertvon thet,otbru4miperms,dittann.entiithat,
ernplOed*: tor the -said The .Godierich :Soh
Comptny-Limlited„. shalt - falt. Wow tlie,
Wither Of tortY period (it Sbt irkte'•
eettlitte lookatts oi 1! the *int shill ht
"oboe& diAn_ and nL ln actual oper*ttott'
or lir egieration 'only Intermittently, Ito
I period ef: three 'Successive months;
then isz.,*fflaes. "nob' events. the Conn -
I1 of the 'Anon of
Xtr-htvr Without
Sub *Parrs, :tePeal'
titr- thdrawing the lid
hereby gran thereafter, Ail .014.
the litunktow
7' sou, • further *ild
ided for, shall cease,
0(1, however, otit
twily'iti. case
owing ,to Are
e' phyzle$i orun!01
1 In !blots event the ssid C
shall e aireapedition tO
the mid duoday
ue 4PersthP6Os
as dWgenc #te., qteoviit ar 'Ohs'
-0( the plant
ht Ixt,1
:mother detects
writhings' and 'fretttnit. a.,
worms Are 'troubling 44, „Pmeehre '
no better 'mei). then' 24Eiler's .Worm
rintrde,r4-1,411c,11 are giugliutelia to to-
tally ' expel ivorMs ifroM the system,
They ,...ruey cause vorniting,,but this need',
cause o. analety, because it is but ,
an Um of their thmOught 'cot
are iged.
IKMEE:111:c0TD1 Y
At the Bathing Beach
-,rozitiosunlit bootil. A greet
010,o0 to lake the ,Iddal*.
oougxecit roltinvo
-Get'rem, suminer suit and;
tronsers',g16.'ned and pressed
at Nroornin'i and they-
-the' -taitbr in the first.--casefs..-
- and. Mrt Chas. ---Nairn, -Deficit,
I3Peat the'/Witt4td. in tIodericti.
- 44133-tiatagaret Gentler is APonclill A
.vacation et -iter home at Toronto,
Ur. Out VOA, 4. Preston Strang., Tor
onttr, are la. Oatterith for 'their vacation,
Uri. Ntcquarrie and children, 1)onaia,1
and lifergefek Twonto, Are -visiting to .
town. .,... . _ • ,
Mr, and.A,tcrts Sinton, of Toronto, were,
-.Vitee)tind tikeiits of Mr. ,and Uri. Tito.'
lvtitehelL . . .,..
IStis* .Heleri, Coley, rot Port Dover, 1.ij
;visiting, at. the residence of Mr. and Vts, i
' Att*. JO.. Alkolud., oi Toronto, . it ViSit!,‘
Int at the lpina of her Weft, /dirt,
Ottehartin*,. ' ''
rwitioa ilenetts and "Iltrtie Jewell .art 1
aPeod114 two weeks at Ilie, world* tail,
in Citioaa*„ • , • ..
., atm John artaopoitad and. /444 at
tii; are at thAL Bitte Bird Tea,
*art, Or -Olikaap„ tt
with. Ur,. ,b.nd
Strang ihrulr.„
lett on 'mond* lo
Howsonfr And. tole,
:visit het
44MIs.Vnulittic414raoDonstid, ton
spent the weak with larva. r/te:04Brci
laz at* Water
z. (Ik.)
are itial
and Adrlan,
flavet a Happy Vaca
IA, this in mind our Iist ihis'*eek
thnel suggestioza
4 AO #, * #
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