HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-11-05, Page 6Is to stsaiiitt Partners with Their Problems TOI1Q0110. Nov. 2.-"Farining Is leg •business: in fact a bigger bust- . mesa than any of tlie other basic 1n diiltrlea in Canada tbday,!' said lion. Dewan, newly appointed Min- ister of Agrieultnee for Ontar10, in an Interview at 'Toronto early this Week. opechil intervieW for the Weeks Precav,or Ontarle, 31r Dewan took thrte off frOM the Meer important du - ilea and addresSes which are filling his bay days to give an exclusive Inter - :view for the agriculturists of the• _sinters able to the entire farming interOto of the PrevInce just as soon- ats definite and clear;eut findings have been deter- mined," Ur. Pewen said, but he imPedthe baste toned thirsking Of farmers not •desert thew lind lead them to the overexpansiou, or over -buying that proved such a bloW to many people in agrteelture, busitiess and all other walks of life before the. recent, dePress sloe petted. "In the boom years," he petaled out oinany people .burdened themselves with high-priced landand. expensive equipment, and paid two spriees for stock and buildings. Plunging Into debt. can he Just as disastrous In terming as in any other bluffness, and I, feel Its..thiessfacter n farm ,egopomite cannot be too stro'. y •egie sletrat isssente.S0..elasssiuring DOOM Matt ap the problem Of Meeting heavy indebted - nes s from the sale of Jlteir ,comniodi- ties at low prices in a depression period. These People are now paying a heaey penalty for their Oyeroptim- tan, and people in every kind of buel- ness will baek me up when...I say that the 'time to buy -no matter What your business -4s 'when prices' are low, We, as business meii and, farmers, Should. put ourselves in a position, through the study ' of business trends, to take ad- vantage of lower prices.wben they do come.' "Periods of boom and depression do occur and with an increasing frequen- cy. The trend today in prices is up- ward, but we meat realize and pre-., a:rester_thesineritable and recurring declines." Depar:tmental Aid Agriculture; equally with labor, In- dustry and buldnese, he pointed out, has a right to expect government as- sistance in -overcoming its problems, and his 'Department, My. Doran added by way of assurance, will do ite ut- with 'the welfare and intereits of the tomer. old-time popular idea of. the iiinner as &lowly 'tiller of .the soir U dissippearing,!' be said, "and the flamer tissue* recognized as business man and a definite factor in. the econ- 'mole structure. • s • - "AU.fatmera are earning to realize else importance of a broader outlook as It affects their own business," lir. Pettlen tsontinued, "and it is My belief that the 1Department of A.griculture an contribute greatly in assisting tlie Jarmo With the many Peoblems that confront btin In his complex business. Not only must we grow` the bbet crops and raise the best live stook within our power,butwe must be in a position to market them. tosthesbest iend be able. te look tar ahead with a view •to .,producing the right farm prd- 'ducts at .the right time. litmotenles In Foisting nu other words, we .must be stu- dents ot essmomiee, or. make full use . Or the 'tinumen ,sense that we have. ti of eeelleMied is definitely will see to it that more attetdOn. is most to co -Operate with. farmers In saikededin firming and the Department "odd to the 'broader application of this arriving at a soleticin to 'difficulties laud*. s - which arise by. reason of teeters • .14.1;AVV'itoN; *OsL.LMr and MVO. Xnteh of 010011. visited )42, . Arthir eit Sunder - Alfred ItellinsonS W. 