HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-13, Page 4, •14*.0 *10# . PAW 13 MAWR .1101AN.Twavert 4#4,0 iigs. Who win 100, eole of LY4P LEROY seture ireofthefl&UkOf. commute 000 is at flop 1 On the '10ot:front In company With e :Misses %flatted Mechlre, rt,11`.. MrJorte McWhinney and Fettle dran- On. They are being joined this Wee* by MIS Laura Oraintin of SitePPerdton Own* ivas no WO* in St. Pea's An - church ,on IhuldaY,-** thet--XectOr4. Rev.J. 11. .4keogliosirah.,._Was bondUcting, corammton servioxr-at, Christ chureX Fort Albert, , The Amite in Ouniralmon United, church was wilthdraint On, Sun- day oveoitill, in. order to glow' -its /nem. d 2411.-11311ted-ehnteh.....'Wheil repreaentative$ of the, "Oxford COO' were Present; aps.Ciouit "farm ionic. ',Of 'MA, R. MeWhixMey Wes the Scent or a ,deligi,t. tut gathering Thursday WiuM she enter., *zed abollt ltfty.ladies-for ,t1,10 regular hthlY,,hleeting.,,ot-the, 'W.8,, of e vreshyterlan: church; it being al., os *MUM hotne.telpets' meeting or tudliskries of ,LuOkudir and. church were Pre"ati,htrea*-114 Vitttuvingr133.- 614. era° 'cluut11-741/ We -Allele; garvin.,VOz 'Ageem.rianlet. ;Brie,/ , addresses were ,presented the P.,s9,,nt• --gr• Vhursday afternoon-inrthe' hit$e" en, by Itev, Love of 4.304erith .end of Erskine- church, presined,, iand, the Miss. Irene Stoll,. Of carlow, war. a visited. at the ..Members of the W. sc. 3. vras2"4, 1114114*40arge on the 14blicalik wout bzc- Itsrthal width. was 04stt /441.**in., Arnold sl Pbwell; mouth Organ, Lorne Vortex', leves andMarion' Pimdst„ favored with a seleetion. The subject 4,hosen for the,discussiot at the next Ineetihir le, "Should we i]1 or aucb madefor ats'befith SPrrt.i.(1"4 Id on ThUPidaY ,evening. July I3th; e Urtt,m Ideroad beach. A,11Ymn • t"1".1"416-'14 Prem., another cOrrefOenl(ent) tors on son 3iaster Alex. Tiotharp at Ilnailttex. YJa8b2g at the home of his aunt ,„ and other Wends. LtttIs 4sildred. flatter, tiviughter 01 Uri and Mrs-Yro‘ Otter, had they mister. axe to Tan on root), end breaki her axfl Rev, (Dr.) 10,,, Medd and *Os, ;Medd and IOW Josie Medd, of Lesmingtort, vislted the-formees a1at4r, 14r1s. 21, 3ter V1410,, :ou SituolitY. 30.: D0444 Campbell and WO Etat. Joe)* embAell visited, 'with their fried!, ,10-,--Joe'lloggartb iind-MiAtaBe#107HOp earth: of Hui:lett on 13undx3r. ts. Afr, and hem. W. A. Campbell" and.on Donald, were guests on • Sunday at ,.the 'wine ,of the dormer's Miter, Mrs, rt. 'Crozier, #44-11r,. Criss* of Crewe.. _ Viliters" at the -honle'of-shfr.:-and-Mes:, Marvin Iteflowell am, Mr. and George Clark -,001. -Mies Clark, of 'Baas •ilton,--and-.Mrs.:: (get) 144004 and ree zon.. 01 tontiorx,. Mrs. MAY.) Medd; of Leem1ngtr4 to emoir osist end intended sx a blue.i)sulahlog took thiyame and Ilex* Goat in 'tikes/jab*" M*Un�S� Woe, aud-ffist. st Lei Ung or the gerileh party of t114 Snit .tVIC HIll *thin *lintel) held last Wtd- nezday ./tine 28th, There was Pod ettendenoe..,hicloding Amite a num- loan 4*41,ettieu,_ygingtiani.:Atid Mb. urn. ' Supper wae.serifedat 4.1 -brig table on the and was an 000:034 repast screed in most appetizing lesbian and topped