The Exeter Times, 1880-12-2, Page 4•
The Moisons Bank.
a teitai,$2000,000,
Ts woinor,or, 1;1;4. Pont
4.1 1,, 1t. MILSON, Vied -Pros.
•,u 1) 1, Mutt phor.wa. It \Y 11'I
IE A Nei...ea, M P S IL Eamg,
Allies William*,
t•,•-• T t;tt ,'`r , 43.'!'et tttoep,
e, , .1f LI tj
Titin Bantanrattne--With a moderate
supply of strew and. excellent sleighing,
Crediton last week preeented a very
bask appearante, We tioult orobably
it was the largest weeks business ever
done here. Ruttiness men renort Money
as pleutiful, The fact is Mame are nu-
doubtedly goods nice weather, very
little sickness, no bad aceideute, few
111.4.131 TIME
INIoutlay evening of lest week, a com.
tunicatiou was reeei vett. from M r.
Ronald offering to accept $4,000 and
renteseiou of texes, and be allowed to
reato!re hie shipbuilding waellittery, he
to give house, foundry and all
machinery in settlement of Chaneery
suit, Moved end bounded, hat no
over oe: itumuur.
teems Or NEwsc Raoul =non.
itleesrs, Wilson .4, 00„. of Seafertit,
are likely:to. be- foreed to °lose their 1)1(1. LOT
frith ovap,atiting 01)
uo about the last of
00.11111 theiv to. get !Mit 4""' (.L:11/41'31114 1.1.111'.7%r1 it•ty°
*TAME i; ,Mnr(11.1.,
enough to keeptit
44"TrIttit. COTT 1 tell 411 7'hings "
ritdmitusa-G2, '163W,
TOTICE--11ty wife having left my
' 13t (1,,,,f about 4,1111111P t,r rep
a mune,
et tate a a, N ov, ss,
action was taken. Mr. Bet beet 1)w...tars ties yurehased
i.s eete„,:eie deaths and not a ,,purtom. of owl A man named Kettnetly from Ash- the farm of Air. E. on the
field, vvas tried in Ottalerich on Tueeday Alit! lload, Tueleartunith, paying, there.
!planetary clieease, and uo almurtnal
X0 t CA' Ill'ararni.ette.
atmospheric or terrestria1phm
lenoena, "f last week; for the 1411'00110Y of five. foreof
the erne. . „000, T103 faxm
ILENE): C. DIM WEIL - MANAGER,. pjanks from the barn noon lot 1, con. teousainett 48 iieree. Mr. Zit Inte
Molloy al vanttott tot tritters on ca; torom
"". 11.,.t.t.s with lute or more .:total en-
dorsers. No mortgage required at, security.
SIVIN(.1S LUNT,: Dv.0.1.112111ENT
'd tt?? on le uusits.
l‘rafts on t7nitea Statos.1.111.311 amasola. 8431.1-
Wash. tlrecertesi. Petals and Oysters
Professor Grimmer Lula jaunts Caleb at the
E. D,: Aslifield, the properly of pereinteed the feten of nee 'Layers,. , ete
Illerntosh, to the contrary notwith- at see attai G Lt. 0 C
Gibbous. Ile (tame up for the township of, Bette.
etanding. The publie will sten feel Silerin
like sayinof these two propeets of judgment and senteuee on Thurso ty Mr. IL. Flood,y, hon. of ()lets. Fleetly, GEO. KEMP, Extr.
morning last, wheu he was forted Esq., Comiellior of 131v.t12, has bight
guilty and eeutoneed to three weeks lo out the plant of theedd ltecord, nett in.
gaol. In justifitattion the prisoner tends petting it jute trimmer order.
pteaded that lie haa owned the property t
tes. Poteltango bought and sold, lieth o: you to Jttrielao."
'as the Belleville Intelltgeeeer
eailast week of Vennor mid attest
..atay nil. Berens ni,klv blew
he Dominion at oue time, and innhgineel Ise had a .. Vegetelee tticiltati tittir•
oenestiens neat el an parts of 'tIl
•Ind that .• e •
xotor augnst Eltla 137.4. 'MG Wm. Iteker and N. Let z, entitled. ligliteess of the tteuteuce.. tine:weeds whose ...ten-eing 'stoke" have
An.1 rotorus promptly ramitteti at;luwest. rates.of AltmcipAr,, —WO 1111derstt tight to remeve the 'planks. Hence the newer has the hearty commenttation of (3.7-12, joWtra.,liit30:
exoutuuti). mar tan a faCua
a te-esesteeesetee.----tes. lore aro in the field for 't)te Depaty-
THIs pgi3E.377.1 ri3:
..LL Co'S
Newsp.tpor Ativertisim; Dm eau (10 Spruce
itAng contruetsnmy ygH
Street), where adver- vt,
be matte see it 111 Al
y tely known till nomination day. The
tr Veit!! k1:1)14.5, I Proletbilitiee are that Stephen will
Lee „t
Beeveship. If so the esetest will be
havp, We have so far heard of no op.
