HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-11-05, Page 2-
rrui/ty., 2101r istb,
- r.ti* 11140,.
00P00100.1it ,neW*1,0* Ptltt.ilahed ever g/140 at
O�,,00derach.,:. taubstriptiell .• and
Ittatalti SU* 04.*7,1els'iti 42.40);
• Ittike4 8titea a3'.00 Or year .inv .0/vanes, BOW old, -,44 --new •
' be givesi then ctang� IX ii4dreal ia'r14.•
find that moat woo: outsit*bea
or .not to ,luveo their , ,latereepte& In 0.0
`dee* r the oe1gu Steretitry,bss
to r A, e011-110 that WM. 114 thOr011ihtr *ligruktf,eltbe
.sifte-whith linderotazi4Able not,:o*,et4.„ 40)11r,ob
foil te recede before , ssa are nOtilled
40 Can*. INP "WIMP' • • auboM*234; Wighei, the service conbt'
• tinkled and Will Pettd PaPer 40v Ihnlited tinte. ,
InglarteNceig Should hem** br re,lett're4 '!?1,'Onal
• The Otwiesich *or isteepts 'odivertiaing. ‘to coital** en
tho landosotandlni thait.tt not be for any error' 131
000T nt cho‘lue Poo* istiaiR in Godetlen; • -
LTV radvevt44404; Published *steamier *ilea Proof .„of *ph
.stalvertieement requited in wetting.hrtbsrathertkOr and re.*
The Otte0 baainata Oka, firaiI aiitted.V. adrvertiset-:
land with titiCh more or,oenvotions pleinly voted in, Writing
thereon. and In that clae, error not egfroOtett by
.Tte Isto, its Wats* Sun rsOt *Weed ouch a PrOPOrtion 'of
- She etttire coot of sue satvertisentent a* the Mate oeoUPIed by
sueb-advertisement, Adveatisieg rattle on emplIcettion.
Thome: Day 14, Night 84.
rriday, Nov. tith, 1f)37
xvilioss• JNTIONORs°
(From, The TorentO goo.).
rNbe w1116per1o0.'of -datneeek agents ,.that CIilna
gohig 'kolebovietle end that nosterkt war *MY develog:elk
Ilealf Oink i» compelled to Sign On the -.dotted line 'will.
.have 00effeet upon persona. whe Si** their adherence to .
W01111040 prin*Ipies,of intr.notionai '• conduct.' .14eme
Year* ago the world lon9,0)204, NW*. oinve 1014, time, .
ever), .aggreesor appear* as a fee of 'hunnini ,.Tho.
de -
ten* natiOne.Of the Werlit Pledged , setearity to i1mi in
wet that offered ultimate I neVIMModiste,:reUskie to
thethraltient Of War; .13.0100.00 the oreai*and,tem
,Ising, "policies of 111.4.41aneed -00.0011neIt
11'0000* til* 11* 0..f. lo.izig, lttt 0**,1%0'400* loat, 11
incalettlable 1)een4 tf lotWoIlnit:'*104110 •
/mil to 'honor their 01/110titna',
moral :10iluenee,,*conen3W 040
'the 1004 they. eatr4tr.is, not to emb•
efforts to defend ‘hOrt.ielti
("Frew The .Ssaille.
Hee. lames' G. lOstrdheir, Federal
06.**.KA004. $4,
10.14.41-4140# 1st ohotiteal"...• .$0.1
,10.44Mapere •
Oieees4 for *tote Olaltriett
tar northt tet,' itinegrigneo
than tWOP#01Pre; MIRO WOirf
hit their griets to this „ pePular 4-040vew•,,, Nov..1.470 ,
Whet* they not OnlY 'get their ling came 'OP frOull SeifOrtli on Thurs.
wfll'rights but ,4100 a geed'quality: of.1100r., 'day and retureed the next day.
