HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-12-03, Page 1•
.$ tots,
or, Keevet rot
i on Contest'
here win be! an, eleetiOn tontoet. in
o4eri•Oh MeAday.,Deeenlber but
P4.1: !Oil, the ste of depotr,reqe auci
havbig;been Ireeended'thi sev,e4., of the,
nrtogn Mantel:pat
Tliose returned - heelaMatiani are
OfiroVivitni Iwo*
erolit Cenunisate
to &hoe
at itito putPlio oteet40..g ,on may ht
Or the various volt:4st oWerit were;
recorded: as fellosvs:'*Y, Vfocin, Plerk
E. Is4rger--b
„" HuOkine5
•lid 31'. Itumlberi.
qL 4. ItlaolOwan-+A.
'0ititow aro 1). Brown.
tsiworome ana,
•• .
,t the 'Mt* a ,
tho. lettcler ip Taylo
4*14 411 .e14,04blo and sueO*11'411 sale
and afternoop tee A* the lecture room
*X.,;:no,.. Pmbyterian Ohltm
event Isig/ largely attendecis, .the
Ievioalized more thou
The koys- were 40taiOd, hiw • their
4114 -14' Atobt, nisPet. aid
/oirke•*, who acted ashosV
P. ;Miter and
11, who potired tea,
emir Petioles AfaeDonalai lio'Oort
0$1 Oratit JOhnetea, jpek • "remit
and Bb bua Nell
ThexoPoe*, -Ward3'PsvrievD0140* Orr
awl; riettgle.S. Orahaml tieket sellers,
Pat: Xittnici Abell:3144 .10ari•elciTte,
0.14 parsOna.-by II, 14 • A.
0014er'*illa-ride 04* ,T,:“.w:4,..piatit.r, *loft rgo' ,opt. 44 tIktlitiolk and
Ewan :Ward); _ illias0;!0 .10.pootheirkx„ iale'of larn..displaY,' of '.030e,s, matte
Vardr);'".;.,1w,0:„ .7 —7 by flit baysi,aiid. .Daer and Dan.
,auct 01, ' •Itieherts. OSt otmow:„.„03,--14,1, icvAgie .Nsraito-r4.in -cbarge o2 tike eandy
firgvea . booth...," • •
Two-niererrit'a! if
the, I feaw..
iitlegea,7 iinVe ; rpet4,
trate .4% A. 444., lter
'The' inerir IJOIS
night 1,4i4t; 'Were
10, _ ot by Unding %OA, 1).$
P t:41tt.1*'04'141 v uflU111 te61* Ifiegintr Vork
. ,Xewgate 'street botero 04 tar of 1*004 bob.,
therW.e.eile.,,U0d'atitte.ther'Weelg.',At,' r. voiat and ,orn,to the 4.Litodetiou.
• i1,eeted, U1 see the Oittt04 elevator ,r.trOOX, Oileng0;...4x0Vereeontt
4a- he':40,1141,4 S'eu th,0%.'10*0.401100.-•1**Atit g0110.01,.
t .40e. liehiteelteltea. „At -to -000a .aoit, :4004 toirod. aboo an
vt1004; beaded fu. *Kilter ne1.04*. the Beke,*•
tto v 'ellilf.kaleesaehrti*ttaitiefOrUKkal- *a* .4.00.44044000, :ter .xiper;
Lt '01.141414:1400:*' r411 `Nvelisti044"1#' erat ,,.houra• 41)Ont.' 'tV3, 4011_*it ,Ott• 'OA*
faely. foriV' vot *tele, rtppareette *WOO.
'iota.* 'than ,sosAlturen teta`Pl.,4,41' 1)., the, ilvtweeamt4r0.0 :t4114 -0 ,1t a otbetwtho":/tuta4r4.
tea ho 0
Nairn `11.*' *Nan4 'Pltufxb bor., htit ,Nr1141: alt 11-Y4v* •
'VW1bV9Ji6ating; dietitian et. gabelatag 40. ,
emlier k neat ,
ward - VrefIle0erte•eliegeedfiXii,.. , t „xtiVoyip,, The ro„otu Winkattra„ ctively decorated,
lace, 4vhe vas nterabor .09theOelieel ..ex p by the*, boy e le,ecedite, and with. 100igie
Board 'fer one term' t!ife ,)".01#0..'anct . Und-aueeee
.1.31ii°4et takeetlie .Pill*e 4010. ItIlli,'iroiiior4))i,...ereci,..1§,eabrook and •^ * • ", - •
.Ontt,'*110•Ivitta Netellk*4 the Boixifl• 'Bake • , • AT Tire .
iVor the office of -deputy' reeve there / (E. r rin
wake sad ito, a mixed -doubles threegaree tour-
.' ' ' ' ge at the Oyal ng eVi an
, a eattest* between j, 6, (114Eckhlflo; ptiarti, winners of orst
who :has bold the oftlert. thiS #,?ci !FOR, d4,10,PUT3t •11$11DVE • -.uts waxy Tobin • and
• Vreielieetbarlir, Baker. and; tiielteas., were' ' 9
E, Ilacraglas Brown erh‘o'lute-tie Or
tt. • '•- Marrs' Phelan, With a sea° of 1407,
` • ' Ceti Second Prigee were 'woo by -Xiss-
' several' ars as "eouncillor.
