HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-12-10, Page 3(RWs.
ereePletd: by
-47- years Sttat.k.
"at'Mkat moderate
twin 'Fitt
°4)01112611,**)b him lat
!rtsJewehy Store
on�,PAW.•- \ t0-11 St
THE 0.
Fire, Ateitleot' and Motor ear
Rep.ifie.'1,01/deri Life Instirince",00.
e , OMee..1,
,40101e# *Ng title ooderld
rune 23,1 rz:tsox HILL, mgr
CI •./‘ -
Tho,e t4
loans nosatill *ys' serVice. We
realize tieeC'e-rieY. 41_44, i Offer -
en; and • require* ,indieltinal at -
tuition With nied9rie eellifiluent-
EYelresramined. and glessea fitted
restrainisbla prices.
• -A. 14 CMS" Re 0.
Optonsetrist, and Optician
17yearsierilig "the- people of
Enron, Coebty.
rop ey Bros. -
1• t
nowts—tnorrr oit DAT.
- • Moues"!
Eashasei 12e- Teeeldeate 217
swim Jakeit
414)DE'Itlat 014TAlt19
All • calls promptly attended to-
„„ day pi night, • .
Phones Stare 33; House 35;
Cranston Fuperal,
grAurinn EMIIAI1E11,
and FtIXERAT... tqltteTort
24.holt: Inralid Car Service
17* Mantes-4Se • Phone 339..
Althorn...Om .liteeoVers Daninges.. tor
0011140a, on, County Algiovor:
0014114 that the driver oa enr. is
00.1gelit if he UM to 0XereiSe„ • ex,
'' -
'euotio4"44,0assint'ilorlug head,
tights oualeeeds judge
0,, in Pletalen Taietet One c14140-
ikWirrded 4434;37 .41448es .to SO .02011,
Men. -et stoblira. eVbeee 'Wee etruek'
,t*S) the rear by e Vehicle driven by
`Oart AT,CICAT Viugham bank elerk.
The eresis ,oeseirred Ott 4A401XS.t OW;
on elte events' tleed eetweeti, Lya1 and
Carlow; -when. iNICItirrtir tiltr ewe'
big lightst''ef a car peeked on the aide'
'of the rottd; ran 'foil tilt into the Mir.
Of file Auburn ear. whiell was .Pren,
deeding *lowly aleng• the mate •
'Hamilton's ',further elates of $2.5 for
depreciation Ofehis ear ae a reenit at
•the aecident was clisiel&-sed, ae • we
Meriefirrounter-cliiini tor 1i124.99.
: 'There Is ao doubt, feene-the dam.
-age to both gate, that a heavy impact
took place," Saidtudge -Costello, lii
'stem* up the eeee. "On the facts
have dome to the • eonelitelonethat
when the illidtay ear struelt"the Ma-
Iltonecar the.lorraer was travelling..at
a' .fairle Tepid •eate of speed. '
41.011 • the other hand, 1 ani unable
to died that the plaintiff (Hamilton)
did anything other, than whet a* dri-
ver Of a car could reasonably do."
His 'Honor stated '„edeleay evidently
was •travelling at a speed at which he
did not have the proper control of his
ear. .
The court (locket was the largest in
DB= o.
F'ropozol , for 40int Me.06082 cf
14-0Wie COUreOrMoots
lytyor :eleeEiven ana Clerk
'Pox, z4J"4leeti11f.thP
kleunelfTitchtee etigetrleetelrerirIn
structed to arranie a johat meeting, of
the munielealities iaterested in the
Ontario West Shore•ItnIlwaT, to con-
sider, having ti,e :Toronto q euera
Trest e'Corporationsell eye •zill:• per
ceet. Donehiles of Canada 11,44 -t tinds
-held AbfThiu in trust to meet, the
0. W. -S. R. bones due July 1st, lees,
Mayor XacEwar stilted Mayor Eller-
ton of *Kincardine end Mr. John 11.
