HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-06, Page 5•ot ' na •stf. licorations ...-.to2*eYC OP* in McIth1eY • cat, .70vtrePtoeit d•-240$0: ' • , ria.nd turn • on.'• -f4 thit by-* ! • I : rita onc b. oi I 440•7 IWO* will bc ta' PO r- tO#' wu Ji ' -1141314,, , ti4404 011 TooitQ, -- atthsbomec(hI• •94.11.'Potter, mfld family *Ore.?, fv•e„ele,o4fat, *aittira .her SiStersA mittis4 gyaltut • trilfklivr Mr ow, ‘4, t. 'Ulu, isttfreved her sister,0„Nttl. the eye, and bet**.I'llOnit4SOU, 'DttritikAIk r14)-RI-'104:1114)Q131Y,!2t!,)°;•Ic,„Z1114!).-r ".114*- .0„,,,,„,lveit.:,t iv 2 1.4,.tri‘'`t.I0Iff 11,nton lists returned to her' • -7.77- • 7 "" 11,41q40 in Toronto,: after .spending ft few ..her Motbe, ri „ ,10trt.'• Cunning - Mr.. • • • , Charlie Robinion, Mr. On'And"'Unt'OPY, 1441Z-110.4. W*1. 0 and l'44r. Gordon. X4,1441(n*. were $*, Nve0F,',,enct Vsitorsi Witt triTd0.Iii Toronto. . • *1-- --,- ''..„MrS,e,--408.-i-tinaliiht:,'.(nee iV•tarY 'Ptnnt *tins), and sett and Mr. and Mrs. ce . (nee -110111e*Boylp) 00 have been \ visit - Ing 'friends In- this- locality.,retntned :to ▪ honi,6!in‘the Vett .the oFt1iweek: he Uis * uncle, 11 VL, prtMc%.LuI5 uide itc,"*Itte uni 'road avpict ear, , #1•0., PI TRA Modern and gra., Timez Dancing, Garden pizreinoo pr,, Ottk occasion to. el* musty is wanted. '.FOr fl4p4si G B. Davi', 11. Btackstone, ; ' 8u3, Mgr, Nojob 'FOO Big or Any Too SmaII,, 4.4•4••••.•' A $ r N 9 $ rt3 1 o p • 0 •••••••',• r• a o inower 64 / r6.M eor.014.,Jacig4Atstii- 11,* Leg Tertility Oat 'Sham ICT4*ses Austin, aged s-liVent Vie ,of Mr, aiid ,Mrs. Clifton Anitin. take4liore rod, • „.„„, -9•*#r„' itlagribria0,'-Wa4 .9)3- t""u4.911Y jA414,4. country' in the Wide world. The IttlitOd mr-victmi, ,4t4 iliitresling-aecidento AA44 con - States may boast of Indeperidence ENV. left- leg being all but severed above the , Out We are- pibliti of 0*14trenit ankle- -when-out relationms of the line record of our -fore tnoWeri* driven loY 1118 01407" The 1,30r 1-biitrs dOwn-throsugh.-iiii7-tentitrIesZ-Our • erci to, • 1.414 Ws, 1 T ,c1 id ' nadir ' in Indiviting 1'0014 t ,, and students, 4 ' rta erft- Oi.14:74114411‘1H4*4 ' 747,.ie B.h- ,,0.4Ort **KAY. *Gerald41 'el_ 11,d' er,' ' ,4;fe 'faint .-MOitants, Jewell athetint litUrr*Y, -Wathitert entie -, 4111;' Joseph (411ribitol"orti -41• - Merithilled frAnn Igife . S On ''''. "Willhairk- -004i)140114.• , Whlte EcL 'with, leep. 10)114' and.* .* wold4 zildtain *ifii „ocomilnrined i1g_ertin,hwipalyv,i;k7'Utaltiteico,:i4-140,Briftoctiniii.a.R4e. roviaokrootoeBakturth;**.w,,l'c4 _their:ONiti:', ,?_:' t sense of - ' "May Canada ilTiii,:'in, bi . . •eii•,*0 au, vo. donalk rerii--CratiOgnii4en rok •-the wish. ,of ever* true Catty/ &Y. .1.5 ttle\-1Artliday pr. t tPlArldOr, -in' grandeur Of• • trglite$ ite,„ , g. all:rits:::itliaThetdiUr0,14 11;in, .pil,:niite;,li,nrt. an;s3r, .:i.d, John.011p, ',,C.,--' *Mork .under.,.consideration,and elniC;' '13•14`00,,Iris Warnock. 'Muir, Nil* son :Car:10p, :'-'„-t' • • - -'' ' L 'flan** Whitely, Robert . McLean., Olaieys'Orassitt;-"*.*Obeft Metlit*--Phylls'.