• • eslides',".thilw year's, eounditors .who j C. I. Allison an0 , 0 ,
. „ awn and, Ito g
seOr n
- • re."10
, •
tinier -ninrileipat lite, white ir---/"Tat - •
• #JS1JIrliLj L11& ThrariViiti .-41;5740142-Mir
- -•
out being aa to
The third 411
w4Wit allegedly was
Oxford, 18rellingtent ano Wrth.
14$ NV1P14
hargewS e
'14aCet het
,couatieSt, la held,. 41'e $tratfetil,,'"he, halt -
ing had, ne i1atrCl'in ';t4Vt'utiiO4.
.400, of
the : ps000tation,
00,a maa
4evertbeless,, ottor, enelcieix,ea 11)tells*oteria tban
Site gave toko, ana lotto ,equotly highlr 'the Poultdiuif\ tsYki,'00 smit0,40 418ailkat h.er
beries. ts *AttOt'lf.vicooy
; WAS 001 ,',1).,111'
evening that 3,4 i$ '"Je
txeter-, eateped. ",r,h041,
tteet' the trent doe
chase, but lost. hittk, an
the house to. 'eome, upou
In Mrs ft
l';IletheringtOn neWearaer, 4'4 Johnstob; ' • _ ' Temperatures of Our:last week and-
had',0•Orae 'ePerlarice? how- !iCr, Oraigle--by Green and
...ever, having been clerk Of cOltharae eingum„,
TownStrip. for A nataber ot years. ran jecotimoamon
At Ui� meeting -et. the ,]own D. ,*,Browizt-n-by Turner and
on Friday night, nominatlans poured (11-eo SChaefer. '
. •
in thiek ,and Test _Until, the ,ve4ry last, tn. s*eid-by B. a. tiAndsay
*flute+, 'Town 'Mork K'n." 1."•0("'d'ing and A, E: Bradley.
fortY'seVen *valuations' fer the Per* tura. jean setherington_by curs.
tem- P,Ineet4' ‘43, D, %vanes, and Mrs. Get). Johnston.
At the close of .the noMinauon per- c. Lee, by E. D. Brown and tw.
• iod, Dr. W. Jr; Ottitow 'chosen Baker. . , •
'ehairnian for the titteprtYpes' -meeting
akis Josie Stianders-eby John Cuth-
then, "eanimeneed, elid *Vera', ot ;Ale Ibertson and J.,II. Graham.
earielidatea- SpOire ' iales• Sta'hertaan--,7137 C. H. Humber
A dood)teart.844.*Yor and. n uookins.
atayor-elee011.7. A„,-.11StraCEwan, the . tC. 11. illumber-by Geo. Johnston
first Speaker, 'rerharkea that the -town and Bern. '
had. enjoyed, a „splendid year daring A. N'..Atkinson---by J.: E. JEL us
1037. The eretlit of °Wert& lies and O. H. Humber. •
were paid on time, and the.bnulc leen C• 'n3lbek, " j. mac.
was 44,000 less than .11, the same 'time :Ba.ketr--4by U. J.
last year. • - 'Ewan and j. n.s..
Ur. tlfeCEwatv tongratulated the tr• E. Ilingbram--rby B. J.-
• Week., The town •netter. Itaaked bets - lel. 0.• E. Allison an
been. kept exceueee. ow said, 1411 -debts 0. Craigie-by W. J. Baker and
eitireno ore the aneeeati. oP 'Hanle' "Eivatv. W&tltnsn-Y 0. arid 'Z. P. Brown. • d
. duo taose who etopereted bright- '-elatiti:0111'44r.4. Baker and fered ',badly itijured Item and a severe
*Onrini01,4.410:=ern, tar the NS iffeek. S. att. • shaking -tip in a tau. from ,a, ladder.
of the corresponding week. of as
Year, as recorded Officially, were as
1937 • 1939
‘Max.' Min. Max. Min.
Nev. 20............49' 41" 20 3.1)
Sat., Nov: 27 GO 32 27 - 11
Sun., Nov. 2$ 36 36 33
Mon., Nov. ...... 22 al ' 212
Tues., Nov: 30 30 24 ial . 4
'Wee4, Dec. 1 20 20 0
•Thurs.,11ke._2(_.____ - 83, - 17.•
Mrs. Minnie Trunipotrr, Vest street,
sUffered a broken shoulderbone and
painful -bruises at noon on Wednesday
when size :headleng down' a flight
of stairs at the Western Canada salt
plant, where she is employed. She
Was a:en:wiled to Alexandra hospital,
where her progress is reported as fav-
orable. The accident oecurred, whoa a
;heel broke away from her shoe as Mrs.