Reilleaf TeWon fownsilip had been
and were in favor of the
Members of the -Council were in high
spirits et the meeting, with the Christ-
mas season drawing nigh, and ,at
pleasant ante was had by alleSampling
candles sent by a local Merchant as
suggestions for the annual community
Christmas tree, ,
Christmas .1111umination
There wilt be a celebration for the
1 4. sew' •
e elareree
o . 1
wall at -counts,' and of.these two ware 'In teetirt -House Park. The whole
settled, :three 'dismissed, and. the -.re-
Square- will be a gigantic, "Ohristmai
mainder adeoe•rned, several • pending tree'," fpr it was stated the P. U.
settlement. , , COmmff_lt:05
ission had offered to igh:1,e
hundreds' of , colt -red .bulbs strung
• around the Square and Park. 'These
:ights. will. be oneearh Saturday- night
• before Ceristmas and each eiget for a
week at, Chrlstmae time.* •
Briteoldoe Aground
Twenty-three Hours
Released withoUk Much Difficulty
Sunday Modsing:—Crew
- Not in Danger
The 7,000 -ton. 420 -foot steamer Brie-
-oldoe, of the leetterson Line, with a
cargo of 250,000 bushels of elbeat, sent
aground ()Weide tee- south breakwater
here about 10 a.m. Saturday, but was
freed by the lighter Maplecourt short-
ly after D o'clock Sunday morning.
The Bricoldee escaped damage in her
tw,enty-three hours aground.
The steamer went aground. with a
grinding shock when Captain Webb
!Beattie, believing he was entering, the
lere4rkailitees-jmii at too sharp an angle
from the north, attempted to swing
about in a eirele kr a second attempt,.
The ship was out of the steamer lane
and a few hundred- yards outside the
south breakwater when she struck.
lit is believed the BricoIdoe grounded.
on an uncharted hump in the 'reekce bed
:which presumably bad farmed from
Miltland River deposits since the area
Was last charted in 1936,
• 'rho ship was drawing 19 feet 11
'lichee when she struck in about nine-
teen feet of water, balancing amid-
shipi on the ghoul, with bow and stern
iti deep water.
Crew Not in Danger
•Although seas were whipped bigh by
a south-west gale and soft snow made
visibility poor, no concern was felt for
the captain and crew of twenty-one
Men. As one member of the crew ex-
pressed It: "We didn't worry. We
kneeewe were on -bottom and *couldn't
fe) fierlhere so we'just grabbed- a rest;
Weneeded it after that trip."
The sheek as the BrieoIdoc grounded
was more noticeable in the fore part
of the ship than eLseWhere., furniture
-arid creekery being scattered. but with
-Robert Wilson, shore captain for the
l'atte.rson Uwe in Goderieh at the
time of the grounding of the steamer,
had the lighter Mapleeourt ordered
kere froin Sarnia.
Released Sunday Morning ,
The ieraplecemrt. In chnrge of Capt.
,Tlietteelteld, arrived at the SePlle about
8 Weloelt Seedily morning and at day-
breek began preliminary rescue opera-
tlotts. A light line was taken abr. Srd
the Ilrleoldoe from die Lighter by the
laitneh Aunamae, in charge of Bert.
MacDonald ond- Bill Young. and a
threseleelt steel cable followedto the
bow of the Brieoldoe. At the same
titre Cape Wilson and John Stephens,
institatee (Weis:ter. ivent Water(' the
One eteady pull be the -11aplecourt
breught thee nose of the 1trieoldoc
itiound to the north and slid her off
tbe.huittp and sbe entered the harbor
hit the Maplecouri steamed off to
This 'un of the Brieoldoc, her last
Of the season, as dogged by misfor-
tune. As she was about to leave Fort
William with het wheat eargo he
stet*. Itt st bow platseat the Waterline
as a gale &eve her into tbe dock, and
repairs held her tip so that she arrived
at Goderich severat days overdue.
treaty Weather was experienced on the
dewn ;trip, tted the tale of misfortune
ettludriated With her groundirig,-within
fe* luindred yards of the outer lum-
ber' of Goilerieh.