` •••Baeller, unctot time, AnguS WO -9a,,r_e4t, Mathe.ton, Delmar 'Worthy,: • -P'emstioOiM3,..li4ir,...T.1.1: A.ltosepdsngnevery 0 je44 ranked;------ Earold SteienS_:!' Walter 'nutty.,--xteitu .outt; .4aek. Snyder, rrarielS Anklater,- Norah Costello, Frances Martin, Kell- y\ netkputt,„Cyfil 'Pettit, MOria-M *nut. Dove Iliiifaiiallorie.,,,,,./Iend. rson, PoNtriY;,Greene,zWitinifred,A1-itblad ,. 13.7,7 Thti&ii--Tillfrig :” in onc. or tWo-,.., '' i -.7C.Iiffecotsi rd - ranked:A'llin.,,.. Ida - Elliott.-- Marraret, mero,:__Marle-a;-.E.koteitte„ liselissa-llaegele .11.vgarien - lylat-Itieson,-r-...-44'enore.... Mather -a. ,,schootptcnic Is to be beld 9D--4wriaa 1.4th on • the Auburn flat* ' ....„, Miss _Velma Finnigan 'arrived home on. SatUrdaY„, evening last .from her school in Madawaska. . ,• , it L ted that Miss-'-Ozalmtri" Me - t,0711•4 of ,tothid.5h., will &e the new teacher ot Nile- school at•salary `$§611.'. Mrs. .ROss Taylor arrhted, home. a few days ago from the ,b,c4ital...wIth•her-Zne baby- giri, JOyce 'T.ieette, borh on 4.tiffe last. .• • Three carloads. \S:friends :„called.„,at George Rutledge's o suriday, evening last. They .-„represented Petit -Ott, Dun.; ganifen-Viiir Dunlop. - - • The Young People* tspielety mec4s011 Friday evening of -this week And Is- to •be...addre4seelt. by4"Xiss Velma Finnigan and Ralph Shaw. . Mre Fld Mrs.'" Allan, Dickson Were weekend visits of Mr:, and rank Wileon,• also Miss Betty CraWford of Flint, 11011.. The,,, latter it - a niece of Mr Wilson.- -Was. taken to London on Ountlay„ty-„Pr. Mart, in.• ' Who . attended, hint, Itudi."-eVery. rt :11e7P.V3ritate.ti4.'-'114'Nfrba‘t4e11:4.14gAt ';:114-'in.41;Itst. t.'°.'1°-i•c'EafPa471140re:g.'11..;':Ililvt4ht17•;.?liiir-ite‘'• son he•, was at the --edge- of the hayfield,' ,. ,. . - . .. picking stra*berries. ' 1:Inknown. to any- . -• - AOYie. Bates ', , .,7 , Ont tbe little fellowNstrayed- over to-cth.,•0:.14.._Thider SIX years-4OSS WM.-. Donald •4„--,;latty;,„-in;ifthe----ptct11,--4rtirig. ntower.-LAinalte. Bobert;•.,Ralclaner-.T:E'lliiiP IN „ Igi His: screams attracted... -his. lather,-, Who. DOIY. Adam's.- .4.--- • 4 • - .. .7 /--;,-...1_ — brought the horses ..to in abrupt halt - -Under, eight irears•--ItaYinond Snell; -and )itinpeci ;rote! his 'seat. The injured .Biliy ,Thornloe 'Donald Fry; Leonard bay, was . carried \ iritii, the liouse and BleorrAeld, jiii; Sturdy. everything-tiiiiiiiitei4oiiii:;f4o7.'relleve 'VP: - * qiider- len. , 'VW -'Charles Wigle,_ Rob-- -,pairi., and., stori., the flo*--- of -tiliiott...pendhliPlyikliarti,- ,B?lied.)Efeatty._!_, the 'i'a,,t_riviil• .of-Tt"•:Tdiffr, - -,...... . r--..-....: ncrey-,--rweivr---yeate-,wsfter-- West= , Much. sympathy. Is fit for-PIVIr; and bi ok, 'Marley Bloortifield„ Jack ;Snell. .. ' Ddnelda, MeManus, Brie' ;-Oriff, F410,..va- .A.IXstin.7**Writi- have - 'a family -of .. ;Under -' fifteen •.,years -George Brown, Yea', :Anthony:- Vroorrian, _Gordon ' La 1 '3,4$1.1ng children:" No nignei'or effort will* DonaldHarris,Billy Carter. - ttocque, Kathleen Ourson, Bitice „Orr. be Spared to prevent 'the:bOY beP).,,4*-Aiti, g L aa.ek../. race, -11.11det _ nine 'Years --Billy Ilona Harrison, Kathleen Crrd. a cripple for We;,Laltjiougb.