The Goderich Star, 1937-11-12, Page 2° OffeetVeln*,00 there ;to fistoiste twoloot.ItAt untoIrtopt4te. 1ti &ud ptopktooft oto In 010 Pifoli11.1e,te 'ROO, 414 Would 'OS itvOldeft rrhe ectent 140 $‘101:40trn*010,1 An :ud:periu4siert n'.giszpastpetaapnbi'eliboT41", ::11,7308,9rridit nuiv_hluert. ti;.0 ,gr_owi, in, thietrueoitinLitrtis sliown by M._in at Venaet'a, 4e,ew.went" ,,liatr the . 0 `. ,gOvnerMnen - Canada inveives an 'onnitat tOrnover Of more than one billion' dollars, If the Govert4ent of whivii Mr, Conant Is a %ember performs accenting to his statement of its Ideals the people of Ontario will,have tause ter gratification. Busi- nessle carrying terrific burden of tatation, 004 it can- not prosper as it should. Until. 'the 2 load? materially aightened. Whit Otier.14,Moei ClOthviterh, .0111b0criPtie0, rricia. nada. and GreM 1340itin $1;50 140c rear esivenee. (in .1111#71144 $2.00); MA* SOU*, PAO Pee Year In, leteenee. Both old and new 411",T41 be lit -Ven 141en OOP osillna$ te • TIMIS-We find that molt et 'oirr subectibere or to.: have their e a interrupted 'in ease fatytts ran* 'before e -VOW we are notified: .1 0 • o to (;linciAvArtt.assurala, the autsrerZer wishes the eervico cons ued and WM send ttlepaPer for 0 ihnSted: tithe, gleelterefintgin should be Made by regtater letter, money Otters* thew* ,iiesable pav Goderien. • • 0000Sch SOW iti`actotit Oulmenttsing 14'10 OtgiiO4$ 00, ths'Ulldeillix4Inic that' it not be liable for any err* in peblished. heeetinder Mg* * Proet,ef each t reQUISed In writing bey _the advertiser st,isd re. The etar'chuoines *Mee 'duly -awned vickert140 and with Sigh &rem OLOorreotAeris VAttarnoted itiritino Shawn ,and case.lf OW, 7enor is not corrected by The Star,...ka.S.shMty shoal not exceed, *leis * proportion of the entire cern suelt advertisement es the specekooeuntela by such cistrertisetattat. Adrectising rates on application.: . Thonea; Day 71, Night 84. • Friday, Nov. 12th, 1937 . RAMSAY IYIseDONALD IS DEM) The death of Right Bon. J. Ramsay 'MacDonald, an- nounced this week, reCalls to mind - a statesman who beaded three British 'Governments but who had for eome time almost been Jolt to public view. • Ramsay Ilex1Donald; bad a checkered career. Born neventysene years' ego in a little Scottish fishing village, be went to work after »a few years of schooling, butrcon- tinged his education bp reading- and, when Plasibie, at- tending lecturee. Becoming a leader in the Labor- party, he attempted to win a seat in Parliament, but fteettuse of his opposition to the Boer iWar he Was unsuccessful until 4906.;:Rive-yesre-iater he. was -chosen as leiTer of the Great War he tofu became unpopular because of his anti -war attitude, and he was out of Parliament for sev- eral years, but came back again in. 1022: In iozt he be- came Prime Minister, as head of Great Britain"s tfirst_La- bor Ministry. That 'Ministry was short-lived, tiut again An 1929 the Labor party triumphed and MacDonald was again Vrinte Minister. With the years of dePreesion, the problems of uuem- ployment and relief expenditures brought on a parlia- mentary crisis which was solved by the creation of asso- called 'National Government, including Conseivativee, Lib- erals and a few members of the Labor party. For this desertion, as they deemed it, of their cause the main body of Laborites never forgave Madlonald, and the latter part of his lite was embittered' by the hostility of men who bad formerly been his warm friends and -staunch sup- porters. Ile remained tts ,Prtme ,Minister until 1935, when he gave way to Mr. Stanley Baldwin, and he had shwa taken little active part pnblic affairs. Ile was on his way to South America, on a holiday trip, when be passed away after a long period of health, UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE A national scheme of unemployment insuranee is In prospect, from: a proposal made by Prime Minister Mac- kenzie King to the Provincial Premiers. In order to bring suCh a 6vheine into effect it will be necessary to have constitutional difficulties cleared) up by an atnend- ment te the British North Arocrlea Act, for which the con. sett of the PrOvincial authorities Is eseential. The.Prime Stintstet's Iraessage giteS no indication of the spec* nature of the scheme which he has 4n mind - Whetter it is intended to establish a fund from contri- . butionS by worikingmen and employers, to make it wholly a paternal Government scheme, ,or to combine the two Ideas. • There is much to be said for a ocheme of unemploy- inent ittierethee, and there is a good deal to be said ir opposition to it. If the ."41ole is to be established in Canada, there :will be an imMense fund to be provided out of tiexationand this will aggravate the conditions which cause Unemployment. It dots seem that in is young country like 'Canada it should, not be impossible to Main-. tain conditions in which unemployment would be almost negligible; hut -apparently those in charge a our affairs bnye abandoned hope et establialling .Such ce-talitions and - are. resorting to the ergicklieut Of letling neon these who worklo support those.wle do not work. It u111 be some MOnths before the seheMe can take eenerete form, and in thee Meantithe there I11 be opportunity for the exPres. ,Adon i publie oplialen. REOIMENTATION IN ONTARIO It is.'sald that MusevlIni, Hitler and George iBernard Shaw aie all vegetarians, Aed adstaxes? Christnuts`is only sixweeics awes'. \ In the Meantime, however, there will be the municipal electiOn tampaign; so thqre etill quite a bit of exeitement in' proslect for ns. before1038-usherssitseit-in.-- • , - Port 'Lerie's 'weather prophet finds three reasone for 'his prediction of a mild winter: ISqrtirreis are buUdlng theirvvinter havens in the north eide of trees; corn husks are utulauallyt thin, and so are the coatei ontols. To *bkh the Saltford Sage adds a fourth: ' His overcoat is ditto. orAP.44.,teffE0 ins44$5, Z144.)-040., lf M0101,40tr Pe' vieilt 4 55,-s eentsteektn *Mac A QP*Vit MOO ZOXIIP,. NOT, 0. Diitf4 :Ravidsen, 0 IWO. lecolite, Was ebAesto Vonic OP Prom Siernial fur A' short -v.144 with hia varents, gr. and XX% Es, Posicleon, • MWS Margaret VeRrlen, who has been visiting for the last two 'months •Withlfr,•41141.M04 Robt, Davidson, left on Tuesday) for her home In `Edmonton. Dave UellWain •of Goderich si)eht Oundak-at the horae of MT, and Mrs. Robt. *Vellwain. Mr. and MrS. 'Harvey 'Fuller and famKy -spent :Sunday, at the home of Mr, and Erneet Bogie, • Nile. 14.r.. and Om Stante3r Peter, whose weddine,took place in loondon on Sat- irdnYs vISited, this; week with Mrs. Harwood and . The sympathy, of the coMmunitY 15 extended to Mrs. George Greenslade and Xre. (Rev.) A. E. tMoorhouse, each being bereft of stater last week. Stris. George flowerby is confined to her bed and is under the doctor's care. Her 4144404tert Was Florence •Sowerby, R.N.', is attending her, .7e 4'W for a :speedy recovery. • lialloween Party.