The Goderich Star, 1937-12-10, Page 6'w1U lat ve been el gifted several
"times' in ,,the township -of Turneerry. •
• Ur. ,and Mn. George BaYnbain, of
-Centralia, on, Thursday last celebrated
their fif‘ty-eigItth wedding annivereary.
. Mr. atill Mrs, Henry lailber, of Cry-
laet' week ebserved tile tifty-
- *seventh -enalversary Of, their wedding,
Mr. Either ietently pessed'ille eigh-
tieth itietildaY•
The congregation of Melville Pres-
byterian, church, Brussels, \ has ex-
tended a call to Rev. alugh F. David-
"eoa, X.A,., of Toronto. 01r, .DeVid-
gen is a Inktive of 'Newton, One
',Robert i)10Donald Simpson, of Brus-
;sels, died November 30th 1.n khts. fifty-
sixth yetkr. 'Citronit ill -health pre-
vented him from achieving hie ambi-
thmeof being a teacher. Of late years
..he had operated a farm on the edge
-of t4e vIflage4'
Lois' Banter, daughter of +Mx. and
'weeks ago,ewas ft•ett
for en X-ray examination, Which_ re-
vealed that Ihe had a fractured skull.
iShe will be confined to her bed for-
• time.
enizabieth Kellerman, wife of Gott-
fried Oestrieher, Viesbwoode died studdelay on 'Noventher 20th at the home
of her eon Samttel, .nortlt of Daehivood,
-where She had n%de her home the past
Year, • the MRS in her eighty-first
year. Surviving, +besides her husband,
are fever sone aterone daughter.
The death occurred recently, at her
home In TuCkerstrath townehip, of +Miss
Margaret Alexander, a 'lifelong rest
!tient of that township. She was born
ebrty-eight years ago, a daughter of
the late Mr. and 131rs. John Alexander.
She is Survived by six brothers.
The death occarred on Friday last.
at; her home in +Morris towaship, of
Mrs. Victoria Shurrie, wife of John
Sleurrie, in her eeventy-rourth year.
Deceased 'suffered a stroke a few days
before"her death. She le survived by
her husband and two sons, Clifford, at
Stratford, and SleKenzie, at home.
Thomes Bradshaw, of Goderich, is a
brother. '
Or. Moir
tier* to New York
Dr. A; Moir, ofliensall, has le ./
New Yorle,„ where he will,e.e.efenti. a
anenth, investigating .tY-eitreatment of
„inebriate patients g wilevue Hospital
and other CieW.,,,Y,ork inStit1ittoM4.
Valter.-0/619 •
At the.home of ,Mr. and 3Irs. K. .1.
Hamilton, Beli Telephone Manager o
Wingham, met, Both Mrs, Adams
and Mrs. Hamilton were injured, Mrs,
Adams having a fraetured kneecap.
They were taken to the,+Setiforth hos-
pital-- The drivers_ escaped any ser-
ious injury.
Still Unconscious ,
Month after Sttident
The tendition of'.Nortnan..Shepherdi
of concession 13, Hallett, Who has re-
• mained uneonscious from head injur-
ies received in a fall on November
0th, hue not improved sufficiently for
an X-ray cq)osure to be taken ,to de -
tenable the" nature of „his injuries.
UT. IShepherd .6n the morning of the
accident had risen at anearly, hour
to do the chores when he felldown the
stalrwarin hig home, striking his head
on the floor below.. A fracture of the
ekull or concession of the brain Is
f ared.
• 44'
Wilfred U. Turnbull; an Exeter
young man who ie Englaad as an
exchange 'teacher, had the 'hgeoref :be-
ing ;presented to Their .Majestles King
Ceserge and Queen Elizabeth, who
visited the district in -which, his sato&
is situated.- The King and Qtieen
liaVing heard . there Was a Canadian
Present at a gathering which.they. at-
tended intimated that they would like
tO ha vce'hitu presented. Mr. Turn-
bull tented with the Queen for about
five minutes and found her most gra;
clous and. charming, •
The tuarriage took place on Monday,
November 'Mb,. of Miss Mabel Roh-
ner, daughter *of Mrs. Margafqt J.