--;Pe,JVW"i4 ',FrhorTiloo,. -., iiiiitori. i3lack, Brarnerson NormaHill., ' , _, aro very ,fievere, theOM); •bene' cit.: ., win* , -, . - C'.. • Those failing in three subjec s, but • - . ' * , . • , . .- ._ 1 ,SitEk rate.: under' fifteen Years -John ---are-advimed on cob.dit.lon 'stated In - - -, .fliCyFir• ri,;,...i,.: ... --...- `Mettan,. IiIervin' - Ellicitt, . Ben:, 2 tiOtiSet __ _ •indivittal_ reports: _ - '77- - --.----- - . Ag.,.-. -.,-,-- Rabbit race, ander ten- ' years -r -Jim • Frederick- Carrie, _ Jean ' Thompson, mr. Harry Jacksotv'i.C.itisiting_triends lagIttr,,,,_Sob„„Roberts, -Billy: Euter. ••,' Leslie Naftei; Mary:' Su:Oiler, John" Hun - at AtibAion theseLtdays.._ ,„.„,....- 1.attended___ , ••41 Rabbit --rate; ---iindef '4thirteen. years.--!_. ter. Roselle.. _ Hoy. ,,, •• • t • -- ,, - ' ' • Se0eral, of, the $Rtmts attended the' iitiny Drew, quils• taker, Rii,d Johnston. ,1"'' Margar'et'. Mciufeben ' and A nd re y baseball' game .at God.erich on the itt _1. Bicycle . race, wider . .J.Wellre __Years--; Dow '.erilirho came ' to our 'school at the ,Mr. -ano.„ ars. ;el. iz•eatnerstIon, spent The, Brice--Illootrifield, jack Spell,' 'George close--ortite &cheat Year: are promoted - • ek- d at Sarnia - visiting friends. , - . to • orm III . on the record Of their fop. ' 'Oortion'Johnston, of Lona.o,n, VIS-- .Leitc4-, .• ..•-' 4_ , • ited his Parents, mr. and Mrs. i'sfyilliam Bicycle race, under -.P..fifteen- .years;.-- mer tobeel. Arthur bowicer also is pro- johntton; ' here, over the- "holidays: ' ; 1 Ernest -, Fisher, • Harold iWilson, dinmoted to Form dr „ mrr' and Mrs. Jas.' #ergiiitih,.,b.f -1...04- Blooniffeld.• ... • , . . • There are a few students whose pro - don, vilified his:” mother; Mrs. MargarOtT • Roller ,skate race, under'.- ten- years-, motion Is . dependent ontheir saCcess -- Mr. and, Mrs. Angus Weleh,••-andr•dau- *-- ,,,,,,,,..„,„ „7..+,,,, ' 'I' Harald 'Oster.: Hilly Price. - ' '• • 4 •--- In *the DePartmen4val examinations they Ferguson-, .here Over: the holiday, ghter, Mail, of Ttiroiatti,.-are. sPenda9r, . --y,---- ..,.....,....• race, under icalt, teen years are Writing, -, , . . .. IE'remeti6nifrorn -First Year Commercial Am:0..11611days hi their cottage here. .., ' 1, —Raymond ,Allen... J luletean.i ' 341147. and-- IVIrs.: W. H. Talbot -yisitedl . . . •: ... G4,60. itice5,, ,, j,,,,..2 A. "Vviejpe.ssitig inn all„:=,;.aLitar•anked: iniTtleld ,111L:4efiligne., „ • .8. Those 'failing In otie_or more papers . ., , .... • int-lii liditual -t*it„It.,;-.).rfutke&- ' but promoted ted ciiri conditiOria, ifftre- • IVIildred.v.0O4tello, tveirt Bill; Maisie Thompson, , Raymond Drennan. -s-eed )tear C6mihercUalf. /ward • The, "diplomas ,are awarded to those Making. 157,,. -in , ea -,h of the, Bakken-. -irig and Stenography groups .and-- in-, i,4•1. Typewriting. Certificates are granted to thos'e' making 54).