off witb, 1W4104, strawberries. The lb:egret that -.161loweil was given chlefty by, the "Presbyterian Sunday &Walt eixestrreol-1014,0401. -itn--04$041' isation a real merit" and. , versatile talent, their 'numbers, including- addl. Wu to the orchestral eeleetion, a cornet selo by. Mr, Seddon, , Violin solos by M. Sehatte leader,' piano .solos- by /tete, • 144.',40440* -00x0 'Of 011,A tOlit Is‘visi4ni‘ 1104 Ws-. of tOnderboN,. uastie "00all aolos by Vass Myra. so. het 4104,,,,mr,„1,eaue 40,0t, last -Saturday 00Ania ,And, Mr. uetdoreon and CfooPZ.0...ttehiellud, ts'' again .1;v1th.. •140._ Oamphell,..at...the home of root/44, %ft.. Chas 41' ix** *114'411Pt1 there. 'Bert Taik/t, , gesigin.s, 7e1;37iributed sev-r. Mr. ;An Yeo and son from West, , ,(1fitended. for Lass week) 'Solos and WAS -1 beard with---intieh Presbyterian ehureho'luut co** traiteo, are at Mr. Eidred,XeOPC •• ...altaater:Donald Clarke is holidaying at • pleasure, -7410-70ene pormon„„ acting as tho.htime of their-, niece, ‘Urs. student Minister of Oraith Sill* and idsona, litat ilee,Preglident or the‘Vtr,..T4.8. • • ' • « and 'Mrs. T. TimneYi. Of '14ittgara, Rev. H. A. Pritchard,. of Gortie„ former t,07thepr.. TolidieffirinOgraursves-**00.1--"'OPertio; iit1tWther,-4101)d. 2Llzs Marionrob!, WAIter,,slobx; on _ Rev. G. )-6/...wis',,niitlist4 o Vint% Hill CXerghteat. consisting Of: BOA 10044 by ter, last ;week.' ,and Mrs. jook, Buchanan vlslted congregation dtspitivged---the:44ties of: 11‘0.4., ,.00bert rittterala .A,T14 prayer bY Little hes. returned ,iroin 4fieir,Plotenee Buchanan. chairmanin a -pleasant manner. 'Cruder UM 'John ,Bennett: r401e. study by mita the 14,4441*,..goittitt.where she .teoe wed .sinutast., a varaotoo moon -tile oloSe,bt the 'Pro- starrItelien,k-fknttly itinloss, lox 41.ditet-treatMOtAt; Barkley,of Dtiggatinok'vistteit,, grata tame, all too_ 4tdeklY and:the gath, JO00,047 t ',,t'WhY ,bdieve ' the bible .7f0. Mies 'ECUS' roller Vat:: , With 'over the week -end !,,4, with her daughter, ering dispersed - with PlanY'. altere tgra' i/e*:00 word 'of .004;'," PMPYteriat. Mine. her WOO, Idissee .POrothi and Shhle7i. , Campbell,' Mrs. . th0:. Helper's" report*. avks., Jon iv-rcdree, Medd,: Of - uass:Tagapez, W'ingAgni,:venta .feW Until , sYnd,' hostess' of „ the evening, kia,d eetingiArcert,:.Mk4.04J_alt1010.4x.„.N04.,; have tot*elY..,..$44004:1::1 - --e 41.L5Ptces.' Velteririe,r'peper orl, the wetk. of Olft litts,,John Hendersen, 'of .,Salt",r la' spending 0,;,o0upie. days--,,b,is.7week 40;0;,4$ 0; ve100*,, and encoUrage7 iflui-Mtc r. Itig.'Caiter- and faitill,t;. person BaIm 1*,igeolitible,. Fragrant., , ate * aununer 116,Tver. coot as a nikittnrk tsOrk wring, ,„'iNforklellut4t* inviggrat abaving lotioti. And for ohildrert.:notli ' soothes and protects ,.•their'' :tender Makel akin like the , deka cool 'Vets :S$Ate. 4Soft-$ and orw*edtellie);1";0';'nhatirt11,,,Uze ;try- .04odor and as by Men as an effective hair fixative or Peerless aid. to. lovely comple)done. Used - 'Mary: Parsons' and '', her sl telly :train 'Dancing Troupei • ,_ mi...:ctotroi 14reakins 'end. liie•'4,414,..** ' r4.1 * •„,,.._ trumentai-illeveltietoolt ' ' ' '. . 