The Exeter Times, 1880-11-25, Page 60 Du i: agricuittuat Dttpactant, WINTER DAIRYING, correspondent of the C utntry Gent•leinau says t "in lieall'1LUUU whet) 1.1„n L yl,bin wants a wifedie 18 i$ n fu`)(1 q'r forage 43Y net Alloweti Go W1:410118 liaret118 of bis mita better for Lntkii at."VS " 1"111 tO friends to select oue, for '10110•111med 111,ABRIA.Gt IN FerYPT. GIRLS solo.ramae inirrinernan AT TRE AGE Q4• 1XV1 Y1S AND ItARA:BP AT TEN— THS. 3.?.aigt OF A mint nom 10,1V4 Lulls To $1,500, Potn'est1iupu'ul'hiuth1 Int" forbade men ,o see the face Of 4117 WO 11 .etl them freely fur years wi. h I14 ui ,,o tb,y, cool ,11,0„rvv, treat tt1}L 4 to say results, ati1 find the fear of Lite any besidos tirair mothers tattl sistc,rs. seejsi1Donsnmse. A.t the resent A. man is th,refure obliged to employ a tidie Duty,: a fine 1t.t growing among 41the'bel,' dr matchmaker to find one the corn and about, three acres planted for itim, for which serviee, of course, • the limn, which togot her will be vile expects 'hackshee.W--th t P4,pfty. • Melent to 'Mit till Christmas if I can went. The kltathub, having Wand a 1 coie a portion of them from the frost. a gill, recommends her to the man as A:ter the pumpkins are g00% carrots exceedingly beautiful and eminsmtly ate better than n uv other va i"tY or suitable to lum. The father is then and if fed till tunas eohlo8 again Waited UpOli oascertain the dowry hu 1 here need be no loss of quality in the requires, f r411 Wives are purchased As „ 1,ettee. lata gtity the all1b: willin 'nal i.trelial days. Witco Jacob had be equal to the best grass season, and no looney to pay for It Lobel he sertied depend np')n Cho o"ws• Atiy 11)all het father soven years tts au equivalent; ving commm on s..nse, ot =waging, and, when duped, he was obliged to t toperty, con obtain double the aver- age, given by c,.wt, or tiro Hod ot•tnitii,t• if he will buy of good ones and bred from none but deep milkers, al ft um balls which are Pram a deep n .ilLitig tartan," KING APPLES FOR E CODE A.N SHIPPING. servo a seeOuil IMO to secure his prize. (Geo, xxxh.,) Fathors d1111 refuse. to give a younger daughter- in moulage helot e the elder Milan h IVO been mar- ried. 1.1111 people of Arlin:oda, in Asi- T .1 f .1 i t • 1 t a c lit te.= , 11 yoontret so u marry befute an elder, it:n1 this is like- wise the taw of the Hiudoos. Tile price of a v.-ife varies from five T1iTF1iS ..• '_-. • •• • important to °On umpti,vott 8 6 I) 011111 101,1 rng A gentleman having bet n so fortannte as to • 1 1.1. A, link , A.A,0 , onto MS atm ofe..)11Satuption itt its Y0 51 after being giveu up to dio by illn toot colt,. , inured physielans, detiir..s to inalte Ruown the care (wIlioli proves suoeusaitil ill every easy) to those attlieted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, ()olds, Consumption, and the Ail.. tions of the Throat And. Longs, nod will scud the Recipo, free os charge to all who it,,tirt.