-- .11aRowe'en. mesqeerade, ,spenetired, by the Union reamatie Club, was held on Wednes- day evening at the home of Miss Kora' Sewerby, with over 'sixty Members Present, 131Ypeles, ghosts. nurses, Scotch lassies and all other fabulous - folk, were present. costume parade formed and marched, before the Judges; who presented the prizes aa follows: Tiny girls, Lois Sowerby ; tiny boys, Melvffle. Harwood; girls' comle, Dorothea Tichhorne. girls' faner, Elva Orr; ladies' comic,' Mrs. Harry Cle- ments; ladies' fancy, Marion Colwell; gents' comic,- Ed. Sowerby„; gent's.ten- cY, Maurice Barvveod. A coninilttee cenhel.70.4,,ef-VS. yhi.1110,S, Mrs. -liar- veeTnilleeltn‘..17107.--hdeti-M—n4 led in games, keeping everyone In a loviar med. At midnight, lunch of The •Pritne 'Minister has loet no time in scotching \the rumor. that his Government was ceetemplating an appeal to the people at in early' date. As the Ottawa House was elected only two years ap, another election at this ,- , 13Y A. VT. 0. .......,-, ., OW svotild be unjustifiable, and Mr. /King's remake are Revelling ..10 k the new volumes of quality. Van Egmond and others were taken to indicate that he has no . intention of' asking a tte county originators of those who dissolution of the Etouie until 1940. ' Mr. Hepburn, of Egerton ItYerSon's lire and letters, _by ved by the side of the road and kept tart° Sans% ItutsiheieLis no reason te,eunPose, that. Mr. . , dips into Methodist history. SO turn- .hilS.cansed me to take further . ing,,,irst Ceram -5_, of lifethedisM. hitr. own: entertaining of the, frielid. Ohl Andrew fleddie used, to tell me of course, made a sOnieivhat similar Promise for the oh" : the open door. of a- kindly welcome. and ittranserin Colborwe through many. -...,. - • . v• .s. - ICI . /MOSE CARLOADS IPOR SASKATCHEWAN where Goderieh and all thos'EPIttlees, near that" Omit are mentioned. Ther refu9e4 .114:me-I'lew and (316ntiK Ii5usY and clean:" , Felt a, little perturbed, A - ! • i . , t i".0 . \.' d laad Fo 5 Nott4 e.;154:344itiC 4:0% tuwt 4xotoo, rows, f po 504.,FROMFROMrtet4eseS. WIWI 4'0Ni% ettOtICAI., 120141:1 1 "1"!"41-44"41141.44411" 0 . muilsr4:IcAn sPitif 4dr00.1)0 51;u4o aa.104 4sitma44 SeOkut 904.6.1 Ant'Itelaitmaet,gr',!anY Visit to Goderieb 106 Years 'Ago 1 , ("Front TheToronto'Star). are full- of interest and . more should, • Carloadei of fruit, potatoes and -vegetables from. 'eem.. • ktnoire of them. . . =unities throughout Canada have been rushed across There Wan account or a trip north , country to the drought-strielten distriets of sestatiebe., , frogs missiens established south in this wan: Up to August 27, the ..number received by the western peninitila by the Rev. Thomas Sasicathhewan Voluntary 'Relief Committee .was 003s in. Whitehead, dated, September 19, 1831. eluding six from northeasterta"Saskatehewan. 'Carloads We give it in his own words; forwarded from the other Provinces included 26$ from On- "rVirith two. good gtiides we set off tarlo, let5 from Manitoba, 119 from British Columbia, 31 north for the Huron Road. Night from 'Alberta; 29 from New Brunswick, 26 from Quebec, came on; called at a 'Dutch cabin, p0- 20 trona Nova Scotia and 13 .(potatoes only) from Prince tatoes the very best, great coats use - Edward Island.