The Goderich Star, 1937-12-10, Page 1,x• E XT, rra, OLU rYOZT D( , Toy WON. 010,4 Ess• stk. ,• necortjFth, .IP . iPII. Scott . .. Piriiiti !kith• tO Lilt Of 01,0,4,1i1, 4 , 6. sWER:tolitsAr ItoyaIt4n VIliel)ntled-"414* Make Trouble on Land and Wat , Strong winds -and bearY 'sne'wfalls In the last three days have Playetl. havori• with trathc .on oadg gikd iueitigirtenya or' 't he Prei,inee.::getterally„ Wild:: heavy-, seas: Ithe, Oreat Ukeo hive lield up'Olgtoi4Osc: trAv.o: days. 04riekio snowbound t1iltic '011114Y) r g; trneke .are held:Up awaiting 'the Arrival . trrolineigl Dio*o ,atr, totnptigg te'OPen \thettr,hlglryiTYS. •.and 'conunerclat:.trrOellers',are)'intpetiently t' be, lonuneneentent exereisog 1-47o1Wgiate kagtitute On Tio,trOg7 Trinelpat .4. *Ott referred wltii ju-Stillable Oride "to :the -enViable 1 01"1.1.1°:041. iglif'76i1.-**(ikbik , ut Ivineing tee -,Sehelarehips,.. , ° .1,stfin, lar*PO. won as felt, .4„e'svc Veterbna" Weed and 'Earl, Adamson Pr14 .113nnald- $.11:eardoilfrik ' and 'XiiM", •afarlerie Calder ,A XelKittt. • tlnniS -0Strang' ;11(4inorial;, %aegif°Y,'Inle*Oritil. and thirdICa' rter, `rnemoria,t, , for- eoUnty„ • • Robert .thtfueo.,, tly,, 90601010 and dlrsti(7arter or, nroti county, Harold Mr..‘ • igeotr ,stated : that tifOrt-livo 0.0 ee of 0040, oehofitroilpf3.14-the•iee ' twenty ,)••earg hate been mon hY, ,G?der.. l'Colieitute*Stfidentit;'-', .• . eJPrieciPal svelte 1.11, intQl.VSt1n4 Allnet• CO the changes in the.-eurrleu- liant thie.year,:..and Ofrfurther ehangea leritleh W.4): Pe . neat year. t .k Plan 40 send.:•ent*Oetober TOpelstA • :the,..studente,.,.;eregtees• ba€1.'been •abandOned.;.e*Ing. and, Ws distrlet is no exception, ahies ItriK „,0.(401,0f.41)1/011(i4,-, lug; 0.804, 'long overdue at' Mielatel, re- 1oi-tedly IS safe. in40ehee Barbor itt Atiehipleotext Island. Among her crew are Steward 'Bonny and Lionel Clarke, both of Goderieh, 'Vhe steamer 40Ye1ton, 'NI route from Fort William to Owen Sound With Storage grant, is unreported in the storm svveePfue tale, Great Lakes. Wilfred greettWootl,*. Goderich boy, a member of her crew. • ston • •-••!., o Mon in Several Western Ontarjo Countks Vlre Ye' Penitentiary was. the .Sentenee iMPOSed. On tents' ':tentY41,117'0+" eicte and. anteti Fnstei, tyOgr,ttorne, of " • Magistrate iMakitts. on Thuesder to twenty-six eharges efbreakieg, entering and theft, in October "and. ,November, which netted-them'itiot Valued at .':..4!.tc ars 741(". P°;r"t)%tedlYtl4:4I"tlei11r't40nueftheliet01 teWhen', they ..sold'• the stolen. jewellery, mr,hicit "minded watches, lbws, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, earrings,gold elf,ains and medals. They did not littei solely to gad,' 'hoWevers, for listed among the ebitrgee was :theft oftwochildren's moneyilianit#'0:;.:44,: alarm cloOk, and a .Onsidernble sunt In eaSh, including, • at one Obtee. "iitsliver dol- lar and. liftyLnine Twenty,seven charges Were real; bit the youths4;,pleatted het gtzlity to one of Ste•440g two 'Sit* VO 14 eash and -rings and bi*Veiett from. the home of Gordon Hutt -Ole TillSettbarg. This one eharge was adjettrnect a, week for t`ttr- titem.,jeeeettge t ;• 4,“ JOHN JOYNT DEAD • v.. Well-known Reside* of Udine* and Former. M. P. The deaths -occurred on Thursday evening at his liome at Ititteknovv of John Joynt, ex.ILVP., at the age. 'of •ighty-one year& Mr. joynt In re ent years, had had --several severe at. ifeks of Illness, whith left him iti a weakened eendttien, •Re welPknOwn ,tigure in the Ieditikt- , . Of ,P011003700.3* Princlpai, loresiiti• that next t: term bistorY auttlgecgrObk and ethi * 41;4410 -eking. oabi*ttf :•woniti: be tungh one,ee and. be.regrOtted that the iat . 