position to the Reeve, but probably
time, that diyillger of all things, will
brine forth a cenditlete oppositiou.
t,.._=.21122:FIMAKCASSZAVIraraana302r4nai 1 FA) r Connoillors nothing will ba defiei-
;lever again disgraee its record,its it •did
THURSDAY. DECEABER 2, 1880. ; t,
t:re }ett tuniign ant i :2)..n 'Ibitoli,beet
ette.---te leeet,is the prayer of those fond of ex.
THE RAILWAY QUESTION. enement, to which the liceesed
tellers dentate a fervent "Ameu."
'Meantime the town hall and leelt-np
Scheme remains iu Status quo. An
enterptiiing. citivn, with an eye to
As we confidently auticipsted, the
1 avrounding townships are as anxioue
to have a second road to Exeter as nee ; beeiness ltas littered a lot gratis 00
the people of the town themselves.), which to build the stracture. This
but natural. it i a great in- offer will probably lead to an oiler from
convenience to farmers living withiu 111' east' e.11b" `.1f. a 114 ana a In°"ev
bonus, alter winch nothing remains Tor
oi 4 miles of a town to be forced to the wed (me bet to 1„.8,ent tho
iltivo 18 or 20 miles to sell their grain ship with a lot and. Hall ready built, ir
to advantage, Tiley feel the icon- illCy Will aeePot of it, This Township,
and the less of time contte-
despite its proverbial extravagance,. is
it tent thereupon is felt as keenly as the in hick yet.
BlIEVITIF.S.--M.r. John Parsons
people of the ton feel the loss of trade. ui, :
qpping to 'Mei:done sem° severe]
The farmers are taking hold of tbe eer load» of ponitry and other eatables.
propotted sebetne, which H to connect These Winnipeg people nppeor to be re
lot of li hoes.—;t1r. miry Either
with G. T. R. between Granton and
St.lIttry's, or elect at Stratford, with
eel thueiasm. It i3 a matter of dollars
0.1a. cents to them as it le to the town.
Their natural market is Exeter, but
the exerbittuetly high rates and the
diecrimination against Exeter by the
0. W. it. drive there to other towns
which are more fortunately situ•tted
with regard to shipping facilities. It i,
high time that this state of affairs was
brought to an end. The town has
been steadily losing Its te Ida and its
population for the last three years.
The people have fondly htteged the de--
1UM.0U that this would soon zome to an
end, that, the wheat buyers of other
towns could not be expected to burn
their fingers torever. But the "barn-
ing" process seems to stand pretty well,
and Exeter is as Far as ever from real-
izing its hopes of a restoratinn of its
natural trade. '.Che present oppOrtun-
ity is one not to be lost. The people
are in earnest, and if a hearty .synapa-
The smal schoonev, William Wel- 'wee restored. ley It to ape- foeteer
lace, of Wallacoharg, was sunk et the 'oetrety of color and growth. It ieein
Greed Truuk dolt, Goderieh, er„sly pie feet, a miracle in is way,even in tete.
Thursday moruing She had ou -oar,. age of warms ituprosonetit —a tact
834 barrels of salt, nearly all of whiell to which -everyone who neve aim, it
ed t, 11) t 1\1
will be destroyed. The cargo belong.; vpirtiettLersst;:itleeit, WI Tao Pro-
' t.;;; ale Men Of
0 P. el el' 0 N1 el), ‘Ils 11.1 Wa
shippincr it to Sarnia. The pressure of liberalityand enterprise, who giv,, the 1.17eddinry R-ings a s'i.,,,ciaiitto
..-, ' r ./ +.
the lee is supposed to have ceased the ltenefi.. of their dieeovery to the tete 1,1
ter. wavrantea IS k.trar One,
at large, tuld have placoil in the in:sals S. 1+1.
it is believed that nos one of the of every druggist in.the. 0 tuntry, that .n- .1- -;;;:,--- --- --- -• ' - --- ' - - - — -
plans of the new Parliament buildings, its benefits tatty be eeneutted alike to
at Tortnato, sent in will meet the re, t all, If there is the least euspieloe of - -
that teey will be refected or theta the heed, go at -Duce and pv(3(31100 ft 17 r 71 i t a
qthrements of the specifieatimese and 'luny hair ehowinet eelf npou yonr -pi Iv,
neavest will be ameaded setae to- meet of this celebrated ilair llteewer.—Oar. AND
the 'objections. thage, N. Y., ittepublicen.
