HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-11-05, Page 8.".1.01V417,t, ov, 3
and Mrs. MulIen Detroit t'pent the
at the Oeriaer'e.
Utz 'U. (Woods ,roth
'IW'edneMlay last after spending ftwo
..ill_l.TeNnto, *tr aPoon$11K '.31r*
4300en,of I)unns'flIe
eeonlOanlea,..3tre,%.Wentla,„ They
(uned .home on'Thursdar Taernitiftl
isa:iora-Organo,a. 0,0040 to Urn
:401 :0a,'„:$aturtlay, 'after having!: ,44),OTOt
ACNV,011 WOOS- at her 'bottle here.
• f*ISS'..VergasOn..Will ;spend the.'Vriater
. ,,• .
eor otuita.fes* dais b0rie, as 400. .0'4*to
•• .,of
• 4(i.,•.;,soht(„Pariper,
itotaltin with relatives,.
• The cervices In TrinitY'elturch will
.be hold in the ,trening at
ineglaateg;:,uext :$9,nday4 .November 7tb,
• Mr. ,11„ llarrett, Mr. and Mia,.• Win,
eDon*ld, gr. and ,
mid , --.urs. C. Upllett and Itr$,
Mlnnle Agnew of Detrffit were gueeta
•• :tot Me. and, Mrs.' 11. i're0oa on. SW
'.:'• •
°Ague ":McLeod and, Mrs* 0110„.
Plater ': siut tool \ of . Detroit were
week -end :guest* of Mr, and .3lrs. W.
go.„01). 4
- 0, Obtnehward, Mrs. K. Moore-
iittcei Mrs. R. t. Gardner and daught
1+ :MSS ' ..Betty Gardner, Of Loudon,
ut last .•Titurad0 aane., •
3ft. and Mrs, V, Quurrle returned
London,•00, 1.rne04Y ":4fter ,.*Vending
Several.Montlis: .their" home here.%
.1014 Asher, Mr, and grs.
two small :danglv!
A. EduratIls on...0011day..
Mr. \and Mrs. lames E. Minna and
'sen,. Roy- Ilona, Of Cedar Spring!,
311ch.3 ,..ivere- the gueSts•-•-of Ur.. and
Uri; 0, obithorpe on MondaY. .
' VOinag,PeOpies Banquet. -On Thur
, .
.r# October 2,4, the young people
St. Andrew's toted chllech held
banana' In the basement of the eintreh.
_With about, in. attendance. The
"basement twat; nicely decorated Iii
. colors. After onpper the
-preeldent •Mr. Sett' Dunn. Jr., *ailed
'the greop to order and had song sheets.
• ,distrlintteci..-,and a sint7sing was ea,
• , Joied by ,all. the lathering was. then.
.favored with" selections from . the,
orchestra, ..eansIsting Of Miss 'Gladys
'Gale, MH„_
• linti Mr. Boltert':, Welsh. Atter an,
other :short sing -song (31r Dunn called
. on • Rev. E. M. (ale to introduce the
cpeaker..Iter. James Gole,..of 11,,,tonkten,
-whose .aildress was nutch enjoyed by
Afterwards the .orcliestra
lighted the gathering -another
.munber. .-The'mee_tlag,Wtia closed with
• 111)0044011*---*'PR4".---,4 •,vleasaint
-evening aa ipent',ieeently at the
lome Of 11r.,litst:Mrs, •LindSai SMIttif
tlie, Otte' Water highway,,' Xsaydeldi
when the-tiatnily gathered to.,cOngriitu»'htte thein on 11K'ir .
vittirn itoin.their
1i000isnoon, • fOlirEatipper waS ore.
pared for theas:1,y the eoneins Of ;the
_roo. Otr; Afro', n,„ mor;
440no mit* •4E. Smithy 'With' glow* l'earL
ond-rhylilo ,Dfn(14-,y serring...' The
house was,prettlii decorated Ngith pi•lik;
and white Alreatnere. and 'White
The' sante eoh,re. were need for table
deperatione, vorera being 101410r. tb.O.