'PradnoOgif 3I1008 EdItIL Ittelts, 'Manor Witsen 414 4°Phlise Weir asisted the Btzoh. ehetir at their anniverery services on Sunday s .,SonSe, trete here attended the services. , stsmisserhills Ors. 4, diunk et Clinton has visiting UrkfA liorisSen. W. Ts Riddell, Visited ;in ii;itleardin, on' Sunday. Mr, and Ors. Edgar Lawaton .4ind• Bernice were visitors with 'Ors„ Slater, fiesforth,' Smndai, 'Gordon Ada* laslioule fro% rontp....• , . • . • ' - .. , Ephraim 'Balandhirs.-.4corge,,Stur.. dy Were in 1Dherts on Snndai,' ' -Colin JFingland of *Walton,. formerly, of Auburn, spoke: on Sunday 'Morning in. 'Knox United rhureh.- ,'Ols Measage ,,..,..i , tiadiii p,,_,_ _ ___, Was on ."tr be loving rather,"' lie tair'' '-'w"""*.v•s'ss. '''''Ss-Ces- and' wiPlwi• '8-t,l'Or'sc*, ....s en. from IsiltesIl. The elsOir aiing.ntS, 1110' aliat011alls 406;11068. s.. of' 0110X , ',*tien „ter the.UssitteeriMentallysweeks., erlli be observeds,neXt Sunday.. ' ' .1.00. OM. The Morning, eekv 6e:sip:I mentiened.. requialtes' present. • ' There was.,po Serviee In the Asigilcan .pp', ei?,toteeteit., io, :14o .,noyiriodotto . ,,, No. how are log going to get It? elnirnii 011 taiinda$C ' 'M'' 134-)11' 411Id 44 ti' -'w ICOUr3iiiloctratto'in'th,.,,nial. ,,.t.-.00,:a::iblec:tc,tsckttint,eraciltvnier77. , ou ... ss . A, .. 411.80 14:: 1190tOr .41)entr, OS' liV001K414 , , , Sunday wltb Urfie Velrga8011 Vit11$041, Stratford, wa at -home for' the week -end; . Tbe OntinuittiOn.aehe01 and 0, sebool held liall0Niffeen'Pertit* On ' 4tty afternOon.' .„ Pr. and Ws; l'irardlaw Taylor, ol Ooderleht Were visitore ,.with‘ Ors, ti (levier on Sunday, VaYlor ,e0u 4000 aerVieSt 'ICAOP tregAI0t444 Pittnieti4- . The kudituts and the* friends ,of .•140,4eltOOlsand teaeher Was Bernice won, ltelorl VetY sUceeSaful fiat lOwe'en Party on rt.107 u/glit+' itty'4100, eenteetai eoteminuity 8/11$1,4$ and itigito tujo/ta, Tuo tok To thof Editor .,Iudging. "from to sny last artiele in regarding the, liquor problem, in Ontario, it will t' out of -- to Write another. ted M7',J110 that the eels, fidense'of My thensanti, voters, ;Well as Ole ienOwtedge Of the baehieg. Of hotteands, of other temperauee, people Al:Wrong aeta as a eltalloge to us to Advance to the opot Where MOM US the gregit4t 4100- • .01111* the beverage menace re - f:014 'tog /Another Tour yearSk' tt etovision *not be Made to pr vide' for th# ftelgiltiOrrtbe A rowing .fititaber of 'unfortunates, ai- adY botple, talO togs of the trefs . were Is ti:1000w4krunogirpr,:_be:414011110:16045.0.rnirArl,rener.44003,14 irttLfidt13,9w4.111 tiM101410,nted.'P:illirat:intlie:stUttl:t!;"14.071,10,1:11601:06,nt;:hett!illitreneet7w_iihes4.....vale.v1, svres7e'.1. 'g4:seedassucoue,yisoSiroweet4:13,1tIlhefil;9118111t4- iMwoererliyinov:e4 tion7,410 inifitt 1104 say, Miere arovienty 04vitions give shot 40 get bint oftthe not -•.s lte „might say, "Mere are seVeratfOriVateltistititiens to. ge to,. and it Ms fellow bfis utoneY ernottglv10.,epOnd lavishly for -drink, Ito behro; 440P1,184, WrWir''' a" lillis' ' W '21'..' Sbe a place wnere UW t ht if, not Orohibitlye, can, easIlY enenglifOeu4-V.00 ti, 1"nill) , . , *, :00 4, sace• free /root the tor treatment" ' or:be Might, ,SaYS ,''''We, AnderSons, and Mr.. and, *tarsi Gordon oeat tfee. Pie . , 31)cclinchey- ' eugeation of