Reamer and the late Jelin (Rohner of
Stanley township, to Prank Waite..
ehey, on of Robert MeOlinchey.. and
the late Mrs. 51tOlinehey of the .8.1 -me
• township. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. E. A, ,Poulter of
Brownsville. The young. couple Will
reside on the groom's farm ou the Gos-
hen line, Stanley. • -
Owen Geiger:4
zeensall correspondent 'writes:
• /The people of +Bengali were &owe-
-what surprised wthen they heard on
Paturday Alight that for ,business rea-
ms Mr. Geiger did not qualify - for
the reeveship. This is the first time
he has failed to qualify since ,1923.
when Ile re-entered municipal life by
defeating the late Alex. Smith for the
reeve:411p. He wee Reeve In 1023, 24,
Skuiv.1 'Exeter, the marriagelms solem- t15. 213 and 27. in i92s he -*as. de -
Weed of their youngest daughter, Dor- feated by.litobt, 'Higgins. also agate at
4atik1 5Iar1eOta0. to Albert Frederick, .
iw-eleetion ht ld. the same year. Mr.
AO of Mv. iend Mt3 Frederik Walter
ii-liegins won- again in 1029 and 1930.
Ailsa Craig. The happy couple In 4931 iIr &eiger defeated_ J. W.
*lir Make their .11tome• at Exeter. Ortwein' and in 1032 he defeated litobt.
-4E4WIler -81-1 per Cent, • letimerou'ily one vote. In 1033 he %vas
,tit trite $1400Y • defea tett .by William 'eentsitt and in
The iaowlek Fair Hoard has de. 11104• and 1935 by William J. J011e.S.
tided. tel retain twenty Per tent. of all lin 1930 in a three -cornered contest he
'Itirbe`filene7tS Wen at this. year' ,8 Fair,
in order to be able to carry on next
„year es, natettl„ Wegther conditions
OW the epidenik 'of infantile paraly-
'vie Ate %Anted° as causes of the Fair's
leek' Of eueoekt -Guam:tally this year.
Ag*4 Ilunett Oa*
Theodore Pettier, of the 9t4i conees-
akin o/ tattliett, died suddenly on 13it-
Am* evedrug Ii it eighty-third year.
fte had boett as active he +Usual ail day
And In his chair listening
to It, radio prograth when he passed
Away. . His wife eredeeettsed hlzn ond
be Is stsritilletV• by two eons, utizstin,
ilvith Whom he made his home, and
• z.thairies„ oft. an Adjoining farm.
lilloted •hi efdlision °
Sestet* „
_Fy ley rontlitIone on the roads is at-
trIbuted a heed-ott collisiott :Which hap-
pened Ptitutdity afternoon west of
lteafortbdriven by Thos.,
Adams, TuelierianIth fernier, and
that tY
trated d containing nutty
valuabI titre on bow to play
defeated Villiam Shepherd and Delia
Robinson. In 1937 he wae -defeated
by the presentelteete, Ernesthattdicke
Between l0e0 and 1914 he was a mem-
ber of the Coned! and Reeve a num-
bei f tithes end, lo 1911r was. 10.onnty
Warden. He hes heti a lung; inried
and honorable TrinteiNIcrifeet's.,•
* To heftr 4t eutnslaughtet'e charge' -against
• eear-old boy accused of killing his father, British Col-
umbia's assize court moved into the woods, 25 tulles
front Vancouver to the etuutp ranch where Samuel
Lamont Metcalf, 53 -year-old eyiir veteran, Was shot to
death. This graphic pieture shows the conet 1.1
. BELFAST, Dee. G.—Mr. George
Lane Is still laid up with a sore neck.
IMts. Wm. iSherwood is spending the.
winter with her daughter, Mrs. Adam„
Johnstone, and Mr.. Johnstone.
'Mr. and .Mrs. 0. MeGee, of fReafrees,
gave (Rev. W. .T. Patton and Mrs. Pat-
ton a pleasant surprise. on Sunday
afternoon -by tailing on them.
air. Joe (Scott, ef near Amberley,
spent a couple of days last week -truck-
ing: gravel tor Earl Sherwood; Roy
and Bert Alten.
PARAMOUNT, Dec: 0.—Ir. Alex.
MacNay and Bobby accompanied- Mr.
Peter MacNety • last week -end to Ot-
tawa, where dile will spend the winter
with his son Graham.
Sister Dies in Sasitatehewan.—Mr.
W. at. Martin received the ,sad new
that his sister 'Frances- (Mrs. Andrew
ISu.kith) bad passed away on Norem-
ber 20th at Star City. Satskateliewan.