Later In the, evening the
young 010 Aofjae7.0aRnaufitty Arathered
er'Antolo and, danet.og,., The ',4aueo,
.4fli41e7 'Wee' proiridet, 00*. oearaa
Weton, *Olen tollook Anthony Vtae.
41114 'ethailes Varkeri. -:Vrith Robert •Orr
.11o0r, manager, The $0.0lig. 'Couple
received Mat* etiil and- ,practiefti.
tett" ' Wedding
_Lteob' Sue0' reeentli LiOnden wben
net, Townsbenti 'united in Mar..,
flap- Lulu 'ItOthena aewell-.--•pr..
routo, only daughter .of Mr. and Mrs.
Wllllnm J. Jewe4I of 1)Unlop.
ay Onorge ",$nath, ..the
late gr, an4,3.1rs,'.Ittehara,•13401th,', The'
bride wore.tt, sinartly .talleted•.tible Snit
with bine .aeteSsOrles. and a. cer$4.0"
of .pink roses and lily :et '.the
Miss Irene „tieetelxreer of Londetr,Iva*,
the bride Only,attencianf., • „She also
;was dressed In -blue wlth inatell1411f4e*:
04891100 Agit a' $4001-derIttO of stl
roses and street pees; .144, Too Wild
of Itayileld was "groomsnion.- The'
grOOtals Ott to the ,14-ide was a vanity ,
ease; to ihe'bridesMaid ;Siker 00tiit:
pact, and to the groOmsnian .leather
''Olitesta 'were/ present trem'.
Toronto, )1Vel.trainater and '',LartVon.
After the ceremony .s Wedding br,44-::,
faat was -serve t the VOyal Cafe.
,31r, and gra.' . ith. left On It eitOt.
trip to Chatham, Windsor ,and PetrOlt.'
ether reside now. on t 6.01WA farm*
day evening last. a 11-alloWei0..Partj"
was held in the Town �abI for the
Anglican'pariSh Of lEit .3Ohn's°, 'Varna, ,
'St. James', Middleton; and 'Trinity,
Rayiteld.- It was In 'the • nature or
masquerade and many fancy and Weird.
costumes were seen. The halt was
tastefully decorated keeping With
the occasion. The foilests were ,?tre.i'
coifed by Her. 1W,U. 1034 Mrs. Bug-
ler and then were greeted' by four
ghosts, Who rumor tens us 'were ,ivilseoS
Elia 31aelCay, Berthenn '11,ftttrgermi',
Doris' Ventherst.en and elate Stedieod
Once inside the halt guests were Ugh-
ered in this -'and that 'direction.: • •-A
witch stirred her • brew . from :which
came fortunes, and again 'Dame Itlunor
itiapers that .he witeh--ww; Ses.7,44.1r1
Yorke. for • a musical romenee,
well4cnown young lady (Jean Woods)
played •the piano. • The witch and,dier
ghostly company Judged the coStu.Mee.
and aWa'rciettn ;the prizes to Miss rat
-Aurirtsou • (liallolve'en") and little
Miss Mary Elizabeth Beatty (a:little
olg). And so the evening . -'went �n
With games and contests for all until
lunch time:. Then, the guests repaired
to the basement Whftelthe'taViee were .
*alt.-. On a eelOatate.table covered -with
1A0.0 cloth and lighted by Pink tap'-
-In,1511rer holders were two birth -
(lay -0104 Conveying birthday greet,
lugs, to Middietonochttrel4:vtlhieh On.
. .
On Thursday, Nov. 4th, 1 look over
GroceryLinsineSS Owned by Mr. C. M. Robertson..:
1 will be. pleased to serve the people of Gode.
rith and vicinity and ivilhvelcoine. an opportunity to
renew acquaintances with friends during my .years
nt, in business here.