an insti-- -lia.Ve 'aitetidt ,Pioilded nn4' are pro- - tbe irlding-;nentai itokipitalic and ifpeople „habit, they/re .weak -Minded enough to ger: itmwe:lt-0 m, :left. (1,:e0bIlgh to. get • the ,tertaln our idea and meet our request Out evO if our Premier ehould en- and- ifive"11.1 as'ilttanee trOM the Heuer revenue; ..''w ontd We not A:* ' placing' the lkluor bot!retite /4' A ,POSIttcvas SO they anthem. Preparatory Serilee will be rroobYterian. einvCh will' be held next , 'Olio* of • .no 4141010M in On on ThnractisSr Saeranteet...fltinday.$0vem00F 14, *fin: and tarlb:Whera there are701.1 these- abovea fiVe4lat Attitt'; Garden' p000 or can - "ton lrill,.speok and the tuoiror v4o., 'On rieOlterinn ,..ebforeh- 'avow Mutileo •A. foWt,supper 'will be held' chureh. ent op., the follow-' , Tlittroalisl;f1fOiernber' Sup. Per Will be 'Served, from O. .8-0'.eleek., whtleix the, tilteeltCt 0100' • 4% Small 0074: aleineis/' .*111,66.'to.ut In, the..-TrOieSto*gaii Ole *Dcannstie LUV at . her hOMO • near Ottugennen. , i 0 .:totegato a tart `ur. the liotor Ors. lames Carter hag returned trem, ire_ Vellne Millions. .. 'irk. thie -Pnnisese. a visit to Goderleh. s , • 'Du_ t ,seottd` thoUghto. are often best Mrs W. DeMP, and daughters. =POWs, and Se, perhaps in this ease. Ntamilton, are visiting Ma. H. Ilia In the Ara place,' le, It likely the ner; We re glad to report. that . rreraier Would. entertain our peoposi- Wagner is 'ImProving 11%0 shis Operas .....--s:ss-s......s.s...—s...--.S.....s—...-...........s...... tion in Goderich ItolPital. Wearing the Otis oil :of car Ailed, to kapaelty and lett on T -Owns IP. Cunuelli;-Ori gissen. diphtheria ,toxold In .litivititireeisserses! Murray Taylor, ot'lloderieh, spent 4Traetiot appliessise of my *eon- beyond their control. _ sUnoirbtedly the termer ean and Were(' *nitwit of the value et ire- eV enjoy the trete; better time! proved -tam aids to agricelture- will ibesiven, in the .eneoutotivetheint of pre. beret* another depression strikee us, work, 14, L4titiktion, Ated, ems._ if he takes every advantage of oppor, and° otipteit attr• ottoigifiA trinities to %vivre iffs lot; and if he 1:;:fet::(a%t111.(goriTt7/Zhg:Tf. :gt17414: _ wholehearted approval of the apeoints. mesa of, Mr. Devian to one of the, mat important -Cabinet pattlens In the Government, Serving, as does,' ontark(ks-biggest businesS., 'In .411e, .severals public aptieltrancea • and • OS dresses,',,titat . has inad. since his appointment, he has clearly shovvn in hissaddiesses that "he knows what he's talking about!' • .IrishrOanadian stook, *Ir. :Deily-, an was born and brought up on a- farin in • Carleton county, where he remained until he -was twenty-one years old. On an "honettt-to-good- -hens” farm, Mr. Dew'an had every opportunitysto-getsts_thorough_asen nd- ing in farm life and all its problems. After attending Xemptvilles High School, he went on to university to attain his B.A. degree. He taught school . for a Year and went .46n to the Ontario Agricultural • College .at Guelph, where he graduated 1022. Joining the staff at Remptville Agri- cultural ',School, he specialized, in the teaching of poultry, animal husbandry and eeormatics. ' -Later- beeatne to -Woodstock, syslere he has efficiently managed the Oxford Wain -tette CosVeretive Produce Com- pany since that time. Taking a keen interest in the agrigultural problems of 'the farmers,he Ms been title, by 'son Of his pesition as part banker; and :part agricultural consultant, to k in constant touch with all 'tes.nai... thraugheet' thesProVinee 'Of Ads ,e-Ool%es along sueir lines, also _.of i/40-.41(444,.14.141 -Prolettoter boys ;and ". Parents have alto meets en- ceeritgetneets and support to their.ehild- ren• In the eioreetiOft, of this week, and feel that When. 