HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-06, Page 8tro Al,
• -or,. te •
idle *Ant
' 07'
vitttet.or litr,i:arid Ur. Oorg
Xli and , broke ter oallour
*ken -to the vc of
the Zrature wu reduced *n4 zhe.
Wetly lit bar
, • •
r the
• 274 (li)*, sind
-of v
7 the*
11 111 10,
Y .4 It 'Altitt_
OAS Ea:ber.
trait* .datioir* -trOUPe. Mr. ..11
tanns'and,"144 4,hin*."0-sirlthirtroU4.
„dti.S. 4 !There, -1•411. Ibe ntal
.., ziorOtielt,' 444* lqesits„ tom,. ;. .
A. .trtune telft:1404 Other
be Ive.o4? the heat gypr
. q
-ritumii 4oni.to,,,aratt'
• .,,e zk m1dn1gh Mayo .
de .illtAw tor-. the ,
ertiteinent -inti
li!..1114.0 0,04.018-, OF VA*
Countfxg 42 or nOr: tali '14 rit. - black on-
ha- n ::th)tninion rfol-',- eye)**
..*n4. niu1.000#g that *pro by eight,
the number of t4014 4round, the squaret
'woad tttre• us ,PO.toohl,v •at least 400 Poi
• ..,, ,
Sian& or to
in Iv* nzp� n4 ph
today, azji.
ur regtifretraeiritf il
Ur* C.' It.
Toronto.dyiIn ,HOline. Soria, 'vow & 1414,,y
vL1tor itt (toderIth.
a, Ora R J $poat, Ilarr10,1,41ted'
*1. V,. R. 'Redditt.. ,
and uts, g, cis* Detroit, ' tilted
int d. Ma. H.•EIturdY,
-or-T-Ottiab". fins4-
0' Were' 14. POWA.
At*kflt,. iliA041Ate vs*
.da at 4PPertliait ,Beitch,
Osborne, ot Arigirint,
visiting witit Dr. a.fld MrL fi
*X, ICenyop andZIiiabeth
Smith are vialthig inds in OueIph sx14
Kitchener, •
UM, D A., McIstiven; of Toronto,
visiting With her:Mater-lii-law, Ur*, ;Mar
garet *MS, '
VOA'S th Mr,* R. H. Mitt. \Tom
tutt„ .0.1tiortfo; 'Meldrurn.Vtitt and Roes
eey, 1.1:trontp,: '-
Or. W O I Oluierip„iof -1/iflinUora'apent
e treek:senA-firthe heme of Mr. and
.Mrs. W. C. Patten, ; • -
-fiskiney ,lerlicins, IOC /*le
1,Kertet Denim -
Miss •Lallia asolrlear. and. Ins 001)0
Matheson, of Welland Pub11 school
an, areehome for theholiday-
Miss g. Lovas- WO rationed to
aftert'a pleasant -visit -With her friend
and OWsinate, Mis Auleen- tpitti at the
dfOrd "
Mo. and "WS. Jk Oaulcy,' Of :Move-
Idnd, mi4cOesoree--oeuter Of 'Detroit, vie-
Itel over, the 'week -mid With their Amele.,
find nunt,Mr. and. VA% - Wm. ‘Olitgei.
oderith. •
Dr. W. P. „Mark .is attending the,
-Gzand-Circuit rate Meeting :in Taltd0
this week and reports' a wonderful diqf
ay of ;horses ire "Citeh' clam good
crowds,' an nIglztracing.'
de i1nts Pans frcm T. . wit
el ' Pi:- DetroU acrit thlrte
hez:elbcfrOm' :44°4.wee ele, 4,,'
MGUUIStratford an ix. Otber.
ilrmeni„.Mlch., L1te1ener,„ Pols, Bruit-
fOrd, ' le, "Vitenand,
Ssatorth, -Port Euron,Mhq, ",Pontleto„
Jatloon and Rol a'Oek, 141ehlgen,'
‘,,aitial ie(eree WIte John- W. Jacob-
roni.pt Toronto, and Americo tluplip,te
lova prevailed *throughplit,
The reception perninittee was eompo..
54 of ,Pree. Dr, A, 0. Hunter; the Sore -
OM - X.-0,71reicamiii; and. ther Olkiwirl
. tallies, and gentlemen: btra. (Dr.) A. -0.