• it, if they will forward their talarosto to D.1N I lilt, ADEN, 91 Liberty 91„ Nc..w York. Om. NOVEURB.t. r21.5) 1E4'6 and Piano. resirreexeretersamstunnsameneternewetur222 Iturdork Healing 0:114711eut hou1d be used in connection with Burdock Blood Bitters for curing tleers,Abseesses, Fevers, Sores, &r. Price 25 esias pee box. T. Alit...BURN &(Y) Soi.E.tioRNTS PUBLIU SUPPLSED :. ,. .;•.' ..:` l., Jr,. , '• -...A g :,,-;„ I l'i .1 , IL •;... 1 di '.''' - ' all' feller thil.21 Orr, shillings to $1,500. rue girl may not DASIllgiOD FURNITURE WAREROOMS The Largest and Most, Yontillet,, !i'actory in the 1.401.1.00 foot. highest Honms e;er nw'nrdeil t,Udher in the Worlti. witui., AND DIP140:11.1 :1T !NTEN Do do syirs=•••,V, '181 CiQLll MEDAL Al' PIOVINO1A1, EXFil ' • ' '1'1>i?ill'ZTO. HIGHEST AWARD AT IN IUSTHIAL1Xk::TION., TORONTO, 11:47fs„ We are now Mall llft1 t g pright Pi fill Bdst in the marl CoiTesporid,.w.- solicited. Send for II - 11s brated Catalogue. Arailed free. Address, D xL.iD1 eitgart and. c cortipa.217,, he in to than five or six yobt a old, lint wt. w. isA.m., 'truant ttiluote to thcoc about to ....,...,,,....,..m,......,.....,..c..:,. The Londqn ,INIagazine of Pharmacy , 40,,,tever 'tor ,t„,, two , thirds of the imatish nou,es or io 0000. of an yttiim, in Ms lino .*0 tit 1111(1 hut• 1 •, . that ..10 th.s .4.10.1 bogoly to ids mciiities fox in,,kes tile ionowiuct suggestions about .1 ,, . , 1. tektug apples for Er' or upend) shipmen.: ,, 111tient ,,- ou. orst... thew Work. Sosii, Doors Olit, ' Then) is no reason why this splendid tlieeuptr,e):71iiiicsel,c;,ifI.te.i8tetiaelst:eisv.., say8 : '1 u.ii,).:11.,,v,)It,,,,, jitilue L7, Tito fathrr et..,tare Frames ou liand. .11101.ton; ;I, spec:al-4 f di:, shonld not be imported he e al. . bethroth to thee nu; doughter,' awl the t, v elog unto responds, 'I aceept uf such W I N T li:t 1-t _ ni,ts • a, 1 es i ea own u as w ten 1 ..1.1.-•ses, the fa dier exi.ettas the dowry 1\J I L L 1 INT 173 13, '' i gathered from the tree. A comtnou .b ,t,,,, the.i., r..• ,:i 1./1/1.11 11,1.111thg' It111.? ,lowet but soft tissue paper slicultt envelope ., ....... .. (Itch apple before it is placed it) tin - I..; ilh4 onteintse of dies., ornaments, or 1,1iSS GARLICK cask, awl this tissuA paper should have . flu it me for tho b,101:, wiiicii never boeu soak. (1 in a 130111 ion ef salicylic :lei.' and titied before it is nsea. tril,, b dt p,, potation of salicylic acid for this put pose is the alcobt lie soin ion U1 id.. wi'h Lite strongest apitit,a ,d then wi.h as moch water as it, will h.cr, hoc{ „recioatio,'the acia, so The het, °dials often e •tttio 00 hie years a: 'to go as far as pos. lore the matt L101116,11, tn. wife. T :ns “Soalson went down. :tot! talked to th. slide. Each epple ,bould 1)0 envelop( d in . -i11 least three or four folds of the "1.('mo,11,' or m1)01150.1 hur, and, after a cyla,,(11 paper, and evsry 1 me be teturried t.,ki. her. Girls 13aeet pr-c;:ntiou should be taken t pr,vent "1""'..1'd "i 118° "I. 100 b"" tn.lt 11,1n1 SIXte,-.11 yo.tro, ho t after six blisit whon loadoil into the ca.k, or c“,tes. 