'Itilteuneement of the,additiOni of heitse, held .econotni4 and 'Shop Vork to :th eurtieuturn .net''''4110W.04'"ettillelen Moe tor the, necessary,ohatigeS. to b Made for the4se subje ts!. to be. talce. :upth!fg year, •• •• New • believe the eeW Cent., is a Mor in Vie right directiOni.'othr..Aft. 'SOO sThe ..i()Pag People- are.living In eon dltiohs eetireltdifiterent Itoni those o • .0.e Age in • .uP'• '1n the the, InterestsInterestsOf ''Oineatien . We cannot expect -the • students to -be. • 14 contact with with...the ,e-peaVtlktttAtvklos. of Oetside interests atd-,ettil Put In the proper amount Of tiMe required for the sclieet work they siter.itoit called 404 to atudy.", . Other . chops the Studentwould weitoine were the ,additieli3Of- Maide to the .fkrst• two years and the ,Optioniti study of 'Latin,tin, *Welt 'bee been taken from the first Year studies,.8aid the lorinciPal. • , _ Stott;.alsti foresawthe Opinion of Middle . seheol_VPIPAlla,40#‘ tOr, -*hen, second-class certiilcates are dOne away ' with. . • • . The assembly' hall was flfled to efi:- ,.piteity with students, • their parents:mid .99 ' re'ketiebto4 iSS Doris Plante,. Who 'headed the 1 commercial elaas.in general Pre- ncy, reeeived it hantisomeL_ medal ‘rofromMiss at. catatoen, 'retired Cora- nierelal teacher, • and ilitAathas ' were •_presented to the following:Nkisseif • Mary ]van, Betty NeWtOn, iDoris 'Plante, Marion 4Webstr. Those en- - titled to diplomas who were absent- on 1"hur"sfday night were MisseS 'Teresa Maeehler: Nancy°. tlarke, „Irene Oster' and panel& MeMazins..• - This (iFiriday).- night, When the Pro grala to be repetitecL Principal •Scott Will-,,preizenti academic • diploinas to Helen Archer, Iteith Arthur, Marjorie Arthur, Harold Asquith., Marjorie (41- -...--der-,-Agees Campbell,. John Cutt .11 • . _T4 : 7,U til. circles as a member ' of- the Conservative party. represeuted. :North Heron In the Legislature for two terms, 3.9l1fY to 1026. The funeral will take place on Mon. -- day next, with a service at the family residence at 1.130 p.m. and it pubito,.. kservice in the United churoli ftt 2 o'clock. •- ,internierkt will be in'Oreeir. hill (*MOODY ' • • W. A. ANNUAL a ., . rgtO • • ••• •'Prgeeiltarif94, Iteetor and Mrs. Cal- der -.aa SIIver Wedding GLft. f The of g•t: • Georges elnireh .teld Its erteual meeting in the Guild room *on TUOSdaY, December 7th, with a good .attendiince. Atter the officers had .:presented their reports, showing. an exceptionally:- geed" year, Mrs'. -Cal- oder left.the eheir. and Rev .A. O.:Cal- ' der condirdted the, meeting. .The offi- cers for the-year,arif.e: Itionorary presi- dentat Afre. learkle,andldrs. ffiill ;.presi- • dent, 'JNitler; , vice -Presidents Itra, iPostey -secr.e- tary, ,MrS; Tielftttirne; teseli3tant secre- tary, Mrs: Ne*9,04,,o; 'press secretary, 31gs M; Ificielte.t0if; treasurer; Miss Violet Taylor; ' envelope convener, Airs. Alev09110t;._,P,11*AS-...seere.rari, Ars. 'Aterzeeiborcas committee, Mrs. Clarke MrS.--.Ginn; tea Convener Mrs.. ; social service convener, left to be filled at a later meeting; secretary of cent -a -day fund, Mrs. littitter;. leaflet secretaries, Mrs. Black-. Stohe; Miss M. Middleton. An interesting feature after the elec- tion of officers 'Was the- presentation to Donalda Jones, Bentri4 halt, W1ion Xnight, itahert MactDini•; aid,' Marlon MacKay, Vera. MacLeod. Gordon .31chlatms, Katherine Murray, Margaret abseil% O'Brien, Eve- ii7 Plaetzer, Irenefltpbinson, Lenore linazel, Agnes Thornelee, Kathleen Tyn. • (tall and john nareltke • . ditY11isi:,41tteDenald will he pre- et:kited With a Prise.for outstanding art work. b -Last •NightliProgram prevail" opened ,wlth about :Vise 04,41Tafteli former secretary -of the WA:, and Iles, Geo: Holman, presi- dent of the Junior WA., of Diocesan life -Memberships In recognition of their yenrs of faithful service. On November 27th Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Calder celebrated their silver wed- ding anniversary and the ladies of the W.A. took this occasion to ...preterit them with a silver fioWer basket and bonbon dish, The presentation eame as a compiete surprise, but Mr. and Mrs. Calder both responded feelingly. The tea table wae decorated. with 'mums and two birthday cakes, the care les :being lit by mrs. calder and MISStNafteL' children, Elaine Webb; Marjorie' liaethler, Ruth Corn- field, Ma. Ahl, Dan _Waiter, Donald Stonehouse, 1011as. 