he eargo Was. split. -between the
elevator and the mill here and -the
Brieeldoe lined op with the Itaharte,
" *wall and Wittertott-in a winter
411 -01/1*.r$ PreSbYterian ehurch,
.Toronte,"Oir Saturday, lh,,.tetaber
the maithige Wati itolenlitiaed Of 'Doris
krattitret WIlitiMeOti, 010 daughter of
!Ur. and Ifni. W. W11110131Solt, Toron-
to 00410 .C. M. Wileseis *en of
HiStriC ,:010oit Of torotitte and the late
amee Wileon eff '"*Oedetilths. The
eonple leLt on a halter WO' to the gifts
ithd titer 184114.0 lot will
at boine to ftitit Menthe:it 410 Ar
ada1e aveue, '1YeetOnte. • ”
,• A cernmunleation received from Ned
Sale, 'secretary of the Goderich Hockey
Club, itthesed Council, the lights at the
arena had been condemned by the
Wtstern Outer's. Hoekey Association
a lid 'ked immediate action In rein-
edying the fault, which lite ehlellY
the lack of „good reflectors.
Deputy Reeve Ilueltins moved that
the matter be referred to the public
works committee, with power to act.
but Councillor Humber objected In
twit the cost might be considerable.
AltuOst every • member' of the Connell
stioke in fivor of improving the light-
ing system, hon -ever,- and the motioli,
seconded by Councillor Baker, wa4
Old Home Week Accounts
"We had hoped the raeing associa-
tion would do sennethhig to help' us
financially," said 'Mayor • MacEwan,
when the Clerk read -a request fur
consideration of the Goderleh Musk -al
Society's account for $190 for serve, s
during Old Home ,Week. "However,"
he ronenued, "I suppose it will tie up
to the Town -Cottecli."
"I expect the race association
have,a meeting next week. and ,I e
to present this matter and hare a
definite understanding." Iefid His Wo
ship, stating that Old Home Wee,
neecaints still unpaid totalled $S51. a
against $100 .in the bnnk.
The eontrounioation wss referred t
.he speelal committee.
C. 4 Groves; seeretare of the (lode
rich Industrial Exhibition, asked th
wmal grant in spite of the fact th
fair was cancelled this yea r. Ex
penses Ineurred 'before the fair we
concelled were responsible for a detici
Of 3100. Referred to finance ei) ni
mittee. • •
letter from the C. P. Re with re
glutei to an ehjecrien tn freigh
care oecupying track% near the betel
advised Council that the tracks would
lie kept clear during the nevigati
season fleet year and that •Iarge 1101
near the oll firtn property would b
tilled in with eitelers next sprinet
The tax -collector t.eported $5.84e.10
ooliveted in November.
The cemetery sexton reported sit
interments in November.
A request for two LIM Iltlift.riti
overcoats and caps for Chief of Pallet
Postetethwalte and 'Sergeant Reiss eels
re'erred et the special enturnittee
A petition from a timelier of rise.
dents in the neigirberhood of Ilmee
and Albert streets for a light on that
eorner was referred to the water
Hale and harbor committee.
Bylaw No. 14, appointing .T. W.
.Slonteith, of Stratford.. auditor f ir
irate was read three times and peesea.
The following co7niti1ttet. reports
were adopted :
.Th -e finanee. coMmittee recomMendee
the payment of a grant of $117 to the
Blue Witter Highway A ssocia t i on ;
that the Mavor and Town Clerk ari-
range a joint meeting of the represen.
halves of the, mitnielpaIitiee interested
in the 0. W. 44. R. to consider havens'
file Toronto General Trust Corporation
sell the 3%% Dominion of Canada
1944 bowls beld by them in trust; thet
the teneunt etteried hi current ;veleta
ghee 1928as owing ler the Kenaingtee
Furniture Co. be struck off. the boeks,
the Town having taken over the far -
tory alte at corner Maitland and Bri-
tannia reads.
The pulite- works committee reeetn-
metuleil that no action be taken on tFe
protest from Pe A. Elliott re road MI
chargee foetSt. Derides etreet: that a
letter' frOin the Bell Irelophoins COM-
patiy;'Ssking iadeellation of an agree.,
!tient to- alio* a fire siren on West
street at Wellington,' since— remove -a;
1* filed: that a stitement of work on
roads, including a 1031 Tinton veld
debenture payluent, he sent to the
County Engineer.