'V -11 necked apples nut 't3eu a•n. , 1. ro toe al. all during voy.i.,ee, a. d '""" ext2e°"!" ProPortrolia.IN • dit or a railway train uhoult1 lot VI , little ft.et o.1 thou. Neverthele,s, , t, '8 1" 2431)1, 11, auto riva'it 1.4 a! • c r, d. awouct of is uitteen and gra odor tut )8 al ttvell Y ,ro.d ot Persia. they a•e said to r 1,1010, qild to avoi 1 the ult•erior t,:-, eaiicvlat d oape,. is tip,tifi••1•N at eleven, .1.4'.,01.1.in 'titers at li:cutue the ),),-opotty of 13 r ho -hand hlv,..n when botrothed, the iiito,o,m,ts,,, or the parties Mary ri-strietea. Tho twill allotV them- te sre Kw]; 011101.'1mi. J.two ate !tot :so btliti4E+nt. xr.sroe.4....3-1. a, full .wock. of Beaver' Gam.31 Hair, and ' Felt Hat2, it verylow lull it tost stytos„. Also a :lir 1110) os ,v.st - ,110.0) fitOr 'at r with .a 1013 be trivO to r, ,4o.riothhig t will, both itt AY.10 and ci.ncy Oc.)acas. • .. 111 1 -tit Braids, Berlin and Moor.. s.Vo .1:, ,/•,t,.111 titik1811,,pors, -11 to% nti, etc. • 1..,. :In., .r 1. uleo.rea out, otul will beso•o, itO •;;" C it 1.1C ,u, whore iu 101111 - 1•;x:,,Tioat 17 A. N () : HOW 1.11T, 11 CORE3 We !I've ro.,e.w...1‘. olo11...r..,1 a now eflitioh 0, Ill. Cr:1),7:11 .N :ILL.:: (l..,1,1111LAT 1) EsS.V,.. ra al.., 1•ItLcal dila licq.,,la.,ok ci.ro 01'11110111, IC, doi0 9 o NcI'Vtols11,)1,1111, NicO1:41 awl physic:la to/Plityf111, , a d 1.e..st b. tying ar 1,11ilik1. ditm.,,rom ov.,,.; no.tir.eity thiooa:a...it, t,.. 1I.atioge, etc., ro. ,r....!*: it ifie whet' wo C 'IlSillol• 1110 re- , , , , , t-,.....Prk-oi...1..,'Ortioll oul ,...;.,,,,e, n,•. As to the cost, it would b.) a 'Vile!) a 111.11.1 cle11.4 oils his b- tiollte.1 1, only a cents 0.., il,- uanoti :via the splendid condi (too `1111,7 is U.S•I'LL 1"1' 1 /le n up, ht.1 ., and fo• .wiiat".1t.'2.;14..tt`.1e"..t1,,.4,,h 0. of ti i • a 11 i • 7 ti.• frui W.11011 7,1 011 tei s the T., ,,,,,,,m 1 s.'vett ingiits before 1).• is All ip,,,„a t, •Furi„..t -la L-t.ritto..c,..,,o tii,:s,;,341.0`,.,91iir...!..:'3,: ,.,iarii y.. Besides it id very prob :hie e 't l'illst, which, 1toxe•,..t. is fort.• '12,1).1•::,i.;',1',..,It‘r4‘i'r,L1i.ii..);'',.1',••1•11.:;'•i'';';....;,; us .s.ts'i•li': rt,,,d roi. i h, d by the 211 ,et8 th al .‘,.1,,,,..,s. fr,io,.. .fa::... t11.!.1.1:1 ..,..r., or Li,e 'poi'at row :.e salicylic acid paper t act. , hula,. otVoti" . O , el' the al,p;es ill A,,i,„,ries, mitcht i ,100 Se.111.1•13 e 'ffee, ;mother ric,,, atio,1„ 1 '..0.,,, • ,, 0 y ...a Au: a'. %1 Ai. u. • ,., :es su.T,:r.e, nollIrt. b. 1,1.4'`I uver c1,2s111. or applied in Eng. '",",),LI:lel. s"...6.1.' 6, 0, Th? 1".1''010111 till* '"'''''11.'Lt 'ILai'''11;1:,''t,I1..il.A1,`-,11!I2'.:Yi.b.?"' c*Irehi""I' 01,.. r., sowe similar attlits•Ttic, purpose u ...ins C.03101111'11 lt•111,,1 I- 11 " 111 zf.t. b.„ '1$ ;11-'••"1.,1,0 110,111111. :11' PO:luta/1 of 01101'1, • 3 all the ttliowauce roado f„r it ac. l''''') 1.11.° (3u11;"'11,11,1464"!' iT ,is, , , ' ''''''''' '4'1 ev..'Yni"liii"l'ulana. . I .t•toton. (Joint, iii.. 2:) ) A lout th. C .1. 11 Z.1 t., t A '1.,it•ObS, LI- ...4 t.J.,.., \, 4.11 •\• til Fir, \I )IJ 00, idiv•gly. , 18 i'lli 1TICli-1(1 tO .00 11. WWI •JA tlo orid, . 1,r ', , 1' , -"T• , r- ------`'..- ---- 1 • 'Chile of 'ht. (1.1 • tlt.. I, ii.= asTive4 at di „Inn rittect,:low Y. a.. Ccit'i. 113.Lt 0 .11:,.y,',, 1 Y In 0 vt a , it • 1K, ii,,ti-.e awl 1e ir.01 1;11 tit'' 11.11'0111, th•d..1, . 