She had been in failing health fer a
number of years. - The remains -were
Interred in „Pennant -tem -eters, near her
former home in 'Success, Sask. Mrs.
Smitb, was born and grew to woman-
hood in Paraniount. 'She married
Andre* Smith and in 1011 they with
. .. • ,
court - )o111. The, accused lad is shown • at RIGHT
1 , -tarr`olV) ftieiug the court. Ha :Was acquitted by ft
i 4 i ' WI all (10 ift ted their verdict only live minutes '
after hienrltii how the father had kept his Wife ana
two children in constant 'fear. Speators. -usually
.quiet in Canadian eourtrooms, broke into applauSe..•
Alleti,41,mver,41q,„.YMallaonikeP „,..,741,1g.,%1Wtqr"-"
fflitolevi i, ,,
•4-.4A,-zogit, ,.....,- ...„,....,..., , .,----.,
their &tinily of eight children moved
to Success, WA.; - whew they. farmed- .
for itt'-number • of years. Since her
huehamrs-deatist in 102.5.', Mrs, Smith
had spent much of hertime with her
daughter !Elizabeth. ". 'She leaves to
mourn !tee loss two daughters and fottr
sons, all living in iSaskatehowan, one
son and one daughter having prede-
ceased her; else three brothers, ISOM
Martin and John Martin, in Alberta,
and Williamon the old homestead in
Pam mount,
NII2E, Dec. 7.—Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Finnigan, Mr. and Mrs. -Geo. Rutledge
and Wilmer attended the,' funeral nf
Mrs. Rutledge's untie, Mr. Levi Snider,
oil Tuesday of this. week.
Mrs. R. MeIlwain is not as well fl
Iter umny friends would wish.
Wk. J. C. Stewart is not very well at
present, !Hiving takenanother ball
spell this week. •
Mr. J. E. Baectler, of the tioderich,
'Mfg. Co.. has some men cutting logs,
in the bush .he purchased from Win.1
Stewart, better „knoWn as the old Dodd
farm, . He Intends to cut about 200.000
feet 6f:togs this winter in duct hush,
The Nile Y. P. S. are holding -their
Batumi meeting in the form of a ban-
quet on Tuesday, December 14th.
The +Department of Mines and fte-
Sources has issued a thirdedition of
the new map of Cletnadtv. This 1001,
mile -to -the -inch sheet has proved very
popular and since' it was first Dab'
fished about two years ago ever 20,000
copies bare Weft distributed to eppit.
cants in all Parte of the Doininion and
&Wad. The new issue of 10,000
copies is to meet the continued demand
• for this map. The map shows the pro-
t1ncei4, distrlets, railway lines, cities*,
towns, main rivers and pribelPal lakes
and Islands.. It Is,2 inehes by 80
inches lir Size and Is suitable for ready
reference tor general Information tibetit
Canada's 3.004,S611 square miles" of
territorY. • •'
KloPieg of the .map *may be obtained
from the ,Surveyor General ; Deport.
Went of ',Mints and •Resourees, Ottawa,
.3 cents per tom t opy be
fertilsbedc' free te au y sehool upon the
epplication of the principal or school
boa hi. •
'.$1lrilktill1)TON, Dee, 0,-,-Mlits
*Yale rOterGodetitho vidted
with ber pare'nts,, Ott. and Urs. , /oho
stere eneiStireleY, • '
Mr . end, Mrs. llosman, Of West41d,
tea withatt. Ihil'Ufs, Fronk 411-.,
he 'teacher and. puI1 o$..S.
11 art busy praetititig for tiAfit 0004
.to btla
0 Guild meeting tChrtit tnri
At the hOnie of Ur&
et, die
w* spnt *Un biokeor
Arita itabihni, tow and tb ono sta•i eve* tht; 4•6111siactsr POtrairt its
° finuicual 'firelight •offa
HAVE ou ever tried shooting*,* aiora,"a whole roil, Of tint On Otte
subJeft; not flinging it* pOeition
the leatt bit Merely altering the:WO
the light strikes 'it?