'facilities are Pro- ' Tided We aball find etersinerelielng tato-eat throughoet: the Provinee in tire StedY Of egrletiltural eteldeins, . I closely .related, ae we all 140V. - get so • - they nitist he 'eosordinated for the best *The agrieniturel ,repreeentatIve 111 the Various' 'connate- throngbout the Protthee theskel Man sPresiding yd and Gordon, of Mirth, visited. In the Village On Wedneada Vita Me. and Mrs ,' Cherie givint arid Ors., Z...,Itosa attended the funeral ;of David Nivins at Dungan- non on" TistirS407.- • Mr. and We, $11.siGarrett, of Blythe visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Robison on Sunday. ' . Mise M. Small is visiting in Chicago. Mr, end Thompson entertained, on Monday in .honor George Thempson,. two:year-old son o Mr. and Mrs. Ressel Thempson. The gin Tally Orchestra teem Wing - ham 'put on a dance program in For. esters' Trial on Monday night. It. J. Phillips was in London on Mon - slays .4st-tending-the- retell „merchaete'. copvention. Me, and Mrs. Walter Rose of Brus- sels, visited Mr. and Mrs. john Sint- ington. • IdIss Daisy Reid, who was visiting ,her sister, !Mrs, W. H. Sheppard; ifs. returned to- Peteebor0. way. of gutdanee, leedership and COe branchee of tanning/ through • his busi., Operation. nests cOntacts. - ALA large part Of self-help on the ',Fitted by his party experiences, his farmers'. side ean be echieved by a &Meg* and busineee training, Mr. proper study and application cof the 'DeWan bee taken an active and con - principles of • soil fertility and, well- strective Mkt in the proeeecUngs In timed production of live stooks Crop the•Proviitelai Legislature, to which he; produetion, end stoek-rarsing are 'ver7 was elected 11;11034 as metober for the but riding of -Oxford. WO** and 110bblea Onie4 On the activity of his youth- ful daritp Mr. .Dewan still believes In letting his legsorve a Used meant of Aoceniotion, sind' during the ees- stieris Torentis *alto soma ts.6-41,40----,*.bertt-tk*-inaPritr of people would be tempted to bop *- street -ear or take si tett. fils•Inter eat In walking •inight he traced back to the fait:that ,hlteOlkie 'days be was a' gold-siedallia, arenteto -The ,Detvita, home .1n, Niroecistockto outskirts, As teed be ,IXpeeted, re- fieets.Atr. DeWtre* agrieniteral Inters este. 41_,1* property eimare several. Ores.. 'Mu Includes smallorchard, Mrs. James W. Carter Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nelson 11111, in Goder lob. number from iiere attended the Hallowe'en party in eonneetion with Carlow United church on- -Friday night Car' for the ,West, -The ear which went to ttolcglen for 'Mittel] retie from , Anbern and St. Augustine con- tained In part 280. bags potatoes, 1 bags beete, • 2. boxes groceries, squash, 110 hags apple% .200 lbs. dri apples, 0' has' onions, . 'pumpkins, ehrons, 4 sacke breakfast toed. 22 be earrots bap( parsnips, 21,filalloe maple eyrup,' TS Ilse. honey, 136 fruit, pickles, canned tomatoess 300 bu. turnisies lbe. macaroni. anY. 'IVOR, we (le selnitt after Ofeetllig The Nevember ITigeting of lo,004 _ , . Home iiiia".5e400tAstsWtIntis****,4014;. on Tuesday afternoen. There:swer# • ' thirty. mothers prenewtssUr; *nte...klea. • ton's room winning- the . ettendente bawler. \ whe treasnrer.eported batarice of $41,46. _ The suns .0t. .