- ful by night as well as day. Tues. ' While Ontario may take justifiable Satisfaction in da Y night -Another Dutch house, nine heading the list, it is inspiring to find. Alberta, with forty fat boys. Next morning as I .knelt municipalities of her own requiring assistance, sending down to pray our host Re* out -of -- thirty-one cars of vegetables to her neighbor. It is in- doors -but now wants a Dutch Bible. spiring, toe, to realize that clergymen of all denominations Rode twenty miles; Showers,,no human have werked harmoniously together in the promotion of habitation,. ,Shantytnen preparing the this tine-pieee of,practical philanthropy, 4 road. Well pleased, with the Huron lands -tone better. Arrived at Mr. DESERTED FARMS FOR JOBLESS YOUTH Yee Egmond's-2:-profusely kind. God (From The Toronto Globe and Mail) . bleas them! "Alarming rumors--Saugeen Indians Apropos ,the movement Of dried -out Prairio. farmers fleeing to Goderich. Thursday -rain - to Ontario homes, Hon. Gardiner, Federal minister Ing powerfully; anxious to see the wa- of Agriculture, has focused attention on a Prorinelai ters of Huron, eighteen miles off; roads anomaly, that of unemployment in ,the midst of "unoccu- afloat; wet as a rat; took wrong read - pied farinS. Mr. Gardiner mak Zis no elaim to being the intolerable --dismounted to save •horse's first to notice the situation. Nor is his suggestion of a neck. In sight of Goderich. Fire! back -to -the -land saleme Without precedent. But what is Cedar Swamp; back of the totvn, sgtok- worthy of II little solid thinking Is his °pillion, that the Ing like Sodom. - Road back two miles • stwo-problems can be used in at least a partial remedy for and • found entertainteeat Friday - each other. i one mile through the woods -Struck .Mr. Gardiner believes, and there are many to agree tile road wo Missed yesterday, as many with him, that among those .unemployed are young.people miss the way- 10 heaven -at night, full who would welcome the oppOrtunity of a start In life. stop --in keit, -,-,•An the village, On the ,s4ch as those vacant farms repreSent. How to intro- high bank, like Abraham' looking east, duce one to the other and be sure ;of practical results is; Of" West, north and south, where now the course, the problem. . it requires. as he points out, a corn. Cedars are will be fruidut fields. bination of a good edhcatlen .a.desire for 'work and pro- North harbor, schooners, boats, Can- ductive land, plus a. little aSsistanee from the poblievuree. vas, wharf and, several good buildings. There is, we think, one other; i sincere ambition on the A lofty flagstaff. --the Royal Jack float - part of the prospective tenants to be farmers, not )ust up- We! The town plot of Gpderich con - di things get bettor ,in the eity, but as a earee,r. . tains about SOO. acres; market' square The Federal Minister ',does not detail any plan for eight 'acres. . . bringing the two together: . Properly that is a matter 41 view Goderich as e., spacious city, • for , the /Provinelal and munieipal authorities -who would the forests melted away, comely ,dwell - have to foot tbe bill. Considering the money) at its diss lugs and a half a neillion precious smile posal, it does not veeni, possible that it could bave been peopling the fertile Enron. lands; sane - developed under the youth training program. But that tuaries like the tabernacle in.the wilds pregrata does offer a lead to. the land.tettlement scheme, ernesis where the worshippers keep through. the'agrieultural training braneb. Here, if any, 'holy, day: wbere, the authorities will meet the 'young people inter- "Sabbath meening-respectable con- ested in farming and nutlet circumstances that should gregation in the Compan3r!s storehouse. make selection fairly! 