There is a seneat:rintd story a -float in if
T trout° about an old titan hosting been 1, IT is a sigulitg fact that he cheapest ,s
eatirdered near itlimico,, and his boa,/ '
taken out into the. lake and consigned.
to the deep. The stretagth. of the story.
is vouehed fur by a youngwoman
named Annie Master,. it tioneestie SOVV- tbrated "Myrtle itiatyy" inba0:10. People
ant in the employ of a farmer living Ir„vho had been iti the habit, cf shitting
west, of Toronto. 'Meantime no- otos lthe peeet varetete toteteeo, could not
man answering the deeeetetion- give" -i -tor a time be made to believe Wet they
by the- girl has been miesed. Thel
23 aliTorent kinds or Diocka, Fancy null ell pet -
torus, et inposed ot 8 ttay mut 0)14001
In great variety. Also Chains, both E4o11 null 011
ttt prices that dory*.titio.t.
;of an art -i612 should even tempotto aly
retard its seleeteed yet that WILli the ex. AND
perieuce of itiesers. Tneket & Billings
in the introduction of their 11011'cele. Sailable.lor the.
Olicice. Family Groceries
of all .
wore ofitcs el th,,i barna aricle at 111).111
county police are- enviring. into the . One half the old. price, and it. was only -
matter.. "by a slow degt•ee that they • were ind no -
The rtaieed notes and bogus silver I eel art put the qttestien to the test of au -
money which ie appeaeieg, in Toronte 1 actual trial. When they did adopt the.,
,in consicleveble ettentities, are maltiug- test, however, it never failed Lo. satisfy
tied the matrimnnial boob last weell, .peopie particular in handling east). they.,
and is niw in that Mi. Wet state of , Pit:anent the Dutective Agency, has; _
existence known as the hone:ye-moon. Ads strspieien.s. that two Laotians !erg.
ere and rittert.ra of counterfeit coin are ITIS 'WO1LT:1i TUE MONEY ?
int Throutoot their old trade. They , --
belong to this part of the. world, and That is the getestiont. Will it pay to
are very expert. suffer day after day when a twenty five
Tho ce-atte4oritios, of Lnijili '21 cent bettle,of Pittman's Paintese Coro
succeeded on Sundae: morning last in :Extractor will give prompt and- perma.
;6:resting two desperate oearaoters,, who tient ease and comfort. Thousands
testify that it is a good iiivestment,aml
if you, are a sufferer from cores try
Sure,. safe, and peiulettet Sold by drug.
gitets everywhere..
-We wish him most tenbotteded happi-
nees in his new venture.—Several
residences changed ownership here
allure houses to rent" is tho
univergal cry. in weral as loud' and
pathetic as th‘t-tse of Alexander vrhon
he excleimed "Oh for more world's to
Clonquer." People ere crowded- here.; heel burgled ized tni Saturday night Mr.
es closely MR three in a bed', and no F. T. Clarke's exchange office and se.
remedy far it till springs opene. or 11i clued booty to. the amount of $10.00.
eoujnnetion of the pIeueta thins the .11is a, very large feather iU the caps cf
11') 101)01.
D. Shoff of Clan:Moe-Es and other
Ninerod.s were west of herelast week,
bunting that mattitiftaient denizen of
our fo-rests, the deer, and' we believe
succeeded in losing one of their hounds
as well 118 1111 of the. deer. BOrt that is
a hunter's fortune. “Better luck next
time,' is 0,180 the hunter's adage.