The fire COW:nit:fee teeettitne (led
that the Mattel' of iielthig for tbe re
now Of- teMetett
trigs within th# 'be lett irith
the rotutitittefr * tiosn and the' tip
Committee Reports
%MO Nill°154
•CIV,1)313,:10 .1987
OR ti
Ar this -thee „of year -chtuels
A141, Other soCiettes leer elseettee
,e9leere °fog the • emning Year, In
leans teeSee It "press seeietare"'
ellieeg theeetileers; but we eo-
tiee thitt prese were -tildes wile
really ,attend to their job are
grettrie in the Minorite, It
PreaeAcretary to 'keep the. pi -.n
Intermed of t1e. activities of the
eorgaultetien With she or
ie associated—to seed In lee
porte. itot" two or three weeks
Atter a • meetieg :has been held.
bur immediately, -while it Is
it* WS.
It is to be hoped that the press
secretaries, of whom lei mane are
being chosen tble month, will not
treat the appointment as a joke,
but as 'an •opportunity to per-
form a useful service.
raud Charge Set -
Over to Next Couurt
Two Civil Actions Adjourned. --
'Sole criminal action celled foe the
'County ICOurt and General, Sessions on
"Tuesday,' 'one In whiel Robert &meet,
of Gedericle is charged.with fraud and
eeneersion, was setover to the meet -
court, in June next year, by Judge T.
Aettetello, at therequest of prose-
cutor and defence counsel.
Suomi wits committed for trial m
June 17 by Magistrate J. A. SInkins on
charges that he obtained. 3200 by false
pretences from the Bank of Montreal,
Exeter, on a note endorsed by Wm.
natter, and converted the money to his
own use.
:He was released ou a $500 bond pro-
elded by tt Goderich business- man and
has not been heard from sine* by lo-
cal authorities. A war -rant was Is-
sued for his arrest some weeks ago,
and It.: and when he Is apprehended
another charge will be preferred
against him, that he -fraudulently ob-
tained food and lodging at the Ameri-
can Hotel, Brussels,' In September.
Bail was not ordered ,estreated when
the adjournment Was granted on Tues-
day by Judge Costello.'
Two retnaining eases on -the docket
also were adjourned, with datee to be
set for January be RIX ilionor.
In one the Goderich Manufacturing.
Company netts a settlement of an ac-
count With Mr. fled, Mrs. S. L. Farley,
of Kincardine, In the sum of $450.00,
allegedly awing 'as a result of a lumber
deal: —•
The second, in which counsel stated
a settlement was imnrinentis one In
which Frank sBaIntern, Blyth woollen
mill owner, claims a breach of contraet
on the part of the corporation of the
Village of Blyth He asks a manda-
mus to compel the defendant corpora-
tion to submit a bylaw to theratepas-
ers of .Blyth providlitg for a fixed as-
sessment of the mill at $2,000 for ten
years, In. accordance with an agree-
ment allegedly entered into by the -
plaintiff and defendant before the pur-
ehaSe of the mill by Bainton, in- 1932.
The entire eourt proceedings on
Tuesday lasted a little more,than ten
A Pair of Strangely Similar Aeciderifts
on Friday Evening
There were two accidents on Friday
evening last of :littlest an exact par-
allel with regard to manner. locution
and time,
The accidents. in each of which a
cyclist ran into .the Nide of a motor
pellicle, happened a few minutes after
6 o'elock. on Blgin ti venue, one at South
street, the other .at Victoria street,
and no one Was injured.
At iSouth street Wniter
eight-year-old son of Chas. Thomas,
eollided with the side of a car driven
by 'Miss Geraldine Steundene The
boy was badly shaken and frightened,
but escaped injury and rode off after
'straightening the handlebars of his
At Victoria street Fred Litre -chile
rode his bicyele into a collialon with
the 'Stratford news truele Cyclist
was, uninjured, bin the eyrie was bad-
ly damage&
Believed to That in Which Bell
Fled front Walkerton
A car, believed to be that in which
Norval Bell made his getaway from
Weilkerion, after his escape from the
jail there last month, was discovered
last week oti the fffeaforth fair grounds.