("4; in at least' two de- . . partments. ,, „ . The -following obtain Diplomas, rank- ed:. Helen „COope;,. Norval • Anders° -Erie Quaid, Clarence Bridle. ' . The follewing . are granted. diplomas on, completing', • , "Iypewriting, ranked: Vera, McLeod, Ettaltance.,. ' _ 'The ' following' ott-ifiried , ce-allic .... ' .___....„:„.__. motto . '999. 11:4$i.,%9Pe ,clie•nam one and. One Set o Justice, May It inSPir„e_ilit_to'lie_larward,..........tAft.._,,ir. :to Pintads„. ,v?41 0° true' to our 0110,1144 Di. Barnett, - • s. „ , So -To ' peak ' Plalns" *bat girls ay of resigning 'their Posts Just en they 'ire .beconaint ful,•• 'Viet t %to know the. ropes, :sten were, and , Opening -up under, new .iiianagetnent.•000 ••I'llea.,1s,- clean , 100/1IS., All. 'kinds' of- .Soft, Drin Tobaccos 'Catering: s'ti:D:40w_ arel,,-stir-roundincountry.,, , ,.., EVERYBODY "VVEL; COME tIERt.,...-GIVE-,115_,A,TRIAt: t ....1..4kii4pREASONABLEt RATES , lsa a frO4ntraom to rent for barber, Shop. P5R. Prop. , . MILTON' T. kGODERIcli . ., .. -til°i- s°1/'-'--MeNill/ and wife..°4114 lanillYI'l under six ' Y-eirs-ifitod" Sttirdyi nett.r."..Z.rucefield on Tuesday. , • • • nP' Mr. John 14144hell,- of. London,' visited Jane Bloomfield, _.•shirley . Medd, ..Irene ., Mr. and Mrs. F, A. 'Edwards f over the,. Bradley, ' Etaa,.Goo •' 144-744.y.-- •. -.- r. - _.,-,,,„ . 4-7,, , t:-Pnkt.tUhtlrea.1,-;354.t*, IlY___, ... _.,1,; 41- Nfr',*, and *is. ••Frank*ErWlit--and'Iriendl; itieda, Steep/ .May Haley, . JUs.n... ern. ,.of,,ICitchene.r\areIaliipinlg in, the village ; Betty _Puciu tte. : .•• '", • ler • ti, liglids4-:-7- lindei_t!,n.4ears.0;"03fitt ..t,T.nr.4rietribers of L. O. ir No. '44 Ilti.:4 --i.a.„,,,,,,,, i. '4.. .• tend celebrating .the • Glorious Twelfth, Eastman; •',"--„--- Johnston, .1 •,...„iii,,•1.3„Faita..__thi.s.4.eat4_,, _ ti-• • I , Under:, tvklve years ---Jean Elliott, Bd.,. Miss ° Bei/cora and Mr. William Neebi," rian, Johnit411,4.4velYil Pell!.3e ' of. London, are guests of Mr, and, Mrs....- 'Under fifteen years---Jeari,:-, Lumby, G. W. Elliott this wree.I:cy .' - , I Lola."bilders, EVelyn 'Doak. • ' . , Miss ;it.argaret Ferguson and...Miss Isa-- Handkerchief --race, under eight years bells; Kirk, teachers -?of our „public -Joan Griff,- Bettf Costello, ponna , "edhool, le:i, _'.f2r their homes last week at. n.i.w. , , , , _ . • Egmbrittvitte- and near London. -- ' - "'"-- , The rd 1,,,td line . lisliernien repwtt -.'"fandkerchief \ rtiee;- under fourteen , Aigod., !dishing in .tho. _riyer____these_days,,I years -Betty , Harris,_ Elaine , Mero,- Ruby ' •black ; bass being large and plentiful I .'",..C!.#11s#,-... . . , Miss Xargaret Oroves., of the post of -,1 Nose and toe race; under thirteen itte .kaff, stexit' the week -end witlaher years-rtasella Willis„ Ahnecia, Steen, . p,ren;t74Acv s .af :?woci.o.ecr,s4: ' r1011.4,-.- . 4:4' daug_. „ti. Betty ovif0maziw4eunder nineyears- ty Snell, - ". . . • mi , -sliend the week -end With Mr. -and' -Mrs. Evelyn: Ra.tik-;--,',-Fedrian_4"Oh, 1?eton, Wilix,il. tti; ' ter -13Ottrk.liff ' ' "'; '44014Pler; 17, A. Edwards._ --- --- , ---- ' ,-_-Gri if; ., .- : . .. " „ - Mr. , and , Mrs. Orval Weston. and 'two Shoe rade, under eleven years -Freida •,,W. 