Lumber business has not been so
brisk f r a number of years as this fall,
All the miIL west of be • es are almost
cleaned out of logs and limber. The
defect 010 however now be remedied.
thy between towu aUa country is es- Anent the Railway agitation in
teblished with regerd to this mutually 1 Exeter, it le beginning to be conceded
aalvantameona Belem°, there le ne 'yea- las a fixed fact, that one rtilway in a
son why before many menthe Exeter
should not become a competing point,
wid the farmers be enabled to sell
titeir preance in their Moine owltet
and realise a fair price for the Rene.
here is nothing like discnasion in
place is sufficient to Judaea the tire rot.
while two are generally enough to kill
and bury the place, and bow salt on
the once populoutt streets. I guess we
woof invest in a railway just at pre-
-sent.. Stet, follow your own opinions
matters of public import. It brings, ie Exeter, and don't take ours fur
out itl as which mieht otherwise never more than they are worth.
percolate the public mind. The farm•I
ors ehould have their say as well' as I
the peopla of the town. They are con- I WORLD WIDE NEWS.
eerued as well -as ue. They are snfler. 1
ing, so are the people of the own.
They expert te be benefitted, so do the
people of the tow -n- They expect to as.
slit in paying- for the -meta, so do the
people -of the tnwn. Then let the ter-
merw soul their opinions for pnbli
etation. Let then.1 ventilate the sub•
ject. Our ctlumns are open to op
portents ((ew as they ttre) 03 well as
Etuppoiters of the road;
We read is the St. Mei-yJoureet
that at one time 00 Monday of last
weals there were on the market and
et'eets of St.. Marys one bunco ed and
fifty load, of grain. Many of these
bittil tin dmubt gone from the vicinity
el. Exeter—from the unsurpassed wheat,
gictwing Township. of Usborne. 'Why
notethose farnaere eotne to Exeter ?
Sitaitpl*, becauletliketer is subjected to
theegeinding tnetaopoly of tbe‘rapacionti
0, .NL1A11 Let -toter but have an
oopeotatnity• ori competing. on. equal
terunt• with any•other town, atudiit need
fear not rival... The Jou:we/I arther says
tnalt Linn daily., average.. of.. tettans,,Ivith
grain, int114 tnaois between, 8tiOi
4001. 1.1noirteseb.
It it underetood that when Parlia-
ment assembles that Gladstone will
propose it grant of E.15,000 to Gen.
Iloberts. the hero 1 f Cantlailttf.
the police), as the two 1133n are ol.1 and
reckless critiniteals. They possessed a ' Three hundred copifte of Disraeli's
comae -Le Inerglars' outilt, valued, at new book,. oEntlymion," were sold iu
. _
$00. A third member of the g nel,twe hours in Toronto ou Friday last.
toad'e his escape. b The Gevernment Inspector reports
t It WAS learned that a Carraloct farm [and the Grand Jacetioe Railway Le in
tes„ named Taylor, living near the rivergo°d at'udit'''n•
,Tnarnes, committed Buick -ea 00 Sunday [ DEATIIS,
afternoon under die stressincireennel- ......,_
stances. It seems, that lte °had beau eCOOPSP.:--11117.0'Or110, 011 the130nit., Am-s„be-
depreised in spirits, fur some time past., ., lowed wife of.J,ouittbanaJoper; ago& 63
unit as a metals of relief drank exces• years.
lively ofstrong liquor. A. few weelm 1
itgo his wife died. and this unfortneate I MARRIED.
sireunts'anee had, the effect of taking ,
1 Dowe—Saanetes.—At tbeir relitionue: Exeter,
away 1 i s last desire to live. Soverel 1 by the 11.0Y. G. Webber, Mn. 7,)",n. 31.).,mn,
times be tnade desperate
attempts to 01 Stephen,S
to aliss NI. A.-an(uEs,rtaugli-
t take his lif , but through the titnely in -ter °Lett...Jolla Sanders, ot litteter.
1 °even arm of Mewls was prevented 1
from accotnplishing his rash purpose. 1'
Duriog the past feet days he was less
dospoudeut than usual, and his watch-
ers began to hope th tt a change had
taken place for the better ; but they
were doomed to disappointment. 0,1
Sunday afternoon he was found in Ins
'nuns, with a rope, attached to a beam
above. !nouns' his peek, and hie body
cold in death. Ile was widely known.
Tlie ru.nor that the 'Marquis id Lo n..
will re:ign the Govensor-Cioneralship
ol Cavadit at the end of throe years and
return home, is officially deniedi
Another rumor about the price -paid
L'ird Beaconsfield for the copyright ol
"Eudyinion" pots it al 1420,000.
A dispatch ditttd Cape Torso, Ittlt,
sayse—The rebels have dislodged from
the Ltrribe Mountains. The Colonial
loet, four men., It is believed the
rebels rost heavily.. The petrol from
talitleting founeltalarge body of limited
iu their front,. but the partrol retiredt
without engaging the enemy
DEMUR tattextteioNtr.