4' Ciitierit: I _Aria IhO Belles. of the...Omni) ' ' Telling Boothair Or 111114e4 your ' with•*,gay, Item the Zoirer ,fliap,,F4, the iSset,',41 - On the'sroKtor sot make the draw and announce the Lucky Asirdeldl solo. Mrs; rik1/40,, LWatow; Mr. and, ivits.' Howard* -daya last COushx);_ Miss 1.;ae, with the : hope of meeting Nigh deT McCrae, and from LutinOw rlitre; the Holdmvorth house. • eve:brzthe -neiShborlioo4.ot- bome-heipers, ,(1)ra SiroluOrkt*Ael4 ford, wee TeOeht_vJelteric-akthoJirno f4..goder th0 Parental IlVti Russel' roster anWA? *at .170.50d*OCk/ visited on StrarraSt At the - molt, um; --moranney. the. hostes$ ; "1‘..tr, Out' . 'row, Donald Rosreading bv.-xtrs,' Inn* visited, to& rootees ,hrothOrs,,,,Y,Vg ;home Nir., and'Idirs. Fred Cook, 110 1"144tores, tOlkotY.:411 'exemP1111044 -and Eldrid len. Over the 'vfeek-4rid. .4arforer ciarice ho• r,arden; of the 104- :441. end We, VoinlineOrt. oZ.xii.Oheri Ws. Clarke, at- the home do1d2 Ulf*: Iraq .A$1401 voridatoek, werei- viiitora at the home 'of ,urs,arv1n moDoweit, address, $14.- -400411vray. .pastor ofr. truzirss, orr.Thurscley 4110 .10:1tt 'Mrs. Reg. Jennings and eon, Arbrield .Presbyterian eharoh; who It150 , iday„ ot Windsor, apetit"the..week7end with.the pronminted ' the 'benedictien. „At the ..1fit *Milli McAllister. of C1int4)4 :.'Woe 40,0% parmtli. mr. And v(ra.17, osetins-hintibc' was ; aeived, ;,* -'otAlt. „, • < and a soia1 herir -spent Over the le* IVA. McAfllster. inoharialir and Isobel owe« the hes** • being -seet5te4 itt stnr- 'Miss Helen cOk,,a.. Loudon, visited. her Habkirk. . :visiting the Ina .by several ,younir women who Itte .Dar-etttA gri'413CrMrs.•Hetbert ,06x, z,vver oosi gtandittother, urs, R. Buchibp, active _ returning .to zo.ndon and other ifeiv ita;r8 Niuctir :To *026. 2479rovio,h, )10.43 vleltot7:114 •EitonehOriee,'Clocterlelt ” • ----40,431:1661)**xotter-zor-ttioiNitts -week, the honie_Oti.1% And, tars • miss Jean werbfft_lasitint, wlth the tome, tif Mr. fhatt, "Bart _ The inemliers, Tot the t; p Soclety relatives h — • Wood 01, Vtallezdal*•0 446V,Wet,et. are hOldint goiNeinet' rit*St Wednes- eric Mn. Petclu w401 Lies day evening at 4 the river.. This 'Is the Itelek.,01tvic1011; .T.4*1011'.4,1F ziak> Abate tiAtile.to ul) kist,liteeting of- the -Society until gielA. icirMlzs 4iiethete„..$0.Wwitk4erbeynatt- Toronto, spent /4114 *• hat each do Her mow,. :den 0114: rizopathyt of this","vielnIty- I's ler* 1, re; :14,,.liottiorliday,;44.;„, 49,eekw.tion;,.,scivitra. at • 01 hope citint;itat000toti:c4,,• eft" c,..a;,'„itonamilldeitt 14toof ,,seehnetb, gentnwtiottraiw.: and xo-fic.,wite, who pasSed-*"waf on -Monday, 41117 -13tate, Brussels bit WeftesdaY,' 401,Y, • ter: olasgollo RiVeratOn 4,40 will bele- ef obn ftc, o%earaajtott-nt- IA0,1,111. ef3011000.vvioti‘,4n, s itugueitte Itvoon0 , tightfoot, 1140 OIX 4-415 C-ARLOWISTO.1{ NEW 60011S IN swocic FleSec6 brandsof1'1447' Ste e 414' ,iyeast,dZt Guarda and. r Shop Si *Iticiilwaiivfa ' RosEs-sgwolssENNiu,s. atocic_4•LANTEATEEGEZENS „ • Fresh /min the Gonna , canadlar,TJA -rim* 'Everything tor- the ,Garden* •'Write:. for - -; "We -sell the. hest, for: less;'*:_„ ' , -,..tenogron;.,pnt. 77' ' , •, • groupof tows, -wine with -coloreit acts, made of lovely-:'orepes, tailored les. Sizes It, to' 20. $7.95, to , Clearing ri Tailored snits o tweeds n groy„ sand and blue; lust what yo or; "going away" o vacation dine. el! _Sr Clearing prie Iatit, • 4394 4.1h04v, *Pea, Sunday..