'Wigle, John Hol- land, The part of. the little latne boy was taken by, Billy Drew. kgrisital seleetiene were a piano solo 1)3 Mies-tilleeteSogle and a piano duet thirty lower school girls, le.sehool ea - /forms, sifiging "Begone, Dttli Cate?". 414iithat Can the Vatter !Be?" and '"Au lair de la, tatne." s ptetty eloating tap dance Was then- ol'41Ited in sprightly manner by eight In abbreviated red and white Win- ter •They Were Patricia h costum Oraig, Elaine Wbitel.Y, bitelYn O'Brien,, lean 'Sebieler, Elestortleison, Maxine :e. Wilson, 'Pearl. Parrant and rattine:,* tIolineton. MI88 icitiol.st*# 4Jr.,k was fo -,t(ecoMPanlist, , W e oioeful production . Wee "The, Pled ift Piper," the. age-eld storY beIng r 0 di th an Misses /Helen Ate.her and Mary Iloward. * 4 lovely presentation was the inauSe flea Bereeres," those taking part . the Iteethetic tyaltz .being MIsseg ,Agties,Thbrneloe, Naomi Web - ter. at1iryn t1tt1 Helen . Archer, titry illoWartt and Julia -Shepherd. 4 numorous Play "TicklesS Tittie"-was the titleof the .utuoree0 onc!act,play which brought Ile- program to a elose. . jaelt Weir and Verna Plante, as Mr tei Mrs, itan- Joyce,. *provided tile titidation,*for the hinnorous episodes hen they -decided to seek the "truth" nd banish all their tireepieees in fa- Ot°4f,the teal truth of a eun-dial the mbitions lutsixtud had, erected. A tferenee of tweety minutes betweee tne fuliT reproduced, . With, the. exteptien* of the introduction of ti .horde of rats. elt Iteliftmottwas the piper ing refttied his thousand - gliders e,Mayor and teuneil after.riddiug the'Village of rats, lttred the thildren ' away to; the bills. Each member of The east carried the, 1'140411g DrAfife lit an excellent nottitter. ediea eat t Mayer,- -11-ateld -1Sherei 41(k1111#11.. rat Jilume, Js Abell, Bill Thorneloe,.,-Douttid tlehttstoe; eitirktis, •.3-eatf MoodY•, Pea Worthy, Chester Chanieal and solar tinie resulted In 0 upsetting of plang.„ for a dinner fry which was to be attended' by Mr. d Mrs.I.Eddy 'knight (jack Smith d Mary Therneloe). Helen MaciEwatt "stole, the show" as Plaintive eeok who, without her When Clock, kept running to andfro titvert Ann -dial and kitchen, timing e ,varieus itigredients -of the tri- ton:ling moat • th ,k1 th NDAY N- GOIWRICH FOR DOTTY REEVE 1 t2 4 0 9 17 A ' 9 80. 6i 44, .4A 18 45 OS 9 or 40 V- 44 48 Isitiorlty ter ttrown.,*22, 1004 titicisttatt,i,o Jon, AS 83 91 00 0- 91 ker ..4*$4•04..001vai.4,4010.44*41 00 0/ 42 Si 10* .4-00.0.1(444 0.**14144441, ,• 4/4044,1'.7414000114441944'11414 4110:•01.::144.1010/ 1j4 12'4 Total Ca 66 78 - 780 `.21 54 - 458 83 36 91 81: :40 01 ,8d - 110 .44 St 8t3 ' 37 '102 .02 0* 14 - 144 434teu an -olvortunIty to learn trades 20 16 .08' . 41 1.1'461'.throtigh .6'1'6010 .tioternM*,-projeetis 77 , 78 *40' 18 660' . . • . '1,4-- 81 41 66 010 liti'd° It* 310iiiirsielA***1.4041. Itst•th. ' 17 , 'tg tn. training ''. Meirtinient, . 04 .. yen* Men bletUred here are Making eXeetleii4`,: alt. 1.4 shockingly andilen ,ot L'atb itel F. Vbyard, Arovfilww, x*40.0,-0: Dungannon, '1bIeh oeeurretl at .44..`reoklitar '496PitaX,• early;°,thls '(rdclar)',444ratiltz • ;,„ • Ur. rhyard,.;.