$$ was -voted „. IA17 prizes for the eitildren nialei*sthe gzeatea progress durins,the peat year. These prizes are to be.awarded tees • uext meeting. The president announe,ett'reat 4rains, Ing classes are to be held inilrietOriss school for. tbe execuAtiyes of all - the AsseciatiOns of the Houle and *IMO). Cougeil. The first class te-besheld, all 'that/ there is ,trifling number of :week and 9rexpiees,„ to very and.We are v" 't° Inerea". IFourteen andet 410' 411"°1411 Wiekliegs witty bate .to..,be Considered, nelpful as welt as letereStings our liberal givinfits ,from, our legal arid OT Mr. Player, sang two delightful respeeta4le besliseSe .to help lonelier- .ss„,ssi ate \ this unfortunate 'eeMplicatioe;" s'sse•" Miss. Joan Groves then git've In- ds-instruetive-talksonssas- Sodal le&7,s Th0filp.11:1We en eir net be really in league with the bev- Oats ox' :131ited' Young WOWS' 'eriiWliqUOr-tiattle-to.;;:tinit,Lextent;„...in, oi'rx t.. sijILteeewtanee, of their donation?, WI* basement df Alteii*Ora'‘igit's VQ,Pdatell•tUeoritefl.. • Tile early Part than Whet We are doing right now, ae- Of•.•the. evening was `spent in, games ceptiug as a Sop .a percentage of the: and eontests sunder .the leadership of results. Linked up,with proper nietbs, oda of produetien wines the oroblem , of marketing, rind the ItirMer haVitig tbefindinVatili'Vesnits of•;restareit and itaProvetl .1tordedlate. '11.roblerar of' eV broadening and improving .uIS * • AppOinbisen‘ A Te41 • vikt, tiewoOPert; tiireughont the. Vrei sets See lisswirtMesit in the On- PtlxlactIon tad idattnabl-V loot to the stvdt Italie AgricultUrsi 1:101kge at Gee p ' t aid in • .aisd at our other stations and farm; `nMtke Iiimetilsas been learned .about tigrieul- tore ousts these .iseerces, both in Meareh ,sind in pritetleaf.experitteut, *nit I feet, lilwit it 'moat be made avail- vinee ',hate. IOW Unanimous in their .. (giver Andersen, - The program in- cluded eomMunity . singing .ansl .solos by Vases' leaesildne Weir and Betty, Craig. Mrs. at C. Wilson told a ghost eters' in a very realistic manner. Those winnhig prizes were: Fancy dress, ladies, Lillian Plunket; men, John Robertson; condo, ladles, Os E. Erratt.; gents, albs losephine Weir. Miss Beta :Beadle received the prize for the one guessing the largest sere- r of costumed members. Hallowe'en lunch was served at the close of an enjoyable evening. , .Haliewein Sociai-The - Auburn Baptist Y71s7t7s. entertained -the P.U. of Clinton on Wednesday night at a ;Hallowe'en ;social. The ehair- man was John Butler of Clinton. The progrim included a nsouthorgan and guitar selection by. Stella, Brown ind Lloyd a3utler; a vocal duet by Ruth Greets and Margaret Pletcher; a song Isy Barry Siemens a reading by Miss Aiken; a song by Audrey Biltier and Helen Kennedy ; a song by !Stella Bron .and Audrey .1.0110. Atter- Ilanowelen-elarch,----the Judges, Harry Cochrane and - R. J. (Phillips, gave 'their, .decielons, as fol- lows: (rangy dress, Mrs. E. Itenry •Slonute; '308. T. McNeil; ceraie girl, Ora Gtaells; comic boys, George Robertson,. Mlosrd tub, ler ; COthie little giri; Vitoria Robertson little boy, Gordon Itaithby. Several Contests and games were played. Lunels was served, cOmmunity singing was enjoyed' and Rev. 43,, W. 