HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-07-06, Page 3.10101," Pitisene ater.kall*Tni feM in •t •,OitY On V. Oi , . 01,. C. Vit.`,DeviattCoenS, 314444: B.D. lo , died irt, , was ibactoOtert intq the pottoria thAvItt, eral Huspta1 on- Wetha Woz1ey-W,0,44 , Unitedchlinsk ,ClInton IAVE•RjIT fP*1NtED 4' -464.1140 WOO ARS Of OM 946 V I IR!CT 10 DATE 10* EAD. AILApu .;.304Z t,40, AKAID- r YOUR GO ,cOPY. -.day' evening of lf‘lt wee • PCNTON TEACHERS • itit.-EN(tAtiltuii The piincipiv and ant.II .Ot 4..tottt, the ;publl phool..itna collegiate: at •ClInton' have been re.engaged, An each- Cage one. • ACaeher Iesa than ,fq, the pregep,terer BANE *GO VOWING *- former huknailer ,or the „pip* 'or 0o,shittoh at ,A411,, but Who was tranistgred to the•OQrrie..**4; roziisviek,krscu.c1-,som.c J8.legos-agoi te,ttf ab- sence trO,M. 410,,!! 1at Wiq • .P-0,45 c./41;• Fortsir.qt, EAR, NOM THROAT * te notitte Surgeon, ',1•10 Volic OrPh- mic • and Aural Hospital, assistant at Mclorefield's Eye Ileapital and Golden. Square ; Threat • Hospital. London, Eng, .53 :Waterloo At. -S., Stratford.-. Tele-' 7-7-7-417,15ttr--RwO'r rona .Olkon the eViiiing of. tbe-31irrrt3zr nt-Cie*V404%-th;Failtfin Tuesday, at .t; 0-7M77- ESENTAVI At 141, SOOtal '14M110$ ett, the !fltames ,00$4' Uhlte4 church, Exeter:* .rtkelsd* -"Vining Of: last week Rev, Oats and Anthony were, made *40- 'recipients of some beautitUr4ifts,VA behalf Of Pe various organizations Ofthe churc1. CAR, TURNS, TOW** When his tar 'rolled Over several times obi the "1;004 line near the--*Inonrdirie ton lb:44 1,1,0444t, nliht of Iest‘weck,' Re*.- E. W. VOI,latt Anfl.-1401:047,:orou don, escaped Oerion$' Irduryt. , returning to London fro. their sulturte -Itome*at' *iodine EIENSALIta SOX' ILEWASDED 13400rt, ,P4A0010/;40,11 ol J. PAPAZIPPrOp -41.4c-been-'414inect by Ilitiont40145- "1"- -letie of Wog 'Warded One 01 Uie• summer Tscholarship. siven,4n,r _tor;ous,-, sethityo award entltles to three tweek5 In ealn a LakerVo The Seventh „ County Ltve 101-00heehold, Setenee JudIn ompetitiont Were tondOcted In Clinton n Friday, 4toxe 24*, '`tuNitr-the AAPeis-1 ot Pteloriki :brute)), ot the Onketior rhe judix of live stock, in whLch 4G limier *PO In 001ett-lo,roi` 'rt.Oter..}t. 0e:erfyortro,,„:40)A: 4 -44"1* - 4e o , Bacou floga-4,01400, •WatliohiLondi ,bero , „prat, 1,!on- Orioro AgxIetfltural Horaer-4oe Mann, Ow* 44A, NO; 4 C, . 11.4-triONTO itt•- ON, , oh -address and -1014 worths presented Fader „Ildth CANNING-' i'LOT,Ogr ' ' LEGAL CARDS ••F 2i5 & HAYS, Barristers end Solicitors. C.. Hays, K.0., and R. Of lAgisT, BA.. 1$;bri, street;' Odderich. Telephone 88 ariee -solemnited . Th6.-wedding was • . St r the-Tdireaktrs-of he rolere' In- d., at Crediton Mr. Henry been manager of the ea,riy ,60 'year* handed in .41ntie:, 26th 4 • of , Ellaalletlio. ', 4wgh•ter 01' tiii resignat Which. the'aee - .- beard ea - 'WC Sus44. *I'llOrriseri *nil the late Wil- eril Iand 1113 liii .1* ' -Lt Mr. ..--E0 ber* was ihiriAmor_r_120/), or "„Hollett, , and -Lloyd AppOinted ,.in, 111.S tdarie' ''s - - Medd,,60470f, Mr. 'ind., Mrs James -Medd ' - - . /7"- .. er. ' •%. :, - 16d-',-.;kit-lhafett;Itey. rt-: 'F,' 3.c.041,77ireit. -1101301gar IPA ,C,V.t„*.A, *AU"' - eittin-r-,7. itaiTY-:-Seii3;* 3.