A man who.lives near the fair grounds
reported to the pollee not a ear had
been parked- In the grounds for neatly
Chief (Snell investigated •and found
a light coupe, with the key fn the lock,
butewith a bedly frozen radiator' and
engine., Cheeking the lieetese num-
ber, he Identified the ear as one that
bad inen stolen from Marry Oberle,
Walkerton, off Novetul*r Oth, the night
1011 white' .Bell made Ws -escape.
18 believed Bell won. from Sea -
forth to Toronto, but the pollee have
never receveted his trail.
ea e
_ •
Litelt4' Addresses In comiectiort
with tbt Book Foir VVItteh
Contended Saturidlny
.Tieellook Veieouclutleil eneSatitte
.ant.1 .tueteltereof the.
Jowly with the Aesoelation Of elinn-
'WW1 T11001:111011, .the roll! was .bold,
have been. in :me:Opt of many .e0M•pli-
mente upcin .the enterprise shown lu
untkieg 'Stith a .venture.
-The book exeliete,wete dieletteedat
the library, and on Thuteday and :Fri.
dey ey-ettinge addresses ht connection
with tee Wr were zerea in the Bap -
tit thumb. .
Thursdity creating Prof. E. J,
Pratt of .Vietorlai University, Toronto,
gave a reeding :front Oa poem; '"The
'Mee of the Goats," prefaeing It with
an eepositioe ef,the Metli with which
the fable deals.
Mr. 'William -Strange, of .Toroeto,
,wellaknewn author and radio book re-
viewer, followed withewhet he termed
ea:everbal „pleture of what it really
meanie to be .ht this literary ‘business."
Re gave some 4)01We:re for would-be
authors and told some of his exper-
leeeeeeeseeees.see_eg_ esese
921 ittee
opinions,- Itelvas :stimulating and broad':
ening, he eald, to get the view -point of
the Other -
A feature of ..the seemid day of the
Fair Was a eltildren's competition in
rePresentatb)11 of -.-hook '.characterS:
There were seven entries, and .• first
prize' was awarded•to Emtnerson Wit-
ils, who represented 'Charles,. Dickens'
"Tiny Tim." Second was Robert 'Ills -
Net, as "Tout Sawyer." and - third was
Gail 'Saunders, as "Titania." These
Were awarded cash prizes by the Pub-
lic Library Boerd. The remaining
four. to whom .prizte wore given by
the Maple Leaf Cliapter, LO,D.E., were
noughts optimal, as "Peg-gotty;"
Grant Johnston, as "Davil Copper -
field;" Molly Bisset, •Us n Japanese
girl. from. "Little --Polke of Many
Lauds," _and ,Nora Willis, as "To-psy."
The ent-ries were judged .by airs. D.
D. Mooney, Mrs. E. Se Beacom and
Mrs. E. Campbell.
Address by Dr, C. E Sikes:
On Fridity evening the speaker was
Bev. Dr: E. Silcox, of- Toronto.
Dr. Silcox is a noted 'traveller, having
vielted nearly every part of both leerth
and South America, but, n� doubt to
the disappointment of some of his
hearers, he had, nothing to say about
his travels. Ills address was devoted
largely to the' story of the develop-
inent of his acquaintance with books,
beginning at the tendet• age of four
years and extending over a -period in
which; as a book reviewer, he has
achieved' a record of having reviewed.
800 books in a twelvemonth.He con-
cluded his address with a brief but
concise review of some of the leading
non-fletion productions of recent
Ter. iSileox in his opening remarks
spoke of 'his interest lielown planning
and said be thought of Goderich as
one or the few (Immunities le Ontario
That had some sort of town plan.
Many New England towns had a dis-
tinction and beauty of this kind, hav-
ing been built around a civic (entre.
Many 'towns and cities had just grown
up, like Topsy.