'Laurie FOwlie of London, and Mr. Jane t Taylor; giabie volitoy,,, rsia-ria. "Ask for &Ix z :.., sons,i also Mr. Harold Weston, . 0- 'De- tarhour, grace Beattie. -,•ituth-itibert- -treit. 'are. visitore7lAitlit,. .e, .4k-,,w4viev- here at.' present. .1 ' .;-,- . . fourteen yearS-4- ., ''''--":.g.-0!L4,4,1r3'. and-ktifts-. Koehler,- of Zuric,t, spent the Cameron. ' " „• 441 • holiday With the Misses Frances and - . •Roller skating race; urider ;fourteen family; ' of'',Detroit, spent a feW days Myrtle Stoddart. „ ,•ChocoltFte-41.1. 11,1i - Ethel 'Yfowlio „here. . . , • • . - • years -Julia ' Shep, herd, -*OM- Oriff; - Mr. and. 1104 Percy plainond and with her!, parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J. W. ., ;County 'Athletic Meet Tippet,. in the village. Mrnd Mrs. Vord King and son, of . At Agricultural !ark. in , the afternoon - : i - Toronto, -spent the- week -end with his Bill. Barrow romppt;:lpit,, an easy yid - father and . mottle* Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ,ner In the three -tine run. It was his King, in the Village. ' . • . second ''' Clearicut Victory in as znanr Mr. '1',)Yer; Of ,Saskatoon, arrived las,t, years and he ,z'Otains the •peininion -bay Week by motor and .will ,spend the suM.1.trophey. ,W. Quinn of `;Etleter who .also Ater in the ,,. village with his wife and ;competed a year ago, was second. • Bar - children. ; . * - , row, reflected the.--Vefits of 'Consistent .,,,. 'Mr. ' depeS Cameron and . fatfilly, of and (ait,htid iiiining. After -the fihat Toronto,/have arrived to spend the hb11- half mile he/ was never challengedd, , days With, hig brother John, in the vit.. Tom .R68t, of - - ulinton won - the ido# lage• i ;;,!.- ,./ -- — ', § I yard. clash fOrAlie Ooderich Trophy,' wor. . ses tlya and Ann . and their 'ii` -' hrather :.David . Dewar.' of Toronto, are by Vtillott a year. aago. The latter borne to pend tile school' holidays with: 11'6 taken to golfing' ri4 did not • eoiri- 'their', parents, Mr. and. Mrs. David 'pete this year. Jack' Sterling Of Clinton baivai, 7'. • i- 1,-/ • , , Was oecond and Ian McKay of Gtxle- lv/frs,Annie Weigle, who has been itch. was thirdThe boys were not , here nursing her mother, Mrs. SturgeOni clocked. McKay entered.; the rate out . , I : * '-wIrd-Wits 111 but. Is:better -again, left' for of condition, he riot having trained for ' Sarnia: last week to take up her Poe- the event. He was particularly Pleased tion ttigain. . ;- .., • t with Bill Barrow% fine run. , `We Are co;ry to rOPort that Mr: Harry r Clinton also' won the relay with -a team :4)Dvoltliihnlitt4an.1111.L VChlin°totene°11_,1):Lit.ualilidhitir. heiltrott,eiracten-s ii c obv:-°In:bge.ettant't.,yalt..tos,sriinni:.n ./141°Ile_.tOos Teb•-. gaining strength as fast _aa.., . . I 1 team, would like to. see. ,' - „r eh which ran second, was --made - : The members or. the„ local Golf Club' I°flan *Kay, Bob Stoddart, Murray _ ..iiro, advertising their golf tournationt to McDonald and Hili Barrow. - -RoF,-114 Itike-.4illee_niter„ their ..lgiliale.,_ Course in .,./3rfilter, ftit ipite _ a .lead„ on his man ' WAyed it lea-labOlitten The memberof the •f "'. tea. s Tlte leeal ootball team- lite near future. invitations. arebeing"aifd--tliti-Virs" 'intiffitalner-tilatil• "Bailliir . Or M ., tent a different golf clubs to takel and 'Sterling started, down the home POI. ,• , ' . stretCh. Barrow cut the load down to . ... . C 117 . itue tante With.