91,WP1O. ' _.. Three o'clock-taeet again. Mr. Ecu - It tway te that those now -being .enrolled In the agr - nem read thkreles ful---recolved-six„ cultural"elasses" are not of an age equal to the responsi. members. Prayer meeting in file bilities of farm management considering the superficial evening at Bro. •Cantiner's-well at - training they will have. But if there are only a few In tended-4reclioUs season -a nutaber ok the =Any who. Meet the qualilletations 'they could be given Sangsserr converts and. Chippewa% their chance and an experiment 'Wide. It is motC than many of whOM prayed fervently. pessible that there are quite a few on the urban. unenv- "Wednesday -Seven nillei up Mud ploYedslists who, 'raised on the farm, Would be more than River to Bushmiten'e eawraill; few. re- Witling"to go back to 11 11 the. opportunity presented) itaelf. ligious privileges. Maitland Itiver- These could he given it 'refresher" eourse and a ehanee wild. romantie, Meattdering. to Prove theMselves through the trainhig elasaes.' ' "Salihath-tittle eotnpany to class - The netv Attorney -General, !Hon. Gordon- D. Oortant, TO be sure it would, eoSt Money. .But SO does relief. tempestuous weather. premiSes tbot busliwss. will not he tegimented in Ontario- 'Apart from the "extres".. el the refresIter course, itwould "Puesdar--Had Much exposure, out under the Vete* Government. . qt is lei •iiint eoevie° take eery little More than the <Urea relief allowed the all night in -rain; subsisted' on a musk-' tion,'" he teld,'iithiressing a gathering of business reed at average 'fanlilk to Stake these young People to their ilrat rat and Balms, but arrived ankly. , year oil the farM, (We have no dOubt that in most caseS, "Thursday-ilAarmed a Temperatte* Toronto, **that ,the losis gOvertiraent Interferes witli Iasi- if not every one; it, Would be repaid. But 'Mere then, a Soelety. . • • nes, the better it is for Wiliness and the better it is for loan it is an investitient, and one that is Welt Worth • ‘1Saturday-Atirea.'john Bailey and governMent.'' Pointinrto: the tnited MAUS, he spoke of °gambling" a few thousand. dollars on. SfeConnell: trete Loudon arrive --soaked • in the rain dark nights efforts to ford' of the Woreen*s institute held at the. stint, Mrs... Itobert ttenderseu.. BaPfield Creek in vale -terrible rain borne of 3,trs. 10., W. Rice; with the Mrs. tW. T. Sallows visited with her and to,,food for their horse& president, Mrs. Allan Durtiln, in Mother, Mrs; P. 'Courtney, Icincaraine, osahheth--tovo feaat at nine o'clock eliarge. The reit call, "Bright Thoughts last Week. • , -the Lard's goner -two sermons - foe Melaneholy Days," 'brought a fair ,, ±N.ir, and Mrs. Willing and ltarlaral, reSpeetable tongregation-inany na- reSponse.' . It WAS detided.to send' * Of Undoe Spent -Sunday With Mrs. tplivaems.,:, "surely . the Lord is In ,,this , ilonatiOtt of Op to the Ontario iles,', Ddiveyt fisher. , pita' for Crippled Children, Ulan. lale- ' *41teligion. In ttetiote'' deecribes the "itonds.1-4our of us left for ton* Allister' of St. Augustine WO present aetiVities in many Ontario connnuni- den, sixty mile% thirty', without hu- mid gave a very ilitereating and help- ties. as leaded earl; of fittit. -*getable*, man liab,Itation--liatit , travelling -L, tat reprt of the area conventien she honey and ' other foodstuffe are .1)(eIng roads blotted witIr tailor timber and