' it may iteeraloolleit and fatal**,
ott.bitt it eitta.40 one of the. Most
ituportsntphotOgraptIO leintetts you
Ater toot, •
Tri it On thie theory: that the
jecs .in a Picts** hate id' teal
tere*t In themselves hitt that *tit the
intereirt Is it the, they, are
lig1ited4hoir the light *Itiketis hacli
*lido** are,0404. Or In the words
ot a eat lerenth IlhotogratMers that
the ettbieft h, nothings the lighting
1* tureottgag.
Take * photoflood Ialnp In A.
fttot *ad Aricaltte a Dumb
*Matt Weett,-,ets 'woe fruit *
Ing, froth a bowl --on a White table
top. Hort enough general Nowt ligbt
to eta detail in the eloadoists.,
Now set tip 7011ar Ofillearik
VrIttt the nth* right too*** 11, for
\yoar trot *obit*. V*
tit light tar to tits laitt
tit. 011ie the light 4
the Slitilett, take tate With
the IMIleott elkeittettbs bulb so that
no direct light Alas*, Into the Nun -
era lens. . •
TO As inithIr positions as the
lengthof the Mtn tell allieffa, When
the plot*, resjsmiloeloPeil andjrint."
the differences will Otound you.,
'study, them oincyou will learn Whit -
can be done with light when ,it
'properly used.
It low 4641 like still: lite, try si
series o torttlat** **Ifni. the tame
person *44 the tone pose but di? -
t 444101 Ot Iightlng. From plc-
to ordure, fade' expression
will "slay ii•stonishingly;.4.102 With
flat front lightssiniatir with the light
Iow,awd direett* in front, stintied
even torridet with the light low
and to *it itlde,, and io att.
Arne of laadatatota,
ilitOir of the der ,,they
the 400 MOttillt ihttdow*
WO too* end growth*
e deur Of effnlifig,
CREWE, Die% ft --Miss Lorraine and
.3Ineter Lindsay Durniu have returned
from London, Where they spent several
‘eeekee'in Victoria. Hospital. We are
pleasedl to know they ate liome agaht
and sti-Anuch improved.
Mr. and Mrs. *Wilfred Drennan anti
family, Mt: and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,
lionald and “we.udolyn, and Mr. and
Mrs. jack .Curran and family attended
the lifty-fifth weddit.g anniversary of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Joseph Hackett, Of Luck -
now, at the home" of their on, Thomas
Hackett, on Monday, November 20th..
The Y. P. U. met last ..Friday eveu:
lug at the home of Misses Audrey and
•Glorid Congrani, with a goad attend -
mice., Mr., Bert MeWhinney was ,.11.1
charge of the program. • •
Mr. Reggie Gauley received Word
last Week 'that his father, Mr. Isaaj
Gatecte of Vergus,• had broken his
ankle aml Allen had , dislocated hie
shoulder. We hope for tieene_a_ speedy
Me----E.rauklin Kilpatrick, of Sea -
forth. formerly of Macklin, Sask.,
spent a few days with his untie and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs., Bert Finnigan,
last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whitley at-
tended° the funeral of the late Mrs.
George Baker at UndetwoOd on Fri-
day last.
A nuniher from here attended -the
contert which was Ileld in the Parish
hall, Dungannon, Friday eveuiug last
in aid of the library. . •
The motithly mOetIng of the W.M.S.
Will 1* held at the home- Of Mrs.' Matt.
'Mrs. Earl 31eWhinney, of Echo Bay,
Algoma. is making an , extended visit
et the home of her 1111Cle and cousin,
Mr. Dave MeWhieneye and Bert.
Mr. Conrad Treleaven. of Toronto,
vieited ids uncle, Bert . Treleaven, on
Me. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan.
Reit ,Louisk.spent a day recently with
Mrs. Joe. Ohamney. of Donnybrook.
The Sundey sehool .coneert and
,Stli LOT lietiewill be *held oft Tues-
day, Decembei' 21st, in the church here
,LEED111b..\', Dee. 0.—Mr. and i3lrs.
'Harvey Fisher and their children and.
31rs. Fisher's mother, Uri. Ruth
ThompsOn, motored' to London on
Thursday last. - 3irs. Thoinpstin re-
mained therk to visit het -daughter for
a while.
Mrs. tocke 'Cook visited her mother,
Mrs. Wilson, at Nile, for a day Last
The tbristtnas entertainment of
Et;S. No. 1 will be held at the sebool
en Tuesday evening. 'December 21st, at
8 pan.
airs. Horace Iforton epent hest week
tit Porter's '14111 with her daughter*
Mrs. P. Harrison.