**);,:r,. -et*e year thas been, manager: Of ethe telePheigt central, on/00 at OUngtinnen, Ivas Men suddenly lit .Yesterday-lu jWatbbrought; :to'theAtospital lwre foru hofilla opeok- 004. Tids.',,Avransg- suenntbed t ti teatt..tittacic,, -iun5t al aLniii• p TY, G. 0.0 14• 1;0 8°M12/: , On nomiey at thehOtileglato in- stitute 't,)bilip Voider wni4 Chosen presl- dent or the :Literary Society, Other ettieera lamed We're ",allss 'Gladys liode, vice-president ,Areiter , treasurer; Jack 'Weir, seem- tarY ; thou *Amu), progre secretary. ` AO 1 .T00 *Milt **STE 1 An over-enthsislastle ratepayer, tra- velling. the Short war, 444 ineidentally the wrens: Wale around the the ISquare on 10.0ndak night 10 a lekrry to ..get the. election returns at the • Town Hall, .erashed'into„a eyelid Oar East street. t The eyellet. 'Billy PwAtw.ortib; escaped itrjurkis. but his bike, was badly swished. Complete repairs Were promised by the motorist. IA.:CAM:LOWY: nee, illiraWbn-Itielithirtifeity- six; charges: . Career,Oteeked 14.111nroit County — The young men, -who have records :dating hack to 194.and Reformatory terms behind theta, Worked for the tuue tebaecii, farmer 14 Norfolk coun- ty and tbgether 'Started out en ti* "easy money" route 'whieh resulted, In more than thirty, thefts. la NerfoUt, Perth, Oxford, iWel1111.01.11 alel Unreel cortlities,1 ,^47,40 operated safely before coining to Huron county to Perpetrate live daring thefts between' Exeter and 'Clinteit on Neovelnber 27but three days later they- were put behind bars by [Erigh 1Constable P. E. McCoy, of Huron. On Thursday the young men pleaded gulltrcto live charges of ibreakittg, en- tering and thetrIn'Hurop, nine in Ox- ford county and twelve in Wellington county. Other charges may be for- warded from Norfolk and Perth oUlt ;ersinton a CounciIHuckjn and 111110161k .0010•604 • he:TWA., VOnnell of 4oderich for 038 will bo ceinpos,01. as pi:Iowa:* , 41.4Yer,•74:t. J. A. 3T4oRwall. , iDepaty Reeve -4. *meas. Brow, Oeuacillors-Mrs. ‘Itnn itietherfni, ton? W. J. Baker, 4, Oraigle. Darld Sproul, Ilingbant, L. Salkeld. rbiling...,neld on Uluday for the of -- tic, of deputy reeve and eouneillors, the otherluembets baring been eleeted by atelametion, resulted tion 'Of 11. D. Brown as deputy reeve and of the Six eouncillors named eberq, Mr. "Brown defeated 4. E. Backlit% deputy reeve of 1037, by a ;vete Of 780 to 451. 40has. Humber failed . of re-elft.tion as eounciller, being low 'Man of the seven candidates, stk Jean Hetherington, wile beaded the poll for councillor% is a neWeenter ,in the tuunicipal field and was ,the houtinee of . the Local Council of Wo - Mtn. David Sproul conies back to the Councirafter being out for several years. ;The vote by polling divisions is given elsewhere. , or .;.441 ;-24h ,Orty held. iu the ledge rooms on Wed, • Meat ,have reason to be jubilant over neday-nlibt by 1.4.0„4 No. 1192. The -whiners euehre were Miss 00ek end lieliner,'-and at, "4007 -15fitIRob-,. ert Bell and Mr.. Jos. pluek. A luneh- eon Was served by members of the L.O.IL. The- comMittee in charge of the evening wasleompased of 'Worship- ' the marked. suecess of their first at- tempt to elect a menxber 0! the Coun-cil . _ "The Council is drOPping its H'a," was -remarked at the Town Hall as the returns were coming Ile The size of Douglas Brown's major- ful Master E. V. Cleveland, Jas. 4.daul pniqilare been ourprise to his ond J. Hubner, - most sangttille supporters.. -' Question, around the Town Hall: FOR THE BRIDE -ELECT Shall we have to •keep. our pipes hi our Miss Nonie Barlow, who -will bec-ome pockets at committee meetings here- after? " '"•`• " ' the bride of Mr. Chas. &owe the last week of December, Was the guest of honor at a dinner held at Wong's Cafe on Tuesday night by htv fellow -work- ers on the permanent staff of the People's Store. Mr. Ct Schaefer, man- ager of the store, presented Mies Bar- low with it handsome silver basket in behalf those PrAsent: Mr. Geo. t Another question at the Town Bali Where is