0 of'November
,Chea this list over carefully and see if it dots not coo,
* tain lust what you, want
° You, are invited to inspett them at your own convenience,
ithoUt any obligation.
thlten. Whateley •ysithij
tends at Wincivr.
Mr. Mrs., Oa; SItattlettlettthis
a the whaer In Vier43.,
401; Me'lob* th We1i4nowit.
former Reeve 0.'4104 te4.12.:Sh1p., was
In 't0Wa 011 Monday.
rifingeS Thomson, f St
4oSep1ile bosnita4 Londono Spent the
"Ikeelr1,14, at her bOtne here;
..31.r. and Mrs,- a, 11:: Onmacile
gitebellerf were orent Totie4s et „Atra*
Thos. -Young, 4South atteet,, •
*Mr, W,,V,,Xellr of Voadon was in
lOWn, on Pricier last and 'was 'warmly
greeted by oldftinte
Miss :Agnekr.Paulphell
44i :ta entertraining at ittyyni,
heoltal Montreal
a4dfel""*t4;-.431Ittneger-. roltr v01 ingt,e115:"18tivtr 414't*:*
.nna 4'ot:106400rd .011";S11tidaY,
.304 Ed. Beck left . on: firitl4Y, .14.st for
'coanoanda, ',where howillSpend the
Viutek as MAIO with his son.
Or, 4ifetrilt tfiaher, of the staff Of
the brattelt• of the ItOyal. Bank,
Is holidayingr athis home on. Welling-
ton,u4t.reie,Dotuv.,a. •e, 14,10 bas returned
*tine after Spending the three,
*Vito' in ',Detroit :With Mr: And Mrs.*
cints. Morrie.
Mr.s• Walter ,Saults and daughter.
Miss 01101$*.leilt on Tuesday for Long'
Beach, California, . where - they will:
spend t:*
.tCra!gle, Mrs.
4,00,,Vituilnolreax.anodt Attuie-$..;47.te: Apea4. antio'ebn,fdrryi''
at Sarnia ob:Itionday. :
' Dr. and Mrs .Robert Latimer, of Pt.
-Xfaryg, and their little dattgitter0
vlstted with- -Mr. and airs. puler
Oratiston4 over the, week -eta, .
Portere;-Alrotravits; -Visited With' the
Misses aIseVicar On Sunday._ - •
Mr. ,athulet Oho*.df the Port
Stanley 'branCh of the auo: of Com-
merce, is holidaying. at his. liorae'hert.1
tHIs position at :fort .1S, tanles91-71,,,Tng
tter:eponling lag?, Tear*at t
Oland Golf lehib as I:trete-WOW ,
Odor,- leek' Annst Lrealained la
eelg,ead at the close of the Atea,SOn
At ot,letfug. a the I 001-001. .1004---oparte4,4 •ter .4'
..404111 at 'Victor* aelteot 3itondo
ntich.t a eOzOtennteatto :.,-wao read from,.
VOSition with 11,, ,golf equipment
the Lions,ehth )n ich it was *mg. ruaun-
facturing many friends re
geSted- that the amt **trate , 4'04 PoPular pro's departure.
*boot Aoards in "Gederieh 'meet to
di8euss7 tlie re1natat4plent of a aehool'• - Pien
;loran, Onflerloh, on liaturdaY;
"Itt. titelr tFO.01111titifraiOn_tlie , ou$ ct Ileg4nRib T' or
rolanteereti"no7ittalntfinalfatteor , ditRoter of e, 4 4114. 41v,,
otherw4e, 04a, ixiit.ttee ;iyaa ; Nittout ,,Boatt.;
or* for ,forther ,
v . The .ta.). 40' ,ft.ltorea ''rte ',;.ttorne Ana ALtil$A4-44 'cieclerktg" lo*nablvit On,
ItErZ.4O4DI43t QederiCh °*41' "414 '44.11144,r t.11°
The regular m0eting
the publiejibrary. on •
*0 '.!*,
4 tbo Aunre
be 11014. at
Vridert November
""ta.rl hargaine at „Sanitary
.eitt, Market., Ifere.."1$ ne Of them.