-,Tirthe home At her ,pitr. Mrs. E. BroOltp,4 1.0411M who ,hars, *en lit' it. VirJo.'ToWlisheni erita. Itt'asitt. Mrs. Gee: 'Falconer Sinithritfiss Aileen •,aiscy_eirtended to the many friends itt s, 'CARLOW int jai relatives here; returned to her torof TorOn•tOo :• ....Atm" - home Itt, **taw butt zuoctay, Oforge Proetor ot Andends ori.F. miss:Rimy 'Arrington, , $s. visiting, her bede.' Their 'eyes do not close in the aweet-e* •Te- .freehing.-repole to•thOse whose heart and . nerves are right.. They are irritable and ° nervous, weak. and worn! out; and everything 14010 4aSit and gloomy. • • - Begirt and •11iivti_ Pills are the. resioedy that is 'Wired to restore them the blessin of rod health. They bring back the -sound ref tone up the nerves Melte the heart strong of buoy•i spirits that is the result of renewed men • vigor.• , Mr« and-li; 4'. lit ,IiihnIxotit ofTor--' 'the 'later • onto, 'Spent *holiday week -end at' the „ were: 'Visitors At the llone -i-:-i-:anti 21V404, 1044:41it; xiarvey 17.1.filier,1 were Itt the :home of the lady:e!..niother,...lant Oohed thikidsOn overc.).430:044,'. London Am stilldir, . i', . . , .,,. Ur. . and -Mrs.. ligWri 'Oe<irt., Evel1O, ' The ' gintene are beginning tO•2S.„ how likont ot*ittona, ore :win .a4vante4 Jean suld OotclonV 'Oeten DaVid- ttie teed,,* ' some ram. % , . ' • t r.,.. "Sane et :the ',farmers , hale:ffu: ,10a144$ Moggret: 1)01665640 of*'netii)16' Titntiall. Itif:the Aunmer.;,_.---,,,, , ---!"-- •'`' . ad; - --,::, ', , ,..•- .,". r ,. ..", ..z.' ',-,.--.,. SeliOol':$444o of ' ':_mris. it A.-11410rd- is ilsiting at tile, Mr. and :Mt all attut._ two :Children. ..1,Inikirt *A* liel4" In-itirhfr , pao-,viodet ittoie I-4 !i t!' -i1g4 ; - Vt.- lat-Vouns. lie. pot week at tilt Mine ot the listtes . were. present. *antes were 'PhiYed -00tOrf* '31toritlaY tlerukti, She Wee ,aeeoroPcth, utliter, Ora. Fred Bell and ler, Bellb. , supper, Which Was Served tit the paVil-e. led' by 'he'letisses Long ,of Be.ninnier., Neat 'Sunday the 4itatlerlY 4OraniOniou ' tom Alter supper, the races vote held, •. Mr. and Mrs. „Geo., Patterson, of Tort tii'ke Villtiltri•44. titilnkon :Ohttrat ivith, 0,116*st i OIX1S 'under fo .yeara---B-, hir- onto. were here to funeral Of iuss bt distriet* owing to the drY-Vtea- sour. *11.0 ,Lopcumt• Ur, 4e9rgif Stover Earl trieRnight is-helOini 44 ft OarriahAti, Olt Aden. Visited rich,. -on Tinirsti*t; About I. Versein giazt Jean-,Q2en, Igo, chitago hat, the pastor,. Rev, P. W.' Oita*, 411t. charge.' 'ley -Medd, Berniee,rulier: atria 10 l /este, the ate Mts. E. V. LartsOn: xte.schhthic seritte-* s.' s 0414 8uxtdost, . —tairOt,10-; Mr; .- ''IiiteAlliiiter ‘ , 1)01e. -1.467. 4tinf• Valt.er, sitil i, IAN; 4 school -it a poi. . "-s , * ., - -•,-under 10 YemS.