Trumpoer was descending the stairs.
- On Thuraday OM. 'Reynold% +West-
iCeritela, Flour 'Mill employee, strf-
too AO sad, Una ifOrds 4).tt 9r410 Vv.eco 3'pha outbbertson.
SIG1104$44,-;,-*,0 131,4k,,Sigtzt9403,1k, 10.00!'*'14‘:4140 41441104'..,
Ooderleh gr.laMptult; Olgan aOhn Vallbertsen, 110103i eXpeeted to batic at Work
e bflIcOiI
eetato Ave.* an
inhaled to viva .
'Officer§ 1100e o t
roin artnory on
Witiiht.. two week&
ea'the'r''OeVe.-17•Orr' -Zseree
o V44, On. when
the 10341 14.44, '40*4' fiumwhati
but ilia,inot:twOote,4401-1111$ (Wesiaes,
'BARNETT a:.'forra' °oder.
SURPIU ..kirey,' .abOard the,','Llows,' •
'Tho-ptr.\NV'atertOtt 000 Arrived earl
eastithIr ttliotv look #01 .miehoo-:‘4,3e eiortdoi%
tO 0 tete,.
Odir R‘44* ' ' t0i4,44, th14 140r01.00- With '00,000 ;'..beatotiele.
'Wry. 10:."%ttr eta the eeelPielit ..tted 88-144..0* 'Oat, eix10,to lop hm3e
,Oeneorneil' ,Sixtrouivia . 00' lecelPt., I*. or the *inter. • —
`,1:41rnet4: XXII, on Too04 The ateaMer. Superior : .arriried.
IA . on
4 . handaerae. tOreriatlen ;1004114 .80049)7 after'noe: -4414 )400„ port oato4
,eininneineratiOn, of the ,aocension. ly in the: aildat\ et gale, and eleared
1tng- George VI:and ()Oen, Elizabeth on, 3:111004Y 'morning 'ter tho head or
to tite4hrtine Srltain;' . • tile Lakee - with 4 cargo ot mat.
. thouta *ootoot,' rettoon for •\ .intlicatioaa were the *ittlieriOr would
TI ThrnP-tt Is have rough passage,.. for no eoonee
kot 1
Jerrie,- e
lottlovell. were aecic
4 and
'Obitiqr ,\
,PotineilAt1/4ir Oidertele, _
inIuaUoi .tette.Pikrera,' 'MOO
, , be nieetIngliV40.87011 (1040 aad
Ond, *AO net*, KoMil.tttert.
.0 vrovietta ear, . *'nevi
Avo.l.por4004 .14.oing *rose,.
10'./addfition • to 'kat'. MePhow.or
1937 klettneit,‘Vrankge**.'n14`.'''W.;04.
eturned to pecciet1 -Ire• 40.4.0301ag,-ineeeege,• On )3neking... .hoUsiii'S and Penred'et0' her deele lead'
a iti-4±,7,4kaiitot,,sottltrtetii,..,-frite,',,,.1061 Of.,,,truck§, 'The steamer !headed ,for
" * --to Or. '13arnett -frem
I t
mst-, it -sitter,' bearing lake for protection ou'her'n*rard trite
w -heads o00404.-01-"L"„Pociett ae*""
re -o 1 . • . - I'd — --ate lad --ihelreek7iti4Vtif -
1, neeklace we ......to_ell, • the reverse s. c•A royal, erowtt ,ftad att.! Irl,
Driving north "-front Exeter on hl$F,11.- worda."06orge ,sis..th and Citteew•tilzit. cargoes. Whey' are the Itriceltioe„ With
TT•rft$:. NO, 4, the tight'laideV ,visited in -,401,,, .serowod: , itilt ,, .Axy,, ii,jsi, zoi000 bushele of "witeet freer Fort
succession the theines of'f',,fAllatt. lalin.. 011,1- A, red) white ...eta 'owe ribl)tn William, and the Mahan° With 112,000
.stour Hobert .,INIeRraY't .Zanfes Aikcn- i . tt ' 1 ed, t the meatit. ' hu.4hels of wheat. lora Ohicago; and
head and Byron aeotresteket ,eteatung in ,,xlie a.,coxottuying int:maga is as- the tr. 1$0118:1PP 'sell route to the Mill
-*,.. ‘.....4.--;,: .. . 4 , fie 1 o , .
all three WatelieS, neekletees', .' 1,100S, tOpows''; "By tatamttAd a 4,/is *5,1h I. with 105,000 bushels . of. 'wheat friam
diamond earriugs,,Silver,,*.goid locket egfi, 'tile ic,lag the aecontoanYing the head of the Lake-'. , 1„
The str. Donovan arrived 'last night
I Was 13,1111e they were In t•b• Iliow J, IL Barnett, ' to t4. worn, in etaa- from, the head of the dialies, auloaded
and a fittshlight. ' ,',. moda i b 1 i el d t D
I s e ng orwttt e 0,70u, r•
once e. a r. llo ,
_._,,a wellite arriving
...* 4 nation, loth I...Nifty, 1037." '
tueznoration of r,rhelr ,Majesties' coro- 07 004)
And. slipped into a winter berth -beside
bushels of wheat at the am
cliffe home the thieves-vere .surprised,
tome, taught' the men .„1„n' hi§ boa e, .*
b ' ....,,,,,.............didd.ddr..,........ d , the 'Waterton.
and grappled ii'vitlt one., Rewas °Ver..