',bailing Vent :-fbriaeetr;y0et;
Sehool ('1 oue 300111 111 Victoria '• Tneed4V4',..rovetuher otui,'.E.;Orah Ann.'
.sehoot for use during -their .threo.vcgot- 'Butt, boloV,04, ivite.Of L. 0.
T. Amato* It(); wt1.1 he,at
jaa* oleo, in Tatehno* Wednesdaii all
•..4. vote or thranka will be forwarded aly*, ,..Nor4,Taber Annie' tend. 'be-, n' 1)11 i'atlxs!t;ociiltleYrsle'h4Yt'lEtheee week
he 7111 bP634-4t
tlie.-Aattletiltural.--,Saeletr for 't.n11,0 iered rolfe of It G ReYnOld$ in her ° ""'" • '
* 4 • • -
Onliatinication wairreeelred frOM
Nre'gt 'Ontatt" l'eaehere''' Institute,IL L4-141 V°troit XA°141r''..1411. Igattird4Y4.- N°T.Inber
20th •ate=1,80..-0Voelc," under +lie. ausnices,
frolotioolivostr,..pport4 tor october i„1,0r4 itio.p.runu,aetrai,,si,.77rfic. t,thhiS.9:011fr.0 nt George
)incetinK .1)14!4,for, ttle'
be sent to
Central, sehpol, "principal, „went- *a.tlanti ..e'eur'Ler7, sgsi 000.1.* ibe lett
• ureOnalade ' Inter- 4 '',1)411'' el: mwill he IlagicCi
...',10kettiber 2t1d, ,1937, „Ifelen. .
,•thanking the4hoard for the tuse Of y , .
* :wattel, Wite Or Rouen 4;,.. imam' 4-4-T 'Tv is "0 A., ;44, P Wt' North
tille4 by J. K. Saunders, of Gait also
Ooderieh boy. •. •-• • ,
;Miss. kiieen Ovirien, •teacifer:k
4`1110, and, Miss, Alma ,,0,13ripti, of St;
Joseph's hosjoital, /..tondOn,. were teek-
rend. visitors • at ,their hO.Me bere,
4: %Ili! "Waracelt, who ha
neen, vielting,With,Itt. and Mrs.
•$parling ,at Ditrhant,', leaving thIs.
week to „spend the .winter with her son;
lijteWart Murray, and..hiS Irlfe? at fittto
burg. • ' ,
TOOT 'Oostelio, who .18 atten1110.#:
*leitnel',...0 • Cellegiel,.. spent 'th#
JOUNISTON0-rit 0044Meh• , on '1"11111•4- tht koare room .of 'church any
.• day, iNoVettiber 4th, Oliver jolausto,O.!,. tiline "this weeg.•:-.
In • his 86th Year. • • • .
runeral*serviee '81indaY; • 180.. Mrs., G, E. , Were,. Kingston street,
at Brophey's funeral chapel', with 314-` entertainitor .the OW' time Since,
sonic graVeside ,serviee at Clinton at her .Initrriage on 'Friday afternoon,
1..r.o,novber 5th; and after that the 9rst
' trrldttY: of every Month. '
0:0(1tQA7t4P.tat ;Onr 001,04ti VA; • •Itatear, and sale 'Of .1teine
average attendance, 3410,04t, ,0P OC:.) 31g..ver ::eandy*. booth hod afternOon tea will'
, .. :,. . ,
cent.; -penny"' bank...depottita, $_}-10.,4-.0, '•,.. be ; coved,. oommenehig at g o'Cl0e4,
Victoria 'aeboOl, -Prineipal. R. AlOne, :$aturday. , My; 13th:',.; at - Viettoria IR
ettendance4.404$ or 0I-40 ye ee t.• •
ogee -Metal enrOIMent. MO; average thited church, • 64-64
penny bank dePeadte. "PIM -The -anniversair-serviees--of---164
itlitrillPrre.t,vnerst Sunday;''' iNoVember I4th, When
1. Shortt,• of Barrie,' will
Next Week is ',elearginrint 101;
Four bushels of apples,,:$11,60;
'.•.yotir` own. •Whidfalls, spies.