Word has eeme of the death on Man-
gey inerning •4it Sir. Arm. Huston of
Goderich, uhose wife wits formerly alias
Elizabeth LInklater. We extend to
ther and het .daughters_ our sincere
OTTAWA, Dee, et, LOW -
risco. Itivet In ,Montreal, .harbor dur-
ing Notelatber, was itit% lohtis• bigter
than Otober, 1114 higher than Novem-
ber, 14036, and 03 lower than the
est November (1861) *ince 130, the
Mines., and Resources CileOirtMent
ported toxlwr. The Water *Vet was
42yt wits higher than the 1004 Nee,
terabet, (1934) alike 1800 dad 1144
lower than the average of November
for 'the last 'setenty4seven years.
take Superior fluting Novetat‘eo Was
% of An tneh lower than October',
Incheo higher than NOveuktiet lest year
and 12% higher ,then die -*vett& lettit
for the Vitt vlevettty.oeten you%
Zake Huron trais Inches lower,
haw CktOtiero 2% lower' than NIOTtol*
ber, 4084, and 0104 loivo thaw
a, 'for the, last etventpeeren
wae, 1% int
% higher then Zsl'
42% lath* low
aretage et the pat nty-seren
.14VGA., 444'. ThOti, ifterhoon; • „It.' UeKetutle,,,t
01!eksoni 'returned 'home:tete:04 was A vharge. After the.
follatved4aad reports. were given, tom
'ter, .•,),Ers, •Oter.) y4Ort 04; ',the ,,,.secietarieStheariclus''''Ller4rt-
pleaSant visit witit bee 'ilattini devotioual eXercises 'hnsi4eA 0404
'Wheatley, neap irindsor:: ' went* 41t4s, G. c. 4rre1eavn Onvtrk.
• ,Up "Thornton Eedy, at student of kited 41 piano. lustrumentol 'Mrs' Ge6
Ohaves PuilneSs, ;COliege,'' Toronto, en.' trivia offered' Prayer, • 1.,-te'r!
.;10Yed the wtyek-en.t1/: with his. patents, ttie paSfori.tool;*harge eflito
toul :Am.:4T', • '1.0.1$:., election of officer* which rekult;04
Awes has.W.tuyned.14poin follows; President, .Urs. •30„'•
thret4 t1OitS :81sit:With.,relatives 1,!t' icenile; 'ist Tice -president; 4iss, :7%11a
Detroit . Pentland; • ,2nd vice7preSiiietit,,
- TlAe eft the 4th Arthur Elliott; recording.i.and
concessioa of. '4WIfield, 'ef which Miss Polldtztg seerotarY,
Dieksou is teaCher, are preparing
to give their eeneeet to parellts ,And
frieads_iu the School •'oii. the eveultIg
of Deveurber l7th.•
.,Alvs. John, Derain, and, Ittfluit ..Sen
weelt visiiLiig at' the lloole of her
brether-in-Jaw, ;1X.r, garyeT "Mbt'rer•
Mr. and Ups,- Heber 'et.iy and fam-
ily Tisited their relatives, Mr. and
Ars, .11," F. Nickel, Stratford, ou Sun-
day, ,
Miss Cord +Culbert3MviSiting for.
riew lidYs with her sister, Mes. Leon-
t,eed Crawford,. Port Albert,
"Mi'. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown
41,Sti1$talit, IlYan;',..preoo-
-seeropw. '31r4 11, ROaCkt supply
retary, Mis. ;110Whinney $7:4.40011?
secretary,•WI'rs... .4Xtss-toollr$",
UontblY .s.0;‘qet,8:r.ri-egr$,,.. X .1,1,1re;.*:
secretary, Mts. - Terner5 Per440-
.4ecreter,Y, JIM Finnlgait. -•
The Library Concort..--,The annual
itbrark Concert, ea eutertaliiipeat *-
ways looked forward' to, wkS held An
the parish hall an ,Friday o'lliht and
was enjoyed by a large' audience.
splendid "mixet1 progrant was given,
with Rev. T. R. .Turner 111 the chair.