-both old.itnueri* 1ixo 0 Oa
ttit SMithOtt ti*S'
ouilfla " r. '
110 ik*In,tious the
444 AWOL •Arkevel1 ar
their, Vett nVerle, told
they tweield not nevet
Were Thiaekes was the"
tuation for tbe 'reeveheelpe,
•• The Nswitrilkiks*
The nomtaWklutle, 4,640
Clerk R. G. Imo 4, were as
'low*: •
• . .voit 00131Sitilti
iuul . ',Factory and ehe DetrobriOn Ztortd 000.,Rotetecotk.-44 W. F. Gallow in A few days.* •
in flieftielitssi: arid aneb, lit toitid, 4.rOtt aeabrodle--by 1. E. tfueleins 11WS1,1 TRIP FOR SERUM
** *op, ,thec,Z1141: and tElevateir eta II, 1. A. 31,601Sivian. - • ,. , add Back foSick editor
iretfOrtett they had„etijoyed a good E. IL .,OleVeliind---by john Cuthbert- As 9....resalt of a speedy 'erraud of
aon'and C. n Alliton. - '-nierey undertaken by Dick, iWurtele,
I iWership referred ,ito the neer; W. T. •Berkere•-iby j. W. , Preset_ and son oft): Wurtele, salt Manufacturer, ou
• artaotY'builiding nearly corapleted; and G, L. Persona. '' - " * ' ' a • Wednelsday, the condition of fars,_ Brn-
_,,, , _
, ernkgratttlitted.. the cenietery. and parka J, It Vtaser--by 0. 'L. Parsoaa ail est Taller, euffering an attack of
-eetagiiittee for thilt• Week at Viariber U, 1. A, :Matelgeovitn. ery,sipeltia, isiiiaueh improved today.
Pat*. . 4 Geo; $0chltefer-IV J. E. alrOwell Mrs, ,Tayier'lls the wife of ab etoPtefte
. , . .
Mr, OlacEwari.stated there sbOuld be . and It. 3. A. -Uliteallwan. of !Mr.'1Partele at the Ooderich 'Salt
ditSculty in teeetiog the 'Wart() 4. J. Moser ---by W. 3. taker and 11: oq, elate.
;West shore ',Railway bonds due July 1.- A. alarclIkvan. air. •ititurtele, with 'the to -Operation
' 104108. "solosborkis lb the sinking David Sproul --by F. I. Bingham and of ,poliee, made a sPeetagular dash to
tura are down in tiricely he, Sahli "and j, tr. •Grahatit, ' :London for serum, com,pleting the 1014-
ve.anay bare to tarry. the liattkatebe, A. J. CooPer-.-AW 11- J. A. aleterwan 'mile Journey there and betek itt 100
iira*.bond0 another year, tat, ltith the anid'r. E. BingbiuM. ' initniteta of actual running. time.
.. saio Of 'the . ,• ' ;.'" 1 trefrlivit.fi 111. It. l'an&.'433t ir, E. Mil/thaw a'nosed Drennan, chauffeur for
which. is being taken-. tip „Witlt the, W. 1, Veaeoe.ite •
Should. Willie -a- geed OM 104eqtPer.- Mid .1.:. IX. WillOti;
„Wee no .difilettlty 'ill 'WOW* the rn, IL Oklarieneeby •W, X, Umbellate
bonds.° ' • . and W. Carel,
die Olt there Oas lhoPe tiler. *hare a'. A. Graham ---by Bobt. Foley' and
ainorr ttoOloynnent higher 0441 j. MacEwan•
7/10.0 the. We the Goderich, anel '14`. WOod. •
ring GomPanY," Thaa. *Randy's IDr, 3, A., Girahaan.--ibts. ‘14. Parsons R. Viturtele lias Clear Wad to London
powered by the pair' aadi they tnade COMIMENCEMEIsIT OF COLLEGIATE
good their escape, but not before he .
The (Lea. teonutieneernent• will he
had secared thelicease anifiber of the . held in, the assembly hali of the Col-
- • Convicted of Theft
car, vi!hich. halaediately continua- legiate Institute --op Thursday and
rated to the polio, with - dogriptious • "--
. F,rlday, December WOO ,10, at, 8 Pm). -
of the men. . v.
*Provincial flOnstable 411000$ took
the trait ,Of the baudits:and through
the lieease number- obtained by Mr.