. .,
The .tieMentl for eerriev: wag 40, groat Ora. Allen $ehrara '', and. 'daughter
that the mill at intereale rah twenty ,
four hoOrs a Oar: •,. . - ' . - Pr... 'lei Qf 4394000
It, !woe bee the; advent o ,T0110 ther here on 3totuttor atterpeem,-;.•
for grinding wheat, but the quality , Mr, and Airii.„ It, Mnidater and Mr.
.e°0341"046.1' vutflir4thle!'rolvilitehr to4InrcloPestt , 31941-boulkdar'efteri#'r -..51041*.-41t.t e... , e .
F later. - date. tionsewives demanded hers or the Women's' Mistotkito 130.-
:nartite AMU' and large abiOnlenta were
0344110- to •deLOra throughout the coun-
of Anny, produced. ..wee es- twit ,A, cautton motored to Xtppon
cniturei IS converb to 'theIdea lat
Toronto doctor has adVitneed the theory that the aneaking ,t0 the Theei,ogicab
recent epidemic of infantile paralysis had some relation 46°8147' at Kingltton, the Waster01,
out that Vertain areas of bacl le
to the spread of the pollen of raveeed and other plents, d
by drought in Western Canada euglii_
to moved to Ontario and take up atiende
r than the/. bed WU leans a
to Which is attributed' also the great majority of bay \Eattettern Olt lid bed 4000 le -poti
, # Sal , ,
ttOn iii 19
fever eases. " thel bad, Seven Ceuhtleicf
tit Weatern..
Di, • Anderson points out that the period of infantile bad30,1_,*(1100.revietraVeoPle 1031. 04114, '108.41,1.'eniiitil
Parallele eixidenries',voineides in a general Way With the ruineriZtore:0'4':44e6aneci4onnlinf:d:".,4;41,4Viii7tZt.'
hay fever season, and that both 'infantile paralysis and eitie •Mr. 1Gard1ner's explanation Of `the. a',CeessiOS
bay fever collapse with the first frost of autumn. ' that the Oreat War" and the general-MOvelnent 'to the
was noted during the recent epidemic of Polloralell- prairies accounted for the fall 1» pOPUldtien. • .•
On -
tis that practically all the vietime were of fair comPlexion. TheN 44)tibt 'that mai* flaunt" lamed from °n-
nhinthitri- :iirjoK ,*41: 'bentaa.*
-and it 10 440”, (1,g011M1 that a fair skin does not lave tariO' le the 'West. In fact, Until 1018 there was -4
)-.!-ote-Otrek-""frOrtr the raya-orth .1.YedtalAo swarm of Ontario people; *okwl ,to; tev Among
t4to,the-,.ettiettAtAtteil; and 'e
- • "
rannection with Di. Andersons the-ory ; t be
possible that the origin of Infantile paralysis, as 'wen as
that tof .hay feter, is linked up in fionie , way • with.
the influence of the hot simmer -suns, along •With the ir-'
a:Rath:in of the plant pollen? It used to be considered
that in a northern country. like this one Ould not get too
wane!' ,011, the sun; but of late there have bcen published
lwarnibgs against too great exposure to the sun. ."
It is to be hoped 'that Dr. Anderson's theory will
'pre thoroughly. tested. If it should Iprove to be -correct
the eXterinhvation of the ragw6a- •would be in order, and
this would be a boon • and a blessing as a preventive not
ouly c'pf infantile paralysis but of a vast number of cases
of hay fever.
Tammany Was beaten again in N'ew York's mayoralty
contest on Tuesday,- Florello La Guardia being reelected
with an Immense majority. This is not the first time
that Tammany has been defeated, but it is --the first-time,
in anti•Tammany mayor has been re-eletted. On other
lecaelone the people. have rebelled againat Tammany mix-
rtile and have temporarily crippled the organization, but
content with a partial vietory bave relaxed their vigilanee
and allowed Tansnany to "crene batk" at the sueeeeding
election. Thie time the -People have seen to it that the
reform administration established wilk La Guardia's first
election four years ago has been not only confirmed 10
office but strengthened by- the utter rout of TammanY
ju Ouardik is ;40tainallf Itepublican, but he is a
felted end entiPortet; of :kreildent-lioesevelf. He is A
dYnairde.POraOnalitl and in hie methods displays a strik-
ing 'reseiabiltifee, to.1 Ontario's Hepburn.