'Sherman very Otosiding tbo two-stoit teat 4oto, .1110 en It hill trerloolring the city, is eherrOltst and eaDabie &Olga DeWanf. Pretel *Whet of seven healthy, Iliely bey. .10101 1048, *II of *hem, liresAtshoritessends‘attend sehrol Weedsteat.. • °pets Door joist*, At ler* as I AZ lain/Ater of /kg& cUlture. clOttr to my 70dice *1 - ways be open," Mr. Dew** at*tmed in his lirst publie addresb. after his ay. I:Ointment to the Cabinet,. Soothing at the. banquet of the internatitesti Plows big Match. at Verga. '""getir preblems,, will be etir eroblenta. Only by the Intertbgnge 'Or isnis your eOsoP". etsatiestrilin the toesettrtstent be suecess- fui,. stud. it is for MIS reason I mkt theft Will always be an opportunity for ion, to titoolis ritttsiions, affteting the welfare:of, fernier* With tifileitts Of the bepartment of Agriculture ltt the Short time 'since he litte taken up hit official duties, Mr. besets& hitt shots% this was no einifty promise, tte. cam*, addition resseivinsr lunty ,yisitors st Otteen'a Park 'be ba* al- ready gone out to meet the.,1;0010, o Ontttrie. 40 lite teen, • a toitti room to,.meet on it c pa . 'butilliis • would"beeven more of an evident sop if accepted direct' toil from thejraffic. The fact is that we are right no* as slavishly under the control, of a dictator Its are the People of iSterroany or Italy, and that dicta- tor is the !Liquor Interest of Ontario. --Unless the Premier gives us meet' More evidente of bis bravery in the Meantime, we wii.ibe going on, just as • the *liquor tratee Anticipates we will, esfeelentidolnd.ly apathetic, ,until the next • In his, post-election speech the other 4Yr, Mr. Bowe, asseeronets-madessome enlightening pronouncements: He said in explanation for defeat, `"Ass. parently the drYs didn't trust•us and the wets were afraid :.pf us." Mr. Rowe nevetr uttered anything nearer the truth. From his weak parrying plea toranother . year of beverage rooms what else than distrust ceutd he expect from de drys -and as for wets beings afraid to vote for him, be ex- plains that in another quotation from the same speech ,When he says,. "Ap- parently. for every dotter the Censer- • vativea had to spend on publicity, the< Lieerals had 40: . If Mr. Itovve had had in his pre- election inbred toncoetion more of a stimulating ingredient for the wets. be might ltave-,,had the balance of the ten to one on ,his side. Mr. Ifoure missed bis chant*. If he had come out 'foursquare on an. anti -beverage 11 - quer pater, he,could &Are proved that there Was at least one party leader who was willing to eut the slimy ten- tacles of the liquor interests. s's Ife. Hepburn is supposed to be able to handle a good sharp knife. He has plenty of opportunity to use it now, or is the liquor octopus quite eure that be will not? We Want Mr. Hepbure's yolort .of viewSsand we hope min to write an. article entitled "Report of an'Interview with Mr. Hepburn on the Liquor Problem Huron County I's no better then May r n election has taught. that there are 'Many theintanda. bt voter's in the Pro- vince who are looking., at the probleM. 