Hunter,- *no, E. 0.: teaconi, Mr*, - fl. .. _ _ - . — .- , •
_E Omen * ' J. 2f: Taylor and -011,-43 -Tar (al 00) upon itt lends buildings,' 411'
Kir 1.4A-' ' *-- , =0 - 0 - -
t aoMe years
in a ,;,:of take
'rith ,•,eniptays atib041,v
o' ntimber Of and aa -a, lartien tha.. Iowa nine Vo1od
!On!cqUehee 11 of ntaterl*1 actratitafte,,•to eirpoonand”, five :„Volack ;the: -
the fatelfiterttAitid,Oltiaens or Ow 'Tom, toff on., , the' 2ath.
af 0.00exic „ ••=' logg,„ at „at... -,the following Platell
ANDI'Vrfiti:44t/tEl 'Abe' Lc4," x0. ,
e 1000 •0 7Deputy-altqiikiiing OZ_
propose opeisi.•! cera and . P011 Clerks:
and eter2$0, TiPtied al; *Ppro*,; Subdivii„Uni •
.-Imate 90st TwentY Vlionsand .Dollat5 gage, at eorner, ietorlis--Street.'en
' gin' Ave- Deputy.returning ' ,oftleer,
-, AND .,-voucaloo.. the -tot comosny, 'Pour; '0.0dcf' 4i140-4 Mac
•uotelLth&Pati*Ip41.:• -r. • - •
aches,. Pea4ci„
lflet:L °onto, r
tit PineteallnioPol:':.14
the COMoretiOn ,of '06 Town. ttode., 7$4.00041vIsien .No. • 2 At marry
slob. to aid It by _granting 'Wu* Store, at -70Orntr .0 1
/Wed out Tifi'd -Britannia- Road;
rang er,
akinsa It-, 0. Nynnots and J. H. 114 t for period of ten_ years.
rAvtr.thenoott« With, Ate at;44,nient to be ma
oy„„ stry.lity, ompeted„or theLin_lr, ,(Uport eSsessnient the!Meat
I-and:to:210 Yrriais Whig)* 1"t$' *hall .61444) 4-t'd •Wrningl
A . theOtLnalt, _batIud:e, school ''Itioce.-
1011°W.C. ... Or beg. iniprevIL
omeilts,- and: -to ,aupptyl'%--
North and 44.00th..7•Dr, -Skinner and -electric power -Without-iiharge up to .Mit )0.0X '
Prof. WOO, Londbe-2,frah.-. 1)„, rot. not Ole -fang --twelve horsePower Peiturr
Man and T, 2Vittorsan, 0TI.deric4, 'Meath. „
gra. Bright" and- Mrs• Oe coin . - • la
• - • parqr. timited, s rrques
ten -4414,4W too-, - 0 -. .. - L.,,, . - ,,,, ,_ Salt . ,. „.,,__. ,„,,
ton. TOrentc4.- Dr, 4, E. Jupp and M. A. rlolic.,', ,4,1sierar *-,latteed,z4; ,T0,1:1,heuil * vitt pant..,0
rith: 11, 0,- Vunston- andog,-*.Argler Pr tue,g9PrP10. ratiozi•if the Wiio dcicfe..
. s it:. ,n,0 4,4411,, 04v34,10,-14400,„ ist-llielrailict _ .17blie,,.„InE...teAtIres. :tea gEra:t6ulderf,sta:11.
....4, , Seaman), and r.‘z.carey,'Oade- ' ,THEREIrORE, - the,..,104- et* Vioit
04104‘,.., .
enetilio 1.ne . .,"iti911,1eAlga. convert), pininta..
trait, •o .- ' ., ; .,,,o, „„,,,,,,,,.. .„. thelitnaleiPal 0611141f ef the -0104W
."---r: -404--liirti Um, its, waniimitia- a the .rowm_oto...Goderlolt to submit
and Mit:. ;Ririe:11ga_ Detioit;„ ', a? vv* -1* thizitwto-lbe-letfssImo-pl..',04.:,
siiiiiiiiii Tail:Va. D. p. Aotiliii, Town' of-97*,e4iialipittlieo...000at-stl,)eve
lirictahe,-1-;,/,414ertio, -0.J. C,,: Orelsr.4flit- Mrs.• Oeo„ me.kzlt:tP,.eil.,vsmtot4,-:.-'44--ttl'-'-',i",j; t;rpe-eue.'ilta„,4.4
.. tow gitakateC.4011 part of, lot number
il. OrOlg. 04...1Vfxt mArkti4fOestortb.; 'twelve; .0441.5.04,,, o4s4P'. In tite, .02OW.11-0'.