Anether interesting -vote on Tuesday Was in Detroit,
*here: ttlt 040. *ttempted. gain control of the .eity
govefpnent. Its candidate rof the mayoralty was beaten
rtity over 10000 votes, and it ,feiled to elect any members
of the Oity Council. AvIeqeutil the can 'aehlere
*1(044 only by intrigtie and violent*. When it Cornea
to a poptilar vote its.portion defeat -at any rate, *this
Is the. record in (rtario and Detroit eleetions.
TWO Central American totantries threaten to go to
Nvarlittr a poStage AtAhat, even a pOstage StaMp.
aii00 tangible than the causes 4if some ot the War& of
. -
magnet that threatened; to depopulate the East. The re.
suit was that many good farms in Oatitrie were abandoned
and for many years have teen Used for pasturage pur-
poses Only;
. Men who know t,he farm industry could reclaim these
'abandoned aereb make a betterrilving than they are
new accomplishing in the drought- areas. In feet, if the
-Dominion Government. purposes to ;Heist int moving
settlers front the despoiled lands, it ought to inveetigete
the possibilities of Ontario rather than to seed other
Parts of the eountry farther north. It is believed:that
such a plito,weuid 0.14)ft' to many farmers who are now
'disillusioned, about the West, There ,was a time when
such a suggestion would have been ridiatiled by the West-
erners, but the latter are now sadder and wiser.
I i favorable 'la tritiltirest# that-airea ;Was
Osten. „
canada, it is .sald, provtdea the world's best example
of the bentelts of aviation. The iminense expanse of the
IDOssitilen; with vast district leaking railways or even
eeeda., make ideal Conditions for the developnient of fly-
014enterprise, end the airplane has made POssible the ex.'
)A1000100 Of areas that etherwise waned be inaccessible.
The seeming indecision of the il.ritiat Governmenet
terelP PolitI Is Said to he the reflection ot division of
#041iiimi -amen; the Govern_ment'is 'Parliamentary; Support.
-are *tome Who advocate netking friends ef• tattlepM r.
ussolint elad,elloWing Japan ter have Its own way
44.1tithestst, *hue tiMie Isa large body of Puhlle opinion
tsivin. ot, the League of atlas and oposod to tbO ag.
. The Infant
*Hit Ur* ttoy ROO
mks* to Winghata hospital on
day st week. '
We *ere sorry to ,heir that nine-
year-old limmte Mises, sou ol Mr tad
Vraf Wolter Mason of Westfield, .and
itra' ton of Stet Ofeivr, has both kit
thg.*OulteAnt an at
IN"Atuared rotifer. o Tort -Atte,
the34,teek_404 heris-fath-het pat,
itod'xra.: W. It. Pgerlet.
T. g POple of pluelittle Ate
fe:Oeb110,'," In the bail hereon Ond *lite Of PrieserVation. Light
"The month of :November
And the weather a subject for prayer." '-
it is difficult for plant-loVers to understand why the
Poets malign this month. Thomas Hood is particularly
abusive. In his opinion there is:. •
"No warmth, on cheerfulness, ne healthful! ease -
No comfortable feel in any member:- -
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
INo4vember I" '
Nevertheless _November undoubtedly possesses charm.
At the •beginning may be expected those few glowing days
-the Indian or St. Martin's tittle summer7-which come
after •the first' fail of snow, as a geptle and sweetly -kind,
suggestion -that winter must be ptepared for in earnest.
'Botanists anticipate the first weeks of winter with
Teal pleasure, for then is the time that the cone -bearing
evergreen trees and shrubs May pet Studied with concentra•
,tion---pthe pines, hemlocks, apruees, firs, sequoias, cyprensea,
cedars and -junipers.