hod atteede at llarriston, -"'$hott •smit to the drietkotAt arena Of the Nitta, Shantytalefea. - Never travelled over artities relating to Itcluembrance Day A, well-elled eer left 1Me4law iwtt Week, binds's() rich. Niglit-fori0ten. men were read by sits. tOtorge . Stuart, for Stratbroself, aask. Ito* *he in t shantyl She'd iilscoarse tittd. NIVa Mary Sturray, Str8,..,Eari Darnin: gave leadership and their faithful -O. prayer." . Mrs. 1101-Zetttle Webb and( 'Mrs. . J. sistatt& deSerte .tneth. credit for the Oldlinte Metboals'fb liseat to puree - Salkeld. It VMS deOlcied to hive Oaelyi excellent work aeoraplithecl. Witte the ohaervatious Of spetdeers ana nreniber ethibit toi Inexpensive Clirlst-1 ro‘rirtptlal ghoWet,....4 delightful :those . Who prayed with ejaculations Mae gift. at the Deceinber, tatetitig, It gittlierirg. Of friendS and •neighbors and, comients.. I felt like itainethe was also decided to hold the. ;first •was held on Tuesday eretting at the'. same, sort Of thing when !reading this ablanto for members and ,their fami-' home of Nfr, and Nits. Jarvis (t- tnoOt %Westing age:Sint Of a ovisit to ilea on Friday evening,- Is/OVetater 1.9. Ilrftle, la .honor of the newlyrrattrried :Likellutort led yearn ago, '`ilitittitoe* At the contlusion lunch tvaa served,1 couple,. Mr. and .Xrpi, Percy .idellride. a the tes, I*4t," intat tine Otorfe that the tosteises being Ulna Liii, Ilnite ' The affair being In the tertti of a Ma- one.never had such potatoes, AS Vett P.httli UM:, John thioeten , and .,. Iirs. ,oelietteeus shower, rotertyLousefiti and In Amen. they leep `Oteir quality Earl Durnit, 1, pretty gifts were Presented lir ti: gaily rittough the getteratiOnt 'That iS tietUrateti basket and Were opened li3. i riliOte titan can be. *aid of atattie bulb jhe bride and groom, .assiSted by the Ms. 4'Oretit oats USettil Ur Anted?* bridesmaid, Mit& ;4orethy Watson, .'iltecii!.t. we know, hoiv ebilly It eau be . . ahd the ,groOixtsman, itarVeY Zoller. arena, *41(4derkh aftei the -04* a i„,, utto o dainty lunch Vast ortveit and * ,get,toott. Iowa kssatas: ssuiss els,. .xecial. time etOsed. .,,, ''',„ 'estiOtallY? That'll, ,the Vine to Pot 14 ' 'Mt treskrifer$ ,Meetingo-t-alre' II*. on tho-extra'bianket if you. lairpen to 'Rt. Ix rre#1400. met ' I* Abe' tatted hate Ont‘, Tho* "nine fat Uygur re' Orel) on Tioesday, Nevoluber 2nd. tato its the lowmitdp homes nteiattit. IL'lIS WAs' the iltst limo the ',Paths- the 41d town 'generally had ii! great 4.1Y bad Ofirebed 'here, although lifts* erop of ba3'4 and, did arqbotly ever *0 Ara ago when Iter,, Ale*ander We. au undernottrislica „one/ NO 101111411 Ulan and -later Witen gev,Anarew hahltittien for iiiirtyt Iiiik.taf-Aviiere, Laing and ItM, W. Alp were ortiaint4 woUld ' that *trete)* ,ot. lonetofne rod: , Oltal Inducted lt,tto thia eittiv Se'Vetat het4. I. Suite* :0106 Wota. be no 4314, ir '..thea#,40ra •of Preatiytery. officiated. Ur. Itolttiewille atal Clinton in those" (Itt . . Mex. Tom*, gave a *bort history of Vito rgraotoirt plot would, foe likelY ,Alet„ T ho 40014 *41444 'olf thOme who helte41 ti,y tit ortetwottit_ot 406tottlitzl*ttittft r 10414.,fht .etturth, Ibil iiiipittie 44411 Wang that bY the .t11,4tarteel.- ' rearitii *go. OW It r ttiOf tOtigrt- eiglitet* titillos-, Wtt,ntiohta. " ,,. 