Miss' Ryan Detroit. lars,-: Erskine- Wit .'ciOderitk• and any iinliroireirtelits -there,
Clemens, Mrs. O. Jenner, -Cinder "S. - °h- 811 -air l'e -ahrealht' £u 'de-dlarddte- lid
siNett .. fa 'st 444.t. ,-asSessuient of'One Temenson, Terente. ;,:•-,
- -S-' .4: -,„.(1kiltei: itt113.ertteilPlukrnandillonship '\
a. 'Belt re tlig *ea.i 10$40,elt'oh Iliad • 64
polio for 4 )eriod,4t, tee
htdivision a at ;ieiryik
i :Street; , Deptity-ra-
Weir;• 1,004,loark,,
arsialata4ceahOre, for-a...few4E40,- *T4Let
I. oin°71r.iMiiot:rconti!tir4oritthOt,e7rlineelitnt, wprhi:111°Jaangunnuei:si,,:.;amtlin,1:-.v.'0, flatC;110:41:7391124,11hit*117-'
Ames ,_„. _ -
Writer,"04f Mrs. Ed.
a•rvicihsare 0gtinsi'sand. 5041,
of• Ur.
pridliam's parents, Mr. *air Mrs. 15,.
, ,P4clham, -;,. - ' - ar-.:,
Nr$,, B. E. --TIOey. 414 'little.sdaugli244
41, ta .s.riii::„.it. 1,008;-:--1,0r,.,tAnde.--triti::
. tioderich. Mr. #01 Vais.„.4ett. over the
week -end• . . .
Nfr. Mr ins
were bonder- -visitors, - *WI', , leiegig
Evelyn Jones
-4xiiido!,,I.ste,ri_lscrik:49.n.pt, :.4d -------------.;" c#
Mr and MM., 'Wnr.k,Straelittri_ hioter
turned from A visr at7f0Wago*.wheri
they- - attended the •Warldb ."Ira . and
with friends at Pontiac, =oh;
-;11.114:,,,,a.r4c1744,14rite;. cs.a, unr,c1clie4,03al: ...a%va,tt.apcl
itiVIAttta '49,' it -i .
' East at;10,4,40Optity-let
O er, li`xed, , bliiirney;',' ' Pol
%tin., Wacky' - - ' '
if glib -division No-2'at the Town
-Vast IStr Deputy -returning or.
/it '0,-.; 5- Vali Clerk; 0,0o
lllnz sub
azi; Clerk, W..' di
s -.7.2 at Stotherst
-Wagon' o Vittoria „-Street. Deputy-
returninig Meer, ' A. •Iligginson". Poll.
Clerk, 014 :
PflIn:rotimovittiM.NO. )1 At
victoria, Depul
Ofneery V. Woolao
F. Semersall.
No. 9 at WaItens
• Street.' DenutY-retfirialui0
,StUr4,7 -Poll clerk, Hars
vision No. 10 at, 'item'',
°UK wall -rue litrezsineht be" r.ri 1 Shop, -Vest street
Asse..„.me t ;Papa toriling oftleer, 11 L.
A t1.0t airt.14a lOiegiii*Ut%.tOt 14011- jobu Vv,hittingliam•-• _
t °twit; MI° LH* Utirrw's' 'Mut 4-1" purpase or Itfairl .kiiproVisintuts.;- and -
Toronto ;E., •petileAuut :Pr% oiC,0***sgi$, " -ttp.krtv- 0.4-#04:• vir.at • Street:
Mgt Mrs. vit4Te4.