The opening number WRS 'a chorus by
eained about twenty Meade to a 'card the buttgaution sehdol,:followed
party -last ,Priday night. . pretty' drill by the ictildren or the Nue
'Miss. Bernice Rettelt 'lett „the begin- schoOl. Boys of the Deogannon seltoc,i
ning of the week to take a ceurse in .gave a demonstration- et tunabliug and
hair dressing With' Ikfliss °Camptheri, pyreall&building, ter whinii they had
,Listowd, been trained by Mr. John 'Martin,
Word tecelved regarding Miss Pearl teacher at creive: , others to tale po
Finnigan; from, Yietotia- Hospital, were Plisppy" Hail, Mr. ,Storm, each
where she underwent an operation for in cowboy songs with guitar aecont-
goitre, a week ago, is that s,he is doing paniment ; Miss icialre Pentland, Mss
remarkably' well. I3eth lYieConnell„ !Master Billy 4tew-
Ur. and Mrs. Richard Gitraner, art, .Mr. Bowers, in readings; Afr.
Lucknow, visited her mother, 3irs. J. Leslie Scholtz, Miss Ettabelle.WebSter,
Barkley. Mrs. R, Fitzgerald, who Miss 'Lois Treleaven, sews gnu
e.- Sr:4-4,•-atkg.,11)1,4_,M.411
Airs, ROA. Treleaven, wbo fractiliA w re giVen, thv"„Puitile
her hip Some time 'ego, iskrecuperating of the Junlor it00111 of Dungannon
quite welt and _Was visited over the chioo1 Mr Turner in b1 address as
week -end by; Mr. and Mrs. Normao chairman advised the peopleto avail
Treleaven, Xis:. *Hattie Treleaven andethenitieteeS Of the opPorttitilty to read
three children, Donald, Evelyn and some of the e.plemild beoks. •ine the
Patricia, of Toronto. ' • .shelees • of the public, library. Reeve
Mrs. Annie Culbert, ou the gravel Richard Johnston *Wield also
road south of the village,- is spending spoke -a few words' on the!ettiae' line. -
a week •,,with her sister-in-law; 'Mrs. ,
Sam ISwan, Ripley.
air. James ,Smith and son, Leslie
ortiod'eriele was out to Dug:
gentian and vicinity - visiting friends
and relatives last Thursday. •
Mr. Robt. Stothers, his mother, Mrs.
Win. 4.4tothers, and sister,. Mrs. Frank
Jones,. motored to Toronto On 'Satur-
day, returning on Sunday. •
The W. - M. S. of Erskine Preshe
terian church wiIl hold their Decem-
ber meeting and election of' officer's at
the home of Mrs. Prank Jones oti Fri-
Mr. Ben Mole lost a flue horse of his
team last week. • .
Mr. Bill - Cook had the telephone in-
stalled on Monday.
Mrs. David Girvin received word at
• the end cif the week from Vaneonv ir
of the death of her datightelein-lan,
Mrs. • Sam Pentland, formerly Jean
Ratallu, twin sister of •the late 'Mrs.
Dan Biekle, one-time resident of *Dun-
Dungannon Beef Ring—'The annual
meeting of thr Dnngannoii Beef Ring
aS held Saturday afternoon with the
president, James MeWhinney, pres1d-
ing.4eThe price of the beef for the
year was set at 13 eents. Election of
officers resulted as • follows: Presi-
dent, James McWhinney; secretary -
treasurer .+Prank Pentland! auditors,
William .Stewart and Jacob M. Reed;
-inspectors, Thomas -Wiggins. James
SleWhinney and Robert Davidson;
butcher,. Thomas Webster.
Ladles* Guild.—The Ladles' Guild of
1St. \Paul's chureh met at the home ar
Mrs. It, J. Duruin, with Mrs. Hamill-.
ton, the president, ite eharge. After
the devotional, period, a .diseuSeiee
took place and it was decided to make
donations- to -help # Western .:tamily
who are settling bere. An eleetion Tf
officers was held,, resulting- as fellows:
President. Mrs. Thos. Park; viee-Prve.
sident, Mrs. !Harvey !Mole; Secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. Patterson. HIM A. A.
and Mrs: Maloney were present and
after the business 'part Of the meeti-tg
was 'over tea was served and .a social
tiine enjoyed. The. January meeting
will, be held at tlte home of Mrs. ;liar-
W. M. 8 Elect Oflicers.A—/The
t,h..e 'United 'ehurch Met* Friday
rePP;rid promptly and efficiintly.
• SmOrphan_ii< ncOiLEcr to
fif You with the latest in
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