Rovectiffe, trelled the vetaele to. -Till-
smiburg, tfie traced the pen to a
'bearding', hoase and, lying ,walt
With other .Provincial OffteerS, •nabbed
PoSter and '.Varnbuit 'Tuesday,
Sequel:- to Raid, on Cloakroom
at a Recent Dance
in Gokrich •
Three Baytield -young men, Newton.
und lames Sturgeon and Vali Swit-
• •
aer.-OnAliarilday.afternoon Were found,
OW. by Magistrate J. A. MakinS on
'Sher •
in addition to the presentation of
diplemas, (two oneact plays, "Tideless
Time" and 'Tie Pled Piper," will be
gia'ren aleng with choruses and folk
deuces by the pupils. 72-8
Miter The Star.
- 'Deaf 131.4-41difeliied'-illtQfiriCif
J. JerVis--irs 'Zara Ellis Snit.
unKsell Neal.
Prank Powell -,-by tilerb. jeakini Sid •
Sam Jordan.
ati. Dobb--br Reuben Grigg 'and
Howard giturely,
p1.ten Atthavei.k..41 W. a. cob and
Itetiben Grigg.
•Heib. 0. Cox -by Reuben Orrigg and
Ifeeoy,,•Picked Up the. yo. mares; all my' life and .1 think everyone knows
trail to and. fellowee it from that I am proud of the Town and fond
there to *here he, lOceated of It.
the ear ItSed in the .raida. The vehicle dtecently, we have been going through
had. broken deem, and was left le a ditlicuit times and, tinfortunately, the
gara.ger and Wakefield's trail *nee
"more*poleted to-Tillaonburg. Fol!ee
welcomed him matte opens arms as th.q.
youth walked' itto his Weeding 'house.
It is reported at lenst. thitty4ive
charges will be latdogaInst the three
young men, all of whom are iti tueir
early...twenties. •
It is possible Charges pending in the
other term counties may.be forwarded
o ron for disPeation, •
The tattles of the youthful band
seldom varied. - Etieh home was en-
tered during the abeenee of the °eel'.
pants and _every room., Was .thoroughly
ransacked tie the thieves searched for
jesvellery and money,
They were tematiaed oft a eliatge, ot
breaking And enteritee' the home • f
.Nelson .Seeere, of Exeter. and a`tesaing
Jewellery to the value a $40.
ireank Donnelly' was eounste for the
Pair when they appeared, !before thq
'Magistrate yestereae.
• —
EUREKA CLASS ritoonvor
A speedid. ,, program and
play, presented by &out, 0 Of the 'Eure-
ka Class Victoria street United
thumb on•Thuriodity evening, was, Wit.
,teasece and eajoyed by a. large au-
dience. Mrs. !Mary Barker yvats
leader of the group Inateenting the
program. Rev. A. E. Uoothouse Atte&
as Chairman. TheiiiVigrattii Was get
f011OVV41 Vbedi solo, MOS lifuriel,
aloorbouie; piano dot, Audrey Dar-
ker and June .aittechtert
tiods, Evelyn Brockeerl Vett* sole,
Delued Viekers; Abe
Johnston; duet, airs. Eliter'Oreneton,
aliss Pearl Ittoope; solo,•*elleo Oertrucle
Illaist; *um ddet,!Mise.MOotatotteefeld' •
Mt. Bert Cutt; sette• aft Oen. coat reached the Westqn home, and
derson ; a-plar, iilteeeptiou !Dee at the they were equally at a yosf; to explain
ParSethige.' the Presente of sundry ecarves, gloves
THE BOOK OM* ritabtsu par**,
ehargas. of theft of numerous articles
of clothing at a dince Pa Goderich on
November 19th. They were remanded
,A: conapanion of that evening, Chas. employees of the industries at the bar -
A week for Sentence.
Weston, waa acquitted on a similartber have suffered severely owing to
eharge, the Magistrate helding the ParRime employment and this has at -
view .that Weston was too drunk tr. fected all the merchants and people of
the time to have taken any part. in the Goderich•
wholeaale theft, which netted the; till . ",I did -hear that there was a recent
ti870 overcoats, scarves, seieral pairs Council meeting regarding a proposed
of gloves and spatii. • development on the north Side of the
but I have not noticed any
Pollee lean to the theory there harbor,
partieular merttioa of this in file local
Might have' been other light-fingered
press, I believe that from a Goder-
eirsonS at the dance, for several
ich point of view, if we can get the
articles reported 'stolen were not re- assistance of the Government, this de -
covered la a raid on the Baylield home -
velopment should be cerried thtotigh.