• 1-,e,latives 0,0de-,4"44 40r...the'
' rsireirkttett_er dUrint-WePu .4=rett4nIn* alleer* PO154'1 Mir"
0074 Vont. Masaitgenshil,"--• he, zhihe perirof„ hut =eh 1,41. clerk, Robt. ,
- • , astesonot,, slimy troi•uteptdp- the, Ass*. Polling sub -division No. 12 at Priddies
. R. Peripttott, Mathlea :106* to *nod piyryors load Vvilliams- Street. and
yin; sootiten,i,"- atzt, -ii.eitittre,, ill of vements;-prorcte-the 1:0-d ,004i4jah vet. .OPPIltY'relautting- emeer*
trpit. -- •
Stoves,v. and ,fact
e.:* shiiporm-Tortiiiiii: Agit -tit;
• ictiwoztv. st'orAit: .eifolirg: , _ , -tho aaitt sant'loorloirkn •td•71,13e tnuto.cx,
DIRE**, lr-hr* S It 10.24241K, - 4.-- ' :•-•: - . . • 'Oaf* least .S.- ' " : -- • ' '
----Serviees---et ' Victoria -Street, Unita ,' Ey ' a ald-ttiv the
000C110017711- ncOttiLWOOn-- crwou-suraw-not.--rratansr -Dior: latt:. :Aal ,,,ciiiii. .-tatilifW;7 OAP
ALSO =Wire* 1/4,21M,:' -00-rit- , subject, "What the-- pliufth Deer riad P4120044* At .thi Touoa ,,,of .44ilde-
r the raregki;!' 7 P,m,, stibtento-' ' rleh- sli.sli for a,neriorl of ten Vara, 94114
(the Stony ,Stay 'Do far tiler Olitiref,tr 'ntF°P-ftlelf°0; the-ttriitz, 4E4 Of Anueo,
. • t . 1904' 'kleliver ;or cause. te be, delivered
it .**e. -IlaVe rot',what you , Sunday echoot it 1(14.**:
. . toe 9f oharge to 'the ;said The -Ooderich,
lari Inippri It tar, iatit,:- '7' salk ,Company,'22.td4 at,. its ' tit, -6166.
The iterp'esgroli bs, not lime 61 * folp, Dewy ritiosisatylorrita li sa but
fbMisieu .0f.tegfrImMiY, %litre were 7. not. tivailY eV 't to. exteed-t lie bazar
, ilyr tirty imirrlagt. Menses, issued .bytTowir Peotr Pe'r " ' . . ,, Atnt. 41034144 In ekome
$ 1OF ., 4', 'f'er't Knox Curing 41t-ne, the sztontli or ot. tatelve'14fflae,potier usi.4 ,i4, the Add
P1 llia rotr*, a• eamige. 'toxic,. earne.inotitir .,, .,., in ' amt., ,Inontt••• to, he. pato, tot'
Ili 4trir . grim reaper raw 0, ,clOiq lAY imin cOmPany' at ordinary xates. k .'
litia‘livit ft ,etie-44' - ''' - 2 -,..,,,,AA 44.-vaadttiOn. tottearie*,,taCthe
._ ,...-.:-'-.-1104,ting at Oa} Aida aid berein Mild '' '
1%),r .the 'said-- 'The Oodetteh -Salt-.Ocr
1,10iiteds*hall agree. with the. Co
tkni of- the Town ..ot.00.0kriPliti5
Abuse** 'in'writing, to, any bonus
, gi
of aidproposedto -*-.110061.
lite, during -laid term,, to an y like
,71n4the fleolui of tiodericiv .
The , aid; , „Iteretii;- - ' for Is
ted upon, the I '
" .
• • '
'Veniteohten,, 'Mns*," NC, anti„.. In' *rotten ,Ot the eat&
Malettlei, of buildfngs *and irlitrit and p=14e ursdAZ, -the 2701)140
- that -there Shalt * -tald. date. an e larayor of Ole .saia Towil
A. lititilenstiti,- intiottalY-therea4er-dtting-laid pep. -
1, %veto -,ot ten -yeatt ern,pfoyed fry and -about
Farrow, v. Kent, &At. 9 •
VLO454, to -ultiefat Pers02..is iittenkr-te,
itiut-varlouo Pprti:re „plope; 14re.saidl- and
.at -.the final smiuning, up of . the -votes .1by
the .01erle on behalf -otthe --,Peiterie
terested itt•-arid promoting or oppoiingr
thit.pasysIng., o1:c,-0,0;sfld--p7tv,sett
, The CIcTk o the Cauncii af the sald
•Town rdet_ra will attend at his
,aritirin" 6 To*ii 'Rail,. at ten o'clock
,clay of: jtili,--11922„..t0.41M"11,11. the mini -Set ,
of votes for and. against, the seld'7
hi the 447.' on on Saturday, the .09th.