1st** soirtg*vicikk* mot, to.libOttf Val* ,1404401tailtY hoactit 4t1 asei**tgr *WOO oit ' ' *toot 0 *14, iooir its ii* , though, to read that Whitehea to return, two miles from Ooderich to get entertaimient. Too butt! That must have been an extraordinary rainy fall. Notice bow Many times rain is men- . timed in this account, of Whitehea 's. • Which was the wrong road the Revcording to the drunk contvictionread s we f, and) personal observation of drinking in and around the old town, there is room for some healthy aggres- Ore tetnperante societies yet. Those must have been days of rough going and hardship for most people. So we realize when reading of that creek being forded, the storms which were passed through without our mod- ern privileges of protection, and when noting how they fedi on muSkrat and salmon, the only available food -sal- mon would be all right, but muskrat - not for me! Then the difficult tra- velling the fallen tinaber and the Friday, Not Ilthr 11 • - tontd.iogheo AvAlple 4V00 avec} by hostesses, - VOI.OXI ChM* X41400,-,4Thst" regular meed* - -,0, the, Y:PAY. was held thet cherch: Friday' eVening, With Ober `- teen members present, "?‘444*,) thera0 the program was "Old. Testatuent Phophecies."•, \..Evergtt geVINtain. hot 'charge of tile. meeting and Har- wood presided at .the organ, fxtte, opening Wain 'WAS followed hy the - Scripture leason (P41414'45 :1-10)4 .P4.444.t by Jean ,letcAllister, The.liralrer froM1 the °Pathfinder" Was by' ErIe McAllister. The tOPlet ." oWhat Meant by Prophecies? *aa• read by „ Harold Gardner. Plans,' Vade:: vice en SundaY in the, atigieneetW• tieS for the Yuung Peutde to take the sers pastor. The meeting 0Osed• !Oath lryann and the 012/Pah heziedictiono.4 On ;Sundep the servite: at "Unt'exp., taken by members of the T.041; was in keeping. with ...the, Arini season. Marion Porter wasin eha go of the\ service and 3,,tris 0_4004 in , charge of the music. Robert Davidson led in devotions.' • An anthem,- 0644, Speed the 'Right," was sung by tha' chore. The Scripture tegfOrt was read by Nora iSowerby. Asolo, 'Peace; Perfect Peace," was sung by Harold G-ardner. IA reading °Arthisttee De3iip was read by Viola 'Tiehborttes, The address 'Wirer as an Instrument o Iter ligious Police was read by Esthe MeIlwain. %he, servlee closed .svith hymn and the benediction,,,,.On Wed. nesday atterneon of this week the 'members; of the W.M.S: are eneettain"' ing the ladies of Taylor's corner chureh at the home -of Mra ,Gordon, Orr. ssMiss :McGowan, recently? 're- turnee from 'China, will address the meeting. Sunday he was there made for sraall attendance, Just as ft does now. God- erich evidently, bad a Tempera,nce So- ciety over a hundred years #go. Ac- _ Mr. Whitehead took and found intoler- able? It would be interesting to know. When he got to Goderich he. speaks of "the back of the town." Which was the hack? Does .he mean east? - expectation of Goderich of the future bas not quite come up, to it. The forests have melted away, 'bin the spacieus city and the - half-millien so'ng are still unrealized-, The 'fruit- ful lielde are with us, - • His commente on, his . services arc interesting. yire suppose he means by "respectable congregation!' a , goodly number. There was evidently‘ ne kpNYALLER:' BENI,StrCr;EE wailirStrililehte011_ Mr. and Mrs: Sidney. Dickenson of, Goderlch visited, Benmiller (m Sun- day. , Mr, and Mrs. Wiil Lout Were in Lon- don on Thursday last. Mrs. Itusse1141fIriglirGederteirhonsj pita). atter undergoing an operatifOil fef appendicitis. • • . !Miss Ounningham, A former teacher here. was ealling on old friends around Benmiller: We are pleased to hear