of Weston, where the quartette The intivotrial rettettion of the plants
the dente. , at the harbor, who reallY oeenPY or
cotitrol most of the available laud On
stayed on •returning to • Bayfield after
NeWtoti 'Sturgeon testified he hadby the south --at present the only avail-
mietake taken.another's coat from the able side-ao far as I can see, offers
eittriee ettO was preparing to take the no great-assistanee to the Town.. Alp -
coat back when the pollee arrived the parently coal and oil companies are in
following motning, _ (His
,- - Wor'4114) terested and onee it was started no
doubted the man's statement, egPe- dont•t there wodid be other develop-
cially after Joe O'Brien, well-knawn utetiis with tower coal pricea for the
G. C. I. athlete, swore he bad seen a d4strict arei further bneinees and
taxes. I feel that none Of thit indue-
maw an,3wering Newton's description
leave the dance hall wiles a scarf tries here should oppose any ea*nahat
around his neek, one trailfhg from his wily tend to develop available, harbor
'eat and a pair of spats itt his coat sites for Goderich.
pookei. ' .• • Youra truly, -
• Ilad Been Drinking L. IL G. liteneNagdYS.
It was admitted by all the accusea G*derleh. 'November a
that •they _spent at least two hours In
,bereritge roOnatv before going to the "Wtalliff"
danee; and Jill Sturgeon testified hit.
• , sr., attempted • e trip, but
• ' Deprertuient'ot. Ontario; are., David "Setreiii-aby• W. 3. BUchanan ,*-figine.troubie at Nee and was
forte* to calf Wartele, Jr., IOW
immediately started on the errand of
etereY., ' •
Oira, Taylor, it was reported, was in
no immediate dangeer. She has
proved tonsiderably elm* the edmin-
istretiori, ot the serum.
emprOvelnents at the Who aid J. jOhnstete
Connell, he seald, had Met 101112 Do- '$ ofilfOLVERt 193849
.parteiteet engineeri, Arai the Central *DK W. F. GallOW-..-by a J. A. Mae-
. feeling wile that -there loon would be Ewan. and Thee. .Sandys
tvcou'aliclerable IM01.045000t;" O. X.x. Pareonseetes 0.-Vir. Fraeer and
Wt. ataelarrin, Wile bet. +recently Itle‘ IX 71 .106ntilt.
oovered from, it letiotts 1,11**0 *0614,1 l'Olt, 1,0111.10 K0001, ornulkagos
gited for the ibterite of Ns aore44 193849
and eloeed. with 'words of Mist for the , ot, Void's ward -Aka. A. Solder, loy,
/Week of -the IWO .Ciennell. Fred lacebrook and Geo. johreaton
'rioted the intePeet With ettimiiko, 1101t, latiBLIO liTILITTES MOOR*
Ost.lintriools Hisaei, by
.4 %tele orhoter ittiti, *a*. thatt..„ mooneyTianeI'. and it A, ataeEfreate
Of. the fire eotelittee Ire 11:feet, *.• laetireeris
fl th.,6 tato/v.0a stood tostritta„, stone. oaditt.# luta 0. L. Akre
late themseivift on the email ere lose goug_
during the year, and he', eteentended Mt...Andre-WS wierdee'eal. M. sweats,
the work`Of the seolUriteet lire brigade. br• gee; ii§elitiefer and U. Turner4,
The.•cererialttee, WI said, kept well and Dr. jeatit Wallace,. be R. E. %hire.
Iler Tenth Decade
Within 'the it titoitto et $14100, , 'het azul Geo. Schafer., .
iSpettking of todnty eatitteel!,, he giaie (.044ittles•t*ge 'deeted 'VS eeelaMat
. figartaioneereirtie old. ate' tieotoni tlott).
-tiolly out ot debt, A $06,000 (*boa. - --------t-:--""4---. -: '
re 1040)WD-eta:be Aid; . Wiii " be „..$14EATHEA WITIPICE •
. .
xtot4rtitg to st probable anefease 'in.. &tattier See Atter
tied: to lin, two settee
tfintist traffic .rieXe year, Xt. Vetter , . ' , , , ,
Said he Waled- the Bine Water Iligehe ,•• .9AVLIT isTn.MMUE,' tint, Dec, 3,
..,a•nty •AsSoeis,tion, Whith.breite.up this .--talbett With to and thirtyisit, bents
vat owing to the defaulting of .seratal, 'hobbit if6itditle, the stosior ..1.1.1gOsoo,
• ' r. .. , .. . ,. today. after weotittitgi. one. of tilt
ale reeterked•thit treveitathi hie *tett lake aterme eXeitrieneed
tWelfth eettr le the aeryiee, Of town. seem tuebed by. * cootyindleit*
,,,,x nikt....ot eunteingeor the eseyorrita- houe gale., and. With a Meade Mime.
. '0 toad' Mr. Tatter.' ',41 ,1004114. lite fall,, the feted efire fatted; to "Alta'
-eo, eerarle, thla teeth lig tat Were I "bed 011" ter treentrforte haute, . Pt.
'eorwitele tOy mittnierial. tafore.:.btit -1. • W. A. Siackwelt reported.