The pines and their relatives (conifers).- are an an -
tient race; they are said to have eatieted before the ad-
vent of broad-leaved tree a; Coal measures reveal the
fossil remains a prehistoric conifers which had reacted
their wit* when the more vigerouo bread.7Ieaved trees
appeared slid drove them to the iiwam00, mountains and
sea coats.
All members of the pine family are either tree § or
Shrubs., varying from low creeping tortha (junipers) to -the
largeet forest trees (red cedars). • Uost, apecles of the
group are evergreen, With hard-safaeed leaves, either
needle-like or Beale -like In fOrm.
The flowera, whith. *Wear in the eprfng, are of two
kiedS; the melt or pollen 'lowers and the female - or oittt-
late tiovers After the pollen is ahed.ln elouds of yellow •
gust' the mete flowers ustelly drop off, though they mai , •
aoMetitaea be found in a Withered cOnditiOn clinging to a
branch. -The female flowers grew- into the /avatar cone*, _
The cones, when inattire, liberate the ripened seeds, .whiCh
are often presided. With a thin Metribraneout, wing -like
'appendage for dispersal "'by wind. The seeds. of"several " •
spode's of pine are said te be edible.
The pine fanylly is of greet economie IMPOrtartee, and
it has claimed the neatlietie attentiott of *Meta( and go.
flits down throe& the sigee. 'Who boa not heard of "The
Trail of the Lonesome Pine," adtnitiel well4kinekti palate-
4rtge. of pines, Mal read of the retaentle soughing' Pineal
In the llook of Rings it ls sold ,pf member of the fata-
lly": "And he !spike of trees, ketti 'the ceder tree ,that Is
In Meilen Oen 'ante. the bysaop that epringeth out of
the wall." The cedar Of Lehailan is not tt eitnedirto
dee. • . • „,
It is antielpat4 however, that futtire. *tildes will
diacusa, tile identity and eeenetnie ithfiertrate smut
,10aurittiu *peek* which may Ite.eneenntered ddring these
Winter tarables,that hotaniats lose to Well When" ita
61004 end att esger W. Hart, Divisien • Of
tBetany, Ventral perimented Patin, Ottawa.
Distrkt Mode
Activie* eicy,
(Sy „W. ,Xsehostmr, In The London
.16ree'PreaS) " '
One of. the haedigape suffered by
pioneers Was the lack of gristmills to
ProVide theIn with flonr. Many. tot
veiled Miles with a bag ot vheat on
their Shottlders to procure a little flour.
In the weatern and southern portions
of ASlideld township, In the county of
aluron, the early farmers often carried
bags a ivueat to Piper's mill` at God-
eriehf a distance of ten miles for some
anl. fifteen miles for others
Sometixnes in the ease Zof yopng
people the wife went along and carried
her Share. •
sbi from Goaerich to, Pert Albert
,Arsjr•lement: progressed, flour was
by boat and the settlers went there
for It. Even then many a shoulder
ached from caming the load home.
As money was goatee and hard to get,
anany A trip was delayed until a few
coins were seeured. Many a house-
wife would come from a log, shanty
with a botti. in her hand and beg for a
little our, and the request was nev
try, 0111)10 withVie Integrity Of
these men (Avail), be Intentioned the
Pnif0A „rut-CourteSy ;With Whiehi they
treated, evtryit, y and Oratostord- be -
voile It vorttab e hive ofrinflustry,
Chainge,. and Vraah
A sawntill erected on' the mill race
.was run at almost no extra art. It
factory and there became a real need'
for Werlonea in the: small
.wittle everybody aegnOttglx prospered.
• 'Out time •missed And in png
brought lehengeS, Mr, +Harris-, sr
had to relinquish tbe relns and his
.sons Continued the business, With
maked..auCceiss‘ for ' *several, years.