this woman business •going to quit, anyway? ' 'Reeve Turner Is •tiow the 'only sur- vivor of the "solid five" of the Coun- cil of 1934. Seabrook-Moser--;Iluek- ins-Humber-all rnlsslng The new feoundl wil not meet me- n the lOth of January. • A reader submits the following as the -first New Year's greeting to the Council of MS: May your progress be gainful and pleasant, Over roads. that are sameth and serene; With kindness and every contentitent To keep your affairs bright and clean. c Ress and :Misses Dopna Bell, Irene Jet- ties nex'-t week. tory, S ' The Huron, county victims are Nel- iOlive nnes and Esther Murray. heardown, Marion Mc - son Sheere, of Exeter,"and ALlan John- ston Herbert McKay James Aiken - . , head and Byron • Boweliffe, all :on -No. 4 highway between Exeter and Clin- ton. • • Riva . Gold Melted Down Till loot is irretrievably lost, accord, Friction. In the ranks -10 local hockey ing .tee.10rOwn ItterneY lilolnies, the -guls has resulted in an unusua. gold having been melted down and the _mo situation in Gedericie the entry of two cash spent. The five Huron thefts 8,1one betted the pair jewellery valued intermediate• teams in Western c9,0 to r ro at about Hockey AssocIatiou competition. $W5. %There the material is to be found The thefts eovered a period • from for two Ittermediate• teams so far re - October 1.& to November 27, and were mains a mystery, but Jake•SieDottgall, furtirlably conducted along the one boss, of the Sailors last year, is goiLi t, plan. Poster and Wakefield would. ap- ahead with his organization this year proach la. house when the occupants ie opposition .to the aireadyforayed club headed by Elliott Drennan, whieli has entered intermediate and junior teams In the W. O. H. A. • It will be interesting to see, the tw) rivet taetions in action against each other, if they' ever reach the ice stagy.. And while- the petty _rivalry among woulthbe- managers is causing discord aroong the players. John Public is sit- ting back with fouled hands awaiting the vre°sti.te°m.e of --t-he. fa retell I manoeu - FARCICAL SITUATION Hockey Organizations Enter Teams in W. 0, 11. A. •••••••••••••••••••••/... were not at home and would make a systematic search for "old gold" in the shape or trinkets and jewellery. Often, they reported, it was not necessary -to break in -doors were left unioeked, particularly In the rurel sections: With the arrest of roster and. Wake- field at iTIllsorthurg a third young man, Walter Turnbull, also *as picked Up for alleged complicity in the major- ity of thefts outside Huron county. He Is held in J411 at Stratford. Ninting out the records of retiter and 'Wakefield, Crown Attorney Ilelmes asked that the pair be sentencedto a penitentiary tertix. Probably more charges would be forwarded from Aylmer, he said, •btrt he asked that sen - tepee he imposed immedtately. Defence Counael'a Plea "The only thing in their favor," said counsel for the accused, "Is that these young men never carried firearms, nor did they resort to violence." 'He described them as victims Of idleness, whieh • often, he claimed, paves the Way to crime, "It is eery difficult for a single man to got relief from a Inuticipality," said counsel. "I believeit is the policy of. the Provincial. Government to re- train from helping young single men. These young men wouldn't get mar- ried, as some have done, to get on re- lief." "I am sorry to see two young men of your type with such- an array of offences," remarked His 'Worship, "but I doubt it you were driven to thievery by lack.of work. 