, The real wealth of a nation, he de-
clared. was not ILI its natural resources,
though these were important, but In
theeharacter of Its people, and this
was 'aefermined very largely by the
breadth of Its culture and the width
and depth of its Interests. People
might go to schools end colleges, but
If they- came ottt without a love of
books and reading they were not real-
ly educated.
A it ens the aim of the Aesoela Hon
of Canadian Booktnen to spread the
love of books. and to encourage the
practice of reading, by mentis of which
eonttiet eould hi. Int114/1111ned with the
great figures of the past and of the
pre.-ent. Those who read booke put
their (npital where it could, not be
taken from them but became n permit -
new anti inalienable asset. 'rite man
Who became a confirmed lover of books
%tookd never be lonely. •
Mr. et. .Stonehense. (*bairn:tan of the
.Board, extended to the
f4pettlier the thanks of the Board and
of the audience for his address.
Mr. A. „B. Cutts, secretary of the As- '
stifle t I on of Ca mid la n Book men. tben
f4 h owed on the sereen a moving- picture
filO3 depicting the making of books,
from the production of the manuscript
ty the author to the placing of the
completed book before the public in a
book store.
On etseh erecting, after the addresses,
ight refreshments were served In the
Sunday st;hotil room of the church and
n opportunity was given to meet the
iettlag speakers. Members of the
lapie Loaf fltapter. I.O.terE., acted as
1°014:3'1*F:1d' a'y morning the pupils of the
ublic and separate schools ,came to
he library in three detachments and
were given a showing of the fiim on
be making of books.
As a result of the Fair the A.seocia-
Ion of Canadian Bookmen received an
ceessien t twentY members, with
then in prospect. This is eancild:
red very good sheering In compari-
n with the ;lumber. ef Members in
arger placee.
'The ladtettelal eeteinittee reeou,-
tnetuled the ' appointment of F. E. T
Hingham, eliairman of the committee, f
acting inspector ot the Work on the f
erinory hi:tidt* ing in the absenthrough t
illness of It la UM:Mingo, With power
to istitte 'progress tertidrittes and (.,0e- li
S $714,4tegi
a 4...1 • Ma...
DAIELD. Dee. (1. ----Edward N.
albot, slaty—two, was found hanging
rout a beam In big tarn three utiles
rob) Hayfield. A *ling rope left tied
o the beam sine° threshing time had
been Used. - Talbot had been In
1-hetilfh tor about eighteen $ears.
leaMA a wife And fair thlidreti
0 .
mi'moers.... *vitt* o'it,
' Shiite Merry
sev,euty .Arthur ntembem and
friend -A melee(' a hearty, weleome to
the 'Christmas party in.,. the' itNture
room of Knox(InictIl 011'Aloud-ay even-
" _Miss Dontlit Itt 11 ond Miss Ethel
Fader, captains of the eutertuluing
gl•oups, wteeontetl the men:hers aud
friends, AS ,elso Mist; flortruths
presideitt. Games of various
kinds were enjoyed awl eaueell,,,tutich
'Utettlaneate;Alithe Meseereeelieelle, :Meese -
-le L. Knox and Miss Edith • Wiggins
won prizes.
Mites Eileen Bogle delighted theI
Members with. two lovely plaho SOWS,
00 -WA t
sines ;rec
r4oFEssleoNAz ARD
" .10,14ABT4RED ACQOUNIAX,/, *
s89 Qatar:0 St. Stratford.Og
Member Pirethrook. lVieteod
tetth Teronto. 004r1o) •
- Barrister and •Selfeltor.
OftIcee. Hamilton St. Phone 513
and Mies Muriel Aloorhouse citing a
htL4ut1tut t1tr1stLLtts song whieh was
teueli „enjoyed. Mies Uttry MaeKey
eresided et the piano.
tete of the specie!features of the
evening was it ,ytelt from 'Sala Niche.
WhiCh WI15 11 surprise to all and a
delight, when he lefe.thent a package
of sweets.