* -Ye a= ! DQVQ4;.E 11A1R14. ter' and Solicitor Phone 512 , - 1$arrister; Solieitor, : successor -to ,J.- L. Killorarf. • - ilFbone 91', Office, . The Stiffaire,Godebc - \'4 1106±` Barrister and, eitOr 'life Bldg Adelaide'. andI,Vitteria:- ' 5301: -7 - • - ton • -,aibbitlirit.. Clinton tow*: Forsytiri'Dept, of Agrt- cultne, Dairy - Cattle ,-.84411Ouao, lituoefielir- (1932 gptdutite: ofthe - 0. tit,. 04; OuelPh). - Reef Cattle.-Bobeltekerehera RtAtho -(1931 graduate or -the 04 A. College, OuelA). Atheel*--- ' tijoreidi- -4..kett.-7-4Ave P,A,..'bi61414iil S*Ihe The ebrifer- cup awarded to the' hlgh boy in the entire competition Was won `lby Bob 'Archibald, o!- Seaforth. Clifford Crozier, DurigiTh*u, won,, --the silver medal by Securing the second highest $01)143. The • 0. N. Z.. -Shield -awarded to the higli novice was WW1, by Jack Moy- lan, Seaforth. •• - &.flrztr1ze o!- 32.00 and. second prlze $L0Q.jvas-aarIed-to Juni(); anct • enT6rWrtrarrOWW, 4 .ninei .*63111 ot Luxlcn�w ,maries from a load of hay; die4 early Friday ,Lowry 01-j0rileseIe,,Inet -with a serious afid-painful accident. While., spraying the qbarn, the hose- which he was usltig broke. ;and a inixtur,e of .,40.1, and little catered his facer severely .biohmr 111.5 REEVE SIA'ZIT4E. 1034)7*E1„A - • , . _ --Reeve- wnt. sweitier .of Stephen met With- • anapoiderit recently -.Wen ,tying up a COlt frightened and dashpd-. -Zor treedenio- dragging'him "narroV,Fparttlon in a stible. The'rope Was twlstdd.,,traund--ilti "hind reventfng jlixv4."'4f reir. -the a 6r .'";struck- sharp . corner of th tdangir causing a elated. •' eha,.-three k5: - ,VARiMTAA-Carti. , morning:in Seaforth General _Hospitaty Dr. F. J. Burrewa of Seaforth,-. the at- • tending PhYSIcian, from the' firit held_ little hope for Sears' life; but On the ehance that tie, might reeover a London sPepialist., Was 41414 In„on teas ORRE1I-01gW ,quiet wedding was solernnized at Oritarib Street parsonage„ Clinton, on Monday, June 26thi. at four o'elock, *hen Lillian Adeline, only, "claittliter of-lvfi, and Mrs. Prink- Glew 'of Thillett. 'was united 111 marrlage to Abram 31--,0. Orpen,,son of the late mr, and -Mrs., Sainuel 0, Or; Torbrito,` flevTPG11om ,pn.,, Monday evening of 1,4St_ week the - and tlik:••,Telt-chers' Tralnlng Class Of Wesley Wilhls hurch, Clinton, at the manse tor' the retlrink .,initterand-lils--wite;---Ret. and*M.f,V7,- klarvvitfcooper'read SEAi-ORTII-BOX-,WINS CUP • At • the seventh. afifiill county- , live staelcaAd househCld -s.‘cielice Judging competitibris conducted 1r Clinton Under the/ supervision p1 'the' 'Ontario Department of Mr1culture. the IhRUOLESS FRAOTIT/ON-Eit:, , .CHIROPRACTOR D DRUGLESS, 'IFERAPIStr, GODER/C11.., ; Equipped With electro -magnetic baths. ,Electronic eleetrrce treatment ,and --practie, Chronic, organic and bayous diseases. Lady in attendance. Office hours ,2 to 5, and „7 to 8 'p.m. and by ap- ponitment. CloSe4 Wednesday sfreni 12 'to* t I;ii.lenti and ,k4 t'armut Raad. Pkone 341, -011- alie-.-up • yoy;.t Liver - —Na Cpionlei necessary -For you, to feel healthy. and bx,91:13ri your liveitztost..poor two pouoithof liqw4 bile into your „b4mc1th TetY uts.Y.... Without tiftkt hue, troublob otata, our diXet3tIon; SowPnieona th • body. Geoero.l.wretebedoess, Hoy:, can you .expect In clear up it eituation like thie completely witiamere bowelftuving- amts.nil, mineral Iveater, laxative eandy-or- -udift_ievlionnEtteffir: ""r,lti.ghag'7'They •don't. y.411'oed Carter' tittle Liver'Pl1111:-PUttryl vegetable -Safe. 