•Brlicelleld" tearri here bil winning teara were presented With flied- -Saturday evening, resulting in a Win for 40,s the Toeais 141, The loch15 .pitty 'tippet) team at ItippeztOn 'TlitirBdaY evening 01" ` ' 'Ball Team* Divide the 4111 .. this ,Wcek and all 'are looking for a faStI 'The big attraction of tile day, the game, as op games are nearly ovor, baieball doubleheader between the, ..kasta The aehools • hatie,' .Ciose,tir for liolidays., er Brands of Buffalo and Black Sox' ot e--auirirrierialtorultiote.',1tgairr---attived 'ibiti-Oft----",- o;.- .akilored-teatii,--ittikakitj*Von t*".**04. two•'-ntoriths: at the lake, shore and the cettages are taSt filling ttP, alu. titi° th°1e" ."6°I'e. I'll°re Wete ea*s ily that Attititber at the waterfront while ' though net 0 IrStt 64,„.'''..,' Pr'v,,,„16 valet , itic,.. oina 'were mt. Ofotress Ile 'Atte :Rev. me.* Oale,_bt Ss, .eihdreveS rilitea• „,„ ...,„ ,,,, , ,,,,, ,,,,_,..,, _,.„ ,,,,„ _.,„, thUrthe „Will: t Xelifinge pulpits Ivith histrir,--Pli"45 *PA Lae Pr5T1 gime 4.-k ,.t, aill next 8-nnalyiAnotfning and evening ser. in 24 AO% by 12 -ti. There was 60,1,, giv... 40.1,04 ,,43,0,04, ,or .444, i)no.riain,, the tohyred boys the .setOrld, a wen. . , ,010,10-1 free hitting,itri4 tante S1oppy411e141- i • 1 In. vi,Any gos,,,tought the'tetEnt '044 EATT1 , Id -of better' baseball 'than was Oak., "72* Ite4"4" divinity ' 414 61/14" °it' ditCed., ,B0th ecticoloo eitte. abd to we.s;6, uld,„, „mad rct.t; 1 dOtibt •-all till. !Ay., I.- -, 1.. 1,1-10104/3 6 "X 'would IAN 014 ,.01:tittm.6,Itos.wer.tonewie..00,001tti,_at:t..ilettn.fla., _ktite,t67.vitit.Ltbiftliti:ikt.60.46tittru I 6 tti 11 if .'.....,,,,,, it.irt,a, 10 I 0" I 1C. ,,P•14k4, , • A r. rto roi.knflt. anuriuni- eiciL: . 4 46,957 , ••••46 1,11,)4; ' 14 • ' 4... .1dcl.pi , ti•HOt..„FlateS, ; '2- , burn r , / . . .,. '. .$3.25 -- • -, • ,' --', - _ - Cdi, ft• . - , ,Steeliflie Reel, will hold •4 Ojft. Of hose"' All .. stee1cpnstruction'..$2.g5..".. i . . „ ters..-10e and- 15c 4,1b1 e;er 'and ,woven 'brid 8, well Inade, • • * * 41.29 .• n s Ilearsb blade,,,, a fine/ • quality ,Ffiglish.7'steele. Per pair. •••• ' • • 14 • • 'Fishing Tackle), speCial assortment with box, rod, re1 lthe, hpok8, eel') -eoiliPlete • . .$7.50 Arse'riate of 1.:eaq- • _ Paris 'Green I , ClimaxBui kilter ,t4 TWo-lri.One tiug KUler •• r' • 611r, Serviee is PrOm • LLINL • -1" Made from pure fresh miye and* the highest grade of pure thoto- laie. Youil be delighted' ilfh ifs ru1- 1r1eh ehocetate flavor. . Taste the Difference CANADIAN P*CIFIC — to* 0 NT aii4 room Hai Decreed a White Hat Scam:, arrivAsIor the, week -end in. erepe, 'nen and pique. - anee of all Spring Millinery iii glades _of ey, black and navy. cordially invite YOtt to triSiPeet our Stock. car' • tri 4 -444 • 11 and Teter) $12;55 firtith -GODERICH 'Ilitenriediat Station?:,*4,,, • (1,61NOttitn#,If 1 4 thILAV1 NO MONT* IFVSAL, NOT LATER THAW VFUdING JULY 16\ Full polka* . front any Otnatliaii *S.011110 Agent 00 66-11E e foflowh ILE OR IrE And Vot • \ Pe 7444144 msr. 4.444, 1 .ac k t I-0*E SUEDE,IP1QUE SKIRTS, 'eeteh, • • • •11.