Gladatonet F,Orstetend.Rtri Spencen
livers preseutoat the eabliset (Inflict! att
Windsorton.S4ttarday.. It was'deoitleal
to tett11unor4Parhatneut to,aneelyou the
61 of January,. fott thot despotaltIL of
10 PIG 1311EILDE1itt3.- Toe niftier
signed has still got his, •Kell,Icttown Rers..
shi..0 hoar, "Doke. of Bel:non trand will keep him
this season for the ku,proveluniit 01 stock on hi .
farm near Itudgeryill0. iFer234s—$1, payable at
the tittle of service with tit 1 oriVilegt; or return-
ing if necessary. WILMA:A OL0. Per. 2 4
The Itum in Goderich
The fo:lowing is froin the Montreal
journal al' Gown .- 'A wealthy
merchant of Goderieh, 0,1t., is enticay.
aria; to form tt joint stook company the pulp. se ot establishing it -cotton
tniil in that vicinity. It i. intended to
begin ou 140 01111 sortie, say100- spiodles,
to b 11101 oased as eircainstances mey
reqnire. It is possible there will be it
!uttroing mill in oonnection therewith.
The iutentltng protnuter is in real earn -
;et ou the enleieet, and will probably
exclusiyely with his own moans,
hon,d he uot sacceed iu getting the
410011 enbseribede 14e proposes. to sell
direct tr, the retttil trade. The propos.'
ed locality ie some four mileoutside
the tette,. whore theta isau. exaelleut,
water power."
No ntediciue le more justly popniar,
than liagyard's Pectoral 13a1tane., It
is a positive pt,cific for all ei eases of
the Throat and Lungs, leading to Con-.
sualptiolit It loosausthe tough phlegm
r mucous, soothes, irritatican
trAblebotne cetighiog and heals alum- .
ahlungs.- S'11141 b 113dmiltm.„
nrug Store.
X17788 & New Year Cards,
At Farquhar ;. Thomas Monorail, 'Deputy Iteturn- •
ON I ot13, Coneession 10 : James Nagle Deputy-
taborhe Dec.2. cLArat, Clerk.
Al 0 L I 0 .1 S 413
a A, 7.37-7E LIft.sA
Jian.son't,, 3.1dot ., Exeter
saAni.3 says 23.6273 wEit.
Agsni for Ex.eter and
spec,alailiention to Lis well asAcrt-
ed stock of
Fancy Goods. A tense stock of BerlinWoolt
and Fingering Yarn, 314111oe5e Card
Board, Plass Braides, lordung,
Lace, Jot Jewetry [leads,
Leather Virolk;tt
All Ideas of Faney Work, maatt to or.ler ani
A. full line of caltISTAls (+O003 watch he will
SWAP. Drawer and Cardigan Jotkets, Also
good slimily 01 geaml.,se,Hosury always ou hand.
hatitting done to order.
OPrOSit8 F.1119Crek 1310Cli:
Notico T
The, hrersins Uri:vier ItoeYs and CcorncU1oi, 10
Nunte rirthe numicinatity niniabonee, for the Year
18SL will be held in the •
Monday, Dec. 27,'8O-
the hour 01 10 a. n ,411C 12.o'clock, noon, re spec -
In ease pelt.; ars demanded, they shall be held on
AIONDAY,..LA st TEARY 8r0, 1881, commencing; atit
odnook, it. m, and ciosing at 5 p.m., at. the follow- •
11,5 'laces:
At Elitavflie ; N. 3. Clark, Iteturaing-Ofilcer
'-10, N. TALL Tbsnuas AllimDeputydleturn,
lug Officer—
77riting Des14s,. Work Box,s
Iewel Boxes,
Fancy Siaell Boxes,
Pnoto Albums,
.A:atogra-pb. Albums,
7/301•47 Cu133 and,Siicer
Pallehgries, .11,' tine y Ink Liottirs,
Wallets, Purses, Dolls,
and Leahy other varietiva of gtoleY Articles
suitatle for .11.esentsfor both, olkand young.,
Opwatral..13rug Store
(mum 0,1411egrgiD,ja,
WirliOUT Ali EQUAL !
T.EIREE IttAcnziat s IN 011E'
Uanufarttarecl Soley by W. T.
Oshawa, Out.,
IttaLirri, VIN/Efio,