'Quick and *um telidt,s; ,Ask 'for:them by,natne. Refuite aubstitutes. 2511,14 all drnuisti. -* fa, ; 'F1 i ''qieck a l'pOierg.• Auctio ' I' 'Bleb* v*.,1 Ooderieh - : S ' %les made e 6 here and all ,,efforts ' in :--"-'arie to give you.jakiatattio4,, _-; ' Fariners!.. Sale ,, a ' discounted.' , '•,- Phone up, . ...,.. E,..*.i..... • ,,. --NoVARE 1,*,14B,I#XV, ',x , noTin't. -,rorstgto Geptrai core wing done.. Good -Conipantek ,Represented: _ 1.1thone 2984 Ooderich,= Ont.. , . Value" Of propert insured up to Jana • AtarY-F-42X0.,-$is. 11,1015,00., • • - OMC131,04.-4:1eitge McCartney; Presi. titutt, -IC 2,* -SettfOrth: /at. Connolly, Vice -President, iloderOi 141111491,4g04 .sec,..vreas. solo*, Wilton; Wm. knot, .Calittatitie; Robt. 'Ferris; Itilts. ‘"AlOtki-Oollit"lifelitift';'12rigeftekt 'OeO; Ltitiltardt,- Broad= hagen. 3, cantor; Watt, nlYta:, Zd. fllnchley, SO' tOrth: John /tutray; ,Seaforth. • Pelleyllokiett csn pay theirm-asset malts at Calvin Cutt's," store, ,,doderieh The *,g0314 ..13ank*k•-OlititotiA • GOOERICIt tiOSOMENTAL WORKS HASIIIII'ON ST.. • Best Material and Latest' Designs .. • Ex rt WorictnatiAtip AflWork-Guzrafltiid Prices 'Reasonable Your business will he appreciated. R. A. SPOTTON ONTARIO' F. 0. 130Ic' 141 " aip...,a•kivarded. to the_,Iligh- .01e.•;tire „coinpetitidn was, won by..,Bob -*Min lersmith. IS..FRESIDiNT LIONS_ , J. Burrows as president Is tife- Chace of Seaforth Lfons C1 for- the coming year 0 ofli. ers or, the club, elected at the meeting includes:V.-the Vice -p esident, M. treasurer . Sas- WeIlj- -Skret'arY. Geraldf5)4wa, t; twister, J. E. .Ketithig; direettors, W. J. burican, Charles Stewart and Of. W. C.:•1 Sproat. • s. At a reeent Meeting, of the Wingham High School Board, Mies Catherine 1,416;- Gregor, of Clintim, was. appointed' to the inonSebool staff 'for the folio:Mr* year, •iii*‘1\4CanilattriFiiir's-leate.'451Y- a stud y -Prance!: Salaries of the High School -staff- also were under discussion.. and , 'reductions were Mad4 which amounted In all to $780. Hoag BURNT , Archibald, of Seaforth, sOn of Reeve 1-leary Horses: -,064o,_ Mundell, die -h. Moylani-Seafortlx.. , .! Beef Cattle-Jini Shortreed, Walton; IStewart. -Brians,1 Dairtfittle-Stewart -Musgrove, Wro- Uteri-NOM= Pepper, Seaforth. _Lucknow; John abn Bayfield. - , Taylor, Lucknow; -Wilf ed Shertreed, Walton. - Seniors , • Heavy' Herses---Oeti. Mundell 10•1en- na,n; :Stewart McEvdin, ClUtorL- Bee CattleL.T. rotlierMgham, Bruce- flild;- Gordon 'Reit-x:01de,-, Seaforth. Dalry Cattle--clifford Crozier, Dutr- gallnen;r*race, Delbridge, NitoodnAra„, sheep --,Bob , Archibald, Seaforth; Alf: 1,Fit erson, L*know. , • Sw-WniS1anlakb, Exeter; Del - :mer Skinner,' Centralia. The HOuselield Selence Jiidging Com- petition_was_lielcuri_the__Firernen't Hall and 21 girls took part. The. judges were Mies Flora -,Dr(rniri, Dungannon, ,MthS Florence - - Znstitutes rEraneh, toroutOMtifd:Alti Helen zMe.t. ' Xercher, Dublin Thk- Saver--TeaLService awarded--to-th girl obtaintng the _hithest' store was won by ,Mise • Margaret' Durnin, Dungannon. Other trophies, were won as 1011.61VS: 1Juni- ors ' - •Nutrition, -Violet Tyndall, Seaforth; ,Theima Eigle, EipPen. Clothing-Ruth Stratigliati, Auburn; Jean McLachlan, Seaforth. ' ,r- •• Seniors ' •-• Nutritlon--Lauretta 'McClure, Dun- gannon; Eva Musgrove, Wroxeter. ' ' Clcrthing--tillian: Riehardson, EK7 ' mondville; „Isobel- Foster, Fordwic.h. ......,As the result of the standing obtained in. the competition the - following girls will represent the County at the Cana- ifilalt,, -1".I,,44A ltitittr.TOT;tir ''''ItiOlt40 tad, '' -itelforth;* Cita \ . , Thcf home of kr. and Wm. °Rooter a ,bride.,iiii4 gittoni of but -three Weeks, f--nearj't4cknow,Was totally destroyed by Ilre of unknown origin, which broke out,,,,bi,440 bak kitchen,' about three o'clock 'Wednesday morning ,of last week. Living with Mr. -and los. Item, whose' home (a- west of Lochalth 'MI the boun. dary;.---a" e Mr. and llirra. Cecil f*Illii$8011, ;brother in-Tally—ind sister of Mr., Rost, i an1 Mrs. Phillipson reside in ,the upper P a of the 'home and 'were linable to save any of thefr hottsehold Meets. , / ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Itlx.--and 'Mrs; -4/1111am Robinson -or Clinton, announce . the engagement of theitatecond daughter, Mabel ', to Mi. I. L. 210kt:tight, also ,of on' -taarriage take 'place early in '' ply.. 17n, the te ki .M.r,, And Airs. Gordon Bolton, of seen. salt, , announce- the engagement of their eldest daughter, 'Ida Elva, to -Dr. Joseph Alexis -Spellman, Kitchener, son of Mrs. -Spellman and the late Arthtir B. Spell- man,- the--martiage to take- -place iitiletly In July. ... -,,, . , \ Mr. and Mrs. John. Cie o Walton &r i announce the engagement of their „ datiglitt, Vera Agnes, to Samos C; Mc- „.\ \Into*, son of Mts. McIntosh and the, late _Mt- amps 14ern,tosh, Of Settforth. \ the weddlng to take ,plate' quietly in July. 1 4.-44,- ......,.......,,,...., \. A tourist_.goirg. through' 'the U. S. NihrttkliVeSt suffered ,a slight accident. He *Olt to, a, farmhouse And inquired of the ilWede owner: "Rave you s,‘, monkey. wtenclt, here?” "Na*," rePlied. the Swede, "thy' kro- tbc bane got a cattle tench over there; rn cotiStri *Of 11. klieei Mach don diere;' but too ,scold het* for monkey Funeral - -'r Also 'Ambulao' e'Setvice' Ociderich Mario .„ All tialle promptly attooda to _ Akit or night . rhanes Store 325, illottae 3$5W. •AMBrittAtIC* T ALI* ROMS RIGHT. 0*• 'OAT IMitassa. to I* dAtilath* oteseriti,* siuil etitumet natural rbr tines and ;re,JUVellatetttlx - iith4 and makes It exqulMte in tktur, Delightful to use. tmrt, * .Vancouver Man Had Almost Lost 1 -lope Vaneotter, B.C.-3. Waugh, 3270 49th Ave.: W. recently aid: "After Six years suffering with stomach. disorders and other trouble, I almost gave up hope of ever being well Again. • Sargon and Sar- gon PilLs overcame every ailrfterti / had and. / feel like -a brand new ma:it. ' always be grateful to this remarkable treatment toi the „way it brought back ,lny ;health,. strength and energy." . - CAmPBELLS DIt1Y0 STORE.. A ; EVERY 'OW. -has had tIae experience of alio eayy_me.,_ on in -hot obaranft ,of-feelinerlogii-itioVoncomfortahle.