• PRINTHOUSE ORES$E.S. reg. 95c eaeb...: ,L 444/4rt"' ',44•4!, .44444444,44 .44,404 0.44•••••••• a tt LADI. ' 'CHIFFON lig:SE in seasonable shades, reg. .25.per- 79e (Z. r; age you ptiretiasect-yogr es in ult.' e hav. alarge assoitmept: at'poptilat -prices, - Pholle. • 13.6; • 0 THE cA814', On the Squar-e- „ Ruth. Worsell; Bertrarn MoCreath, Jack Videa.n. - Adamson Memorial Scholarships in the Lower School: ' Harold', Steveng ts he winner, .of the 1sts•cholarship, value $25.30. Francis Lialtititer is winner of he 2xtd, value $1.5.00. In the Middle School Etel61,.Bisset witis.‘the est,', value $25.011; Marion, Snell wins. th,e.,•,.*d, 'value $15.00. ' Individual • reporti-Parre being sentout as soon as comPleted.- _ - • ' •- J. P. AR4 ' ." • 66,••••••••••••• 1 , ' itOSES-SHRUSS--PEREigNIALS . ROCK -PLANTS ---EVERGREENS . . ' Fresh from the Ground Canadian Grown' , ,... "Everything for, -the 'Oardpnt_tz- --,- - Wtrit f'or Special "'rice pat. " 011 the best for less,” viT , e ,,A, .tpADIAIN , NItSERniEo.tie. A Tired, Worn Out Viifinnian , , i . . ,Canyt .111.114ke.. a, Iiii,appY. Home - . , „I ' '' ' -' There is no happiness in the honie when the-rnother . ..„. is sirk-trinf--viorriedli'y-the never ending household -dlities-. ' She -gets run down and becomesnerious .and _ irritable, has shortneSS of breatbOaint and dizzy, <- emit sleep, ad gets up in the morning feeling as tired. as .ghe went to bed, and is downhearted and discour- aged. ` - - ' • . „ . . , Milbtirti's ileirrt And ,Neiiii Pills Vill soon conviw women it is not necessary to suffer, as they build up -the nervous stem, strengthen the heart, and bring ...11,W4 __•."4 t• . ' -Wrifialiand ylgor. . ..„- , For &a sae, aettil drug ahd -genera: storm,- put'hp 4 . 41.4' r • by The Ti ivnibuo co.,: Ltd., Toronto. Ont. • MILBURN'S HEART • NERvt. PILLS **•••••••••••••••••••••••••• .01 •••166•06.041••••••••47*****6•616641••••6.**0116. , Great were the r"exults „gt„„ our OSURTill ANNrtrEILSARY, SALE" - Many commentv were beard about our Extra ° Low krices and Serv1 for .which THE SUPERIOR STORES -are noted. Each week,We offer many well-chosen specials Which mean extra sav. :thgsfory�u, • rellow _cur advertising each week and you �I& find we sell the best for les, with Serviee at No Egtra_ C,o3t. ANOTHER LIST OF SPECIAL BARGAINS -LAUNDRY SOAP 10 rs 24c • ins r. Tins arnahon IVIilk Imati 25 ‘"rge 6 tins !" 3 tin.s ETS CAKES KVA PINK rr. Large 1.4b. tins .i Squat tsiiii-i.1Estex Brand. OtiiIr 10t fl. t.ilsiled ttr.-,1-tzirfkra•.c.k loc itOYAL ORK_ 114— Ti uperior ores Tea, 1. ..BRI.k1,4-7115 Y.OUR 1!4GIIGHF17$114(1.CES P410. ..arVIEN r*IONE 40 r' CMS* CUTT PHONES 110 and 216 .4.14144-4•4.110. • ' yr; • tr,r- 411 4r- '`-'!,‘"-q•J"7, 7. •••• - • 4