'with both eyes open, and there are Iltousatille More with, as Yet, just One eye open, but we see enough and hare ga r akent9Wilgttint tth el14•141eqtarl ttti ire has a stranglehold, on this Province, and With nip weapon 01 Millions is prosti- tutial all. moral and lumen Interesta, trition, or the .right.cholsesof 000; ---sless-ass-WssIsrasers.pleY4s.as:Jano' solo in- her, rigeomplisliek ENTERTAINERS, MOM LONDON ' The- Favorite -Four Entertainers* a cl.oSed a pleasant evening with prayer, „ F42113114 by the PutarteDepartment of Agricuittire) F.or lhe• Bus3r Yarmer • NEW TION quartette of talented ladies pm don, gate entertathinent In North. street United church on 'Monday efien. Ing, tinder • the (rapids -et the Me. maies Association of the .elnireli. Ties program was much enjoYed; . CP* Reigort .white foghorns of Mr. ttie The weather during September bigh recoids for indIvIdUalperform- October was *ooliticfor the develeors• a00, the leading bird. No. 1) (pen le), *went of late field ere* and the yiel listing' eared 280 eggs and 611.3 peinti of root cropi and /odder tern IS Wel .ints the Year, . tip to-arerstge Present. estibutte sitiOther Otitstanding tessera was plate the ;yield of. grain erisPs in On made In the contest thin year by bale at 13 per tot. .*bore last year 5. 11005lre (SlinePe) VO of white. eat and fodder tyro* also .se per tem, •I*Irmotith noths,_witieh laidi 2161 eggs Shove and root elm*: io per ;east with 4- Beet* ot 2302.2 ;points. - This is. hltilteri In *settler's Ontario, ..how . the di* pen' of white Plymouth tocks. eve, the eto was deelded.ly ligh to gait thin sigh rank in the Ontario and eensideroble, quantities will WO tweateln oak,* during its seven' Yeaor rs* to be tiortinted, whit& in bittern, 0 Otieyation4 Siratantobbering 100, tots>, its well an 131 Manitoulin' an 48,0 Vet tent. d.thOSe 'eon:1001,g the, Thlitiar-Brett: yleidt-Were-disak :eon teats were 'registered In the dines, taw*, ,st.. liurnOtat itetn1011* '11:04 VG' its, welt as it4dttotaing several meetings itt, his, own conetitttettess. The Ns* Deputy ' In touch with the best u rogressive .tutinds In agricultare, wan has selected Ar, Iteek's *$ the nett D004' Uleistee of Agriettim int*. lloth 31r. ineer- an hillte found,. 'in their discussions itwkk"elling the posent,dity of agriculture, that they are Itt agite nttnt bode .rtnestionss API* Ing the questions hem tilfferent anuits, iead they have arrived at it tomato* 0010 It th itt their that agriculture eau, .of t best he perved Int t000teic littlartoik, the ' *lib* itntillseaa Wer14 * thorough' too stndr tad Old litele Stricultstal polit , AtA gralft appointing, and posofesierst for *us, d an * a ' Linv-STOM-110Ortiest4t ter 'feeding tpurposes. . .rarreers In Sedation by Meeting :tall the tied Western tad Oentrol.OnttriO have Our enalittcatiOns. ' • ., I. ,.' israchlteed.feteteh:ttlirttlge"5.ten xtretonix°raltri:7tOrdWee'' t'0',' .olirm4Ori"thilitir ad. betirrnvanee.otailidhet°1111.otherneettten! make nska of plentiful supplies of teats, Mr. li. r: ainvisill le Os:6,SO- trisritt,,netydpwerblitelvedirsoe:ft*Inameoneiticitlertlisitabtlert, tritiittute, .poesteitsts"stiist'gatr.timws,Tn.ttscatte, vbeteis and suitable Only free feeding., hi t• were tWeIVO barred notit pens, eight throe Menthe, Tut', August and ekes K.0. White 4.kghotni and three white femberi ishiPuteutie of feederttle* ., flocks, lit the contest. ' in the sante 'stenos. or lifoXi, :White* milt At Outt04,. Othervviee to 1.20443,11sta soss sossesssd tota one dtty4lfth`. Ontario Provincial and, even' Desneereey itself. Ale we discouraged/ In places, VS, but not generally se. We have thous Ilii(10 Of .recruits in the tentooranto 1180. Besidesa-t- he----bilnister_t_s_ii the Val.Titt.'s and Wederatittii, alt of whom hoe, given remit peraonal. Ser. eke In the past, we now have working witli tut the woutor*Instittite, yotteg tents and lit feet 'the Intelligente/a um, sep D t Cos t $k people's the prees'to a great the PeOvinces We hate a Premier, • • s. • Thong to, gat ,thictesofe *ere., 'Setievris its the Cirselptis Virinter Vero' sind yitittot tko prosskeston .proraises to be the best .ing the histery age e • tattiet in tleitatie, 'a gaie this °Meat of all *infer :01101va." " it Winter Is' known *it ositO this .slettSen, tOsaPstet ;MOO, ewt;.in •,The total •Cantidilirt erop.wili amount to 44,10,000tio. as itiet 30,004,000 .