-4toddi ,Johnston,., BO young, of Torontoi. Wert,- here to a tt .010, vilion Itountv 1.0pii.. sottetr 34 43.1iiit: girls 12,,:yearst-Phyllis Edna. Der.,-, the Xurierel of their Matt Mrs. E. V 'having * tesob....ps,rty at "Orden sideroad !othy Odd: boys. 14 ' yeart—Nait Lawson.. . .. , _ On Thursday evening of tbit Week., ' All -.Raymond Ginn: boy* 13 'ye* Ati-receptibri was 'held at ,,the - honie of caving People in, the commitnity are tor. eralisiot Johnston,, WM „ POttet;;,,,. Yo_ Mr,Ntieo. Ashton last Fridayevening itc. itretto,30 attend ,,f_, _ lactio* .,,,totreirt Andetim.;'• Lena ,' cal, honor ot Ids danght,er,Ivipiet, -who W,.1,1,4 0004 ...t " t414 bola* of Mr. 'arid,' Mts. well; yolmg inert, -,Lorne Porter, Doug.: rktentb, niosed, • , - ., , .; . „- ROW, DOW* toe talit holiday. week. VeNen: gide- thref-14041trace,7-Itther Oeveral,,,frien .th;athered. 4, Nie lionio end ittre,Illist• Helot '16avidsori and Mr. 1011,Wein, htariew Porter and. Lena 00,1- a' litr. Wm. Been list"kridaY eveiling,.-it *kirk. *Oa. tenient .voixtractors :of Stanky 1-uralwain: ha, .11*tettbatt :(Ixte_rt), .-- able to, atfoild 'Alt 110 'hotOoltioid ditties. ..* Ildroat having been *Aug some 'repair Forest McClure, ,Erneet iibluisten, - Alter' It Is WI* of her niany friends that Ott . the bona balotagint to %Ours. the raieta the children enjoyed:- af PeahUt the may see .iusnY, Inere birthday,a. , -a. me. .45,„.p. xn. , Fares from. Claderich to LONDON', . ''.... '.-TORONTO,..... .-; . ..WINOSOR. . .1, r. . ROIT ... - . •••• 4 • il,ILTO *--4..:;1 4 ..- .0' • Ti-7;tATHARINES-v-4 ....-. NIAGARA FALLS, 4 • • • '4,4 • • 4.1.:' 4 :5 • 4 0 ..r ., BUPPALO .. `.•.r.'. ; ......... .. 5i8$ : • ,ohil Ur*. .44derson and ...Evelyn!, well itad,-Evelln muiersort; r race t414).4,,ths:jioth mriss, Bean, ,4eart lanif 000104 of Lottdon. 4--toene, * tOeshie (bole Sr., wha kale Johnston, .000, soviet* and 4 Ail& thipioyed thetaSelleS With Death_ of 1,6%.r. V. Latvian the, Pakt UMW* ot the W. M. S. of alt was nookt at the home t McClure ott.Titeaday hat' 1j-thettlt, rtiMeettnifl" *.e°' Falconcr F. :w; orsot poeutifed the PhiPit ,t 'Onion on tiiinday and premixed an interesting address on ' the subject. "Wbat-tho rehureli does for the largato .from the BO* of .1)euterocany, ;4114 toter, " Wt. ).fargirot 1:Xlikorto Awl grskruf,, ghttrr-Vittit thinean. of 'Sault - Marie. and Ur. Cleo. 1,)oneari, Of t the 'swinge 'Atilt teeters; the men engag. ed themselves n s. gone 01 Ottball, 'Mika 'lg. 004erialf resulting 10'9 'ill 'favor Of Onion., the sPent, the time hri **WI' intertainie. , 'Intended for lest vet ), Mrs, raohn and famuly are Vending this week 'at Blyth at, the home of W. vid ,/if.rsc Chat. Mehl; Mr. .04 Uri... fteNte rikleoner and loony. *tb. .1-:ontestiott, were anode", glietts 'the hoof of Mr. and Wt. 4. AzThIe Tiobboirtb, Mk motored up and, were guosts for week. Mit14.ai°d:theittihO'0! her litlit4ztt‘..114"Wt daytitst week *t the hone of 04'1 arid „sister, .. Ws. AIbertBarker ner's•Oster„ Mrs. Fred * tioderleh. * ZULott and with other relatives, 1' Virit4ta,at'the. home 01 Mr.