'Aft 1r ;Ina sandy t‘itli 171 i.cl- i where silo /411.4 with 11. r 11 t11. r, 4i -del F • rd',. 1' •et..r.,1 Brd,slan. Now is the 1 and fettial, fii. nt1,-. A tic third 01 1•••on to gu•trii. suait.st Clils. If you nrtn w oh of flee —throe ill PreVoilt Cttnitnittptiutt nilt ct etpir hours afIer 0itos,t--01• 111 'egr ion 1 t!it11 who has not, ytt, seen hi. , 181 Balssin will nevr fail to 010 11.10:41013 10 +)•••1,y, ae,...otup b‘ C1001`. A1111111, 111'00 '111081011S; ‚ to C11P.4 110.1..1.01'11-1.11iII :11-, NViinot ing u.d., and all put u .011 his 1..40 0 is intro. s.1 cow plaiots. ()Iitalo it of your 1111e. 11 1,0 11'1,, britl.,, whom, ate, ge.i -1. :laving; giv, 0 1101' .'LIP 11:101 1!) :40111 '0 l'0111.0, lie is lsit 0),1 He, Il tior )7 11 OV 0.1 1-1 lire 111,14 desovv,,,ny )w.s if her vei!, 11•1,1 f w„.t. i„ th„ loarits„ f,„. • hoe st10, her face. If -u1i,fi.41, lie in, ' Nentaluit,,Sprai,,a, "'rills Ow .4 oto,A1 Lunt' 'Ili 151 ill Pti, Toros', Ju 1 P "1.'1Y oxl're,4 their 1 y lV 8crowtli g Z Poi 1 echo -1 1)7y ' c.....lootrao'i,ai z;.t.st.v. 8,1:d „run-, , • 0,,,,,, fi, 1110.0 bj 111,50 1;1 in 1110 121.i...601•110.,(1 '• 1 -, 4111. W,11 it*, PV01:11.111 11 -0. YlillOW , 11, vet 0 yt.11. Sold by all MY:A N'}.. . • name-inv. Strpno,e tt machine el,taid fail to 11104 .1'111 11-1 ti Lilo 010 lei, in• •irde,ek 8 uud tlizt ets It the M..11 st.,1+81 of I ryiiig lo 11,0, 1..,1•, th„ e 1 tliitt (tett. upon tlit J31 od, -f failure and remedy it, tit,uld c it .1.1,1q eis Htt 041,10 tO right, 04m, h tibio it 4l ays nervon 4 It'll' IAA 11ti 11111 111..1.1111:1C 1..41 .11t11'1,4,1fOlf.'• I 10). 11;111, tolIt'a 111, the dobiiilit:eti 110 not. n: 8111.):'• r; ea). 1 clirenit houtor:t h•tim a.. 1 so ag;,iti. 11 1 ge s 1 and 1001011 th.otoy 1i„,).1t. to 1)1';worst rut of 11 ott11-d-wn Pts/101 1 n 1 il vilo 1c E 0. 'ole by all tit:niers. 1, limed bit, hitns,dr N • 'v, pt cei .0 nt -Is bott.e 1)) Cenl•, regn1 ix size Ilk ‘4 ily do people ac q.1 argue v. hen il,c1 00. .11t1 11) 111411i111.1" 'MI, or ord-r. \Viten tile liver •tor,11.1 airti bov,Ple '111 aal7r no Excuse, eolis1 0.1011 evtny one ktotwt, ---- Pierce's Poot,141.1 Pot g .70 pm ony excuse for on ff,.ring fold p1 toot ard porni1)1031 reit-f. Yt L.,,ver 0 ouptdot 2 :wino 111550 the "iiiae,hi tt" will Ovine j.1 1,4 3 t. 11,f,y IPAr(1.. 17,01 sirloirl go upon ol ' 1-01, t.nd ilohotitiliv.• 0•09 (.1 ly to &iv ,g it...Mini' 0 Anti any 8y •11 Itt 111 1..11•13 StOOl g t".alt, Silk ti ta-a,the, 11 du'ual 11, 111111cl 1101'11101 01 2 S.111 0s4.1 LK. 1,oi, 0.', 1),C11,q11401 trees 11,001 1)1 he mit oi ()Idol 110, e b • •.)1.'11.,2•1 El) 13U101.1'1.flt S110.1 1.0t-11. NV Go•twinvirio, ., corr rttn,imes aith 11.,) o,lte to.00lliit‘l,ilmj..tialli orw . , g •t..n1ibur;1'”:t1nli311:t014"e12 ti ri). lifor ow •"e:td110A7,1t:,he Itt„ett, s 1 wS4in, G 0 ti )110111', eralty tl, anti 1 -ho,.., flies afT -..,kortsAtIn4 .0/1). 