'Yoe weren't looking for work. "The victims of your thefts must have some protection. Yen deliber- ately, time after time over all this territory, committed crimes- without respect for law and order. I atn go- ing to sentence you to live years in Portsmouth ,Penitentlary, sentences concurrent on each charge," THANKS FROM ITUNA, SASK. Ituna, November 17, 1937. Rev. D. J. Lane, Goderleh, Ont. - 4-tev. Sir„ --,,The cat of vegetables, fruit. .etc., you yhipiled to this point reached here In splendid eondition, and was distributed. among 273 fami- lies. •Will you convey to the donors of this very generous gift the sincere and grateful thanks 0; the 273 recipients and oar committee? Yours very truly, FRANK J. COOKSLEY. MOTHER AND BABE INJURED Car Skids When Driver Applies Brakes to Avoid Collision Mrs. Ernest Peachey and baby daughter, !Ruth, sustained painful in- juries to head and face when the ear In which they were riding on Wednes- dny night skidded on it slippery road and crashed into a tree. The driver, Ernest Peachey. escaped injury: The accident happened on (Britannia rid when Mr. Penehey stepixid on the brake to avoid hitting it car crossing Mita n n la At Wellington street. Mrs. .reachey suffered facial abrasions and the baby it bruised forehead and a black eye. - The ear is -as blully dam- / aged. f I , ') "0 441111 04)4 (AAR, 4t4 CtIPPER TOY 111..tRi84141„0 AND' TO 1.10003E 'VOA) '1AVAPV SVIIK 1 TEA AND BRIDGE 1444 of WefIneeflita, linar Att4iiieri.of • *00144 Stager Club auterit$toi afternoon tee and widge VittY. 'Was :held by the menkbers the klargaNt &tiger hail on 'Wednesday' afternoon. and eteaing: Vs. I), N,4Devisker vas Convener of the tea and a sale Of bon* batting was Conducted. 14 3.1es, .111. in, Hill, 4114., Laura 1$alkeld and Atiss Edith iltaberts. arrar for an 4411411, eoadueted by P. E. Caluebello prealdent or the (little for the eittteeleutenliteris.,otr,St, illTak*.07.*1,44LStaa• won,- by La isous. Mre. Edith 'Raker • and" Iktra.-R. C. Rays veere in charge of the bridge in the evenieg. 'Nine tables were occu- :pied, and the winners were Miss Reek and Mr. 111,-„g-Wbatel4y. A special prtz.a.4tor Atoll by Mr. 11, J. MeMehen, r. t, • ' MEN ENTERTAIN LADIES Losers in Hecent ..Match --Give .Ditmer 4:1)1•014sant OrOlfing WAS spent by tneuibetzil or the Goderieb 41ri1ke Club -when the men entertained the ladies at„.a. dinner held at the club quarters on Thursday evening. The.•men: who were 1Ofsers in a recent team -of -four ma teh, outdid themselves in giving the ladies a ,genttine !treat. A vote of thanks was tendered to Slessrs. A. A. Nicol and IL Johnston, the committee by .whoixt arrangements,. .04-„theellineete.w6 -Itt Or. 'zitereet ing three teamsplayed off, resulting .in a win for Bev, A. C. 'CR !der, Mr. P. ..T. Bolsby, Mr. D. D. Mooney and Dr. „T. A. Grabani 'by one match over Mrs. Saunders. Airs. flays, Mrs. Coulthttrat and Mrs. J. SI. Johnston. The *In- ners will now meet mrs:,) Meal. Mrs, Graham, Mrs. Hume and Mr. P. F. ettre;v in the finals. • Besides this tnatelt another game Was held, resulting as. follows: let, M114 IL J. XleMelien and Mr. F. Donnelly, Plug IPA; 2nd, Mrs. Graham and Mr. ;C%trey, plus 514 ; 3rd, Mrs. Cal- der and Sir, Geo. „Tenney, -plus 5. JO - Tilg WINTER PLERT The arrival of the steamer Gauen- doe, light, on Sunday afternoon from Alpena and the Wna. Schupp frOin the head of the Lakes on Monday, with a winter storage cargo for the Mill, brings the total number of. ships win- -tering here to eight. It Is not ex - :Acted thie number will be Increased. The winter fleet is Compose/1,ot the freighters Ganandoc, Waterton, Geo, R. Donovan, Ratline, tPrindoc, Brim!. doe and Wm. iSchupp, and the passen- ger steamer Georglarr. Three Young Men Released on Parole al••••1016 Several Cases in Magistrate's Court Held Up by Snow -blocked Highways • .tlevoral cases srateAl for the Magis- trate's Court on Thursday a fternoon were adjourned okIng to the inability of complainants. accused or witnesses to reach ()oder-felt beca use of _snotv- blocked roads.. First Arthur Verity, of the Ontario SecuritleS rommistdon. telephoned that „his ea r was • stud( a t Kinloss with Slessrs. Mahon and Bagwell. solit I. tom- as pa SSengert4. Titey had at- tempted to make the Journey front Walkerton. . Aceordingly the cam. aga Imo Jos. A. Morgan. 