,ot a *arrant' Wiled imder tfie bonito the warden ot 00' Saturday, -No'. Oth, tor one week`tallY:
.Nundity';celebratecl.' its; seventy.se4nut County and hiving 'the Seal of 'the
"liTHIWA1TE. Huron Road.
OtMIVeraarY, and- tO' Varna --On. Its. -to',b°11ririlt date ' the Eleventh day of August, 194 *nil tO-Ale 'dirOcleit
etitP0Ifth, anuirersors,, w, G. imanung. t__,HIPelo.,....41evy,',,On,.._the tondo- _hereunder oiumerat,441, for the arrears, ot O. W. loalthwaite has removed his.
atligier„ tailed on Mr. George Beatty, 143tv": re. Plicv_."1/Pazi...u, ,Wrre°111, i,t°0"141""174.., '." 'Presiiing and dry Cleaning business. to
or, as the Oldest member or St. lehles Notiee,,isdhereht, given that in attornanee with the :Otoseetonent. Act, I Vaststreet, just off the Square, and
eburch. Varna, to cut the.1irst plece:or ASH* PrOtyed4:O bY anztion the Said lands; or so inuCh thereat as has added a new steani -press to. his
IfIcIdieton Cbgrell, was not Present, littr, sooner, 11,44.1.. . • • In his hiS advertisement in this
the cake for that charell. A short Pro-_Deceinher 704..1,937; at the'llotiO of two .0'ellOeic in the_afternoon-She_ad--
grow IdlaSes.--entli-annw-s-r---w--a neceiiiiry, 4111. be held at the same ' heur and place trio mbe Junior W. A. and Chureh Boys,
League of St Georgeie ebnrch • will
hold their annual ,bazaar. on Saturday,
November ltath,- in .the parish. hall.
The; bazaar will -be from to 9- pm.,
---- 1O -cent : tea Will be served.
cake;‘ As the oldest Member .4 PtitY- be .'auf1.410nt for the payment of the taxes thereon, unless the same be ,etinionient. He announces a special
Is -
Via Vise officiated in• the eiltthig..of The will commence at the Court House, Godericb, Tuesday, sue. . ,
turANTto„-.44( mt 013/AvkAwat
housewor to
%nom .at,
,---41,410 Pau GENER,410.
ho*.ework 'and coob, log,
'Aupg,u0DT.Xt f4louth
heated bOnte, near
able, rates `• "Call 11(iN„,04.48,114.
iroa Sims og *EN
0 RUNT.- 4-R00 1)
311K>oirr over, AkneW-$41aPaWS
:Store, also garage •..at bac of Stare,
W. 11ERD,T,
!tarnished or unfurniSh0df,alsp, roe'
and .beard, at 3. . I71.4WW!ELV
Kenya Street.' • • •
.,clipAN.; a'
twu. or .. three adults; :0410-
heateA., Low rent to good:y•
FOlt ,SAZt.'.-YEatY BV„sz
inotor oils, 65e Per -
Your . own neontainers.': 00•1101t1(.)
AUTO R.0,118, 1St. 'Andrew's. riSt
bers ,high4gratte. meter • ORS an
Notice her by iaVin* J111YelaintMtabOt2-the• "tte
shipTof who died on IttOttf,•1
the lith, day of ,September. 'ftor.