513(11)1 i1,1A.10),C p .1 (C;o4:1(....Ook;e tOr.l, hi the 1111,11b0. "11,011,1 1'010 111) tio0 ,tc0c132 .1,10 C ,,; ij tip np of footi gftvt, ,t1,,g, I w5 m,, ,01.0 101 1.11 itt 14111 EU. moot wagoil wilieti 1.11O0 1%1E1 1 115, p1,11 itlAy vottt I hit. blood •vill pa iry o•miti 1,thaits of tit..rillage.1,o00,11 laerea 01 .VooLaalt f, a you G to pair Duty- Ipaly bl,trued 111? 110.111 -wives,. if, 0 , II 1.,„; i• 4 it ti g a 11,,ttit, or 010,,EN•s. gpoormi t i1 9Urlrl.itIfl1 1010/1k (1)010, .4112 1• 1.11 '(opt 001a21u3-t, Ft, t0ij lel. ttl'• 1,111.1tt $14.“.1 N.1. rt. tingly yet kuu, It equals tit t,tth1tt 1.10)). . -,10, 1 t if 3v—i1 'Ilit, tht. 'tt a Di,co.very It' earwig It.; :I- rut 10 cont.:, t v tibro-o, 1.144 ,tx: ):1.1.1,,,W4Ylmitt,;:`,,:f;111"'"1""ki:'"Vv1"' (.11/..10/ 4LA V,: a u, 14 4 .uagistio,,, sa•••••••ra. Port (lince)Iox 11011 IMWMANVILLK, ONTAtlin- • • •. ••,:mt-72^,mwelnetnr.a.r.araemorm .11ra. 1.nE.3.r2A14•5 vronli row ;ma is a 2- fe. ..ore nod et:Veit:al dosico;...- Oran lu Child IVO Or ad:Lit:4o Pt -t, 4n...; rue *,,Ijo. "MI'S. St 554bliENTE4' 1*lit'14 47 1101. (.1•41.f Pit ev,•ry r. 1).....1;33tars.64.4 It3- thvy no egna1. PrIce 2) cents ;re: Vp177.7119:1 r Ick\**':"Fl‘g!t. ( 41t7;‘ '::":41:;71:1T A 'IV VA\ T.4{.13.1C 3Fri? V • •;,„ ‘1,1 il.ktAttss t4r!,.r" , kik „;Ibt.ri tie ot‘' 'VI f ..1TV.314", 'fp r-2,0 3 I la.A1t.42A kftnal.141.01KIVEC9.9“11.2.4014,1.12/20•M.,-.4.9...• ONE CF THE OLDEST AND MOST EZUP.31.E REMEDIES IN THE WOF1LD FOR THE CURE Or Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, illibl.3:17.111, Croup, Whooping Conch, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs„ and including CONSUMPTION.. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN; WRITEFP, "It does not dry up a cough, and leave ths cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the longs and allays irri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED- by aztielea:. bearing a similar name., Be sure pal get WISTAR'S BALSAM- Off WILL) CHERRY, with the signature ,ys "1. BUTTS" on the wrapper. SO Cents and 81.00 a Bt.ttle. P.e. pare& by SETH W. FOWLE Bos.tou, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers gen0rall3 all•Ir.e.m14.1.1111%.1.am.e.^1 • 1. Ilito andel signed won 41' icon:the i tiliabi- 11,1(2 of el xotoi itutl rieiniry that 't 4:1 111 k ornme•••••••..1.4611001.0.0100*•• y A Protected Solution of the Protoxide of tank Is as easily digested and assimilated with tlis. blood as the simplest. food. When the blood, does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied by the ure Of the. PERU WAN SYR UP. It cures a " thousand. ills" simply by 'raisin; Ur, Itsvroonirnso. and. VITAVIZING the system). The enriched and vitalized blood permeates eery pert of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretur 1 ' " ;thing for. disease to feed trim,. nis toe s,siret ot the, wonderful succese of this remedy le ettrit•g Dyspepsia, Liver Cot Dropsy, Chronic carrhcsa, Wervoua Afrections, Growe comp:mos,. Aad all tiiSenSOS originating in e bpd. state ...)f • the bloo 1, tt avoompanied b,t tiebility, or tt 1r!‘w state of !MIA. . OAT) . suro ei got the "PR-. ." Sol.t 1,,,y druggists goner, $ ally. P. • -t, ;. • 1; Zo any addii ss by. 1011 W. 1"ropgjetrj-,,,. 9A„ tiscai .3V0....-, 4.101 2/1