*nit Igrt. trt 114 1104te 1014ttgatiat Ors G. W, airittOd TiLite ‘Vitek were %test% 't itt the Oriole service 1n Union Sasnuet,' 11004 and AftatIet, Peter of hurzlit on. Sunday afternoon, when Rev,' Atwbod. and Mitt MarS, WE* Ot NSW lAt. -Cr** sOressed the nierni)ers Lisizeard. 01 Itiveritori /I -6. L. No. 145 and vrNl -Nit' Ana ljrs. Geo. loam Vitt -Z - ng brethren= The Orangemen sttettdeet ,i1y. of Point Olarke and Urs. 'divine worthip body' and 'otexipi4d .on and 1411ort. iialttor4, vo-trf ie"- the tentre **tit. Rev. r• W cram was At not home et Ur. Vfnt. ton the ,Pulpit and *Weed very ill* Saturday,attive rnember, also teacher er, Osght ill*MoVe.on the ttxt, in the toottat, would 'greatly Ole Young:/%0Pleli. .41‘, great sorrow has tome tomi; ibis , neighborhood stint More espeelany 'An the home of Itrz Ed. Ilt.1.40tsOn; in the death ,of hI.s beloyed 'wife. Florence Penelope Young, end eldest daughter, of the tate VOung; and lats. voung;,30 the earlyage,of 349 Yeats. " A. a tended S. S. NO. 3, Colborne, and, (lode,- rith Clolieglate Institute and was e, vett toAtOtstfot troller, teaching" at. 'Walton. , Port lath", .and at 815. 'Ito. I, tolbortie. Itt October. 1020, she VAS Married' and werit to live, On the: LaWS011: farfri bear Dunlop, but came to.this in init.! 'Wont four •*eare *go, buying her father's terin„ dared betel! not Only dime neighbors blit the 4.fr ity by her Iniki„antri4n Which radiated theerfitine neaa *mere' be Vent., WhIIe Mrs. 1,41600 was Mit', ideal wile and Maher delighted In activities of hoine4oakiog. . the also - lent- her -energies 44-oborob„. inid! toonnunity, services and her los will he ,Innqh felt, by the ""011$ttifiktiO4 'Of the tinted thiirrh, of she Was Single Return , 2.60 44;70 f . „ rr. 3.80 6.8,5 • . . 6,85 4.05_ 713.0 5 • . 3.70 „4.70 5. 0.20 . 10.55 Tickets tlid Information t BtLIFORD OTJ Telephone 323 - end . - ediate ttt talksOii sts* en* bet torte. rommim. and bright - it ae oh thbus e PrihriPles of the Orange Hwang entered my lo routttwIt , Stulday oebool, *Ott me deceased in the W. IC S.. OM all men, lort the trotherlioo4, pr".elat. any bap, which' *critt out ere enloYed, good tiellatt unfia rtt'enttv When mute mot inIttid all that 17. Duni* the ethice the their *I* a - tfod.'!' .Bonor the ItitV11,:4 Pfetielf ialthotof "Witt 'Moo one by of rn *14,0 tiiMirtetto ttratt WW1* i*k • 00tlerlehi tOknOttid 01 MAK* 140.4t0iti /7(044 itiPtrAtit 4'shtt 11 ok4 Oart. ,Olattra, 11404044 two umbers. *Vb.* Sopouttft4,1,4044 t toy Ittt to tell for Aibovi. Mry loon at oosktith Sagest npantattt At WI:, teek**IteSt 4040.0414.** was swam Vie ot Ott heM * Mu* TA1 *n loving baXta taiki dtrfttl* *11 ant she named oat IA Ur- Pri41401 asornixer, Jar 1th, tett- husband **A thrt* eldidtelf, 01 pato', Ruth aged 1, Ovafe *41d, • rots, *leo her mother. atm A, omit, Oat_ three eisters. Jaen, ‘,141,1*. A private funeral tron ot lier tootbtr Isit Ito% by the ttit;" Ur. tattoo, Untied Ohnrch„ uiiated Ibe • Mr Urn et 'ypti put. 'chAere a tnOtOt car WithOttil_Ortisi"4t lixst•,--ita per. . . tnanufftturet., the. guo.rantee--the eenriee -- If Ty'ott, tak6 the samti Oro in sOeet.. ing yur e ecitvIc washei you will cbtiose, Itltoratoif. anti Wive year Up. ottyettts tiff 4ettoior, tat* f • _