1101111 1411 1 emu, n, was ad- journ( -d. ,Nlorgatt also was unable ) melt Cloderich. Then witnesses in another eas+e tele phoned filth' Wingitatn to say they bit (1 taken horse and put ter that fa r a ml were unable to proceed farther. Re- sult- another adJourntnent. .41 few minutes In ter Eimer Keller, pint r.ged with sten ling a cow, tele- phoned front 13 rucetield t ha t he, wit It his -bondsmen and WitmiSses, were held up 'by a .Provinelal snowplow, stuck In !rifts near that village. Snow Delap'i Magistrate Time marched on. Two o'clock came and Went. it 11(1 then. Wa St 110 Illa irtstra le. Officials were just about ready to tali the whole thing off when 1Vorship alighted frotn the :Urfa. ord-..Goderleit tins ablott 2.30, nearly u hour late as a result of the snow. •hoked highway. Court finally got under way. Magi. rate Makins dealing with the Bay- trlo who the previous week were mind guilty of the theft of 1111 115500 - nent of artieles of clothing from a 'iodurich dance ,ba(l. The three young ten, New toft 01111 ../a 11)04 gturgeou 011(1 Oanadin n history - -Ruth Cornfield. it ri 1.4w Itzor w ho had been In jail on general Profielency (donated by the emend about two weeks, were paroled Maple Leaf (lhapter, the care of Rev. W. G. Bugler. TinyJ 4rif1ttnetle-,411fidys Colelough, gen- era! proficiency (donated by IL' Stene - house). Home and School Club Prizes Liquor the Cantle General proficiency, Jr. IV Luclik. Pa tterson Genera I proficiency. Str. 111 --Verna Sillier. Oorterel proficiency. Jr. 111 --Otto General proficiency, Sr. II -Beryl KIntlerson. *' General proficiency, Jr. II -Barbara (Henry, Virginia Chase. General proficieneY, Sr.. I --(Donald. Stott, Eleanor Martin. 'General profteleneY. pelmer---Joan Seott, jean 110Doivell. General proficiettey, morning kinder- garten elassatharine Outt. .„ General proficiency, afternoon' kin- dergarten class -Phyllis Johnston. LEARNING THEIR TRADES UNDER OVERNMENT SPONSORSHIP • ....„11,•••••..1,11. a • .1•••., COMM Oiled. the, ore- ramt ts JottitlY Sponsored bv retletitl and 11'101061st Otirlittinen IS as It hixearte Of *eriatitit eyed youths for profitable isosItietittbit htdustry..„ soot Man 'it the -left 16 trittbletine knowledge in it ttrafittord, oat., mould - tag Watt, while Itt the right, ago and $outb- toot to to -ordinate theft know- ledge and atilt/00a in II machine- shoo, stator Itt thla ease Is a '6hp brie - 6 Intry,Arites *derail *Mph:46C IAsserting Hutt liquor obylonsly via th e ('11 11*,(1 of nub 3*oung men's trenhic, irk worghip reeouttneittled that sten4 ho token to plaee them on the "Indian ii?%f.•• so that they might neither oh fain drink In a beverage room nor pm- chaep liquor a( A liquor store. F. G., Weir. XT.. announced that sIv 1 of oven pereons charged with failing ' to partbage a radio license had paid tines and coots out of eourt. The vevenfh, a Goderich woman, stated MO VireldY had it Herm*. which bore the Keno date de that on whieh the eharge MIA laid. 9 The cape watt'adjourned it week, as the eemplalaant, A. R. ClineheY. radio Itispeetor of the Nark* Department. 'phoned in that tit' would be unable to Per best plot in $6001- garde sme attend eourtas he was snowbound. at 7 Mikited Dexter and 1.Aitte 146- stlaeardine. . , I tow- Jet.watinued on page is) ,r it Prizes P at Of le Seho 4" '4.4141Airr% Ruth Cornfield int, Kaithlor Ewan Rogoive Robot Momoriat Methdo On , Friday atteinoon last the , per - loci from 3 o'clock WAS Oren u fn the l'farlea'rnemr0rIlle1414'"O'clr— diatriblition of the diplomas. and prireo , earned bY :the pupils in the last sehoot year. 