.13014, wallet' to tinderSigned ':Or •
'before 12th Novenlbe./7i..031; *a 'Ott:
and after that date the-extetttor of ;the
Said "estate will"' Iproceed to, •44aire
tribution thereof, having. regard oul
to the elairos Of Whieh he then has Ate*
tice. • .
ipated this 26th• day of October, A.D.
1937. ' • ,
1/A1M IIATS0 Ooderich, Ontario,
.Solleitore for the above' estate.
• 0044
phyllis..; Middleton and Viso Veri. vieeks haw.
.ireafe contributed- piano 0164- -and
little Miss Barbara Middleton z mg and
daneed; „.The evening was enjoyed by
all. -
• The 'Late F. V.
There died in.London ,on Wednesday.
' to r27th,- after an lllness ot over
h h an ier W "W148111r .4)14' '4€1
eaeripyon Tears in Arrears Takes Costs • Total XI!. 4531arew Pc`rt° /was 1.'1*
moilt on *Ny OW Ye uoya.trogoort zot. 33, a R., Port
known in -this district, in the -person' . Albert ' 19364r-4-.
ot qprederlek GemeinhavIt. Pee,
eased, 'Who, was the , youngest son o
the' 'late 4ir. and Mrs. John Glemelni TOWNSHIP OF COLOOltNIC
11444 litte.-0111,3.n-:Biirlield 6,1_ean.
tember 170,104. Ile WAS A carpenter 0:
by :trade and with the exeePtiOu,of the* „,
years. 1906 and 1,901,*, when be eine& YOW$011),E,r
the Great Lahetti he lived here ,all his :40,4er 90,0
WC*" was * keen snorternan. -
served the Viale1110.,t7 'In the: enke,'--TheOf*, !NV,
an eXpert withlboth rod and ,1IO, TOWNifigiir
of .echool trustO for overal years and
In 1035 he acted as bailiff. ,On Oeto4y1tOwssuip
her ,29,1902; he was united in" Mar- •,A
riage. to Alise Mary Dlipuls, 'daughter .
out o Sat-
urday Ana TeOetvea 'a :'speeial greet-
,„ in from Old friends, it heir* his
• seventY4hit‘,birtliday.' The-. .genial
$ 40.21 $ 3.00 $'43.21' Andrew ,has not been n I e best of
health. for ,soine time, but it is:hoped
that hav,ing tutted the milestone once
-more, he will find-freshinvetus or
1934-5--6 4.90 2.25 ,7,15. "th, new Year la -Ills 'lie,'
or' 'Jim/
iiper et. -144,1, von. 1 1:$34 •
• "
14ta 31 and 44.
C. 193456
1644, Von. 44 it
b 1934-5-6
Lots 1441, 1124-4-4 • 3,43
Dupuis Of Village; To this 11100 ,i1T-700;1107;167-1
otifi,41:"h4evr, eittretet:roMp.,et:evaen;odetLii311:.;e4.• 7t,
' Nor -
MI, , Stg144*• .1;4110b.P `4:110ttle$# or
Zthel Knight), lionorivonr,
or Toronto; Poustoe,':. 011W* at wok. 01.-„Toi'
Preaentat home; (Mrs. W. Gra- ,
At the late James Ildwatt farm, one
mile west of 'Auburn,: on
*IION,DAT, NOV.."8th„ ,
at 3..30 sharp.
, -
SO steera and heifers yearlings and
two -year-olds; 50 Durhain stock calves;
20 young cows. - All Cattle are in fair
condition and or good 'quality.
Tpltail8=--4Cash. •
*. T. am. putt SON,
684 Attetioneers.,
trorriON *ME 'or 0.0.:41. 'STOCK
W.'',Gl.,.)toritikrwalter,,, late of Toronto!
30,f0: 237 4347: 41.4 St4.,..,ZtOinne;::littS:_tahen OVez Ven '
,Shepparafn -.Water' shop,. 60.1..-Ilamilton.-
'. 10.59 .• 2.26 tlon *111 opeu for
12.6S t.'Pgle.'311 ia .14° fr.