--after. wards. In truth, feed plays -a -big putt in holy' 'Cid* lightloodfc nt4urally help loix-teet cooler und fret; iilziy:‘,----Ketiogg's corn Flakes' are 'so popular' when the thermometer begins to- :climb MiHiona of twolikt. Kellogg's mean c .44-diAas. There's good reason too. Kellogg's are CriSp, reffesIOng Sakes of corn Rich in, energy—so eusy to dige,StAlbey don't " eat ' you u ,Icontonxiial;'-cor.venient-7-no ,..ceolcing or trouble to prepare. COtillitleSS-11101itters sprvia-, KellOges -Corn -Nikes 14r- -the kind .of light meal that encourages restful sleep. „ And no matter„how_liot or:Imp-Ad the weather, yeiell always find Ii.ellOg* and oven fresh, protected_ by the seakt! : inside '07.A3Cr1TE tag, "'rEvery imekaige' thai laqes the factory is -guarantied, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 7'41- ' McClure, Dungannon; __- fibbel Ferdivichi Spare, -Beatrice Perguion, Cliff& . • Table ettirig, Service and Manners Demonstr' ion: ist. Fordwich-'Mildred Baker • and Isobel' Foster. , • ,,, Dungarebh-_Bere .Itoac Lauretta McClure: 3rd. Wroxeter -Eta Musgrove Doris Xusgrove. . - 4th. -Oorrie-Margaret Foster and Marjorie Baker. 5-th. Seaforth - Thelma Elgie Hazel McLachlan. Primp Drissing for yitounds,_-t. .sorne- factories and-. workshops carbolic daf...id is kept for tise 4fl cauterizing woUnds -and cuts emstoirnd by the worh-L- - men. ', Par better to keep on hand la bottle et Dr. Thomas- Eclectric 011. ' It , and is just -yes quick in action and does", not " scat the' skin or, bu,rn the flesh': •• ITH.5 PHANTOM ILLUSTHAIION Of THE ES.5EX J1RAFLANE Jusr A MOMENT; 5101 HAVEN• Yokr FOR6OTIEN SOMETH ING sPCALStX SHOWS US-Rt1G(ED casststicriam, NOTE TUE•Vrituss GtanEtt. TY141k1UME. *mai IS DEEPER THAN ANY OP THE OTHER THREE POPULAR MAKES OF CARS, We can' Make, any pronlista about ths Price of Coil, later in the , --Season- 'it terta1t0 Wart gd dotn. E Atay go " the *loot thing.todo Wadd he to lay „fit euouslitoI stair, 'entire Isinferli nee4 :While the 'Xide Is ttoon$01-6 titd aloof Is plittim ditivette 4 re net .• • - .04Y.t, '66 ',1,4*;7''' -Esact -terrapjatie *fetal Siilia'all-the'biiilt.ln --ThlriirftitifiliThricialVedristructior-atte tfie:' r.. --f- - ruggedness and endurance that assures long life-, Terraplane possible. . an outstanding -feature of Iludson.Pasti cars* ° ,DurAbie inaterult, rugged construct,100* 4-mitstanditor , , The Elim of sine Onat,rtiction, used in the rase* performance that captured 46 officiatA.A4A.itto s Terraciane is own. as the X cross member girder and crfenei proved operating economy *to combined, frame. It po ;epos thirty tittles the rigidity of thet in the Hudson.built Canadian Essex Terraplane to. Omin*edOngli double.dtop frame. * t unexcelled value for oar (datiikr. vit tssex T traplarte stert body i* jag aS , Saasiloinental a pita of the whale tor as the ' frame ec tb mdes Or the springs,, and It is , it, oLntd to Out irate by a Sheet L "Seel(aee itfeit) and rho towl *'strut.zur*' d yi• * !ag, natbith kit ,so inths csc' and ,drive the liuttson.built Canadian , that gives you big tar riding comfort malt tar prices and lower opetating tots. The Essex TerraPlane Special Sit on 115.inth, wheelbase is obtaitlidge stiRite • ttindels--tedst tooth, coupe, convertible 1;4"14"1-1*, - mini* ot • '„ !:.listitotost' i.e.ka.".41r4.11 ir:44tatf 447;,14-2:00,5t1tZP,'**4=Ka,V4;1"-e,,