'This was in lieu 'or the usual connuencement exercises, which were forgone this 3*ear Weems° of the epl.-• demie of infantile paralais 111 SeP-, teuilter. 'Members of the 1037 entranee class tvho had graduated to the Collegiate Institute were invited buck to 'Victoria -for the occasiou, mid Itispeetor Boa - cow aed -W. L Robertson Were- - present to assist Principal Stonehouse and Assistant Principal W. K. Thom- son in the prize distribution in the en- trate* toore. Inspector .Beacont in addressing the class cengratulated the school upon its splendid ishovving in the high school" 'entrance cx,amination. There were thirty -fire candidates this year, and tbirty-live passed. Of these • seven- teen obtained first-elass honors and six lakiii‘ionts*-4514tewvea tmitemo;', AkiK4rift,el-ir=r- t up -dr Wichers - and pupils. alike. ThatpuplIS of Victoria setteei are developing the habit of reading was evidenced In the' distribution of read-. ing -diplomas: One of these diplomas Is given for -the reading of twenty, books, and he large' nember earned was the :subjeet of -commendation and congratulation by the speakers. Sev- eral- pupils earned two diplomas, and one bright young 'girl received four, denoting the reading of etghty books. Tile litkert Park mittnorial medal Ruth Cernfield llecely, t! Medal ' I&tag of Yietopla efehool was prosente0 for highest standing obtained by a member of the high sehool entrance to !Ruth Cortilleldity- Ifispiletot ttleaeorat. Thls medal, witit a similar one for the head pupil of Central 'school, is given each year by Mr. Victor Lauriston of Chatham in metnory ofhis late !ether, a former wine! pa i of the Goderich Pub- lic schools, and is highly prizedby the winners from year to year. With- , leen Macgwan was the winner at Cen- tral School. - 'When Miss Cornfield was called up, on as valedictorian of her class, she delivered it heat little speecb. of if`P' predation of the efforts of the teach- ers, and on behalf of _the graduating elites presented Principal. (Stonehouse Ittid Assistant Principal Thenespn each. with a leather 'billfold.- , The re- etilraineionts. responded with expressions of • Tire list of awards at Victoria fichool Is 08 follows: Graduation Class Fir:ft-titles gonors.--41azel Boyce, Donald Vhase, Gladys ('olelough, Malt' •Cortiticid. John llollando Helen How- ard, Douglas MacDonald. Betty Me - Nee, Georgina Mills, Adidas Milne, Donna 510liting, Joan Mood', Itob‘,..rt Pink IlIttil. Ka Ilileen Robertson, Donald Vickers, wm. witliams„ Ruby Second-class lIonors,--Sulu Benja- min. Mabel Bradley, Mary MacDonald, Grace Morgan, Shirley Nivins, Heloi Thl7sstIL.Euniee Allen, Morley DitiOnkt- Reid. (Hire- TIrtidley, 'tensor* beer. Evelyn Doak, Rena Ellett, Ordella Fisher, Wm. Hill, iMarjorie Miller, Helen 31111s, Alma Sioliring, Dorothy l'irblado. Entrance . Class Prizes vorntield, highest ma rks Itt t he cia.s (donated by Victor '411ttristott). Second :highest y 'Jean MeNee (donated by the Women's Institute). Colnpreettion-Joa tt -Moody. general proficiency (donated by W. 11. Robert- son)." Grammar---dletty -IfoN'eegeneral proficiency (donated by the Abmeek Chapter, 1.0.1D.E. . Reeding---41azel Boyce, general pro- fielency (donufed by L f, Knox). Geography----4Ituth ('ornfield, general Profielency (denoted by 11. R. Long). Writ I n t h Vornfield. ° general proficiency (donated- by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. (lole). Lltera titre -.Betty SieNeegeneral proficiency (donated by W. K. Them - son). iSeelling-.-/Denna 31ohring. general proficiency (donated by Vietoritt HOMO 011/1 (Selma, ('lub). Art - /Ruby Willis. general proficiency (donated ,by +Smith's Art Store). 11 11 eld reetor, and are to report back in ()nit on March 10th for final (114pm:t- 0o of the eharges. Wolters* Prilice