Street .and after 'a 'Opinple, oirethatil--1
w Ye. r. nk-.
years of ex-
•• 1.11:rliteeneer ",111 -•.'llthen!-.Ea4tToeitti4
• barber shops at Tormftw' and.
5047011. and Slmpson
"..124‘.4800 342L3.190 hWett.:4ittrdifidieWs' Wailt
with ir,hieh A; thoroughly' familtict.
'7' , 125 115
10011),, Of -Forest; ICelth SW Srelyn, ,.,,,,„...„......,_ , ,
of uortield, Oesidon 'his widow,. and wurtraefriur ltir MeHILLOF -, ,..,...,
children he is onirvived--bY three mist P. ht Estate SA Pt, Lot 6, - - '
,403tt-'4nte tiftit1)-fef- htro.; •Cluttle.., Co. lt 1034- 6
kiemeinheWt, of ()lentil ,ItAnsits: Mrs. N -rt. Lot 23,
W. 3. ,Stinscaart ltri41,14.,_ , "Ow. N, 14 ' 1934
of Obi village, and. John, of Oroville, - • _ ao____rllingtoiu QTtt.e,fatieritloviieteloweto o
PlUr 14,TANIL1,
very Largely attendeid, WAN' held flota Orli" Dutet 111.144. 141.,.
end interment **situ SaYneio* ceiiie. field'
°Abbott's; -• Hardware, West street,
are offering galvanized wash tubs, No;
_2„,iiize, _at, the redncecL_prlee
1:62 11,tif -nig auly one of the marty attrac-,
Z1-34 rge.ins tide, popular hardirtre
";-store 4d--Fil'IMUIFIV3m-,-.$0v. 4.
Prinity Church on Pritlity atterneon"-tro totersart 14ot 4ifik .• 1;4P • oul
1934-6-6 3.33 2.25 348terx 14er*ittes:‘ With thurth W, &MI LOt 4, VuY11, PAP •
and traresJde, were ,ernittutte4 Ili!. the .• 19 x -x 1.42 2.25 • 3.67
rector, nor, W. 0. Bugler. The Pit11- �uy AJdrkh JiAt 4, S.D. 1934-5 64.13 3,60 .6743
bearers 'Were nMetutre. E. A. FeatherBruce 51,otte Lotil-7-11,litange4 1934-4-4 - •
sten, Howitrd, Otortit .00ffle, Lot 5, Range Hp '
Illigh."MeliCaY, W. II* brohnletelt and .Lots 154, Range C• 3.36
ot 57;56
Welter Westlithe. Among those froin 'Waiter Boos leitiltdeias
Vtt,,,clistituce *ho, were Pressit for tLi • Terr., W Pt. '554, •
Tormato; Mr. A. Stirling -4Q T, 'N. Matt Lot ,381,
kitina and Met tatjruut, Lon- r. • 132.4 Christy 1934-4-6 50.29 •*. 8.48 dal
, tog; Sit and Iirs. lgoral Oeratin* (1/stIter JOnistoil H, Pt, let 173 and ' •
**rat- Olagiaaw; Mr. and Mrs. "W". • Eat 174, Mart 1034-5.;-$ -6541 34:- $014
„pwatrtna, and very ,bet‘iiiittilt „ .•• and Let C, 5rentalah. 104-5-4 30115 41.110,
The .sYnapethY -bribe "-COmmunity Is Ida iting Lit 245 0oha ' 1034 5.1 6 2.25 .1 .35
Graham, rareotb, The floral tributes Mora Asluiston /Ats 1-5 Argyle, .
. Lot $4,, Base one and.one-
half mile north of Min, on, on
- TUESDAY,NOy. 79th
at U. ober*:
5 young Guernaey cows, due to fresh-
en In Jan, and Feb.;.Guernsey..
heifers; 60. year-old:_LeghOrn , hells
horses, land packer; De Laval cream
separator-, buggY, cutter;, Ford eoch.