Eventitaill. 'emerge and, 'navies re-
tired and NtrigiMA carried ;;On
It ,is. difficult to,;etplain • how: it •bap
,peneditiot in a few years
'envie insolvent and the°, mills were
closed. A, few months • later 'the
grietnli1P-,WA0 Partied, and Oransferd
,wart dooreed.: 'The' workmen's homes
have AltlappOtiefl: one by one and the
'ElOod. News Barris 'family'. are an gene
For over fifty years the valley has
hollow, vvitla• little more
estiWesla,ncean i,71,1 went
was,aig1.14n4oryv:\ 444 at„ large tabs1.1,ditree*firoin°prft 'Ibeethann athealrrePmYtilas -of the old mill dam
and race - tor•-teli of.' :the ...gleriea and
mfll61r4,. s' miff riiiiot '-`,,y,.-.0-li--r4.----.444.00,,,-F:Os.,-, 441) orr4 ni.4 wp.
. 1.00:zo, W-,:ol-c4 --rpo ix-. Jr: -Auxv-iittrommet,-..";:r.::: ii..:.,
Irartis..44; vrtheo-sbtiiiMAlt :314 ,..., _
the once busy and proaperons
gannon.-.- . hiiirr-vaTirinifiorloPrAit * -t-.:thise.4*.;.,the..,:_mixteuta e. lie
tiboa,t 1511'M:taro borbOOd. 7rane"1111*r or *now - •anwit ng
scor:pottliostuslwyahos, ,gnreOstuntdhahteittwteeruia_fad ;roe.. r°Oranefortl. i ,
hag .rated precioufi.
Viety held their thankeffering Meet
in combieation with. their •reguiar,
meeting on October 4.Ttli at the hotot
of_ gra. AMIrmy Bogle.. 0010- 'was -a
attendance- Of members anti, vist,k
ler< ,istr-S;-• .romeray w
-leader .and-usea,a OPOP141,Thankagifi
program. After the deVetienal, Per
the gathering listened wlth, otep.
terest to an adtiresa`hl Mito Curry ,
Nile, who has been. a deaeoe080. Her
bearers learned many thing* of inter,
est, as she told how she hadused eeme
of th.e quilts made here 14*Biting the
poor homes, and of meeting, differot
bolas and tralne end.gUlding the WOW
to their • desttinatiens 'The 'Oenters •
were very grateful to 'her for her help,
address. After _singing and prayer
4,,:delightftil-,luach • VitlabierVid;..by ' th
hostess and her sister and Mettle
from Port Albert. Tile ladles Wer
glad also to have preelent MISS Villilred;
Sallows, 'who is recovering splendidly
from her recent, operation. '
. . . ,
the product, flour, bran and shorts on COURRIE'S CORNERS
: -
the .scales- to prove to the farmer that
twelve bushels a wheat, as was his C.OURItIlil'18 CORNDRS, Nov. 1. -
he had retained only one bushel out of
legal -right for doing 'the work. -/ Miss Whinifred Blake, of Mateking,
The mill site yvas an excellent one, spent a few days last week wtth her
al; the Nine -Mile River at this point
friend, Miss Vera Little.
was easily dammed and there was
little expense in. keeping up the mill Miss Jean Nelson, Of the Lucknow
nigh School, spent the week -end at
• A small hatnlet.. came into existence her home here.
and it was called Cranitora, but had 'When Mr. and Mrs. James Drennan
0, wistngore to or he lieohtserl.fteteTr hots! returned home last *ednesday* even-
ing, they found one 'of their best cows
the man who built the mill, as it ,might in 4 well. Neighbors were called aid
well. be said that the underlying prin- the animal was Soon brought to safe-
ciple of MT. Harris' life was summed ty. •
up in Saint Pau -Ps words.: "This one An unfortunate accident befell Mrs.
thing I do." He had a fanm. of pos. Ewart Jamieson on Saturday aftersibly acres, but he had three noon, when she stepped. backward off
sons, Thomas, George and William, be- a step and broke ber ankle. She is
sides hired help, so that the farm did at present in Lucknow.