.lintethi to stand for the foreibly and "We Nelda% "400- a hand in, front of
0 tall* 044 %hi ,eill4f bgefettlt *In n" he saiii. 41ce tithed on the. pilot
the 'WeVeitit of 'the' ratoifirett° Cabiti;:windows faster than It eetild ib%
and inethere ailowanees tad 'odd the (t denetee these to be rated, on
County at the yreeeot time was prat. teolber OW. •
J. Trewarthet.
'Mint.. G. Smith -44 Ira a oiterrill
end 'nettle' 'Jedicirts. •
Reeve Ilaatite's Addm$1,
John ISowerby was.appointed chair.
aka of the ratepayers' meetinr later
Called on 'Reeve Macke to 6101%14
the 'Close of nominations, "and he Ara
gathering. '
Atter thanking the ratepayers„„for
returning lath by 'acclamation, Iteeve -
tfaineke gum a resume of couoty Oaf.
nese during the year. lie neaufned
(primcling or Dr.• J. II. Whitely,
11/0.111, GodeIch ToWnshap or
liftr Vara, and totted the new
()Meer of health rots tor. J. Oraham,
Re eongratuitttea 41Whook
Fhe riterittolieblitigstfat-
highly of the efforts, the "kid
temp at the Royal Winter fial,r. *
'Newt fort said Mr. Macke, the De-
partment will force municipalities to
either rut or *Away wee, and he
was strongly in favor a overkill.
s thought the County might obtain'
aprapera and rent them to the taunt-
Iteferripg to the Cotuttfa finances,
and expressing himself ata in tfiavor Of
a pa)uasayou-go attitude, 'Mr. Mottle
said: "At ,the end of three years, If
the County, at a fat econaulically as it
hag is ,the pvst year, it *won't owe a
Refortaistion Nerelet)
Godericht Township, be *aid, has the
smallest wbotled tertitiory of all Muni:
cipaliticas in the lCounty, compliant 8;4
per cent. of the area. Since 1901 the
wooded _portion's et Huron have bean ,
reduced tronv 9.9 per cent. to 3.7 per
"Successful ,,agriculture," saki,
"cannot be carried on •without ten per
cent, woodland. The sititation is ser-
ious and we must do all 'we 2,an to"90-
mote reforestation and conservation.
;Referring to Aroavtiatalli dames, the
Iteeve forecasts a deficit of about $350-
$400 -tiy the • end of the year when .
road work is Paid up. ,
frile ReeVe thought road accident in-.
suranee carried by the Township or
$110 per year was auperttuaus. "We
have paid less than $100 in accident
claim** la the list ten years," be odd.
Reeve rilaliatiloe amid hte favored quar-
terly tax veitOtenta to cot down: OW
huge stuns boadived trorn the bank.
Another Matter which Ile 001 he
wee tin favor etileithe replacing Of
twine trutleit CM- road Work, de.
eeribing the trot* syeteati as faster and
consequently el:teapot,
Cottiicillor 011144 Jen*. exptvaaed
approval of the rephteing a teams by
trtieks in the ,woric on reads', pointing
mit the spreadiag of gravel woad be
I "It Is not a municipal question." hed re quickly and cote
Mra. Robert WW1 Celebrates
Her Ninetieth girds*
Gocid Hot* Intl- Spirits
zitjoybg the beet of health
MOO. alert teeritality, Mts.. rt
guteir en %logo ettletly celebrated
he slittotiotit birthday at the bike ofbet
-more Mt E. !Stacie Victoria
At eakeibietheitte dinner "en:Stieday
Mute% teterteleed t few
*Mot* *beta Were Mt. and
Mrs.•John Mew**, aged nitety.ohe
andeight.two teeeeetteely, Who were
ne*hors 'telborne. lialf-a-centnet
In addition to wait* lovely \gifts
lint& teteleed cetigratulitoty
,mettisiteai beta friends and relatives
tar an*eitr,, A beautiful plant Waii
reeeivett from 'Victoria miteet Veited
tiiiireh, With eehiele•ithe has been de -
fetidly associated. • On 'her eighty-
ninth 'bkthdttf,ohe Witt Made an how'
&Art ilfe4netieber of the of
chureli. e ae ali times tee
.lited religious life and. reed,*
from her 414.
e was born at
et of Mt and Mrs. '0*, 34
wee maeried, there *beat atitt
10. With her beriteind et.•
* farm nor Atitorn and then
tal to Gerrit, Whet* Mr. Metteh
'oPtrited a; bate 'bee for Oarteeti
Ye** lin VW. the, bea'aute repet
*WI •nalitrett Of the. COMO" Moe at
C'fitte0a, reisitini* there until
death of Or. Mittc.it in 1915.
* ,Mrs, Match hie Meet with her
munkiptdities in their contatratiessi ,the Algot*, Clasilost Oitearoshil)
Would reorganise atieeeteeCallY Ott ttneit, tiest Uti at A*** *eel, dock
beottwe and Neestolia although neither To the Editor of The Star.
druek ner soper, were "feeling pretty Dear Sir, --Along With a.good many
good." Himself and Switx,er had more of your readers, 1 felt pretty
"four or live glasses." Weston Said wrathy on lwaring of the injutiction to
he lost track of how many beers he
prevent the ratepayers from exPreasing
The neensed men avowed It was a their opinion about closing the bever-
age rooms.
had during Ute evening.
lee 'mystery to them how, the extra
given; .