tonitanotzttiiit is at,lireaeit vitt
Mrs. Dibb, of Taranto, Is a guest ,iirith
laW4 for the
pyitt tlie said- /oh Balt I - up from Lou i.tri,allewas nt Itainliton
tempany;71,1mIteda Shell fall belowR
- th,i
number of 100 for a' period, bt
toddle months Or, it the "asuit
elosed.dowil ADA not In ,iiettial operation
or in operation only •intermittently-, rot
of three tut000sto nionthk'
or Dominion Day 'Week -end, -
0$447 1411"-'''Xriteet *Imsdan;
on, are Waiting -in Ooderleh..
T�routo ever Dominlon Da
114tocbArd, of Toronto, was
lattltt vier the, week -end.
Was at B.yfie1d tbla
trance examination
IlLsfli Ifutehinsan • and
are stayhig at Hotel
k4u4' situ* et Miss
. then-- events 'the tourios
, _
the tt'ott et tt le -Town til
t ,
dr101i'may pasi at' Apia* *emit
in1ttIg i eyers !repeal.
' thit by -7; d WIthdrawirgit- the iid
*thy 'gran -all obit-
gatiOna 1mpoie upon th. .1kliiiiieitial
any lint* aid
as herein or, *hall Cesse, It
behit '', gnd „
Gay Summer
looking as they
short and puff
fpr quality
r u ....Ntroart !deck
ve. Buy Martha
eally god dress.
and • Mrs. Schaefer artict,lark.„
1,1•Y 1..t9r4;41, Y,VingbAte
14,1140 wegic,_•en„ nd •sehae
011,14,4re4, i!-Yre_ Inl* t3.4.4 4AP,kwl
'ant* ,„and* .130Ase heie is being -
Pied- ni; Pre.iudfoot this' .77 7 th-
end.'nest -mental. Will be oeeupled by
and'airrs.70carlie,, 'London. •
'Mr.r.ezict Mrs. Harold .0wile and. little
daughter of Detroit 'spent the'ha
week -end th- Mrs, Ourries ;lather, Ur.
Mu) Martin -P466
'Wes' A 4.04-3r visitor # the -paternal' •
hOraez. '-•
were Mr, and Mrs. Munroe
and family, • trio. Smith and. two,
dreir, Mrs. mother, Mrs. Brooks
and her, niece, Mis.t Anna Thompson,
all! of TM-tosta•• „. , •
Mizres Laura and Ethel Virrinva
onto, were holiday iiiitors qodttfalz
. _
The latter IS-reniiabiltig in. town Ana the
termer Wilt be hack 1i iir.„`..;%Yeek to Join
her- Slater TO */".,1404.: in town, 'POO?* iv
the' oldlionlea 'wh1911 Is Uridergoin'g some
iral.,*(),veniertts.„ „, 7' •
MO, Perrier awl 011- , of Oeliinotz,
andt i'le".40_ on o, ehildrerw
,Tornuf4 , are visitor
ota, a44
vorrior pat
weet-onet gnosis."' .
Mltehelt AthrtiCii
PaT41:4417 25t;:'
James Sutherland,
for a*,,, fevtodays„ at
mer's mother,- Mrs.
-.Shard st. . • • _
with- t UAW'
; R. Pinder;
Wm, genry, were
: -Mt; DAAglae: ;
arbaes, and Mr,
Ooderlek visited 7.•
-heree et. the 'Pr-
. tan:That,
,A -TEE'
, At the B Biac
IM 0-D
--ag6-:$4filary. • --ti`omilenceic.
dressing" a:part 00.1t.1 t9, rent
' Plate.„ to kiddlef4 '
Get your surn,in;rt suit antd
rOWers (er'o• • • and pressed
at. Vroo n's and -they vi11
Jook juas they cme ft9In
e tai in- thelirst CaSe,
• „
fleadq riers for ladies' ah
gentle, expert Cleaning.
retnrn, tit 'from
t • le lutay 'lout wlth
a4 Dett.
*right, of UM,' -
this ..week Ith their,
lier.aniall And chit -
Is -visiting
'the L.
is arsister Ur,
„ at
tr. anct Mr IL J. Meaw
rUilk 'MOAN,
AttirkNOt 'et
li,44„ tr.*
mull, NM *44'
do *e,.