.not hinder him from giving the best of Miss Lorna Little, who has been in
service to his millog busirtess. His bed almost tour months, is _able to
sonS in time became as good millers Start, gradually getting up again.
as he waS, and were just a� honest. !Miss Dorothy Drennan spent the
week -end in Goderich.
refused, though the - contents of the Is it any wonder that Craps or
The Young -People's Union of llorth •
street United ehurch ,held .thetr sec-
ond meeting of the year in' the echool-
reem ef 11M-ehurch last $iefaay eVen-
or -0--nteerti'fiWpfitettik.tilk7==1,
na ; vice-presiaent, Arthur Grange ;
secretary, Miss Verna Barbour; treas-
urer, Mr. Carlton, Wertiell: Mr: Ar-
thur,Orange gave a Very ---interesting
talk on the aims' of. young people and
what each person's Neponsitality is
for making 4 successful , The
next meeting will be held on Thilis-
day, November Ilth, at 8p.m., In the
Sunday school room. The meeting is
to be In the form of 0, social. gather-
ing. " All young people are cordially
Backache may be the .first sign of Kidney
amble. When your back aches, look to -
your kidneys. Don't La to heed this warn-
ing -it is too important. Take prompt Julian
to correct Backache, et its cause. At the frit
sign of Backache tura confidently to Dedes
Kidney Pills-4er tyre( halt a century the
favorite remedy for PrigineY itaments• 107
Dadarticidney Pills .
tot ritoNT Doos
Ilonseet are sometimes Judged by, the
eppearante of the front door. If the
door is cracked and the paint .peeling.,
one does.not expect to ittid anything
better beyond But it the doer is
well kept, the Vial -tor expects to tral
the Whole bouse 3m go454 order. If
theviOot he the:1*pilar! type, 1Witit '
ititse 01*In Or leaded win -40*#* can
:eitbet be tmisktt * o1Ld„color or
grained. . ,solid Wood
.do4t* t very small window-tan`he
krsped *if& tottuelt.. 4 ueoeixer addis
**Wilily to the aPPettrance of thit
ypeof doer, . 0
Then, of course,the iteera inside the
Mime, trhaald he painted er• .atained.
their IrotaY0 "mC Ite4* from tinie to tirae to keel)'glen,
"fieftiie *Uglgt" °I! Woodwork is very. moth 'in fa ion.
pie et.. the untied "reittln'eng dot betWeen thefrkitchen
Ening „people of the Xresbytetto
ainIneeoln toot ontenotto
suOeggrol toe * .10441 ttipis. to *00, the. alto* 01,00k,
meg ansi tontegtg int from 'mint through the teat Of the
At attractive Open doorway 'between
the living and. dining 'recite, Of
Bert 0111Imott.'
'040 titItt..*va
tt-ttOomi VitIxt for
, .atnitegi *mt Andtew
Ulfl litst Anit Mixing Iteer1
Or :the tkIlltAciegeutilt4'
g OA •
** ,r*ttett,,
ift#04 the we-ekttitl +oritt..101C'
Are. iti0Itew Vet
".?!bg.g; ..(411logri
of NewSltem,, gout.
Igtiteg at
&tag, Mr. gnd' Mtg,
tette '4) ep
attmuate hen* was of fleId ,e,te
riENAnputat,. Nor.. 2.-,ixtra. viz : n.
Walters* Was fit Ooderich• for the
week -end,, and Mrs. Ids( Oke was Ntu
Ooderieh '
Xr. itgdooyd brown Was In HantO/1".
With ,his parents on ,Sunday.
hMr. Jas. Jewell seems to have
'IreryegoOd advertisement for hla
nese on his shop -or was it a. lialloil-
tfett prink?