(S•Wt. teat oat Recent price.s have been unite low, • Armor ,tertdotrcY Is developing as it Is realised that the, stiogr oitutittoo '1W rehab* to &Mend alMat *it fevoreble •ttS last year, olvilg 'ttf the 140 that produetiOn in the MtritiMett ehoWasa &ere** Of 000 eWS. front teat rettr. i. iiau of lev1116 bel record ever madO tio Western ogriatint row,. Ontario, Vs oetr of took the and 'tiOaintitined tte ottpone "nos tag iiltb ittStt to Mai% thia 18 '444. 0106.4 tZbe 604 bow Is *brother %Ore:4s Ing feature of 'Onitolt Winter rite, is the Order :t.griebitaititt 'idetatrtneent W)U open ts It** Oren! **41 1**.to 41181* the OtthariO 10ePattosistt tttLrt. Thtre WUI *40100 * *14 Ontario. at *the farniera# ,sliovitP4 Where' neighbor meets nelehher • and Insets frittAl. 1rt other Word*, friendly show. The dates for 1931 are from •Ilorentber 30th to December ,2tut _ "PreSideilt George' Telfer *Aid the'. aftretarY* E. O'Neill, are most en. thuslastie over this Year'S tett. One trite /roof * Mitesber of eieratirent live .stock, swine and sheep breeders ' hitt& already "'been received, while. 'poultry entries vomit*. to be 'Urger than ever. The entire Prise 1181totalt POO in cash. light. hot* thew held 'evert the fair in t feature,that hat in the Oset 1** years, lIet-e,yen the ttkir of Ore IterWetlealt. tOMPStition in/ the fair artnit-Ituntersi jumpers. oot. f trait:nee elm** ititervitt bold teams, tdgh steppers, ,Ortliott old THE REASON "ASPIRIN" WORKS SO FAST D rei on "Aiptilor.fiibtof toto • fuottitor of wow, tfok dote if Moo bittorn of the' • &ass 11 1. Thli mood of dtsfotogration IThifttit ',MOM" folitito to slot. "fiktni hold" • of ItHoloilso an i similar pito • .fmAr illnites *nor taking. - Atati can pey high as you Want • for remedies claimed to Miens - the pain of 'Headache, Rheumatisni, Neuritis, Sciatica., etc. But the medis einem many doctors generally ap- prove7-the one used by thousands of families daily -f5 "Aspirin". Shriply take 2 "Aspirin" tablets s with* half glut of water. Repeat', if • neceisaiT, according tOiractiona.sua• . reMerlealsilsSehert-times • For ittiick,,rellet front such pain which eiliaissts yrnt and keeps , awake at niglit-,--,ask for "Aspirin". . fk "Aspirin" tablets are Made iit Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered 4radegnark. of the Bayer . Company, Limited, of Windsors Celestes Isook for the name. Bayer iri the form er a sSrose on every tal3let. ' 1611G haSWen'tai*nea reputation 1°r What Too Caa't Sleep courage slid a goodly istinsber tem, • perante eandidatte eleeted to.- Patna - Went, and a traffie ittingsWell. up to Its reputation OS 12 Menet* te'life and morales SO Whi, be alt$0114* but Op. theistic, Ms to the finer ontepme/ In telligent eitiseisS Will not lent eta,. Put, hibernating for four-year Period* be- tween elections. • . Oven the tea tides can b toutrolled. I' thank yet401r, Utter, for your liberal sottee„ ' DR. A. 3tOnt;., ink he tz--› narnet - W x