After the galt10.4 and fun a dainty
Ohristtuas luttch was eerved by the
two entertaininggroups, nod Miss
Madeleine Utile Wei Mrs, W. Cl. Mac-
Ewen, on behalf of -the guests of the
evening, extended a hearty . vote • of
t ha u'Itt7 to Ole 'entertaining groups for
the splendid eveniug.
Radio Inspector Here Checking Up en
specter of the ala rine Depa rtmeet, is
:Lea:lug. his rounds' of redlo owners le
sieve!' in fo rata thins wit 11 1F. G. Weir.
illS litilitlii1 search for those Who have
neglected to purehaee. lieenses dee
year. The Inspeotor 0 !rived Moodily
night and Tuesday' morning lodged
'' For thoee u it for t ulna es 64;111 the
priee .will be a fine of $3, lieense $2,
with a 1938 license to be purchased in
addition within tie next four months,
end court costs.
Returning from the hospital on Mon-
dayafternoon after visiting her sis-
ter. Miss ,Wittnifred Bali, Mrs. G. W.
Black fell on Victoria street and frac-
tured her arm.
Miss Ball, who was severely burned
recently when her dressing gown Was
ignited by the red-hot WitOis of an
electrh• heater. is progressing favor-
Billy 'Ruffen. eight-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buffet', has a bad-
ly crush0 and bruised hand as a re-
sult of an experiment on ltiaturday
which resulted in his hand- being
drawn into tbe wringer of 111.s' mother's
washing meeltine. Nu bones were
A dear old hely returned from Inc
visit to France. "What Impressed
you 111(5(1 'i" she Wil.s
"Well," she replied, after a moment
or twiee thought, "le.think it wits the
Prenell 1108-58 111 singing the mayon-
na lee."
.1414ISMT Mt 74102.
Barrister and Solicitor.
Sun Life Bldg. tAdelatde and Vietofia
streets. '
Telephone: Elgin 5301 •
Tbronto 2.
Live Stock and Genera! Auctieneoses
• Elgin Ave, Otelerich
Sales made everywhere and all efeorta
made to give you satisfaction.'
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted,
Phone 11
- esteemeeeeeeswee
T1R. G. E. 4 1 B.V.,
Gradtzete of the ,Ureversity of Torente
and graduate of the Qntario Viterinars
Office on Ringetoin street across from
3. Calvin Cutt's store. Phone 206W.
- 3tEpttm.
nil. F. J. R. FORSTER.
D ,
Late House Surgeon New York Orptit- •
thahnlo and Aural Hospital' assistant ai
leloorelleld's Eye Hospital and Golden
Square 'Throat Hospital, London, Eng.
Eyes tested, glasses supplied.
' 53 Waterloo St. p.,. Stratford. Tel*.
phone 267.
Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich.
fourth Wednesday of each month from
2 to S p.m. only.
DRUGLESS FroseirrrzoMet.
ITIERRAST. oornrarea
Equipped with electro-magnetle baths.
Electronic electric treatment and chiro-
practic. Chink, organic and nernitio
diseasee. Lady In attendance. Ogles
home 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
Friday, and Saturday, and on Wednes-
day 9 to 12 a.m. °city. Consultatkal
may be hate by appointment, Mondai
and Thursday at Mitchell.
A. N. NrK/NSON, residence and
oMce, corner of South Street and Brt•
tannla Road. Phone 341.
OPPICERS—Prealdent, Mex. Broad.
foot, Seaforth ; Vice-Pre31dent. Thos,
Monte, Seaforth; secretary-iteasurer,
Ter. A. Reid, &Worth. .
DelliECTORS—Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; James Sholdice, Walton; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris. Leonhard;
Dublin; Jas: Connolly, Goaerich: Thos.
Moylan, seiforth; W. H. Archibald,
Setiforth; Alex. ItecEwirg, Myth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton. •
LIST Q - AGENTS—Eldred Yee,
Ooderich R.. It. 1; ;lames Watt, 411yth:
John E. repper, Brudetleld. R. It. No. 1:
R. P. MeKercher, Dublin, R. It. NO. I.
Chas. F. Hewitt, Kincardine; R. 0. Jar.
muth, Borthohn. R. R. No. I.
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