The Choir et llonmiller church
omitted at tim anniversary aervice at
Clolow on Sunday. -
tiaibet The stone tea lb* 1)1 et 0
ittrodworit on Other. el& et. the en»,
tratlo, toot fotintili the top
Itti,me* 300 he meattM*041, ,and
4,4467,)itttekt, hotter the **herons term* ot
the tiome Itopeoterseut ol** *t*, very
OIV rat 01 Intel**. '
I- I
he h
has 5011
v ,
me, thelr fatlwre
Vrittor, mut
hist. .ti,tto fAttss
Irel it Wattle* In
'INi'Kith them itift
wit 1Jr.sn4 )4
r. and Mra. 11. W. Millen and
children,. of •Strattordville# were six •
tors ivith` Mrs. Million't titter, Mr.
It» 3» Moore, at the week -end, also at
Lucknow„ Mr. Million's brother,. tvie,-
-$14 Milliete. Of ICAPie Creek. Sask.,
turned With them to, Strafterdellie.
'Mr. arid Mrs. V. tfitoimei; euter-
the',- O. I. T. suit Troia Ilatt*
ger clines at, thitteffetn patty on,
trhiar night. Ail report
The Women* Atsoetittoi
hillier Milted. ehorth ..hoofe couapleted
fOtir Oalits to sena .to the We$
and Mr. )0. 'A. Vitusteu
filmatty at ilotmettille.,-
,eatIoatt .ot totkisltUfts was Old9Ped*.
from ihicrwaskr on Tued*y teeto the Weit4t.
01/4 rititrater from at
the anniVerattrY etert,ites et,Clarl0
f,k.toular. ,
Mr. 3. P1ibia0o *a$ token to, tiot'
1 hospital on gotntilat ituftetit
Om inintio *Volt he toettOsl ttstita
tilt *WI *Mat **lot:. 0* 'hod
operitiono, tmluttrdos,11'4,tibt
neeeisitated trimber of Olt-
eikes. trIkosti *IS Id* *
Dominion of Canada 1937 Refun
Ilse Bank ofamoda s authorized &Idle Miuister of Fthance.th.receitie subscriptions for
this Loan, to be isred as follows:
One and OneMalf Year 1% Bonds, due 'ripe 1,1939
Issue Price: 99.125% and atensed intirest,
Yding approximately 1.59% to:motility
Seven Year 234% Bonds, due November 1, 1944i
Issue Prke: 98.50% and accrued inter -est, -
vidaingapproximatdy 2.74% to inatsuity
Fourteen Vigil' 3% Bonds, due„November 15 1951
Game ma dr after November 1569411
htue Pike 0940% and accrued interest,
yie14ts approtheatoiy 3.34% to maturity
fikIto0amwill be AiatocI, D000rsibor 1.;-,1931, The 2%% Bowls an4-the 3%% Boas will be
Nore4eur 15, 1937. Principal aki4 *crest 'Will be payalele irulawfol money of Canadawill 1* .
piyakle without °cha1rje, illotIOninlanyt at any bratielt- in Canada of any
"weral".": 241 tat $1000 *so and 11:
3.% Boa*
'fill be wed tor rottioaogt it% pad, the etitstoulinumwobet total of $1121e9931
d "14" ph% victors, Loan Bonds maturtuttle
uncol:au vertod.4,Mosini6gla t thla win ue provided hunt troaiiry.
. .01r, purpow,
.1594„liehis tobezaaoittishnsphlstry 4,lttf11"tll"bet
ottuoaoeotihe2ouoadaand006:yncoti4 and «1 ectither1,
Vi 17(wrint:ano
par tip o ,tne am fot payment ot allointenti of the new
t 4t
Itefidtant taidt itdinatratatte, 'where neccasarf,' will be visa& at Ott time of delivery.
air 1* *tails to tu naofniof ttte
ay eizartereti lAtik y roe°
pleut tientilt of the loark,
auheeriptIoni* full or
,9.0, *tut 444-0,oge ,** to
,440-eaott ,the Altatite:t.
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