Model V; harness, furniture and other
Articles, .
Win also Offer good ,Winditilit nOvt
at farm of Mr. Merintnot; can' he
inspected proVious to sale.
No reserve, as proprietor is giving
ext,44_,.E17,4,1"01117ZEIILIgt:...4TI:ro rletoorrr4.
'Hens,' over 6 ibs„ ,Ile; drea.W.
141e. '
*Eggs and nutter •
Eggs, per 28e,e# 580.,, but-
ler, 11F, dairy, 25e; creamery, 81e,
thet StOtk.
Bacon hogs, cwt., 47.7,s, beet . bet 60--.
6c ; veal, lb.,. 1C -Se I lamb, 1b.,; Oe -le.
Wheat, per buti oats, ffte-we--
41c; barley, 500,-46e.
• • Vege4ablea___and Friiita
!Potittoel,,;aue-ooe;" apples, 50e-,61.
Flour and reed.
Bran 01410,1b. bait $1.40; ' Shoits,
*ItanItOba teur, $4-44.25.
. . • • ••,*
with the bereaved WitleW and tatoitr- Wo. Sturgeon Lot victoria. •
*000m000simoomm.....iimmoommioilomomaiiiiii• • Plies 1104.6-.5.4 it.31 t.ti 16.73
lint, Colliaok St, 1.114 15-14. 28.112.72 ;1,;111
'• '
Lot 153, Victoria
44, ttorige'N, ' Ott- is t
"Why thi if*1JA OF
MirY,is Named the
Lot 2140, 11Aitthit tilt 11
W • * *
* *
* 419
• Ar * •
$3.44i 2-84 3511crimtrit' 11260 10140,
-27•LI , eapte$1.-ficiatt.. ott ,a1001161 .
yr** ta.e. felt thanks .:to all those who extended
ro!,00• • 1,,vm ,ittudnesce,* to thein "Aniint he""
:;keaveraent and 00004117,0 the' osttla
1245 2.57 26.32 of the'000riell, hooting., ,
,ftJFn. AND •iitS. W1TirJrA1 lgrvixa
246 Lualk Dungannon desire, to tektite
their .thanks ' to tit for their kina
initnitektatiorts of #ympitths' In their
rooeut Sudden, and earl bereavement in
• 4A1 2.25 att. the 'death ot their eon, by secident to
tbuse.isito. loaned tete:ter the funeral,
and to the members of the Viretuenrs
• Institute for their valued contributiettS.
48.11. 3.22Let 4/41,
14,01103 Tao couttt.
axm,Tow,m 91? , M:0,1).01110mj.
tukoe riatee that the -Court Of 04
Migion of the TOWlv of 4otierich'
hold its :first. sitting In the Connell •
,Pharaber, Town Hall, floderieh; frit the
purpose of hearing appeal/ against' the'
Aeseeliment troll for the Town of 0011.'7"
trieh for the year 1147140* on 31:04-
ditY, November 8th, 1037, nt°,8 oeloek
In the: oeniag. •
Alt P,itttle•St Interested are .040(4404
to attend,
"L. it,
Goderieb, October %tilt oat .
ltiettlic of Mr. W. lttood- will '1* In-
tel:1v to learn :that be has been
transferred from flarailton, to whieh
fat". went *Our .Godelleh a few
mouths ego, t� ,the CarIaw ave
na1nbiitneli Of the 'Shell .011 COM,
pens at Toronto.
Mr. and 31r. Pouald 'Canieren end*
the *eats Alice and Annie ttrOWn, Of
Detroit, Celled ontheir 'uncle, mt.
John .CitOtitort, , on Sunda*, on their
*ay to rAirienovr for a visit with other
relatives there. They were areent,
,purdealo 4fiss X*Oe Cathcart ot
lield, who WAS 'returnitAg 'front.,a visit
to petrOlt.