Depittit,'Mit and
4. at.. a
Th Veisee4 left Dubitil itti,,Sasel
wit cargo of soap iron tor Skid
Ste , Marie.
'artit the dechyarch .itit the *Otte
it and remained. /plea in
and Vara,
• 's , There was quite a fashion show at
C, E. SlitaX ilitive Adalraii Ibis the litaring,'-with accused and
Eterdtig ebtlin-
Baptiat Ohm* ants donning thes articles...In an
The Beek" teireediret'vertteret i�f the attempt to 'establise
kind; ever held GoderietreeVeined map Coats were*per
yesterday With ever), hidlegliteit of
etteceete Twelve Ceitiadletir publtihlng
liras; representing '260' be.olt hones in
Cantida eleeetere,lutve eitibiteit
the Ptiblie Where'
ethibite ,eteriteged by Mos AltIrdet, li-
brarian, of 'ibbolas froti°,the'sliellos of
the twat librity;-ta..re Owed, *Wittig
inotiostiat.dWay. -
it* the tretring, at
•e, 4,41(0,k
And the
roper Owne1.
did before the
eritical, eye of, the Cr ri Attorney and
OW Court, gloves were tiled on, and.
Matirice Switzer donned the overshoes
debited by lee Nen, in an attempt .to
tirovi., he had' woeti them Many times
dier. ,of leriefield,• ad-
dreoed ,His Worship briefly in behalf
of Sewton Sturgeon, 'and asked that
the yourig matt be released in hts eon-
todY4 . •
Magistrate &tektite oretilleed to e61-
-t thereposition And remanded
7, the,14turgeon bretliers and S-1,vi!zer to come out of a beverage tooth so drank
Pit for e ' Itc, could seamely walk, 1 wonder if it
would mean anything to them? Per.
- Other 'Criste
4.0serb Ityan.and John Chen. trait.
I notiee there are three reasons
2. "It is contrary to the provisions
of the Liquor Control Act."
3. "The Connell has no power to
Ws the resolution."
If number three is torrect, then the
Council had no power to pass the rest,.
beton asking for the beverage rooms,
but we got them just the, Keine; and
the (*outwit didn't worry about getting
Into any lawsuit.
It seem; too bad that Our Council
membere have no young people of ship for some tuttere election.
their own, and are not interested In Councillor H. C. Cox
the work among young. people. That Councillor .lierb. C. Cox ale° spoke
meet be the retson tbei- are not favortibir of the Introduction of trueks
intereeted in this euestkal• for road work stud theeight the enioney
If they bad the etperiente that I had oared oloold be meat Ott Mere grareL
soon eftee the 'beverage moms opened, Ile said Ooderich Township 'VMS for -
of .aeeing a heir who Was a fortner touate •liavifig a large eouutsr road
member of nie ktitiday school elass tdgettio.
I. Cox said be bad thought et re-
tiring. but would' abide by theawish of
the ratepayeriAt they wanted biro to
represent 'ward t again.
Two Pamir Osearefilera
W. 11, Lab, remarked it wee Mee -
teen yeatte tante be hadi retired front
the ODureal. ale *as of oPttliosi thrtt
flo improvemeot eotrid• tetatie in the
1937 Council. �1e adveedited p�W
grader for all work ori the'toWeship
reed% ami praised the,eenitition of the
roitaki Woo ,
-ArihiPtiotgoioo t'e. bring on an cite -
(Continued on tag* 4)
efficiently. Ile oepostal iteeve alasicke's
stand with regard to insurance against
road laceidents. claiming it was a vise
Itoad work in ward 5, he 'laid, cost
about $ala this year, tiood &image
necessitating tonsiderable repairs.
Mr, Jervis otated he had eerved
eweive yeans on. the Council and hoped
to be returned or another terra. Be
intimated be bad his eye on the reeve,
tent*, 'admitted they 11641 a "few
rinks" before being picked up by
Chief knell at Seliforth ort November
23t1i 00 drunk eh1irges. They decided
to take a rest, when Ilia Worsitio
toned 110 Or len '
Donald Mttrtity, of (pi aef
ple*ded not guilty to * eharge af cti)-
wing an isato iiipb'tetriteiteltensie
by fel�* yrettiices and *itsreleased
it $1;000 peronot bond.
haps not t •
Whatever Conies of the ieIttnetion it
will certairee make onote think. if
our 'Down Connell. have to ipowee
grant the rgitetAyerit the privilege, ot
expressing tittle t'n*re“blerillori, setae
thing 'Should be done Admit it. .
liteetteer Are visiting Ur. and'
• ,