that Mr. Pit- blado is improving 'slowly. The choir of Benrailler United church put on a service 6f song On - Sunday evening. Rev. G. Wplie told how the Various hymns originated', and by whom they were written. s 'Mr. and Mrs. MeGoogin of Detroit called on, Mends in Benmiller sn; day. chereh for Methodists at that timestretches a lonesome country -if the ADDRESS ON MEMORY Was there for any people so early? Rev. Mr. Whitehead could sny of what Under the«auspices of Huron Coun- That prayer meeting at Mr. °miner's he found in those early days, "Surely ty Council an illustrated lecture will -where was 31r. Oummer's, in town or the Lord Is in this place," our hearts be given by Arthur 11. Richardson, of out of it? There must have been a are cold, there is no 'thanksgiving in the,Prcivincial Forestry Department, in healthy nucleus of people to make a as; our sense of appreciation Is With- MacKay Hall on Wednesday) afternoon, churcb. But there was religious gee- ere0, up, if we can't recite the old He- November LIth, at 2.30 o'clock. The tuation in those days as now. The brew etclamittlors at what we see and address Will be illustrated with col- tempestuousweather of the_ ecoed know today in the Huron tract. ored lantern slides. forissimplasigrowswassimissiasexe , $T. RE.LEN , Sr. ITCLMNS, nv. .10 Durnin. of Lueknow .was a week -end guest of ).te,43:1 F0114010, Durnin. 'Mrs, Itichard arthi was it retent visitor 'with ter tathett„ Ur. Wm. loads. ° Stenties of ItOtian brought the need forgreater nalsgimary* effort bitore tiko tongroption of tho " V1414.4 church on SUtalaY morning; *hen he delivered It• Oartlettlarly • testing tuldrisliiosed on t4e &rip", into poSege, 'God has no favorites." Owing to the anniverory services in ri.tickno* the nieetitig of the - was withdrawn Sunday ereultg. Thom and Mrs. Comp - bell ,ritomporan of LueknoW were week- end titiltors at Detroit andpVialler. Oordon. Mt and Mrs. T, Salkeld„ Itt. W. L Milbem and 3,Irs. W. A. Miller attendtal the 'funeral of their cOnairi, Urs. Charles. Wallis, llintos Ofl Vriday: • • and Mx& W. llumphte$ ;411 be at home to their friends tomorrow trilekhdaY). on the occasion of their wedding Um WM. tlitaltell of Mitetkil is- a 'Vont visitor with her 'teem!, Mrs. 4. D.Attto Ilutherfora. dit Mr. 4344$01d, ‘3,1itsos and Licata Salkeld" ot erkit were rereat goats of Ntia, R. /t. !ler and iktre‘ 4sliton. •toy 4111,1ito Conertat: aptogantit Ida iliclitiOn with Us bmot' .3ohi* 1n4 Verracroa. Ur. and Ito. Virilaosf N3oods 1)**415o an Mr. stoat 30.4 Art4414 II boeror *sits 1.40**041 ***egg et Mrt.It4. lireeolia. • TELEPHONE TALKS •1N. THE WAT$ON FAMILY ••• "HeTe's Dad, ... ifs , his turrt %caw ! ill Friday night's a special, n•ot with the Vatsons --- the night of Bob's • long distance call. Prop weeltly t- ly at eigb.t the telephone bell tinkles ,ana Bob's 'hearty Voice e onsets booming over Ole wire -- then gariel's and the youngsters' ----; Who are allowed to stay up llo"; too.. specially to say 41:ie kees "Long Distance pus rune say tloeir grandparents. "Ifs tb.0 ' we know cheapest pleasure Like the -Watson family, you too wilt firul Long Distance the ideal Way of keeping in, touch with out. of -town relatives or friends!' The low cost win surprise you!. • A Nov.. WAS XlflOditid 41,o- caoy And had WS s' .4.10ing 'he Vell asi In the Aletandra 00)&4 the 0014g ilentnifier. ehol :Rik% titer/ otetting atstwt,t1, aaaa apply At* DAT ttli4taiail rly v4tion vtoi wrr trio tiolto itrit